Episode Transcript
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Jessie Anne Zayas (00:00):
Hello and welcome. This is Jesse
and Silas with the self lovestories podcast. And I'm so
excited to be talking to y'alltoday about how to make choices,
how to make decisions, and howto make the quote unquote, right
ones for you. So this is gonnabe a short and sweet one. Let's
go ahead and dive. In. So todaywe're gonna be talking about how
to make the best choices and thebest decisions for yourself. And
the reason I'm bringing it thisinto the space is because it's
actually come up a lot recentlywith a lot of my coaching
clients, and even in a lot of myconsulting clients as well. And
it's always around this, well,what's the best choice? What's
the best decision? And how willI know I'm making the best
choice and best decision? It'ssuch a good question, right?
Because I think a lot of times,we put so much emphasis into
choices and decisions in ourlife, depending how small and
grand they are. But the onething I want to invite you in
the one thing that I want toreally frame up here, as we dive
into this conversation is thereare no right and wrong choices.
And what I mean by that is as wecontinue to live right? We ended
up realizing a quote unquote,wrong choice ended up becoming a
gift. What do I mean by that agift of a lesson, a gift of
something that we do want thatwe don't want that we don't want
to happen again, a gift ofknowledge, a gift of innovation,
a gift of creativity. So even itquote unquote, is something bad
happened from that quote,unquote, choice or decision you
made? It actually ends up beinga gift in some kind of way.
Right? It taught you somethingit grew, you made you more
resilient, opened up your heart,made you realize the power of
vulnerability or courage orspeaking up. So I just want to
pause there and just reallyground yourself on there are no
right or wrong choices. Thereare no right or wrong decisions.
Now, I invite you to look at itfrom this place. What's the most
empowering choice for you?
What's the most empoweringdecision for you? Is this choice
aligned with your values? Isthis decision aligned with your
values? And I think you can evenfeel the energy change in those
in the way that we just shiftedthat question. Versus Is this
the right choice? For me? Isthis an empowering choice for
me? Is this the right decisionfor me is this decision in
alignment with my values? Myhope is that it feels way more
expansive, and that it connectsmore to your being. So what I
mean by that, which gets me intothe second really important
thing about making choices, andnow that we're no longer saying
right and wrong. Let's saychoices and decisions in
alignment with you are choicesand decisions that are
empowering for you. And this iswhere I see kind of the hang up
with my clients is if they needto, quote unquote, anchor it on
something that's empowering ortheir values. This is where we
talk about how one of thebiggest pillars of self love is
self discovery is knowingyourself. It's continuing to
date yourself to becauseremember, y'all we're always
growing, we're always evolving.
So it's constantly having thatfinger on the pulse of what are
your values at this moment ofyour life. And checking in on
what decisions and choicesyou've made that have felt
empowering in ones that you'vemade that have felt
disempowering. And once youcheck in with yourself, that
should give you more data,insight, understanding color
texture, around what is adecision or choice that's in
alignment for you. That isanchored on your values that is
empowering for you versusdisempowering. And I think a lot
of times we're so in our headswith decisions that we don't
check in with body. We don't saythe question out loud or the
decision, we're making out loudand really let that vibrate? How
does that feel in my body? Doesit just make me very anxious?
Did all of a sudden my throatclosed that, for example, right?
Like really check in whereyou're feeling this? Or is this
burning sensation of excitement?
Or passion? Right? So reallychecking in with body when
you're making these decisions aswell and see, do I feel
empowered? I feel disempowered.
Right? Does does this reallyalign with where I see myself in
510 15 years from now? Becauseagain, too, sometimes when we're
in the weeds of decision making,to pull ourselves out of it,
it's kind of nice to look atthat macro view. And to kind of
see where you want to be in willthis choice? Will this decision
help you get there? Is it a steptowards the direction you want
to go towards the path you wantto take? And going back to the
empowering versus disempowering.
I think this is reallyimportant. Because at the end of
the day, these are your choices.
These are your decisions. And Ithink going back to that we get
really into our head, I think wealso solicit a lot of advice for
making decisions and choices.
