All Episodes

May 7, 2024 27 mins

We all know the feeling of desperation, fear, doubt and questioning whether our idea or program will actually attract and retain students. This can be such a paralyzing fear that we potentially never start what we set out to do!

Our desire is to help you cultivate an abundance mindset and believe that with the right marketing strategies, attracting more students is easier than you think. We focus on word of mouth, email marketing, and social media - forms of marketing that reach many people with a single, consistent message.

Discover how to attract more students to your Microschool or homeschool hybrid program through effective marketing plans and strategies. Leave the feeling of isolation and overwhelming marketing tasks behind as we take you through the journey of optimizing your time, and embracing a mindset of marketing made easy. With our guidance, you will achieve not just your school's survival but also its growth in the dynamic field of education.


"Microschool Masterminds". This program provides everything you need to run a successful microschool, from step-by-step guidance to comprehensive resources and group coaching.



Seeking Help and Effective Collaboration

Understand the importance of seeking help in your marketing journey. Learn how to delegate tasks and connect effectively with people for better marketing outcomes. Also, comprehend the concept of marketing as an ecosystem, with various elements working in unison for success.

Resources at Your Beck and Call

Access a myriad of resources, including effective scripts, social media templates, email templates, and more in your teacher mailbox. Don't forget to download the Microschool Masterminds app for easy access to our resources.

Whether you’re a seasoned microschool owner or an aspiring teacher, our platform will ignite your passion and guide you to success. The doors are open; let's embark on this exciting journey together. Visit and start your journey with Microschool Masterminds now.

Join Our Facebook Group for  a supportive community and the “best place on the corner of the internet”

Book a Clarity Coaching Session:

Get started on your dream school right now! Get all the documents you need to jumpstart, market and enroll students!  We have step-by-step instructions to help you write powerful marketing brochures, enrollment forms, introductory packets, and so much more! You’ll also find easy-to-use templates made to simplify your creation process, as well as beautiful real-life examples used by my micro-school, Lighthouse Learning, to give you creative inspiration when designing your very own forms.  You will be able to seal the deal with peace and clarity when you hand deliver your new handbook and contract.  Tune in to today's episode to find out more and head over to our shop to purchase your documents at


Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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At this very moment, you could be experiencing so much excitement,
yet you may be strapped with thinking about all of the to-dos when it comes
to getting students enrolled in your school.
Even for your homeschool hybrid, your program, your summer camp even.
I understand the feeling of thinking, am I going to get the students?

Am I going to get enough students?
Will I get enough students to pay for our building? Will I get enough students
to pay for the teachers? Can I get enough students to pay for the assistant?
What if I order this curriculum and no one shows up? What is going to happen?
And maybe you already have the students, but you are thinking,
how can I make this more streamlined?
Is what I'm doing really giving me results?

Trust me when I tell you that marketing doesn't have to always be big and scary and somewhat daunting.
And it doesn't just relate to big corporations here in the United States of
America or anywhere around the world. Marketing is such an amazing tool and
necessity when it comes to building your very own dream school.

In today's podcast, I'm going to share with you the steps of mastering your marketing.
We are going to break this up into four really great sections in today's episode.
I hope that you have a pen and paper. If you don't, that's okay.
You can always come back to this. But let me tell you.
Your dreams are about to take flight. Now is the time to cast aside your fears,

your hesitations. No more waiting in the shadows.
No more doubts holding you back. No more doing this alone.
Your dreams are taking flight and Microschool Masterminds is here to fuel your
journey. It's your time. Your destiny awaits.
We are about to soar together into a future of limitless possibilities.
You are a Microschool pioneer. It is with immense joy and excitement that I

announce the grand opening of Microschool Masterminds that will not only help
you to start your microschool, but grow your existing microschool by maximizing your time,
optimizing your finances, and helping you master your marketing.
To those brave souls already navigating the microschool universe,
you understand the deep passion and commitment required to provide this truly

exceptional educational experience.
But oh, the challenge that you may be facing, the stranded feeling of isolation
and knowing that this is your first time becoming a CEO.
There are so many things that you are learning and that you are wanting to employ,
but you cannot do it alone.
The endless juggle of the task at hand, becoming an administrator,

but also teaching and also wanting to grow what you've already started.
We are here together with your time, your marketing, your finances,
your planning. Fear no more.
Micro School Masterminds is helping to be your guiding light.
For those already on this incredible journey, our membership is tailored to
maximize your precious time.

