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October 30, 2024 24 mins

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Cut through the noise of fad diets with us as we share a bold truth: extreme diets like the paleo promise rapid results but often lead to unsustainable and socially isolating eating habits. Listen to my personal journey where I initially lost 86 pounds on the paleo diet, only to face the challenges of weight regain and the impracticality of cutting out entire food groups. We explore how these restrictive regimes can turn festive family dinners and holiday gatherings into stress-filled events. Discover how making small, enjoyable choices can help create a lifestyle where you live life, love food, and lose weight without the guilt or restriction.

Embrace a more sustainable approach to weight loss that welcomes all food groups. We navigate the pitfalls of cutting out essential nutrients found in grains and dairy, emphasizing the importance of fiber, calcium, and vitamin D in our daily diet. Through shared experiences, we highlight the benefits of moderation and portion control, advocating for flexibility that allows for occasional indulgences. Say goodbye to the stress of extreme dieting and hello to a balanced, healthier lifestyle that promotes long-term health and weight management. Join us in advocating for a practical and enjoyable way of living and eating that doesn't involve constant restriction.

Get my video course Live Life- Love Food - Lose Weight Get it Here

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
If you're a whiny snowflake that can't handle the
truth, is offended by the wordfuck and about 37 uses of it in
different forms gets ass hurt.
When you hear someone speak theabsolute, real and raw truth,
you should leave Like right now.
This is Shut Up and Choose, thepodcast where we cut through

the shit and get real aboutweight loss, life and everything
in between.
We get into the nitty gritty ofmaking small, smart choices
that add up to big results.
From what's on your plate tohow you approach life's
We'll explore how the simpleact of choosing differently can
transform your health, yourmindset and your entire freaking

So if you're ready to cutthrough the bullshit and start
making some real changes, thenbuckle up and shut up, because
we're about to choose our way toa healthier, happier life.
This is Shut Up and Choose.
Let's do this Now.

Your host, jonathan Ressler.

Speaker 2 (01:16):
Welcome back to Shut Up and Choose the podcast where
we cut through the noise and allthe nonsense from the diet
industry that it's spewing atyou every day.
I'm your host, jonathan Ressler, and today we're going to talk
about some great stuff.
I want to say we're a coupledays away from Halloween.
That's very exciting.
Based on my topic today, Ithink there's going to be a lot

of idiots and morons out theredressed up as cavemen.
So yeah, you guessed it, we'regoing to talk about the caveman
Everybody's talking.
Guessed it, we're going to talkabout the caveman diet.
Everybody's talking about it.
It's such a fucking joke, butanyway, so you know, there's a
new diet guru on every corner onthe internet these days and
they all seem to be peddling thesame thing different names.
But it's a restriction.

Cut this out, eliminate that,or don't even think about
something that was eating afterthe agricultural revolution.
One of the most popular of theseextreme diets is caveman diet,
which I just said.
It's also known as a paleo diet, which I did, which basically
the diet says we can only behealthy by eating the way our
prehistoric ancestors did,primarily things like lean meat,

fish, fruits, veggies, andwhile that definitely does sound
exciting on the surface, thetruth is that that kind of black
and white thinking about foodcan be unrealistic and, for a
lot of people, completelyunsustainable.
As you know, I did paleo alsoknown as a caveman and I did it
and I loved it and I wassuccessful on it.

I lost I think 86 pounds wasthe number I lost but as soon as
I ate that first piece of bread, I was like ooh, yeah, I like
yeah, I forgot what this tasteslike and then I became somewhat
paleo and then I became a littleless paleo and sooner or later
I went back to eating the stuffthat I love to eat and you know
the rest of the story I put allthe weight back on.

That's why I think my methodlive life, love food, lose
weight is a more balanced,practical and honestly
sustainable approach to weightloss, and it's designed for
people who don't want to feellike they're constantly fighting
with their food and with theirdiet.
And when I say diet, I mean thefood you eat, I don't mean diet

like a regimen.
Anyway, instead of creatingsome kind of adversary
relationship with food,constantly worrying about what I
can't have, I encourage you tomake make small, enjoyable
choices while still living yourlife to the fullest, and this is
why I think my method is abetter and more sustainable
approach than the restrictive,caveman slash paleo diet.
First thing is, let's be honestcutting out entire food groups
like grains and dairy andpotatoes isn't just difficult.
It's a lot of times it'shonestly impractical.

