All Episodes

March 26, 2024 72 mins

In this episode of the Supernatural Junkies, the hosts, Dr. Dennis, Dr. Kevin, and Dr. Dozier, blend light-hearted conversations and alarming health discussions. They dive into a hot topic of vaccines, discussing potential health risks and allegations linked to them. With expert insights from Dr. Kevin Stillwagon, the show delves deeper into the controversial implications and effects of vaccines on the human genome and immune system. Don't miss an opportunity to explore the intense analysis, diverse perspectives, and unsettling revelations related to modern medicine.

The conversation doesn't shy away from ethical aspects and concerns about medical procedures and treatments. A healthy debate on the validity of the FDA’s clinical trials and the question of vaccine effectiveness takes center stage. The hosts also shed light on the role of natural infections in generating the right antibodies and how the mRNA shot could potentially fall short.

Highlighting Pfizer's flawed approval process and missing data on vaccine efficacy during pregnancy, this episode is a call for understanding the untold truths behind the medical establishment and the decisions we make for our bodies. The hosts examine darker corners of modern medicine, revealing alarming findings of the lack of thorough testing on vulnerable groups like pregnant women, the elderly, and immunocompromised individuals.

Bringing forward engaging stories of fraudulent practices and violations of the Nuremberg Code, the episode further delves into the overall decline of health in America. Shaping the talks by insights from elaborate research, the hosts expose numerous discrepancies within the pharmaceutical and corporate domains, outlining the urgent need for self-care and awareness.

Towards the latter part of the episode, a personal journey of health transformation unfolds. Centered on the phrase, 'take care of yourself, and you will live,' the narrative assents the importance of a wellness-focused lifestyle and the will to refuse potentially harmful medicine. The episode ends on a note of hope, urging listeners to stand up for their health rights and seek truth, education, and enlightenment in healthcare

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Episode Transcript

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Hello, everyone. Welcome to Supernatural Junkies. I'm Super Alex.
I'm Dr. Kevin, and I am natural today. I guess that means that I will be the
junkie. He is definitely got a lot of junk.
Wait a minute. I think there might be somebody else here. Yeah, don't leave me off.
Who's that? Who's that? Who is that? This is Dr. Dozier, and I'm lifting it up spiritually.

That's right. That's right. He's pumping you up spiritually. Pump you up.
We are here. And we are. The Supernatural Junkies!

Have you ever wondered how you could get your hands on some awesome Supernatural Junkies gear?
Well, the answer to that is it's now available on
We have a shop on there for Supernatural Junkies, and there's t-shirts,
leggings, sweatshirts, hoodies, even a shower curtain.
So if you've always wanted to have a shower curtain with Dr.
Kevin on it, you can just get one with just Dr. Kevin. We have our logo on there, on everything.

And we also have all of us as singles. You can get magnets, stickers,
you name it. It's all available on our Redbubble shop.
I will be posting a link to that in our show notes for the last few episodes
and from this point forward.
If you have any questions about anything you want to contact us,
you can do so at supernaturaljunkies at Thanks, guys.

Hello, hello. This is the Supernatural Junkies, Sanz La Alex. No Alex today. day.
She said there were too many huge, massive brains in the podcast room today.
We have quadruple docs today.
We have Dr. Dennis. He's back in the house.
I am here. I'm still looking at my computer, so booting up.

And we have Dr. Dozier back in the house. Good afternoon. Good afternoon.
And we have our special guest, Kevin Stillwagon. Dr.
Kevin Stillwagon in the house today. And he's going to be blowing up our microphones today.
Hey, it's glad to be back with you guys. I really appreciate the opportunity
to open some minds, shed some light.

Oh my Lord. Into some really dark corners. Oh my Lord. Are we going to get into it today?
So when Kevin calls us and says, hey, we need to blow this up, we're like, okay.
Really? We agree with you. Let's do it. Dr. Dennis was blowing up my phone trying
to say, hey, when can we do this? When can we do this?
And so we haven't been on there as much.

We are been working out trying to get something called the Save Our Children
Conference here in the Tampa Bay area.
And you can actually find out about that by going to
And we have been working probably for eight months to get it this far,
but it is all about out what is happening to our children, but that's something
you can look up and we're going to be talking a lot about.

It's also why we're going to have so many special guests coming up on our podcast.
We're going to have Kevin and Sam Sorbo that are going to be coming on. That's awesome.
And we'll be getting quite a few other pastors, Pastor Lucas Miles.
We have a couple other docs coming on.
And so we'll surprise, surprise as we go along. But today,
our resident doctor in the house that always comes in with all the research

church and has broken it down for us to be able to kind of digest this on the
average level here. And we got Dr.
Kevin Stillwagon. So Dennis, tell me why you were so hot to cover this one, brother.
Well, when I first came across this document, it was actually sent to me by
one of my fellow parishioners at church and he's retired military.
And he thought that would find this interesting.

And his tag was only in the free state of Florida, which is interesting because
I think I think we are definitely pioneering this legislation that we're going to talk about today.
And this is a petition for a writ of mandamus.
I was pronounced correctly, right? That's right.

And this is brought under the Article 5, Section 3B8 of the Florida Constitution
and under Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure 9.030. zero.
So what does that mean? Because that sounds like, you know, a lot of legal jargon.
Basically, they're petitioning the court for a mandate to stop these vaccines.

What? Right. Let me break it down just a little bit further.
So it says that a mandamus can be used to compel official action that falls
within an established legally permissible range if that official,
which would be our governor and the attorney general, if they fail to act within

the range and it's required for them to do so.
So, the petition is stating that.
This shot that was forced into people, many, many, it was forced.
This shot is a bioweapon. It is a weapon of destruction.

And it is the governor's obligation and the attorney general's obligation to
protect us from something like that happening.
So they're calling for the governor to immediately ban the use of this product
in Florida. and they're also calling for the attorney general to confiscate all vials.

Wow. Yeah. So this is huge.
Everybody's talking about it. So we heard a little while back that one of the cases here in Florida,
and I think you sent me some of the articles and basically some of the parts
to this that were trying to say that this was a vial weapon.
Yes. So is this kind of a piggyback on that as well? Yeah, well,

it's a piggyback on the fact that it's a bioweapon, but I think that the main
crux of this is that the product was rolled out under fraudulent pretenses.
Amen. In other words, they said that this product would protect people from becoming infected.

Yep. And they said that it would stop the spread of infection.
Yep. And they knew that those were absolute lies.
And we've covered this on your show before and basically pure and simple.
When you inject something into your body to make an antibody,
that antibody is a serum antibody.

