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Jessie Anne Zayas (00:01):
Hello and
welcome. This is Jesse and Silas
with self love stories. And I'mso excited to be bringing you
something a little different.
That is, personally I believe inso needed in this time, which is
an opportunity for us to be inharmony with nature. And one of
the ways that I love to be inharmony with nature, is to
anchor on the full moon and newmoon cycles that we have
throughout the year. One of thereasons why I love to do this is
it allows me to cultivate morepresence in my life to really
stop and check in and take stockof the things that are
illuminating and the things thatI want to create. And what's
beautiful about syncing up withthese new moon and full moon
cycles is you're also workingwith all this beautiful cosmic
energy around you as well. Andif you're someone that's been
looking for, maybe more harmonyin your life, more harmony in
your career, more harmony, ingeneral, more balance, this
could be a beautiful way tointegrate this into your life,
what is this, this is takingnote in stock of the full moon
and new moon and ritualizing itand I am going to be doing a
series each month now, where Iwill share about these new moon
and full moon cycles give you alittle taste of the energy, the
themes that we're working with.
My suspicion is you will feelthat and you will be definitely
resonant towards it. I've beendoing some new moon and full
moon workshops these past fewmonths. And it's been so
beautiful to witness thesebrilliant women being so in tune
with the natural rhythms of thecosmos. And so to that point, I
would love to offer almost kindof like a, you know, a short
brief synopsis of the energythat we're working with, and
then how can you work with thatenergy. So what I love to do is
ritualize these moments in mylife, these moments of the full
moon and new moon. So I'll givesome tips around ritualizing
these specific themes, thesespecific new moons and full
moons. And I will also providepotentially some for example
journal prompts, meditations toreally help you integrate this
into your life as well. So withthat being said, I would love to
start this first one off withthis Full Moon in Capricorn. So
we have a Full Moon in Capricorncoming up July 21. What's
interesting about this Full Moonin Capricorn is we were actually
presented with another Full Moonin Capricorn in June. And you've
probably heard if you're in thesphere of this, that it's very
karmic. The reason why it'skarmic is because Capricorn is
ruled by the planet Saturn. AndSaturn is a very karmic planet.
What does that mean? So forexample, somebody with a lot of
Saturn placements, so, forexample, Capricorn placements,
they can either hold a lot oftheir own karma here in this
world, and or when you interactwith them, you then receive your
karma. And as we know, theuniverse is the greatest
accountant, right? It alwaysbalances the energies. So
essentially, what it's saying isSaturn is the beautiful planet
that makes sure is that theuniverse is that great
accountant, it's always going tohelp us, you know, kind of
rebalance the scale. And so inthat theme of rebalancing the
scale, this Full Moon is focusedon bringing some uncomfortable
truths to light. And, you know,taking a quick step back what I
love about working with fullmoon energy, let's actually just
witness and you know, visualizea full moon, a full moon is
radiant, it's illuminating thesky in the darkness. And so if
you think about that this FullMoon is focused on bringing
uncomfortable truths to light isilluminating that in your life.
And so what kind of Shadows isit probably presenting in your
life, that we need to take stockof that we need to connect with
that maybe we need to releasepotentially, it also brings us
an opportunity for deeperlessons so that we can
understand and finally releaseany repetitive disempowering
cycles in which we consistentlyfind ourselves being caught up
in. And so again, taking note ofyour life in this current
present moment, what cyclesmaybe disempowering cycles are
being presented to you. Also,this Full Moon offer Here's an
opportunity to not onlyrecognize these deeper lessons
behind the repetitive cycles andpatterns, but it's also bringing
to the spotlight any unprocessedpast pain. That means,
potentially your presence andattention. And what I also love
about this full moon, especiallycoming in this mid year, because
what it's showing me and atleast what it's feeling
intuitively, to me, it's thisopportunity to take the richness
of the past six months, and toreally discern again, not from a
place of judgment, but fromdiscernment. Did I get caught up
in anything? Did anythingdistract me from my goals, my
desires, my dreams? How are myboundaries? How are my energy
levels? And we might as we askthese questions, realize I'm
still doing that thing. Or Istill haven't created this
boundary. Or I still get caughtup in this distraction that
limits me from creating thedream and the desire that I want
to actualize. And so again, froma place of discernment, this
Capricorn Full Moon is helpingyou bring more light into those
important questions to reallysee, okay, is there anything
here I need to shift and change?
