Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
If you're a whiny
snowflake that can't handle the
truth, is offended by the wordfuck and about 37 uses of it in
different forms gets ass hurt.
When you hear someone speak theabsolute, real and raw truth,
you should leave Like right now.
This is Shut Up and Choose, thepodcast where we cut through
the shit and get real aboutweight loss, life and everything
in between.
We get into the nitty gritty ofmaking small, smart choices
that add up to big results.
From what's on your plate tohow you approach life's
We'll explore how the simpleact of choosing differently can
transform your health, yourmindset and your entire freaking
So if you're ready to cutthrough the bullshit and start
making some real changes, thenbuckle up and shut up, because
we're about to choose our way toa healthier, happier life.
This is Shut Up and Choose.
Let's do this.
Speaker 2 (01:10):
Now your host,
jonathan Ressler.
Hey, welcome back to Shut Upand Choose my podcast, where I
cut through all the noise andall the bullshit of the diet
I talk about how I lost 140plus pounds without any fad diet
shots, pills or any of theother garbage that people are
peddling out there.
I'm a guy that did it and Iknow how to do it and I'm going
to share it with you.
I share it with you every weekand I'm going to share with you
some stuff today that I thinkyou might find interesting.
So, as you know, I've beendoing some coaching lately and
I'm speaking to a lot of peoplewho are interested, and one of
the things that I hear all thetime is people tell me you know,
I'm eating 1,500 calories and Ijust can't lose weight.
Well, that's bullshit.
Okay, if you're only eating1,500 calories and you're not
losing weight, you are defyingthe law of physics, the laws of
If you're somebody who weighslike 200 pounds or over 200
pounds and you're diligentlytracking all your meals and
you're staying on track andsticking what you believe is a
solid calorie deficit, butyou're not seeing the scale make
any effort, if it's not budgingat all, it can really kind of
piss you off, but here's thetruth.
If you're really in aconsistent calorie deficit,
weight loss will happen.
That's just how biology works.
So look, if the scale isn'tmoving, then there's something
going on right.
Is your metabolism slowing down?
Well, we'll talk about that.
It's unlikely, but we'll getthere.
Could you be forgetting ormisjudging some of your
calorie-dense habits?
Well, that's probably a littlebit closer to the truth, and
understanding what might becausing those sneaky little
calorie surpluses is essentialto taking back control and
really starting to see the realresults.
So before you throw the toweland scream or tell me I've tried
everything and nothing works,let's take a look at some of the
most common reasons peoplethink they're in a calorie
deficit when they're really not,and how you can avoid falling
into those traps.
So first we got to get thebasics straight.
That's the first thing.
Weight loss boils down to asimple principle Calories in
versus calories straight.
That's the first thing.
Weight loss boils down to asimple principle Calories in
versus calories out.
That's it.
To lose weight, you need toburn more calories than you
That's called the caloriedeficit.
Like I said earlier, forsomeone that weighs over 200
pounds maintaining your currentweight generally requires a lot
of calories.
Certainly, I think thecalculator is take your body
weight, multiply it by 10, andthat's how many calories you
need to maintain.
So if you want to lose, youhave to eat less calories.
If you want to gain, you haveto eat more calories.
That's just a general rule ofthumb.
So let's say you weigh 280pounds, so to lose weight, you
need to consume less than 2,800calories and try to create a
calorie deficit of 500 or even1,000 calories a day.
That deficit will help you losea pound or two a week if you're
being honest with yourselfabout what's actually going into
your body.
So why does it seem like somepeople can eat 1,500 calories a
day and still not lose weight?
There's a lot of people that dothat.
I've spoken to a lot of thempersonally.
It's amazing how many peopletell me I'm eating 1,500
calories and I can't lose weight.
Well, here's a few of the commonreasons that could actually
One is you're not actually in afucking calorie deficit, and
that is the most likelyexplanation.
Two is you might beunderestimating your calories by
forgetting to count the smallbut frequent additions.
And three is you're relying oninaccurate food labels or
restaurant calorie counts.
The truth is, no matter whatanyone tells you or what diet
gimmick you try, there's nomagic formula.
The only way to lose weight isthrough a calorie deficit.
