Sometimes, you come across that episode that just inspires you to be a better human. And, this one certainly does. Join us as we talk with Dr. Kristen Donnelly about centering people, treating others with kindness and respect, and engaging in radical, inclusive hospitality. Corey and Tracy can’t agree more with this philosophy as Tracy pipes in about why complimenting everyone at pickleball can have a profound impact, and Corey shares that how you treat restaurant servers says a lot about you. All in all, you will learn ideas for setting boundaries with kindness, ways you can create a supportive partnership, the value of communication, and about the importance of figuring out what makes you feel loved and not loved and then finding a way to explain both to your partner without blame. You will surely leave this episode feeling inspired to bring out the best in others.
Show Notes:
Kristen Donnelly-Learn more about Kristen’s work and sign up for her newsletter.
LinkedIn-Follow Kristen online.
The Culture of Burnout-Read Kristen’s book on burnout and strategies to break the stress cycle.
Mean Girls Musical-Learn more about this hit Broadway musical based on the movie, Mean Girls.