Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
If you're a whiny
snowflake that can't handle the
truth, is offended by the wordfuck and about 37 uses of it in
different forms gets ass hurt.
When you hear someone speak theabsolute, real and raw truth,
you should leave Like right now.
This is Shut Up and Choose, thepodcast where we cut through
the shit and get real aboutweight loss, life and everything
in between.
We get into the nitty gritty ofmaking small, smart choices
that add up to big results.
From what's on your plate tohow you approach life's
We'll explore how the simpleact of choosing differently can
transform your health, yourmindset and your entire freaking
So if you're ready to cutthrough the bullshit and start
making some real changes, thenbuckle up and shut up, because
we're about to choose our way toa healthier, happier life.
This is Shut Up and Choose.
Let's do this Now.
Your host.
Speaker 2 (01:10):
Jonathan Ressler.
Hey, welcome back to Shut Upand Choose, the podcast that
cuts the noise of fat diets,quick fixes and unrealistic
weight loss promises.
I'm your host, jonathan Ressler, and I'm here to share the
brutally honest truth aboutachieving a sustainable weight
As you know, I've lost now over140 pounds without resorting to
any extreme diets or crazyexercise regimens.
I just discovered the key tosuccess lies in making small,
mindful choices and embracing abalanced lifestyle, and it's all
about balance.
So join me today, because I'mgoing to give you the brutally
honest truth, and today is goingto be especially brutally
honest and extra sarcastic and ahealthy dose of sarcasm to help
you take control of your healthand transform your life.
So let's get started right now.
So today I'm going to talk aboutwhat I talked about last week,
which is calorie deficit.
I'm shocked at some of theemails I got, with people asking
me how to get into a caloriedeficit.
What do I mean by caloriedeficit?
I don't know.
I just can't imagine thatpeople don't know what that is.
But then I started to thinkabout it and the truth is, I
didn't really figure out what acalorie deficit was until I was
59 years old, until I startedthis thing, so I guess, yeah, we
all know it by just.
It just makes common sense, butwe don't really think about it
and we don't really do it.
So this is going to be about acalorie deficit, and so I want
all you kids to gather aroundbecause I have some really big
I discovered the next miracleweight loss breakthrough.
That's right.
It's healthier than any ofthose so-called supplements,
safer than all the miracle drugsand way easier than the fad
diets, ridiculous workoutregimens that make you feel like
you're training for theOlympics when you just want to
fit into your jeans.
There's no shortage of idiotsand morons on Instagram and all
the social media telling you youknow you followed my plan and
it's, I mean, what a crock ofshit.
So listen, so if you're readyfor this, this is big.
This is groundbreaking, earthshattering.
It's life-altering.
It's a solution.
It's something that no one'sbeen talking about, except
literally every expert who'sever existed.
So give me a little drum roll.
It's called the calorie deficit.
Yep, the answer to your weightloss problem has been right
under your nose.
Possibly hiding behind thatlast slice.
I'm making fun and I'm beingsarcastic and I'm being silly,
but the truth is, I didn't.
I always knew what to do, but Inever really knew what to do.
You know what I mean.
I didn't really think itthrough, so I know what you're
thinking right now.
A calabry, what?
Well, buckle up, because we'regoing to take a very sarcastic
journey into the one and onlyway to actually lose weight.
And the funny thing is it's amethod that's been around since
the dawn of humanity.
I mean, here's a spoiler.
It's so simple it's almostannoying.
I'm pissed off that no oneactually just used these words,
and it really made me understandwhat a calorie deficit is.
So wait, I guess you're probablyasking yourself why haven't you
heard this magical caloriedeficit before?
Well, the truth is you have.
You just didn't want to listen.
I didn't want to listen, but Iget it.
Why would you, when the weightloss industry is out here
telling you that you can drop 20pounds in two weeks by drinking
some miracle detox tea thattastes like dog shit?
I mean, who needs something asboring as and obvious as, a
calorie deficit?
That's old news, right?
There's no flashy packaging, nocelebrity endorsements and no
exotic ingredients harvested bymonks on a mountaintop Bottom
Calorie deficit is boring asshit, but despite all those fat
diets and weight loss drugs andendless supplements lining the
shelves, the only real way tolose weight is a calorie deficit
It always has been and italways will be.