It's inside of you. It cannot stop something from getting in.
It can't stop it from spreading either. It can only react to the infection when it happens.
So the idea that they were trying to drill into people and, you know,
Biden said it. Thank you.
Walensky said it basically everyone that

had any regulatory action in
the whole thing including Fauci they all said this will
protect you from getting infected that was a lie so it was done under false
pretenses yeah absolutely well they also want don't they want them to confiscate
the vials and also to investigate or analyze the contents of the vials well

and you can see Remember,
we go back to when this started, that one of the first things that they did
that allowed them to carry the narrative so far was to limit autopsies, right?
And so to this day, that's part of what's going on.
The second thing is, is it turned out to be the embalmers, the people at the
funeral home that were letting us know about some strange things that were happening here.

So then we see this, you know, groundbreaking case here in Florida where they
were actually using, you know, legitimate articles, legitimate research to show
that this was a bio weapon.
Right. And so now we're seeing, you know, this piggyback onto that where now
we're calling for some legal action.
And I mean, we are, all of us are shaking our heads going, you know,

we did an episode called they lied.
Right. And people died. Mm-hmm. And of course, that was a little piggyback on
some protests that were happening over, especially in England.
And of course, because the full research is out, we know what this did and so on and so forth.
And unfortunately, we're going to be paying for this for a long time.

But when you look at this new legislation, again, probably making it possible
in one of the states that's most friendly to maybe something like this happening. Yeah.
Yeah. I think Florida is a really good test ground and, uh, you know,
the governor DeSantis would be a good, a good subject for this and see where this goes.

That's really going to test his mettle. We'll see where he's at. Yeah.
Well, we also have Joseph Ladapo or Ladap. I'm not sure how to pronounce that,
to be honest with you, but if it's wrong, I can, if it's wrong,
I can for sure get it. Yeah.
But he, you know, he has also come out, was one of the first people that cautioned
about it and then called for now the banning of it, pulling all of these things

off because like we covered in the last show with Kevin,
how they were contaminated with DNA.
Exactly. And explain Explain that real quick, just for those people that didn't hear that one.
How is it the DNA got to be a contaminant in these jabs?
Yeah, so, you know, when they did the trial, it was 40,000 people in the trial.

And 20,000 people originally got injected with messenger RNA.
And it was a pretty pure product. And the reason is because they used PCR technology.
And basically how that works is...
If you give a PCR machine a strand of genetic material, which is what messenger

RNA is, it just makes more of it.
Right. But it takes a long time and it's really expensive to do that.
Right. When they did the trial and published the results and everybody got all
excited, this is going to be the savior of humanity.
They said, well, we got to make billions of vials of this stuff and ship it all across the world.

And you can't do that with a PCR machine.
So the way scientists do this is they create something in the laboratory that's called a DNA plasmid.
It's basically a circular piece of DNA, and they're able to insert in that circular
piece of DNA anything they want to, any coding that they want to.

And so that's where they put the message to make the RNA that they're interested
in. So now it's in the DNA.
It's in this DNA plasmid. So they feed the DNA plasmid to E. coli bacteria.
And they do that because E. coli bacteria will make lots and lots of copies of that DNA plasmid.

They do it efficiently and they do it perfectly. Perfectly. Because when biological
things like bacteria copy DNA, they always check for mistakes.
Right. They get it right every single time. It's perfect.
So now you got all of these DNA plasmids. Well, then what they do is they use

some chemicals and they extract the DNA. So now they got the DNA.
Well, now they got to turn that DNA into RNA.
Well, how do they do that? Well, they use this enzyme that is called RNA polymerase.
And RNA polymerase very simply turns DNA into RNA.

And now that's how they get the RNA. But here's the thing, DNA fragments are left over.
Right. So they're supposed to purify that. They're supposed to pull those DNA fragments out of there.
And in fact, this technology has been used for a long time.
And the European Union has rules on how much DNA contamination can be in a product

like this. So does the United States.
Those rules were broken. Right. They had way more DNA contamination in these
things than was allowable.
So, you know, that might not sound like a big deal, but it is a big deal.
And the reason is because they put something else in that DNA plasmid.
It was called a SV40 promoter gene.

And an SV40 promoter gene is part of the simian virus 40.
Was a contamination in polio vaccines years and years ago. You can all read
about that if you want to.
But anyway, they put that simian virus 40 promoter gene in there so that it
could help promote the replication of this plasmid.

Well, the problem is that SV40 promoter gene also can act as a chaperone.
Oh, boy. And so it gets injected along with this lipid nanoparticle.
So the lipid nanoparticle now that they're making has got the mRNA in it that
they're interested in, and it's got DNA fragments, and it's got the simian-40 promoter gene,

which can chaperone those fragments of DNA directly into the nucleus.
Yes. Well, then what can happen is that DNA can get integrated into your genome.
If you got injected with this stuff, there are little segments of genetic material
that are inside the nucleus called transposons.

And transposons have the ability to clip your DNA and insert foreign DNA.
They can do that. And so that's how these little contaminated fragments of DNA
can get incorporated into your DNA.
Well, what's the problem with that? Well, we know that when you...

When you do that to human DNA, that cell line, whatever it is, can become cancerous.
And it will remain so in that cell line.
It becomes cancerous. And so that's where we're starting to see some of these
reports of turbo cancers coming from.
And younger and younger people now are getting cancers that should be showing up in older age people.

And they're showing up in younger people. We've got kids with glioblastomas.
We've got young girls with cancers of the uterus. It should not be happening.
Well, you can see, folks, remember when you go back to the beginning,
we were talking about putting mRNA as a genetic material.
We were putting this into our body. We were told that this wouldn't go anywhere, right?

But then we remember the lipid nanoparticles that went along with this.
So it allowed it to go to places and And pass through tissues.
And of course, now we found about this chaperone here today as well.
But we were told this was, first of all, only going to last for a very small period of time, right?
It wouldn't actually have any ability to incorporate in our body.

And then we found out that sometimes the codon at the end really wasn't there
so that this would even replicate.
Now we find about the chaperones here, and we found about the transposons that
are getting getting this stuff, not just into the cell, but into the nucleus
where all of this stuff is really happening.
This is the central core. It's like having a core corruption to your mainstream server here.

And then when we put these, you know, again, we're programming a pathogen,
okay? Your body is going to produce these pathogens.
And then what do you think this could happen? You mentioned all these turbo cancers and stuff.
Explain to us how maybe this is associated with DNA corruption.
Well, you know, anytime you incorporate a foreign piece of DNA into human DNA, it.

