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February 2, 2024 67 mins

In this thought-provoking episode of the Supernatural Junkies podcast, join Dr. Dozier, Dr. Kevin, Dr. Dennis, and Dr. O alongside special guest Dr. Daniel Bernard as they dive deep into the pressing concerns facing the American Church today. The conversation jolts the worrisome trend of faith being reduced to religious spectatorship and the failure to cultivate disciples as commanded by Jesus himself.

Dr. Bernard shares compelling stories from his 26-year long ministry journey and his book "The Proven Plan". The conversation also includes his personal testament to the power of faith and prayer, demonstrating how discipleship and its true essence can lead to miracles, personal growth, and societal transformations.

The episode revolves around critical flaws and shortcomings in the modern American Church, particularly how discipleship is often sidelined. It underscores the urgent need for a drastic shift in focus, from a commercially-driven model to returning to the discipleship-based model of faith rooted in the teachings of Jesus.

In this enlightening conversation, emphasis is laid upon the importance of disciples embracing God's teachings and applying them in their lives, instead of simply being church members. The narrative concludes with a plea for the Church to regain its primary role as a spiritual mentor, thereby effectuating profound change within itself and the world.

Join us for an intriguing and profound discussion on the significance of true discipleship, the need for a preferential shift within the church, the power of faith, and an adoptive model designed to positively impact society. Let's explore how we can make Christianity 'tasty' again!

About our Guest Dr. Daniel Bernard: Daniel  Bernard was born in Clearwater, Florida, on July 4, 1956. In December of 1978, Daniel accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Shortly after getting saved, Daniel went to Kentucky Christian College where he obtained his BA in Bible. He furthered his education by attending  Cincinnati Bible Seminary for two years on a Leadership Scholarship.  Daniel received several awards for leadership and preaching. He earned an MA in Missiology from Liberty Theological Seminary. In September  2000, Daniel was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Theology from  Tabernacle Bible College and Seminary in Tampa, Florida.  December of 1996, Somebody Cares Tampa  Bay (SCTB) was established.

Dr. Daniel  is the SCTB Founder | President  and just celebrated 25 years of service!

Dr. Daniel is the author of, "Praying Up a Storm," "God’s Soul Desire," and "City Impact in addition to two other books. Dr. Daniel has been a contributor to "101 Ways to Reach Your Community" and "101 Ways to Reach the Needy," by Steve Sjogren. Daniel has been a guest on the "700 Club," Christian Television Network, and has been featured in Outreach and Inspire Magazine. Daniel is available for speaking engagements and can be reached at For more information about Somebody Cares Tampa Bay go to  

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Episode Transcript

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Hello, everyone. I'm Alex, and I'm going to be natural.
I am Dr. Dozier, and I am going to be super. Yeah. And I am Dr.
O, and I'm going to be the junkie. He's Dr.
Dennis, and he is a junkie. I am Dr. Kevin, and we are... The Supernatural Junkies.

All done. Well done, boys.

Hello everyone, we are missing Alex from the Supernatural Junkies,
So we're going to have to try and be super without her today.
We have a very special episode. Of course, we have Dr. Dozier's in the house.
And what kind of house are you in today, Dr. Dozier? I'm in the house of the
Lord wherever I go. Amen.

I knew I could coax. I set him up for that one. He set me up. He set me up.
But so we'll be. Well, we always need Dr.
Dennis, too, and he's not going to be here today. day. We are doing an episode
with him later today, actually, because of this time change.
But we have a very special guest, Dr. Daniel Bernard with Somebody Cares Tampa Bay.
And for those that have listened before, we've had Daniel on before.

And of course, Daniel, we nicknamed
him the diesel because he is always working on something. Always.
And it's good stuff with Somebody Cares Tampa Bay. And Daniel,
how long you been doing Somebody Cares Tampa Bay now?
Only 26 years. Only 26 years.
That's some heritage. It is. You know, it really is. And when you get to go

to one of Daniel, we both got to go to his event with his gala and he had Michelle Bachman there.
And boy, my wife was glued when she was listening.
But just to see the scope of the things that you guys do, you have mission trips.
Have you been on a mission trip with Daniel?
I have. I have. What was that like to go on a missions trip with Daniel?

Well, for a moment there, I thought Daniel was going to leave me.
We left from Tampa and everything went well, getting to Atlanta.
And then we flew on for another 13 hours to Nigeria.
Daniel hadn't been there for a while. You all may not know it,
but he lived there for seven years.
He hadn't been there for a while. So he just started walking through the airport

and he left me way behind because the guy at customs was trying to get something
out of me. Yes, I'm telling the truth.
And so I'm looking in Daniel's way ahead, and this is my first time there,
so I have to shout out through the airport, Daniel, Daniel, you just going to leave me?
Yeah, you turn around. Oh, I thought you were right behind me,

and there were the police in there, and they carry like assault rifles.
They really carry assault rifles at the airport, and when they started laughing,
I'm like, okay, I guess it's not too bad, but that's what it was like from the
beginning, but the whole trip in its entirety, It was great. It was awesome.
It was a life experience that I would say anyone who does mission work should experience somewhere.

So, Daniel, we're going to have to make you get your side of the story, right?
So you're going over to Africa here just in a couple of weeks or what's going on?
Yeah we try to not to give exact dates and so
forth just because of of the security and
so forth that's out there but you know in fact that's why
we haven't done anything on facebook or anything of that nature oh
my goodness yeah yeah just we make sure we put this out late no well you can

put it out whatever just i'm just not going to give you exact dates but yes
in in the very near future we're going to nigeria for a couple weeks and when
he says nigeria tell us what he means by that dr doja because you guys be thinking
you know swimming pools hotels hotels, you know, roads.
Well, I guess a lot of times when people are here at Nigeria,
they think Lagos because it's the easiest thing to remember.

And then you do have some, you know, nice areas.
What is it called, Daniel? Victoria City or whatever it is. Victoria Island. Victoria Island.
You got some nice areas and all, but you know, you're not going,
you're going over there to do work. You're going over there to do kingdom work.
And so I remember, I remember the first night, I'm just going to be honest.

We stayed at this hotel in Lagos after it took us forever to drive to the airport
because there were so many cars on the street because there are millions of
people live there and and people ride around in Kikis. Kiki's is three-wheel vehicles.
And so we go to this hotel. When we go in the gate, it looked like something
from the Arabian Nights. It was a really high gate.

And then at the top, it had the steel arrow-like bars bent towards the inside.
I'm like, okay. So I guess this is for defense.
So we go in and we check in. And Daniel and I went separate rooms.
I like having my own room. So that was great.
And so we had our- No bunk beds? We had our good- We had our bed with our good
friend, Wilson. Wilson and Wilson.

