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February 25, 2023 32 mins

In this episode of Spark Joy in EDU, we chat with LaVonna Roth, creator and founder of Ignite Your S.H.I.N.E. You will feel inspired after listening to LaVonna Roth share how she and her team boost schools in embodying a Human-Focused Culture and harnessing the S.H.I.N.E. framework. Every educator has amazing strengths, gifts, and talents- tune in to hear how you are (and can be) a difference maker!

LaVonna's Bio:
As an engaging and interactive keynote speaker, consultant, educator, and mom, LaVonna bridges her passion for how the brain learns with identifying how every individual S.H.I.N.E.s with their mindset and social-emotional well-being. She leads a small business where her and her team boost schools in embodying a Human-Focused Culture. A culture where we put those doing the work at the heart of the impact desired. How? By supporting schools in harnessing the S.H.I.N.E. framework, increasing psychological safety, & building a foundation based on the brain sciences. S.H.I.N.E. is the secret to a work environment where all want to be! LaVonna has 3 degrees, is the author of 8 books, and has worked with organizations in the U.S./Canada, Europe, South America, and the Middle East. She is the creator and founder of the Ignite Your S.H.I.N.E.® framework and also Prime to S.H.I.N.E. where she coaches educators in how to amplify their impact through educational consulting – part-time or full-time. S.H.I.N.E. will leave you inspired. Help you find your power through ah-ha moments. Ignite the fire within you to have the confidence in who YOU are and what you do, because YOU are the difference maker!

Website: Ignite Your S.H.I.N.E.

Connect with LaVonna Roth on:




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Episode Transcript

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Tisha Richmond (00:06):
Welcome to the Spark Joy in edu podcast,

Elisabeth Bostwick (00:09):
where we take a magical leap into joyful

Tisha Richmond (00:13):
Your hosts, Elisabeth Bostwick and Tisha
Richmond will encourage you toactively cultivate joy in your
EDU journey through reflection,inspiration, and practical

Elisabeth Bostwick (00:23):
Our vision is to leverage Tisha's message

from Make Learning Magical: Transform Your Teaching and (00:25):
Create Unforgettable Experiencesin your Classroom.
And Lis's message from Take theLeap: Ignite a Culture of
Innovation, to inspire educatorsto not only seek joy education,
but understand how we can createour own joy, even amidst

Tisha Richmond (00:44):
There is so much joy in education and we are
excited to highlight variousguests who will be sharing how
they cultivate joy and practicaltips and strategies for
educators to use in both theirpersonal and professional lives.
Welcome to the Spark Joy in EDUpodcast.
We are so excited to haveLaVonna Roth with us today.
This is our very first guest andwe cannot wait to share with you

Before we read her impressivebio, we would love to share with
you what brought us Joy thisweek.
Tisha, now I know you justreturned from a conference tour
of sorts.
So, what's one thing from thepast week that's brought you
Well, so many things havebrought me joy.

The conference tour has beenamazing.
I had the opportunity to connectwith so many amazing people and
just get to share and learn atall of the places that I've
But it is really good to behome.
It's really good to be able tosleep in my own bed, to get to
spend time with my husband, toget to go to some of our

favorite restaurants.
And so, I've just really enjoyedbeing at home this week and
seeing my dogs, my dogs missedme, so they have been very, very
clingy this week as well.
So what about you, Lis?
What sparked you joy this week?

Elisabeth Bostwick (02:03):
Oh, well, it's been a great week and I'm
so glad you're home, Tisha.
There's nothing like being ableto be back in your own home and
in your own bed.
So for me, I'd have to say thathere I am living in upstate New
York and it's February, and weactually had a day where it hit
68 degrees, and so just be ableto be in the sunshine and get

outside more was lovely and,really the entire week was nice,
but to be able to be in the highfifties and then within the high
sixties was just so enjoyablehere.
So definitely found joy in that.