And if you don't believe me,let's break it down.
We're going to talk about awhole bunch of stuff and diets
and why they don't work, andwhat they're really doing is
putting you into a caloriedeficit.
So I'm going to talk to youlike you're a fucking idiot,
because I was an idiot and maybeyou are too, even if you don't
want to admit it.
So here's where I'm going toblow your mind with the world's
most basic biology lesson.
A calorie deficit happens whenyou consume fewer calories than
your body burns.
That's it.
No magic powder, no fancysupplements, no vibrating ab
belts, those fat things you knowthat you see on late night
When your body doesn't haveenough calories to maintain its
current weight, it's forced todip into its energy reserves,
and that's also known as yourbody fat, and it does that to
keep going.
And that's when now wait for ityou lose weight, you lose fat.
It's crazy, right?
I know it's so irritatinglysimple and straightforward that
most people don't believe.
That's it.
Why haven't I been doing this mywhole life.
I mean shit.
I know I asked myself that forthe last year.
Why wasn't I doing this mywhole life?
The truth is probably because Iwas too busy chasing after the
next quick fix.
So if you're doing the samething, if you're on some fad
diet or some crazy workoutregimen or some whatever some
the latest and greatest fuckingfad, don't feel bad.
We've all been there.
I know I was there for a reallyreally long time.
So if we talk about the weightloss trends and the diets and
the pills and the shots thatyou've been sucked into over the
years, I know I did them all.
I did every diet on the sun, soyou know what I'm talking about
I'm talking about keto,intermittent fasting and juice
cleanses, atkins, south Beach,paleo, raw food, caveman cabbage
soup diet.
I mean, the list goes on and onand on.
There's a new one every day andeveryone claims to be the
answer to your weight lossprayers, but guess what?
They all do the exact samething they get you into a
calorie deficit.
So let me just break it down andgive you some examples.
Keto yes, you're cutting outcarbs, but you're also cutting
out a ton of calories.
That's why it works.
And it only works for a while,but it works.
The reason it works is becauseyou're eating less.
That's it right.
So you're in a calorie deficit,intermittent fasting all you're
doing there is just shrinkingyour eating window, which makes
it harder to consume a ton ofcalories.
Now, don't challenge me.
I could eat 10,000 calories inan hour if you do, but the
reality is it makes it harder toeat because you're eating for
less time.
So congratulations, when you dothat, you're in a calorie
Juice cleanses you know, I lovemy juice cleanse, but drinking
nothing to but kale and beetjuice and all that kind of shit
for any period of time here's ashocker You're in a calorie
How about the cabbage soup diet?
I love talking about that one,because the stench from that is
just soul crushing.
But if you eat nothing but soupfor a week or a month or
however long, guess what You'renot eating nearly as many
What a surprise.
You're in a calorie deficit.
So you see the trend as manycalories.
What a surprise.
You're in a calorie deficit.
So you see the trend.
All of these diets are justelaborate ways to make you eat
fewer calories, but instead ofadmitting that.
They throw in some bullshit,science, pseudoscience, some
crap at you, telling you thatcarbs are evil or eating nothing
between 8 pm and noon is howcavemen did it.
Or that your metabolism isbeing reset Bullshit.
No, it's not.
You're eating less calories.
None of that matters.
All that bullshit.
They talk about the cavemandiet.
It doesn't matter if you're notin a calorie deficit.
That's the bottom line.
It's so simple.
It pisses me off that it tookme so long to realize it, but
that's where we are.
If you're not in a caloriedeficit, you're not going to
lose weight.
Period, end of sentence.
There's no other way to loseweight.
And let's not forget about thosemiracle supplements.
You know the ones that promiseyou you're going to burn fat
while you sleep, which you dobut it's not them.
Or the ones that claim they'llspeed up your metabolism so much
that you can eat cheeseburgersall day and still lose weight.
It's like a fucking dream,right?
I mean, I tell you you can eatcheeseburgers.
I tell you you can eat what youwant, but you can't eat them
all day and you can't eat themall night.
It's about moderation and small, smart choices, but I hate to
break it to you.
None of that shit works.
My shit works, but thesupplements and the pills?
