Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
If you're a whiny
snowflake that can't handle the
truth, is offended by the wordfuck and about 37 uses of it in
different forms gets ass hurt.
When you hear someone speak theabsolute, real and raw truth,
you should leave Like right now.
This is Shut Up and Choose, thepodcast where we cut through
the shit and get real aboutweight loss, life and everything
in between.
We get into the nitty gritty ofmaking small, smart choices
that add up to big results.
From what's on your plate tohow you approach life's
We'll explore how the simpleact of choosing differently can
transform your health, yourmindset and your entire freaking
So if you're ready to cutthrough the bullshit and start
making some real changes, thenbuckle up and shut up, because
we're about to choose our way toa healthier, happier life.
This is Shut Up and Choose.
Let's do this Now.
Your host, jonathan Ressler.
Speaker 2 (01:15):
Welcome back to Shut
Up and Choose the podcast, where
we cut the noise and thenonsense and all the lunacy the
diet industry is spewing at youfrom whether it be TV
commercials or internet guruswho know how you should lose
weight, even though theyprobably never lost a pound so
actually they probably lost apound or two.
But the reality is, I'm here tocut through all that garbage
and give you a little bit ofsarcasm and tell you about my
140-pound weight loss journeyand how I did it and why you
should be doing it too.
But, having said that, I alwaystalk more about what you should
do, how you should do things,and I think today I'm going to
talk about something a littlebit different.
Today I'm going to talk aboutthe benefits of doing what I did
, because for some of you, maybejust knowing what to do isn't
Maybe you need to know or hearwhat some of the upside is of
losing weight and gettinghealthy, and I would say the
number one upside is obviouslygetting healthy.
So, with that being said, I wantto say Disney may call itself
the happiest place on earth and,honestly, for good reason.
Disney is an incredible place,unless you take little kids and
holy shit, it's a nightmare, butanyway there's definitely magic
walking down Main Street andhugging Mickey and taking
pictures with all the charactersand watching the fireworks
light up the sky.
There's even a lot of fun inthere Nightclub Island I don't
even remember what it's called,but you know there's a lot of
It's a place of joy and wonderand nostalgia that honestly
captures, like the hearts ofeveryone that goes there, the
hearts of millions of people.
But here's the thing withDisney Disney's magic is
fleeting, the fireworks end, theride stop or the lines are so
long and you head home and a lotof times especially again if
you're there with little kidsyou get home more exhausted than
when you arrived.
So I was thinking about thathappiness and what it really
And to me, I guess realhappiness, the kind that lasts,
isn't found in any theme park.
It's found in how you feelabout your body, your mind and
your life.
So for me, the true happiestplace on earth isn't a
destination, it's a state ofbeing, and that's where I am
right now.
It's what happens when you loseweight, reclaim your health and
honestly transform your life,when you feel good in your body,
confident in your skin and freeto live fully and do all the
things that you want to do, theentire world becomes a happier
So today I want to talk a littlebit more about the
life-changing benefits of weightloss and why getting healthy,
losing the weight is theultimate ticket to joy.
But before we dive into thejoys of weight loss, I know some
of you probably think joys ofweight loss it's a fucking
No, it's not.
Actually it should really be ajoyful process and you won't
lose weight and keep it off ifyou don't find the joy in the
But anyway, it's important toacknowledge the burdens of
living with excess weightphysically, emotionally and
And believe me, if you'reoverweight and I'm not, I don't
know if you're five pounds,probably you won't feel much of
those burdens.
But if you're 20, 50, 100, Iwas over 100 pounds overweight
there's a lot of burden in that.
So the physical weight obviouslyexcess weight can make everyday
tasks feel monumental.
I've told you all the things.
Literally, walking 100 yardswas almost impossible for me
without stopping to rest and Idreaded walking anywhere.
So whether it's climbing up aflight of stairs or carrying
groceries or just standing,honestly it's just standing in
place for extended periods oftime.
The physical strain is constant.
I remember and I've told youthis before I used to ride
around in the handicap cart in astore, whether it be a grocery
store or Home Depot or Costco Ihad to ride in a handicap cart.
It's crazy.
After I lost the weight, goingto those places was a pleasure.
I didn't need the handicap card.
