Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
If you're a whiny
snowflake that can't handle the
truth, is offended by the wordfuck and about 37 uses of it in
different forms gets ass hurt.
When you hear someone speak theabsolute, real and raw truth,
you should leave Like right now.
This is Shut Up and Choose, thepodcast where we cut through
the shit and get real aboutweight loss, life and everything
in between.
We get into the nitty gritty ofmaking small, smart choices
that add up to big results.
From what's on your plate tohow you approach life's
We'll explore how the simpleact of choosing differently can
transform your health, yourmindset and your entire freaking
So if you're ready to cutthrough the bullshit and start
making some real changes, thenbuckle up and shut up, because
we're about to choose our way toa healthier, happier life.
This is Shut Up and Choose.
Let's do this Now.
Your host, jonathan Ressler.
Speaker 2 (01:16):
Hey everybody,
welcome back to Shut Up and
Choose the podcast that cutsthrough the noise, the bullshit
and all the crap that thenutrition and diet industry is
throwing at you.
I am your host, jonathanRessler, and today we're going
to talk about something thatyou're undoubtedly going to see,
and that is more noise, theextra noise that happens in
January, about all theridiculous shit that's bad for
you, that's going to kill you.
But anyway, I hope everybodyhad a really nice Thanksgiving.
I had a great Thanksgiving, alot of fun.
I ate everything that I wantedto eat and I feel absolutely no
guilt about it.
Hopefully you're doing the same.
But if you're feeling guiltytoday about what you ate last
week, well then, get the fuckover it.
Man, yeah, it was one meal, onemeal in over 350 meals,
whatever the number, thousandsof meals you're going to eat
this year.
So get over it, get back ontrack and get started again, or
just pick right up where youleft off.
Did I gain a pound or two?
I'm sure I did.
I didn't weigh myself becauseit doesn't matter to me, because
I don't have a number goal.
But I'm getting right back ontrack and as we enter into this
holiday season it kind of startsIn fact, really it's all year,
but it starts at Thanksgiving.
You start to get these crazypeople selling crazy shit online
and telling you all kinds ofcrazy myths and lies and just
ridiculous shit, and the bottomline is none of it's true, you
don't need any of it.
You just need to make small,smart choices.
So I mean, the bottom line isnavigating the health and
nutrition advice out there.
Today it feels like you'restepping into a fun house,
except, honestly, it's just it'snot fun.
Everywhere you turn, someone'syelling that whatever you're
eating is wrong, it's bad orit's downright deadly.
Eggs are poison.
I saw that the other day.
Red meat is the grim reaper infood form.
Bananas will make you obese,carbs will ruin your life and,
for the love of God, don't drinktoo much water because wait for
it it could get toxic and killyou.
You could overdose on water.
You could drink too much water.
I don't know if anybody elsefeels like screaming, because I
fucking sure do.
Here's the truth, though.
Most of that stuff is justbullshit, nonsense.
It's noise, plain and simple,and it's shouted by people who
either have no clue about whatthey're talking about which is
probably half of them or it'sabout someone trying to scare
you into buying somethingthey're selling Meanwhile, like
normal people like me, and youare sometimes left paralyzed
until you figure it all out.
But you're staring at yourplate and think, holy shit, this
thing is like a landmine.
What do I do?
But deep down, you know, I knowwe all know what to eat.
I always tell you that you knowwhat to eat.
No one has to tell you.
You've always known what to eat.
The problem isn't the food,it's the never-ending circus of
crazy and contradictory advice.
So today I want to break downthe madness a little bit and
laugh a little bit and show youhow ridiculous it is and get
back to basics.
So before we tackle thespecific foods, let's take a
look at how we got here, today.
Obviously, one of those thingsis social media.
It lets people reach all over.
But let me go into it.
So every time you think or Ithought I figured out what's
healthy, someone pops up to tellme it's killing me.
I mean, I did paleo, peopletold me, oh, you can't eat meat,
it's killing you.
I did the juice cleanse oh, yougot to eat real food.
I ate eggs oh, eggs are goingto kill you.
There's nothing you're going todo that some asshole isn't
going to tell you it's going tokill you.