It becomes work In the realworld.
We go to family dinners, we gotthe holidays coming up, we've
worked lunches and just I don'tknow a million other social
events that revolve around food.
So trying to adhere to somestrict set of rules that says no
bread, no beans, no dairy,whatever for the rest of your
life, you feel like a full-timejob and it's one that leaves you

feeling deprived and sociallyisolated.
I was always worried about whatI was going to eat.
Is there going to be somethingthere that I can eat?
So the problem with the cavemandiet is that it prides itself
on restriction, something that Ihate.
Sure, it works for some peopleat first, because when you cut
out the processed foods and thesugar and the refined grains,

you're going to see initialresults.
I saw results fast and thatmade me want to keep going and
do it more and more and more.
But is it sustainable over thelong term?
And I can tell you fromfirsthand experience the answer
is no.
Most people find themselvesslipping up or binging on the
foods they've been avoiding andthey eventually give up entirely
That's exactly what happened tome.

I was in it, I was on it, I wasinto it.
I mean, I was eating bacon andsteak and I was eating what I
thought was like a king.
But after a while that shitgets old and for me it just
became another failed attempt atweight loss.
So again with my approach, onthe other hand, it's built on
flexibility and balance.

The key is not about eliminatingfood groups or demonizing
entire categories.
Instead, it's about findingways to enjoy the foods you love
in moderation.
You can still have a slice ofpizza or a bowl of pasta.
I just had a pasta feast Well,I don't know, I guess it was a
few weeks ago now and I wouldhave been upset if I couldn't
eat that stuff.
It's just I don't know, youjust can't eat that stuff every

day, and it's not in massiveportions.
But that way I don't feeldeprived or feel like I'm
missing out on one of life'spleasures, which makes it easier
to stick to your healthy habitslong term.
With my method, I just feel likethere's no need to go on and
off your diet because it's not atemporary fix, it's a lifestyle
And I know everybody says, oh,it's a lifestyle change.

I was on paleo.
It was a lifestyle change.
But it wasn't a lifestylechange.
It was fucking restriction.
I couldn't eat.
I couldn't have a piece ofbread with dinner, I couldn't
have a potato.
That's restricted, that'sasinine and it's not sustainable
With what I do.
It's a lifestyle change thatfits around your life rather
than forcing you to fit in somerigid set of rules.
I hate rules anyway.

So to give me rules about thething that I have to do, there's
no question I have to eat everyday.
I mean, we all have to eat Withme.
It's about making small, smartchoices and sustainable changes
that allow you to enjoy the foodand live fully and guess what?
Still lose the weight.
The problem with things like thecaveman slash paleo is that

they often adopt that all ornothing mentality.
You either eat perfectly, eatyour bacon for breakfast and
bacon and eggs and your burgerfor lunch with no bun and steak
for dinner, and again, that'snot bad but it's just not
But either you eat perfectlyaccording to the diet's rules or
you failed.
And that black and whitethinking is I don't know.
It's just frustrating becauseit doesn't allow for the

inevitable slip-ups that happenin real life.
I remember the first time I atea piece of bread after I went
off paleo I was like, oh boy,I'm doing something wrong, but
I'm going to do it anyway.
And that just black and white,that all or nothing shit.
It just doesn't work.
And again, you know fromlistening to me, my approach is
much more forgiving.
You're going to make mistakes.
I don't believe that all ornothing mentality, because life

isn't black and white.
You're going to have days whereyou eat a treat or eat more
than you plan, and that's okay.
The key is to not beat yourselfup or feel like you failed, but
instead get right back on trackwith your next meal.
Because again, it's small smartchoices.
Every choice you make in a daydoesn't have to be a great
choice, but if you're makingmore small smart choices than
small bad choices, you'rewinning.

I allow for flexibility.
I encourage balance rather thanperfection.
It's about making good choicesmost of the time but not
stressing out when life throwsyou a curve ball.
You can still love the food andlive your life without feel
like you're constantly battlingagainst your diet and the food.
Look, the caveman diet.
It seems simple in theory butin practice it can turn your

eating into a source of stressand anxiety and even guilt.
When you're constantly worryingabout whether what you're
eating is allowed or forbidden Imean, I had an app on my phone
that showed me whether it waspaleo or not Like I would worry.
Like, oh, can I eat that?
That Food became the enemyrather than something that I
Maybe food being an enemy worksfor you, but it doesn't work

for me.
By focusing so heavily on what Icouldn't eat, that caveman dive
for me built a negativerelationship with food.
I know me and other people feelfrustrated by the limitations
and start to associate theireating with stress rather than
pleasure, and eating should beone of the greatest pleasures in
I'm not saying you have to eatlike an animal, but you should

get some pleasure when you goout to a nice restaurant and you
eat something different.
Even worse than that, it causessocial strain, which I talked
about, when you're avoidingthings like grain and dairy
potatoes, eating out withfriends or going to a family
event or going to the holidays,it kind of feels like a
You can't enjoy it becauseyou're so worried about what

you're eating.
With me now, with my live, life, love food, lose weight.
Food is not the enemy.
It's a source of joy andnourishment and connection.
My method really encourages apositive relationship with food
by allowing me to eat the thingsthat you love in moderation and
without guilt, whether it's aspecial meal with your family.