It turns genes on and it turns genes off.
And so some of the genes that it's disrupting are called P53,
which is nicknamed the guardian of the genome.
So it's supposed to prevent things like this from happening.
And so when that happens, then you start to get these turbo cancers that will

appear because the P53 gene has been basically turned off.
You see, it's the protector of the human genome.
And another one is the BRCA gene, and that's associated with breast cancers in women.
And so that gets affected as well.

And these are two genes that can definitely be affected by genomic insertions
that don't belong there. Well, I mean, that's what cancer is, right, guys?
It's a variant in the genetic code of this particular, you know, anatomy of this cell.
And then because they proliferate, then we get this in our body and they literally can take over.

So this is the same thing. You can see a contamination or a mutation that they
purposely put in your body along with all the stuff to make it happen.
Right. I mean, you start to see the scene of the crime. Yeah,
it is a scene of the crime.
And another thing that people need to understand is that we have cancer cells in our body all the time.

You have aberrant tissue growth all the time.
And it's our T cells that are trained to be able to recognize this,
and they deal with those cells, and they will kill those cells.
And so, we also know that a direct result of these injections is the reduction
in the numbers of those T cells plus those T cells get retrained to focus on the wrong thing.

What are they focusing on? They're focusing on what was injected into your body. In other words….
They're getting your body to make billions and billions and billions of these
foreign proteins that are called spike proteins.
And, you know, your immune system is being trained on foreign material like that.
Well, if you've got an overabundance of those foreign proteins,

then you're going to get an overabundance of T cells that are trained to look
at that and look at that only.
And so this is why people that continue to get these shots are now subject to
all sorts of other communicable diseases. Well, it's like Judy Mikevitz was
saying that the SV40 is like injecting AIDS.

It's like creating AIDS through, because the immune system gets suppressed, and what did AIDS do?
AIDS affected the T helper cells, right? Right.
So you get immunodepressed, you can't fight off disease, and then you wonder
why we're seeing all these cancers.
Like you mentioned, we're having cancer show up in people that are 15 to 40 years old.

You're seeing lung cancers increase by 20% to 30%.
We're having issues, and I think we're going to continue to see this, unfortunately.
And the one thing great about this writ of mandamus is that they're mentioning
and they document all this in this writ. It's 74 pages.

And they're going after the fact that they never tested this properly.
Then it first of all the first the initial
lie and we mentioned this right on it's not
a vaccine no right they called it a vaccine and
it's not a vaccine that's right gene therapy right and
something that they've been experimenting with to go after cancer to you know

tissues initially right that's what they wanted to do with it and then allegedly
allegedly yeah well well we start to look at the big picture here and now we
start seeing that people's genomes are being affected and it's killing off the population.
You know, this is some dangerous stuff. And I really do hope that this document,

does make headway through the Supreme Court and they do stop and confiscate these documents.
Products because they are biological weapons.
Well, and think about this, guys. You know, we've talked about this from day
one, you know, and we're so thankful for the doctors that have been standing
up against this thing the whole time.

But you have to sit down and shake your head at how many who didn't stand up,
you know, breaking the Hippocratic oath, right? Right.
And that's how it got here, because we're dealing with a situation where if
they could pull this off, I don't believe they think they were going to get caught.
Now, there's no doubt that this document proves that they have been caught. Oh, yeah. Right.

Well, there's pretty good documentation in there. They've been caught in lies.
They've been caught in fraud.
Yeah. And there's no question about it. I mean, it says right here,
I'll just read you another thing that I highlighted in this writ of mandamus
that's pretty powerful.
And it says it is well established that the FDA clinical trial for the COVID-19

injections were not designed to clinically or statistically demonstrate that
the COVID-19 nanoparticle injections prevented infection,
prevented transmission, or even protected against disease, hospitalizations, and death.

Wow. Yeah. Never designed to do that.
The trial, listen, these trials are called safety and efficacy trials.
And what does efficacious mean? It means it can create an antibody.
It's effective at creating an antibody.
You know, I got news for everybody listening. You could go out in your backyard

and put some dirt in a vial and inject it with a needle.
And if there are foreign proteins in there, and I guarantee you there are,
you will get antibodies.
And that's the whole lie that everybody is wrapped around, that you got to have these antibodies.

That's where the protection is. No, that is not where the protection is.
The protection is cellular.
It's 100% cellular.
Wow, that's the lie of the vaccine. seen
it's so it's the whole lie what we've been saying for
30 40 years now yeah you know it's the whole lie i
encourage everybody to go back and listen to dr kevin stillwagon

because he goes through natural immunity in a way that i haven't heard anybody
cover and he helps you to break down and see the lies within this but he's exactly
right once they get you to focus on this but here we are this was their whole
you know cell pitch this is going to give you somehow immunity Right.
Yeah. And it does none of those things. It never did show anything.

And that means every part, nobody would take this if they thought it didn't do something.
So when you say efficacious, you're saying it didn't work.
Well, it made antibodies, but it's making antibodies that are suboptimal and can end up hurting you.
You know, I don't want to confuse people. I want people to understand that antibodies

are a powerful thing and they're a necessary part of what's called your adaptive
immune response, but they have to be the right antibody.
Antibody and the only way that you're ever going to get a proper antibody is
by experiencing a natural infection.
That's right. That invader, whatever it is, a toxin, a bacteria,

a virus, whatever you want to call it, doesn't matter.
It's got to come through that epithelial barrier in a natural way.
And by doing so, your immune system gets trained to deal with and recognize
all of it, the whole thing.
Yep. And so what have we done with this mRNA shot? We've injected the message
to make a little tiny piece of it, and that piece is the spike protein,

which as everybody knows by now, continuously gets changed.
Yeah. It's mutated. Yep. That's why we have all of these different strains that
they come up with crazy names for, like Omicron and Kraken and whatever else.
Release the Kraken. JN1.
Don't forget X. Yeah, these scary names that they're trying to use to scare

the daylights out of people so they run out and get another shot,
which is not going to protect you.
So as we go in here, I'm like, wait a minute, we didn't get our verse of the day.
Dennis was so distracted. He's usually like right on that. That's why I handed it off to Dr.
Dozier. Dr. Dozier, because here we are in the middle of an incredible deception

that we have this pandemic come in. They didn't even test this stuff.
No, it didn't work. They told us all these lies about it.
What does it, how does that make you feel, Dr. Dozier?
Well, number one, you feel betrayed because it's your country.
And I know we're mainly talking about the mRNA and the vaccines.