Well, I take that back.
You cut off your arm or yourleg and you'll definitely lose
weight, but if you want to loseweight and still keep all of
your body parts, the only way tolose weight is through a
calorie deficit.
So the real challenge is beingaccountable and honest, and you
know I talk a lot aboutaccountability.
So it's about being accountableand honest about how many
calories you're really eatingand taking a look at where you
might be going wrong.
So let me tell you a few of thecommon places that people quote
unquote forget to count calories, because calories are sneaky,
even when you're doing your bestto stick to some diet.
You know I hate caloriecounting, but even when you're
doing your best, it's easy tooverlook some of the
insignificant things that, overthe course of your day, really
add up.
You might think, ah, I'm eatingcleaner, I've got my portions
under control, but there's somecalorie heavy shit that people
consistently forget to accountfor.
So the first one is BLTs and ifyou're thinking bacon, lettuce
and tomato.
That's exactly what I'm talkingabout.
Blt stands for bites, licks andtaste, and it's a big one.
Every time you take one of yourfriends french fries at lunch,
or lick the spoon after you makeyourself a smoothie, or sneak a
few chips while making yourdinner, you're consuming
calories calories that rarelymake it into your food diary or
your app.
And if you have an app or afood diary, you're a fucking
But that's a story for anotherday.
You don't need that.
You already know what to eat,but those seemingly harmless,
stupid little things canliterally tack on hundreds of
calories every single day.
Think about it.
If you take two or three smallbites throughout the day, you
know like, let's say, a spoonfulof peanut butter here, a couple
of french fries there, it caneasily add up to an extra two to
three hundred calories.
The problem is, those caloriesfeel invisible because they're
not part of a proper meal, butthey still count.
A calorie is a calorie is acalorie.
So over time, that mindlesseating can be the difference
between losing weight andstalling.
Another big one that peoplealways look at or forget to look
at, I should say is likecooking oils, butter, sauces,
stuff like that.
So if you're really, if we'regetting real, you're probably
not measuring your oil, butteror cooking spray.
You're just using a lot,dumping it into the pan,
eyeballing it, and if that's thecase, you're probably using a
hell of a lot more than youthink.
Just one tablespoon of oliveoil packs 120 calories.
Most people use a lot more thanthat.
When they're sauteing veggiesor cooking meat or whatever it
is they're using oil for, andwhen they're sauteing veggies or
cooking meat or whatever it is,they're using oil for and
butter, one tablespoon adds 100calories.
But if you're being generous,which we certainly more often
than not do, it's likely a lotmore.
And that isn't to say I'm notsaying that you need to cut that
stuff out, because they'regreat for flavor, essential for
a balanced diet, but you do needto account for them.
Most people think they're usinga little, but those drizzles,
splashes, dollop, whatever youuse quickly turns into major
calorie add-ons.
If you cook all your meals athome and use oil liberally which
a lot of people do and I didyou could easily be adding three
or 400 extra calories a day.
Another thing that I want totalk about is salad dressings
and condiments.
You've made that healthy choiceto order a salad for lunch and
you're feeling good about it,but when it arrives at the table
it's drenched in dressing.
There's a bunch of croutons onthere, maybe some cheese, some
bacon and maybe top with a fewfried chicken strips.
Congratulations, you justordered a calorie bomb.
Most people forget that a saladcan be healthy or it can be the
equivalent of a fast food mealin terms of calorie.
A Caesar salad from chainrestaurant, for example, can
pack over a thousand calories,depending on how it's prepared,
and if you want to, I guesslet's talk a little bit about
If you want to talk likeApplebee's, the Oriental chicken
salad remember I said chickensalad with dressing comes in at
a whopping 1,560 calories.
That's more than an entireday's worth of food for some
people trying to lose weight.
1,560 calories.
At the Cheesecake Factory, thebarbecue chicken ranch salad
clocks in at 1,510 calories, andthat's before you actually look
at the cheesecake, and you knowI like to feed my soul.
So it's not just therestaurant's fault, though.
Even at home we forget that ourhomemade salads can suffer from
the same fate.
A tablespoon of ranch dressing75 calories.
