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Unleash the power of sound systems and processes in your teaching journey with this episode! My husband’s favorite mantra – “systems and processes” can transfuse calm into the chaotic world of teaching.

In this episode, discover the relevance of effective management systems for good classroom or school operations. Understand how efficient processes can streamline your teaching and administrative tasks, giving you relief from stress and an edge over your teaching duties. Explore practical tips on how centralizing communication, automating repetitive tasks, standardizing processes, and investing in administrative tech can transform your teaching practice and your micro-school business.

This episode is not just about teaching; it's about creating the most conducive learning environment by setting up micro-schools and homeschool hybrids. Allow this episode to fill you with inspiration, information, and a plan to act upon. Explore how the right systems and timely actions can help create calm amidst chaos, in the classroom and beyond.

Microschool Masterminds, a program dedicated to transforming your teaching dreams into reality. It promises effective time management, strategic financial planning, and creating processes to breathe life into your ideas. With monthly group coaching sessions, private support, community access, and a hoard of practical resources, this plan is created to usher your success.

This is your chance to transform your educational business, to step above feelings of being overwhelmed and beat isolation in your teaching journey. Embrace the micro-school movement and join hands to make a significant change in the educational sector by visiting today. Take advantage of the introductory pricing and secure your spot in transforming the future of education!

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Episode Transcript

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My husband used to always say to me, systems, honey, systems, systems and processes.
And I would be like, I'm a teacher. It's classroom management.
It's beginning and ending. It's transitions. And he would say,
no, honey, it's systems and processes.
Well, my friends, he was right. Today, we're going to talk about creating calm in the chaos.

We are here to talk about the systems of operations for running a smooth operating school or program.
Today, I'm going to highlight implementing effective and efficient systems and
processes that will help you streamline not only your teaching,
but your administrative task and help to reduce stress. Let's get it!

Parents and teachers, the time has come.
The time for us to gather together and create the ultimate learning environment
for those of us leading the movement and education by creating micro schools
and homeschool hybrids.
Now introducing Micro School Masterminds, the one and only program for those

of us who are dedicated to making a change and creating such incredible opportunities,
not only for our community, for our own families, for our own life.
If you are tired of feeling overwhelmed and isolated in your journey of building
a micro school or homeschool hybrid, Microschool Masterminds is here to support

you through the frustration, the uncertainty.
The building business task, the direction, the vision, the time constraints,
the fumbling through your finances, the wondering how to grow what you already have.
Your answer is here. You've been asking for this and we've created it.
Microschool Masterminds, the one and only ultimate solution to transform your

dream into your reality.
Boost your success with efficient time management, financial planning,
strategic marketing, and systems and processes to streamline all your wild and
amazing ideas so you can actually move the mountains standing in your way of your greatest success.
We know what it's like to struggle with analysis paralysis, financial insecurity,

and marketing challenges in your micro school.
Weekly support to help the beginner, current micro school owner,
and the person who is ready to grow their existing business and mindset.
With micro school masterminds, you'll receive monthly group coaching sessions
with me, Mackenzie Oliver, private support, community access,

and weekly content filled with templates, videos, and printables to help you
with all of your business building tasks.
If you're feeling stuck in a rut, battling time management issues,
Needing clarity over your budget or your finances?
If you're struggling to hire the dream team or craving accountability and inspiration.
Microschool Masterminds is your answer.

We've helped hundreds of teachers pave the way to their microschool or homeschool hybrid dream.
We've created 733% of growth in our own microschool.
We're not letting stagnation, overwhelm, or missed opportunities hold you back.
Act now and join Microschool Masterminds to unlock the tools,
the guidance, and the community you need to thrive.

Don't miss out on this chance to transform your educational business and secure your success.
Visit slash masterminds to sign up today and lock
in introductory pricing for life.
Again, that's slash masterminds.
I will be waiting for you on the other side.

Did you guys notice how before the music started playing, I said, let's get it.
That's how you know I'm totally pumped up. And if my daughters hear this,
they're gonna be like, Mom, that is so embarrassing.
Well, let me just say that's what my husband and I say to our girls before they
go out onto the soccer field or the volleyball court and they smile and they grin.

And we'll say, let's get it. Let's go, girls. We have very competitive athletes.
Woo-wee, does that come with some energy?
Wow, woo!
I'm not saying it's always positive. Yikes, whoa.
But you know, I got to tell you, go out and watch a sports team and you will

see they've got specific systems and processes.
Things work on repeat. People know their positions. They know their roles.
They know what they're supposed to do.
Bump, set, spike it. That's the way we like it.
I tell you, did you just know that I just got off of a weekend of volleyball and travel soccer?

We were on different sides of the state of Florida, which might not seem like
that big of a deal because Florida is a pretty skinny state,
but I'm just here to tell you, what's a big deal, okay? What's big?
So we got to create calm in the chaos. If you ever feel like there's chaos that's
been running your classroom or your school, maybe you have endless paperwork, never-ending emails.