The only thing supplements aredoing is draining your bank
account while you continue towonder why you're not losing
You're not losing weightbecause that shit doesn't work.
But you want to know why the fatburning pills seem to work for
some people?
Because there are some peoplethat they seem to work for,
because, alongside with takingthose pills, they're following a
low calorie diet, a caloriedeficit.
For those who are still notkeeping up with me, it's not the
pill, it's the fact thatthey're finally eating less.
Most of those supplements arejust caffeine and like a little
sprinkle of some kind of naturalherb shit.
That gives you a temporaryboost in energy.
It might suppress your appetitefor an hour or two and it
definitely makes you jitteryenough to think that something's
But really, the only thingmelting away is your common
sense when you're spending 50 or100 bucks or even 1200 bucks on
something that's less effectivethan drinking a cup of black
coffee and eating less food.
It's just, it's crazy.
And of course we know thehottest thing on the market
right now is the weight lossdrugs.
You've seen all the commercialsyou've heard your friends are
talking about.
You know people who are on themand they tell you, with just
one little shot every week, yourfat will magically disappear.
But what's really happeningthere?
Bottom line is these drugseither suppress your appetite or
block your body's ability toabsorb certain calories like fat
, so in other words, they forceyou to eat fewer calories.
Are you starting to see thepattern yet?
So sure you could take thatshot and trick your body into a
calorie deficit, but wouldn't itjust be easier and a hell of a
lot cheaper to eat less food inthe first place?
You don't need a fancy drug totell you how to do what you
already know how to do.
And of course, with the weightloss drugs, let's not forget
about the side effects.
If you take those drugs, youmight experience nausea,
diarrhea or other fungastrointestinal adventures.
I mean, I kind of like thatstuff sometimes, but anyway,
maybe that's too muchinformation, but that really
sounds like fun right?
All this just to do with.
Your body already knows how todo naturally, which is burn fat
when it runs out of excesscalories.
So it comes down to being in acalorie deficit.
I was, I would say, on at least100 different fad diets and I
can tell you these are the realkind of heavy hitters in the
weight loss world.
Names alone should make you,like fucking your head explode,
like the grapefruit detox andthe master cleanse the carnivore
I hear so many the mastercleanse the carnivore diet.
I hear so many people talkingabout the fucking carnivore diet
And don't get me wrong, I lovethat diet, I think it's great,
but at the end of the day, youknow it's really just about a
How about the 30 day bananadiet?
All of these diets, every oneof them and I bought into it
every time.
They claim to be the secret toweight loss, but you know what
they all have in common.
Claim to be the secret toweight loss, but you know what
they all have in common they'rejust tricking you into a calorie
deficit by making you eatstrange and really unsustainable
foods that you'll eventuallywant to chuck out the window.
Let's just look at a couple ofthem.
Let's look at the grapefruitdiet.
Yeah, I mean, eating nothingbut grapefruit for every meal is
a sustainable way to live yourlife, right.
Sure, you'll lose weightbecause you're not eating enough
to sustain yourself, but theminute you stop, the pounds come
back on fast and furious.
You can't.
That's unsustainable.
You're eating less calories soyou're going to lose weight, but
you can't do that for the restof your life.
You know, I love the cabbagesoup diet, because who doesn't
want to eat bland cabbage?
For a week straight and you'lldefinitely lose weight and
probably some of your friendsand your social life because of
the stench.
But the only reason that you'relosing weight is because you're
starving yourself on a fewhundred calories a day.
I'm all about a calorie deficit, but not a few hundred.
At 411 pounds, I needed to eata couple thousand calories to be
in a deficit.
We, we talked about it.
It's basically your weighttimes 10.
So 411 pounds.
I really would eat 4,100calories just to maintain my
slim trim 411 pounds.
So if I was eating 2,000, I wasin a massive deficit.
If I was eating like 300, 400,I couldn't fucking sustain life.
Anyway, the carnivore diet,paleo yeah, I loved it, but just
meat all the time, every day.
Sure, who doesn't love it?
But just meat all the timeevery day.
Sure, who doesn't love a goodsteak?
But after a while yourdigestive system might rebel and
the novelty of eating a ribeyefor breakfast wears off quickly,
plus cutting out entire foodgroups.
You know how I feel about that.
