Join Corey and Tracy as they ponder the intricacies of “money” in thriving relationships. They share about their own experiences, where Tracy’s visceral reaction to having a shared bank account with a partner and Corey’s exasperation of having to Venmo half the utilities each month without one serve as yet another reason the two of them are not in a relationship! What they do agree on is that money and trust are synonymous, building wealth at a young age is vital, how people handle their finances is usually a reflection of how they navigate life, financial independence during a relationship is key, and that communication early on is critical to learning whether you are financially compatible. Most of all, feeling financially safe is fundamental to a thriving relationship. And, if that isn’t enough, you get to learn more about Tracy’s credit card points and impromptu purchase of a whole home filtration system and Corey’s methodical process for buying a lamp!
Show Notes:
8 Dates-Learn about 8 critical conversations to have with your partner.
Suze Orman-Check out resources from world-renowned financial expert, Suze Orman, for tips on money management.