Tune in for tips, strategies, and inspiration from Certified Financial Planner® and Certified Divorce Financial Analyst®, Melissa Murphy Pavone. Whether your finances are blended, you keep separate accounts, or have a hybrid setup with your partner, talking about money is essential for ensuring financial fidelity. She suggests having these conversations, not just at the beginning of a relationship, but also consistently during what she calls, “financial date nights.” Each month, couples set a time to talk about topics around financial values, priorities, mindsets, and tactical decisions. She says that a person’s “money language” is liken to a love language and that making sure there is financial compatibility or at least a mutual understanding of the differences is a key to a thriving relationship. And, what is more romantic than a financial date night? And, if you’re curious about Corey’s view on teens riding in Ubers and thrift store clothes and Tracy’s desire to sleep in a tent on vacation and consume food like the Jetson’s did, you’ll definitely want to listen in!
Show Notes:
Melissa Murphy Pavone-Melissa is a Certified Financial Planner® and Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® who's on a mission to change the game when it comes to couples and money.
Check out her website at moneymattersinmarriagellc.com, which is filled with helpful resources, including information on her Money Mindset Discovery Program for couples. Use the 25 percent discount promo code: ROCK25.
8 Dates-Learn about 8 critical conversations to have with your partner.
Suze Orman-Check out resources from world-renowned financial expert, Suze Orman, for tips on money management.
Holiday in the Wild-Tune into this holiday rom-com starring Rob Lowe and Kristen Davis.
Rich Dad, Poor Dad-Pick up a copy of this book to learn more about key lessons on money!
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