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February 9, 2024 66 mins

Dive into a riveting revelation of shocking truths about vaccines and modern technology in this episode of 'The Supernatural Junkies'. Join Dr. Kevin Stillwagon as he sheds light on the disturbing evidence of DNA contamination in vaccines and the potential dangers they pose. Within the intricate labyrinth of medical research, this discussion exposes the presence of harmful contaminants such as DNA and graphene oxide in our supposed life-saving vaccines. These hidden elements may be causing serious health effects, including the alteration of our genetic makeup and a heightened risk of cancer. The episode raises haunting queries about the integrity of healthcare authorities, revealing unsettling trends of health issues in younger individuals and possible links to certain vaccines. Simultaneously, it digs into the dark implications of patent law and its potential to affect legal ownership of our altered DNA. If that's not chilling enough, it delves into a grim discussion of autoimmune diseases and their possible links to vaccines. Concluding on a spine-tingling exploration of modern technology's hidden dangers, it scrutinizes the control of global economies by major corporations and our dependence on technology that might lead us to unwitting self-imprisonment. This episode presents a nightmare scenario where technology disrupts our world, environment, and humanity itself. Tune into this enlightening journey that pushes you to seek knowledge, truth, and wisdom. Urging personal research into the presented facts, this episode is a wake-up call to everyone willing to dig deep and discover the raw truth about vaccines, immunity, and our collusion with technology's unseen dangers

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Episode Transcript

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Hello, everyone. I'm Alex, and I'm going to be natural.
I am Dr. Dozier, and I am going to be super. Yeah.
And I am Dr. O, and I'm going to be the junkie. He's Dr.
Dennis, and he is a junkie. I am Dr. Kevin, and we are... The Supernatural Junkies.

Well done. Well done, boys.

Hello, everyone. We are the Supernatural Junkies. Sans Alex.
One more episode. Oh, look at this. Dennis is making a comeback.
I'm back. He is back. And today we don't have Dr. Dozier, but we have a very
exciting guest today, Dr.
Kevin Stillwagon. Of course, if you've been listening, you've heard him on before.

And we have some subjects that are going to drop your jaw today.
We're going to be talking about DNA contamination. And guess what? You guessed it.
Those shots, those jabs, right? We're also going to be talking about,
at the end, a little bit about actually graphene oxide and how that was something that was in these jabs.
So today is one of those episodes where, again, we're going to be revealing

what happened that they did not tell us about and they did not disclose.
And so this is a kind of that point where we're trusting our government,
we're trusting our doctors, and today you're going to find out why you shouldn't. So Dr.
Stillwagon, he's still back at it, doing his research and digging into this

for us. And so we're really happy to have you here today.
Dr. Dennis, did you want to give a verse? I think I did your job last time,
didn't I? Yeah, I think you did.
Well, I do have. We got to get him back to work here. I do have one.
This is a good verse because we're going to talk about DNA and how it is the structure of life.
So let's speak about how life.
Well, I'm not talking loud enough. how life began

and in genesis chapter 2 verse 7 it goes as this and the lord god formed man
of dust of the ground and he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and
man became a living being amen and that's the that's the thing and it's funny
that the god gene turns out to be what.
Sound. Is that a coincidence?

Is that your Bible making a hit right there? How could they have possibly known that, right?
Well, we've all been through it, and here we have Operation X.
I mean, you know, now Virus X coming, so we might have to tack on a little bit
about that, but we're still reeling from discoveries that are happening all
the time about exactly what what they were able to pull off with COVID-19.

And so with that ado, hopefully you've heard a little bit about not only have
these vaccines, you know, not disclosed ingredients,
not only was mRNA untested, not only were, you know, these other ingredients,
we have dangers from vaccines already.
But as we've come to find out, there's been other types of contaminants that

were in this because they were so in a hurry to rush to produce this.
Hopefully, that's what their reason is. And they also knew they had no liability.
So tell us what's going on here, Dr. Stillwagon.
Yeah. So I'm sure you're familiar with Dr. Joe Latipo, the Surgeon General for
the state of Florida that has called for these shots to be pulled from the market,

mainly because of DNA contamination. That's right.
And so, you know, what I tell people is when you get this shot,
you have no idea what's in that vial.
Unless you do, you know, mass spectrometry and,
you know, analytical chromatography and do a genetic sequence to see what nucleotides

are actually in there, you have no idea what's in there.
And then we found out that these things can be contaminated.
Oh, my. With all kinds of stuff. Did you know that the Japanese actually looked
in the vials to see what was in there and found about 1.63 million vials that
were contaminated with various metals from the manufacturing process? Oh, wow.

And they sent them all back. And this was Moderna.
And they probably didn't get their money back either because,
you know, these pharmaceutical industries are basically criminals.
And they had all of these countries, the United States included,
sign documents agreeing to take delivery of this stuff. Oh, my goodness.

And, you know, shoot it into their citizens.
So, anyway, one of the things that is contaminating these vials is DNA.
Wow. And people are asking, well, how did DNA get in there?
Because this is supposed to be an RNA product.


It in.
So, they use this machine to generate this nucleotide sequence, it's called.
It's basically nucleotides that make up your DNA.
There's only four of them. There's adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine.
That's all there is. There's only four. Did you see how easy he did that?

You forgot to turn your phone off. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness.
And so- Now, you just broke his rhythm. them. That's all there is in DNA.
It's just those four nucleotides that make up your DNA.
And there's a string of about 3 billion of them in each one of us that makes

us individuals, but it makes us human.
And we all look different and we all sound different because there's little
tiny differences in that genetic sequence that make us all unique, but we're still human.
That's right. Right. So they're messing around with that, basically, is what's going on.
They're trying to get something installed in our human DNA that makes us not human anymore.

That's what's really going on here. It's evil and it's downright dangerous.
Yes. So I got to kind of talk about how that happened with this DNA integration.
So you say it's almost like a genetic poison or what would you say that?
Yeah, it is genetic poisoning because they're changing.