Tisha Richmond (02:39):
Oh, that's amazing.
I know even in our area, we'veseen blue skies and though it's
been cold, just to feel that sunradiate on you is so wonderful,
especially when you've hadgloomy or cloudy days, which
you've had a lot of.
So yeah, I totally can relate tothat as well.

Elisabeth Bostwick (02:59):
There's just something nice about the effects
of sunshine and a clear sky.
So yeah.
So I'm excited about our episodetoday, so let's dive right in.

Tisha Richmond (03:10):
I can't wait.

Elisabeth Bostwick (03:12):
Today we're excited to have LaVonna Roth on
the show.
As an engaging and interactivekeynote speaker, consultant,
educator, and mom, LaVonnabridges her passion for how the
brain learns with identifyinghow every individual shines with
their mindset and socialemotional wellbeing.
She leads a small business whereher and her team boost schools

in embodying a human focusedculture.
A culture where we put those,doing the work at the heart of
the impact desired.
LaVonna has three degrees, isthe author of eight books and
has worked with organizations inthe US, Canada, Europe, South
America, and the Middle East.
She is the creator and founderof the Ignite Your S.H.I.N.E.

Framework and also Prime toS.H.I.N.E.
Where she coaches, educators andhow to amplify their impact
through educational consulting,both part-time or full.
Will leave you inspired and helpyou find your power through a-ha
Ignite the fire within you tohave the confidence in who you
are and what you do because youare the difference maker.

Well, welcome LaVonna.
We're so excited to have youhere today to spark Joy in EDU
and we're just so excited to beable to hear from you, be able
to talk with you, and one thingI noticed is that in looking at
your website, it states thatS.H.I.N.E.
Is the secret to a schoolenvironment where everybody
wants to be or we all want tobe.

Would you mind just taking amoment and connecting how that
might also pertain to joy?

LaVonna Roth (04:46):
Thank you, for having me firstof all.
But when I think about joy, andI think about school, if we look
past the past few years and evenbefore the pandemic, you know,
first started, there's been alot of demands and stress
factors and so many shifts thatI've just felt from teachers by
being in schools with them, andI thought the joy is starting to

disintegrate and seep out.
So when we really looked atS.H.I.N.E.
and the S.H.I.N.E.
Framework and what it means, itreally is about how do we create
that human focused culture.
That's what we call it, a humanfocused culture.
So that people do want to bethere.
And that's anywhere from being apart of it in there and feeling
that joy and excitement, toacademically and how the
students are feeling and parentsare feeling, and teachers when

it comes to instruction.
So it's the whole gamut.
But joy, like we should beexcited about where we want to
be and we should want to bethere and feel that we should be

Tisha Richmond (05:36):
I love that so much.
It's so wonderful to have you onthe show.
LaVonna and I love this topic somuch and I love that you share
that you want to have this humanfocused culture.
And I think that is so, soimportant and it's, I think,
critical that as we walk intothe school that we really do get

excited about being there, andthis is a place where you, you
feel that joy because when we aseducators are in a building and
we feel the joy and we arefocused on those relationships,
then that is what students aregoing to feel and how important
to create these learningenvironments that are

joy-filled, where students aretruly enjoying and feeling joy
in the learning process.

LaVonna Roth (06:25):
Yes, because we know from the brain perspective
that's going to help immensely.
It's going to put the brain intoa state of learning and help
them transition from whatever'shappening outside of the
classroom or outside the schoolwalls, to now being more focused
and saying, you know what, I dobelong here.
My teachers love to be here.
So you nailed on the head Tisha,I think it's super important.

Elisabeth Bostwick (06:43):
And I appreciate how you just made
those connections too, with thebrain and that joy- it's not
just about, it's not simplyabout having fun.
It's multifaceted.
So, share with us a little biton how would you describe joy?