Losing weight allowed me toleave those carts behind and
transforming like that One'sdreaded chore of going to any
store for pretty much anythingOnce I lost the weight, it made
it a manageable and honestlysimple and enjoyable task.
And then you have the emotionalweight.
So the emotional weight iscarrying those extra pounds
isn't just hard on your body,it's hard on your mind.
You feel some shame or someguilt or embarrassment, and it's
easy for that to creep intoyour daily life.
Some people avoid social events.
I know I did.
I would go out somewhat, butnot as much as I wanted to,
because I don't know if I was soself-conscious.
But people are self-conscious.
I wasn't self-conscious becauseI had a fucked up vision of
what I looked like.
Once I saw that, I realizedthat I needed to make a change,
and you also, when you'reimmensely overweight, which I
You feel like you're beingjudged by other people every
time you order some food.
So the mental toll of weightcan create a vicious cycle,
So it's emotional eating leadsto weight gain, which leads to
more emotional struggles, andbreaking that cycle by losing
the weight starts with.
I guess it really started by.
I said I want to be healthy, soyou have to reclaim your health
And when you prioritize yourhealth and lose the weight, the
changes go way beyond thephysical.
It's not just about what youlose, it's about what you gain.
And I always say that thebigger I got, the smaller my
life got, or the smaller myworld got and I know that's a
cliche, but I got to tell you itwas the truth.
The bigger I got, the smallermy world got.
I couldn't go places, Icouldn't walk.
I couldn't go on a rollercoaster, I couldn't walk 100
A booth in a restaurant was afucking nightmare.
It's just your world getsreally small when you put on or
carry all that extra weight.
So I got a new lease onmobility.
So the first thing that Inoticed, honestly, after losing
weight is how much easier itbecame to move and I don't.
I'm not just talking about move, like walking, I'm just talking
about getting out of bedwithout all the aches and pains
and stuff like that.
I've told you a thousand timeshow exhausting I used to feel
just walking through a parkinglot or strolling through a park,
which I didn't do because itwas just I never knew if there
was going to be a bench closeenough for when I had to sit
But when I lost the weight,those activities they just I was
freer in them and they weremuch more enjoyable.
I missed certain family andfriends events because I was
worried about how far I couldwalk without needing a break
After losing 140 pounds.
Truthfully, after I lost likethe first 20 or 30 pounds, I
started doing more things.
And I'm not saying all of asudden I was mobile after 20
pounds, because I wasn't, but Iwas a lot more mobile than I
The pride and the joy that youget from being able to walk is
really a great motivationalfactor for getting this done.
As I told you a couple minutesago, I used to ride in the
handicap cart in the store.
It was embarrassing buthonestly it would have been more
embarrassing to collapse on thefloor because I was so
So I did it and I've been inplenty of stores and I've seen
plenty of fat people in cartsand they're not handicapped,
they're just fucking fat.
And so was I and I.
It's humiliating but it'snecessary, so I get it.
Those tools the handicap cardor using a rail or whatever they
were helpful when I needed it,but they definitely made me feel
limited and, like I said, onceI lost the weight I didn't have
to do that and I was able towalk freely through a store, I
was able to walk through a park,I could walk around the block.
It was just a big difference.
Another one is just comfort inpublic spaces, right, so I mean
weight loss transformed how youexperience these public places,
from airplanes to restaurantsand the beach.
I live in Florida.
I couldn't go to the beachbecause I didn't know if I could
get from my car to the beachand back.
But I'm about to get on a plane, actually in a couple hours.
So let me talk about flying.
Flying and you know, I've toldyou this before flying can be a
nightmare when you're fat, right, the worry of whether the
seatbelt's going to fit or ifyou're going to spill over into
the next seat really kind ofovershadows the whole trip.
It's the nightmare part of thetrip.
I bought my own seatbeltextender at one point because I
was so fat.
The seatbelt clearly didn't goaround me and it was so
embarrassing to ask the flightattendant for a seatbelt
extender, so I bought one.
That's crazy, the relief andthe freedom that I'm feeling
right now, knowing I'm gettingon a plane and I don't need a
seatbelt extender.
It'll go around me just fineand it just makes the trip much
And I'm that same though thisthing that I call booth anxiety.