The sequence of the DNA that makes you who you are. Right. Okay.
You were born with 23 chromosomes.
That's where your DNA is, and it's in every one of your cells.
And when your cells divide, that keeps moving on, and you make more of yourself.
And, you know, you have a million cells a second that are being replaced in your body.

Wow. A million cells a second. Think about that.
And so these new ones are supposed to have that original DNA.
DNA that you were born with.
But this technology that they're monkeying around with is changing that.
It's installing some DNA that's going to get into cell lines and those cell
lines eventually are going to become cancerous is what's going to happen.

Well, it's very funny because, you know, remember when you think back to when
this started, they were absolutely saying it wasn't going to mess with your
mRNA, right? mRNA wasn't going to corrupt your DNA.
Of course, Of course, we found out that's completely ridiculous because we know
it's part of actually the same cycles.
And they can write backwards. And, of course, that's through that reverse transcriptase

that we talked about. Right.
So we have all that going on. But now, no, no, it wasn't just mRNA that's corrupting your DNA.
They put real DNA in. Yeah. Right. And then why is that a problem?
Well, let's talk about how it got in there to begin with. So,
when they first started testing this stuff, they injected about 20,000 people with the real mRNA.

It was pure mRNA because it was generated in a machine.
Right. Okay. So, now they got to get this stuff out to billions of people.
Eight billion people is what they wanted to put this stuff in.
So, you can't generate this stuff in a machine.
Right. It takes too long and it's too darned expensive.

Right. So, what they did was they made what's called a DNA plasmid.
And the plasmid was programmed with the messenger RNA sequence that they want to generate.
Okay? So, they put that in this plasmid and they feed the plasmid to E.

Coli bacteria because E.
Coli bacteria will multiply these plasmids.
For them and they will do it perfectly because when
dna gets copied it always
proofreads for mistakes so whatever you give it it's gonna make perfect copies

of it messenger rna isn't like that though rna when it gets copied it makes
mistakes because it doesn't it doesn't check it doesn't do They don't do any
proofreading, but DNA does.
So now they're going to get all of these perfect DNA sequences that they're
looking for, and they're being made by E. coli bacteria.

Wow. So then they take the E. coli bacteria and they extract the DNA from it.
Now, they got to turn that DNA into RNA, messenger RNA.
And how do they do that? Well, they do it with something that's called RNA-dependent RNA polymerase.

And it's an enzyme that will turn that DNA strand, that double helix,
into a single helix of the messenger RNA that they want.
Now, I got to tell you, I got to tell you guys, your body does this all of the time.
It makes messenger RNA all the time because messenger RNA is what's required

for your body to make proteins.
And that's what you're built of. And this is happening in your cells all the
time with natural messenger RNA. But here's the key.
That natural messenger RNA uses something called uracil.
Well, they didn't do that with this messenger RNA that they want to make with this RNA polymerase.

They don't put uracil in there. And uracil is a nucleotide.
It's the replacement nucleotide for the thymine that's normally in the DNA.
It gets a little complicated, but you just got to understand that uracil is
present in natural RNA. So, what did they do?
Well, they made this man-made stuff called N1-methyl pseudouridine,

and they put that stuff in the mix so that when the RNA polymerase makes the messenger RNA,
it uses that man-made stuff instead of the natural uracil. Wow.
Now, why do you think they did that? I'll tell you why they did it.
Because when mRNA is in your body and in your cells that doesn't belong there.

Your body has a way to recognize it. That's the way God designed it to work.
Why? There's these little things called toll-like receptors.
Yep. And we know of about 13 of them, and we've discovered exactly what their jobs are.
But numbers 3, 7, and 8 have the ability to detect RNA sequences that are not

human and don't belong there.
But they found that by using this N1-methylsutouridine, this man-made stuff,
those toll-like receptors don't work.
Oh, my goodness. So now you've got something in your cell that's not human,
and it's going to make a protein.

Okay? Wow. Normally, your body would be able to recognize that and stop it from happening.
Right. And you know what? what?
The guys who came up with this idea got a Nobel Prize for doing that.
They got a Nobel Prize for figuring out a way to trick the immune system into

making a foreign protein that doesn't belong in the body.
I'm telling you guys right now, those guys who came up with that idea, they belong in prison.
They don't deserve- Was this the Nazi-
Peace prize? I mean, war prize? Destruction? I mean, think about how bad that is.

So that's how they got millions of cells of your body to start cranking out
this foreign protein, this foreign spike protein that we know is so deadly.
Wow. And they did that by using DNA.
Remember I said they made a DNA plasmid, and then they used this RNA polymerase.

They throw that man-made N1-methyl
pseudouridine in the mix to make the mRNA. But here's the problem.
They're supposed to purify that stuff after the mRNA is synthesized and pull that DNA out of there.
Well, they didn't do it.

And there's DNA fragments that got stuck in the mix, okay? So then this guy, Dr.
Paul Offit comes out and says, well, there's no way that that RNA could get into the cytoplasm.
Well, the RNA does get into the cytoplasm because, let me back up a little bit.

He didn't say the RNA because we know the RNA goes in the cytoplasm.
That's what these lipid nanoparticles were designed to do. But if it's contaminated
with DNA, the DNA gets inside of that lipid nanoparticle also.
And so the way these lipid nanoparticles are designed to work,
they're like little fat bubbles, you see.

Oh, my goodness. And they're made with normal body fats.
And the normal body fats they used are cholesterol. Cholesterol.
And the other one is DSPC. Wow. They're normal body fat.
So when these lipid nanoparticles are injected into your body,
your immune system doesn't see them.
It just looks at them as normal body fat. Wow. Any cell that they bump up against

to, they're going to merge.
Their cell membranes are going to merge. And the mRNA that's inside gets dumped
into the cellular cytoplasm.
And so the little Trojan horse that's in there is the DNA.
Wow. Because it's contaminated, you see? So Paul Offit says there's no way that
that DNA is going to get into your cytoplasm. Well, it definitely does.