And Wilson, he's gone on to be with the Lord. But when I get from Wilson,
and Wilson gave us a code. Wilson said, listen, if you hear a knock on the door, three knocks.
He said, that's me. Don't open it unless you hear three knocks.
I said, okay. So I'm in the room and everything.
And things are a little bit different there. They're quite a bit different.
I hear this knock on the door. And I open the door, and there's someone saying,

would you like something to eat?
And it wasn't Wilson. So I said, Wilson, I said, Wilson, how are you going to
say this is our secret code and you give it to somebody else?
But that went that way that night and then later that night wilson said well
the people are real loud And I was in the room and people were loud and i'm going to be honest.
I stereotyped the people they were real loud out there And just hanging around,

And you know, it's my first time there.
So i'm like, okay I've got to go in defense mode because my door was kind of
raggedy I mean my door was right you can snatch it real hard and pull it open.
So the chair in the room was real heavy a round heavy chair I slid the chair
up against the door, this big old man here, and I put my luggage on top of the chair.

I said, okay, so if someone decides, I never told Daniel this, I don't think I did.
I said, okay, so if someone decides to break in, then I can already get in my
defense position and I can deal with a few of them before they finally,
but it was very peaceful.
And then, so what he's asking, we rode on and when we, what we ended up being,
it was, it was not, This was not what you would call a pleasure trip.

It wasn't hardship because the people are beautiful, but it's totally different from here.
When you're driving down that dirt roads, I mean the highway,
it seemed more like a dirt road.
But when you're driving down the highway, you've got these huge craters.
I mean, potholes, but they look like craters.
And you go somewhere and it's like, okay, what is this going to be like?

But then when you go and you settle, the people were really a beautiful people.
And I think it would be good for you once you make it through the airport,
once you make it out of the airport, because that can be a culture shock for you right there.
But once you make it out of the airport and you get with the people,
the people are very, very beautiful.
Well, and he also goes down the rivers into the bush. So we're going to get

to Daniel here and just got to give him a few more props here.
They feed people here in the area. They set up ways that they go in and help
communities and especially people that have trouble fixing up their houses.
When disasters happen, Daniel goes and says, I got a couple of trailers leaving.
So we get to go to his men's conference. He gets pastors together in the area.

So he's one of the most diverse pastors I've ever met in my life.
And then he goes to all kinds of places. We're trying to get him to go to Honduras now, officially.
So, Daniel, we also got to see your son's movie. Tell us about that a little bit.
Well, yeah, the movie was based on some true events that took place in his life, our life.

And, of course, he was in a near-fatal car accident. He had a four-by-five-inch
piece of skull that had to be removed just to allow his brain to swell and try to save his life.
And so he was declared dead, but God had different purposes for him. Amen.
And we got everybody to pray. I didn't have any idea what the statistical probability

of him actually coming back from what he had experienced in the accident and so forth.
Actually found out later was actually zero and but
we just began to pray and believe god said it's going to be a
complete recovery not knowing you know because they said
if if he does you know come back that he'll never be you know fully functional

again yeah he'd be in a vegetative state and of course we know if you know if
you ever see the movie the favorite you'll see that that he's fully functional
and actually would play the lead role in the movie.
Wow. Yeah. So you're guys, you're sitting together with two men here that believe,
okay, they pray and miracles happen.

And of course, we're having Daniel on today because he's written yet another
book, and this one is called The Proven Plan.
Now, I'm not kidding you. We were just, in the last two episodes,
we've kind of come to almost what you're talking You know, the idea of really
getting back to some ideas of discipleship, right?
And so we had had some people comment upon, you know, that they went to church and yada, yada, yada.

And why are we seeing the church just be kind of ineffective,
not really being able to address what's happening?
And, you know, so there's this faith we have in our, our faith can be dead if
we don't have some actions that follow what we really believe.
And so we were just saying that one of the reasons why is that you say,

oh, I went to church today and a young lady told me that. And I go, did you talk to anybody?
At the church in a personal way that they somehow know you, that they're a part
of your life? Did that happen at all?
And of course, you know what the answer is. It was no, right?
So you see the fellowship part of church isn't happening. We have a spectator sport, really.

And then that second one is that great commandment that you get into in your
book, you know, that we're supposed to go and make disciples,
and that the disciple is a student, right?
And so I don't know any pastor that believes that going to church on Sunday
morning is discipleship, right?
That's kind of the open-ended auditorium, speak to everybody time,

and we're not going to get too deep into something that would really truly be called teaching.
I think most pastors would admit that. So then you ask them,
well, when is the teaching happening?
And they would say, well, we do life groups. And then you go,
okay, well, how many people participate in your life groups.
And then you're going to go maybe 20, 30%, right?

So that means only a few people in the church are getting that.
And then if you really look at that, and I know we're part of life groups as
well, and I'm going to say the
ones that we've seen, we haven't seen that they're really true teaching.
They really are more fellowship than actual teaching.
And so you you can see how now you're trying to revive the proven plan here.

So we've been talking about how fellowship and actual teaching.
Which is the art of making disciples, just isn't happening in the church today.
So I was like, man, let's get him in here before he ships off to Africa, down the rivers.
Go ahead, Daniel, tell us about you. Well, yeah, you know, this is a book that,

Basically, I had planned out for years because it's the principles that I use
in my ministry from way back, even my very first church in Williamstown, Kentucky,
and as a pastor and street minister in Texas, and then taking that to Nigeria.

And so much of that, you know, some of those stories are there in that,
you know, especially the stories of our making of disciples and who've went
out to plant churches and so forth and make disciples in Nigeria.
A lot of those stories that I shared in previous, you know, the previous episodes
when you had me on, I guess I would say.

But yeah, the main thing, so I finally came to a place and said,
you know what, it's time to write it. It's time we had outlined and so forth,
and it just sat there, and I just really felt like now was the time.
The urgency because of what we see, you know, send the back cover,
you know, here we have megachurches abound, and yet we have less and less influence on our culture.

And I said, so either what we're producing is not Christianity at all,
or the quality of it is so bad that it's ineffective.
And Jesus said, if the salt were to lose its saltiness, it's good for nothing,
but to be thrown out, to be trodden underfoot by men.
And so we have to really look at what we're reproducing, because we only reproduce

after our own kind. That's right.
Apples beget apples and what have you, right?
Goats beget goats and what have you. So there's no transgender there.
There's no transitioning. You're only reproducing after your own kind.
And we have to take a serious look.
Mainly the book is for the church in America. And I believe it is a prophetic word.