And I don't know if this would fit within the purview of the,
podcast or not, but I do have a question if someone can answer this.
We know that when many of these people were being hospitalized,
they were being placed on ventilators.
And it seems that from what I understood, as I researched things,

that a great number of people who went on ventilators did not come out the way
that they came in. And I do not mean better.
And And I am aware of this, that when you're using these ventilators,
what you're doing is you're trying to give them the oxygen that they need.
And so my question is, was the damaging effect of these ventilators due to them

receiving too much oxygen?
Because I know that that can damage the lungs. Was it too much oxygen?
Well, it was actually oxygen under pressure that was the problem.
And, you know, this was money driven.
Driven and many people that went to the hospital were
told to go home and we can't
do anything for you which was a lie and come

back when you can't breathe and when they came back
and they were having extreme difficulty breathing and
their their blood saturation oxygen levels were extremely low then the the method
of choice that was mandated in these hospitals was to put them on a ventilator
to intubate them and force oxygen into them,

which, as we now know, turned out to be deadly.
But the hospitals got reimbursed for doing that.
They got a lot of extra money if they followed the mandate to put these people
on intubation and also treat them with remdesivir.
These were the methods of choice and the methods that.

The insurance companies were going to pay for.
It was a money-driven thing. Well, they're only going to treat with what they get paid for.
Right. That's what you have to understand. Well, it wasn't just that.
They were getting financial incentive from the government.
If you gave a diagnosis, we covered this.
A diagnosis of COVID was worth like $13,000.
And then if they got intubated, it was $40,000. You remember the guy who was

the director of the CDC at first?
He was the one saying that the numbers were inflated.
Right he was the one saying that this has happened before
and it's all money driven in other words there's
reimbursements he even said that that happened with aids
now he didn't hang around very long yeah then we got walensky right after that
but you know the first director was clearly letting some cats out of the bag

right so you know what do you what are some of the other uh dr dozier what do
you have is for the verse for today by the way well i want to go to first corinthians
1 Corinthians chapter 6,
because we're speaking of the body.
And one of the things that we read in 1 Corinthians chapter 6 is that whomever
destroys this temple, this body, will the Lord destroy.

And then it goes on to tell us during the last portions of that particular passage,
do you not know that your bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in
you, whom you have have received from God. You are not your own.
You were bought at a price.
Therefore, honor or glorify God in your bodies.

And I, well, that's the verse you wanted. But how do you feel that,
why is, why is this, why did that verse come to you because of what we're talking about?
Well, that verse came to me because, I mean, that will, that also takes me to Psalm 139.
Psalm 139, And when you get to verse 14, especially when it appears there's
David and he's recalling creation and he goes on to speak of the human body.

And then the 14th verse, he says, I will praise you for I'm fearfully and wonderfully
made, marvelous like your handiworks and that my soul knows right well.
And he brings out how when he was formed, God knew his parts before they were ever formed.
And so that would speak, that would refer to everything within you,
your heart, your lung, your veins, your arteries, everything within you.
And in this magnificent creation, God also made it.

To be able to heal itself. Even if we look at Israel in the wilderness,
when you look at the dietary laws, there are people look at those and they go from a, as you might say,
a self-righteous aspect or a law aspect.
But what God was doing is he was also, you could say he was their dietitian.

He was letting them know what they could eat for their health,
what they should eat for their help.
And I know all things are good now received with thanksgiving.
But what I'm bringing out here is that the way that God made the body,
he made the body to be sufficient of itself as it trusted and relied upon him.
And there are things that we use, natural things, herbal things,

and I'm one who really believe, and this is me, I stand on this.
When it comes to a lot of these drugs and And prescriptions and pharmaceuticals.
I believe that many of these things are, they really take the place of,
you may say, a modern day sorcerer.
Now, someone may be offended by that, but if you go into that language,

one of the words for sorcerer, the Greek word for sorcerer is the word pharmakeia or pharmakon.
And that is where we get the word pharmacy or pharmacist or a drug,
a drug is at his potion, the spell and his lot.
And you look at these things and it may work for one thing, but then there are
a plethora of side effects.
And it seems like this was on a grander scale.

And you're saying, okay, this
is for this. But really, to be honest with you, there were no benefits.
And it seems like the things that were beneficial were.
Hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, things like that that were beneficial were not
allowed to be used, mainly because there was no money to be made in them.
And you know this from some of the physicians who, I know you mentioned physicians,

there were some physicians who were not fearful and who were not silent,
even though we did hear from some.
But there were some who were not fearful, some who were not silent,
some who were at very high heights and very notable worldwide who stood up.
But they were were silenced.
And in some ways, their entire careers were destroyed.

I was just listening to one yesterday who this man did such great things.
And yet when he stood, his entire career was destroyed. destroy.
So that, that is, that is what I, that is what I see.
I brought that because what's happening, what you see happening there is you
see the body being invaded.

And then when we listen to things, if I might say that came from the president
of the United States, when he says, I'm running out of patience to me, that was a red flag.
Why are you running out of patience when it comes to me not taking a shot.
Yeah. Why are you being frustrated when I don't take a shot?
And then when you begin to accuse the people who won't as the ones who are really

the spreaders, why are these things happening?
And so what I see here is even though there were those who chose not to,
there was a number of people who were deceived into doing it and then a number
of people who trusted. it.
And unfortunately, the result was terrible. So, I always go back to that.

And when you leave, I'm going to end it, when you leave what God has laid out,
I do believe we come out with unexpected results.
Well, think about it. When you've read that verse, what is God?
God's giving us a threat here.
He is telling you that if you harm the body, why? Because this is his image. This is his family.

This is his heritage.
This is his posterity in the earth. And so, this is God telling us,
for us, standing up for rights of health.
The Christians were taught as if our body is just a little box we live in.
No, no. It contains, this is the temple. How can you have a really great spirit

when the temple is being ransacked, right?
And so God is telling us, Kevin.
I agree. He appreciates you going around the country and sticking up for our temples.
Yeah. And he's going along with this threat. He's behind you.
If you don't listen to people like Kevin, right, he's telling you the people

that are doing this, they're going to be in trouble with him.
They're in big trouble already.
You know, listen, you were born.
With DNA. And that's God's fingerprint in you.
And that's what makes you who you are. That's right.
And we should not be messing with that because it turns you into something else,

something that God didn't intend for you to be, plain, pure, and simple. Yes.
We should not be messing with DNA. And that's exactly what we're doing.
And it's going to to eventually lead to destruction.
Many people will die over this, I'm sorry to say. We just hit the tip of the
iceberg. Many people have.
You know, and Dr. Dozier brought out a very, very important point.