Can if it's on a lipid nanoparticle. It's in the lipid nanoparticle.
And if you go down to basic science, that the cytoplasm is made of the cell
wall with lipids, right? That's correct.
That's how it gets in. That's exactly how it gets in. One question before we go down that road.
I did have a couple of questions. One thing when you're talking about this manufacturing
of this RNA, Do you remember probably about six months ago, I sent you an article

on Epoch Times where they had a very good point being made as this was not mRNA.
This was mod RNA.
Modified. Modified RNA, which makes it more dangerous. Exactly.
They come out to say how this is just mRNA shots.
Well, no, this is man-made, modified, genetically modified RNA,

that mRNA that they made, which is detrimental.
It is. It is absolutely detrimental.
Because it's got that N1-methyl pseudouridine in there that flies underneath
your immune system radar.
Now you've got something installed in your cellular cytoplasm that's going to
make that protein that is immunogenic.

You see how this works? They put something in you that would have been immunogenic, the messenger RNA.
Your body would have been able to see that and just reject So they needed to
figure out a way to get it installed into your cytoplasm so that it would make that protein.

That is immunogenic and will stimulate your immune system to make an antibody
that they're so excited about.
Which is another, theoretically, is ridiculous.
Yeah, we'll talk about how ridiculous that idea is.
But anyway, so now we know that there's DNA that got into the cellular cytoplasm. And now Dr.

Paul Offit says, well, there's no way that that DNA can get into the nucleus.
Well, there is a way it gets into the nucleus because that DNA plasmid that
I just talked about that is put into E.
Coli to make tons of it. also

programmed into that DNA was
part of the simian 40 virus the
sv 40 virus oh my goodness part of it not the whole thing the one that judy
mikovits was talking about yeah and so the part that they used was called a

promoter gene and then when that promoter gene gets transcribed into the protein, guess what it does?
It chaperones that foreign DNA directly into the nucleus. Wow.
Okay. And then Dr. Offit says,
well, even if that happened, there's no way that it could get integrated into

your DNA because it would require something called integrase,
which is a a special enzyme that's required for
dna integration well he forgot
to mention that inside of your
cells is other things called transposons which are mobile genetic sequences

that can and do cut your dna and insert dna from other sources wow so yeah that's how Now,
I know that gets a little complicated, but listen,
this has all been figured out and we know for sure that the DNA contamination

does happen. So what's that mean?
Well, now the DNA that was you is no longer you.
And when you start messing around with DNA, you start to have cell lines that
will become cancerous. So different cell lines can be affected.
If it affects your liver cells, the liver cells can become cancerous.

If it's the kidneys, they'll become cancerous. If it affects your bone marrow,
then you're going to develop leukemia. Do you see where this is going?
Yep. And you've heard about turbo cancers.
Yep. So this is one of the reasons that they're happening.
And they're happening in younger and younger people now.
These cancers that, you know, people die from are normally experienced later

in life or they're happening in very young people right now.
Yep. And it's people that got these shots.
Yep. They were either coerced into doing it or they believed the lie.
That's when Edward Dowd had all that information out that he statistically has
showed that the cancer rise is exponential. It is exponential and it's still happening.

It's still happening. Yeah. I just talked with a young lady this morning and
they just can't even understand,
what's going on that this particular patient as her husband and seems to have
cancer at the cellular level everywhere in their body, but there's no lesions.
There's no real major lesions. And you're thinking to yourself,

none of this makes any sense.
How does this even happen? Well, it makes sense now that I describe it to you. Yes.
Because once you get that foreign DNA integrated into your DNA,
it can develop into cancerous cell lines.
Yeah, and when you think about this, you're really talking about,
you know, in a sense, we talk about DNA being an information system,

right? It's not wholly, right?
But with the information that's on the DNA is what's holy, right?
So when you put something else in your body, you begin to trust these people
with, you know, the ability to write something into who you are. Right.
And so let's just back up because let's be honest with you. We were told,
you know, that first of all, mRNA doesn't write backwards to DNA, right?

It's going to last for a couple of weeks and this would be gone.
Even though we're going to force your body hijack it to produce something that's
actually a pathogen that would clearly kill you in enough.
You know dosage right now we find out oh my
goodness that it was modified mrna it
wasn't even mrna no it's modified it's modified
and then they're they're hijacking it even further to make

it where our body can't even recognize exactly this mrna if it was a false or
mrna where our body would have picked up on that right makes it makes a lot
of sense what noah harari said that we now know that humans can be hacked like
a human being right and so this is where Where you get down to the other thing
that Tal Zaks said, you know, that if you took this vaccine,
you're no longer a creation of God anymore, and you could be the subject of a patent.

So, again, that's referring to the Myriad case there where they're saying if
you have your patented codes and they're found in human beings,
then you can begin to make that argument.
Now, nobody's actually tried to make that happen, but you can see that there's
clearly – and this was a Supreme Court case, right?
So now you start to – well, how could he say that you're no longer a creation
of God? How could he say, right, that you could be the subject of a patent?

He was admitting there had to be a DNA contamination here.
Right. And now we are finding, and now you see where they're trying to say,
oh, it's there. We now admit it.
But it doesn't go into the cytoplasm. Right. Oh, it doesn't go into the cell.
Oh, it doesn't go to the nucleus.
Oh, it doesn't. It doesn't go into the actual, you know, chromosomes.
And you see now every bit of it is a lie. Exactly. It's just frightening, right?

Because every time we look at this, it's so much worse than we thought.
Let me tell you something else about
this modified mRNA, this N1-methylsutouridine that they put in there.
So that's in the string of nucleotides that your ribosomes use to make the protein.
Well, it's supposed to make the whole protein. Well, the problem is when your

ribosome runs up against this man-made stuff, this N1-methyl pseudouridine,
sometimes it stops making the protein and it cuts it off right there.
What's the danger of that? Well, it excretes in an exosome something that's called a peptide.
It's smaller than a protein.