For the church in America, but to take a real hard examination of what we're
producing and have to say, we've got to change.
And that means for the church that we have to change.
We are not set up in how we're doing church right now. We're not set up to make disciples.
Logistically, even, we're just not set up to have those

relationships and encourage a relationship building that's
required in order to make a disciple and so you
know and part of that is because i believe that we've
sold out to the god of success or what we understand success is
and i know that's a hard word but it's
true yeah but my the very last chapter in
the book is an army an audience

or an army yeah amen and you know
the reason why we're losing this cultural war
is because an audience they don't come to fight no they come to be entertained
that's right they come to you know and again i i get it i don't want to you
know discourage the younger pastors and so forth we're all doing this but you

know i was in church we're visiting a particular church not,
my home church but and you know they had the countdown five minutes before you
know which is okay that's okay but then then it gets undone the last 10 seconds
and during the last 10 seconds The lights come down.
And I turned to my wife, I said, the show is about to begin.

And because that's what we're doing. Who can produce the best show?
And, you know, so that's the problem that we're having.
And so the book really addresses that and then say, okay, that's the problem.
But I bring, you know, I believe hopefully the solution is, of course,
and we can get into depth and detail.
But the solution is we've not followed the proven plan that Jesus gave us,

that Jesus exemplified.
And therefore you know we
we've lost that quality you know
you know you know people are getting into
the kingdom by the skin of their chinny chin chin you know
and they're not in there for the
rewards that paul said that you're my joy you're my reward at the coming of

the lord amen and he's referring to you know people who are his you know disciples
and and and you know i want people you know so we We talked about going for
the crowns and the different crowns that are there in the word.
And so I said, Le Man, go for all the crowns. And I said, or if you're just

part of the audience, then guess what?
When they're giving out crowns, you'll be watching everybody else get their crown.
You might be in heaven, but you're going to be watching everybody else get a
crown. I said, I don't want to be there.
Dr. Dozier, what do you think about this rewards idea he's bringing up here?
Well, first, I want to make a statement. And then I want to ask a question of

Daniel to clarify some things to the people, because I understood clearly what he was saying.
But I believe the, well, I can see one of the problems that we have when it comes to this.
What the church has transitioned to, a portion of the church has transitioned
to, is getting members instead of making disciples.

And when I hear people say they're a member, they're a member of,
they're a member of, it sounds more like a club or some type of union.
And something's wrong with the theology there, because the Word tells us that
God has set the members, every one of them, in the bodies as it has pleased
Him. And so by the Spirit of God, we are baptized into one body.

And then when you look into 1 Corinthians, when it speaks of the body and it
speaks of members, it's referring to body parts.
And so we are part of the body of Christ. We're members of his body.
But what we're starting to do is make members members.
Of a church. Some churches even have it where you pay membership dues.

I don't know if you've ever heard of that before, but I believe that's when
you start seeing the groups and all. It's even handled like members.
But when you have disciples, what you now have is students. You have pupils, you have scholars.
And what are these pupils, scholars, and students? What are they pupils,
scholars, and students of?
They're students of the things of God, how to live and what to do,

how to be, and how to perform.
When I say perform, I'm speaking of doing the works of the kingdom.
When I speak of be, how to live as a citizen of the kingdom.
And so a great deal of that has been omitted for the sake of counting membership.
And membership is bringing about the success instead of bringing about success

to the body by winning souls to the kingdom.
Now, the question I wanted to ask Daniel is, he said something,
and I think that was very That was very strong, and it was concerning his book.
And he said, this is mainly for the church in America.
And so I don't want to assume that everybody understands what he means by that,
but I believe I understand.
Daniel, can you enlighten on that? Can you expound on that as far as what you

mean by that, mainly for the church in America?
In most parts and other parts of the world, you know, they grow up in an apprentice
type of learning where, you know, they're, you know, let's just put it this way.
If you want to become a mechanic in Nigeria or a panel beater,
in other words, you do what body work, they call it a panel beater.

You know, so you'll have some two or three guys who, you know,
you'll have the big guy, the main guy, the owner, right? Right.
And they're hanging around and they, and they actually do labor for free,
you know, because just to learn the ins and outs of how to replace an engine
or whatever the case may be, you know, whatever they're going to be doing on.

So, so the owner, he shows them what to do, right.
He tells them and he shows them what to do. And then he says, okay, you now do it.
And then after a certain period of time, you could see these guys,
these owners, you know, they'll play the big, you know, know,
the big chief, and they're just sitting down, and they're just watching their guys.
He's, you know, watching these guys work, and, you know, as he gets paid,

you know, so, I mean, but the reality is that's how they learn.
And that is exactly how, well, that's how we don't learn here in the United
States, because, you know, we took on the Greek way of learning,
and that was knowledge is king, right?
Knowledge is powerful. But that's the learning process.

Disciple means learner or follower. The learning process is knowledge,
understanding, and wisdom.
And so the understanding part is,
is really where you take the knowledge and you begin to apply it.
You know, David said, I have more understanding than all my elders because I obey thy precepts.

So he exceeded his elders because he was obedient to the word and walked out the word.
And then, of course, wisdom is then because you have done that,
then you have the wisdom to know what to do next. Now, it's interesting I make
a point to saying that also that we don't do that threefold.

We're stuck in the knowledge stage in the church in America.
So I'd say we're a jack of all trades and masters of none. We're an inch deep and a mile wide.
We know a little about a lot. You know what I mean?
So we don't have depth, in other words. Now, Jesus, that's what he did.

He told them knowledge he
showed them right and and
then he let them right that's why you
know even when when they came down from the mountain and
he talked to disciples because they're the epileptic and so forth that and the
demon possessed they couldn't heal him they couldn't cast him out and he said
how long do i have to be with you oh ye of little faith in other words there

was an an expectation on the part of Jesus to his disciples that you guys by
now need to be getting this,
you know, you need to be replicating because Jesus,
his intent was that he was going to leave and all those disciples, all those apostles,
they need to be operating in wisdom and that wisdom level, you know, you see what I'm saying?

And so, and that, and if they do that, then I'm good. good, I can lead this
with them so they can build my church.
And just consequently is that the Godhead, the Father represents the knowledge, right?
The Son, Jesus, is where we get the understanding of the Word, right?
We know, oh, now we know what the Father meant.

And, of course, the Holy Spirit is what then helps us to carry out.
And so, I'm like, the very essence of what it means to be a follower of Christ
is in the Godhead itself.
I said, so anytime we vary off that very thing is that we, of course,
are going to not make disciples as effectively as we can.