But the bottom line is, on thecarnivore, paleo, you're just in
a calorie deficit.
So in all these diets, the onlything happening is you're
eating fewer calories thanbefore.
It's not the grapefruit, thecabbage or the meat-only
lifestyle that's doing it.
The fact that you restrictedyourself so much that your
calorie intake plummets.
Congratulations, you're in acalorie deficit.
The thing is, you could havedone it without all the weird
diets in the first place.
The bottom line is your bodyalready knows how to lose weight
Yep, that's what I said.
Your body came pre-programmedwith all the necessary software
to drop the pounds.
When you're in a calorie deficit, this is literally how human
beings have survived formillennia.
There were no keto diets in theStone Age, no juice cleanses in
the Renaissance and nofat-burning supplements during
the Industrial Revolution.
People didn't have time tocount carbs when they were busy
hunting for dinner or avoidingthe plague.
You know what I mean.
This is just because we havemore free time on our hands.
They come up with these crazyfucking diets.
The concept of a calorie deficitis baked into our biology
Bottom line.
When food was scarce humanssurvived by burning their stored
fat as energy.
When food was plentiful, westored some for later.
That's it.
It's the most basic survivalmechanism there is, and it's
still the same today.
But somewhere along the way, wedecided to complicate things.
Instead of listening to ourbodies, we look for these
external solutions, these quickfixes.
We want to that quick fix, thatmagic pill, the easy way out.
But here's the thing there isno easy way out.
The only way out, and the onlyway it's always been, is a
calorie deficit.
So I don't know what else totell you on that.
This is the part where I getbrutally honest.
You don't need another diet.
You don't need a pill.
You don't need a supplement.
You don't know what else totell you on that.
This is the part where I getbrutally honest.
You don't need another diet.
You don't need a pill.
You don't need a supplement.
You don't need a shot thatclaims to burn fat while you sit
on the couch eating ice cream.
That doesn't fucking happen.
You already know what you needto do, and I'm not advocating
counting calories to get into acalorie deficit, because I think
counting calories is forfucking jerk-offs.
Okay, fucking jerk offs.
Okay, you know what to eat.
You know that eating oatmealfor breakfast is better than
eating fucking Captain Crunch.
You don't have to have amaster's degree to know that.
You know what to eat.
And, like I said, don't countcalories.
Don't make yourself crazytracking all the calories we
talked about that last week.
It's almost impossible anyway.
You just need to make better,small, smart choices.
So every time you say I've triedeverything and nothing worse,
what really mean is I've tried abunch of quick fixes that avoid
the one thing I know I need todo, which is eat fewer calories.
Everybody knows it.
I was guilty of it.
I knew I needed to eat fewercalories, but yeah, I would.
I have a salad with a fuckinggallon of dressing on and all
kinds of crazy shit.
So stop making the excuses.
If you're not losing, it'sbecause you're not in a calorie
It's plain and simple.
There's no mystery.
There is no my body's differentor I have this special.
No bullshit.
This is basic biology.
So here's the truth.
Your body knows what to do.
It's programmed to burn fatwhen it doesn't have enough
The problem is, most peopledon't like the idea of eating
less or making small, smartchoices.
They want the results withoutthe work, but that's just not
how it works.
So I talked about this a littlebit last week in the podcast,
but I guess I need to talk aboutit again, because how do you
get into a calorie deficit?
I don't know that when Istarted this thing, I was
thinking of a calorie deficit,but I was definitely thinking
about what I was putting in mymouth and thinking is this
really in line with my why?
Is eating this ice cream goingto help me get to where I want
to be?
And when the answer was no, Ididn't eat that and I ate
something that I just inherentlyknew.
I didn't need to go look at abook or look at some fucking app
to know that eating fruit wasbetter for me than eating ice
So how do you do it?
How do you embrace the simple,boring truth of weight loss and
weight loss is fucking boring.
I said it's an ugly, twisty,windy road, but here's some tips
that can actually help you getinto a calorie deficit without
making it any more complicatedthan it needs to be.
You don't need to cut outfucking food groups and you
don't need to do all kinds ofcrazy shit.
Here's one Eat less food.
I know that's fucking shocking,but the easiest way to get into
a calorie deficit is to eatless than you normally do.
And I'm not telling you don'teat.
