Episode Transcript
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Introduction (00:05):
Welcome to the
Small Business Marketing Huddle.
Our show is all about takingaction.
We equip you with the marketingknowledge and confidence you
need to make real progress.
So let's huddle up and listenin to the latest episode with
your host, Lily Richmond.
Lily Richmond (00:30):
Hey, this is Lily
Thank you for being here today.
If you're already subscribed tothe show, thank you so much.
I do really appreciate youtuning in and I am stoked that
you are taking some reallyproactive steps to take control
of your marketing.
And if this is the first timeyou're here, don't forget to hit
follow or subscribe and yourfavourite podcast player,
because today, like in everyepisode, I'm going to cover a
marketing topic that I thinkthat you really have to learn if
you want to master yourmarketing.
And make sure you listen inuntil the end, because I'm going
to give you the details on howto download a really easy to
follow template to create yourown launch marketing plan.
Well, it is time to celebrate.
This is the seventh and finalepisode in the series on where
to start with your marketingwhen you are just starting out
in business, and today is allabout your launch.
This is super exciting.
It's going to be a rapid fireepisode and I'm going to walk
you through how to create asimple prioritised launch
marketing plan for your newbusiness.
But first let's recap whatwe've covered so far in the
In part one, we talked allabout how to make your product
or service irresistible.
Then, in part two, we uncoveredyour target market and ideal
Part three we crafted asingle-minded statement on how
you make your customer's lifebetter.
And in part four, wedemystified how to set pricing
so you could win business andmake a profit.
Part five I talked all aboutbrand strategy and how you
distill your brand essence downinto three words.
That was a cracker of anepisode.
And part six, it was all aboutdistribution strategy and I gave
you some strategies to considerwhen you get ready to get your
product or service into themarket.
And I'm really excited abouttoday, because this is where
everything that you've learnedin the last six episodes, that
collective knowledge that you'vebuilt up, gets consolidated
into your launch marketing plan.
Yes, you, I see you, the personwho's gone through and
diligently completed each ofthose episodes.
If you have, this whole processis going to be really easy.
It is going to make so muchmore sense to you.
So good on you.
And if you haven't managed todo all of the exercises that
I've set in the last sixepisodes, I'm going to drop a
link in the episode descriptionwhere you can get all of the
Okay, let's talk about launchmarketing plans.
Well, you really only just needto do a simple internet search
for a launch marketing plan andthere will be so many results
You could even put the basicinformation about your business
into ChatGPT and it could whizyou up a plan.
But there is a pitfall with allof this it doesn't teach you
those fundamental concepts ofmarketing that go into getting
you to the point where you cancreate a meaningful launch
marketing plan.
You know.
Before you start with thatmarketing plan, you've got to be
really clear on who your targetaudience is, what your offering
is, how you solve thatcustomer's problem better than
your competitors, how you makethat customer's life better.
Why do they want you in theirlife?
And this neatly ties into thepast six episodes of this series
That's why, when you see a blogpost which has, say, the seven
tactics you need to put in yourlaunch marketing plan or
something along that line, it'sgeneric, it's not specific to
your business or your industryor your target market or your
brand or the local environmentin which you compete.
I think you're getting thepicture, hopefully.
So, yes, there might be somegood ideas out there, but that
is just it.
They're ideas no-transcript,and anyone who tells you that
they have the template onexactly what you need to do to
launch your business, I'd run amile, and that's why I'm really
passionate about teaching youabout how to do marketing so you
get it right and it's right foryour business.
So there we go, got that out ofthe way.
So what goes into a launchmarketing plan?
Well, I've got a pretty simpleformula to keep it super simple
for you, because it can be alittle bit overwhelming when
you're getting ready to launchyour business or a new product
or a new service.
Oh my goodness me, there's likea thousand things to think
So I've kept it really simple.
In a launch marketing plan, youneed a core goal.
That, essentially, is what doessuccess look like when you
launch your business?
That's a really good way tothink about what your core goal
might be.
And then you need to thinkabout what your overarching
marketing priorities are, andthese are your strategies.
What strategies are you goingto employ to achieve that goal?