It's just pieces of a protein. And when that gets excreted back out into your bloodstream,
your body will react to that by making an antibody against it.
Wow. What's the danger in that?
Well, these peptides can be very similar to normal proteins that are in your body.

Wow. So you mean like autoimmune disease? Exactly.
Autoimmune disease. Yes.
So we put this foreign stuff in our body, and now our body is being,
all this stuff is, they slip things past some of our normal natural processes of weeding this out.
But then the fact is, is that some of the things that are actually produced
are the things that make our body even attack itself.

You know why? Yeah. Because we put something in our body that wasn't from God.
That's exactly why. Well, that's true. But I wonder if they've been doing this for years.
I go back at the history of the last 30 years with these vaccines.
Vaccines how can we have so many autoimmune diseases no
doubt i mean you have kids you know ever since anyone
born after like 1989 it's gone through the

cdc schedule they're allergic to everything absolutely there's
that and the other thing you know and they don't in their immune systems you
have you have eczema you have psoriasis you have all these reactions this is
all autoimmune stuff exactly and you're you're absolutely right dennis it has
to be coming from the environment it's got to be coming from something that
we're putting into our bodies we're either we're either breathing it,

we're eating it, or we're injecting it.
And the injection thing is the most dangerous because again,
like I said, you don't really know what's in there.
It could be contaminated with all kinds of stuff.
And with the traditional vaccines, they had to put adjuvants in there to make
your immune system look at it, you know, to develop an immune reaction.

And unfortunately, Unfortunately, a lot of these adjuvants that they used were extremely toxic.
Aluminum. Aluminum was one.
Thimerosal was one. Yeah. These things can accumulate in the brains of children.
And if they are not able to eliminate that stuff.
Wow. Then it builds up. It becomes toxic. And now we have.

The explosion of autism. There's nothing to do, nothing to see here.
Again, here we are, the Jedi mind trick, nothing to see here.
You know, it's happening even with flu shots in the elderly,
because we're seeing an explosion of dementia in the elderly also.
I mean, well, you can't put those heavy metals into the body.
And what, why, folks, you're probably asking, well, why are vaccines so dangerous? Why do you say that?

Well, if you're inhaling something, you're having a barrier,
an immune barrier That has to go through.
If you're ingesting something, same thing, your body will either try to reject
it through vomiting or diarrhea, or you have immune cells in your intestines.
When you inject something into your bloodstream, you bypass that,

and that's the danger. That's right.

That we heard come out of walensky's mouth and biden's
mouth and fauci's mouth and burke's
mouth what was the lie oh if
you get this shot you will not get covid yeah and if you get the shot and the
covid tries to get you it stops right with you right that those were abject

lies and they knew it they knew it they absolutely what would you call willful
willful misconduct there There you go.
And then there goes their negligence, right? Yep. Well, they have the calculated risk.
And you have to really, when you look at this whole thing, especially when you
look at the World Economic Forum, when they went into Germany,
they were shocked by what Hitler was really doing there. The world was taken aghast.

And yet these guys are telling us to our face what they're going to do to us.
You look at the 666 patent, 060606 in in 2020.
Again, another advertisement about what they plan to do to us.
And when they do this to us, they're going to own us.
And here we find out now we've been taking things that are messing with our DNA.
Nobody would have taken this if they knew it was messing with our DNA, right?

You know, most people have enough sense to do that. And so you can see it's
all complete lies. It's all deception.
And yet here they are walking around and none of them are in jail.
And this is the the hardest part of this to really look at, you know,
and I had a patient in the other day and they were, I mean, their medical doctor
got very upset when they asked to see the vaccine insert.

Oh, you don't trust me, right? He asked them to leave.
Oh, no. Right? And I said, well, there you go.
This guy won't even show the insert, right? Won't even deal with what's on that.
Asked you to leave. There's nothing on it. It's blank. Right.
Would you trust somebody that just tells you that?
There's no talking about this anymore. And that's where most people are.

And yet we have this. And then here's the facts.
If you just took even before these vaccines came out, before COVID.
Right. You know, I'm sorry, folks, but Cuba, a third world communist country,
is healthier than we are.
Now, how is that possible with the incredible technologies that we have,
right, to treat everything and everyone?
But it's because the overall unhealthiness is there.

And now, look, it's so obvious that if you look at all the countries that did
what they told you to do, look at what's happening, right?
You look at the people that didn't do this stuff, right?
It is, you cannot prove anything more, right, than the way this works.
They're simple. You've got the placebo, right?
And then you've got the people that did this, right? And so we can compare the

two groups. We did that. We could look at the Palestinians versus Israel.
You look at the Amish versus America, you know, this is such a stark contrast.
And, and why was it that the embalmers, right? The B the people in the funeral
home that, that had to blow the whistle on what's going on, because at the beginning
they said, we can't allocate any resources to what autopsies. Right.

They limited autopsies right from the get go because they were hiding something
that now we know what's going on.
Yeah. And so this is why I say, and the whole world did this all at once against those rules.
And they're going to do it again. And they're going to do it again.
And that's our job, guys, is to educate people. And you nailed it, Dr.

Dennis, when you talked about the epithelial barrier.
Because that's where the real magic of your immune system works,
right there. That's where the protection against infection resides.
It's right there. And it does not involve these things called antibodies.
That's right. It's all cellular. It's all cellular. Your innate immune system.

It's your innate immune system and the cells of your innate immune system.
And, you know, this should be taught in every school.
Well, we're chiropractors, so we believe that there's something innate, right? Right? Right.
Well, I mean, think back. It's so funny because I just had like a flashback 30 years.
I remember my histology professor.