Let's add another layer to that.
So Capricorn is also associatedwith a tarot card, the devil.
And also the devil card is alsoassociated with again, Saturn,
so Saturn is connected toCapricorn, Capricorn and Saturn
are connected to the devil tarotcard help interesting, a lot of
people kind of get a littlenervous and scared with a double
card. And again, with all thingsand again, the Tarot deck, which
is so beautifully arepresentation of of life, if
you will, is that there's anassociation with the energy and
the message that the devil cardrepresents, which is very
similar to the themes of Saturn.
So for example, they both carrythese themes of structure and
discipline. They also carrythese themes of responsibility
and duty of time and patience ofboundaries and limits. So for
example, when we bring in thatdevil tarot card, it's this
question. So for example, herewe are in the Full Moon in
Capricorn, it's almost likeOkay, here we got served up the
devil tarot card. What is theuniverse trying to tell us? It's
telling us potentially that whatis the bondage? What is the
limitations? What are the goldenhandcuffs, the chains of feeling
trapped or restricted? What iscreating that cultivating that
in our life? And a lot of times,it can be us. And that is a lot
of times a sobering moment. Soagain, that kind of brings in
that full moon illumination,let's kind of bring that into
the shadow parts of us and see,Is it us that's holding us back?
Is it us that's put this bondageon? And if it's not, where is
that coming from? And how can wefree ourselves? Also the themes
of materialism and access, likeif we look at the devil card,
and also the themes of Saturnand Capricorn, a lot of times
people look at these, like,specifically Capricorn and
Saturn as these, like careerworkhorse signs. And a lot of
times we say that, in anunaligned Capricorn, it's so
focused on the materialism andthe access, the productivity for
the more than more than morealmost like the very
capitalistic energy of theCapricorn sign is like almost
like the shadow side side ofthat sign. It's almost like, you
know, not using that power forgood using that power, you know,
disempowering. Right? And so tothat point, checking in on your
goals, checking in on yourintentions, and are they rooted
in purpose in the collective inmaking a un me world? Or is it
rooted in a place of maybe egoof materialism of access, and
again, from a place ofdiscernment and not judgment?
Just check in and how can wemaybe re pivot change, evolve
those goals for us? Also,the last one, I just want to
share around the state theme ofthis devil card Capricorn and
Saturn What is Shadow Work canbe confrontational what is
Shadow Work? Shadow Work is onlyagain, we all have light, we all
have dark, right? A lot of timeswe try to hide those shadow bits
of us because we're, let's behonest, maybe a little ashamed
of, you know, maybe have acomplicated relationship with
that. And so we might push downthose shadow sides of us, which
can potentially show us feelingsand emotions of envy, jealousy,
shame, anxiousness. Judgment,criticism. And again, that's
okay, these feelings, theseemotions are telling us
something, it's a part of usthat's trying to tell us
something in so during this fullmoon, and I haven't meditation
here in a second, where we cankind of connect with these parts
of us. But my invitation for youis, it's okay to have those
shadow bits of us. Spoiler,we're always going to have them.
The goal, the intention here ishow can we connect with them?
