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February 7, 2024 19 mins

Colorado “new grass” aficionados, Wood Belly, turn our confessor’s low key embarrassing first romantic encounter into high key folk pop delight in OUR FIRST EPISODE OF OUR THIRD FULL SEASON. HuZzAH!!! In this here part 1, you’ll hear the song and confession, and Zac talk about meeting his wife. In part 2, you’ll hear Wood […]

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Episode Transcript

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The song Confessional Podcast is a
co-production of KUT/KUTX
Studios and Good Taste Society.
Hey, this is Walker Lukens and you
are listening to...
[sung] It's the Song Confessional.

Let me explain what we do here at
Song Confessional.
We travel all over the world
recording people like you, telling
us stories anonymously.
We call these anonymous stories
So we pick our favorite confessions,
and we give them to songwriters and
bands who turn them into new,
original songs.
In each podcast episode, you hear
a confession.
You hear the song it

inspired and an interview with the
songwriter who wrote it.
I'm sitting here with my favorite
little late bloomer.
Tell themyour name.
What's up everybody?
This is Zac Catanzaro.
You're not. You weren't actually a
late bloomer.
No, I'd probably be considered an
early bloomer if we're
defining roles.
Well, we are.
That's what we're here to do is to,
is to, define things we could look
up on Google. What is the opposite

of a late bloomer? An early bloomer?
I mean, I assume so.
I all I know is I was the only
boy in daycare
holding hands with the girl, and
everybody made fun of me.
I was the only one in daycare who
was also going through puberty, so I
That's terrifying.
Well, on that note, what's the name
of our band featured on our episode

We got Wood Belly out of Colorado.
Described by co-lead singer
Brennan as a bluegrass
band with a folk
rock singer and a jam
band drummer.
Which is sort of like a Colorado
shepherd's pie.
Which surprisingly, was also
basically the first band I was in
in high school. It was like a

bluegrass folk band that never
had a drummer. And then there I,
there I am all of a sudden drumming
along with the fucking banjo.
I know the answer for your high
school band, but I actually don't
know whether this is true for
Wood Belly.
Do they smoke copious amounts of
weed? I guess that would be the only
thing that would make them more
I mean, I'm sure.

I don't, we don't really know them
that well, but I'm positive there's
at least one member in that band
that's smoking.
I think you're right.
They live in Colorado, and they're
playing hippie bluegrass.
So the way these this band came
into our life is that we have a
permanent booth at the Mishawaka
Amphitheater, in Fort
Collins, near Fort Collins,
Colorado, in the Poudre Canyon.

And, these guys played a show there.
So we hit them up to turn
one of the confessions from that
booth into a song.
The song you'll hear soon is called
Late Bloomer.
But first you're going to hear this
confession, which.
What? How can you describe this
confession without giving it away?
Which is a little hard because thetitle's
already telling you a lot, but
basically it's it's a guy

telling us about one of his first
romantic experiences and how
he almost failed miserably at it.
But it,
yeah, he's a he was he
was unsure about the signals.
We'll put it that way.
So before we give
confessions to bands
and songwriters, we give them these
little names.
So the Song Confessional crew can

talk about them.
And the name for this confession
before we gave it to the band
was Double Hug.
So the name of the song is Late
Bloomer, but our internal
name for the confession was Double
So think about that and take it with
you as you listen.
Well, without further ado, here's
this week's confession. [barbershopquartet-style harmony]

This is less of a confession and
more of a story.
This is a first kiss story,
and it is also
probably one of the more
embarrassing things I've ever done.
But not in a bad way.

I'm a late bloomer.
I had my first kiss when I was 20.
I was studying abroad down in New
Zealand, and,
one of my best friends went with
me, and he introduced me
to this girl that he,
got to know in,
introductory stuff when we got down

And I instantly,
took notice of her and, was
really into her and
started hanging out, as a group for
a few weeks.
And, one night I
decided to host and had
a little wine and cheese party.
Try and impress her.
So I got a few bottles of wine,

got a big plate, a cheese and
crackers, and basically
talked to her the entire time.
And then, after a few
hours, we
all decided to go to a house
party that was, on
the other side of town.
Small town. So we walked over and
went to this house party was
horrible. Everyone was pretty much

over it within five, ten minutes.
Way too many people.
So then we all were going back, and,
we were kind of going our separate
ways, and we decided to hang out at,
one of our other friends houses for
a minute.
Before my best
friend and I went home and,
she didn't live too far away from
the house.
And so when we got up to the,

the house, she said, okay, I'm going
to go home.
Have a good night, everyone.
And I just waved at her and said,
yeah, you do have a good night.
And, one of our friends in the
group, the guys house that we were
going to hang out with,
said, no, no, no, you are her
home. And he pushed me towards
her, and I was like, that was weird.