Imagine having a dedicated space to share your resources, to get the support
you need, to collaborate with fellow educators and access.
Guidance, advice, videos, and group coaching on marketing, finances, and your time.
And for those of you who are hesitant, peering into the world of starting your
micro school or your homeschool hybrid program with trepidation,

we understand your fears, the legalities, the marketing, the hiring,
the space. Where do you even begin?
But breathe easy because Microschool Masterminds provides the roadmap you've been searching for.
Our membership offers step-by-step guidance on navigating the legal landscape,
crafting effective marketing plans, and even assistance with hiring the perfect
team to bring your vision to life.

So whether you're a seasoned micro school owner yearning for more efficiency
or a teacher with a dream and a spark of uncertainty, Micro School Masterminds is your beacon of hope.
With us by your side, you'll not only survive but thrive in the dynamic world
of micro schooling and starting your homeschool hybrid.
Doors are open, friends. Let's embark on this journey together.
Other, Microschool Masterminds,

slash masterminds. We're waiting for you.
It's time to let your light shine.
And as you heard from the introduction music, yes, Microschool Masterminds is
up and running and thumping.
And we have had an incredible first week in the month, first week,
actually, the first month in April, we have had all of our content up and ready

for those of you ready to consume and no, you don't just have to set up the
computer and watch a ton of videos.
You can be on your drive and hit the bell.
App where we have all of our videos uploaded. You can go in,
in your app, you can see all the templates, the documents, everything is ready
for you to download, print, share.

It's amazing. We have an incredible group of people who are with us each and
every month with our group coaching, live Q&A sessions.
The teacher mailbox is full of new content every single month.
And in the month of May, by the way, we are focusing on marketing.
So when you get in the month of May, you are not only going to see all of the

content related to nine modules of information.
Whether it's your time, your money, your location, your resources,
your marketing, your branding, you've got your dream team hiring,
we have nine modules plus three more bonus modules.
It's really, really incredible trainings for you documents ready for you to
go, you're going to be blown away way, though, because in the month of May in

your teacher mailbox, which is full of new information every single month,
we have focused on marketing.
So when you go into your app for the Microschool Masterminds,
you are going to see a module called Teacher Mailbox.
Each month, we put in super special pieces of information for you.
And in May's exclusive content, we have given you scripts for your emails,

texts, and direct messages.
We teach you how to batch contacts within your network, making sure that you're collecting emails.
We also teach you how to collect and organize emails in your email system.
We teach you how to organize and follow up with emails.
We give you social media posting and schedules. We help you boost your content generation.

We give you email templates and examples, and we also gave you 59 social media Canva templates.
You're going to be blown away and not only that you also get a 29 page workbook
if you are listening to this episode and you go right now you'll also be able
to join us for our monthly group session on Thursday May 9th.

It's going to be so incredible. We're going to go over the 29-page marketing
plan workbook, help you get started so that you can have a good starting point.
I give you my real examples. And it's not just about marketing.
It is about your messaging, about your branding. We go over all of this really
great, important information that is foundational no matter if you are in year

zero or like me in year four or beyond.
I use this system. them. Even my digital assistant Madison said,
I cannot believe this is all in our program.
All of it. All of it is in there. You can take it. We highly recommend that
you get in for the year because you get a special discount.
You get two months free, but you can come in month by month.

Yes, you can cancel at any time, but I know that you're going to love it so much.
You are going to to really believe and know that this is the real deal.
59 social media templates, marketing workbook, you gotta get there.
And if you are listening to this podcast late, Microschool Masterminds is still
there. Every month, we still have this information.

You can go and grab it anytime. In the month of May, it's just a really big
focus on marketing, but I gotta tell you, I gotta tell you that you can go and
find this any month that you are in Microschool Masterminds.
We take the information that we give you every single month,
and we just put it in the right module.

So this month is marketing, we put it into module three.
And next month, whenever we give you brand new content, at the end of that month,
we take that and we put it into the module.
So you always have it readily available.
But we highly, highly suggest that you get in right now as you are preparing
for the summer so that you can get a marketing plan going.

Let's talk about why it is important to market, to have a marketing plan.
What is the big deal about this? Why is it that we need this essential tool?
Obviously, you want to get students, and we know that. Marketing isn't just
for big corporations or just slick advertising firms.