The first thing is definitelywhat I would call the clickbait
epidemic, because we're all onsocial media, whether we admit
it or not, and we look at thatshit and even though we kind of
blow it off, it does get you toclick on.
You look at it.
So eggs will kill you gets alot more clicks than eggs are
perfectly fine in moderation.
You don't have to be a rocketscientist to look at that.
When I see eggs will kill you,don't eat eggs I click on it
every fucking time.
Right, those headlines, thosehooks, are designed to grab your
attention and really not giveyou the full story.
Like I said before, the secondpart is definitely the rise of
these social media expertsanybody with an iphone or an
android, if you're an androidperson but anybody with a camera
phone is an expert, becausethere's no way to vet them,
there's no way to know that whatthey're saying is accurate.
I generally generally I findthe people that are out there on
social media talking about thiscrazy shit are thin people who
have never been fat.
They don't understand what'sreally going on.
They claim that they're anexpert.
They claim they did this andthat, but when you ask them to
show you their fat picture, theycan't do it.
So everyone with a six pack andan Instagram account thinks
they're a nutritionist.
I tell you right up front I'mnot a nutritionist.
I don't know shit aboutnutrition.
I only know how to lose weight,what worked for me and what's
worked for thousands of years.
But the result of everybodybeing a nutritionist, an expert,
an exercise guru, is a constantflood of this half-baked advice
, presented though with 100%confidence.
Right, no one ever goes?
I think no.
They say it like it's thegospel.
So the third thing is thatobviously, fear sells.
When people are scared, theylook for solution that works,
whether the solution is true orfalse.
I was scared that I was goingto die.
So I found the solution.
But if you think that eggs aregoing to kill you, you're going
to maybe take a look at it andguess who conveniently has that
Basically, it's the same peopletelling you that fruit is
making you fat or the eggs aregoing to kill you.
And the last reason and this ismore the diet industry.
But the diet industry thriveson confusion, right?
They don't want you to succeed,they want you to be confused,
so you go to them for thesolution.
So if you're confident in whatto eat, you won't feel the need
to buy their shit, right?
You won't buy the detox teas orthe meal plans or the
overpriced supplements.
You know, I don't sell anyproducts.
I don't do any meal plansbecause I believe you know what
to eat, and I certainly don'tsell any supplements.
I don't take any supplements.
Keeping you confused is part ofthe business model.
That's how they make money.
It's keeping you confused andmaking you think model.
That's how they make money.
It's keeping you confused andmaking you think gee, should I
not eat eggs?
Is meat like death?
Next week I'm going to dosomething on plant-based diet
that you're going to be shockedby because plant-based diet is
fucking poison.
But I'll get into that Now.
I sound like one of those guys,but I'll give you the reasons
behind it, in my opinion anyway.
So let's look at some of themost absurd claims floating
around and why they're justtotal fucking garbage.
So number one I mentionedalready eggs are bad for you.
For years, eggs have been theposter child for foods that are
secretly trying to kill you.
Because they containcholesterol, and someone
somewhere decided that dietarycholesterol equals heart disease
There's a million.
There's pages and reams andlibraries full of research that
says that's just not true.
The truth is, eggs are one ofthe most nutrient-dense foods on
the planet.
They're packed with protein,healthy fats and vitamins like
B12 and choline.
For the majority of people,dietary cholesterol has little
to no effect on bloodcholesterol levels.
Remember, there's dietarycholesterol and blood
Let me tell you that again, forthe majority of people, dietary
cholesterol has little to noeffect on blood cholesterol
levels, unless you're fryingyour eggs in a pound of bacon
grease which, by the way, I dolike to do I love cooking with
bacon grease but unless you'refrying your eggs in a pound of
that shit and eating a dozen ormore a day.
You're fine.
Eat eggs.
They're incredible.
I eat four to six eggs a day.
Some days I don't eat any, butI eat a lot of eggs and I got to
tell you eggs keep you full andthey're not bad for you.
They are not killing you.
And that brings us to the nextone, which is red meat is going
to send you to an early grave.
There's so many people out theretalking about red meat and red
meat has been demonized fordecades and, honestly, they
often put it in the samecategory as processed food like
hot dogs and pepperoni.
But here's the truth Not allmeat is created equal.
