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April 1, 2024 17 mins

Join us for an inspiring and insightful episode as we delve into the exciting new launch of Microschool Masterminds, a platform designed to support educators navigating the microschool universe. This unique platform aims to help microschool pioneers maximize their time, optimize their finances, and master their marketing.

Beyond just starting your own microschool, Microschool Masterminds is dedicated to helping you grow and maintain your existing microschool. We understand the challenges of balancing the dual role of an administrator and teacher, and that's why we have tailored our membership to meet your specific needs. Imagine a dedicated space to share resources, collaborate with fellow educators, receive expert guidance, and access a wealth of videos and group coaching.

If you're just starting, however, and feeling a bit apprehensive, don't worry. Microschool Masterminds is here to alleviate your fears. We offer a roadmap to starting your microschool, complete with step-by-step guidance on legalities, marketing, hiring, and more. Regardless of whether you're a seasoned microschool owner or a teacher with big dreams, Microschool Masterminds is your guiding beacon in your journey towards educational excellence.

The future of education is here, and it's our privilege to journey together towards a future of limitless possibilities. Join us on Microschool Masterminds at and let your educational dreams take flight.

Join Our Facebook Group for  a supportive community and the “best place on the corner of the internet”

Book a Clarity Coaching Session:

Get started on your dream school right now! Get all the documents you need to jumpstart, market and enroll students!  We have step-by-step instructions to help you write powerful marketing brochures, enrollment forms, introductory packets, and so much more! You’ll also find easy-to-use templates made to simplify your creation process, as well as beautiful real-life examples used by my micro-school, Lighthouse Learning, to give you creative inspiration when designing your very own forms.  You will be able to seal the deal with peace and clarity when you hand deliver your new handbook and contract.  Tune in to today's episode to find out more and head over to our shop to purchase your documents at


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Episode Transcript

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It's the moment we've all been waiting for, and I am here today to tell you
that help is on the way, and stay tuned.
I'm going to tell you what all is inside the new Microschool Masterminds, the one and only.
Let's hear it. Stay tuned for all of the details in this episode of what you

will be receiving when you become a Microschool Mastermind.
Your dreams are about to take flight. Now is the time to cast aside your fears,
your hesitations. No more waiting in the shadows.
No more doubts holding you back. No more doing this alone.
Your dreams are taking flight and Microschool Masterminds is here to fuel your
journey. It's your time. Your destiny awaits.

We are about to soar together into a future of limitless possibilities.
You are a Microschool pioneer. It is with immense joy and excitement that I
announce the grand opening of Microschool Masterminds that will not only help
you to start your microschool, but grow your existing microschool by maximizing your time,
optimizing your finances, and helping you master your marketing.

To those brave souls already navigating the microschool universe,
you understand the deep passion and commitment required to provide this truly
exceptional educational experience.
But oh, the challenge that you may be facing, the stranded feeling of isolation
and knowing that this is your first time becoming a CEO.
There are so many things that you are learning and that you are wanting to employ,

but you cannot do it alone.
The endless juggle of the task at hand, becoming an administrator,
but also teaching and also wanting to grow what you've already started.
We are here together with your time, your marketing, your finances,
your planning. Fear no more.
MicroSchool Masterminds is helping to be your guiding light.

For those already on this incredible journey, our membership is tailored to
maximize your precious time.
Imagine having a dedicated space to share your resources, to get the support
you need, to collaborate with fellow educators and access expert guidance,
advice, videos, and group coaching on marketing, finances, and your time.
And for those of you who are hesitant, peering into the world of starting your

micro school or your homeschool hybrid program with trepidation,
we understand your fears, the legalities, the marketing, the hiring, the space.
Where do you even begin? But breathe easy, because Microschool Masterminds provides
the roadmap you've been searching for.
Our membership offers step-by-step guidance on navigating the legal landscape,
crafting effective marketing plans, and even assistance with hiring the perfect

team to bring your vision to life.
So whether you're a seasoned microschool owner yearning for more efficiency
or a teacher with a dream and a spark of uncertainty, Microschool Masterminds is your beacon of hope.
With us by your side, you'll not only survive but thrive in the dynamic world
of micro-schooling and starting your homeschool hybrid.
Doors are open, friends. Let's embark on this journey together.

Micro-school masterminds,
slash masterminds. We're waiting for you.
It's time to let your light shine.
I am recording this episode, having just finished my Friday finisher list of
all the final tasks that were included to birth, yes, it was like birthing a child,

micro school masterminds, literally another beautiful dream come true because of you.
And so thank you. Thank you so much for being on this journey with me.
I started the micro school, as you know, in my home.
And here we are, not only having grown our micro school, turned it into a homeschool

hybrid as as well, but also have shared the journey alongside you.
For the past three years, Teacher Let Your Light Shine, the podcast has turned
into so much more than what I ever thought was going to happen, but I did dream of it.
And because of you and all of our connections in our community,
we have grown this into micro school masterminds. It's here for the long haul.