How can we connect with thosedarker parts of us, and in
beautiful ways, the cosmosallows us beautiful times
throughout the year, look atthis beautiful full moon coming
in, to take that time to havethat illumination calm, and to
see those shadows to help us seethose shadows in a loving,
compassionate, empathetic way,and to really feel those
feelings. And so again, thatdevil taro card is just that
too. It's time to release thebondage. It's time to release
fear and control, it's time toconfront the shadow. And that is
Oh, Kay. So, with that beingsaid, those are kind of the
themes here for us, you know, wewant to have this awareness of
potential limitations, you know,where we're potentially limiting
ourselves, you know, or otherfactors are limiting us. We want
to balance discipline andfreedom, right? Again, Capricorn
is a very diligent and verydisciplined sign, it's not an
overnight success, energy, it'sa through discipline, I was able
to create X, Y, and Z. However,again, we don't want to put
those golden handcuffs on us,where now we've completely, you
know, limited our freedom orexpansion. So the lesson here is
how can we balance both thestructure and the discipline,
with flexibility and freedom,it's an and in both, it does not
have to be either or, also,embracing responsibility without
becoming overwhelmed by it. Youknow, it's this whole kind of
thing is like, with great one isthat with great power comes
great responsibility. We are allbecoming more powerful beings
every single day. And with that,our responsibility grows, in
order for us to uphold our NorthStars, our intention, our
purpose of what we're trying tocreate in this lifetime. So to
that point, embracingresponsibility without becoming
overwhelmed by it, which alsoleads us into that next theme of
facing our fears. It's okay toface our fears, bring fear
along, make fear your friend,it's beautiful. Bring in the
shadow, confront the shadow.
It's okay. And last but notleast, healthy boundaries.
Again, Capricorn can sometimesgo a little bit too much for
everyone and everything and gogo go, go go. So how are we
creating healthy boundaries inour life? And ensuring them that
they're protecting us ratherimprisoning you again, right,
like let's not put the bondageback on ourselves? Let's not
make boundaries that make usfeel more limited. How are they
actually protecting us,nourishing us and making us more
expansiveso now we're gonna get into the
part of the ritual. So how do wework with this Full Moon energy?
How can we now ritualize thisand actually now see these
themes within us get someclarity, get some inspiration
and really tap into ourintuition and our imagination,
and our just very powerful innerwisdom and inner knowing. So the
first thing I'm going to do isshare how we can ritualize this
some correspondences to makethis super special and potent
for us. And then I'm going tomove into A meditation. And I'll
put the minimum, the marker onthe descriptor. So if you ever
just want to go directly to themeditation you can. And then at
the end, I will leave us withsome journal prompts. And that
is the end of our ritual. Soit's going to be the intention
and setting up, it will be themeditation to drop in and get
that clarity. And then it willbe the journal prompts at the
end to really integrate all thatluscious wisdom that you were
able to access. So let's startwith the correspondences. Let's
start with how can we ritualizethis, how can we, for example,
create an altar or some kind ofsymbolism because that's what
the importance is here issymbolism symbolism to bring in
more of that energy to bring inmore of that intention to make
this practice deeper and richerand more potent for you. So with
Capricorn, you know, like Imentioned earlier, it really has
this Saturn energy to it. Soanything that's connected with
Saturn, any colors, any stones,any representations of Saturn,
even carving the symbol ofSaturn, on the candle in which
you light so for example, myimitation for right before you
start the meditation, is to getyour altar or to get your ritual
set up to create a sacred spacefor you. So a sacred space can
be a quiet space in your home orwherever you are add, where you
will not be disturbed. You cancleanse that space with plus
some foam. With sage, you cansay a prayer and intention. So
for example, like something liketo give you a little quick
example of something I will dolike, I will like some Palo
Santo, I will say, you know,good morning, for example, I
usually do a lot of rituals inthe morning, Hey, good morning,
angels and ancestors and spiritguides, and my highest self,
thank you so much for sharingyour strength, your wisdom, your
power, your love with me. Ideclare and I commend any
negative energies, entities andspirits be removed from this
home for my body spiritual,physical, and be sent back to
the light. And I call and Iwelcome everyone that is here
for my highest good and thehighest good of all those around
me. And those again, can beanyone that you envision. So
again, my personal practices, Icall in my angels, my ancestors,
my spirit guides, my highestself, any spirit or entity that
is there for my highest good andthe highest good of all those
around me, because I never wantto get something out of the you
know, out of out of someoneelse, right? I don't want I
don't want my good fortune to besomeone's bad fortune or
misfortune. So I'm always verymindful that it's the highest
good for myself and all thosearound. So again, an example
make it connect to you make itconnect to your practice your
beliefs, your spiritual beliefs,make it connect with you. So
we're going to clear the space,we're going to cleanse the
space. That's the firstintention and then I want you to
create the sacred space. So forexample, I just shared that you
know, the Saturn symbol. So whenstarting this ritual, lighting a
candle so powerful, thatrepresents so many of the
elements, it represents. Alsothe element of spirit of
essence, you know, when we lightthat candle that bigger than us
a feeling and emotion that we'reconnected to. So on that candle,
we can even imprint the Saturnsymbol on it. So that's an
example. Also, Capricorn, as wementioned, has, has the, the
association with the tarot card,the devil, it also has an
association with the element ofthe earth. So something about
this meditation that we're aboutto do is we're going to really
drop into the earth and we'rereally going to drop into our
root chakra as well. And soagain, Capricorn is associated
with the root and also thecrown, we're actually going to
be connecting with both of us.