I'm also very, very, very, very
bad at reading signals,
which will become very apparent in a
couple moments.
So I
asked her if I could walk her home,
and she said, yeah.
And so I walked her home not too
far, just like a block.
And we stood outside of her house
for way too many

I was telling her how much fun it
was to hang out with her, how it was
such fun night.
She said, yeah, same, same her
same for and just awkwardly stood
there and I was like, okay, well
have a good night.
And she leaned in for
a kiss.
I did not understand that it was a

kiss. I thought it was a hug.
So I hugged her and
in my mind I was like, nice.
I got a hug, and,
she kind of, like, got a little
awkward and, like, smiled and
chuckled to herself.
And I was and I was.
I didn't understand what was going
And so then she tried again and
leaned in for another kiss.

And in my head again, I was like,
that's really weird. Another hug.
So I hugged her a second time
and, it didn't
click off until
when we were
backing away from the hug.
She kissed me on the cheek and
then everything just synced for a
moment and I was like, Holy shit,

I was supposed to kiss her.
And I got super awkward.
And I was like, oh,
I'm sorry, I had no idea.
And then she dove in
for a kiss on the third try.
Third time's a charm.
I had no idea what the hell I was
doing. I was so scared.
And, then she kind
of backed away. It was probably the
worst kiss in her life,

because I was just stone cold,
and she just walked into her house,
and I was just standing there
shaking in my boots, and.
Yeah, that was my.
That was my first kiss.
And the moment I told
my brother, he told all of my
family, my friends, and he called it
the double hug story.
And yeah, that
was pretty freaking embarrassing.

But good, good
story nonetheless.
And now here's Late Bloomer by
Wood Belly. [barbershop quartet-styleharmony] Song.

(singing) What’s the formula forflight / Cause I’m grounded here tonight
/ I met some friends of friends /Cause I can’t cut it here abroad / You
said it’s funny how I talk / But Ilike the way your R’s get lost / When
the crow turns white / I’ll get whatI want / Missed the moon come up
and now I’m bummed / Cause I want tobe twisting in your sun / Corduroy
pants and a little luck / I can’timpress you any other way / I’m always
late / A little late / And I’mnever right In this goddamn life / Still
I’m late / Outside the streets arewet / As I clutch a cluttered chest /
We take the long way home / Causeyou’re not living very far / Read this
sentence over and over again / Neverget the gist of what’s happening / I
try to miss these dreams / Causewaking up can be so hard / We dig up
dinosaur bones in the front of yourhouse / We’re tectonic plates and
we’re moving ground / It’ll take ageneration to figure out / I can’t
tell you any other way / I’m alwayslate / A little late / And I’m
never right In this goddamn life /Still I’m late A little late / Wonder
why I’m paralyzed / Yeah i’mparalyzed / A little paralyzed / But I
woke up on your front porch / Yourfront porch, your front porch / Maybe
I want to you / Want to want you /Want to walk you home / Maybe I want
to you / Want to want you / Want towalk you home / Maybe I want to you
/ Want to want you / Walk you home /Maybe I want to you / Want to want
you / Want to walk you home

That was Late Bloomer by Wood Belly
written by Brennan Mackey, arranged
and performed by Wood Belly.
Engineered by Jordan Coyne at
Americana Vibe Studio in LA,
mixed by Jim Eno and mastered
by Chris Longwood.
This song does an incredible job
of capturing,
that feeling of kind

of young romance when you're.
When you're younger and less.
I don't know. I honestly the song,
I mean this in a positive way, but
it does sound like it could be on
a CW show when two
characters have been flirting for
the entire season.
Finally embrace after the
football game. I guess they don't
football games anymore.. after,

some crazy sci fi plotline and
they finally kiss it, it
feels like that.
It does. It does have that like arc
finality vibe.
Yeah. It's like we could be talking
a full season arc, maybe a
multi-season arc, I don't know, but
the payoff is now.
Yes, definitely.
And and I think it's that moment.
There's this thing where,

I'm not sure if it's a guitar
or a mandolin, but it's pedaling.
It's doing the same notes and the
bass is changing under it.
That motif in the music.
Just feels very (whispers) Are
you going to kiss me?
I don't know. Something about it.
Yeah. It's something.
It is something about that pedaling
in particular.
There's something.
I don't know if.

