What is posture and why is it so important to have when building your network marketing business?
Posture is the belief in what you have regardless of external acceptance or approval.
Most people lack posture, especially when faced with negativity, or push back.
Having posture when building your network marketing business, is the difference between being great at getting new business and being terrible at it.
Before I get into how to have posture, which will drastically increase your closing rate, I wanted to tell you about the free gift I have waiting for you over on - it’s the ultimate home business success guide with the 7 insider tips that will help you build the successful Network Marketing business you really want to have. Go grab it…not right this second, but after this episode LOL - pop over to
Okay, so…Having posture, is you coming from a position of strength, not weakness.
Often times, when we are talking to someone about our products or opportunity and they say they are too busy right now to take a look, or maybe they are even flat out negative and say something like, “I’ve tried one of those things before. Only the people at the top make money. It’s a scam.”, we go right into convincing mode.
We love our company and we love our products and we just know that if they take a look, there’s a great chance that they’ll love them too so we go into all the reasons why our company is so great and how it’s different than anything else out there. How the comp plan is the best in the industry and the products are patented, they’re the only products doctors recommend. Can’t get them anywhere else in the world…blah blah blah.
When people are skeptical or negative, we tend to go into this convincing mode, especially if we are desperate.
Desperation doesn’t work.
We have to have the energy of not needing them to join or buy.
Begging and pleading doesn’t work
Don’t try to convince or defend in the attempt to turn them around
There is a 100% chance you are going to be hit with all kinds of replies that are going to test your Posture.
People being;
Don’t think they can do it
Are all tests of your posture
When we get hit with these tests, most Network Marketers think;
Okay, even though they are too busy right now
Okay, even though they are negative, how can I still get them to buy
turn around
They are pulling away from you and your are leaning into them, chasing them. That doesn’t work.
Think about if you were on a 1st date. He was nice and pretty funny. You had a good time. As you are saying goodbye, he asks if you’d like to go on a second date. You told him you’d love to, but you’re super busy right now with the holidays coming up and the kids home from school, but you’ll let him know as soon as you’re freed up a bit.
He said he completely understood. However, 30 min later he reaches out to you and tells you that he’s the best guy out there, he’s not like anyone else you’ve ever dated, he’ll adapt his schedule to yours and he’ll be available whenever you are, the next day, the day after, the day after that, the day after that and he gives you all the reasons why you need to go on a second date with him right away, completely dismissing the fact you told him you were busy.
He’s coming off as being desperate, pushy and needy. A complete turn off. You would go from being interested in seeing him again, to being completely repelled. There is not a chance that you’ll...
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