And therefore, the quality of what we are producing is not going to be there.
And this is the proof of what we see in the Church of America,
the bottom line. You know, it's not too hard that we have abandoned the proven plan.
And as Dr. Dozier shared, is that, you know, there was a church I was in.

Was that they said they were going to double their disciples in,
like, two years. The church is, like, around 250.
And I was, like, excited. I'm going, like, oh, my goodness, this is,
like, an aggressive strategy.
And then I found out what they really meant was their understanding of disciple
was that they would become church members.

And church members today, what they do is that they're there to help extend the brand of the church.
That's right. So they're called in and, you know, yes, I mean,
so they're called in, they serve.
They can become a greeter. They can become an usher. They can become a parking
attendant and so forth and what have you.
So they serve the brand, all right?

Now, again, yes, that is a, you know, that is a minimum of what we can see is
what it is to be a disciple by serving. That's good.
But, you know, we're called to, we're not even called to build a church,
right? We're called to make disciples who will make disciples.
Jesus in Matthew 28, 19, and 20, as we know, he told the disciples, go reproduce yourself.

Go reproduce yourself. Because you are a disciple. You're my disciple. Now you go.
So I talk about your family tree. Do you have a spiritual family tree?
Have you won anybody to the Lord? Have you raised them up in the Lord?
I mean, that is not expected upon any of our—that's another thing.
There's no expectation on our members to do that. No, you know,
it's, it's Jesus's expectation, you know, that we would be reproducing,

but, but we don't have that expectation.
And so, yeah, I think it was two years ago.
I was, I was sitting to prepare a sermon.
And usually when I prepare a sermon, there's a particular area that I'm going out, look at needs.
I'll look at where things are. I'll look at, and, and I'm praying and saying,
well, God, how will you have me to approach this?

But I remember one day I sat there and I could not get anything.
Now, when I say I could not get anything, I'm not saying that I could not put together a message.
I can put together a message in 10, 15 minutes, but that's just putting together a message.
But it was like the relevance, it was not coming.

It was not coming. And I'm like, okay, well, what's here, Lord? Because what's here?
And within my spirit, this is really what I got. You have preached many messages,
and many have not been moved upon.
Go back and preach some of the things that you preached before.

And so what happens is people became lovers of sermons.
Yep. How you presented them, they became lovers of sermon.
And be careful because, as Daniel was saying, people can fall in love with knowledge.
But if you're just puffed up with knowledge, it profits nothing.
And so when you get information, there's an expectancy for you to move on that information.

And you can look in Hebrews chapter 5 when the writer of Hebrews writes,
when he's speaking of Melchizedek and Jesus,
and he said, There are many things
I can tell you, but they're hard to be uttered or hard to be voiced.
It's hard for me to say to you, not because he found it difficult for him to
bring it out, but he was saying the reason being is because you are dull of learning.

You are lazy with it for when you should be teachers.
And the only way you can be a teacher is to have been a disciple.
And he said, so when you should have been, he said, by now you should be teachers.
So that means they've been taught for a while. Now, he says that you have need
to be taught all over again the first or the elementary principles of the sayings of God.

You're like a babe. And so a babe is not necessarily one who's just coming to
the faith, which that would be a babe.
But you can be saved four, five, six, seven, eight years, even 10 years and
still be a babe if you're not taking in a word and acting on the word. Sure.
So I believe that's what we've seen a lot.

I do want to say that it's very important to me. I don't think that you have
to be a giant size ministry to be effective.
Oh, no. I believe what you have to have is you have to have the Word of God,
the Spirit of God, the Spirit of God, the Word of God.
And then you've got to walk out that with God leading, with God leading the way.
I've seen a number of things done and even Daniel coming over doing some of

his discipleship training.
I mean, it was tremendously effective.
For those of you who don't know, Daniel's been here 27 years.
I've known Daniel 27 years.
It's like Daniel found me. This man just showed up out of nowhere.
And we've been friends ever since. There was a time when I was so busy,
I kind of like, but one day I talked to Daniel. I said, Daniel, I'm locking back in.

And I believe I've been locked back in with him ever since. but he came and
he made a great impact on the young adults and not just the young adults,
but even some who were older as well.
And I know we're talking about his book, but Daniel, if you don't mind, tell them about that.
Well, baby, they actually witnessed with their testimony. Oh yeah.

Well, you know, that's part of the book too.
I said, because, you know, we, we don't make disciples in the clue of a classroom. Um,
And so, one of the very basic things we should do is that we should help,
you know, get people to write and share their testimony.
As far as we're taking on members, I said, why would you take on a member of
a church as a member of your church if they can't articulate how they got saved?

And so, I help people to articulate that, write it, and then,
of course, share it, because I talk about how we can, in the church today,
can we be that Acts 542 church?
Where it says in that scripture, they never stop teaching and proclaiming that
Jesus is the Christ. I said, where can we find that church?
I said, this is one way we can become that Acts 542.

We just prepare our members to be able to write and share their testimony.
So they have it in a written form, of course, and we help them share it in an oral form.
And I show them how they can present
the gospel and within that gospel presentation, share their testimony.
So it's very powerful. powerful and i said you know and that's something that you
know i do it in such a way that if they have a team they can

continue to do it they don't need me to come back every year to do it they can
do it themselves and take on these new believers and one of the first things
they should be doing is sharing their testimony right is that because i talked
about who are the who do these people know when they first get get saved then
they know a bunch of lost people so you know we should expect that,
that we're going to say, hey, you know, let's go ahead and take that person

out and share the person you're going with. They share their testimony.
And then eventually the other person, the newborn believer, will then,
as he understands and sees it at work, then you turn it over to him and say,
okay, go ahead and share.
And so, I mean, that's how it happens. It happens, you know,
one-to-one. It happens life-to-life. And that's how we make disciples.

You know, what Dr. Dozier you're referring to is that, you know,
we get really upset with our education system when we see people,
oh my goodness, they're graduating and they can't even read on an eighth grade level.
But how many of us, as he just talked about, how many of we got people in the
church, you know what I mean?
And they, you know, they couldn't articulate their testimony.
I mean, you know, they never wanted anybody to the Lord. Definitely didn't disciple somebody.