The power that made the body can heal the body. That's right.
And he also mentioned that God told us what we should eat and what we shouldn't
eat. Now, And we should pay attention to that.
Amen. Because if the body is given what it needs, which is good food,
clean air, pure water, it will heal itself.

Healing comes from within. It doesn't come from something that's external.
Now, the food is external. I'll admit that.
But it's a necessary thing that our bodies need to survive. We don't need pharmaceuticals.
We're not sick because we lack pharmaceuticals.

Well, I'll tell you what, there was one other point when I'm getting back to,
we're changing subjects, getting back to this document on PG.
Wait, Doc, were we segwaying?
Well, we could continue to talk about that too.
But this stuck out to me because not only if you think that if there was evil,

preemptive evil intent to this shot, which I'm sorry I do,
they actually, Pfizer's approval in August 23rd, 2021,
in their biological license application,
they left out, it says, missing information, vaccine effectiveness.
They said the use in pregnancy and lactation vaccine effectiveness is it's missing information.

So not only did they go after the adults and force people and coerce people
to get this shot, they went after the babies in the womb. That's right.
Which, you know, I mean, it doesn't surprise me because when we look at what,
4,000 abortions a day in this country, you know, babies in womb really don't

mean anything to, to evil people.
When you see this, and it's the first time ever, I think, they've ever promoted
a vaccine for pregnant women. That's true.
You know, I mean, wait a minute. Don't drink. Don't smoke.
Don't do this. Don't do that. But go ahead. Take this vaccine.
Oh, it's a test. It's tested. It's okay.
No, it wasn't tested. It was not tested.

The people that were in the trial were healthy.
They were healthy people. They didn't test it on people that were immunocompromised.
Immunocompromised. They didn't test it on children.
They didn't test it on the elderly.
They tested it on healthy people. Well, it's interesting because,
you know, as we've been forming this conference about saving our children,

isn't it interesting that they didn't test this on children?
They didn't test this, like you said, on pregnant women, where the child is
in the most vulnerable state of all.
Now, we had this warning from God not to mess with the body,
but when we we were talking about this conference,
we use Luke 17.2, and it says it would be better for them to be thrown into

the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little
ones, one of these little children to stumble.
So God is for children because they're in his image. In fact,
he says, unless we become as a little child, right?
We don't even exactly inherit our full goodness of where God has taken us in heaven.
So these are the things that we We think about that God is for,

and we've kind of abandoned that.
What are some other neat things that you really tied into when you looked at
this, how do you say that again?
Mandamus? The writ of Mandamus, yeah.
Sounds like some new book in the Bible, Mandamus. Yeah, it's apocrypha.
But also also and

same karen karen kingston a lot of
her material was in here too because she's the one that had
this passed and down by naples right wasn't yes down naples yep so they had
removed the vaccine down there in florida which started this whole ball rolling
but also moderna also had missing information with when it comes to in pregnancy and lactation,

There were some other stuff here rolling down.
Oh, yes. Remember when they approved Comirnaty?
But Comirnaty was not. Remember the old bait and switch with the shell game
that they played with the Pfizer?
The Pfizer was under the EUA, but they approved their other product, Comirnaty.
And Comirnaty was not available in the United States. But that's all right.

We could use the Pfizer on the EUA so they don't get sued.
Yeah. Yeah. So that was a major problem that happened in the US military.
It's a rule in the military that you cannot put a vaccine into one of our troops
unless it's FDA approved.
And so when Pfizer got its biological licensing agreement that Dr.

Dennis just mentioned, that was on August I guess the 23rd of 2021,
they were approved to make a product called Comirnaty.
And according to Pfizer's own documents, they didn't start making Comirnaty
until, wait for it, May of 2022.

Wow. So for all that time, troops that were injected with a product that said
Comirnaty on the label, it was falsely labeled.
That was fraud. And whoever let that go through deserves to be shackled.
Yep. I'm not kidding you. This is out and out fraud, fraudulent activity. Right.

We talked about that one podcast when you talk willful misconduct.
So there is no negligence clause when you have willful misconduct.
And I think that's what this document documents willful misconduct all throughout it.
There's another thing here on page 22.

There's about, they're not being informed consent. Consent.
If you remember seeing those videos where they, there was, there was no,
usually with a vaccine and the insert, there's informed consent in the insert, right?
And, and it tells you side effects and so forth. Well, the vaccine inserts for

these products were blank.
There was no informed consent. And we know as chiropractors that,
you know, we have documentation in our offices that the patients get upon coming
into the office is informed consent and tells them about what we do in our offices and whether or not,
you know, there are certain things that could happen, you know, and so forth.

There's risks involved, right? Sure, there's risk in everything.
But there was no informed consent with this.
So that, again, violated the Nuremberg Code also. It did violate the Nuremberg Code.
And specifically, the FDA and the manufacturers of this product knew full well
that the safety risks outweighed any clinical benefits of this product.

They knew that going into this thing. And that's the willful misconduct that
we're talking about here.
But I just learned this recently, and this is very, very disturbing to me.
And this was brought to light by a researcher named Sasha Ladopova.
Sasha Ladopova. And if you don't know who she is, you should probably look into her a little bit.

She discovered that under the emergency use authorization that was given by
the federal government,
they carved out a little niche called, let's see here, it's on the tip of my tongue.
It had something to do with willful misconduct not playing a role.

In other words, they could get away with willful misconduct.
And here's what it was called. It was called an emergency use countermeasure.
Wow. emergency use.
Countermeasure, which is a military term and it basically gives them carte blanche. There's no.

Willful misconduct, penalties involved with this at all. None.
That's pretty disturbing. Well, and you can see the blind, right?
Complete blind, you must take this. Yeah.
Right? And I think that's what everybody is starting to see,
and certainly we're seeing a lot of that happen. And, you know,

I mentioned this to a couple of you guys, and I think you know you're aware.
You saw the interview with, again, the Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo,
or Ladapo, and he was interviewed by Tucker Carlson.
And, you know, he goes through the whole thing, and he believes that these things,
the jabs, should be taken away, right?
Banned. And then he takes his hat off and basically says, you know,

I'm going to speak as a person. No, he's going to speak as a Christian.
And he says, this is about exterminating the human race. Yeah.
Now, why would he think that? Now, you look at this document,
and so I'm going to ask you guys, because you guys have looked at it a lot more.
Why do you think educated people are looking at what we're seeing now,
and why would they say something like that?