A few weeks ago I had a greatfamily event with Vicky where
they made fresh pasta and therewas all kinds of things that
certainly wouldn't be paleo andcertainly wouldn't be diet, and
I tasted them all in moderation.
So if you're having thatspecial meal and you're stressed
out about it, it sucks.
So I ate what I wanted to eatand I still stayed on track

because the next meal I justwent back to making small, smart
I don't know, I would never andI was this person, but I would
never want to be the person thathas to say no to everything.
And while I would never do this, I wouldn't want to bring a
separate meal to the dinnertable.
I know people who bring theirdiet food to the dinner table, I

don't know.
A I think they're idiots, and BI think that it's just rude.
By doing it my way, by makingsmall, smart choices, you can
fully participate in life'smoments without worrying that
you're ruining your diet.
The fact that you're even on adiet is crazy.
You should just be able to eat.
By focusing on loving food andenjoying life the way I do, it

just helps reduce the emotionalburden that comes with dieting.
You can relax around food andstill lose weight and still make
progress toward your weightgoals, because it's something
that takes time.
It takes persistence.
You're not going to lose it alltoday.
If your goal is to lose 50pounds and I would tell you you
have a shitty goal.
But if that's your goal, you'renot going to lose 50 pounds

between today and tomorrow.
It just doesn't work that way.
It's small choices.
So if you make a mistake, aquote, unquote mistake, I should
say make a bad choice, bigfucking deal, enjoy it.
Make the next choice a betterchoice, a small, smart choice.
And I think, probably for me,one of the biggest selling
points of the caveman diet, thepaleo diet, is the idea that we

should all eat like ourancestors did, because that's
what our body's designed for.
But that's kind of flawed,that's bullshit.
We've evolved as human beingsto eat a wide variety of foods
and certainly our modernunderstanding of nutrition shows
that cutting out entire foodgroups like grains and dairy is
unnecessary and can even beharmful.

I mean cutting out carbs.
You need carbs for your brainfunction.
It's crazy.
And again, if you're on thecaveman diet and you're one of
those people that are bangingyour chest like caveman, saying
this greatest thing in the wholeworld, good for you, do it.
But I promise you if I talk toyou six months from now, a year
from now, you're not going to beon it anymore.
It just doesn't work.

The idea that grains and dairyare bad for you just because
they weren't part of what ourancestors ate that's insane.
The reality is those foodsprovide nutrients that can
benefit us.
Whole grains, for example, aregreat for fiber okay, a great
source of fiber which promotesyour gut health and helps with
weight loss.
Dairy, which I don't eat a lotof.
Honestly, I hate milk.
It just doesn't agree with me.
I don't know if I'm lactoseintolerant.

Actually, I guess I would knowif I was lactose intolerant.
I'm not lactose intolerant, butI just don't like milk, but
dairy provides calcium andvitamin D, which are very
important for your bone health.
By eliminating those things fromyour diet, the caveman diet
limits your nutrient intakes andit makes it harder to maintain
a balanced and varied diet.
And my whole thing is aboutbalance.

So, instead of cutting outthese entire food groups, I
encourage you to enjoy a widevariety of foods in moderation.
You can eat grains and dairyand potatoes as part of a
balanced diet that includesplenty of whole and
nutrient-dense foods.
This way, you're getting allthe nutrients your body needs to
function optimally withoutfeeling deprived.

And sure.
The focus is definitely onportion control, balance and
making healthier, smart choiceswithout blaming any particular
That makes it easier for you tostick in the long run Made it
certainly a lot easier for me.
Like I said, I've been on thisnow over 18 months and I eat
what I want and I'm still losingweight.
And I'm not.
Look, when I was 411 pounds,the weight was flying off when I

am today.
The weight is slowly coming off, but I feel better.
My body is healthier.
I'm healthier every single dayand at the end of the day,
that's what really matters.
So I know I've discussed thisbefore People turn to these
extreme diets.
I did like the caveman dietbecause I was looking for fast

results, and you do.
You lose weight quickly atfirst, but the problem with that
diet is that the results aretemporary.
I told you I lost 86 pounds andagain I felt like I was eating
like a king.
I was using my grill everynight, eating steaks and bacon,
and it's great.
But once I started toreintroduce the foods that I was
avoiding, that I was craving,the weight came back and in my

case it came back with someextra friends.
I started out lost 86 poundsand I probably put 95 pounds
back on.
So the caveman diet it's goingto lead to quick weight loss
initially, but because it's sorestrictive, you're going to
find it difficult to stick withit long term, and long term
could mean three months, sixmonths a year.
But you can't do it for therest of your life.
My way of eating I can do forthe rest of my life, because if