LaVonna Roth (06:58):
I think joy, okay, so we talk about confidence, you
know, and people are like, oh,once you get confidence, you
have confidence forever.
No, confidence is who are youaround?
What's happening in your life?
Just different shifts that areoccurring.
And so it really, confidenceebbs and flows and it goes
really up and down.
I look at joy as the same,right?
So if you are more self-aware ofwhat's happening with you, you

know what brings you joy.
I think it's different.
I don't think it's alwaysstagnant though, and I think
there's different levels of joy.
For example, if I'm having afrustrating moment, which I may
have had recently, I was like, Iturned on the radio and one of
my most favorite songs poppedon, and I was like, all right,
you're singing along to this andthat was to help shift(well)
chemicals in the brain, but alsoto shift my mood from being so

frustrated to just have some funand you know, don't get so
caught up in those moments thatare frustrating for us.
So what I'm saying is that whenit comes to what is it that we
need in those moments to bringus joy, and for me sometimes
it's the exact opposite.
It is complete silence and justhaving time to sit and process.

Tisha Richmond (08:01):
That's so important and I thinkabout that in just the midst of
this week.
Lis knows that this has been aninsane week.
We're getting ready to go to F ET C for this conference.
I'm going back to back F E T Cand T C E A and there's just so
many things that have enteredinto our week, unexpected

deadlines, meetings, all of thethings.
And, I think that it is soimportant that we are self aware
of where we're at and what weneed to do to help bring joy in
those moments.
And there have been days whereI'm getting off a Zoom call and
I'm racing across town to go toan in-person meeting, you know,
and, what do I do in that inbetween, maybe it is getting on

Voxer and talking to a friend,you know, just about today.
Or maybe it is cranking up myeighties music full blast.
And just rocking out for a fewmoments before I head into that
But, that's really powerful tothink about, like how can we
really tune in to what we needin those moments and how can we

bring in that joy?

LaVonna Roth (09:09):
And it does go back to beingself-aware and recognizing what
you need and when.

Elisabeth Bostwick (09:13):
In thinking about joy and how we experience
that, and especially in thosechallenging moments it's
interesting because for me thereare times I will also put on
music and listen to the music inthe car, sometimes vox people.
But, sometimes for me, findingjoy in those moments is actually
kind of going into like aseclusion.
Not in isolation by any means,but just going outside and on a

quiet walk.
Even just taking our dogs for awalk and stepping away.
And I find that sometimes thecool air can just feel like such
a relief, and I sometimes justfind joy in those simple moments

Tisha Richmond (09:49):
Yeah, I can totally relate tothat because, I'm an introvert
by nature, and so I do enjoybeing around people.
I enjoy being social, but I alsoreally need that recharge and to
be able to slip away and do justlike what you said, like walk
outside be by myself, be in a,you know, if I'm going to a
conference, like finding thosespaces where I can just get away

from all of it and kind ofrecenter myself again.
So yeah, absolutely.
I think we all just havedifferent things that we need in
those moments, and so to be ableto recognize that is so

LaVonna Roth (10:24):
I appreciate what you're bothsaying because I know that they
couldn't see, but when Tishasaid, you know, that, oh, I'm an
I raised my hand.
Like, yes, that would be me too.
And I'm finding as I get older,I need more of that opportunity
to, it brings me joy to havesome alone time to regroup, to
just have, like I said, anythingthat I need in that moment to

have that, to be able to bringeven more to others for the
If we don't take that time andrefill ourselves for whatever
that looks like and we need,then the joy does start to

Tisha Richmond (10:55):
So when I think sometimes ofjoy, I bring myself back to my
childhood, and when we'rechildren we experience joy.
It's just so authentic, right?
And so, I don't know, there'sjust something about that
childhood wonder and joy and Ithink sometimes it helps us to

kind of think back to what itwas like for us when we were
kids, especially in our schoolsystems.
And so I'm wondering LaVonna, ifyou were to think back on your
school experiences as a child,is there one that really- like
an experience that stands outabove all others where you
really felt that joy inlearning?

LaVonna Roth (11:38):
It's funny you asked that because a lot of my
learning, looking back atelementary was really good, but
in middle school and highschool, my grades began
declining and I started to notlike school.
I started to not do well at all,and even my report card had Ds
and Fs in high school.
And so, you know, I think backand I'm like, where was the joy?
But a joy for me, was that I wasthe social butterfly.

