Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
The Surviving Outside
Sales podcast, hosted by Mike
O'Kelley, presented by SalesBuilder Academy.
The goal is to survive andthrive all phases of outside
sales, whether you're getting in, dominating or getting out.
Surviving Outside Sales I'myour host, mike O'Kelley, q4.
Let's get into it, let's talkabout it.
All right, if I were going backout in the field today, this is
what I would do, if I wasplucked by company and put back
into the field day one, almostmid-November here in Q4.
All right, number one I'vementioned it before.
Something that used to becalled the PPF method has been
rebranded to the P3 method.
P3, past, present, potential.
The potential is the futurestate, the P3 method.
Really, quickly, what I wouldfind out is where has this
territory or this business beenin the past, where is it today
and where is it going in thefuture?
Okay, and you're never going tobe able to move into the future
, you're never going to be ableto hit the goals that you want
and get the desired outcome ifyou don't know where you've come
from and where you are today.
Status report.
So where is this business?
How many clients do you have?
Where is the money coming from?
What type of products, servicesdo you have Add-ons?
Rank your products.
Where are the products One, two, three, four?
Do you have Add-ons?
Rank your products.
Where are the products One, two, three, four, five?
What's the easiest product tosell?
What's the easiest product tomove?
What's the hardest product tomove?
Okay, if right now it's almostmid-November, I've got six weeks
and you can even do this.
If you're not new, you canbasically just kind of pretend
you're new, you can dump outyour bag and you can kind of
refresh your fourth quarter.
If it's not in the trajectoryor it's not excuse me, it's not
heading the way you want it togo, you can get that uh uh
trajectory reset.
And that's the beautiful partabout sales is that every single
day you get another opportunityto change the outcomes.
All right, so find out wherethis territory has been.
Has it struggled?
Is there growth?
What type of growth can therebe?
What are you taking over?
Are there any leads in thepipeline or are you starting
over from scratch?
What is your ideal clientprofile?
Okay, your ICP, your idealclient profile.
Who are you going to be after?
Do you know those people?
Are you coming from the sameindustry?
Are you coming from a newindustry?
Are any of your former clientsthat you used to have.
Can they use your new productor service?
If so, those are the firstpeople I'm calling and reaching
out to this week.
You probably I probably wouldhave already reached out to them
during training, but let's justsay, for instance, day one boom
, I just got hired.
Today's my first day.
I am reaching out to all of myclients who have a need for this
As a reminder, I used to be inthe medical sales world and a
lot of that time was spent indermatology.
Those are my firstconversations I'm having.
Hey, I've just got this.
What are your thoughts?
Is this something you can use?
Great, let's set up a meeting.
That's the first thing I'mdoing.
I'm either texting them, I'mgiving a phone call, I'm
shooting an email, I'm shootinga video and I'm sending it to
I have this product.
I'm shooting a video and I'msending it to them.
I have this product.
Again, if you are not utilizingtechnology in your sales process
, you're going to be left behind.
It's very antiquated, all right.
So figuring out the P3 method,where you've come from or where
this business has come from,where it sits today, and then,
what are your goals for Q4?
Do you have a quota already?
If you're new to the field, youyou probably going to have a
very low quota.
But where's your quota?
I'd mentioned in one of theprevious episodes put that at
Put it at 125% and pushyourself, push yourself.
So if you fall short of yourgoal, you've still hit the
company's goal.
But if your goal and thecompany's goal is the same, I
think you're going to fall short.
I'm not saying you will, but Ithink you'll fall short, because
I think what's going to happenis, if you are, if your goal is
aligned, I don't think you'regoing to push yourself.
And it's a mental thing Peopledon't realize.
Sales is a mental thing.
You're tired at the end of theday.
Suck it up.
Make another call.
You don't feel like respondingto that email at 845 at night.
Suck it up, send the email.
Your buyer is sending you thatmessage.
They're available.
Don't wait till the next day.
Don't get all excited.
Do it right then.
Do not wait for another day toprocess a sale.
Do not wait for another monthto process a sale.
You have no idea what's goingto happen.
Stay aggressive.
So I would reach out to all ofmy existing clients and see if
this is something that they havea need.
I would reach out to all thecurrent clients and I'd speak to
all the current clients orcustomers this week.
So any of the any of the bookof business that I'm bringing
over, I'm focusing on them.
Any of the current customersthat I don't know of that I've
never met before, I'm talking tothem this week and then I'm
using the P3 method.
Okay, the P3 method past,present, potential states All
Have you used this productbefore?
What do you think about theproduct?
What did you try before?
You're asking a lot of questions.
You're a detective.
Some of the calls are going tobe detective.
Some of the calls are going tobe sales calls.
Okay, the first week, maybe thefirst two weeks, depending upon
how large your territory isyou're going to have to be a
Okay, past, present, futurestates.
You're going to be once you getto the future.