I make a mistake, if I eatsomething that I shouldn't eat,
like if I eat donuts, I don'thave to eat them tomorrow.
I'm not stuck with any one kindof food.
I'm eating a balanced diet and,yes, I definitely feed my soul
and eat bad things.
But if you're on the cavemandiet, the minute you start to
eat the grains, dairy, thepotatoes and all that processed
shit again, the weight's goingto start to creep back on, and

that yo-yo effect for me wasvery frustrating.
I spent all this time losingthe weight and then I put it on
much quicker than I took it off.
I can tell you that.
So, again, if you focus on thesmall, sustainable changes,
that's what leads to lastingresults, instead of aiming for
that quick fix.
The goal is to build healthyhabits that you can maintain for

I can't tell you I'm going tomaintain what I'm doing for life
, but I got to tell you it sureas hell is easy.
I don't think too much aboutwhat I'm eating.
Well, let me rephrase that I dothink about what I'm eating,
but I don't beat myself up if Ichoose to eat something that a
traditional fad diet would sayis bad.
And I made my changes.
Well, I made my changes prettyquick, but I'm still making

small twists and tweaks to whatI want to eat and by making
those gradual changes andenjoying everything that I love,
it helps me to stay consistentand keep the weight off for good
Again, I can't tell you it'sfor good, but I can tell you,
for the last 18 months, I'vebeen losing, not maintaining.
I've been losing.
So for me, it was never aboutreaching my goal weight which,

again, you know I don't have butit was never about reaching it
as quickly as possible.
It's about creating a lifestylethat allows you to lose weight
while still living your life andloving your food.
If you're not living your life,if you're torturing yourself,
why do it?
Yes, I do it for your health,sure, but you're not going to be
able to sustain it.
So when you do it with thesmall, smart choices, it makes

it much easier to maintain yourprogress over the long term.
With the small, smart choices,it makes it much easier to
maintain your progress over thelong term because you're not
constantly battling againstthese unrealistic and ridiculous
One of the biggest flaws of theextreme diets like the caveman
diet is that they take theenjoyment out of eating.
Now, I always tell you I lovethe caveman diet.
I ate like a king.
It was incredible I could eatall the bacon I want and I could

eat steaks.
But sooner or later, thatnovelty wears off and when
you're focused solely on whatyou're allowed to eat and
constantly avoiding foods youlove, like potatoes or bread
meals, become something that youdread rather than starting to
look forward to it.
And toward the end of myjourney on the caveman theo diet
, I dreaded eating because I waslike, oh my god, what am I

gonna have to avoid?
Oh boy, that basket of breadsure looks good.
So it's just, I don't knoweating on that diet after a
while, yes, eating steak andbacon and all that shit is great
, but after a while, truthfully,it gets monotonous and boring.
You're limited to a smallselection of foods and many of
the foods that bring you joy,like you know, look, I'll say it

, I fucking love French friesand I love bread, you know.
So if you like brand of cheese,chocolates, that shit's off
Not on my diet, not on my wayof eating, but it is if you're
on the caveman slash paleo.
So, over time, that lack ofvariety and, honestly, enjoyment
, it leads to burnout and itmakes it difficult to stick with

the diet.
My philosophy is food is meantto be enjoyed.
I encourage you to love whatyou eat, but still make healthy
You don't have to give up yourfavorite foods.
You just have to learn them ina way that fits with your goals,
that fits into your why.
And if you do make a mistake,if you do eat a whole pint of
ice cream or a snack, big dealTomorrow the next meal you can

start to make better choicesagain.
You didn't blow it, you justyou made a bad choice.
For me, I like to have dessertevery now and then or have a
glass of wine with dinner.
You can still experience thepleasures of eating without ever
feeling guilty, and that'sprobably the most important
piece for me is that I neverfeel guilty about what I eat,
and I eat what I like, and I amfocused on making small, smart

choices every time.
So by focusing on actuallyenjoying my food, it helps me to
stick to my healthy habitslong-term, because I'm not
feeling deprived and I'm neverrestricted.
You know the old saying youcan't have your cake and eat it
too Bullshit.
You can have your cake and eatit too, in moderation.
The internet I'm all over.
I'm on Instagram, I'm trying tospread the word about what I'm