Ironically, as I talk aboutbeing an introvert, I was in
every club you could possiblyimagine.
I was in the marching band, thepep band, and was field
I played the flute, the piccolo,and I played the piano for the
I did everything else.
But, I think it was in order forme, looking back, it was to help
me feel better about myselfbecause I wasn't performing at
the academic level that I, well,what the system says I should

be, right?
And in the way that I should be.
So really, when I think aboutthat joyful moment would go back
to Mrs.
Lawrence, and that is in highschool.
She was my biology and anatomyteacher, and it's kind of
I've realized over time, I'mvery hands-on.
I have to touch things to learnand manipulate.
When I was in college, I didn'tunderstand math throughout the

majority of my school career.
Then, I entered college and forthe first time I had a professor
give me manipulatives to learnhow to teach math, and it was
the first time I began tounderstand math.
So, I had joy in that moment andthat's exactly what Mrs.
Lawrence did, because she madeeverything so hands-on.
We were dissecting and spinningthings around to see what the

blood cells did, and went aroundlooking at all the different
organisms in the jar andsmelling stuff.
She just brought the wholeexperience with it.
And my favorite part about Mrs.
Lawrence, and it's honestlypartly why I became a teacher is
that she gave the hardest testin the entire world, which
doesn't sound very joyful, butthey were so hard.

But every time we'd say to her,Mrs.
Lawrence, is this going to be ahard one?
Her response every single timewas, Nope.
It's going to be an insult toyour intelligence.
And let me tell you, it neverwas.
But her words, just her beliefin us and never saying like,
yeah, it's going to be hard...
you better study.
She truly honed in on that.
I look back on the joy that shebrought me as a learner and

having the ability to be able tolearn in a different way.

Tisha Richmond (13:49):
Oh, I love that.

Elisabeth Bostwick (13:51):
I do too.
And one thing, if I'm hearingyou right, one thing I'm
connecting is that joy doesn'talways mean that it's like easy
and fun and carefree, but joycould actually be, involves some
challenge, but challenge that'scombined with believing in
yourself too.
And also the experiences, thelearning experience and


LaVonna Roth (14:13):
Yes, like if I got a C or even a B in her class, I
wasn't upset because I didn'tget the A or the 100 percent I
was celebrating because I knewhow hard they were and that,
okay, but look at what you didhere.
And so, it was just a uniqueopportunity for me as far as my
school time.

Tisha Richmond (14:31):
Ah, yes.
I love it so much.
And I think.
How that resonates to mylearning experience as well,
because I really struggled allthe way through school, and I
think a lot of it was becauselearning wasn't presented in a
way that made sense to my brainbecause I needed that hands-on.
I needed that tactile, I neededthe manipulatives, like you're

talking about, probably why Ibecame a culinary arts teacher.
Part of it was because that wasjust such a hands on learning
environment, all the senses,right?
Learning environment.
I loved it so much, but I thinkabout that and just our kids'
experiences in school and how wego through the school system

with a certain measure of whatsmart is supposed to look like,
And we're tested kind of in acertain way.
And if we fall into this kind ofway of learning, then we're
considered smart or we're not.
And how as teachers, I feel thatall the way through that school

Students need to not only knowthat their teachers believe in
them, but that they can trulyfeel smart, that they can really
experience learning in the waythat makes sense to them,
because there's so manydifferent definitions of what
that can look like, you know,based on the learner.

LaVonna Roth (15:55):
So many.
As a matter of fact, I don'tknow if you know this, but you
know, ignite your S.H.I.N.E.
And we use S.H.I.N.E.
As an acronym, as a framework,but it was originally not Ignite
your S.H.I.N.E.
It was not the word shine atall.
It was the word smart.
And that's exactly what I wasgoing after Tisha, because so
many of us don't actually fitinto the education system as
it's been designed.