So think about that the route,the route is grounding into the
earth. It is very earthy sign itis connecting us into the 3d
into this real material worldthat we all live in. And it is
also tethered again, through thecrowd into this higher sense,
this higher connection, thisconsciousness that we all know
we are connected to this,there's something here bigger
than us, and we are all that andwe are all connected to that and
that comes through the crown. Sowith your sacred space, make it
earthy, make it grounding. Alsosome colors to work with black,
blue, brown, gray, like a darkgrey a dark Green an indigo a
red of violet a white so thatcan be pillows that can be a
blanket for your altar thatcould be just like a nice silk
fabric on the bottom of it orsome pattern fabric that you
just love. Some really goodherbs and plants to work with
cinnamon, patchouli, carnation,carnations, honey suckle Jasmine
Poppy time even. So, forexample, you can either create a
beautiful herbal tea and bedrinking it and sipping it
through your ritual you can putyour intentions into that tea
speak it as you're making thattea and you can drink it and
literally feel the intentionsrunning through you. You can
have these things around youraltar on your altar in a vase.
You can also have some of theseherbs through essential oils for
example example so like apatchouli oil or cinnamon oil
and you can adorn that oil onthe candle that you are born
burning or you can adorn thatoil on yourself like you
yourself are an altar which getsme to my favorite part which is
gemstones and minerals that wecan work with with this energy
which is agate which isamethyst, which is bloodstone
Carnelian Catseye. Anotherreally beautiful one to work
with is love peace lazuli. Sucha beautiful stone to work with
in terms of protection andhealing and connecting with
that, you know that crown chakrais really connecting with that
higher sense of self, that innerknowing where that where
basically your intuition andyour imagination come from some
other ones obsidian and onyx andclear quartz, even Smoky Quartz
is a beautiful stone to workwith. I love also working with
Rose Quartz as well to kind ofopen up that heart chakra and
really open up our heart center.
And last but not least, Ruby andSapphire. So again, you can
either include these as part ofyour sacred space. So if you
already have these crystals,maybe bring these crystals along
with you. If you're into havingan altar, you can put a
beautiful altar up in your home.
So for example, you could putlike the devil card up with a
Saturn candle. And then you canadorn that with cinnamon and
patchouli. And then you can havesome carnations in a vase with
some honeysuckle and Jasmine.
And then around that you can putmaybe even a crystal grid of
smoke courts to really bring inthat protection and healing and
allow you to you know, unbondyourself, remove those chains
remove those limitations. And soagain, it's just creating that
sacred space and showing thatdeep intentionality that I am
here, I am connected. And I amgoing to use this energy in my
highest good and for the highestgood of all those around me. And
so this alter the sacred spaceto just make you feel so held,
so nourished and so powerful toright like there, there should
be a deep kind of connectionthat you feel held held from.