doing, and the internet, andreally Instagram, is just full
of diet gurus promising thesequick fixes.
And surely with the caveman,people are just crazy about the
caveman diet.
It's the one that I see themost keto.
It was keto for a while, beforethat it was paleo.
Now it's changed to the cavemandiet.
It's the same fucking thing.
But you know, everybody's got aquick fix, some miracle food or

some secret formula or somesecret what you have to eat.
But the truth is there's noshortcuts to sustainable weight
After having been on over ahundred diets and been
successful on all of them andthen ultimately failed on all of
them after a few months, I cantell you there's no shortcut to
sustainable weight loss.
The caveman diet, like everyother fad diet, like paleo, is
based on a gimmick that eatinglike our ancestors is the right

way to eat.
But in reality, sustainableweight loss comes down to making
simple, small, healthy choicesthat fit into your everyday life
Like I see these people who arejust so crazy about the caveman
It's based on some romanticizedidea of what our ancestors ate,
but it doesn't take intoaccount the realities of modern

It's built on a gimmick ratherthan any kind of sound
nutritional science.
I have a friend who saysthere's no way you can ever tell
me that eating bacon could begood for you, and maybe he's
But I'm telling you, I ate apound of bacon every day when I
was on that diet.
But the caveman slash paleo it'sbuilt on a gimmick and it
definitely works for some peoplein the short term, but I've yet

to find the person who can doit long term, and I mean for
life, do it forever.
So look, in the end, thecaveman diet is just another
restrictive, short-term fix thatisn't designed to fit into the
complexities of modern life.
It promises quick results, forsure, but at the cost of

long-term sustainability andenjoyment.
On the other hand, the way Ieat offers a balanced, flexible
approach that allows you toenjoy your food, to live your
life fully and still reach yourweight loss goals.
Look, if it becomes hard work,you're not going to do it.
So with what I do, you're notjust losing weight, you're
building a lifestyle thatpromotes health, happiness and

You don't have to live like acaveman to be healthy.
I'm sure a lot of you paleoslash caveman diet people are
going out this Halloween ascavemen.
I'm looking forward to seeingthat.
But instead you need to liveyour life, love your food and
lose weight in a way that feelsgood both now and in the future.
In a way that feels good bothnow and in the future.

So you got to get to the pointwhere you ditch those
restrictive diets and embrace ahealthier, happier way of living
Do it my way or don't, that's upto you.
I can't tell you what to do,but I promise you that if you
make small, smart choices, it'sgoing to work better and it's
going to last for the rest ofyour life.
Oh and, by the way, there's nocaveman rules required with what

I do.
All right, so now you know howI feel about caveman.
You know how I feel about paleo.
They're the same thing,different names, same exact diet
Maybe there's one or two littledifferences, I'm not sure,
because, again, when I look atit, I look at all the people
doing it and I just see peoplewho are setting themselves up
for failure in the long term.

That's it.
That's what I have to say aboutCaveman slash Paleo.
If you're on it, great, do it.
I hope you have success.
But when you do, ultimatelyfail, because you will come back
and just check out what I'mtalking about, which is just
eating in moderation, small,smart choices, giving yourself

the ability to make a mistakeand get right back on the train.
So, anyway, that's it.
For those of you that haven'tread my book, it's called Shut
Up and Choose.
Same as my podcast, we're anAmazon bestseller getting tons
of great reviews, which I'mtremendously grateful for.
I also have a video course ifyou want to learn how to do this
and learn and it's mindset.
I would say.
80% of what I do is abouthaving the right, putting
yourself in the right frame ofmind.
So it's training your mind tobe in the right mindset to lose

The course is called Live Life,love Food, lose Weight.
It's available atlearnshutupandchoosecom.
The people that are using itcurrently I'm getting great
feedback from.
Most important piece is they'relosing weight and they're
eating the food they love, andthere's nothing better than that
So that's it for today.
If you're on the caveman dietbully for you.

If you're on any other fad diet, bully for you.
But at the end of the day, youknow what you got to do.
Shut up and choose.

Speaker 1 (23:31):
You've been listening to Shut Up and Choose.
Jonathan's passion is to sharehis journey of shedding 130
pounds in less than a yearwithout any of the usual
gimmicks no diets, no pills.
And we'll let you in on alittle secret no fucking gym.
And guess what you can do it ittoo.

We hope you enjoyed the show.
We had a fucking blast.
If you did, make sure to like,rate and review.
We'll be back soon, but in themeantime, find jonathan on
instagram at jonathan wrestler,boca raton.
Until next time, shut up andchoose.
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