So asking these clients hey,you're a customer already, and
then you're asking a bunch ofquestions, thinking to yourself
can they do more?
In my experience, a lot oftimes your top clients can do
They just need to knowdifferent areas to expand and to
grow and, trust me, they'relooking for that.
As a business owner, I'm alwayslooking to expand and grow and
utilize new tools that are goingto help with are.
If you're selling to businessowners, you have got to focus on
the future state and it doesn'tmatter if you think they're
tapped out.
Continue to act as if they'renot, because you don't know if
they are, you're just making anassumption.
So if I were a reminder, if Iwas thrust back out in the field
P3 method for the business, p3method for existing clients, p3
method for the clients that I'mbringing over that have not
utilized this product or servicebefore, and then structuring a
plan where I am using everywaking moment of the day to make
my presence felt in thatterritory, I'm sending out an
introductory video sales letter.
If you don't have the capacityto do a video sales letter,
there's tons of softwares outthere.
I use BombBomb, but there'stons out there.
They're not that expensive permonth and, as I've said this
before, if you're a salesprofessional, get over paying
for your own software if it'sgoing to help you hit your goal.
Just because your company isproviding you X, y and Z doesn't
mean you can't provide foryourself A, b and C.
The email system.
Video sales letter.
Send out an introductory videosales letter.
Hey, my name is Mike.
I am the brand new salesprofessional with blah blah,
I really look forward to seeingyou.
I'll be in.
I'll be in your area next week.
Would love to know if I can.
Um, would love to stop by andintroduce myself.
That's it.
You're not selling themanything, just say, just make a
statement of fact.
But that is kind of the shotacross the bow, that is, letting
people know you exist, you arein the universe.
Okay, and I see all these, Isee all this advice out there,
people saying don't do it.
Um, oh, you know, they're justgoing to send you to spam.
That's BS.
I'm telling you right now.
It is BS.
And just so you're aware,you're never going to sell
Okay, so you might get a coupleof people like, oh, no, thanks,
we don't see salespeople, wedon't do any solicitations.
Okay, great, just cross themoff the list for now.
Remember, q4 is a sprint.
It is not a marathon, it is asprint.
You want to focus yourattentions on closing deals?
This is not a hey.
I want to start buildingrelationships for 2025 with
every single person in myterritory.
No, you're never going to hityour quota that way, especially
if you're behind the eight ball.
Right now, you need to focusyour attention on anywhere from
30 to 60 accounts that you can.
You can hit your quota closethe end of the year strong If,
for some reason, you have extratime and there's proximity.
Yes, it's always great to totry to build some prospects for
2025, but right now is not thetime to do prospect building and
if I went back out in the fieldin mid-November, I would not be
Okay, I'd be trying to closedeals and I want to get that.
Low hanging fruit people wherethere's an immediate need for
the product or service, based onall the factors that they have
told me.
Again, it comes down to thesame habits, processes and
When I talk to anybody, I askthem a bunch of questions.
That's part of the discovery.
I ask a bunch of questions andI'm a detective.
I'm trying to paint a picturein my mind, as I'm writing notes
in my mind, of how I can bestutilize what I can provide for
them to get them to where theywant to go, and that's all I'm
focusing on.
I'm not worried about anythingelse.
And guess what If they are.
If I don't have what they needor the timing isn't right, put
them on the back burner and letthem know hey, it sounds like my
product or service might not beperfect for you.
Um, I'd like to reserve theright to to um discuss this in
Q1 of next year.
Is that fair?
They're probably going to say,yeah, you just let them, you let
them off the hook.
And they're going to say, yeah,now I know that there's some
belief in the sales world thatyou've just given them an out.
You're never going to see themagain.
There are some sales that aremarathons and there's some that
are sprints, but Q4 is a sprint.
You have to realize that Q4 isa sprint.
So, good luck, keep reachingout to me.
I've been doing new episodes forabout a week and I've had a lot
of people reach out to me.
I had a client call thismorning, a prospect call this
Somebody wanted help thismorning, a prospect call this
morning, somebody wanted help.
So I this is fantastic.
This is what I, what Iabsolutely love to do, and I
love hearing from salesprofessionals who are in the
thick of it, who really want totake their game to the next
As a reminder.
If you want to do that, pleasereach out to me, email me at
Mike at surviving outsidesalescom.
Mike at surviving outsidecom,or DM me on LinkedIn.
I'm making tons of changes tomy website right now
So if you see any of thecourses, if you see anything on
there, there's going to be somechanges made in the next week or
So right now, if you have anyinquiries, you can either reach
out to me on LinkedIn ormikeatsurvivingoutsidesalescom.
I'd love to have a conversationwith you and see if that I
could help you get to where youwant to go and live the life
that you want to in thisglorious game we call sales.
Hope everybody has a great dayand we'll see you next time.
Surviving outside sales.