It's like we've been trained to hear
that sound in that context.
I do, I do think it's that.
I do think we've been conditioned.
It kind of is. I mean, when we first
heard this song, I started telling
Walker how it, like, reminded
me of 90s rom coms and things
because I don't know, something
about it just it just feels right.
Well, I hope for Wood Belly, and for
us that this gets picked up by

a rom com, a CW show,
a Netflix show, literally any music
supervisor. If you're out there, we
think the song is fantastic in that
it would do well in a romantic scene
between two young characters.
This this analysis is called
Yeah. I I this this
whole confession and

song has made me think about how
many kisses
did I miss,
have I missed?
You've probably missed some good
ones. Like there's an alternate
timeline where where you got
some nice kisses that are not
currently in your life, but, you
know, you got some good ones in this
timeline too. So you
win some, you lose some.
We all do.

Shit. I guess it wouldn't
do me any good to go back and try to
pinpoint them.
I would love that, actually.
That's, that's that's actually the
only reason I've been co-hosting
this podcast with you is to find out
your, historical timelines of what
Okay. Find me and Adderall on the
black market, brew a pot
of coffee, and,

let's do this.
You just describe those things,
like, that's not what we usually do.
I, I know for a
fact that my last
awkward hug, awkward
communication misread.
I ended up marrying that person.
So, it was like a good
three weeks of doing this song and
dance where she was like, I guess he

doesn't like me.
I don't know.
And that was like, feeling the exact
same way until it was like,
you know, fuck it. We're just going
to do an awkward kiss and see what
happens. And yeah, it worked.
Really. It was three weeks.
Close to it. Yeah, something like
that. We maybe not.
It's actually more like a week and a
half. Okay.
It's actually more like a week.
It wasn't three weeks. It was three

And how many years ago was that?
I can't do math.
It was 2016.
What year is it?
So, eight years ago.
Almost eight years ago.
Eight years ago in March.
Okay. So.
Yeah, a week and a half.
Awkward kiss.
Eight years. How many years have you
been married?
We've been married for five years.
I'd say it worked out pretty well
for you, then.
I mean, so far. It's to be

determined. There's a lot of time
left, but it's working currently.
A very even, unromantic answer.
That was a test to just see if she's
listening to this episode.
If I get shit, I'll let you know.
Okay, I love that.
We usually, you know, tend
to start, our Song
Confessional seasons with something

very salacious and, like,
But, I'm happy that
we're easing into the more
adult themed content instead
of just hitting people
over the head with it.
You know, everybody loves that term.
Meet cute. We're we're we're just
going to do a start cute.

If you think you have a story that
we would want to feature on this
podcast and could be turned into an
amazing song, come
by one of our booths.
We've got a permanent booth at the
Mishawaka Amphitheater outside Fort
Collins, Colorado.
We've got another permanent booth
here in Austin, Texas at the Long
Center. Come in.
Record a confession.
We will hear it.
If that is not convenient for
you. Go to the liner notes of this

Click on the link to our website and
see where we're going to be next.
We might be coming to a festival
near you, or you could always send
us an email and contact us directly.
This podcast is produced by me,
Zac, Jim Eno,
Aaron Blackerby, Tate Hoeven, Zahra
Crim and distributed by KUTX.

The theme song you heard at the top
was written by myself and Walker
Lukens. It was performed by me,
Taylor Craft, John Calvin Abney,
Dan Kramer, Will Van Horn,
and some beautiful vocals by
Tyler Brown.
We want to give a special thanks to
Elizabeth McQueen and Matt Reilly at
Jesse Rosoff at Mint
Talent Group, Bobby Garza and The

Long Center, Danny Grant in the
Mishawaka Amphitheater, late teenage
trauma, psychedelics and you nasties
out there who trust us with your
If you like this podcast, you can
support us by sharing an episode
with someone you know would like it.
You can also support us by following
us on Instagram, TikTok and Facebook
at Song Confessional.
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