Have you ever just put atablespoon of dressing on your
I think not.
Add another 50 to 100 caloriesCheese, avocado, bacon, all that
other stuff.
You get the idea.
A salad is only healthy if youkeep it simple.
So if you're going to tortureyourself and eat salads, stick
to a low-calorie flavorfuldressing like balsamic vinegar
or lemon juice and use themreally sparingly.
Salads are a huge minefield forpeople.
Another thing that peopleforget about is they forget to
count calories in their drinks,assuming that drinks don't count
the same way food does.
But calories are calories, likeI said before, whether they're
coming from a sugary snack oryour favorite drink.
You might think well, I'm justhaving a glass of juice or iced
tea, but that glass could be 150to 200 calories and more.
If it's like a sweet tea fromNorth Carolina, that is truly a
sugar bomb.
Alcohol is another big one.
A glass of wine that's 120 to150 calories and let's be honest
, most people don't stop at one.
Beer and cocktails.
Even worse, even a singlemargarita comes anywhere between
300 and 500 calories, dependingon how it's made.
So have a couple of those overdinner and you're already well
over the calorie limit for theday without even realizing it.
Another big one for me isdefinitely portion sizes.
If you're not weighing ormeasuring your food which I
don't think you should you'reprobably eating more than you
If you look at that portion andit looks too big it is.
So people love the eyeballportion size and the truth is
we're pretty freaking bad at it.
For example, what you think isa serving of peanut butter might
actually be closer to two orthree servings.
A tablespoon of peanut butteris not a tablespoon that's
overflowing with a bunch of thebottom, it's a flat tablespoon
of peanut butter.
What you eat, what I eat, whatmost people eat, is two or three
servings and that easilydoubles or triples the calorie
A single serving of peanutbutter is two tablespoons or 190
calories, but most people likemyself like slather it all over
the bread like it's some zerocalorie fairy dust.
But it's not.
It's low in calories.
The same thing goes for allnuts, granola cheese, pasta.
If you're eating foods that arecalorie dense, portion control
really becomes critical.
And if you're not payingattention, it's easy to blow
your calorie budget without evennoticing.
So I want to go back to thesalads for a second, because
salads are often viewed as theepitome of health.
And sure they can be if doneright.
But all too often salads turninto calorie bombs that rival
even the unhealthiest fast foodmeals.
What starts as a bowl of freshveggies quickly becomes a
calorie disaster when you pileon the toppings, the cheese, the
dressings and anything andeverything else that sounds good
I mean, a salad bar is like afreaking minefield.
So let's say you're a chainrestaurant and decide to quote
be healthy by ordering a salad.
Here's where things start to gowrong.
The Applebee's Oriental ChickenSalad I said this before, I
think is 1,560 calories.
The Cheesecake Factory BarbecueRanch Chicken Salad 1,510
California Peach and KitchenWaldorf Chicken Salad 1,510
California Peach and KitchenWaldorf Chicken Salad 1,260
Chili's Quesadilla Explosionthat name should make you give
you a little fear.
The Quesadilla Explosion Salad1,430 calories.
Those salads are loaded withthings like crispy fried chicken
, sugary dressings, shreddedcheese, croutons and, in the
case of Chiliies and maybe acouple others, even tortilla
strips or candy nuts.
Those add-ons might make thesalad taste great.
I'm not going to say they don'ttaste great, but they're
turning what should be alow-calorie, nutrient-dense meal
into something that could bepushing 1,500 or more calories.
There's so many other thingsyou can eat that are delicious,
that are a lot less than 1,500calories.
Even your homemade salads cansuffer from the health halo
If you're adding heavydressings or a bunch of high-fat
toppings and nuts and cheeseand bacon, you might be looking
at a calorie-laden meal that'sanything, anything but light.
So be careful of salads.
I kind of laugh at people.
Well, I only eat salad.
I don't understand it.
I'm putting on weight.
Well, you're not really eatingsalary, you're eating a freaking
calorie bomb.
Now I want to get to the thingthat really drives me up the
fucking wall, which is coffeedrinks.
They're basically hiddenmilkshakes in disguise, right?
People overlook their morningcoffee or their afternoon coffee
all the time.
