Welcome to Season 3! From climate change to extreme weather, how do we talk to our kids about important issues that seem scary to us as parents? Julian Lennon - humanitarian, philanthropist, musician and children’s book author, sits down with Lynn to talk about his work to make the planet a better place. He shares an incredible story about the connection he has to his father, John Lennon, and offers some great insights into how we can inspire curiosity and responsibility for the planet in our kids.
Then, we learn to raise little environmentalists with smart ideas from Katie Moore the Deputy Vice President of Animal Rescue at IFAW -The International Fund for Animal Welfare. She has awesome advice for teaching our kids how to protect the animals around them, no matter how small!
Check out Munchkin’s special collection of Julian Lennon’s children’s books and WildLove products: https://www.munchkin.com/julian-lennon-white-feather-flier-bundle-blue.html
More on IFAW’s annual World WildLife Day art contest: https://www.ifaw.org/campaigns/wwd-art-contest