He had an accent. Wait, what was his name? No. No, I don't remember his name,
but I can see his face and his bald head and glasses and his accent.
And he said, everything goes back to histology.
And he's exactly right. Yeah. Right? I mean, it's all based on the cell.
And no matter what we know, like about the innate immune system and innate healing

and so forth. And as chiropractors, we profess that.
Do medical doctors learn this? No. What are they learning? They learn just a
smattering of how the immune system works, but then they're fed the narrative
that the vaccines are safe and effective.
Well, what's effective about a vaccine?
It makes an antibody, but an antibody is a protein.

It doesn't have any intelligence. It doesn't do anything. All it does is mark
an invader for your immune cells to destroy it.
That's what an antibody does.
But it's got to be a perfect antibody.
And the only way you get a perfect antibody is having a natural infection.

It's got to come through that epithelial barrier in a natural way.
That's the only way that you're going to get perfect antibodies.
And the reason is because those immune cells that we talked about,
there's one that's a very specialized cell. It's called a dendritic cell.
And it will take that invader, whatever it is, if it's a virus or a bacteria

or a toxin, it will take whatever that is, and it will chop it up into all of
its individual protein parts.
And it will show those proteins to other immune cells called T helper cells.
And those T helper cells are what's going to train your B cells.
Which actually make the antibodies.
It will train your B cells to make perfect antibodies against the whole thing.

All of it. All of it. And that way you have future protection against infection
because it's able to recognize the whole thing. But what are we doing with this shot?
We're putting something into the body to make one little piece of that thing,
just one little piece of it.

And the problem is that piece keeps changing.
It's changing all the time. And so you're injecting your body with something
to make something that isn't even going to work. Wow.
That's the whole idea of the whole vaccination program. It doesn't make sense. So think about this.
For Christmas, I got one of those tools. You know, I have these rough, difficult cuts.

My wife gets me this thing, and you just shove it against whatever it is,
and it makes a perfect mold of it, right?
Yeah, just that one line. When he says it's going to make a mold of the whole thing.
The whole thing. You picture, remember it's a spike protein,
right? You picture this little round ball of spikes.
So all they did is take one little small, like you put a piece of putty down,
you know, like remember when they do like a crown or something,

like they make these molds, yada, yada, yada.
Can you imagine if they just put one little piece in there and just stuck it
down in that one spot? Yeah. And they're going to hope that that's how you can recognize.
But when the body does it, guys, you heard him say it, it does one of the whole thing.
The front, the back, the totem, bottom, the sides. And that's the difference
between natural immunity and this fake stuff that's going around.

Exactly. Remember what they tried to also pull off during COVID?
That even if you've been infected, if you have natural immunity,
the vaccine immunity is better? Right, right.
Okay. It actually ruins your natural immunity. Exactly. Exactly.
Creates so many of those spike proteins that those T cells that I talked about

that are supposed to have memory
against the whole thing, they get retrained to look at the one thing.
Oh my goodness. So that good natural immunity that you had gets wiped out.
That's it. I'm not kidding you guys.
It wipes it out. Do not get one of these shots.
Nope. No, no. Don't do it. to not take any more shots into your body like that.

And let's address this other issue because the bottom line is we're all watching
some TV and hear these people that did
all of these things to us are still advertising to go out and take a shot.
And you just think to yourself, well, if these were really bad,
wouldn't they have stopped that by now?
Right. And so here's what you need to understand, right? Not only did they do

this, they're still doing it. Right.
And not Not only that, but we're only one of a few countries in the world that
allow drug companies to immediately market to the actual people, right, society.
And see, now, some people say it's up to 30% of all the advertising dollars now.
Now, how, if you're a radio station, a TV station, how are you going to make
it if you lost 30% of your advertisers?

Do you understand how and why this stuff is happening, how we're only allowed? loud.
It's the same thing. People walk into my office and I go, they're really hurting
and they're willing to have drug surgery, blah, blah, blah, right?
And I just bend their finger backwards.
I go, does this hurt? They go, yeah.
What's the only solution to all the pain that your finger's in right now?
They all get it immediately. Oh, yeah. I want to put this finger back in the right place.

I go, well, why didn't you say I want to call your doctor for some muscle relaxers
and painkillers? How about a massage? How about some physical therapy?
Let's put an injection in or do surgery on it. Why didn't you suggest those things?
And yet, I'm the crazy person that's going to move your body a little bit,
move it in a better position, and now your pain is going to get better.
But this is how trained we are. Oh, yeah. Right? And I tell them,

I go, how is it that Emmett Smith,
Jerry Rice, right, saw a chiropractor after five, seven days a week?
These are the most beat up people on the planet.
Right. Put up more yards. Why haven't you ever heard it? Because you're never
going to hear the truth, folks, on television.
Because the people that are there, you look at big pharma, you look at big insurance
companies, And now these same groups are buying out all the doctors.

That's what really Obamacare allowed.
So they're now controlling the information.
Now, we're thankful for the doctors that have stood up to this.
And there's been a ton of them. And you can see the discrimination.
It's really hurt medical doctors when they have stood up because they've had
their licenses even attacked at that level.
So we're very fortunate, you know, in that sense.

So we have to really stick up for our medical doctor friends that are standing
for the truth. But you can see how there's this bias.
And you have to understand, until you understand that, you think,
how could they possibly be pulling this off?
But that little piece of information shows you that this is what's going on.
Our society is being controlled by these same people groups.

And that's how they've been able to pull it off. Yeah.
And they pull it off because people believe the narrative and it's a lie.
And the lie is so easy to believe.
It's like, all you got to do is inject this stuff into your body and it's going
to make something that's going to protect you.
Well, they've been trained by the pharmaceutical companies to take a pill for

this, take a pill for that. They got a pill for every symptom out there.
Exactly. None of those pills cure anything. No, they don't.
And, you know, doctors are starting to wake up and they
they wake up in in various stages you know
i i get to hang out with these guys all the time that are
on the the medical freedom speaking circuit now and uh i mean these these guys

when when they wake up they wake up they wake up big time and they start speaking
out and you know what you know what's funny that you know medical doctors never
used to listen to the chiropractors.
They're listening now because you know what?
We're the guys that had the training on how the immune system actually works.