Well, this all started with the Club of Rome. This was back in the 1970s,
where the elite group, whoever they are, and I can tell you,
the elite group is the people that have all the money.
They're the ones that are controlling this thing. You know, we think we're a free people.
We're not. No. This is all a corporation.
Yep. And, you know, the people that have the money, they're the ones that are in control.

And they absolutely believe that there are too many people on the planet.
Yep. And they want to do anything they can to reduce that population.
And they'll do it any way they can. And they'll try to do it right in front
of you and make it look like it's something that is helping humanity when it's
actually doing the exact opposite.

That's how they get away with this.
It's all deceptive lies. It really is. It's in the Bible that,
you know, there's going to be deception in the end times. This is another good thing. So we had Dr.
Jose Bonilla at our conference when we were talking about, you know,
the assault against our DNA.
And so one of the conversations that we were having with him is he was saying

that right now, Now America is somewhere only around the top 40 in the world for health.
Oh, yeah. We're way down the list. And here we are, the most advanced.
Medical culture in the world, as far as what we can do. But why are our healthy
people? No, we don't have them.
You know, third world communist countries have better health than we have.

Now, there's the proof in the pudding.
That's why you can ask yourself, if we're wrong, why is it that we're doing so bad?
Why is it that when we listen to our medical doctors, right,
why don't they have this plan that's actually working and making us healthier?
The bottom line is, is the proof is in the pudding.
This pudding is bad.

Toxic pudding. It's toxic. Soylent green. You see what I'm saying?
You look at, and I don't care whether you look at, you know, look at the deaths.
Look at how we did on COVID. I think we're only in the, maybe closer around 30.
And then you look at autism. You look at all these other things that are happening in the world today.
It's very simple. Not everybody eats what we eat, breathes what we breathe.
You know, we can't even know whether a food is genetically modified,

right? Yeah. You know, it's interesting that you should bring up autism.
I just saw a gentleman talking the other day about a community in Nepal,
and they don't even know what autism is.
And their uptake of childhood vaccines is very, very low.
Right. Almost none of their children get these shots called vaccines.
That's right. And so, there's a very high correlation between the toxins.

They're called adjuvants that are put in these childhood vaccines, and they're metals.
Some of them are thimerosal, which is a mercury derivative. Some others are aluminum.
And we know that these can cross the blood-brain barrier. We know that they
can build up in the brain, and they become toxic.
Some children have the ability to metabolize these things out of their body,

and they're not affected.
But some kids can't do that. And those are the ones that end up getting severe
brain damage and problems from these shots called vaccines.
So, you know, I'm calling for everybody to just put the brakes on anything called a vaccine.
Absolutely. Don't put that into your butt. You don't even know what's in there.
Yep. And I keep saying this to people over and over again every single time I make a talk.

You have absolutely no idea what's in that vial unless you do mass spectrometry,
analytical chromatography, and a genetic sequence. on the vial immediately before they put it in you.
You got no idea what's in you. And here's the problem.
There are people walking around in our society right now that don't care.

They don't care. They don't care. And they will make a statement like,
I don't know what's in there.
I don't care what's in there. I didn't know what was in my childhood vaccines.
And I don't even know what the 11 secret spices in the Kentucky fried chicken
are. That's their attitude.
This flippant attitude has got to end. There's something seriously wrong with

our society when we just willingly go out and and inject something into our
children, and we don't even know what's in there.
Yeah, why don't you just go tell them to play in traffic or something? Yeah.
I mean, come on. I mean, you can see where we're going. We're all frustrated,
but you can see that your Bible is clear.
Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and that what we put in here,

when we release what God has created, right?
The bottom line is people are subscribing to this biblical view.
They do it all over the world.
We have really subscribed to pharmakia. Yeah, we have.
And it's the sin of witchcraft in the Bible. Now, there's no doubt there's some
great medications out there, and not all of it is probably into the technical

aspect of pharmakia because it's a particular thing.
But you can see the key that we've tried to say all along is that your Bible
really teaches that the last most evil government in the world,
their plan does not work if they don't get mandatory access to our bodies.
And that's how you can see this correlation where technology is aimed at your body.

It's aimed at the temple because that's where your spirit lives.
And so that's where this connection, you know, comes in.
And that's why we have to be able to understand our connection to our bodies.
And if you don't take care of that temple.
What happens to us, Dr. Dozier, if we don't take care of that temple?
If we don't take care of the temple, it will be destroyed.

That's right. I can give you a true short story about this that took place over
30 years ago, referring to myself.
You all know I lift weights. And, of course, 30 years ago, I was stronger than I am today.
And I was quite strong, quite powerful.
And I'm just saying that to give you the picture. And he's still strong.

And he's still a good looker. Well, there we go. He's blushing.
I was out and I was playing basketball. My brother was living here then and
I was playing basketball. We were playing a game of 21.
Got to five and all of a sudden, it's like my head started wobbling.

I got a little dizzy and I tried to blame it on what I was eating.
I said, oh, that's because I ate a pork chop and ate some ice cream.
So it was just, and it was that. But I noticed this just kept happening.
And I probably was around early, maybe at 30s.
And I would get up four or five, six times a night, about every 45 minutes to run to the restroom.

And it was just a constant stream. I mean, a full stream, like boom.
And one morning I just decided, because I thought about my father.
My father lived for 53 years and he passed away. Okay.
Diabetic, didn't take care of himself, and it ended up damaging his heart, took him.
And so I remember going in, and I decided, I went to the walk-in clinic,

the doctor's walk-in clinic, and I go in, and I said, I want them to check me
to see if I have diabetes.
And so I went in, I got the cup, I went into the restroom, came out,
and the doctor was quite blunt.
And I was a guy, but when you get what I got, it kind of like hit me real hard.
He says, yep, you hit it on the head. That's exactly what it is.

And I remember leaving there with tears in my eyes because I felt you feel violated
when something happens to you.
And I was crying and I'm talking to God. I'll do that when I'm crying.
I'm saying, God, how am I going to, I wasn't even pastoring it.
I'm saying, God, how am I going to minister your word?
And I got to put needles in my arm. If I put needles in my arm,
I'm going to die. I'm not going to put needles in my arm.
And so I went on. I said, wow, just the health, the outrun, I was lifting weights, staying strong.

And I got the machine to check the blood sugar and it was never really going down.
And so one day, and this went on for about a year or so.
And then one day I just came to this conclusion. I said, well,
maybe I'm going to live short like my dad.
And that was a belief. And I was like, well, whatever God has for me to do,
it'll happen in a short time.