A juicy, grass-fed steak isn'tthe same as the meat you're
eating in a fast-food burger.
I will never tell you to go eatfast food burgers.
That's not true.
If you want to eat one, go eatone.
I mean feed your soul, but Idon't think a diet of fast food
burgers is what you want.
If you're eating good meat,clean meat, it's absolutely fine
Red meat, again, is a fantasticsource of protein, iron, zinc
and B vitamins, not to mentionthat the more protein you eat,
the more weight you will lose.
I know that sounds crazy, butthe more protein you eat, the
more weight you lose, becauseyou'll remain full for longer.
You don't want to lose, justmuscle mass.
Protein is the building blockof muscle mass.
So the problem isn't the meatitself.
It's the overconsumption ofthat low quality dog shit at
processed meats and all the junkthat people eat alongside of it
If you're having a burger withFrench fries and all kinds of
shit, yeah, that other shit iswhat's bad for you.
It's not the burger, even ifit's one of those shitty
processed burgers.
I'm not.
Like I said, next week I'm goingto talk about plant-based.
I will tell you that.
An incredible burger or beyondburger that's fucking poison,
but I'll tell you about thatlater.
Humans were not meant to eatthose chemicals, but anyway.
So if you're grilling a steakand putting it with a salad, I
promise you're not settingyourself up for disaster.
Look at all the people thatlose weight and get healthy with
the carnivore or the cavemandiet or Atkins whatever that are
Meat-based Protein is great foryou.
The next one kills me.
It just fucking makes me laugh.
There's so many people onInstagram saying fruit makes you
Somehow fruit, which isprobably the original health
food, has been turned into avillain.
People are saying fruit makesyou fat.
Why do they say that?
Well, because it contains sugar, and sugar in some circles is
seen as pure evil.
I'll tell you, processed sugaris fucking pure evil, but the
sugar that's in fruit no,natural sugar no, it is not evil
at all.
It's great for you.
The truth is fruit, yeah, itdoes contain sugar, but it's
natural sugar.
But it's also got a ton offiber and vitamins and
So, unlike the candy or thesoda which I say I'll eat it
occasionally, but unlike thatshit, fruit digests very slowly
in your system and it keeps yourblood sugar stable.
So, unless you're eating, likeI don't know, a couple dozen
bananas a day, fruit is not theproblem.
I defy you to show me a personthat got fat eating fruit.
That person does not exist.
Show me and I'll change my mind.
But there has never been aperson that got fat by eating
too much fruit.
Here's a reality check.
If fruit is what's making youfat, then what's the explanation
for all those soda-drinking,candy-eating people who don't
touch an apple all year?
What's making them fat?
Maybe is it the fruit juice inthe fucking candy they eat?
Come on, give me a break, it'sridiculous.
So the next one is carbs are thedevil.
Carbs have become the scapegoatfor everything from weight gain
to chronic disease.
Cut out carbs, they say, andyou'll be healthy forever.
And I bought into that shit.
I did it.
I cut all carbs out of my dietand I lost a lot of weight, but
I certainly craved them.
Forget the fact that carbs areyour body's primary source of
energy and have been a staple ofhuman diets for thousands of
Give me a break.
Cutting out carbs, that's justfucking ridiculous.
I will say that not all carbsare created equal.
Refined carbs and when I saythat, you think of like white
bread and sugary cereal, likeCaptain Crunch or Froot Loops
which, by the way, I love but Idon't eat them.
But those refined carbs,they're not great, but complex
carbs, like oats I eat oatmealall the time quinoa, which Vicky
has taught me to actually love,and sweet potatoes those are
nutrient powerhouses.
So cutting out carbs entirelyalso is not sustainable or
really necessary for most people.
Also, let's not pretend thatancient civilizations fueled by
bread and rice were droppingdead from obesity.
I must have missed thatsomewhere.
The next one is don't mix thiswith that.
Don't mix carbs with protein.
Give me a fucking break, willyou?
Don't eat fruit after dinner.
Don't combine dairy with citrus.
Come on, who comes up with thisshit?
Apparently, your stomach issome kind of diva that can't
handle multitasking.
That is the most.
Don't eat with this, with that.
Don't mix this.
That just kills me.