That's right. It's amazing.
They didn't get it. No, they didn't. Well, I was happy, you know,
I got my undergraduate degree in nutrition and let me tell you,
they covered the vaccines from start to finish, you know, and the average doctor
doesn't know anything about them.
No, they don't. And it's hilarious that you need to trust me,
but But they've never looked at this.
It's less than one hour of time total.

There's not even a credit hour we're talking about here. So they have just accepted
this narrative as, again, you go back to Louis Pasteur, right?
And they just take that narrative and how this is the way we're going to save the planet.
Right. So the key to this whole thing is, and, you know, guys, we're in a war.

And it's not a war against a virus. No.
Because that would be a war against God and nature that man could never, ever win.
Right. The war that we're in is against tyranny.
That's right. And it's cleverly disguised as what's called a medical countermeasure.

Right. That they have convinced everybody to take.
Yeah. And it will protect them. Mm-hmm. The way out of this, guys, is knowledge.
That's right. It's knowledge on how your immune system really works and where
is the protection against these infections. Where is it?

It's cellular and it has nothing to do with these things called antibodies that
the medical countermeasures narrative is telling you is going to protect you. It will not.
It will destroy you.
So that's the message that we got to get out there. That's the knowledge that people have to get.

When they get the knowledge, then the truth starts to shine through.
And it's like the light bulb comes on and people are like, oh,
my gosh, I'm never going to do that again.
It's easier. It's easier to stay in the matrix. You know, it's hard to take that red pill.

Well, yeah.
If you walk into your doctor and you say, hey, doc, I know I've been diagnosed

with cancer, but I've been doing a lot of research on this, and I want to try this.
I want to try this natural method.
And if that doctor isn't willing to help you through that journey,
then you need to find yourself another doctor. Yep.
And, you know, we're all about on this show because I think that our generation

has really lost sight of something that's truly evil, you know,
and a lot of people lost that, right?
If you think about Mr. Peck when he wrote his book, you know,
The Road Less Traveled, right?
Well, he was trying to find something good. He couldn't really exactly put his
finger on exactly what that meant.
But then he went in another direction. Not many people read his second book.

It was called The People of the Lie. Okay.
And while he had a little trouble coming up with exactly what,
you know, was perfect goodness, right, in the world, when he thought,
well, good doesn't really exist if there's no such thing as something bad.
And so he reversed his process, and he went to look for something evil in the world.

And this is what I'm, I mean, we just did this the other day.
We were like, okay, let's just show my kids now, because they're teenagers.
Let's show them what's on the dark web. Oh. Okay? You want to eat humans? No problem.
Wow. You want to watch babies killed?
No, that's not a problem either. The truth is that we are all living in the matrix.

There's so much evil in the world that it goes unpunished.
China is the most evil country we've seen since Hitler.
I mean, they are forced human harvesting. They're forcing their – that means
they're killing them, right?
They have forced abortions, right? We found out during COVID the only way those
poor people can express themselves themselves is to go out in their balcony

in the middle of the night and scream.
This is what's going on. And yet this is the template according to the World
Economic Forum for where we're going to go.
So what I'm trying to tell you is this, and we're still buying all their stuff,
right? We're in bed with them. Our president's in bed with them.
So this is what I'm trying to tell you. Once you're a Christian,
you have to believe that there's something called evil, right?

And this evil, this is where I go back to that verse, Revelations 13,
16, 17, 18. It tells you the whole thing.
All of communism, all of this stuff is all based, this COVID narrative,
it's all about creating a cause.
You create the cause, you get people to buy into it.
The cause that you create is something that justifies something you want it to begin with.

And what does this final government have to have?
It has to have mandatory access to your body.
Yes and that is that is something
and this is where i i run into this but it's this
argument i have my dad and i
go dad come on this mark of the beast thing this is ridiculous there's
nothing you could do with your body there's nothing you can you can worship

a false god and then one day go that was incredibly stupid god i know the real
you see what i'm saying i can say i'm sorry i can i can repent right and my
dad goes you're right but one day there will be and see that means that That
if Satan could have done this earlier, he would have,
which means it's something new, which means it's related to technology.

And see, those of us that are looking at technology, it's when they talk about
the great reset, they're not talking about a reset.
They're talking about a complete and utter destruction of everything that is
right, including you, your DNA, the human race.
And then they're going to remake this all into what? Into a new image.

And that's why they're even attacking us at the DNA level. And see,
that's what all the critical theory, right?
Same thing. They create this cause. Then they create this group of people that
are behind it to create this controversy, to divide the nations so that they
can synthesize a new generation of what they wanted to begin with.

Right. And look, terrorism could give them the same thing.
We need access to your body because we're
going to chip you and sorry We can't recognize the terrorists unless you've
been credentialed and then once we credential you you're going to be chipped
And then we can't have terrorism here because if if we didn't take away their
ability to buy and sell If a terrorist can be here and buy and sell he could

buy things that would destroy us, right?
So you see they can come up with all kinds of ways to
create a problem problem that they want so that
they get what they want and there's so many angles that they can
come but that's why they're trying to divide us that
is why they're trying to get to this body of ours
and today doc you have shocked us even
dr dennis and i are like wow yeah it's a rabbit hole goes deeper the rabbit

hole just went a levels deeper you see what i'm saying and so they're gonna
do And they do it because they're going to make it look so convenient for you
to have this technology.
Yes. And they're going to make it sound good. Yep. You know.
And we've already kind of fallen into that trap with our cell phones.