I said, and why do we keep on teaching and preaching, you know,
and without the expectation of them actually doing it?
Why would we tell somebody D, E, and F when they haven't done A, B, and C?
It doesn't make sense, you know. So, I'm going to just go ahead and tell everybody,
if this is resonating with you, you can go to

It's Somebody Cares Tampa Bay. You can go onto our website, and there you can
see the book is available.
And there's a special pricing if you get five or more.
I bought 10. Yeah, there you go. So, it's a small book, but I don't— 15. I beat you. 15. Was it 15?
I'm taking five more today. And so the bottom line is this, is that it's very impacting.

Ken Harrison, the CEO of Promise Keepers, had a really powerful forward to it.
But anyway, that's one way you can get the book and so forth.
And as Dr. Dozier said, hey, we'll come in, we'll share, help you to go do those things.
Well, let me guys tell you, I mean, this is why we love Daniel,
because I am telling you, you are not going to hear many people that come in

and say what you just said.
He's saying this prophetic word, and this is the same verse that Dr.
Dozier and I have both used.
But again, if the salt has lost its flavor, what does that mean?
If the church is no longer tasty, when you think about is the church today making,
you know, godliness more tasty in our society?

Is it even standing up for any of those things?
There is no way you can make a case, right?
And so we become so focused on the show and the numbers, why there's all these people here.
And just let me show you this. This is, again, this was said to me by a pastor.
We had assault on our DNA conference, and we had one of the best doctors in

the world to talk about that.
And one of the pastors later said to me, well, he's not the greatest speaker.
And I thought to to myself, if you have one of the best experts about what they
put in these vaccines and you expect him to put on a show for you,
that's snobby magazine front cover. Right?

That's what we're getting at. If you don't put on a nice show,
if you're not an excellent, eloquent speaker, think about Moses.
He wrote five books, right? He needed his brother for anybody to basically get
him because he had this problem with speaking.
And so, again, it's all the glitz, it's all the glamour, it's all the superficial.

And what we're trying to show you today in this show is that if you don't have
fellowship at a church, if you're not being taught at a church,
if you're not growing in your faith, if you're not learning how to make disciples,
your own students, based upon what you know, then you're not really going along
with the proven plan, which means there's a part of the church that's called the church,

but we haven't accepted the fact that it's not a biblical church.
It's not what they were doing back in the original times when this happened.
And so that's why I want to throw this out here.
That's why I'm like, what you're saying today is exactly what we need to hear.
Because if we don't understand the cause, why do we have Christians today that

don't really believe anything?
Right? Almost like Oprah-esque.
Jesus is just one of the ways that you could become, you know,
or get to God, right? Come to heaven, right?
And so this is this watered down, like you said, mile wide, inch deep Christianity
that we've really inherited.
And so that's why what you're saying is so powerful, because guess what, folks?

This is how we get the salt back, right? We have to go deeper.
We have to get to that point where we are following what Jesus did and really
making disciples. And I'll throw this out to you, because I have a few friends
of mine that they really love this discipleship thing.
But then when I, like you say, you talk
about that, I find out that their discipleship, it does not go very deep.

And sometimes it completely negates things.
But the best ones are the ones that actually do start discipling people in something.
So, if I was just to play devil's advocate, right, here's what I would say to
answer some of maybe what could be a critic.
So, Daniel has had a street ministry. I don't know if anybody,

have you ever had a street ministry where you're out there?
Dr. Dozier, did you ever do a street ministry where you're out there just,
you know, you got your foghorn, you got your big sign, whatever it is that you're
doing, you're passing out something.
How did that go? So, I remember, this is going to be kind of humorous.
I remember the, I don't know if it was the first time, but I remember one time
a friend of mine, he and I, we would go to different cities.

And I left here and I went to a city where I grew up.
It was about maybe a hundred and so many miles away from here.
And we linked up with this pastor in the city. But what we wanted to do is we
wanted to go in the park in the daytime to reach people because we realized
that some people are intimidated or fearful about going into an assembly.

So we figured if we could meet them out there in the daytime and then we would
take it to their ministry at night, the people would be more comfortable.
So I remember we were out there and I was I was just heralding this word.
And I saw this guy on his 10 speed bicycle. He was going down the street,
and he was a guy that I went to school with.
As a matter of fact, we graduated the same year. He was on a 10-speed bicycle,

and he was just looking and riding the bike, looking and riding the bike.
And while I'm ministering, I'm saying, I look up ahead, and I see this big oak
tree, and I see his bike swerving.
I said, oh, my goodness, this guy's going to hit this oak tree.
True enough, he's looking while I'm preaching because I guess he's recognizing
who it is because we were on there.

And he's looking and then he hit the oak
tree the back the back of the bike went vertical he went vertical and it went
down and then there was another guy across the street there was like this this
dike you know that's like a little ditch like thing across the street and he
was standing by the palm tree and after there was a sermon preached out of romans 7.

When I will to do that, which I will to do, I do not. And he comes from behind
the oak trellis over, and he came to where we were, and he said, that was me.
And he was a grown man now. I used to teach him when I used to teach Sunday school as a teen.
And he came that night to that place. So, yeah, I've done that.

I did some things in Tampa on Main Street and some of the projects and all of
that. And I'm going to be honest with you, you'll be surprised that when you're
out there doing that type of ministry, you'll be surprised.
I don't want to, it could take a lot of time, but you'll be surprised at what God will do through you.
I mean, you will know that his presence is there, some of the things that happen.

So, yes, I've done that. Daniel, tell us about street ministry.
Oh, my gosh. Well, you know, I'll tell you just quite honestly,
I'd go, my wife would, we'd get some bread and we'd go into the projects,
you know, and I mean, I had African-American pastors that I ain't going there.
I ain't, you know, but, you know, when I, when I got, you know,

baptized in the Holy Spirit, I began to open up the word of God.
And I said, well, what, what'd they do when they got baptized in the Holy Spirit or the church?
And so I saw them, you know, they're preaching every day.
And I said, well, what can I preach every day? you know and i
knew that because of restrictions and so forth i
couldn't i could well you know what i can go to the projects and i
went i went to the projects i went in front of bars and uh

was preaching and you know and i was preaching a message and so forth and you
know finally i came back i got on my face in my kitchen in brian texas i'll
never forget this is that i said god you know on him oh you know i was getting
like zero reaction right so right God, we've got to make them mad or make them glad.
I don't care if they hate me. Give me something. I need a reaction.

And there it is.
No one is justified by the law. They're all guilty.
That's right. And I was going like, oh, God.
Wow, the Ten Commandments. So this was before I even met Ray Comfort.
Right. It was like a year later I met Ray Comfort, so I started going.