And I guess God just said, I believe I have to help my son out because what
I'm about to tell you right now is true.
I would not sit here and lie.
I'd moved I moved in Brandon by then and I was, I had a green caravan and I
was sitting in the caravan and there used to be a show back in the day when,
when Dennis was young and it was called my mother, the car.

Remember my mother, the car, Dennis, you remember that? And the guy had the
car and, and, and the lady over the radio would talk to him on the radio.
She talked through the radio.
Over the dashboard, I heard these words with my ears.
These words came across, and it wasn't that lady, by the way.
And it was just like this. If you take care of yourself, you will live.

If you do not take care of yourself, you will surely die. I heard the words.
I had a friend coming in from Oklahoma, tall, cowboy-like fellow.
And I picked him up from the airport. Because for me, it was like this was something
that I didn't want anybody to know that was happening to me.
And I pick him up from the airport.

And the first thing he says to me as he speaks to me, he says, he says, Dr.
Dozier, I want to talk to you about your eating. This is what I'm going to do.
And he gives me this book on protein, fats, and carbohydrates.
And I read the book. Because I'm interested in living. I'm like, oh, my goodness.

So I'm looking. And here's what I was doing. When I was thirsty,
I was doing all this drinking because I stayed thirsty.
I love those cheap Czech sodas. Oh, no. I would drink about a case of them a day.
And I love the Snickers ice cream bars.
And it would be like four, six in a pack. And I could eat those in a day or
two. What if your blood sugar wasn't going down? He's working out like crazy.

He could get away with it. And I believe if I wasn't working out, I'd be a dead man.
Let me put it like that. But it was still it started rising up 250 and 300 and all of this here.
I Cut this stuff out. I didn't see where I started running Running and running
and I you know, of course if you lose some fat you lose some muscle too and
I dropped like about 25 pounds I wasn't the fat guy, but I dropped 25 pounds and.

And my blood sugar went all the way down to like 75, which is like normal.
And of course, blood pressure would line up into that too. And I was having
like the 120 over 70 something, whatever.
And I stuck with that. I stayed with that. And I believe that no matter what
anybody said, I believe God.
What God told me was if I take care of myself, I would live.

I changed my eating. I started helping other people in the same areas.
Is i've seen people die who would not change it yeah
did not have to die but i changed it
i i had to change those things or else
i would have been loaded up on the medicine to make a long story short i've
never put a needle in my arm you're still here for insulin i'm still here i

didn't you know i wasn't on all this other stuff and they were getting ready
to put me on this is when i really said no they were getting ready to put me
on this medicine as some of you may remember it It was called Vioxx.
Oh, yeah. And for some reason, I just looked at it and I said, no, I'm not doing this.
I did not know. I didn't find out until later. I think it was causing people

to have heart attacks or something.
But this is what they were bringing towards me. And so I just wanted to share
that because it is true. Many people say, yeah, that happened for you.
But God does not respect the persons. That's right.
God will give you wisdom. him is writing his word and you don't have to hear
him audibly like I honestly did at that time, but it is in his word.

We can push it to a point where we've torn everything apart and now you expect
something to work, but we need to be free, presentative, even in our eating
and exercise is very important. Take care of yourself with exercise.
So who was the brother that got in the car and gave you the book?
His name was Scott Stevens. We got a modern day Scott Stevens here with Kevin Stillwagon.

He is coming in to tell you that if you take care of yourself,
you will live. Yes. I do want to make a couple of points.
We're going back to what you were saying earlier, the, about the vaccines and
giving an example that, where was that?
That was in what country was that again? Nepal. Nepal.
We also have know that in the Amish community that they do not have any autism

because they did not vaccinate.
I've been preaching it for my whole chiropractic career that vaccines are not useful.
And we don't want to come out and bash the medical society in this country.
I have a lot of medical friends. They're great doctors. They're great at what they do and so forth.
But unfortunately, I think the medical field has got some form of cognitive dissonance.

I am going to use that phrase again when it comes to vaccines.
And I feel that these vaccines are completely safe.
We should not question them and so forth. And that's just start off with the childhood vaccines.
Now that when it came out to COVID, the vaccine, oh, just take it for something
that was not even tested properly.
And I'm sorry, folks, everybody who thinks we still need to hear and call President

Trump to the carpet for Operation Warp Speed.
That's right. He's the one that initiated that. You know, we can sit there and
Biden pushed it through when he got elected.
But Trump was so proud and he's still proud to this day saying the vaccine saved
people. Meanwhile, when you look at the numbers, it's killed many people.
Right. Yeah, I agree. He's willfully blind.

Yeah. And so is the other guy. Well, it's even worse.
And it's funny because on one of the shows they were talking about all the people
dying and they just came out and said, well, that was the previous administration's fault.
And what was surprising to me is that the interviewer like just took that as
an answer. And I've been like, yeah, you know, it's true.
Operation Warp Speed did kind of create something too quick with too little, you know, thought.

And then somebody turned around and made it mandatory.
Yeah. I wonder who that was. Yeah. Right. So we got culpability.
And here's the thing I think that my advice to you and really everybody is,
and my grandfather said it, he said a pearl in the snout of a pig is still a pearl.

So everything just is what it is. And it's the same thing about me.
I could be the pig one day, and the next day I'm running around with pearls.
The truth is, is that we all make mistakes, but you know the true people because
when they make a mistake, they own it.
They own it. Yeah. And see, we don't see any of that happening in either party. We don't see it.
And so that's what I'm saying. And we have to follow these, the blind leading the blind.

And the truth is, if we're going to be free, the truth is what makes us free.
The truth about yourself, the truth about your family, your friends,
the truth about a candidate, a political candidate.
And again, the truth about America.
If we can embrace the truth, that's where we need to go here.

I agree. Yeah. It's all about truth and freedom.
So I got to talk with Kevin's wife the other day,
and she said she wanted to spend more time with him and kevin said
he was on a mission yeah kevin tell us about your mission well
the mission for me is education because i feel
that if people actually understand where the

true protection against infection resides
if they get that then you know
they're going to be enlightened it's literally like like
a light coming on and then the truth shines through and
then you gain the wisdom them to never be
fooled again and believe me they're going to try this same
playbook yeah they're going to come up with another disease disease x or whatever

they want to call it they're trying to do with measles now yeah and they're
going to convince you that if you come in contact with this thing it'll kill
you and the only savior for you is going to be a shot called a vaccine Yeah.
Yeah. That's how they do it. And again, I got to drill this point home.
The whole lie that people easily fall for is the production of antibodies.