Your morning coffee might seemlike it's an innocent part of
your routine, but if you'regrabbing a flavored latte or a
frappuccino, you could besetting yourself back hundreds
of calories before 9am evenrolls around.
If your drink has a doubleanything in it, if it says if
there's double in the, if itsays if there's double in the in
your description, if there'sdouble in your order, you're
drinking a fuckload of calories.
Coffee is, like, oftenperceived as a low calorie drink
, but once you start adding thesyrups and the whipped cream and
the milk and the flavored shotsand that harmless cup of coffee
becomes basically a dessertdisguised as a beverage.
So let's look at I'm not reallya Starbucks guy, but let's just
take a quick look at some ofthe Starbucks stuff.
Starbucks is notorious foroffering coffee drinks that are
more milkshake than caffeine fix.
You might think that grabbingthat simple pick-me-up, but the
truth is, depending on yourorder, you could be sipping
something with a calorie countof an entire meal.
So here's just a quickbreakdown for some of the worst
So a grande, these are allgrandes.
Caramel Frappuccino 380calories.
A white chocolate mocha 430calories.
Mocha cookie crumbleFrappuccino 480 calories.
And here's the big one, becausewe're in pumpkin spice latte
People, it's pumpkin spicesback.
Fuck that shit.
Pumpkin spice latte atStarbucks 390 calories.
And that's if you don't get thewhipped cream.
If you get the whipped cream,you're looking at over 420
So these drinks aren't just afew extra calories, they're
again, they're calorie bombs andthey can totally fuck up your
progress If you're having themregularly.
Oh, and also, don't forget, I'mat Starbucks, so I might as
well get a pastry on the sideand suddenly the little coffee
break Turned into a 700 calorieindulgence that really, in the
end, doesn't even keep you full.
Now, while I'm not a Starbucksguy, I am a Dunkin' Donuts guy
and I think their slogan shouldbe not America runs on Dunkin',
america runs on sugar.
And, by the way, sugar doesn'tmake you fat.
Too much sugar makes you fat.
But anyway, dunkin' isn't thatmuch better.
Their coffee drinks pack justas many calories and sometimes
even more than Starbucks.
So again, here's just a quicklook.
I've never had one of thesedrinks in my life, but I see
people ordering them all thetime.
A large frozen caramel coffeeculotta 850 calories.
A medium mocha swirl frozencoffee 840 calories.
A medium iced coffee with creamand sugar okay, that's not so
bad 240 calories.
Those drinks are likemilkshakes.
They're more like milkshakesthan coffee, and they're
probably adding hundreds, if notthousands, of extra calories to
your week without you realizingit Honestly when I go to
Dunkin' I either get a blackiced coffee with two Stevias or
an unsweet iced tea with twoStevias that has almost no
I learned to do that.
Those are empty calories that Ididn't want to eat.
And again, I didn't countcalories.
I never counted calories.
I just know, like you fuckingknow, what are shitty calories,
what calories you don't needversus what calories you do need
So you know what to eat.
Like I said before, the biggestproblem on these things is,
unlike a meal of protein andfiber that can keep you full for
hours, these sugar bombs, thesesugary coffee drinks, spike
your blood sugar.
They give you quick energyboosts and then they leave you
crashing right afterwards andthat leaves you hungry and
you're likely to snack morethroughout the day, which only
adds more calories to your dailyintake.
So those liquid calories arebrutal because you're not
chewing anything, you're notsavoring a meal and you're not
getting the satisfaction thatcomes with eating real food.
You're essentially drinking adessert without any of the
I don't get it.
It's an easy way to cut a shitton of calories out of your diet
every single week.
Another thing about countingcalories because you know, like
I've said a hundred times, Idon't think you should count
I think if you're using caloriecounting app or you're using
creating a food journal, you'rea fucking idiot because you know
what to eat.
You don't need anybody to tellyou.
But here's, I'll give you thescientific reason why you're a
fucking idiot.
Well, this is not why you're anidiot, but it's why counting
calories is just fucking stupid.
Even if you're religiouslytracking your calories and
logging every meal, there'sanother thing that you might not
be aware of.
Calorie counts on labels andmenus can be significantly off.