And I just want to invite you tolook at that too. And by the
way, when I say this, I don'tmean that it's, quote unquote,
bad to ask for advice or supportor a sounding board. But just
remember, before you do that,connect with yourself. First, be
grounded either in your knowingor the things that you might be
a little unsure about. Becausewhen we go to solicit advice, or
ask for feedback, remember, theperson that's giving that advice
or feedback back has their ownstories, their own beliefs,
their own saboteurs, their owncomfort zone, and what's
familiar for them versus what'sedgy for them. And so, at the
end of the day, choices anddecisions are going to be for us
and our lives, right? And tomake sure that we're not giving
away our power to others, tohelp us decide what's best for
us. So again, leaning on friendsleaning on family, that you have
an empowered relationship withtwo in which I should also
preface that if the relationshipis disempowering, I would also
question why you're asking thisperson, this individual, this
community. So when we do reachout to our community, that's an
empowering community to help usnavigate choices and decisions.
It's really important to knowthat at the end of the day, this
is going to be your choice, yourdecision. So remove all the
shoulds the beliefs, thejudgments, the external dialogue
that you may or may not behearing, and also removing
yourself from the stories andbeliefs as well. So if you see
yourself kind of struggling tomake a decision, some of the
questions that I would suggest,to bring into your space to kind
of help you sort through thisdecision choice making process
is one. Where are you choosingfrom? Are you choosing from an
empowered place? Are youchoosing from a disempowered
place? To? What are your values?
And does this choice? Does thisdecision aligned to your values?
Three, what's your vision? Wheredo you want to be in a year or
two 510 years? Does thisdecision and choice help you
create that life that you wantto build for yourself? Four, are
there any limiting beliefs orlimiting stories that I'm
telling myself that's makingthis choice and decision quote,
unquote, more complicated, moreconfusing? Right, that's the
mental chatter that I wasreferencing to earlier. Right.
And sometimes when you startbringing other people into those
conversations, their beliefs,their stories, their mental
chatter starts combining withyours. Which leads me to my last
point, right, asking yourself ifI still need help and support,
who in my who in my communitywill help me discover this for
myself. Where I feel empowered,because that's all it is. It's
just discovering for yourself.
And it's so helpful, sometimestalking
decisions and choices out withother people, right? Because
even sometimes their advice orfeedback or the things that they
say you're like, oh, no, that'snot what I want. Right? Like you
even hear like, oh, no, no, no,like, actually, that's not what
I want. And this is what I Iwant, it absolutely gives you
more clarity. And sometimes alot of people need that
soundboard. My only invitationhere is to also not to put on
other people's beliefs andstories and, you know, give your
power completely to somebodyelse's beliefs on what you
should and shouldn't do. Andagain that day, or even cringe
saying the shit word, right? SoI hope that really helps you
navigate some decision making.
And I want to leave you becausethis wouldn't be Jesse and
Science Podcast, leave you somemore. Some more of that fun
woowoo ways to do some selfdiscovery and decision making.
So you have some of the quoteunquote, practical ways. I'm
realizing I said, quote unquote,a lot during this podcast, but
um, but what I I believe, but Ibelieve that self discovery is
so important. And a lot of timeswhen you're in the mud right
thick in the mud of light, lifechoices, relationship choices,
career choices, businesschoices, I mean, all of the
choices, right? Like, it's like,how do I know something's
empowering? How do I feel it inmy gut? How do I feel it in my
body? How do I feel it? Youknow, a full body? Yes. Because
you know, you hear peopletalking about, oh, I had a full
body, yes, or my gut told me as.
And so just remember, again,through societal cultural
conditioning, we've become very,we have to make it make sense in
our mind, right. And we'vedisconnected from different
tools like gut intuition, bodyintuition, like really feeling
things as well. So a way to kindof tap into that feeling that
intuition that gut feeling thatfull body is another way for you
to have more data and insight,if a decision is in alignment,
or choice is in alignment withyou are two modalities. One,
from the human designperspective, if you look at your
human design chart, you will seeyour authority and that's the
best way to quote unquote, makedecisions. So for example, I'm
an emotional authority. There isno truth in the now which when I
first heard that, I was like,Oh, are you freaking kidding me?