Let me tell you, your digestivesystem is a well-oiled machine
that's been processing mixedmeals since the dawn of time.
There's no part of ourcivilization that only ate one
type of food.
You can eat a balanced plate ofprotein and carbs and fat
without throwing your body intochaos.
Stop over complicating thisshit.
It's just, it's incredible.
And then the last one I'm goingto talk about today is just
I, I don't.
I don't even know this one is.
I don't even know this one.
I don't even know how toaddress it.
Too much water is toxic.
Yes, water toxicity is a realthing.
There's no question about that.
But the amount of water youneed to drink to reach that
point is absurd.
It's ridiculous.
You couldn't drink that muchwater without throwing up.
So, yeah, somehow the rarephenomenon has people
second-guessing whether theyshould sip from their water
I promise you you're not goingto get water toxicity.
I drink close to two gallons ofwater every day.
Some people say that you shoulddrink one ounce of water for
every pound of your body weight.
That would be a lot of water,but that's perfectly healthy.
So the truth is, most peopledon't drink enough water.
I told you I've read thisstatistic all over the place
that I don't know.
50, 60% of the people in theworld are walking around drunk,
dehydrated, drinking not enoughwater.
That's incredible, and thenumber is equivalent to third
world nations where they don'thave water, as it is in the
United States.
People are walking arounddehydrated.
Most people just don't drinkenough water.
So unless you're competing insome like water drinking contest
, can't imagine why you would,but maybe it'd be like a college
fraternity hazing thing.
But unless you're competing ina contest, staying hydrated is
one of the easiest and the bestthings that you can do for your
So I started thinking about it.
Why do people fall for thisshit?
And you might wonder how we gotto a place where people are
scared of bananas and bread.
Well, here's why.
Number one is we all love aquick fix.
It's easier to believe thatcutting out carbs will solve all
your problems than to acceptthat real change takes time and
it takes some effort.
That's it.
Everybody wants it to be donenow.
But the truth is, if you wantto lose weight and keep it off
and live your life and love yourfood and lose weight, it takes
Quick fixes don't work, period.
The second one is that fear is apowerful motivator.
Right, when someone tells youthat something is toxic or
dangerous, it's hard not to lookat it.
It's hard not to panic a littlebit.
And even if you know the claimis baseless, you think about it
a little bit.
Could eggs be killing me?
Or could water really be thatbad for me?
It's just a natural humanresponse.
And the third one is we'reoverwhelmed.
I know I am.
There's so much contradictoryadvice out there that people
don't know what to believeanymore.
If I believed everything that Isaw on Instagram, I should eat
I shouldn't eat meat.
I should eat eggs.
I shouldn't eat eggs.
I should drink water.
I shouldn't drink water.
I should eat plant-based.
You would have to eat air.
That's all that's left.
There's no food or food groupout there that there aren't
people demonizing it.
We're just we're overwhelmed.
The diet industry and really theso-called gurus thrive on that
But the truth is and you'veheard me say this a million
times over and over and overagain deep down, we all know
what to eat.
You know the basics of ahealthy diet.
You may choose not to followthose basics, but you know the
basics and you know what to eat.
You know the basics of ahealthy diet.
You may choose not to followthose basics, but you know the
basics and you know what to eatand you've known since you were
a kid, since you could form athought about what you were
going to eat.
Look, I'll give it to you.
It's pretty straightforward Eatwhole foods, period Fruits,
vegetables, lean protein, wholegrains, nuts and seeds.
How much easier.
I'm not telling you eat thisfruit or that fruit or this
vegetable or that vegetable.
That's up to you, becauseeverybody's taste is different.
Don't eat this protein or thatprotein.
Eat what you love, okay.
The second thing is obviouslythis is not going to come as a
shocker but limit the processedjunk food you eat.
It doesn't take a rocketscientist to know that, like
chips and soda, candy and allthe fast food, shouldn't make up
the bulk of your diet.
I'm not saying you can't eatevery now and then because I'd
be a fucking hypocrite, becauseI eat it every now and then.
I eat it sometimes, but itshouldn't make up the bulk of
your diet.
When I was 411 pounds, it didmake up the bulk of my diet
because I was so fat I couldn'twalk and I would choose to get
things from a drive-thru becauseit was easier than walking to
the restaurant or the grocerystore.