From source held from Cosmosheld from community held from
knowing that there's so manyother people doing this ritual
with you around the world. Soall that to say, those are the
different correspondences with asign of Capricorn that you can
work with. You can also look atSaturn more specifically, you
can also just do thisintuitively, if something that
calls to you. But this is yourritual, practice. This these are
your symbols that you can workwith. And please feel free to
add your own symbolism. Forexample, I have some jewelry
pieces that I've created intotalismans and amulets. And I
love to bring those out with mewhen I'm working with a
different energy in differentmoon cycles as well. So as you
continue to refine yourpractice, just make it personal
to you. I also love creatingflower essences, for example, so
we can get into that in thefuture. But again, I just I
share that because this isspecial for you. This can be
artwork that you put on in youraltar, this could be pictures
that you add, again, make thisspecial to you make the space
sacred. All right. Beautiful. Sonow with that being sad, let's
go ahead and move into ameditation for this Full Moon
and Capricorn to really connectwith this Saturn energy to
connect with this Full Moonenergy to connect with this
Capricorn energy and reallyconnect with ourselves. really
embrace our shadows and toaffirm and let go as well. Okay,
So what I would like you to do,you can either pause the audio,
but we're about to go into ameditation. So I would like you
to get in a quiet and comfyspace, somewhere where you will
not be disturbed for the next,let's call it like five to six,
seven ish minutes. And I wantyou to be in your quiet, sacred
space, I want you to besurrounded by all this potent
energy that you created all thisbeautiful intention you've
created. And when you get intothat space, I would love for you
to have a journal or somethingto write with, available to you
for after the meditation. Maybegrab a glass of water, your
herbal tea that you made, getreally cozy. You can find a
comfortable position eitherseated or lying down. And you
can close your eyes and begin tobring your awareness inward.
Connect with your breaths, dietaking a few deep breaths,
inhaling through your nose,exhaling through your mouth. So
we'll do one together. Inhalethrough your nose. Exhale
through your mouthreleasing any tension with each
exhale, let your breath settleinto a beautiful, natural,
relaxed river. And just keep onconnecting with that breath.
It's okay if your mind wants towander. gently bring it back to
the breath. And begin to noticethe points of contact between
your body and the surfacebeneath you really feel into
that. Feel the weight of yourbody being fully supported. feel
that connection to the earth tothe ground. And when you're
anchored on that connection tothe earth to the ground, imagine
strong roots extending from thebase of your spine and the soles
of your feet growing deep intothe earth, anchoring you firmly
you are connected.
As you breathe in, draw uponthis grounding energy of the
earth through these roots. Soreally breathe in from your
roots into your body, feeling itin your body feeling a sense of
stability and strength. And asyou exhale, release any tension,
any fear, any restriction,letting it flow back down
through your roots into theearth. The earth is here to hold
it. The earth is here to take itaway. So again, breathe and
drawing that stable strengthenergy from the ground through
your roots. Feel that stability,feel that strength rising
through you. And as you exhale,release, give back that fear
give back that restriction. Giveback that tension and let it go
back down into the earthbeautiful and Now bring your
attention to the area just aboveyour head. That crown chakra
envision a radiant sphere oflight This glowing light that's
radiating above your head isrepresenting Saturn. Their light
embodies the qualities ofstructure of discipline and
responsibility imagine thislight slowly descending and
entering your body through thecrown of your head
and as this light moves downthrough the crown of your head
through your body, itilluminates any areas of tension
or fear just feel allow thelight to fill those areas
transforming anything that'swretched into flexibility
transforming any Fear intoCourage and any limitations into
opportunities for growth buildup light fully illuminate your
bodyshift your focus now to your
heart centerfeeling the warm glowing light
of your inner wisdom of yourintuition
bring to mind a currentchallenge or limitation you are
facingvisualize this challenge or
limitation as a dark shape inyour heart center
as you breathe in, bringsSaturn's light to this dark
shape. Breathing in thatilluminating light and without
light illuminates it withclarity and understanding
acknowledge the fear or therestriction this challenge
represents It's okay. Thank youfor showing yourself. Thank you
for sharing and as you exhale,release any negative energy
associated with thattransforming it Alka maizing it
as we do naturally with everyinhale and exhale. Exhale this
negative energy and transform itinto lessons into strength
repeat silently or out loud youI embrace the lessons of Saturn
I transform arm limitations intoopportunities. I balance
discipline with freedom I amgrounded, responsible and open
to growth. Feel these wordsresonating through your entire
being into integrating theenergy of Saturn and the Full
Moon in Capricorn. Allow thesense of clarity of strength and
responsibility to fill youcompletely
and when you're ready in yourown time, gently bring your
awareness back to the room.