So actually, what's what's inalignment with me from a human
design perspective? So write outmy emotional wave. If I'm in a
high weight, Tom neutral, if I'min a low, we tell him neutral?
Always ask the person Hey, thisis great. Thank you so much. Can
you give me a day to think aboutit, or two days to think about
it? And lastly, to really checkin with yourself, like, does
this still feel good after methinking, thinking through this
feeling through this? Does thisstill feel like a good decision?
And I really have to check inwith body? The biggest kicker
with me is it's not 100% Yes, or100%? No, it's like a 9080,
sometimes 70% Yes or no. Butagain, going back to there are
no right or wrong. This is alljust part of life, and testing
and trying and playing and, youknow, going on adventures,
figuring it out, right. But thatreally helped and supported me
because it also, it also helpedme break down a belief that I
had about making quickdecisions, and that I had to be
really decisive. And I had to bereally in the moment when I
needed to make decisions,especially important decisions.
And what this new insight gaveme was a way for me to
experiment and to start creatingmore space when I was going into
decision making and choicemaking for myself, which was
very empowering for me to givemyself that space and create
that space and allow, allowmyself to feel and to really
think through these choices anddecisions. Because I discovered
through human design that I hadthis emotional authority, I
actually feel so much more inflow with my decision making. So
again, with all modalitiesagain, going back to not giving
your power to other things,right. So I know I shared
earlier in the podcast on givingyour power to other people when
you're making decisions andchoices. You know, summerly not
doing that with modalities,right? Doing that with human
design or astrology or anagramstuff, right? So I share that
because again, it goes back tojust another way that you could
practice self discovery andpractice, instinct and
intuition. And does that connectwith me? Does that feel
empowering? Does that align withme? Right? So you start knowing
yourself more by being able tokind of, you know, use these
tools as experiments, right. Soanother thing too, that I love
to use from a fun littleesoteric thing as well, is New
Moon and full moon All right, sonew moons all about new
beginnings, new things, newchoices, full moons usually
about purging, cleansingresetting. So usually I look at
the moon cycle and see where I'mat as well, because I think that
really helps me in my decisionmaking because what I've found
is during full moon, I'mactually a little bit more
clouded in my decision making,which gives me more compassion,
which gives me moreunderstanding, which gives me
more ease and pause to say,okay, hey, maybe I need a little
bit more time during thisseason, if you will, or during
this cycle. And then during thenew moon, I don't know about
y'all, but I have so much likeclarity and insight and
downloads. So, you know, I kindof tried to, you know, if I can
navigate my decision makingduring that time, and, and,
coincidentally, my cycle syncsup with that. So usually, I am
starting around the full moon.
And again, with my experience inchecking with body, you know, I
really don't like to makedecisions around that time for
myself, I really need to be morenourishing myself taking care of
myself and writing my emotionalwave, which is always fun, too.
So those are the things thathave really helped me make the
quote unquote, American, go getit and quote unquote, best
decisions and best choices in mylife. And the biggest thing I
heard you, I hope you heard fromall of this is, take time to
date yourself to learn yourself,this is a journey, this is not a
destination. I hope I providedyou some tools like values is
empowering, disempowering, evenusing some of those question
prompts to help you make thatmost aligned choice or most
empowering choice for yourself.
And last but not least, havesome fun, dig into, look, you
know, look into your own cycle,right? Look into how you feel
during the new moon and how youfeel during the full moon and
check out your human designchart, check out your authority.
You know, check out how to testthat out for yourself. You know,
maybe maybe you are, you know,splenic and you feel that
instinct immediately, right?
Maybe your sacral and feel it inyour gut which is so cool,
right? So have fun. Don't takeit too seriously. There's no
good or bad choices. It'll allbe a gift at the end. So all the
best of luck with your choiceand your decision making. You
got this. You're amazing. Youwill figure it out. You are an
empowered human being and Iinvite you to get really clear
on your values if you are not.
This is so important y'all soimportant. What do you value the
most and we can do a fun littlemore deep dive into that in a
nother selfless stories episodebut sending all so much love.
And goodbye until next time