Administrative tasks pile up, they can leave you feeling overwhelmed.
Just think about times you felt like whenever you had a ton of graded papers,
you had to input things into the system, your principal is wanting things.
Yuck. But fear not, because today, we are going to be diving into the art of
creating calm and chaos.
We're going to discover how implementing efficient systems and processes really

can streamline your task and reduce stress.
Now, let's talk about creating that that calm.
Because as a teacher entrepreneur, you are wearing many hats,
you're juggling countless responsibilities, you have to implement efficient systems and processes.
I will honestly say that I think a lot of times what we do is we do things, it's like a routine.

We do things invisibly. We do it by nature, which is great.
But the problem is, you've got little eyes on you, and they've got to know the
processes and their routines.
And then you've got people who are working for you, or or volunteering for you,
they can't read our minds.
We have to put it, God says, put the vision on the tablet and put it in plain

sight. That's what we gotta do with systems and processes.
And one module that you'll see, one area that we talk about for systems in Micro
School Mastermind is all about our time.
And so we focus on time, money, and marketing.
All, everything that we do in our school can fall back into time,

money, or marketing, even if it's curriculum, even if it is volunteering,
even if it is safety and procedures, it all goes back into systems of operations.
Or it goes into time, money, marketing, all of which are all encompassing of
what we do on a day-to-day basis.
We have to make sure that our procedures and our expectations are written down for people to see.

Now, I understand that it's not just for other people, it's also for us.
When we implement efficient systems and processes, we really do bring order
to the chaos and we reclaim our peace of mind.
Have you ever just felt like at your home even, when your children are all at nighttime,
everybody's doing different things, like you're cleaning the kitchen,

they're taking a bath, or they're taking a shower and they're getting into their
backpack and you're trying to pack for work and it's like, this just feels chaotic.
Hey, everybody, meet back together into the kitchen. Okay, here we go.
Mama's not going to clean up this kitchen alone.
Jalen, I need you to do the top rack of the dishes. Jolie, I need you to do the bottom rack.

Then I need you guys to take the silverware tray, dump it out on the counter and sort that out.
Come back to me after you've done that. Okay, come back to me.
Next, I need you guys to make sure that you have your lunches packed.
Get to the refrigerator, get to the pantry, put it out, get your lunchboxes
out, get it ready. Come back to me.
Next, please make sure your backpacks are hanging up. Do you have all your items for tomorrow?

When you do, come back to me. Okay, this is a system. This is a process.
It takes time. It takes communication.
We have to bring order to reclaim our peace of mind.
So first and foremost, in our school, just like in our classroom,
when it's like, we have a procedure for lining up, correct?
When we were teachers, we had a procedure for where our homework goes.

We had a procedure for whenever the students entered the classroom.
What are the procedures for the kids at your school, for you as an administrator,
and even for your teachers?
First, we have to streamline our communication channels. We cannot rely on scattered
emails, scattered phone calls, messages. messages, we have to centralize our communication.

Our school uses WhatsApp.
As for our teams, we also have our own email thread, like group that we have
made with each other, and we have a Trello board.
This really does reduce miscommunication. It helps streamline collaboration,
and it saves me and everyone valuable time.
I also have a remote admin assistant.

She helps take my phone calls. She helps do my invoicing, my bookkeeping.
She has her own email. we also make
sure that she is on a Trello board because as
students are inquiring about our school they're filling out enrollment forms
they're paying I've got to have a I got to see who all's here
what all's going on her and I share a

Trello board as well that is a very very important module that you will get
in MicroSchool Masterminds whenever you first get in that is a very fun video
video that's going to help you visually see how I'm communicating with our members.
Second, we have to be able to automate repetitive tasks whenever possible.

So whether it's sending out reminders, which we use in Remind 101,
and you can schedule them.
Scheduling appointments, which we use Google Calendar for.
Processing payments, which I use an admin assistant for.
Leveraging automation tools, which is what I use our website for,
for email marketing, and also Meta Business I use for our Facebook marketing.

Oh my gosh, there's just so many incredible tools that we have that will free
up your time to focus on more high value activities.
But I will say, you really do have to take time to understand these platforms.
And I believe that as we're coming up April, May, June, these are really fantastic

times to start implementing some of these systems. Number three.
We have to standardize our processes to create consistency and efficiency.
So for an example, we have very clear protocols for tasks like enrollment.
Onboarding, and student assessment.
We have it clearly identified on our website.