Every time I went into arestaurant I would make sure no,
no, no, I want a table.
I don't like booths Because thetruth is your stomach got in
the way or it might be too tight.
It would make the hole,literally.
I sat in a booth a couple oftimes where my stomach was
pressing against the table.
Talk about an unenjoyable meal.
That should have been a wake-upcall for me every time, but it
wasn't, because I guess itwasn't important enough to me.
I wasn't making small, smallchoices.
I'd sit down in a booth with mybelly pressing into the table
and I'd still eat like an animal.
So after I lost the weight, Ican slide into a booth with ease
It's simple and I know that maysound like a small victory to
some of you out there, but thetruth is it brings me tremendous
relief and tremendous joy toknow that I can go sit anywhere
in any restaurant and I canslide into the booth no problem.
Honestly, I still prefer atable.
I just like the idea that Icould slide back and move to the
But I don't have booth anxietyanymore.
The only thing that's availableis a booth.
I'm sitting in the booth.
That's a huge relief.
I don't even I don't know howto even put that into words.
What a big relief that is.
I also sleep so much better.
Sleep is so important for yourhealth and your happiness.
But excess weight, being thatfat, definitely kept me from
I could only sleep on my back,because sleeping on my side was
a chore.
Sleeping on my stomach, forgetabout it.
It was like sleeping on top ofa mountain.
But one of the biggest benefitsof losing the weight is no
Snoring is very, very commonfor people that are carrying a
lot of extra weight, and it'smore than just annoying to
whoever you're sleeping in bedwith, to your partner or
whatever it can signal, and itdid signal some serious health
problems like obstructive sleepapnea.
I had it, so I can tell you,and that was causing many other
But after I lost the weight mysnoring basically went away.
I'm not saying I never snore.
I snore maybe a little bit acouple times in a night, but it
basically is completely gone.
And better sleep for me meansmore energy, a better mood and,
honestly, better overall healthfor you, for me and for anyone
sharing your bed.
It's definitely a big benefit,not only to you but to your
partner, your significant otherDefinitely a big benefit not
only to you but to your partner,your significant other.
And losing the weight actuallyreally increased my sleep
quality by reducing that sleepapnea.
So I now, for the last year anda half or year, depending on
how you count it I wake up trulyrested for the first time in I
don't know 50 some odd years.
That kind of energy, waking up,feeling good, getting out of
bed and feeling good carriesover into every other part of
your day.
So big benefit better sleep andno snoring.
I never really suffered fromthis, but I find that I'm even
more confident than I was beforelosing weight.
For me, losing weight wasn't somuch about well, no, it was
about looking good, because Ilooked at myself and I was like,
wow, you are disgusting.
But it was more about feelinggood in my own skin and I told
you this in my book and I wasmasterful not seeing myself on
any reflective surface.
I literally I brushed my teethand I shaved in the morning and
I honestly didn't even seemyself.
I guess that was because Itrained myself not to really see
what I look like.
But when I lost the weight Iwas like, wow, look, I look a
Wow, once I actually got anhonest picture of what I look
Now I look in the mirror andsay, wow, that's a lot of
I'm telling you that my iPadthat I didn't use for many years
didn't recognize me in facialrecognition.
That's a pretty serious changein your face.
So seeing the physical resultsof your hard work is definitely
empowering and, honestly, whenyou're not I know I was massive
I say I look like I was havingquadruplets.
Speaker 1 (13:56):
Speaker 2 (13:57):
I think I used to say
it didn't really bother me,
even though I knew people werestaring at me.
I guess now, maybe in hindsight, maybe it did bother me a
little bit.
But when you're not worriedabout how you look or whether
others are judging you because Iknow now, honestly, I'm an ex,
I'm ex, I'm not a skinny guy,but I'm, you know, an ex massive
guy and when I see a big, fatguy or girl, I definitely judge
I definitely think so.
I know people were doing thatto me.
So I'm just much morecomfortable in social situations
, whether it's a party, a workevent, family gathering.
Weight loss gives you theconfidence to show up and engage
So if you're going to get onthis weight loss journey with me
, if you're going to do thisthing, you'll be amazed at how
your confidence improves.