It's literally crucial for all of us, and you don't have to have been a marketer before.
I definitely wasn't. But today, I'm going to talk with you about actionable
steps to get you started.
And I know that you are going to be able to just breathe a little bit easier
to know that it is not just going to happen overnight.

And I know that feels frustrating because we all are in this race for instant gratification.
But the truth of the matter is, it's going to take time. And hearing from other
people that it takes time really does rest you in the position of knowing,
wow, okay, it's not just me. I'm not just doing something wrong.

This takes time. You're writing a story.
Not all the pages are filled out. People are interested in your book.
But we have to keep showing and showing and putting the book on the bookshelf
for readers to want to see what it is that we have to offer.
So let's break this up into our first topic that I wanna talk about today is why marketing matters.
You know that it's crucial to get the students.

Marketing is simply how you communicate your school's unique value,
which is a part that we're gonna talk about in our group coaching,
whenever we have our live group coaching.
And if you can't make it, it's okay, it's recorded, and it will always be readily available.
But being together in unity is always so much more powerful.
Powerful your value is incredible and

it has to be something that is communicated over
and over and over again to the community to the world it's
about reaching potential families who are seeking exactly
what you offer but may not know that you exist yet and that's the part a lot
of people are either one looking for it and they can't find it or two they're
discontent but they're not ready they can't quite put their finger on what they

need or what they want for their child much less us know if it's even out there.
So without marketing, even the most passionate and dedicated teacher will struggle
to fill your classroom or sustain your school long term, no matter how passionate you are.
If you are not marketing, and you're not marketing consistently,
because that is a little bit of the challenge for all of us,

consistency, it is going to be difficult to get the results.
Marketing is movement. I was thinking about this the other day.
Marketing is movement. movement, when you feel stuck and you're in a rut,
you getting outside and going on a walk.
Allows you to kind of get that mental blockage to break down.
Same thing with marketing. Marketing is movement. We got to get the word out.

And there are so many forms of marketing.
We can't do it all. We'll spread ourselves too thin.
But I do teach you specifically about word of mouth, email marketing, and social media.
Those are absolutely three of the most incredible tactics I have used for marketing.
And they each have their own system.

Now, with that being said, there's also flyers. There's also business cards.
There's also yard signs.
There's also knocking on people's doors or putting flyers on people's doors,
not knocking on people's doors.
But yeah, that is a part of it. You can do that too. Go door knocking.
But no one's expecting you to do that.
Okay. That's not the number one form of marketing because that's,

we're trying to reach one to many, one message to many people.
So marketing is absolutely all about where your resources and personal connections drive your growth.
Effective marketing becomes even more critical when you are trying to grow your

school, trying to launch it.
And we should never stop marketing because what you have today,
you cannot count on for tomorrow.
That was really great advice that I received from my financial coach.
He said, don't expect to be making the same amount of money tomorrow as you do today.
And I thought, my first thought was, oh, that's a scarcity mindset that I had.

I was like, oh my gosh, you're right. All this could be gone tomorrow.
Tomorrow but then the other side of the coin is you
could be making even more tomorrow and then make more the next day and have
more students the next day and more students the next day more students the
next day how are you going to look at the coin which side of the corner are
you going to look at the scarcity mindset or the abundance mindset and i'll

tell you if you are in a scarcity mindset.
You better believe marketing feels absolutely horrendous because you are in
a low point of self-esteem.
You're in a low point of seeing results. It's like working out,
working out, again, marketing, being movement.
I'm working out. I'm working out. I'm getting on the scale. I'm not seeing the

results. My clothes aren't fitting the right way. I just want to quit.
Why did I even put myself out here to do this?
So building your muscle in marketing is absolutely critical because you building
your school's identity, your reputation, and most importantly, your passion.
Your desire, your vision absolutely affects your enrollment numbers.