Right. I mean, it is a convenient thing to have, no doubt. But it constantly is tracking you.
Yep. It knows exactly where you are all the time if you're carrying that thing with you.
And it's listening to you. Yep. All of the time.
Constantly. if it's waiting for you to say
hey google or hey siri yeah

then it's listening to every single word you
say that's it we have my wife sent me
one the other day and it was somebody asked siri or alexa what's the united
nations of america and it's like oh that's the united nations made that country
after the apocalypse of the united states of america right the wow wow right

i didn't know that you knew this.
I mean, you think about what they're telling you, and yet the average person
is walking around here thinking, right, that there's no conspiracy,
that these people somehow have our best interest at heart.
And so, but if you're a doctor, and I can't remember the doctor from Europe
that said the fact that they did this all around the world and reversed exactly

what we knew to do during a pandemic, like the masks,
the social distance, just everything about it, But, you know,
he changed it all at once. And I just can't remember his name right now.
Do you guys remember who I'm talking about? Was that the German guy, Gert?
Well, Gert was one of them. This guy seemed British. Yeah.

But it's one of my wife's favorite. But it's just something the way he said that makes you realize.
And that's what you have to see is, you know, and I think Joseph Mercola,
by the way, has a lot of good stuff. You guys should watch some of his articles.
But he had a great one just talking about how they are forming a digital prison.
Oh, yeah. This is clearly what their plan is. And your car won't even work.

The new cars won't. They can shut your car down remotely. We're helping to build that prison.
Yes. By the way. because we're paying for it because of
the convenience of everything well and
then a lot of people don't know this but when we covered the china
episode you know we're talking about up to 30
percent of some of the stock market is in china that's right what's going to

happen when they go to war in taiwan right you have been investing money to
help the demise of america in our enemy your money's tied up in them you know
and you think are they going to be good on that no You know,
and that's the level of deception.
They've taken the business people of America and made them think,
okay, that this is going to keep going on.

So this is why it doesn't matter any way which way you go on this,
you come to this conclusion.
And that's why, you know, having you on today to help people to see the level.
This was incredibly smart.
Oh, yeah. This wasn't something they did yesterday.
No. No, they've been doing it over the last couple centuries.

Guys got Nobel Peace Prize for just figuring out one little part in their plan.
You see what I'm saying? So this is where all of this starts to come together,
and you have to realize that we need to be realizing there's a new entity in
the world that's coordinated,
that's powerful, and it's working together in a very, very strategic pattern.

And yet most people say, oh, it won't happen here, right?
Yeah, that's the saddest thing. and most Americans believe that it cannot happen in America.
But if you look at any strong nations that have got away from God and their
beliefs and systems, and they've folded.
Absolutely. So we're almost out of time, but before we get going, I know, Dr.

Stillwagon, I asked you to look into a little bit of graphene oxide,
and what did you discover when you did that?
Yeah, so people ask me, is graphene oxide in the shot? Well,
listen, I've talked to some doctors that have investigated vials,
and they say it's not in there.
And I've talked to other doctors that investigated vials, and they say it is in there.
So can it be detected? Yes, it can. You can see it with an electron microscope.

And there are other ways to detect it as well with a regular microscope.
Microscope using a new technology that's called Raman, that's spelled R-A-M-A-N.
Spectroscopy. So yes, it can be detected.
Now, why would graphene oxide be in the shot?

Well, I can tell you that the graphene oxide has been known to be like a Velcro
between the dendritic cell that I talked about and the cytotoxic T cell.
It pulls them together and it makes their interaction much, much stronger.

This is known. It's in the published research.
So, what they're trying to do is get that T cell to look at and memorize what's
on the dendritic cell. So that's the reason that the graphene oxide could be in the shot.
Now, what is graphene oxide?
Well, it's a very unique material. It's only one atom thick.

So it's normally in sheets, okay? They're one atom thick.
And the chemical structure of graphene oxide is a hexagon.
Did you know that? It's a hexagon. I didn't. That has six sides.
So graphene oxide, since it's only one atom thick, is only a two-dimensional thing.

But when you fold it now, and you fold it, you can get a three-dimensional thing
out of it. So three sixes?
Just think about that. Just kind of think about that a little bit. Pretty interesting.
Yeah. Putting their little signature on there. Yeah. So, you know,

what else can graphene oxide do? Well, people say it's magnetic.
And that's the reason why you saw these pictures flying around on the internet
of magnets sticking to people.
Well, I found out that no, graphene oxide is not magnetic.
It is not magnetic. But it is conductive.
It will conduct electricity. And we do know that when graphene oxide interacts

with biology, it does change shape.
Oh, wow. And it will develop a three-dimensional structure.
We know this. They're experimenting with it right now.
There's not that much that's known about it, but they are using it in biological research.
That's for certain. Okay.

Now, you know, you see patents on the internet now.
Anybody can look these up. Just look up graphene oxide patents and what they're using them for.
And they're using them for communication devices.
They're also using them for circuitry.
And, you know, maybe you can jump in on this, Dr.

Cruz, but you mentioned that if they were going to actually build something inside the body,
they would do it kind of like they build the
space station right so they would
do it in stages yeah it's so funny because you know when you think about what
god has done and you know and talking with dr jose bonilla he loves to talk

about all these protective mechanisms you know they they had to struggle so
hard because the body's so good at finding out what's not supposed to be there
and And eliminating it, right?
And here you see the, I mean, they have been at this for years.
And so when you think about something like the mark of the beast,
you think about, man, this is a big deal. This isn't simple.

This isn't just, it's so silly to think that it's like the God draws a line in the sand.
And it's very clear the Bible says that God is not willing that any of his children should perish.
Which means if people perish, they perished against God's will.
He didn't want it. But it also means that they had what?
They had their own will, didn't they? Right. Right. That's right.

And see, that's something we know about love. Love doesn't exist.
It can't exist. You can't force it. Unless you have two people with choices.
Yeah. And so this is that part of humanity that we replicate like God,
that we have to have a choice.
We actually get to be our own God if we want to, right?
So when you run that down, you go, what in the world?

I mean, that's what I said when I was a kid. I was like, later on when you actually
go, well, maybe he's right. right, maybe one day there will be something.
And I thought, well, whatever this is, it's got to be big, right?
It's got to be something.
And so, but then you get older and you go, wait a minute, maybe it's so big,
they couldn't get it into space.
Like the space station, they had to put it up there in pieces.