You know, we went door to door. I got my church to go door to door,
and just using the Ten Commandments as a survey.
We were just wondering the average knowledge of the average person,
whether they knew the Ten Commandments and whether or not they obeyed them.
You don't mind if we ask you, Ten Quokkistians, do you know the First Commandment,
and have you obeyed it? And so I would preach the Ten Commandments, too, out there.

So then I started getting some real reaction. You did.
Because they don't know, quite frankly, you have a lot of lost people,
even in the projects. They can quote Scripture.
They know Scripture. They've been around the religiosity enough that they can know.
See, but what's the difference is, even the devil believes and trembles.

So you can know and you have that head knowledge, but they haven't put it into action, right?
They haven't activated that knowledge.
And so that's the same thing. That's why they're not a follower of Jesus. They're not a disciple.
And so, yes, I mean, we would take guys in off the streets.
We would take them literally into our home, which is kind of crazy,

but most people wouldn't do that.
But we had a bunch of guys in our home, and we filled up our home.
Then we rented the house across the street and filled up that house, too.
And just something a little funny. So one guy, he's a Hispanic guy named Martin.
And all these guys were either had been in the county jail or,
you know, on drug and taking them all in. It was just crazy.
And I'm not saying that, you know, in other words, hey, guys,

I'm saying that. I don't expect everybody to do that.
That's not what I mean by making a disciple in the book, okay?
I'm talking about just getting another brother and mentoring that brother and
willing to have that discipleship relationship.
That's what's in the book. But because I know this could be like out there and
not everybody can do these kind of things. Yeah.
But I tell you, let's go on with the story. So we're all sitting around the table.

And so I go around and I start asking him, well, how do you know that God's changed your life?
And Martine says, well, I know
God has changed my life because I haven't stole anything from you yet.
I looked at him and said, honey, hide the keys to the car. Oh,
my goodness. Don't tempt the poor boy.

Anyway, it's just funny. But, yeah, you know, I mean, that was our part of,
you know, street preaching and so forth.
And, you know, it's – you know, and quite frankly, you know,
that was mission work for sure. You know, but really cutting your teeth on that.
And I raised a bunch of guys up in that. You know, it just so happened that,
you know, a guy named Clint Matthews, he was one of the leaders at the Baptist

Student Union at Texas A&M University.
Wow. And God had done a work in his life, and he's going like,
I want to find somebody in the city that's like reaching out and doing,
and he's calling around, asking all these pastors.
And he said, and they kept on saying, the only guy we know to do that is Daniel Bernard.
So he ended up calling me, and he hooked up, and we've basically,

I didn't win him to the Lord, but basically he's been my adopted son.
Wow, that's exciting. up to this day. In fact, he's helping.
He went to Nigeria with me. He's giving a little money for us in this trip as
well. So it's great, man.
So that's the best. When you have an impartation like that, they're long-lasting relationships.

It's the real deal. So I just want to encourage you to get involved.
And you also, is that what kind of helped you lead you to actually do missionary
work to other countries then?
Yeah, of course. Because what I did, I just, I took what I was doing in Bryan,
Texas, and I just translated that to Nigeria.
Right. I mean, I was down at the river.

And the guys were, you know, when they make bricks, what they do, they have buckets.
They dive down and gather the sand from the bottom of the floor of the river.
They bring it up. I mean, they're swimming and they bring it up.
They hand it to the guy in the boat. The guy in the boat dumps it into a big basket.
And then they come, once they filled the baskets up on this boat,

then they bring the boat to shore.
They take the baskets and they pour them onto the shore.
And with that sand, they make bricks.
So I went down there. I was down there at the shore and saw several boats doing that.
And so I began to preach and say, hey, you know what?
You're carrying that big thing of sand. I said, that's like the burden of sin.

I said, you can let that burden of sin go. And my first convert,
assurance, he left the basket and he came and got on his knees and gave his life to the Lord.
He's pastoring now, right? Is that the same one? Oh, yeah. He's a church planter.
Yeah, wow. Yeah, and he's just now coming back into our ministry,
but he was with it for some time.

Then he went off to be with the Assemblies, has been a church planter.
Recently, he's planted six churches among the EGO, and so he's a church planter,
and he brought Wilson into the ministry.
Wow. He brought Wilson into the ministry, and Wilson had been to church.
He'd been to the name and acclaim at churches, the prosperity churches.
Churches and so when he heard me speak the law

it was like oh i've never heard this
in my life he wasn't even sure like is this a cult or something
you know he was but you know if you knew wilson wilson really is a deep thinker
and he really processes things and it took him several days when he finally
came and he said man this this law thing is it's brought me to i'm undone you
know he said and he thoroughly repented and gave his life to the lord and so you know of Of course,

he became the general overseer of our high-impact Christian centers.
I remember when, it was a couple decades ago, but you brought Wilson here and
he came over to the church.
And this is just to give you all some insight on the powerful anointing that
God has placed on Daniel's life to let you know what happens in the lives of these people.

Around the world, people still do practice idolatry and pagan worship.
And Wilson came here and he ministered at our ministry. He preached at our ministry, but he had a box.
And in this box, he had pictures and the pictures were of the gods,

which I know gods that they had that they burned.
And he also had pieces of wood that were broken, that were gods that they worship.
He told me that his father worshiped the god of iron or something like that,
but the gods that they worship. So these people, a number of these people that
are now pastors and believers, these people had pagan practices.

They were heathens and they worshipped false gods.
They made their own gods. They built their own gods.
And now these people are serving the true and living God and winning other souls over to Christ.
So there is great reward in what Daniel was doing and even going to his book.
Book, if I were to give an endorsement, I would say this is a book from decades of experience,

in evangelism, in soul winning, and I don't care what he is,
he's going to try to do it.
It just came to my mind when we were in Lagos and we were going to that hotel,
there was a cab driver there and Wilson was telling us to be careful about what
we say because they take your information and they do this and they'll get your phone.
So we're sitting in the cab and Daniel starts telling this story.

And I said, OK, he's setting this guy up.
And then when Daniel finishes and the guy answers the question,
I'm just going to get it was in it was in this vein.
So Daniel says something like this. He says, so you're a thief,
you're a robber, you're a liar, you're this, you're that, you're that,
you're that, you're that.
And Daniel's telling him how he's violated. I said, oh, goodness.

And so by the time we pull up, Wilson goes in to check us in.
The cab driver, the Nigerian cab driver, I don't know what tribe he was.
They know their tribes. That's what I'm saying.
The cab driver, he has his hands up in the car. car.
Daniel is leading this guy to Christ that we just met.