Then you've got marketingtactics and then you would
calendarize a view of thosevarious activities that you're
going to do by various marketingchannels, for example, social
media, email marketing,advertising, press coverage.
You get the idea and then thelast bit is setting a budget so
you know what you are in for andyou can also use that to help
you prioritize where you want tospend your money to have the
biggest impact.
So that seems pretty simple,right?
So let's get some terminologysorted before we move on.
What is the difference betweenstrategy and tactics?
And this often gets confused.
Most often, tactics are gettingcalled strategies, so the
easiest way to think about it isthis A strategy is what you
want to do to achieve your goal,and the tactics are the actions
or the marketing activitiesthat you're going to do to
deliver on that strategy.
So I'll give you an example.
Say, I've just started up aservice-based consulting
business in my local city.
Now my overall goal of mylaunch marketing plan might be
to secure five new clients inthe first 30 days of launch.
For me, that is what success isgoing to look like once I've
completed everything on mymarketing plan, and that's also
a pretty easy goal for me to beable to measure as well, so I
can look back at the end of mylaunch marketing and go did I
secure those five clients in thefirst 30 days?
Now, what would a strategy be tohelp me achieve that goal of
securing those new clients inthe first 30 days of launch?
And one of my strategies to dothat might be to build my
business profile locally.
And so how would I do that?
How would I achieve thatstrategy?
So what tactics would I put inplace?
Well, it might be about gettingsome great press coverage for
me, and so some tactics that Imight want to use to do that is
I'm going to hold a launch eventat my new office and I'm going
to identify an influentialbusiness person locally who I
could invite to the event as aguest speaker to talk about a
really hot topic.
And then I might employ a rangeof marketing channels that are
going to help me promote thatevent, such as email to my
clients, contacts and thejournalists locally, use
LinkedIn to get the word outabout my event, and then I might
share the success of that eventand send new connection
requests to people who attend it.
I might also hire avideographer for the event as
well, who's going to come andfilm the event and that guest
speaker speaking so that I canshare this with local media
outlets afterwards.
But I can also get that outthere on social media and
because I've linked in with thatinfluential business person
locally, I'm able to tap intotheir network as well.
And overall, when it comes toplanning that calendar of
activity, you want to startprior to launch and then you
want to have a timeframe thatworks for your launch plan
For example, it might be 30days before launch and then it's
going to be say, 60 days afterthe business is live.
You want to build up to thatlaunch day.
You don't want to starteverything on the day that you
launch, because you're alreadybehind the eight ball and if
it's a new business and you needto get cash flow in quickly,
you need to be building thatinterest early.
So that's why, for a launchmarketing plan, I always
recommend that you have a periodof time before the business
goes live that you're alreadystarting to do some marketing.
You'll know what's best forwhat you're trying to achieve.
But I kind of as a loose guide,would say 30 days before.
So that is a quick rundown onthe mechanics of creating a
launch marketing plan.
What are some of the thingsthat you need to keep in mind
when you create yours?
So, when it comes to theproject of creating and
launching your website, forexample, I wouldn't put that in
your launch marketing plan initself.
That is a project that you'redoing as part of your business
to get out into the world, andit could be that your website is
actually your business.
It's your distribution channelFor your launch marketing plan.
Your website is actually amarketing channel that you're
going to use to deliver content,messages, products, etc.
Your website should alreadyreally be ready for when that
launch marketing plan kicks off.
The second thing that I wouldkeep in the back of your mind is
that you put on your to-do listis that you secure all of your
social media usernames and anywebsite domains that might be
closely related to your businessbefore you launch.
You know, even if you aren'tgoing to use a particular social
media channel, secure theusername.
That way, nobody else can, andif you decided to use it in
future, then it's there for you.
Now, after the break, I'm goingto six actions that you are
going to be able to take rightaway to help you come up with a
launch marketing plan that isgoing to get you out into the
market and it's going to helpyou achieve your launch goals.
Okay, so let's get thisbusiness off the ground.
So when I created the actionsfor this episode, when I was
doing the prep for it, Irealized that to make it as
helpful as possible for you toimplement, you actually needed a
So I've created a really simple, easy to use launch marketing
plan template in a spreadsheet.
Now I will drop a link to thatin the show notes for you to
access and you can then gothrough and you can complete it.