And so now you start to realize that whatever this is, they're already building it inside of us.
Yeah. So let me tell you a couple other things about graphene oxide
it's not it's not a protein and it's and
it's not a biological thing it's it's it's
not that so when you inject this stuff if if
they are injecting it your body is not going to build an antibody against it

it won't do that now it won't get into your cells either because it's a it's
a sheet it's too big it will not it's called transfer cellular membrane transfer
it will will not go into your cells.
It just won't do that. It's gonna hang out.
In your blood and in your lymph. And as I mentioned, when it interacts with

other biological stuff, then it can in fact change shape.
Wow. So that's what could be going on here.
Wow. Like you mentioned, Doc, it could be changing shape and maybe they're experimenting
with other stuff that they could inject to further change its shape to actually
form a structure that can can be used for something. Yeah.

I don't know. The new vaccine coming out for disease X or something.
Yeah. This, this is all really, really hanging out there on the conspiracy edge. Right.
Well, and we do have this, and I'm just going to ask you this cause I've got
you, but you know, the FDA confirms the graphene oxide is in the mRNA COVID vaccines.
And of course this was expose news in April 2nd of 2023.

So, you know, there's been some talk of them. We've been seeing this in blood
work around the world, apparently, and then some of it's not there.
We've seen a lot of different things in the blood.
We have seen some nanorobots in people's blood or tissues.
So it's disturbing, you know, that this ingredient. But again,
we go back to the Pfizer patent, which we'll talk about another episode.

But you really have to see that technology is doing something. thing.
And this is what I think you have to at least admit, that technology is destroying.
Everything that we know about our world, about our environment,
and most importantly, about the human being.
You have to believe that these people, and again, there's lots of people that

are building monuments about how they believe we need to get rid of all these people, okay?
Building monuments that cost a lot of money, saying that the world should only
have a few million people in it. Well, the only way they're going to do that, folks, is if what?
We get rid of a lot of people. So you can't argue that these people are in the
world and that they're saying these kinds of things, you know.

So as we get about to the end here, Dr. Dennis, any last words?
I just, one thing going back to the graphene oxide, if you remember,
I think maybe a year ago, there was something in research out there,
they were saying that people were coming up with MAC addresses,
the people that were vaccinated.
Yeah. Are you hearing something about that? I do. I wonder if

that had something to do graphene oxide and then also could
it have something to do with you know further detection or
attraction to 5g these are things that were
questions that were still unanswered in my mind well
they are unanswered questions but it's an important question because if there
if there is going to be a mark of the beast it's going to be something that's

going to be detectable and it's going to have to be detectable without invading
the body yeah okay so it's got to be a signal that's coming from the body that
can be read by something else.
And I think we're kind of headed that way. And you can see that all of this
stuff, because when you look at the 666 patent, it says you can compute things automatically.
Well, that's a form of mind control. And certainly, even if you look at the

neural link of Elon Musk, right, this is something that affects your mind.
And so once you understand that Satan wants the ability to access or control your mind, right?
We'll see, then think about what Dennis said about what Noel Harari said.
Thanks to vaccines, humans are no longer what?
We know they're hackable. They're hackable, right? Yeah. And then the idea that

you have a soul, he used the word soul.
And then he says free will.
Okay. And so this guy just told you he's going to steal your soul with a vaccine. seen.
Now that's, there's nowhere to go on that one.
He's telling you, that's the mark of the beast. There's only one thing in the
Bible that would be like that, right?
So there's nowhere to run on some of these things.

These guys are telling us, and that's what's so amazing to me that they even
patent this 060606 patent.
I mean, that's, I know in the world I thought anybody would ever advertise that.
And now we found another thing about grafene oxon has six sides,
You know, when you fold it, it could be 666 into these dimensions.

So there's lots of little clues.
And again, the Bible said that his elect wouldn't be deceived.
I think they had to give this to us because the deception is so great,
some things have to be given away. That's what the Bible says.
So any last words, Kevin? Thanks so much for coming today.
And, you know, you blew the lid off this, brother. I really appreciate it.
We love having you. It just really brings it. I always love talking to you guys.

Guys, it's fascinating.
Just, you know, I encourage everybody to do their own research.
Read a little, become knowledgeable, because that's how we get out of this.
Knowledge leads to truth.
And when you see the truth, now you have wisdom. That's right.
Kevin, how do people find you?
Okay, I've got a Substack you can go to. It's called

That's just
I do a lot of interesting articles there. I keep up with aviation safety and
how the jab has affected aviation safety.
I also have a Rumble channel. You just go to Rumble and type in my name,
Kevin Stillwagon. and I've got all kinds of... I'm subscribing today.
We've got all kinds of interesting videos there that can train you on how the

immune system actually works.
Some of them are long, some of them are short, but I try to keep them fairly interesting.
Well, and the other thing is, Kevin, like you said, he knows a lot of medical
doctors, and he's been in this since the very beginning, and he's actually getting
to have real dialogue with some of the people that are in the know about exactly what's happening.
So I believe he's given us some great information we can use today.

Dr. Dennis, you want to pray us out? Sure.
Lord God, we just want to thank you for this episode and for the amount of knowledge
that was given over this time period.
Lord, we pray that this knowledge goes forth to educate your body and that your
body will respond and try to reach out to those who have not accepted you, Jesus.

We want everyone to understand that if there's evil in the world,
then there has to be good.
And good is there's only one that is good as
jesus said and that is god and we thank you for everything amen
amen brother hey folks this is
dr kevin cruz giving you another pump because guess
what the supernatural junkies are on rumble all you have to do is go to rumble

go to search and when you search for channels you look for supernatural junkies
and all of our stuff is going to start popping up it's great because you're
going to be able to see the links you'll You'll get to see exactly why we are
saying what we're saying.
But most importantly, this is a great way to share with your family and your
friends exactly why we are living in prophetic times and why we cannot give up access to our bodies.

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