And then Daniel's, and if you need to reach me, here's my number.
And Wilson's just shaking his head when he talks to me. I told Daniel,
you don't live here, give it to me with your numbers.
But Daniel trusts God. He's telling this cab driver who lives almost 8,000 miles
away, 7,500, so many miles away, you just call me at this number if you need anything.
So I don't care where it is, what time of day it is, whether he knows you or

not, Daniel is going to move to lead you to Christ.
And that is something that I have recognized about him. That's something that I admire.
When it comes to Daniel. Didn't you even mention the other day,
he was a little older than you and still how amazing he is just like pushing on.

I'm like, this guy's getting, we were supposed to go to the Bush about 27 years
ago, but at that time they were having the election.
Remember that Daniel? So the, the president didn't want to let us come over
there. He didn't feel it was safe.
He was looking out for us, but not one of my past pastor friends.
He's going to know I'm talking about. I'm going to bring him up.
I was trying to get him all charged up next trip for the trip.
I said, yeah, we're going to, I said, we're going to preach to God.

He said, yeah. I said, we're going to get these souls saved.
Yeah. I said, and the heathen, yeah.
I said, and we're going to get on those boats, and we're going back in the bush,
and we're going to win the Eshaw's. He said, the devil is alive.
He was fine with the city, but he wasn't going back in the bush.
I said, we're going back in the bush.
We're going to go back there, and we're going to get those Eshaw's saved.

The devil is alive. Pastor Doge, you want to come back here with that big body
and have a little head, Oh, my God.
Oh, did I get a laugh out of that one. Just so you know, obviously,
if you go on a missions trip with either of these guys, trash talking for the
rest of your life is fair game. Fair game.
We were riding back when we got ready to leave. And I prayed,

you know, because there are a lot of, the potholes are big. We don't think here.
I mean, really almost think craters.
Because you can go down, like, and then come back up. And you can see trucks
flipped over on the side of the road. They may have been there for months.
This is no exaggeration, is it, Daniel? No. And you don't really see the police, but I prayed.
And then while we're driving, while we're driving, because they're constantly
honking the horn, like something you see in the movie.

And that's in the South, though. The North is pretty much Muslim controlled
and the government is pretty much, and I might as well say it.
It's a lot better as far as that. But the South is mainly Christian.
And it's not because the Christians don't want it, but it's just not fair. Let me put it that way.
But anyway, we're driving back, and I prayed, Lord, give us safe traveling.

And all of a sudden, Daniel says, can we pray? I said, Daniel, you already prayed.
Daniel said, well, another prayer won't hurt. Now you said, Lord,
give Wilson the sermon to see the potholes.
No, we get home safe. Oh, my goodness. That's true. It's dangerous, man.

Well, I took Daniel down this road.
I wanted the listeners to realize that when you talk about Daniel Bernard,
you're talking a guy who's been on the streets.
He's been there. Okay. He has been all over the world.
He's been into the bush to put out the gospel. He is all about saving souls.
But he is telling us that there's something missing, and this something missing is the discipleship.

So even though he is trying to get souls saved, he is sharing that gospel,
he knows that there's something that's deeper that we are also called to do,
and that is to make these disciples.
And so as we kind of end up here, I want to throw it back to you, Daniel.
This is why we were like jumping to get you on the show today,
because we believe you're You're the perfect example of what we're talking about

and how you're bringing this aspect to light.
And really, even in a prophetic way, that if we don't do this the way God says, it's not gonna work.
And that's what we're also have to face, that something's not working.
The church has become lukewarm. The church is just devouring milk.

We can see the complete focus on the superficial, the numbers,
the beauty, the performance, the entertainment value, you know,
and rather than focusing on the truth.
And so I just want to give you the last few words to kind of sum up.
I appreciate that. And just remember that it's life to life and that the whole,

you know, get the book, but don't go running to your pastor and say, pastor,
you know, let's, I will tell you that The pastors that are getting it,
they're buying it in bulk and getting it to their men. The principles are for men and women.
So even though the focus and maybe the language is a little bit more towards
the men, it's for both genders, obviously.

Does that mean Kathy read it? Did she approve it? She did. She's lived it.
Kathy's the other author of the book, folks. So, but, you know,
just, you know, listen, win somebody to the Lord and really,
you know, don't hand them off to a church.
You impart to them what God has given you. It's not that hard.
You know, get together with them and pray together.

Show them, you know, get together with them. And, you know, as they're reading
the Gospels and so forth, then sit down and just talk with them.
What is it that you don't understand? What is it that you like about this?
How do you see, you know, what does this tell you about God?
What does this tell you about people?
So, I talk about being fat, faithful, available, accountable, and teachable.

So, again, the accountability part is, okay, you read this, you heard this,
what is God saying for you to do about it?
And hold people accountable doing just that. So, it's nothing much more than
that, what it is that you do as a Christian, how can you help that other person,
impart that to another person from one life to another?

And that's what discipleship is. And so I just want to challenge you and encourage you to do that.
And as you continue to do that, see that multiply among you guys.
And if you can do that as a group, then it's even more encouraging.
And then eventually your pastors are going to say, wow, I didn't know I was
raising up all these mighty men of God. Amen. Amen. Amen.

I want to say something, and I'm saying this to encourage young people,
because everything that Daniel's saying, that's an excellent example.
In truth, even though I met Daniel in 1997, I probably would have liked to have
met him about five or six years earlier.
Before I passed, I was telling you, and it just came to my mind a few minutes

ago, and I wanted to share this, but I was living in Tampa then,
and I was living in an apartment.
It wasn't in a bad That area was a pretty decent area.
But there were people who would come in that community and they would break
the windows out of the vacant apartments.

And I had a friend that the friend I was doing evangelism with,
we went to the managers in the complex because we didn't like what was happening.
And we said that we wanted to do something. thing.
So the complex, they supplied the plywood, the four by eight sheets,
and we got the drill and the screws and we boarded up on these windows and it's a nice complex.

But what we started doing, we started going apartment to apartment,
talking to these people, sitting down as we were talking to them.
And here's what happened. What happened was the manager allowed us to use the the clubhouse.
And on Tuesday nights and Friday nights, we would fill it up.

We would get about 50 or so people, 50 or more people every Tuesday night,
Friday night. I wasn't pastoring then.
And then we brought this other guy along. And as he was looking at this,
because we would, we had a musician that would play, but we had churches that we went to on Sundays.
He decided that he wanted to start a ministry, and he was focused on a name.

