How does illness impact relationships? Tune in for this insightful episode with Dr. Jackie Black, marriage educator and board-certified coach for couples, who talks us through the feelings, dynamics, and actions couples often take after finding out one partner is sick. She shares about the value of open-hearted vulnerable communication, showing up as our authentic selves, making sure the care partner tends to their needs, dealing with the grief of the loss of what the relationship was, and balancing hope and resignation. Corey shares about coping with her mom’s death, while Tracy talks about what it’s like to be there for others during a time of loss. As usual, their differences are evident, though. If you aren’t sure, listen in for their lively discussion on the spiral notebook. All in all, Dr. Jackie reminds us that while we can’t prepare for the emotions we may feel if this situation arises, we can have the “end of life” conversations with our loved ones well before so that by the time something might occur, we can focus on being there for the other person rather than trying to decipher logistical details.
Show Notes:
Sue Klebold-Learn more about a mom’s journey in losing her son during Columbine and how the grief impacted her and her husband.
Dr. Jackie Black