It's easy enough for you to addrows, change it up, whatever
you need to, but it gives youthe base of a plan that you can
work with.
Now I'll also make it availableon my website.
You can download it atco/startup7.
That's number seven.
Right, number one I want you toenvisage what a successful
business launch is going to looklike for you.
Once you've completed yourlaunch and you look back and say
30 or 60 days, how will youknow that it was successful and
how could you measure that?
So this is your goal for yourlaunch marketing plan.
Action number two what are yourtop one to three priorities or
strategies that you're going toimplement to achieve that vision
of success?
Now, remember, your strategy ishow you're going to achieve
your goal.
Feel free to add more, but I doalways think it's better to be
focused and think really hardabout what it is that you
actually need to do and what's anice to have.
You can always start with moreand then pair them back as you
prioritize once you've completedthe plan.
Action number three do a littlebit of brainstorming.
You know I love a goodbrainstorm, right.
So once you've got your threepriorities or strategies, I want
you to brainstorm all of theways that you can achieve those
top three priorities, you know.
So what are all those marketingactivities that you could do?
Then, if you've got yourselfquite a list there, I want you
to review that list and I wantyou to pick the ones that are
most likely to have the biggestimpact and reach your ideal
So which ones do you anticipateare going to drive the biggest
impact towards your launch goal?
Action number four here I wantyou to think about what
marketing channels you're goingto use to get those tactics out
into the world.
You know, is it email marketing?
Is it speaking at an industryconference?
Is it being a guest onsomeone's podcast?
Is it using social media?
Is it advertising?
And remember the channels youuse need to be selected on the
basis of where your targetaudience hangs out.
There is no point posting onLinkedIn, for example, if your
audience spends all of theirtime on TikTok and YouTube.
If that was the case, you'dneed to be creating both short
and long form video content.
Head back to the workbook fromepisode seven 7, where you
uncovered your target market andyour ideal customer.
If you need to jog your memoryon this Now, be sure to keep
this top of mind at all times.
Always have your customer therewhen you're thinking about the
marketing that you're going todo.
Action number five Now you needto determine the time frame for
your launch.
I always recommend you startyour marketing for your business
before you go live.
This is the pre-launch phase,and then I'd say maybe 60 days
This is the timeframe of youractual launch marketing.
Now, in the template, I'vesuggested 30 days before and 60
days post launch.
This is where you'll plot whatmarketing activities you need to
do in those timeframes.
That gives you a really clearplan of the work ahead.
Lastly, action six I want you todefine a budget for those
Now, some things won't have abudget right.
If you're posting yourself onyour Facebook page, there's no
cost associated with that but Iwant you to define a budget for
anything that you're going toneed to pay for as part of this
It's really going to help youprioritize if you find that
you're overspending, but, morethan anything else, it's going
to help you be realistic aboutwhat you need to invest to
achieve the goals that you wantto.
When you launch your business,you've got to set yourself up in
as good a position as possible,and it needs to be realistic
about what you can do.
Okay, that's it.
You've done it and you areready to get that business out
into the world.
I am really proud of you.
Go get them.
Thank you for being part of thehuddle today.
I do hope you enjoyed theepisode and hopefully you're
feeling really excited aboutgetting your new product or
service out into the world.
Now don't forget to hitsubscribe, because in the next
episode, we're going to talk allabout customer feedback the
good, the bad and how you canharness it to make your
marketing and your businessbetter.
You know all businesses getfeedback and it can be
challenging to handle it whenit's negative.
So this is a really importantepisode to help you get into the
right mindset that feedback isactually a gift.
And, as a quick reminder, visitthe episode description to get
access to today's launchmarketing plan template, which
is going to help you prioritizethe most important marketing you
need to do to launch yourbusiness successfully.
Or you can head over to mywebsite and grab the download
It's athttps://marketingondemand.
co/startup7 .
Thanks for listening and I'mgoing to catch you at the next
episode of the Small BusinessMarketing Huddle.
Now for the legal jargon.
This podcast is for informationand education purposes only.
We make no business performanceclaims or guarantees in the
information shared.
The podcast content is generalin nature and does not
constitute advice for yourunique business situation.