I'm not Fuck that, but don'thave the second one.
I was always of the mindset thatif I could have one and I like
one, why not get two?
That was just the way.
I thought Two is definitelybetter than one.
Why have one donut when I canhave six?
And, speaking of that, put downthe candy bar.
Okay, that's an easy one.
Don't order the large fries.
I'm not telling you don't eatfries, get a small fries.
You'll go into a caloriedeficit.
I know that shit sounds radical, but the truth is it just works
I don't know how else to put it.
Second thing you can do is moveyour body and move it all.
I didn't.
In my first year of my diet Iliterally in 2023, I averaged
931 or 932 steps a day.
That's literally not gettingoff my fat ass, barely leaving
the house.
So it's not that you have to goout and run a marathon or spend
hours in the gym.
Just move more, right, take awalk, and I guess it was.
I'm not saying I went out for awalk in that first year I didn't
, but I was definitely movingmore because as I got lighter I
could move more.
And it doesn't have to bewalking or running or anything,
or going to the gym and'mdancing around your living room.
Stand up every once in a while,get up out of your chair.
Moving more just burns morecalories, which wait for it
helps you create a caloriedeficit.
I don't know how to make it anysimpler.
Number the third one for me,and it it wasn't necessarily
over the last couple years, buton my journey to becoming a big
fat motherfucker.
I lived in north carolina for awhile and I drank a shitload of
this thing called sweet tea,and sweet tea is basically sugar
and water with a little bit oftea in it.
So I stopped drinking that and Iwas, but I was doing okay.
But then I definitely drankthings like all the sugary iced
teas and all that crazy shit andwe talked about coffee last
So stop drinking that sugarylattes, those sugary coffee
drinks and the sodas.
They're literally addinghundreds of calories to your day
, maybe even thousands,depending on what you're
So try to stick to water.
I've learned to drink water.
I enjoy water probably morethan anything else black coffee
or even unsweet tea.
Your waistline will thank youand it's going to help you get
into that calorie deficit.
Now I know a lot of people talkabout diet soda and they say, oh
, diet soda causes cancer.
Don't drink soda myself.
I don't drink diet soda myself,but I would defy you to show me
any study that definitivelysays, if you drink a couple, two
, three, four diet sodas a day,how it even is marginally close
to the line where it would getyou sick or cause cancer.
You would have to drink casesand cases of diet soda every
single day for 20 to 30 yearsfor it to do anything bad to you
So if you need that diet soda,by all means drink it.
I would tell you don't drink it.
Train yourself to drink waterbecause, again, I know diet soda
has no calories.
But the more water you drink,the quicker you'll go into a
calorie deficit and the morefull you'll feel.
So all this to say, get yourfat ass into a calorie deficit.
The next one is eat real food.
You know what I mean, Like shitthat doesn't come in a shiny
package or with a list ofingredients that you can't
I'm not saying don't feed yoursoul every now and then.
I'm not saying don't eat someshit here and there, because
that's called fucking life.
You have to do that.
But try to stick to vegetablesand fruits and lean proteins and
whole grains.
They're going to fill you upwithout adding a ton of
unnecessary calories.
You could eat a shitload offood that's just not calorie
dense and you could be full onvery few calories.
I guarantee you that if you eata bag of carrots I don't know 5
or 10, 20, whatever of thoselittle carrots or a bag of chips
, you're going to have the samefeeling of being satisfied with
maybe one, one hundredth of thecalories.
Ok, so eat real food.
The next one and the last tipI'm going to give you stop
fucking believing in magic.
If it sounds too good to betrue, it is.
There's no magic diet, there'sno miracle shot and there's no
secret supplement that will letyou eat all the junk food you
want to and still lose weight.
You know what you need to do.
You're just avoiding it becauseit's not sexy or exciting.
So here's a big spoiler.
Weight loss isn't supposed to beexciting.
It's supposed to be simple andeffective, and you know that I
say eat junk food, eat the shitthat you want and you should.
That's what the whole livinglike a normal fucking person and
not having a diet take overyour life is about.
So, yes, you can eat that, butyou have to eat it in moderation
You have to think before youput anything and everything in
your mouth.
I would never tell you don'teat ice cream and don't eat
donuts, because that's whatnormal people do, but just don't
eat too many of them.