Of course, one of the biggestbenefits is improved health.
I don't know what else to say.
Losing weight doesn't justchange how you feel.
It changes your future.
It really does.
Being obese, carrying all thisexcess weight, is linked to so
many different health risks,like diabetes, which is the only
one I never had.
I don't know how I didn't getdiabetes, but heart disease.
I had congestive heart failureand atrial fibrillation, high
blood pressure.
I had it all the time Losingeven a little bit of weight,
even in the first month.
It dramatically reduced my riskof those conditions and I think
ultimately added years to mylife.
Another, I guess, health thingis that joint pain right.
My elbows hurt, my knees hurt,my ankles hurt my thigh,
everything hurts.
Well, thigh is not a joint.
Well, I guess it is, or hip,but everything hurt.
I woke up full of aches andpains, and that's very common
with people who are carrying alot of weight.
So when I lost the weight, evenin the beginning, again the
joint pain became less and less,to today, where I really very
rarely have any joint pain.
So when the strain on yourjoint increases, that leads to
less pain, which I just said andgreater mobility, something
that I was dying to have.
I wanted to be able to walkaround.
And another benefit or I guessanother health benefit is when I
got my labs done, when I wentand got blood tests, the weight
loss led to measurableimprovements in my cholesterol,
in my blood sugar, my bloodpressure.
Those are not just numbers thatyou should know, like hey, you
should know your cholesterol.
They're not just numbers,they're signs of how healthy you
are, and the better yournumbers are, the stronger your
body becomes.
So the mental benefits I mean,I'm sorry, the health benefits
are just immeasurable.
Well, actually they aremeasurable, but they're what it
does to your body.
And, as I told you many times Iwas on eight medications.
I had every ailment a fat guycould have and now I'm on zero
medications, I don't takeanything and I don't have any of
those ailments.
All my heart issues are gone,my high blood pressure is gone,
my cholesterol is normal, myresting pulse rate is normal.
I could end the podcast herebecause of how important that is
to me.
Another benefit is you're in astronger place, mentally right.
Weight loss can have and hasfor me, honestly had profound
effects on my mental health.
You know, when you finally losethe weight, you prove to
yourself that, hey, pretty muchanything is possible For most
If you're severely overweight,you feel like I can't do
anything about this.
I was there.
I was laying in the hospital.
I was like fuck this, I'll just.
You know, just let me die.
You think it's insurmountable.
When you lose the weight andyou change your entire body,
your outlook on life changes,you say you know what, if I did
that, I can do anything.
So I really believe that losingweight creates a ripple effect
in your life that basicallyeliminates all self-doubt and it
replaces it with self-beliefand confidence.
If you're overweight right now,you know damn well that there
is nothing harder than losingweight when you're following a
fad diet or you'requasi-committed, because I do
believe you have to get in apositive weight loss mindset to
lose weight.
But once you lose the weight,holy shit, your confidence just
goes through the roof.
And I think it gave me betteremotional health and I wasn't
I wasn't anything like, oh,maybe I will Fuck it, I don't
even know, maybe I was depressed, but it gives you better
emotional health.
Exercise, which I do.
My exercise is walking, that'swhat I do.
I don't go to the gym.
In case you forgot, I fuckinghate the gym.
I don't lift weights, and I'mnot saying going to the gym and
lifting weights is not good foryou.
Of course it is and you shoulddo it.
I just don't.
And I believe you have to dowhat you're willing to do.
You know I'm not willing to goto the gym, so if I make myself
go to the gym it becomesunmanageable.
I don't want to do it and thenI'm like, ah, fuck it.
So, but exercising and eatinghealthy, it just reduces all
those symptoms of any anxiety ordepression.
Again, maybe I had it, maybe Ididn't, but the simple act of
taking care of yourself createsa positive feedback loop right,
and we're feeling good motivatesyou to keep going.
It sure as shit did for me.
I work better, I'm more social.
It just puts you in a greatmental state.
And then, of course, there's theeveryday joys that you never
So the truth is yeah, okay, youwant to lose weight because you
want to look good or you wantto.
Whatever your reason is,whatever your why is, I mean,
there should only be one why,and that's to get healthy, to
live longer.