There was another person who had wanted to use this place a long time ago,
got permission, but they never did anything.
But now that they saw the people coming, now they wanted to.
I lived there. These other two didn't.
They got on the beef. It ended up going to the apartment manager.
It went to the apartment manager.
I was embarrassed. I was ashamed. I wasn't there when they went there,

but department manager talked with me and department manager said,
you're supposed to be in the church. If the church is like this,
maybe I shouldn't let anybody use it.
And eventually it went down. Now, here's where I'm going.
At that time, I'm going to be honest with you. I lack a little confidence in what I was doing.

Which I didn't realize it was great that I wasn't looking at myself.
The problem was the lack of the confidence in what God was doing.
And I was passing it over to somebody to hit it instead of me,
even though the favor was given to me with the place.
We ended up with nothing. But here's what I want to say.

Just because God uses you to win souls and you see it being effective,
it doesn't mean that you are supposed to start pastoring.
Or look to start a church.
Take them where you are or to a church that's near that you know is lined up
with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Do that. And also, if God graces you to do something, have confidence in him
and don't pass the work on that God has given to you to somebody else.
Yes, others can work with you, but don't pass the work on that God has given
to you to somebody Because if God has given it to you and somebody else tries to take it,

or even if you try to pass it to somebody else because you look at them in a certain way,
don't expect it to be successful as it should be or if at all.
Because that's what God decided he wanted to do. God willed that he was going
to use you for a certain reason.
I learned that lesson. It was painful. And I'll be honest, if I had to do all

over again, I would have never done it that way.
But when I look at the work that Daniel has done, people work with him,
but he's never given it over to somebody else.
And I believe that is why the success is there, because he is doing the will of God.
And so we are talking about today the proven plan by dr Daniel and kathy bernard,

of course the forward is written by ken harrison Who's the chairman of promise keepers?
But i'm looking in this book here and we have a testimony by lucas miles who
wrote woke jesus Which we just talked a lot about on the podcast lieutenant
colonel alan b west We have dr.
Joseph matera We have bishop von mclaughlin We have Dr.

Terry Tickle, who we just got to hear at a pastor's meeting,
which is, he is quite the character, I'll tell you.
We have Damian Gerke, and we also have Doug Stringer, who actually is the founder
and president of Somebody Cares Tampa Bay America. And we have Richard Green.
And so quite a number of people that have recommended this book.
The reason we're recommending it is because we've been talking about this hole

in the the church today that somehow we're calling it church.
But it shouldn't really be called church because we're missing these ingredients.
And so that's why we wanted to have Daniel on today to really bring this out
and put your finger on it.
And he has been so involved in evangelism and winning souls.

But he realizes that if we don't have the back door covered.
See, we're talking about we got a big front door, but we got just as big of
a back door to the church. And the reason they won't go out the back door,
folks, is because they have become disciples of Jesus Christ, not even you and I.
But the good news is, is it's the relationship you have with them,

that life on life, that's going to help them to realize that there is a personable
God and that this all happens through relationship.
So, Daniel, any last words? And then also go ahead and pray us out for today.
Well, you know, again, let me just encourage you that you can get the book by
going to our website, Somebody Cares, Tampa Bay,

And, of course, if you need to and have any questions, just give us a call at
our office, 727-536-2273.
Spells care. So, yes, I just want to, you know, just one last thing,
you know, Paul told Timothy, he said, what you have seen and heard of me in
the presence of many witnesses, commit that of faithful men so they might be
able to teach others also.

There's four generations in that statement. Wow. There's Paul,
there's Timothy, the faithful men, and the others.
And one of the chapters is devoted to, they call it, you know,
your spiritual family tree. tree.
We all, you know, can go in, what do they call it, to,
and you can go see your biological family tree.
But this is where you chart your own family tree. And if you don't have a disciple

in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you know, today, because there's so many orphans
out there, you don't even have to win them to the Lord, you know,
but because there's people out there who are just orphans, and just through
our, you know, mass evangelism and so forth, people will come to Christ,
and they don't have any relationship, anyone to really mentor them. them.
So I just want to challenge it. Go out and start your own family tree.

If you don't have any right now, start that spiritual family tree,
that kind of heritage and ancestry in the Lord.
That'd be a powerful thing because again, Paul told us, he says, it is those people.
Those people are your crown. They're your joy.
They're your reward at the coming of the Lord. And go back and connect with

some of those people that have been discipling you and stay connected to them
because that's That's going to help you continue that family tree. Yeah, absolutely.
So it means just, you know, you don't have to wait on your pastor.
You know, is that the fact of the matter is that, you know, he can only really
disciple so many people himself.
That's true. So, you know, I've got an actual whole chapter dedicated to talk

about, you know, what would be the right –.
Structure in order for that discipleship to take place in
a church right we have a whole pastor pastor murphy
who had a 7 000 member church and he
decided that i'm not making disciples so you
know what he did he turned it over he shut it down to
start getting small and started some smaller churches

that where they made disciples yeah and you
know you know we have it backwards jesus poured himself
into a few and to gather the
many we'd gather the many to help find a few disciples disciples
yeah we do it just the opposite of what jesus did so
amen guys just let's turn this thing around and let's
go make some disciples who are you know who who can really then impact our communities

for christ amen amen go ahead and pray for us daniel heavenly father we just
thank you we praise you god for showing us the way lord you told us to how to
do it lord we just come up with with our own creative ideas, and Lord,
out of really the deceitfulness of our own hearts, Lord, we think somehow that

we got a better plan, and we got a better way.
And yet, God, we find ourselves, Lord, as we're finding the church in America today, boy,
it looked good on the outside, but man, we're not really producing people who
will impact their culture.
And so we have to look at what we're producing. And so, Lord,

as we do that, Lord, help us to get just back to that simple formula that you
exemplified with the 12 disciples and that we can implement,
Lord, if we're just willing to die to ourselves, humble ourselves before you.
And, Lord, I know that you're going to answer the prayer of those who are hearing
right now who said, Lord, I want to disciple others because I know that,

Lord, you want them to disciple others more than they want to.
And so I know you'll answer that prayer for them to find a disciple,
win somebody to the Lord and become that disciple, or if their heart is ready to do that.
And Lord, when they have that heart, they might not have all the how-tos right
now, but Lord, if somebody has a heart too, I know you'll direct them to the how-to.

So Lord, we just pray that right now. And Lord, give them a heart to follow
the proven plan and to make disciples who will make disciples.
In Jesus' name. In Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. Amen. And Daniel,
thanks for making it easy.

Have all of us as singles. You can get magnets, stickers, you name it.
It's all available on our Redbubble shop.
I will be posting a link to that in our show notes for the last few episodes
and from this point forward.
If you have any questions about anything you want to contact us,
you can do so at supernaturaljunkies at Thanks, guys.

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