It's time-saving, financial freedom, marketing masterpiece, your planning,
your longevity, your life, the breadth of what you are doing.
That is why I wanted to start Microschool Masterminds because I came to a point,
where I was coaching and was so constricted in how much I could give people

within this one hour time and being able to just be coaching and group coaching,
I knew that people needed a place to self-serve.
I knew that people didn't just need me, they needed each other.
And while our Facebook group is wonderful, our Facebook group needs to go deeper.
And so therefore, when you become a micro school mastermind,

you are gaining a community.
When you sign up for Microschool Masterminds, you are getting a login to the school platform.
That's where we are right now, April 1st, 2024.
Our courses, our community is all hosted on school, S-K-O-O-L dot com.

It's super easy to navigate. You log in.
So as soon as you sign up, you click the button for the price per month,
or you can save even more per year whenever you sign up.
That is your introductory price for a lifetime, and you will continuously get courses, videos,
the group community, group coaching, questions and answers, exclusive content

every month based upon a theme.
And for an example, right now, as we are launching Microschool Masterminds,
we are focusing all about the numbers.
It is the ride or die, very important foundational part of starting your microschool.
Yes, time is important. And when you log in and you see our courses,

there are nine courses that are readily available to you.
Plus there are three modules that help you with getting started with your legalities,
quick start guide, your checklist to getting started, your teacher mailbox with
exclusive content every single month.
This month, we are giving you the profit first, all your bank accounts, we're giving you.

All of your spreadsheets to help you financially, not just in your business, but also personally.
We go deep diving into that whenever we have group coaching this month.
We're going to talk about your numbers.
We're going to talk about preparing financially, growing your school even more.
I have had the absolute immense pleasure of working with a coach one-on-one

specifically for our finances to make sure that we were sustainable and are
able to save and have a really good cash reserve for our school.
From that, I knew that I had to share this with you. And that's not something
that I can just teach one time.
That's not something that you
can just catch in a second, get your spreadsheet, put your stuff into it.

No, it's so much deeper than that. This is a life that we are designing.
This is not a mom and pop shop that we just pop up for a year,
even if we think it's only going to last a year, even if we don't even know
if it's going to last six months.
I want to help you plan for the long haul. You know why?
Because this is your time freedom. This is your financial freedom.
This is the way that you build wealth.

When a woman told me that, the first woman that I ever talked to had had a micro school.
She didn't even call it a micro school. For over 20 years in my state,
she said, this is what I teach people to use to build build generational wealth.
She has long gone since then and grown into teaching people how to become entrepreneurs,

how to build generational wealth.
And she said, in one way that I do that is if you are a teacher or you are a
parent who's passionate about education, I teach you how to build wealth through
building your own school.
I took that and I prayed over that and have taken that to heart.
And I'm telling you, God has blessed us and he is here to bless you.

I am here to be the vessel. I am here to just show up and tell you and show
you what God has taught me along the way through tears, through frustration,
through hope, through excitement, through community, through lots and lots of
time on my knees and in prayer.
God gets the glory for this. And I thank him so much for Microschool Masterminds

and I thank you for those who are joining us. Those of you who are taking the courage...
To step into a life that you have been dreaming of, that you have been designing,
whether or not you just wanted to do this for your own children,
whether or not you wanna do this for yourself,
your family, whether or not you think you're gonna do it for a year or five years, it is here.

So I am so, so thrilled and I am so proud of you.
When you get your membership into Microschool Masterminds, you are going to
have already self-serve material.
So we start with your time. I show you how to plan. I show you how to use Trello.
I show you how to time block.
I show you my Google Calendar. I show you all of my ways that I like to set

up my binders. I show you my office.
I then take you into knowing your numbers, which is a super deep dive in April.
We go through your finances. And then in March, we're going to get deep,
deep, deep into marketing.
But module three is marketing. I give you so much to get started with,
gaining clarity, your offer, your must-haves for marketing.

Step four or module four, we talk about your systems and your schedules,
making sure that you're creating systems of operation so that you free up your time.
Then we go into funding and fundraisers and donations.
Module six, we get into your marketing strategies where we've already optimized it.
We've got your platforms, but now we are getting into your strategy,

consistency, And this, we could go on and on and on and on forever.
I'm loving it. I actually have fell in love with marketing.
For those of you who are scared of marketing, you don't know what to say,
you don't know how to do it, I'm super, super grateful to be your guide on the
side because I fell in love with it and I want you to feel confident when you're
marketing what you have created.

In module seven, we talk about building your dream team and not just with hiring,
we'll also get into volunteers, we'll also get into community support.
Module eight, we get into forecasting with your finances so that you can also
prepare for grants so that you can prepare for the longevity of your school
so you can prepare for hiring even more people, expanding your school.