Tisha Richmond (16:16):

LaVonna Roth (16:16):
And so I thought I, I was tired of me not
thinking I was smart.
I was tired of my students andmy classroom who did not fit the
mold, and were brilliant in somany other ways, but we didn't
identify as smart because itwasn't academic.
And A, B, C, D, F, was thegrading system.
And it drove me crazy.
And then the final pinnacle waswhen my daughter went through

the same exact challenges.
She learns very much like I do.
And I thought, you know what?
Enough is enough.
And so I was, it was going to besmart.
And, someone had said to me thatI would never change the
definition of smart ineducation.
And part of me said, Hmm, yeah,watch me.
You know, because a little bitof like, Ooh, challenge?
Do I hear a challenge.
And then part of me went, okay,yeah, but what if they're right?

And I'm actually gratefulbecause it expanded my view, and
it's now called Ignite YourShine.
And it's, it just, it's a muchbroader umbrella than just
smart, but that's a big core ofwhat we're going after.
What is smart?

Elisabeth Bostwick (17:11):
I really appreciate that.
And, everything that Ignite YourS.H.I.N.E.
Stands for.
And Tisha, I don't know if youand I have talked about it so
much, but I know LaVonna knowsabout me, but I actually had a
very similar experience too.
So it's also why I went intoteaching.
I didn't know I was going to gointo teaching at first.
It actually took my psychologycourses for me to really
understand more about the brainto really help me to know that

that's what I wanted to do, togo in and change, do whatever I
could to change learningexperiences.
So, going back to Ignite yourS.H.I.N.E., I would love to hear
from you LaVonna too, with yourwork, with Ignite Your
S.H.I.N.E., as we know there areso many benefits of joy.
And so, when you're thinkingabout the field of education and
all the work you do, do you haveany specific tips for educators

on how they might be able tocultivate joy in, in either
their personal or professionallives or even just to find joy
amidst the struggle?

LaVonna Roth (18:04):
Oh, can we spend three hours onthis right?
The S.H.I.N.E.
Framework, I will share thefirst two letters and for me
that's, well, really the firstthree letters are going to be
the difference maker.
So when we talk about S inS.H.I.N.E.
It is the word stands for otherletters stands for self.
So what are your strengths,gifts, skills, and talents.
So we're really focusing on you.

But notice all the good things.
It's not focusing all of theweaknesses, and that's primarily
because Gallup research saysthat a strength will remain a
strength, but a weakness willnever become a strength.
So it's not that we won't workon the weaknesses, but they will
never get to the level of ourstrengths.
So what if we personally look atourselves from a different lens
of what do we bring as a gift,strength, a skill, a talent to

the table of our team, to ourschool.
And now it's no longer feeling,you know, comparing yourself as
much to other people, but you'reuplifting yourself.
So that's the one thing is I'dencourage people to start that
lens of looking.
It's fascinating when we do ourprofessional development schools
that when we ask them toreflect, I will have some who
have a list of their strengthsand others who, who can't think

of one.
And that's just a tiny red flagto, to us, that if, if you're
not seeing the strengths thatyou have, you're not thinking
about the things you actually dowell and bring to the table and
why you're here.
And then H in S.H.I.N.E.
Is heart.
It's all about passion.
So what brings you that joy?
Like what lights you up?
What gives you that energy?
And also be aware of what drainsyou.
And if you're putting that inyour life personally,

professionally, and you'refeeling any waning, how can you
bring more passion into what youdo?
And if it's professionally, itmight be taking a task off your
plate and giving to someone wholoves doing that, but it drains
And then there's the swapping inother ways too.
And personally, ifprofessionally is draining you,
and you just cannot in thismoment, figure out how to

reignite that passion.
Because I doubt people are doingit for the money.
You know?
Probably not.
It's probably because you lovewhat you do and love seeing the
difference with kids.
So how do you get that passionat home?
And that's where all this, youknow, your podcast is going to
bring so much delight with somany guests that are coming on
to be able to share about thatjoy and that passion and that
excitement, which also leads usinto the letter I and that

stands for inspire.
So again, bits and pieces comingin to, how do you uplift
yourself with that and to beinspired and to have that more
joy in there.
But it starts with moving thatlens away from being so critical
about yourself and instead ofputting up those mirrors that
allow you to be able to see thatyou do have goodness.
And if I may, I want to shareone story.

