All Episodes

March 19, 2024 28 mins

Many people are frequently asking: How do I get the results I desire and need? Should I invest in 1 on 1 coaching or The Microschool Masterminds Membership?

Micro School Masterminds - our unique online group coaching platform designed to support educators in building thriving microschools or homeschool hybrids. Whether you're a beginner embarking on the journey, an owner seeking further growth, or someone looking for solutions to time management, financial planning or marketing strategies, Micro School Masterminds is here to guide you every step of the way. Dive into this episode and learn about how our proven track record can help you achieve exponential growth.

We tackle common struggles like analysis paralysis, financial insecurity, and marketing challenges. By offering weekly support and a wealth of learning resources, we aim to mold and equip our members with the right tools and mindset. Our program has already helped many educators create their dream school and achieve a staggering 733% growth. So if you're ready to revolutionize your educational business, Micro School Masterminds is your answer.

With us, you can expect an in-depth, personalized one-on-one deluxe coaching program. Based on your stage- beginner, intermediate, or ready to scale- we have programs that can transform your business. Tune in to learn more about how we can help you manage your time, finances, and marketing strategy along with motivating you to make this exciting leap.

We offer a suite of services, such as Clarity Coaching – a unique offering that helps clarify your vision and make your path obstruction-free. We also offer live group sessions, Q&A’s and offer new resources weekly to enhance your skills and chances of success. All our learning material is hosted on a dedicated, user-friendly app called School. Here, you can focus on your journey without distractions and access all previous sessions at your convenience.

Micro School Masterminds is more than just a course - it's a comprehensive resource hub and a thriving community of like-minded educators committed to reimagining education. Sign up now at and embark on a transformative journey to realize your dream of a successful educational business.

Join Our Facebook Group for  a supportive community and the “best place on the corner of the internet”

Book a Clarity Coaching Session:

Get started on your dream school right now! Get all the documents you need to jumpstart, market and enroll students!  We have step-by-step instructions to help you write powerful marketing brochures, enrollment forms, introductory packets, and so much more! You’ll also find easy-to-use templates made to simplify your creation process, as well as beautiful real-life examples used by my micro-school, Lighthouse Learning, to give you creative inspiration when designing your very own forms.  You will be able to seal the deal with peace and clarity when you hand deliver your new handbook and contract.  Tune in to today's episode to find out more and head over to our shop to purchase your documents at


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Episode Transcript

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Regardless of whether or not you've already started your micro school,
or if you're just at the beginning stages,
you haven't launched, you haven't felt as if you've gotten the motivation,
the inspiration, or the clarity to get started on your dream school, your dream program.
You may be wondering, how do I actually make this happen?

Or maybe you've already started and you need help with systems,
finances, marketing, your time management, hiring, funding, all of the nitty
gritty of running your school.
Maybe you've already started and you're really wanting to grow.
You want to integrate. You want to duplicate.

Should you invest in coaching or should you invest in the Microschool Masterminds membership?
How can you continue to professionally develop what is going to give you the
highest yield of return on your investment?
Today, I'm answering those questions straight from my inbox into your earbuds.

I've gotten the questions and I'm giving you the answers.
It's time for you to grow and to feel so good about yourself and to feel confident,
but also have massive action and incredible,
massive results that truly can blow your mind. Are you ready?

Let's hear it. Parents and teachers, the time has come,
the time for us to gather together and create the ultimate learning environment
for those of us leading the movement and education by creating micro schools
and homeschool hybrids.
Now introducing micro school masterminds, the one and only program for those

of us who are dedicated to making a change and creating creating such incredible
opportunities, not only for our community,
for our own families, for our own life.
If you are tired of feeling overwhelmed and isolated in your journey of building
a micro school or homeschool hybrid, Micro School Masterminds is here to support you.

The wondering how to grow what you already have. Your answer is here.
You've been asking for this and we've created it. Microschool Masterminds,
the one and only ultimate solution to transform your dream into your reality.

Boost your success with efficient time management, financial planning,
strategic marketing, and systems and processes to streamline all your wild and
amazing ideas so you can actually move the mountains standing in your way of your greatest success.
We know what it's like to struggle with analysis paralysis, financial insecurity,

and marketing challenges in your micro school or homeschool hybrid.
That's why we created Microschool Masterminds, an online community with weekly
support to help the beginner, current micro school owner, and the person who
is ready to grow their existing business and mindset.
With Microschool Masterminds, you'll receive monthly group coaching sessions
with me, Mackenzie Oliver, private support, community access,

and weekly content filled with templates, videos, and printables to help you
with all of your business building tasks.
If you're feeling stuck in a rut, battling time management issues,
needing clarity over your budget or your finances, if you're struggling to hire
the dream team or craving accountability and inspiration, Microschool Masterminds is your answer.