But whatever your why is, ifit's a shitty goal, like to fit
into a size pair of pants orwhatever, fine, but it's those
small, unexpected benefits thatreally brought me the most of
So, like, for me, clothesshopping became exciting instead
of frustrating.
I don't have to wear a 5 or 6Xshirt anymore.
I can actually shop in normalpeople's stores Wow, that's
incredible, and I was a big fanof Rochester big and tall, and I
still am Great store and DXLnot as good of a store.
Since they took over Rochester,rochester also has fallen down,
but that's in a podcast foranother day.
But the reality is I can findstuff that fits me well and
makes me feel good when I wearit, and I don't care who you are
and what you tell me.
That's a confidence booster.
And now I can also enjoy someof those physical activities
that I couldn't do.
Like the idea of hiking to mewould be like holy shit, I'd
rather chew glass.
But now I'm not saying I'm ahiker because I'm not, but going
for a long walk, I really enjoythat now.
Swimming I was always a reallygood swimmer when I was young,
but when I was huge you wouldthink that like a whale could
swim well.
But I couldn't swim well.
Everything hurt me.
So I swim now and I told you Igo to the beach.
I was afraid to go to the beachfor years, not because I gave a
shit what anyone thought Ilooked like, cause, like I said,
I really didn't have.
I didn't know what I lookedlike.
I had some other crazyself-image.
But the thought of just goingwalking from the car to the
beach and then sitting down andhaving to get up, it was like
there's no fucking way.
I'm going there.
So I'm enjoying physicalactivities that I couldn't enjoy
for years.
So I do like to ride my bicycle, so I'm riding my bicycle too,
so you get to participate inlife a hell of a lot more when
you finally lose the weight.
I mean just easy things.
I can do things with my kidsand my kids are all adults now
but I can do things with themthat I couldn't do two years ago
I couldn't walk around and goshopping or go to a restaurant
without trying to figure outwhere I was going to park it
close to the place, so I wasn'tbasically dying on the way in.
So I told you that I'm notreally going to talk that much
about what you should do and Ithink that I'll give you four
easy things that you should do.
That'll kind of get you startedon your journey if you haven't
started already.
So first well, this isn't reallythe first thing, this is the
most important thing is thatlosing weight and reclaiming
your health doesn't happenovernight.
Sorry, it just doesn't happenthat way.
You didn't, like all of asudden go to sleep last night
and put on 75 pounds thismorning.
It takes time.
Putting it on took time andtaking it off takes time.
But it's achievable with smallsmart choices, small, consistent
So the first one, which for me Ithink was the most important,
is that I focused on progress,not perfection.
I started out I went all in,but I just made small changes.
And again, that could be don'tdrink that soda or that I would
like to sweet tea.
Don't drink that.
Drink some water instead andyou'll see how much better you
Or walk 10 minutes a day.
I didn't do that for over ayear because I convinced myself
that I couldn't.
Then one day I went out and,yes, I couldn't walk as far as I
walk today.
But just take that.
Know that you're going to makemistakes.
Know that you're going to eatsomething bad.
Know that you're going to goout drinking one night.
Know that you're going to eattoo much.
Know that you're going to eat adonut or ice cream or cake or
candy, whatever your thing is.
That's okay.
It's okay.
It's not no one, no one, isperfect on a weight loss journey
, and it's okay.
You didn't blow it.
You just had a small bad choice.
And the great thing is you canmake your next choice a small,
smart choice, and you stay righton track.
So focus on progress, notperfection.
Number two is definitelycelebrate every victory, no
matter how small it is, andespecially non-scale victories.
No matter how small it is, andespecially non-scale victories,
obviously, we know, when we loseweight, the number on the scale
But there's other victories,like for me it was honestly
being able to tie my shoes, itwas being able to walk, it was
being able to sleep at it.
They're just as important asthe number on the scale.
I promise Once you start to seethose small, non-scale
victories, you'll be motivated.
The next one is you have to findjoy in the process.
Okay, I found joy in theprocess.
It took me a little while, butI found joy in the process.
I was really excited about howI was losing weight and how much
better I felt and all kinds ofjoy that I was finding.
Like if I, honestly, if I dranka glass of water instead of an
Arizona iced tea, like I waslike, damn, yeah, I just yeah,
that's progress.