The second part that I want to talk about today is overcoming the marketing hurdle.
Because feeling overwhelmed about where to start with marketing is a real thing.
It's completely normal.
But here's the good news. Marketing can be and should be broken down into manageable daily actions.
Start with a goal, we break it down into the quarters

we break it down into the months we break
it down into the week we break it down into the days daily actions
we have to think of marketing not as this big daunting mountain
like okay i've got all these flyers i'm just going to go out and all day today
put out these flyers we don't have a goal attached to it if we don't know what
we're looking for if we're not realizing that there's going to need to be other

people who can help us as well it can feel like a marathon.
We are looking like marathon runners, okay?
But you're not going to go out and just run a marathon in a day without having trained for it.
So there's sprinting, there's muscle building, there is walking,
there's running, there's eating right.
There's a lot of parts in running a marathon that help you to be successful.

There's a lot of parts in marketing as well. You're going to have small hills
that you have to get over and ascend one step at a time, but it's not just one
big daunting mountain that you reach to the top and you're done with marketing.
No, there are going to be hills and there are going to be valleys.
So we have to start by leveraging what we already know and do it well.

What do you know about marketing and what What can you do well?
Are you really good at graphic design and you can get on social media?
Are you really good at going live on your Facebook page?
Are you really good at talking to people? Are you great at calling people, texting people?
Do you like to send emails? Do you like to drive?

Do you like to go around town and go to different places and be able to post your flyer?
Do you feel comfortable going to preschools and handing out your business card,
your flyers, your brochures?
Are you really good at connecting with people in the community?
Do you not realize that you're good at it? Are you shy?
Are you an introvert? Do you need to hire somebody else to go do this for you?

Do you need to recruit your mother-in-law? Because I am.
That's what I'm doing. Do you need to ask your husband to help you?
Do you need to ask your teenage daughter who can drive with her friends to go
and drop off some flyers or to hang them on people's doors or door hangers?
Do you want your husband to be the one to get out in the hot sun and put out some yard signs?

Because this doesn't always, again, have to fall on you.
Which is another hurdle that we have to overcome.
When we are able to do what we know is in our own strengths,
we're able to delegate the things that are not in our strengths.
So from there, we really truly are able to expand outward because we're using

the tools and strategies that feel authentic to ourselves and resonate with
our target audience, which is a part of what we're gonna talk about in our group
coaching. It's in your marketing plan.
It's in your marketing workbook that we're gonna go over. our
target target audience doing the research
we don't just go okay this is how you post on
social media and here's all the things you need for email no

this is and i'm gonna this is gonna lead into our
third part an ecosystem imagining marketing as
an ecosystem is the best way to
leverage your time and your energy it's made
up of so many various elements social media word of
mouth community events emails following up phone
calls texts direct messages oh when i

started making my marketing plan a couple years ago
i was like how am i gonna do all of this i want to do it all and i want to do
it all really well and i started asking other people to help me so advantageous
and i give you scripts and micro school masterminds of what to say to people
in a phone call and a a text message, and an email.

Each part truly does support and enhance others. And if you're like,
how am I going to make all those calls?
How am I going to make all those texts? I batch.
Totally, I'm a batcher right there. I love batching. And I might look at a list
of 20 people and be like, oh my gosh, I got to call all 20 people.
But what if I texted 20 people? And what if I copied and pasted the message

and I just changed the name at the beginning?
You know how long that took me? only four minutes.
And I was thinking it was going to cost me four hours.
And I just sat down and I did the work. But let me tell you,
it was a hurdle to even do that because even though I've been doing this for
years, I still have the mind set to push through.

We all have cycles. We all have good days. We have bad days.
And the truth of the matter is, consistency is key.
And knowing when you sit down, this is what I'm supposed to do.
Let me tell you, I'd rather look at the things that I have to do,
even if it looks overwhelming, than to be blinded by things that I didn't know

I had to do, because that's even more overwhelming.
The invisible list of things to do, let me tell you, is extremely overwhelming.
Overwhelming so that's exactly why micro school masterminds exist to take the
invisible and make it visible let's go when somebody says i'm going to go build
a school i'm going to start a school in my living room it's it it sounds terrifying

to people especially because it seems completely.
Unfamiliar especially if you've never gotten your word out
about anything like this before so social media word
of mouth community events emails follow-ups each
part supports and enhances the others social media
can definitely help you share your school's daily triumph your

stories we give you in microschool masterminds all sorts of tips and tricks
and ideas to brainstorm to advertise through social media word of mouth is incredible
at converting students word of mouth has a higher conversion rate than social media,
then flyers, then brochures, because people will do business with those who

they know, like, and trust.
And if my friend knows you, and she likes you, and she trusts you,
then I don't have to spend all the time researching about you, getting to know you,
because I already have a step ahead of getting to know you, because Because
my friend knows you, likes you, and trusts you. And she is recommending you.
So marketing as an ecosystem really does showcase your school's spirit in multiple, multiple ways.