It was a quick little thing thathappened in professional
development, but we were talkingabout this and I had a teacher
say to another tea to me and infront of her colleagues, and she
said, you know, LaVonna, you'reasking me to go to other people
when I'm not good at doingsomething that, so you're,
you're asking me to go tosomeone who has a strength in
something, which means I have toadmit I'm not good at it.

And I said, I am.
And, she said, do you know howembarrassing that would be?
And I said, well, let's flip thelens.
If you, let's see.
.Your colleague here is Cheryl.
If you were to go to Cheryl andsay, Cheryl, I am having a hard
time with this, but I know it'syour strength.
Would you be willing to help mein this?
How do you think Cheryl willfeel in that moment?
And she said, oh my goodness,she would feel great.

And I said, exactly.
So you just gave her anopportunity to use her strengths
to support you and help you.
You also got what was needed.
But with so many times, we comefrom our lens of ourself and we
forget about the difference wecan make with others.

Tisha Richmond (21:31):
Wow, that's so powerful.
It really is.
I love that.
I think, you know, I think aboutmy own district.
And the leaders the ones thatI've just really I don't know,
have, have served as mentors tome and have just really helped
me just learn.
And those are the leaders thathave really been able to see my

strengths and have empowered meto use them.
And I've also noticed how theydo that with others, my other
colleagues too.
And if something, if part of ajob description isn't fitting,
then find one that does, youknow, and allow those people to
be able to, to live in theirstrengths.

And it's amazing how it reallyturns somebody around because
you can feel so deflated ifyou're working in your
weaknesses, you're justcontinually going to feel
defeated and feel like you'renot adequate.
But, if you can really beempowered to live in those
strengths that you're so goodat, it just, it changes our

whole mindset and and approachto the work that we do.
So I think it's so vital that weunderstand that about ourselves
and that as leaders, that we canreally see that in those

LaVonna Roth (22:54):
that we serve.
And imagine our studentsbeginning to understand the
strengths that they have, to beable to support them
academically and the passions,and now become such a win-win
for everybody.

Elisabeth Bostwick (23:07):
Well, and I can actually speak to that too,
because I did use the IgniteYour S.H.I.N.E.
Framework in my classroom, andso I was able to see firsthand
myself, the transformation thatcan take place in the classroom
when you start having studentscall on one another and leverage
each other for strengths, justlike teachers can.
And I appreciate it too,LaVonna, how you mentioned like

somebody might feel like, oh, I,I have to admit that this is not
a strength of mine or this is aweakness, but I think we have to
We can't be strong in everysingle thing, and that when we,
when we reach out to a colleagueor a student, reach outs out to
a peer, we're adding value tothem.
We're uplifting them, andultimately, we're all joining
hands together you know, to, tomake everything happen.

To make everything come tofruition.

LaVonna Roth (23:52):
Yes, yes and yes.

Tisha Richmond (23:57):
Oh my goodness.
We are all speaking the samelanguage.
I love it, oh, I love it so, somuch

LaVonna Roth (24:04):
Hearts are aligned.

Tisha Richmond (24:07):
Absolutely, absolutely.

Elisabeth Bostwick (24:08):
So I do have one other question I'm kind of
curious about.
So I'm just going to add this intoo, but I'm curious how might
educators also be able to taketheir passion?
Because you talk a lot aboutpassion.
I know you do a lot withcoaching people in consulting
So I'm just curious how mighteducators also be able to take
their passion and create

LaVonna Roth (24:29):
joy in education

Elisabeth Bostwick (24:31):
outside of the school building through
What are your thoughts on that?