Don't eat them with recklessabandon like I did.
That's the bottom line.
So look, I get it.
Everybody wants a quick fix.
We want that magic shot or pillthat lets us lose weight
without changing anything in ourlifestyle, but that's again
just not how it works.
It just doesn't work that way.
You have to change yourlifestyle.
I'm not saying have it takeover your life, but make small,
smart choices.
Those little things, thoselittle wins that add up every
day, because the only way tolose weight is to consume fewer
calories than you burn.
That's it.
No gimmicks, no fads, nosupplement, just a simple
calorie deficit.
That's it.
So next time you're thinkingabout trying the latest fad diet
or spending a thousand bucks onsome fat burning supplement or
crazy ass regimen of shots,remember this.
You don't need it.
You already have the solutionand it's been there all along.
It's called a calorie deficit.
It's free, it works and yourbody already knows how to do it.
Now stop making excuses andshut up and choose to do what
you've always known how to do.
This is about choices.
The choices you make put youwhere you are today, and the
choices you make, starting now,will put you where you want to
be tomorrow.
This all comes down to choiceand it all comes down to a
calorie deficit.
So that's it.
I hope I'm clearer on what acalorie deficit is.
Like I said, we all know it.
We come pre-programmed withthat in our head and in our body
Sometimes we just choose toignore it or sometimes we make
believe we don't understand it,but, like I said, at the end of
the day, you know eating oatmealfor breakfast is better than
eating Captain Crunch.
You know that eating grilledchicken is better than eating a
double cheeseburger.
We all know that you have tomake the small, smart choices
that allow you to eat all thethings that you like to eat.
It's pretty simple.
I don't want to overcomplicateit.
If you don't understand this,you might need to go back to
first grade or kindergarten,because it's that fucking simple
, All right.
So, anyway, if you want tolearn more about that, check out
my book on Amazon, which iscalled shut up and choose.
As I said last week, we'vereached bestseller status on
Amazon, which is pretty cool.
I get I don't know two to threereviews a week.
I get emails Maybe next weekI'll read an email again, or two
It's really exciting to knowthat my journey A, that what I'm
telling people works, actuallyworks, because people have
literally had probably I don'tknow over 100 people tell me
that it's the first time thatthe weight is coming off for
them and they're not torturingthemselves.
They're actually living theirlives.
So I really think that'simportant.
It's really gratifying to knowthat that's happening.
So everybody, that's important.
It's really gratifying to knowthat that's happening.
So everybody that's written mean email or thank you, everybody
that's written a review, thankyou.
I hope that we can help a lotof people get rid of all this
crazy shit that they're doing.
Just know that your body knowshow to do this.
I also want to talk about myonline video course that I
It's called Live Life, LoveFood, Lose Weight.
You can learn about that atlearnshutupandchoosecom.
I have a nine-minute videothere that'll tell you all about
the program and whatever, andyou know what.
This is my podcast, so I'mpromoting my shit.
If you don't like that, oh well,don't listen.
But for those of you that needto listen, and if you take one
thing away from this podcastevery week, you're doing
something great.
If you know somebody that needsto lose some weight, tell them
to listen to my podcast.
It's free, it doesn't cost adime.
I try to give out informationthat makes sense, that's easy to
do and debunks all the bullshitthat's out there that you're
seeing on pretty much everysingle media source under the
Buy this, do that?
No, fuck that.
Just get yourself into acalorie deficit.
So, at the end of the day, itall comes down to your choices
the choices that you make andthe choices that you don't make.
I'm hoping that you continue orstart to, depending on where
you are make more small, smartchoices, because the choice is
So now the only thing left todo is shut up and choose.
Speaker 1 (26:50):
You've been listening
to shut up and choose.
Jonathan's passion is to sharehis journey of shedding 130
pounds in less than a yearwithout any of the usual
gimmicks no diets, no pills.
And we'll let you in on alittle secret no fucking gym.
And guess what?
You can do it too.
We hope you enjoyed the show.
We had a fucking blast.
If you did, make sure to like,rate and review.
We'll be back soon, but in themeantime, find Jonathan on
Instagram atJonathanWrestlerBocaRaton.
Until next time, shut up andchoose.