We've helped hundreds of teachers pave the way to to their microschool or homeschool hybrid dream.
We've created 733% of growth in our own microschool.
We're not letting stagnation, overwhelm, or missed opportunities hold you.
Now and join Microschool Masterminds to unlock the tools, the guidance,

and the community you need to thrive.
Don't miss out on this chance to transform your educational business and secure your success.
Visit slash masterminds to sign up today and lock
in introductory pricing for life.
Again, that's slash masterminds.

I will be waiting for you on the other side.
I just absolutely love when I hear from you. And I love when your name comes across my inbox.
I have received two emails within the last 24 hours that I thought,
I've got to make an episode about this.
Because our future, our success completely hinges on the amount of time and

energy we are going to invest in ourselves.
Themselves honestly I listen to
a lot of really incredible high achieving
motivational people that I'll probably never in my life get the opportunity
to meet obviously but man they know how to invest in themselves one of my very

favorite books think and grow rich talked about about a mastermind,
talked about accountability partners,
all of which are so influential and impactful, and not only your business growth,
but your mindset and your personal growth, truthfully.
I can't imagine the people that I have walked this road with,

the people that I have paid for services from, the groups that I've been a part
of, they've all made such a difference in my life, the group coaching that I've
been a part of, the memberships that I've been a part of.
You're able to listen to the Teacher, Let Your Light Shine podcast because of the amount of time.
Energy and money that I have invested into personal coaching,

business coaching, financial coaching, memberships, and podcasts.
So I'm so grateful to be able to share the services that have made the biggest
difference in my own life.
I'm not going to tell you to do something that I haven't done myself.
I received this incredible message from Erin and she said that she was hoping

to sign up for coaching in the near future.
She also saw that we have the Mastermind program. She knows that our deluxe
coaching program is going to no longer be offered starting April 1st.
I'm going to focus on the mastermind program.
Now, if you are in the micro school masterminds, I'm going to share briefly

what that's going to look like.
I'm also going to share how you can receive coaching during that time as well.
But the deluxe coaching where I'm working with you one-on-one for several weeks,
months to get your school up and going.
That will no longer be available starting April 1st until further notice.

I am finishing out my contracts with others.
I have a lot of people that I'm coaching and I want to make sure that I do not
spread myself too thin so that I can be able to be my best for each of you.
To those who listen to the the podcast, to those who are in our Facebook group,
to those who are going to be in our mastermind group, to those who I coach.

I want to deliver quality. I want to be good.
I want to be effective for you. And I want to continue to love what I do with
the people who love me and the people that I love.
And so it is my honor to be of service
to you. And I'm so grateful for the opportunity. So praise God for that.
She wanted to know, would the new mastermind program be best?

Or would deluxe coaching be best?
And my honest to goodness answer, I'm going to give you the strengths of both of those.
And I will say that after April 1st, absolutely join the mastermind.
I wish I would have had a mastermind when I had first started.
There probably would have been a lot less sleepless nights.

There would have been a lot less tears. There would have been a lot less confusion.
There would have been a lot faster answers. There would have been so much more clarity.
There would have been so much more progress.
There would have been so much more profit if what I had learned all throughout
these five years, if I would have known from the beginning.

Now, obviously, there was a reason for that. And I'm not at all saying that
we're done learning. No way, baby.
Oh, my gosh. The Microschool Masterminds is here forever.
It's here forever. Do you hear me? Forever. So the Microschool Masterminds and
the group coaching, they both play such significant parts to your growth.

Let's go through each of them.
And is it, are they, are they good for the beginners and those who have,
to the intermediate, to the people who are trying to duplicate their business? Yes.
Both of them, hands down, are perfect for the beginner.
It's perfect for those who have already started. It's for the intermediate,
going into year two, three, four, for those who are ready to duplicate,

to integrate, to get themselves out of the business, to hire someone to take
over, to become the director.
All of that is included if you choose the group coaching through MicroSchool
Masterminds or through one-on-one coaching. So let's go through one-on-one coaching.
One-on-one coaching in our Deluxe Coaching Program is a nine wonderful one-on-one meetings,

plus we're corresponding through emails and through messages to help you get
your program, your school started.
It's very much tailored to your needs.
To you receiving personalized attention, specifically to your needs,
your goals, your challenges, very in-depth personal guidance.
I work very closely with you to help you understand your vision for your micro

school, depending on your state, no matter what country you're in,
developing a very customized strategy for success.
I'm getting in there, we're building out Trello boards together.
And I'm giving you help along the way in between our sessions.
There's also individualized support. You have dedicated time,
to address your questions.