And so I really found joy inthe process.
You have to make it enjoyableor you won't stick to it.
And again it kind of goes backto the first one I said.
You know, if you make a mistake, big fucking deal, you made a
mistake, so what?
So you know, if you make amistake, big fucking deal, you
made a mistake, so what?
So really find joy in theprocess and enjoy what you're
doing and know that you're doingit for a really important
reason, and that's to be healthy, to get your life back.
If you're more than 50 poundsoverweight, you're not living
the life you deserve, so findsome joy in that.
And then the last one is for alot of people, this is important
is find a support system.
You know, when you go on a diet, everybody out there is going
to tell you you should do this,you should do that.
They're going to tell you wait,are you sure you should be
Fuck them.
Find the people that supportwhat you're doing Don't judge
what you're doing and encourageyou and motivate you, and that
could be your friends, yourfamily or even go to an online
community because you want to bewith like-minded people.
You don't want to hear all thepeople telling you, like when I
was on paleo, oh, you can't eat.
But you know, give me a break.
You have to do what's right foryou.
That's why I think the dietindustry is so completely full
of shit.
They give you a meal planthat's set for someone else.
I can't eat someone else's menu.
I want to eat my menu and Iknow, and you know what we
should be eating how much of it?
When we know all that shit, itcomes pre-programmed.
It's just a matter of howimportant your why is how
How much do you desire?
Are you burning to be healthy?
And that'll keep you on thetrack.
So I think that's also reallyimportant.
So look, I started this thingout by talking about Disney, and
I'm a big Disney fan, so don'tget me wrong.
Disney's magic is wonderful.
I love it, it's great, but itdoesn't hold a candle to the
transformation that comes whenyou lose weight and get healthy.
Yeah, disney's a great place,but I got to tell you, losing a
lot of weight and feelinghealthy is the best feeling you
'll ever have.
You feel confident, you feelstrong and you feel free.
I know I feel free for thefirst time in a long time in my
body and, honestly, the entireworld just becomes a happier,
more magical place.
So, while Disney I guess theyhave the castle, the fireworks
and the characters the realhappiest place on earth is
waiting for you.
It's a life where you wake upenergized, you go to bed proud
and you live every moment fully.
That's what's out there for you.
The only question now is are youready to find it.
So I guess that's all I have tosay on the topic.
You can be happy if you chooseto be happy.
That's why I named my book ShutUp and Choose.
The choice is yours.
You know what to eat.
You know the right choices tomake.
Whether or not you make them,that's another story.
So that's it for today.
You can get my book Shut Up andChoose on Amazon, getting a lot
of five-star reviews.
Keep selling people who aresending me emails.
It's changing lives.
That's all I can say and that'sunbelievably gratifying to me.
You can also get my video course.
It's called Live Life, loveFood, lose Weight.
You can get that atlearnshutupandchoosecom.
That's learnshutupandchoosecom23 videos all short, around five
minutes or less.
You can watch it probably in acouple of hours and I promise
you it's life-changing.
It really dives deep into themental and the kind of things
that I did along my journey, thethings that people that I'm
coaching are doing now andseeing amazing results.
So if you know someone thatneeds to lose weight, please get
them to get that video course.
It will change their life andthey'll never have to be on a
diet again.
I'm really excited about howwell that's selling and I'm
really excited about the resultsthat people are getting.
So now you have all the tools.
You know what's out there foryou if you want it.
You know the unbelievable joyand excitement that you can have
, the fulfilled life and thehealthy lifestyle and all that.
It's all out there for you.
So stop making excuses, stopcomplaining and stop
Right now it's time to shut upand choose.
Speaker 1 (28:28):
You've been listening
to Shut Up and Choose.
Jonathan's passion is to sharehis journey of shedding 130
pounds in less than a yearwithout any of the usual
gimmicks no diets, no pills.
And we'll let you in on alittle secret no fucking gym.
And guess what?
You can do it too.
We hope you enjoyed the show.
We had a fucking blast.
If you did, make sure to like,rate and review.
We'll be back soon, but in themeantime, find Jonathan on
Instagram atJonathanWrestlerBocaRaton.
Until next time, shut up andchoose.