Research shows that food labelcan be off by up to 25%.
And the situation is even worsewhen it comes to restaurant
In a study published in theJournal of the American Medical
Association, researchers testedrestaurant meals and found a lot
of them contained far morecalories than what was listed on
the menu.
Some meals had an extra two orthree hundred calories beyond
what was stated.
So even if you're following thenumbers exactly, you could
still be eating a lot more thanyou think.
And the discrepancy is evenmore prevalent in processed
foods and pre-packaged meals.
Manufacturers are allowed toround calorie counts in the
nearest 10 or 20, which meansyou're probably eating a lot
more calories than the labelsays.
So over time, here's 10 or 20,which means you're probably
eating a lot more calories thanthe label says.
So over time, that small marginof error adds up.
Remember, it's all about smallgains.
And let's talk about weightloss being like interest in a
bank account.
Well, it's the same thing.
When you're adding 20, 30, 50more calories in every meal, it
basically contributes to yourweight loss journey failing or
Journey failing or stalling.
In a worst case scenario, it'seven going to make you gain
weight because you're eatingmore calories than you're
So now that you're armed withthat knowledge, people always
get pissed at me when I say look, you're fat because of your
You choose to be fat.
And I always say, look, youcould be conscious or
unconscious, that's irrelevant,it doesn't matter.
The choices that you made havebrought you to this place of
being fat.
End of sentence.
The good news is, you can makebetter choices and you can
choose to lose the weight.
So I want to end this by tellingyou five ways that I believe
you can save up to 500 caloriesa day very easily.
So, if you're really strugglingto lose weight or you're eating
1,500 calories a day veryeasily.
So if you're really strugglingto lose weight, you're eating
1,500 calories a day bullshit.
But if you're really strugglingto lose weight, then there's a
good chance you're really eatingmore than you realize.
But again, you don't have toworry.
You don't need to overhaul yourentire life to start seeing
Don't overhaul your life.
That's not what this is about.
You won't last if you do that.
It's about making small, smartchoices that fit into your life.
So I'm going to give you fivethings that I believe will
really help you save a ton ofcalories.
One is we talked about it getrid of those sugary coffee
Don't have that delifrappuccino, that flavored latte
or the sugary iced coffee.
Just have the simple blackcoffee or an iced coffee or an
That one swap, that one swapalone, can save you three to 500
calories a day with no effort.
Yeah, if you want to add asplash of milk or some kind of
sweetener, do it, but don't getthe syrup and the whipped cream.
It's a simple one and it'llsave you a ton of calories.
Another one you know I'magainst measuring my food and
all that crap, but measure yourcooking oils if you have to, or
just use less.
Instead of eyeballing yoursugar and butter, use a
measuring spoon if you need to.
Swapping out two tablespoons ofoil for one tablespoon per meal
can save you 120 calories ameal.
Over three meals, that's 360calories gone from just being a
little bit more mindful aboutwhat you're putting into your
You know I say it's all aboutmindful eating.
You have to be mindful.
Number three we didn't talkabout this, but this is.
It sucks, but it's a good one.
Skip the booze right.
Cutting out just one glass ofwine or a couple of cocktails a
night can save you anywherebetween 150 and 300 calories If
you drink regularly.
If you drink a couple ofcocktails a night can save you
anywhere between 150 and 300calories If you drink regularly.
If you drink a couple nights aweek, that can add up really,
really fast.
Not to mention that alcohol.
Your body looks at alcohol aspoison and it stops burning fat
from anywhere from 24 to 72hours, depending on how much
alcohol you drink.
So swap out that booze for Idon't know sparkling water with
a lemon or some kind of otherlow calorie beverage and you can
save hundreds of calories aweek that way.
Number four is watch your snacks.
I was a big grazer, I wouldjust eat shit just to eat it.
So mindless snacking addshundreds of extra calories to
your day.
So instead of reaching forthose calorie dense snacks like
chips or other shit, try somelower calorie options like fruit
, vegetables or even air-poppedpopcorn is good, and I love
You can easily save 200 or 300calories by making these small,
smart snack choices.
And number five we kind of goback to the salad thing.
Cut back on the dressing of thesauces.