We have a running document, your concerns, your obstacles as you're navigating
the process of either starting or scaling.
And I give you personalized support to really help you overcome challenges that
will help you more effectively stay focused on your goals. I'm not just an accountability partner.
I am literally mentoring you, giving you action steps, giving you protocols,

giving you specific courses of measurement.
Yes, there's accountability and motivation. I'm going to hold you accountable
for taking action, making progress towards your goals.
It's nothing that ever makes you feel like you haven't done that yet.
What's going on? No, I'm I am your guide on your side.
Listen, I was a cheerleader, my friends.

I am all about the encouragement. And I'm here to meet you where you are,
and there is no condemnation for regardless of where you are. Things happen.
Things come up. But I'm here to be with you.
I mean, there's been times where I have sat across the screen from people who have cried.
And have been like, I am struggling. I don't know what to do.

And now I see those people go, woohoo, I'm hiring.
And my school's growing. And we're building on new places in our backyard.
And I've got a new business. I've got a new place.
I've scaled my school. I've started another school.
And they were the people that I sat with. And they were legitimately in tears,

wanting to give up. So we have regular check-ins, feedback sessions to help
you stay motivated, to stay on track, achieve your desired outcomes.
Of course, I am experienced as an educator and an entrepreneur.
So I'm going to share my insights. I'm going to share my expertise.
I'm going to share my best practices to help you stay informed and to avoid

pitfalls in this industry.
And of course, beyond just the initial coaching, there is going to be support
and guidance as you continue to grow and evolve.
You can always message me. And I just had someone today message me,
can you give me such and such? So I sent it on over to her.
So of course, deluxe coaching is fantastic.

It is gonna be going away after April 1st. So if you are a great candidate for
someone to come in and help hold your hand, give you wings to fly.
I would take advantage of deluxe coaching now.
But the Microschool Masterminds membership membership it
is here to stay forever this

is the number one
dream that i've had after having started lighthouse learning micro school even
before lighthouse learning micro school i knew i wanted to do something like
this i am definitely an introvert slash extrovert but i need people We need people.

God sends people to give us hope, direction, clarification, and that is exactly
what Microschool Masterminds is going to give you.
The moment you walk into the door of Microschool Masterminds,
you can sign up April 1st, April 15th, May 19th, June 14th.

It doesn't matter. It's here to stay forever.
But the sooner you get in, the sooner you get the information that you you desire.
The moment that you get in, you're going to see,
You're going to purchase your membership into our program.
You're going to receive introductory pricing the whole month of April.
It will never be this price again.

This is here to be an everlasting hub of professional development,
friendship, fun, financial clarity, time management, money management.
Marketing inspiration.
Collaboration it is the only thing out on the market in the world that is number one a very,

economical priced membership and number
two that will engage you
and you're not just going to get in and see the information and that's the only
information that you get every single thursday we drip out more content for
you so the moment you get in you're going to see 12 modules you're You're going

to see a Start Here module.
You're going to see the Teacher Mailbox module. You're going to see a Discount
module because if you're in Microschool Masterminds, you get 50% off the business bundle.
You also receive 10% off Clarity Coaching.
So you do receive the opportunity to still get coaching, but it's one session,

Clarity Coaching, you get 10% off. off.
Now, anybody can get clarity coaching throughout their time with Teacher Let Your Light Shine.
But if you're in the micro school membership, you get 10% off clarity coaching,
which is just a one time coaching offer.
If you want to book more and more sessions, go for it. Absolutely.
But you get 10% off.
Now, in the micro school masterminds membership, when you first log in,

like I said, you're going to get 12 modules.
Then after those first three modules.
Start here, teacher mailbox discount. Then we get into the nitty gritty of the
edupreneur journey. You can see the map on our website.
If you go over to teachers, let your light slash masterminds,
you're going to see a nine grid box. It's called the edupreneur journey.