Wiggle your fingers and toesslowly. Open your eyes take a
moment to look at the space andsurroundings. Allow the messages
and the wisdom to settlethrough. Take a moment to sit
quietly appreciating thegrounding and transformational
energy you have cultivated.
Beautiful well as we close upthis special series, the first
verse of the series is full moonNew Moon Ritual series, I'm
going to end us with somejournal prompts to continue the
integration throughout themonth. So as a reminder, these
new moons and full moons comeroughly every 2029 30 days. So
they happen at least kind ofonce a month, we get a new moon
and between them a full moon ora full moon in between the new
moon so we kind of have abreakup in that, you know,
essentially 30 day cycle. Soyou'll be hearing from me
shortly, I believe off the topof mind, we have a new moon and
Leo coming up. I'm gonna sayAugust 4. If I'm incorrect in
that, I will definitely updatethe notes on the podcast. So
you'll be hearing from me soonfor the new moon and Leo. But
before I love and leave you, Ialways want to offer an
integration piece. So again,take this energy with you for
the next 30 days, take it to thenext full moon, we'll have a new
moon in the middle to maybepotentially set some new
intentions to maybe manifestsome things. But before that,
and here are the journal promptsI would love you to work with if
you're not a journal journal ordon't feel like you needed
journalists out. Even thinkingabout them reflecting on them.
Again, if we want to make thismore potent, you know, go
outside sit on the earth on theground. Read these out loud and
just see what comes up naturallywithout even thinking just Voice
Note it even if you would likeso, the intention here the
invitation is here is to reallytake note and take stock of
these journal prompts tocontinue the integration process
for this Full Moon andCapricorn. So if we remember the
first kind of theme around this,which is exploring these
limitations, and alsotransformations, the prompt I
want to invite you to reflect onand to answer in your own time
is reflect on a currentlimitation. So reflect on a
current limitation or challengein your life. How has this
limitation affected yourpersonal growth and development?
And what steps can you take totransform this challenge into a
beautiful opportunity forlearning and grow? And so just
as a reminder, this is to helpus identify and understand the
impact of personal limitationsand to find ways to turn them to
alchemize them for positivechange. So it's okay if there is
you know, if there's thesechallenges, it's okay if there's
limitations. It's welcome thoseadd and how can we transform
them into positive change in ourlives, empowering change in our
life. So the second question isaround the theme of balancing
structure and freedom. So theprompt I would offer heroes
examine areas in your life whereyou feel maybe overly rigid or
controlled. So how can youintroduce more flexibility and
freedom, while still maintaininga sense of responsibility and
discipline? What changes can youmake to create a healthier
balance? So again, the goal hereis to really evaluate the
balance between structure andfreedom in your life, and to
find ways to harmonize theseaspects for a more fulfilling,
rich, joyful life. And lastly,around the theme of embracing
responsibility and innerstrength. The journal prompt I
have for you here is, thinkabout a time when you took a
significant responsibility. Howdid this experience shape your
sense of self? So how did thisexperience shape your sense of
self and your inner strength?
And on the other side of thecoin, what responsibilities are
you currently avoiding? And howcan facing them, embracing them?
Enhance your personal growth. Soagain, here the goal is to help
us recognize the importance ofresponsibility and building
inner strength and to inspire usto face current responsibilities
with confidence, and resilience.
All right, well, I am sendingyou so much love so many
blessings, for this Full Moon inCapricorn. If you have any
questions, please feel free toreach out. I'm excited to be
doing the series with you alleach month. Like I said, I'll be
coming in again during the newmoon. But until then, have fun.
nourish yourself. Drink plentyof water or rest and find some
play and pleasure during thistime. Sending so much love many
blessings. Goodbye for now.