We have it clearly identified in Trello. We have it clearly identified in our Google Calendar.
And our teachers have a systems of operation, an SOP is what we call it,
for student admissions and assessments when they first enter into our school.
Even when I had six students, I still had a piece of paper.
I like wrote it down on a piece of paper that went somewhere in a binder and

I never could find it whenever I needed it.
Which, listen, you still have systems of operation even if you're super small, okay? You really do.
Otherwise, you're just gonna be a scattered mess. And if you're a scattered
mess, listen up. I've been on the Total Hot Mess Express.
Chain, chain, train? No, train. I've been there before, my friends.

Jeez. And I, you know, I have been, whenever I was getting Teacher of the Year
a couple times, everyone would write about how organized I was.
But I didn't feel it in my mind. I didn't. I had so much invisible things going on in my mind.
And I just learned the phrase, make the invisible visible.
I don't know who I heard it from. But I tell you what, I literally try to make

everything that's invisible come to visibility.
And that's what an SOP is. I've got a field trip SOP.
I've got an enrollment SOP. I got a folder in Google Drive labeled SOP. Yes.
So I definitely...
Encourage you. Number four, invest in technology that supports your administrative needs.

So whether it's a school management system, I've heard of Playground,
an accounting software, Wave, project management tools, Trello,
find technology solutions that are going to streamline your workflows and enhance your productivity.
You really have to embrace the power of digital tools, even if you don't like technology like me.
Like I like technology. I just don't like setting down with a screen in my face

technology. That's what I don't like.
Number five, you're gonna be like, okay, Mackenzie, come on now, girl.
But I'm going to tell you, you want a system of operation that will catapult
you into high efficiency, success, joy, abundance, prioritize your well being.
Building and running a school is a marathon. It is not a sprint.

Please make sure that you have a system for rest, relaxation,
rejuvenation, so that you can prevent burnout and maintain your mental and emotional resilience.
When you're creating calm in the chaos, it starts with taking care of yourself.
And that requires making a plan.

Systems of operation, of processes, is all about planning.
You know, sometimes we just get so caught up in the race that we won't sit down
and look at our calendar or make a daily just like focus for the day.
Wow, what a difference it'll make if you just slow your body,
slow your mind down, write it all out, make the invisible visible,

let it come to life, my friends.
I cannot wait to see you in Microschool Masterminds. It's so close.
It's literally so close. April 1st is when we kick off.
No matter matter what, we want you in there at the beginning so that you can
start getting all the goodness and be able to meet us the first Thursday of the month in April.

After you get in, you're going to get all of this goodness that will just,
you can spend the first four days just getting all the goodness.
It opens up on Monday, April 1st. So Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
you can just absorb what all's in there.
Start downloading, start printing, start watching. And then you're going.
On April 4th, we're going to drip out something new for you.

It'll be in your teacher mailbox.
And then the next week, we go live for group coaching.
The next week, we've got really incredible opportunities for you to do a live
Q&A and also more videos, more documents that get downloaded or uploaded,
so to speak, every Thursday of the month.
And we're just going to have this big, beautiful hub, Microschool Masterminds.

It's the best place other than our Facebook group.
We'll see you there. Teachers let your light slash masterminds.
Parents and teachers, the time has come.
The time for us to gather together and create the ultimate learning environment
for those of us leading the movement and education by creating micro schools

and homeschool hybrids.
Now introducing Microschool Masterminds, the one and only program for those
of us who are dedicated to making a change and creating such incredible opportunities,
not only for our community, for our own families, for our own life.
If you are tired of feeling overwhelmed and isolated in your journey of building

a microschool or homeschool hybrid,
Microschool Masterminds is here to support you through the frustration, the uncertainty.
The building business task, the direction, the vision, the time constraints,
the fumbling through your finances, the wondering how to grow what you already have.
Your answer is here. You've been asking for this and we've created it.

Microschool Masterminds, the one and only ultimate solution to transform your
dream into your reality.
Boost your success with efficient time management, financial planning,
strategic marketing and systems and processes to streamline all your wild and
amazing ideas so you can actually move the mountains standing in your way of your greatest success.

We know what it's like to struggle with analysis paralysis, financial insecurity
and marketing challenges in your microcosm.
Support to help the beginner current micro school owner
and the person who is ready to grow their existing business and

mindset with micro school masterminds you'll receive
monthly group coaching sessions with me mckenzie oliver private support community
access and weekly content filled with templates videos and printables to help
you with all of your business building tasks if you're feeling stuck in a rut
battling time management issues needing clarity over your budget or your your finances,

if you're struggling to hire the dream team or craving accountability and inspiration,
Microschool Masterminds is your answer.
We've helped hundreds of teachers pave the way to their microschool or homeschool hybrid dream.
We've created 733% of growth in our own microschool.
We're not letting stagnation, overwhelm, or missed opportunities hold you back.

Act now and join Microschool Masterminds to unlock the tools,
the guidance, and the community you need to thrive.
Don't miss out on this chance to transform your educational business and secure your success.
Visit slash masterminds to sign up today and lock
in introductory pricing for life.

Again, that's slash masterminds.
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