Number box number, we've got it. We're always focused on time,
money, marketing, no matter what, even if it's choosing curriculum,
it falls in time, money, or marketing.
Always, always, always, always time, money, marketing.
You're going to to see in MicroSchool Masterminds, a module for time tools and resources.
There is some information that's in that module already.

Every week we will be delivering things
to your teacher mailbox that will go into one of these
categories such as time and tools resources
then there is a money knowing
your numbers so you're going to receive my spreadsheet my budget spreadsheet
you're also going to receive another module that's about marketing and the foundation

there are several videos in there already for you You're also going to receive a,
you're going to see a module for systems,
you're going to see a module for funding, you open up those modules,
you're going to get some good information,
you're going to go into module six, which is marketing. getting.
You're also going to see a module on hiring your dream team.

You're going to see a module on forecasting for the future finances.
You're going to see a module for leveraging growth.
That's integration, duplication, expansion, and differentiation.
It's so good. So no matter if you've already started your micro school or not,
you need to get in there because it is not for for the faint of heart, my friends.

It's not for the beginner. It's for the seasoned.
It's for the one who's running to integrate, like step nine,
integrate, leverage for growth, getting people to become you to where maybe
you're only working one day a week.
Maybe you're sipping some coconut water on the beach in Fiji while you're waiting
on your other school to pop up in Australia. I don't know. Whatever.

Live your best life, okay? We're designing our own life here, friends.
This is it this is it we're designing the
dream life this is what i want to be
a part of with you so you're going to have all these modules and
then every thursday we give you something new
in your teacher mailbox that will fall in any of those categories and
yes you'll have access to seeing my trello boards every thursday you receive

something in your teacher mailbox one thursday a month we have live group coaching
for 90 minutes another thursday out of the month I give you another video or
another downloadable or a workbook,
or I do a live Q&A where you can hop on and have your questions answered.
It's very community building. It's very positive.

And in our community, we are using a platform called School.
So that's where all of your modules are, are in a platform called School. Cool.
It's an app, you download it to your app. So the moment you just click school
on your app store, or you you've got an app, it says school SKOOL,
you click it, and you'll pops up, it kind of resembles Facebook a little bit,

but we got to get off Facebook. Let me tell you why.
We've got our own group on Facebook, we got over 1000 members,
we're killing it. It's awesome.
But the moment that I get in there, I don't know about you, I get into the group.
And then I go squirrel and I start going somewhere else and then I go somewhere
else and then you go somewhere else and then we all go somewhere else and then

like a day later, then we go back into the group and then Facebook is a pro
at that. That's what they do.
But in school, it's like, okay, I have a question about my website.
Boom, school, website, or boom, I click on school.
I click on module six. There's some information about my website and I get in
there and I get the information information or I'm going to hop on to group coaching.

If I miss group coaching, it's okay. It's recorded. It's uploaded.
I can watch it at my own time. Live Q&A. I have got some questions I need Mackenzie to answer.
I'm going to put it into our group chat on school. We've got an online community
like a Facebook group. It looks like with a thread.
You ask the questions. I go live. I answer your questions. It is.

Beautiful. It's literally, Microschool Masterminds is just a comprehensive resource
hub, but it also has group coaching.
We see each other. We've got live questions and answers.
It includes access to a wealth of resources, self-serving information videos,
downloadable templates, tools designed to help every aspect of starting and

scaling your microschool.
And then there's just more and more more and more resources that are added on a weekly basis.
We cover topics like curriculum development, enrollment strategies,
financial management, and of course, there's group coaching.
Where we will have one month of a 90 minute group coaching session where we
can connect, I will be teaching something very specific every month,

but it gives you opportunities for peer support, brainstorming, collaboration,
we're really putting skin in the game here, guys, we're putting skin in the
game, we're fostering a deep sense of community and camaraderie.
There's going to be, like I said, new releases, new updates.
You receive exclusive access to new content and updates, releases each week.
You stay up to date on the latest trends and strategies.

And of course, there's flexibility and convenience. Self-paced,
it's flexible. You are able to come and go as you please.
You can set and watch video after video after video.
You can download, you can print, you can set and watch our recordings live or
recorded. it, Zoom meetings, and you just have very valuable support and guidance to help you succeed.

I've been a part of one-on-one coaching and memberships. I've done them both.
I think they go hand in hand. I truly believe it. I cannot have one without the other.
I've got both of them going on in my own life right now as it is.
I have my own private coach, and I also have a membership, two membership communities
that I'm a part of. They're not for micro schools.