Instead of drowning your saladand your meals in heavy
dressings and sauces, go forsome lighter options.
Use balsamic vinegar, lemonjuice or even a light
vinaigrette instead of creamydressing.
That simple switch can save youtwo to four hundred calories
per meal, depending on how muchyou usually use.
This is easy stuff.
I'm not asking you to go outand eat quinoa and kale and go
to the gym for 12 hours a dayand do all this crazy shit and
take shots.
No, don't do any of that.
Just do these small littlethings and you'll save hundreds
and hundreds of calories a dayand thousands of calories a week
and as you know, of calories aday and thousands of calories a
week and, as you know, a typicalperson needs to be in a calorie
deficit of 3,500 calories overa period of time to lose one
So if you're down 500 caloriesevery single day, if you're in a
calorie deficit of 500 everyday, you're going to lose a
pound a week.
If you're 411 pounds, like Iwas, I could eat 4100 calories a
day to maintain my 411 poundweight.
I was probably eating somewherein the realm and, again, I
never counted calories, so Idon't know for sure, but I was
probably eating about 2000calories a day, which is a shit
ton of food.
I mean, it was great, I waseating great food.
So make sure that you do theselittle things and other little
things to really jumpstart andrev up your weight loss.
So the bottom line is thisweight loss comes down to being
in a calorie deficit.
There are no magic pills,there's no miracle diets and
there's no shortcuts.
If you're not losing weight,it's because you're not
consistently in a deficit and,by the way deficit you could be
in a calorie surplus one day anda deficit the next day and at
the end of the week you're stillin a deficit.
So if you fuck up, if you makea mistake.
It's not over.
You just got to do better.
You have to make small, smartchoices.
The truth is, if you're notlosing weight, the most likely
explanation is that you'reeating more than you realize.
My whole philosophy is aboutmindful eating.
Think before you put anythingin your mouth and if you really
think about it and there's abetter choice, make that small
Just make it today.
You don't have to make ittomorrow.
Just make it today.
Tomorrow you can go back toeating your shit.
But once you find that you'relosing weight and you see that
you're making progress, Ipromise you those small, smart
choices will change.
And again, I just want to endthis by saying I'm not saying
you need to count every singlecalorie down to the last bite.
You don't, because that'sbullshit, that's like a waste of
time, it causes anxiety, it'sjust, it's horrible.
But you do need to be honestwith yourself.
Stop bullshitting yourself andtelling yourself you tried
That's a crock of shit.
If you're still ordering thatsugary coffee drink or
overloading your salads withdressing or just mindlessly
snacking, you haven't triedeverything.
There's a lot more out there.
There's only one way to loseweight and that's in the calorie
deficit, the only thingstanding between you and your
weight loss goals is your ownability to make smart choices,
to stay accountable and keepthings simple.
Stop overcomplicating it.
Cut out the shit that you knowis bad for you.
It's that fucking easy.
All right, I tired myself out.
I'm wiped out, so I'll end itby telling you if you haven't
bought my book, definitely buyit.
It's on Amazon.
We've reached bestseller status, getting great reviews.
It's really exciting.
I also launched an online videocourse.
That is 23 videos.
It takes you through my wholephilosophy.
It's just me talking.
It's nothing fancy, no fancyediting, no bullshit.
It's just the simplest way tolose weight and keep it off.
So that's my commercial for theday and again you're fat
because you make the choice tobe fat, and you made the choice
to be fat and you can make thosechoices that will make you thin
, that will help you lose theweight, that will help you
achieve your weight loss goal.
It's that simple.
So stop fucking complaining andshut up and choose.
Speaker 1 (26:54):
You've been listening
to Shut Up and Choose.
Jonathan's passion is to sharehis journey of shedding 130
pounds in less than a yearwithout any of the usual
gimmicks no diets, no pills.
And we'll let you in on alittle secret no fucking gym.
And guess what?
You can do it too.
We hope you enjoyed the show.
We had a fucking blast.
If you did, make sure to like,rate and review.
We'll be back soon, but in themeantime, find Jonathan on
Instagram atJonathanWrestlerBocaRaton.
Until next time, shut up andchoose.