Don't let it make up.
Don't let processed food makeup the bulk of your diet.
Number three is practicemoderation, something I had to
I always tell you a donut's notgoing to kill you, but a couple
dozen donuts every week.
That might be an issue.
I had that issue where I wouldliterally go get six donuts and
then I would eat two or three inthe car so I could come back
with six donuts.
That's a problem.
So practice moderation.
Eat a fucking donut, eat aWhopper if you want, just don't
eat it all the time.
Number four is stay hydrated.
Drink water.
I don't know what else to say.
It's not rocket science.
There's not a lot to say there.
And number five, which again issomething that I had learned, is
actually listen to your body.
Eat when you're hungry and stopwhen you're full.
That's not sexy, it's nottrendy, it's not going to get a
million views on Instagram orTikTok, but it fucking works.
And if you want to lose weight,you should do what works, not
what you find on the internet,because that shit doesn't work.
Just listen to your body.
Eat when you're hungry, stopwhen you're full.
I don't know how to make it anysimpler than that.
So I guess for me and hopefullyfor you, here's a way that you
can tune out some of that noise.
Bottom line trust your commonsense.
Does the advice that you'rehearing sound overly complicated
or extreme?
Then chances are.
Honestly, it's bullshit.
If someone's telling you to dosomething extreme in any one
direction, the truth is they'reprobably full of shit.
I'm not saying they haven'tdone it and haven't experienced
success with it, but I'm sayingit's not sustainable and it's
probably fucking ridiculous.
And, by the way, I've doneevery extreme thing you can do
caveman juicing, nutrition youname the diet.
I've been on it and they're allextremes and they all set you
up for failure.
Number two is stop followingevery trend.
That's what I had to do.
I had to stop going on thelatest and greatest diet.
You don't need to jump on everynew diet bandwagon.
Focus on the habits that aresustainable for the long term.
So eating a balanced meal,eating some junk every now and
then that sets you up forsuccess, not for failure.
You can't live in a constantstate of deprivation, okay.
So stop following every trendand use your common sense and
focus on the habits that aresustainable.
Next one is think critically.
Before you buy into some claimyou got to ask yourself is this
backed by an incredible scienceor someone trying to sell me
I can tell you I don't thinkyou could find anybody out there
that will tell you that eatinga balanced diet is not
sustainable and is not backed byscience.
I can tell you there as manypeople that are pro-caveman diet
, there's just as many who areagainst it, who say it's killing
you, as many people say eateggs.
As many people are saying don'teat eggs.
As many people that are tellingyou the only way is
intermittent fasting.
I just read an interestingarticle on intermittent fasting
and I'll follow up on that In acouple weeks.
It said they did this longstudy of intermittent fasting
and it doesn't have any of thescientific benefits that people
say, other than you lose someweight because you have less
time to eat.
But all the things that theysaid were happening with
intermittent fasting and itwasn't.
It's not like it wasn't anincredible source, it was in the
fucking Wall Street Journal.
So, again, think criticallyBefore you buy into any claim.
Just think about who's tellingyou and is it backed by science.
And the last one is keep itsimple.
To me that's the most importantone.
If your diet feels like afull-time job, if you have to
track calories and write shitdown and don't mix this with
Or use an app.
I had an app for when I was onpaleo that I would check if
things were paleo.
It was work.
It was hard work.
So keep it simple.
If it's too complicated, don'tdo it, because you won't do it
in the long run.
You'll do it now for a month ortwo months or six months, but
over time you'll lose thatmotivation if it's too
complicated, health is supposedto fit into your life, not take
it over.
So if you're doing some dietwhere you're measuring food and
you're meal prepping and you'renot mixing this with that,
you're cutting out whole foodgroups.
Yeah, maybe, like I said, maybeyou're getting the results now,
but it's not sustainable.
I eat whatever I want, wheneverI want, wherever I want, with
whoever I want.
Okay, and I've been doing itnow for close to two years
Actually, it's probably morethan 19 months and I'm
Right now I'm in a place whereI'm probably not losing a lot of
weight, but I am maintainingweight, I'm not putting on
weight, and that's really whatmatters.
And it's simple.