They are for business owners.
And I am really passionate about that because that's what I help you do.
I help you become a business owner in the educational realm.
I will also say that it's super price effective.
Microschool Masterminds is right now for the first month, $97.
That's half of what Clarity Coaching is. and you're going to gain so much clarity

while you are in this membership.
One of the very first modules, it's in module three, which is our offer and
optimization for marketing. It's all about clarity.
There's almost an hour long video for you to watch.
Pause, fast forward with a 50 page workbook to help you go through to help gain clarity.
That right there, that's one thing that's offered whenever you first sign up. That's one example.

Plus there are, like I said, there are 12 modules filled with really great pieces
of information that will continue to get filled.
It's not like you just come in and that's all there is to offer for the rest of your life.
No, there's dripped information every single week that is really going to help
advance your career, advance your life.

We're going to talk about money, money, money, mindset, mindset,
mindset, marketing, time, time, hiring, curriculum, all the goodness.
And here's the deal. Almost every single person that I have in my coaching program
has signed up for Microschool Masterminds. They have.
Majority of them have already signed up. They're waiting to get into the door,

even though they're still coaching with me.
They're still a part of Microschool Masterminds because it's self-serving. It's a no-brainer.
It's $97 and they can get that so much value every single month.
But again, the prices are going up. I'm staying true to my word on that because
I want to give our foundational friends the benefit.

I want to give you guys the benefit of taking the opportunity to invest in yourself.
I want to honor you for that, for your courage, because it's not easy to say yes to something.
But here we are. We're in it. And by the way, if you sign up for an entire year,
you not only get it for $97, but you actually get it. Are you ready?

You actually get two months free out of the year.
So if you sign up in April and you do every month, it's $97 forever and ever
and ever, even whenever the prices go up.
But if you sign up in April, you get $97.
If you pay for the whole year, it would be $997 instead of 97 times 12, $1,164.

So you save almost $200 by paying for the year.
So good. If you got your tax money back, this is a really great way to pour
into your future and to invest.
Trust me, I know I'm right there with you. I do the same things that you do.
I'm on the path that you're on. I've been there before, my friends.
I've literally, my husband and I, every time we get our taxes,

we think, how are we going to invest into our future?
And this is one really great way you can do it. I can't wait to see you there.
If you are ready for Deluxe Coaching and you don't wanna miss out on it,
sign up now, but you definitely have to get onto the membership for sure.
And that's Microschool Masterminds. That is slash masterminds.
Parents and teachers, the time has come.

The time for us to gather together and create the ultimate learning environment
for those of us leading the movement and education by creating microschools
and homeschool hybrids.
Now introducing Microschool Masterminds, the one and only program for those
of us who are dedicated to making a change and creating such incredible opportunities,

not only for our community, for our own families, for our own life.
If you are tired of feeling overwhelmed and isolated in your journey of building
a microschool or homeschool hybrid, Microschool Masterminds is here to support
you through the The frustration.
The uncertainty, the building business task, the direction, the vision,

the time constraints, the fumbling through your finances, the wondering how
to grow what you already have.
Your answer is here. You've been asking for this and we've created it.
Microschool Masterminds, the one and only ultimate solution to transform your
dream into your reality.
Boost your success with efficient time management, financial planning,

strategic marketing, and systems and processes to streamline all your wild and
amazing ideas so you can actually move the mountains standing in your way of your greatest success.
We know what it's like to struggle with analysis paralysis, financial insecurity,
and marketing challenges in your microservices.

The beginner, current micro school owner, and the person who is ready to grow
their existing business and mindset.
With micro school masterminds, you'll receive monthly group coaching sessions
with me, Mackenzie Oliver, private support, community access,
and weekly content filled with templates, videos, and printables to help you
with all of your business building tasks.

If you're feeling stuck in a rut, battling time management issues,
needing clarity over your budget or your finances, if you're struggling to hire
the a dream team or craving accountability and inspiration, Microschool Masterminds is your answer.
We've helped hundreds of teachers pave the way to their microschool or homeschool hybrid dream.
We've created 733% of growth in our own microschool.

We're not letting stagnation, overwhelm, or missed opportunities hold you back.
Act now and join Microschool Masterminds to unlock unlock the tools,
the guidance, and the community you need to thrive.
Don't miss out on this chance to transform your educational business and secure your success.
Visit slash masterminds to sign up today and lock

in introductory pricing for life.
Again, that's slash masterminds.
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