LaVonna Roth (24:36):
I cheer educators on when they wanna do that
because they've gained so muchknowledge and created their own
pathways and processes and such.
That it would be so beneficialto many other educators.
And a lot of times what, I findis that yes, they have a passion
for it, but they think everybodydoes it the way they do it and
they don't.

So after, I've been doing thissince 2008 and so it's been a no
I can't be that old...
No, I'm just kidding.
And so I've been doing it forover what, 15, 16?
I don't know.
I'm not the best at math, sowhatever those years are at this
point, and I've gained so muchknowledge by traveling even
internationally and justlearning what it means to be
consulting and the beauty thatit brings to others and the joy

that it brings to yourself whenyou get to see that in others as
We, I wasn't planning on it, butI kept having people all
throughout the year say, Levana,how do I do what you do?
Or how do you, where do youbegin?
And what if I'm already doingit, but it's not being as
And finally, right before Covid,I decided, you know what?
I have all this knowledge thatcan help other people who want

to make an impact outside of theschool walls.
And so I started Prime toS.H.I.N.E.
And there's a course thatteaches them five modules from
who are you as a consultant andreally doing some deeper
self-aware work going all theway into, okay, we have to talk
It's not fun, but.
It's real, you know?
So we have all of that and thenwe have a private Facebook group
and just lots of support fromthe community with it.
So it's been a lot of fun andit's just been joyful for me to

help save people a lot of time,money, mistakes, but also be
able to share what the love thatthey have that will really, you
know, elevate others educators.
That's awesome.

Elisabeth Bostwick (26:14):
I think there are so many educators out
there that who have something,their own niche that they wanna
share and sometimes don't knowhow to go about that.
So I love that you provide thatand just have that opportunity
for people to connect like thatas well.

LaVonna Roth (26:27):
Thank you.
Well, our community's amazing.
Like everyone's so super helpfuland it's not competitive.
It is all about supporting eachindividual because there's
plenty, plenty of schools outthere that need support.

Tisha Richmond (26:39):
So I have a little quick fire.
We can call it a challenge.
I like games and so, I don'tknow, we, we can call it a quick
fire challenge of some questionsthat I have just to tap into
your joy and the things that,that bring you joy in their
So, are you ready, LaVonna?
I'm going to ask you fourquestions.

LaVonna Roth (27:00):
I am.
Let's do it.

Tisha Richmond (27:01):
First question is what is a gameor an activity that brings you
joy and laughter?

LaVonna Roth (27:12):
Okay, it's going to sound crazy,, but I tend to
go on my phone a lot and I havecertain games I play.
So I am originally from Ohio,and we played Euchre in Ohio.
So Ohio, Michigan tend to knowwhat Euchre is.
A lot of other people don't.
But I play Euchre and I haveEuchre on my phone.
And then this is sillier andthis is where my head went.
There's a game called ParkParking Jam or Park Jam,

something like that.
And you literally swipe the carsto get them out of the.
I am like addicted.
So when I need a brain breaktime that's where I go.

Tisha Richmond (27:41):
And that's a game on your phone?

LaVonna Roth (27:43):
Yes, both.

Tisha Richmond (27:44):
So I have heard of Euchre.
I have not played it.
But is it now, is it a cardgame?

LaVonna Roth (27:51):

Tisha Richmond (27:51):
But you play with a normal deck of cards, or
do you have to have a specialEucre deck?

LaVonna Roth (27:55):
You, you play the normal deck, but you do pull a
few out and, but they're very,they're assigned very different.
It's a little bit challenging tolearn, but once you learn it's
so much.

Tisha Richmond (28:05):
First time we meet in person,you're gonna teach me how to

LaVonna Roth (28:08):
Sounds good.
I love it.
I'm going to find that game onthe phone.

Tisha Richmond (28:12):
Ready for your second question?

LaVonna Roth (28:14):

Tisha Richmond (28:15):
Share a favorite place to relax and recharge.