I don't think at all about whatI'm eating.
I think if I want to have apiece of apple pie, I'll have a
piece of apple pie.
I'll look at the rule of fourand I'll say you know, by the
time I eat the fourth bite,really I am satisfied.
If you don't remember what therule of four is, I have a
podcast that explains the wholething.
It's pretty simple, but the netnet is by the fourth bite,
you're pretty much satisfied.
Any bite after that, you'rejust eating to eat.
So anyway, keep it simple,because the simpler it is, the
more likely you are to stay onit.
And it's about persistence andconsistency, not perfection.
No one's ever been perfect on adiet.
Never happened, never, never,never.
Never in the history of theworld has anybody been perfect
on a diet for their whole life.
So be consistent.
So here's the bottom line.
It's that constant fear mong.
It's ridiculous.
It's what's making you crazy.
Eggs won't kill you, carbsaren't the enemy and fruit isn't
the problem.
And water?
Well, you're probably safethere too.
You feel free to drink water.
So stop overthinking everysingle bite that you put in your
Think about it and say is thisin line with my goals?
But stop overthinking it.
Eat real food, pretty easy.
Stay active, move, move more.
Park further away in theparking lot, take the steps
instead of the elevator.
These are simple fucking things.
So stay active and, mostimportantly, enjoy the
occasional truth how guilt.
You already know what to do.
I always tell you this you knowwhat to do.
You're just being tricked intodoubting yourself by the
internet and the diet industry.
That's all a bunch of shit.
So the next time someone tellsyou that everything you're
eating is wrong, either you gottwo choices you can tell them to
go fuck themselves, which is mychoice, or you can just smile
and nod and move on.
I don't remember what movie itwas Smile and wave boys.
That's it.
It's that simple.
You know what should be goinginto your body.
You've always known what shouldbe going into your body and
that's the only way to go on asustainable weight loss journey.
So that's it for my thoughts onthe fear-mongering, scumbag
diet industry and Instagramgurus and all those fucking
idiots who tell you thateverything you're eating, if
you're not eating anything otherthan air, you're going to die.
It's going to kill you, you'regoing to put on weight.
Like I said, the one, the crazyone, fruit.
I defy you to show me a guythat got fat by eating fruit.
But anyway, it's all a bunch ofshit.
So again, I'll just remind youthat my book, shut Up and Choose
, is available on Amazon.
People are still buying it.
People are still writing me.
You know, maybe next week I'lldiscuss a couple emails, because
it's exciting getting ravereviews.
Still also want to remind youabout my online course.
My video course is 23 videosall short, less than about five
minutes apiece.
You watch it in a couple hours.
It outlines my entire plan,gets you in the right mindset,
tells you what to eat, but notwhat specifically what to eat,
but how to eat and what to eat.
Things that you can um.
They're going to help you onyour weight loss journey and
that's available online.
You do it at your own pace.
You pay one price and you haveit for the rest of your life.
And you can find that atlearnshutupandchoosecom.
That's learnshutupandchoosecom.
Great holiday gift for somebody.
There's no better gift thanhealth.
Yes, am I selling?
Yes, I am, because I want thewhole world to know that the
diet industry is full of shit,that you have everything you
need, that you don't need tospend hours in the gym, you
don't need to cut out foodgroups, you don't need to do any
of that stuff.
You just need to get your headin the right place and
understand that you already knowhow to do this.
So that's it for today, and Ihope you had a great
I hope you had a greatThanksgiving.
I hope you have a great holidayseason coming up.
I hope you have a great newyear.
You'll hear from me before then, obviously, but I just I'll do
that for the next few weeks andas I always tell you there's
nothing left to do but shut upand choose.
Speaker 1 (26:05):
You've been listening
to Shut Up and Choose.
Jonathan's passion is to sharehis journey of shedding 130
pounds in less than a yearwithout any of the usual
gimmicks no diets, no pills.
And we'll let you in on alittle secret no fucking gym.
And guess what?
You can do it too.
We hope you enjoyed the show.
We had a fucking blast.
If you did, make sure to like,rate and review.
We'll be back soon, but in themeantime, find Jonathan on
Instagram atJonathanWrestlerBocaRaton.
Until next time, shut up andchoose.