And that's what these shots do. They create antibodies.
Now, don't get me wrong. Antibodies can be a very powerful, powerful thing.
If a person is bitten by a rattlesnake, for example, you go to the hospital
and you're going to get antibodies.
It's anti-venom. It's the same thing.

But where did they get those antibodies from? They got it from another animal
that was bitten by the rattlesnake and developed perfect antibodies.
Amen. Perfect antibodies against that venom.
That's how that works. Rabies is the same thing. If you get bitten by a rabid

animal, the method of choice is to put rabies antibodies in you,
and it will save your life.
But where did the rabies antibodies come from?
They came from another animal that experienced a natural rabies infection and
developed perfect antibodies.

That's the difference. And Judy Mikovits will back me up on this.
You can never, ever get perfect antibodies by injecting something into your
body through God's protective epithelial barrier mechanism.
Absolutely. You cannot get perfect antibodies.

They will be suboptimal every time, and they will hurt you, not help you. I'm not kidding.
This whole idea of injecting something into people's bodies to create antibodies
that are somehow going to be protective does not work.
Well, and we believe that, and we believe in trusting in the Lord.
And trusting in the Lord has a little bit to do with trusting in what he did when he made you.

No, what he did when he made your body, right?
And know you not that that body is his temple, and he is the only one who can cleanse his temple.
You can't have somebody else come in and do it. So what I'm trying to tell you is the same thing.
There's a lot of reasons to trust in the Lord, to trust in your body,

because your body was given to you by God, and that body bears his image.
And that's why he said, if you harm this body, what is he going to do to us, Doug?
He said, if you harm it, if you destroy it, God will destroy it.
And so they know that. If you do something that brings this body to ruin,

if you do something that's worthless and useless, then you're seen as worthless
and useless, and then you will suffer the consequences for what you've done to this body.
And we have a society that is trying to seduce us into being partners in destroying
our own bodies. That's exactly right.
And the easiest way to do it is to convince people to inject something into

their body to create something that's going to protect them.
That's right. That's how they do it.
And it's an injection. It's violating God's protective mechanism.
That's right. When you eat or drink something that's not good for you,
what happens? You get sick.
You throw it up, right? That's God's protective mechanism.

He doesn't want that stuff getting in your body. That's right.
So what are we convincing people to do?
Oh, forget about that protective mechanism. Just go out and shoot it right in your veins.
Yeah. Yeah. Well, we're also saying, forget about God, trust in us.
But the Bible says trust in the Lord, right? And that's what we have to do as we move forward.

When our government convinces us that there's God, that they are God,
which is what communism too, this is when we have to fall off the bandwagon
and said, no, there is a God and you're not him.
And so any last words, Kevin, Kevin, we thank you so much for coming.
I know you've got to share some passion today. We covered a lot of ground today.

This was a really good discussion.
And we appreciate you coming down here and sharing with us about this article.
I know Dennis is still stewing, so I guess he's going to have to have his own.
No, no, I just think that we'll keep an eye on this, and if we bring any updates,
what happens with this. I think Dr.
Dennis has got some kind of podcast he's formulating down there. Yeah, yeah.

All right. Samson. If I might say before, whoever prays out,
a lot of times we hear, and this will be short, a lot of times,
I would say a number of times you will hear something coming on either over
the air on the podcast or television or whatever,
even nowadays, even across the pulpit, and you'll get a disclaimer at the beginning.

I want you to know that I have friends who are this, I have friends who are
that, I have friends who are that, or I'm in no way saying anything against
this or saying anything against that. Right.
The question is, why are you saying it? Good question. Okay.
We love you, and we're not going to put a disclaimer out there about what we
said, because I know sometimes people can be offended.

Jesus said offenses will come, but the purpose is not to bring offenses.
The purpose is to awaken you.
And we know that Jesus said those who are sick have need of a physician.
But you need to make sure that when you're seeing a physician,
you're seeing a physician and not someone who's trusting in pharmaceuticals

that really are not medicines.
You need to make sure that you know what's going in your body.
And more importantly, trust God.
Don't say, I trust God, and then run to another source. Right.
But trust God, he will provide your need according to your riches and glory.
And then for the leaders, because something was said mentioned and I was thinking
the same thing about how to start it first with with President Trump who wanted to help people.

And it was really a drastic.
It was a drastic era to to push that.
And then the next group making it mandatory, losing people in the military and this and any other.
But I want to say to any leader who's been a part of that, be it you in the
White House, you're formerly in the White House, you're a governor or whatever,

just as with anyone else, if you really believe in God,
then you should repent for what you've done to the people.
And God will receive it. The Word says that we confess our sins.
He's faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us of all unrighteousness.
Which means that when you do ask him for forgiveness, when you do confess,

you're going to acknowledge that what you did was error.
And you can rely upon God to forgive you because he recognizes that in humans,
there's no good things. That's why we trust him.
But when he cleanses you, he'll purge you from making that same error.
And then you ask him for boldness to make the right decisions,
even about your personal life.
Pastors as well, pastors as well, So do not allow yourself, do not allow yourselves

to be influenced by what the world is doing.
But your first and primary responsibility is to yield to the Lord who is your
Savior and then to watch over his flock according to the way in which he has laid out for you to do it.
And Kevin, thanks for watching out for us. And it's an honor,

by the way, you are a brother now.
You've come on the podcast so many times. We're letting you pray us out.
No, it's my pleasure, man. It's my pleasure.
God, we thank you for this opportunity to bring us all together,
open our minds, open our ears, and open our hearts so we can receive this message. Amen. Amen.
You can tell he's not a Baptist.

Definitely can't be a Pentecostal.
Hey, folks, this is Dr. Kevin Cruz giving you another pump because guess what?
The Supernatural Junkies are on Rumble.
All you have to do is go to Rumble, go to search, and when you search for channels,
you look for Supernatural Junkies, and all of our stuff is going to start popping up.

It's great because you're going to be able to see the links.
You'll get to see exactly why we are saying what we're saying.
But most importantly, this is a great way to share with your family and your
friends exactly why we are living in prophetic times and why we cannot give up access to our bodies.
Hey, folks, it's Dr. Dennis from Supernatural Junkies. I just want to talk to

you today about protandum.
I've been taking protandum for a few years, and you know what?
I feel a difference. I am younger than my age.
At least I think I am. Anyway, protandim is a strong antioxidant producer in
your body because what it does, it causes your body to increase its glutathione production.

And glutathione, folks, is the strongest antioxidant your body has.
So if you want to keep strong antioxidants in your body and be a healthier you,
I suggest you use protandim.
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