LaVonna Roth (28:21):
I'm going to say the balcony of my place where I
I have an egg chair out there ifyou know what that is.
So it kinda like hangs andswings a little bit.
And so that is a favorite spotof mind to just breathe and
relax and take in the view.

Tisha Richmond (28:36):
I love that.
Question three.
What is something that you enjoysavoring?
So, I know sometimes when wethink of savoring, we think of
food, but this is really any, itcould be anything.
So it could be sitting with afriend over a cup of coffee.

It could be sitting in the sunand feeling that, that warmth
but something that you just kindof soak in that moment.
As well.

LaVonna Roth (29:05):
First of all, being a foodie, savoring is
where my head goes, soabsolutely I'd be in on that
part too.
But it's funny you said the sunbecause I love to get up.
I'm the person who, I used tonot get up this early, but now I
wake as soon as the light startsto come up with the sun.
So the sun's even quite up yet.
But my favorite is to get mycoffee.
Sit again on the balcony part,but I watched the colors come up

and change, and then again, thisis gonna be my quirkiness, but
when the sun actually comes up,I tell it good morning.
And I say, good morning, sun.

Tisha Richmond (29:37):
I love that too.
That is amazing.
I'm going to have to start doingthat.
First of all, I need to come upwhen the sun does, I mean, I
usually I do get up usuallybeforehand.
It depends on the time of year.

Elisabeth Bostwick (29:49):
I was going to say, I feel like you're up
pretty early because it'll be9:00 AM my time and you're in
Pacific time.
So, and you're usually up.

Tisha Richmond (29:59):
I'm finding that as I get older, I'm becoming
more and more of a burningperson.
It used to be that I was a nightowl and I could stay up late,
and now I'm just, Nope.
I notice in myself that when I'mtired, my outlook on life is
just not as good, right?
Like everything seems bigger andI'm more stressed.

And so I know that being thatself-aware right about myself,
that when I'm tired and I startgoing into that real negative
place that I need sleep, I justneed to go to sleep.
I'll feel better in the morning.

LaVonna Roth (30:36):
So true.

Tisha Richmond (30:39):
It's been such a joy to have you on the show
today, LaVonna.
I've loved getting to chat withyou.
It's the first time I've everhad a chance to chat with you
face to face, but I knew, I knewthat when I met you.
I would just feel this instantconnection.
So we really appreciate youbeing our first guest on the
show and I know our listenershave enjoyed this episode so

much and we would love for youto share how our listeners can
connect with you and learn.

LaVonna Roth (31:09):
Yeah, so let me just say I'm so proud of you and
Lis and it's great to meet youtoo.
I just know your voices need tobe out there, need to be heard
and the good that you're goingto bring to so many.
So thank you for all that youtwo have already been doing but
are about to really blow up anddo and so I appreciate that.
And then I'm on all socialmedia, so at LaVonna Roth, so

I'll spell it because it's aunique name.
So l a capital L-a-V-o-n-n-a.
And my last name is Roth, r o th.
And that or at Ignite YourS.H.I.N.E..
So that's everywhere too atIgnite Your S.H.I.N.E.
However, on Instagram it justhad to get a little bit
So it's at Ignite YourS.H.I.N.E.
And of course the website, Iknow Lis mentioned it, but


Elisabeth Bostwick (31:54):
Yeah and we will be including all of that in
the show notes too, but we'djust like people to be able to
listen into it as well.
So again, it's been such anhonor and as Tisha said it's
been a pure joy to be able toconnect.
I'm so glad the two of you couldfinally meet as well.
So it's just been a really greatconversation.
Thank you.

LaVonna Roth (32:10):
Thank you both.

Tisha Richmond (32:11):
Thanks, LaVonna.

Elisabeth Bostwick (32:15):
Thank you for listening to the Spark, joy
and edu podcast.
We hope that you enjoyed thisepisode.

Tisha Richmond (32:21):
Check the show notes to connect with Liz and
Tisha using their social handlesand visiting their individual
We would love for you to shareout your reflections using
#SparkJoyEDU and be sure toclick subscribe.
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