And in module nine, we get into the big part of growth, which is leveraging.
Leveraging that is how i am here right now
is having leveraged our school taking myself
out of the business the day-to-day operations being
the visionary hiring people to operate the
school the next step is i'm going to hire an integrator someone who is becoming

an admin assistant because i have big plans for our school i have big plans
for micro school masterminds and i want my my time freed up so that I can continue
to build more and more opportunities for kids for families in our state in different states.
But I have to be able to free myself up for that.
And maybe you just want to free yourself up to spend more time with your family

to spend more time with your friends. That is where we get into step nine.
But this is not it. This is not just okay, I watch all of these videos, I'm done.
No, this is a journey, there will be more and more content added every every single month.
There is the community where we get to talk to each other every day. You can post in there.
I'll be posting in there. We'll be chatting. You can answer questions.

We can go even deeper. I can get your questions answered a lot more timely than Facebook.
And I'm going to be honest with you. It was really time for me to build outside of Facebook.
Facebook really sucks up our time. We get lost. We get caught into the vortex.
And so I'm super, super excited to build build this platform in school where

we can specifically ask questions.
We can even have special little discussion boards about specific things that we are wanting.
You know how you go, okay, I know this question has been asked before,
but where do I actually find it? And you're in the group.
We actually get to organize our questions.
You get the community. We get live questions and answers.

It's just awesome. And I am so, so excited to be doing this for you.
I sat with my husband last night.
We rode our bikes to go eat, and he said, Honey, this is the coolest thing I've ever seen.
This is honestly the coolest thing that I've ever been a part of,
that I've ever witnessed in my life. And I am sitting there, and I'm.

Adoring the look on his face. But I'm also thinking, I got to ride my bike back 10 miles.
And I feel like I just birthed a baby by pushing out my girl school masterminds.
But it was so worth it. It was so worth it.
And that is how you feel whenever you're building out your school,
whenever you're building out different branches of your school.

And so grateful to do this together. This is only the tip of the iceberg.
I said that about Lighthouse Learning.
I said that about not Teacher Let Your Light Shine. I said that about coaching.
I said that about the business bundle. I'm saying that about Microschool Masterminds.
You just have no clue all the things we've got planned.
The retreats, the conferences, it is going to be amazing.
And when you're in Microschool Masterminds, you also get 50% off the business

bundle, 10% off clarity coaching.
And I am so ready to see you there.
Head on over to slash masterminds.
I'm waiting for you and I am so, so honored and proud of you for this time that we get to be together.
God bless you and I'll see you on the other side of the school.

Your dreams are about to take flight. Now is the time to cast aside your fears,
your hesitations. No more waiting in the shadows.
No more doubts holding you back. No more doing this alone.
Your dreams are taking taking flight, and Microschool Masterminds is here to
fuel your journey. It's your time, your destiny awaits.

We are about to soar together into a future of limitless possibilities.
You are a Microschool pioneer. It is with immense joy and excitement that I
announce the grand opening of Microschool Masterminds that will not only help
you to start your microschool,
but grow your existing microschool by maximizing your time, optimizing your finances,

and helping you master your marketing.
To those brave souls already navigating the micro school universe,
you understand the deep passion and commitment required to provide this truly
exceptional educational experience.
But oh, the challenge that you may be facing, the stranded feeling of isolation
and knowing that this is your first time becoming a CEO.

There are so many things that you are learning and that you are wanting to employ,
but you cannot do it alone.
The endless juggle of the task at hand, becoming an administrator,
but also teaching and also wanting to grow what you've already started.
We are here together with your time, your marketing, your finances,
your planning. Fear no more.

Microschool Masterminds is helping to be your guiding light.
For those already on this incredible journey, our membership is tailored to
maximize your precious time.
Imagine having a dedicated space to share your resources, to get the support
you need, to collaborate with fellow fellow educators and access.
Guidance, advice, videos, and group coaching on marketing, finances, and your time.

And for those of you who are hesitant, peering into the world of starting your
micro school or your homeschool hybrid program with trepidation,
we understand your fears, the legalities, the marketing, the hiring,
the space. Where do you even begin?
But breathe easy because Microschool Masterminds provides the roadmap you've been searching for.
Our membership offers step-by-step guidance on on navigating the legal landscape,

crafting effective marketing plans, and even assistance with hiring the perfect
team to bring your vision to life.
So whether you're a seasoned micro school owner yearning for more efficiency
or a teacher with a dream and a spark of uncertainty, Micro School Masterminds is your beacon of hope.
With us by your side, you'll not only survive but thrive in the dynamic world
of micro schooling and starting your homeschool hybrid.

Doors are open, friends. Let's embark on this journey together.
Microschool Masterminds,
slash masterminds. We're waiting for you.
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