And your curriculum, your values, your staff, your ideas.
And I remember there were times where I would be marketing and I would be so
nervous that people would be judging me. I don't live in a fancy house.
I didn't have the look of a regular classroom.
I was the only one who was doing what I was doing. I felt completely weird.

Seriously, weird. That's how I felt. Like, who's doing this? What am I even?
I'm homeschooling my own kids, but I'm homeschooling other people,
but can't really call it that. It's in my house. Just feels awkward.
And let me tell you, I didn't start out with emails my first year.
I could barely even follow up with people. Didn't even know how to do anything,
really. By the grace of God, here we are.

But I will tell you, I remember sitting down at my computer the beginning of
the second year and and was like, okay, I got to go live.
I got to get consistent with my social media. I got to build a website.
I need to get going on the horn here with contacting people,
which is the one thing that I did do my first year.
I was really good about emailing and texting people that I already knew to get

my feet into their world.
So marketing is an ecosystem.
You don't just want to pick one platform or one channel, but you don't want to have too many either.
You really need to pick your top three, and then sprinkle in four, five, six, and seven.
And then the last piece that I want to talk to you about is getting help when it comes to marketing.

Getting help is a really important strategy.
If you've ever read the book, Who Not How, I'm not for sure of the author,
all you have to do is Google Who Not How.
I actually read this the summer before my second year, which has truthfully
been a game changer in the way that I look at things.
And I really need to, join me in doing this.

Let's put a sticky note that says who, not how, on our computer.
On our door, on our mirror, beside our bed. Let's do that. Who,
not how. Who can help me with this?
Who can teach me? Who can go run this errand?
Who can go hang these flyers up? Who can go hand out these brochures?

Who can post on social media for me? Who can make my graphic designs?
Who can make me templates? Who can make me fill in the blank?
That will be a game changer and will help you to identify the small little hills
that you have to get over instead of looking at the marketing mountain.
And I will tell you that my heart truly does go out to you.

That is why I have given you as much as I possibly can in Microschool Masterminds.
Now, I haven't given you every single thing that would be completely overwhelming.
Some of you are going to get in and be like, oh my gosh, where do I start?
This is a lot of information.
There's a lot of documents, a lot of templates. it's okay.
Wouldn't you rather have more than not enough? So let's just start with getting

into Microschool Masterminds, looking at all of the modules,
asking in the community, where can I find this?
Getting into our group coaching sessions, get started downloading your social
media templates, get started downloading your scripts and your email script,
your email templates and your direct message scripts, start there.

They're tangible. You can begin implementing everything that I gave you.
Just go straight to the teacher mailbox.
And the teacher mailbox, it's gonna have a plethora of items for you to get started with.
If that's all you go to, trust me when I tell you, it is well worth your monthly membership.
And even just looking in the teacher mailbox, let me tell you,
you still have your group coaching.

You still have your live Q&A this month. You still have all the other content,
videos, and downloads, and templates in Microschool Masterminds,
plus the community. You definitely want to get in.
Download the app that goes along with Microschool Masterminds.
It's a total game changer.
Always ask yourself, who can help me rather than how can I get this done?

Because the truth is, is that God gave us people to help us. Now let's get moving.
Your dreams are about to take flight. Now is the time to cast aside your fears,
your hesitations. No more waiting in the shadows.
No more doubts holding you back. No more doing this alone.
Your dreams are taking flight and Microschool Masterminds is here to fuel your

journey. It's your time. Your destiny awaits.
We are about to soar together into a future of limitless possibilities.
You are a Microschool pioneer. It is with immense joy and excitement that I
announce the grand opening of Microschool Masterminds.
That will not only help you to start your micro school, but grow your existing
micro school by maximizing your time, optimizing your finances,

and helping you master your marketing.
To those brave souls already navigating the micro school universe,
you understand the deep passion and commitment required to provide this truly
exceptional educational experience.
But oh, the challenge that you may be facing, the stranded feeling of isolation
and knowing that this is your first time becoming a CEO.

There are so many things that you are learning and that you are wanting to employ,
but you cannot do it alone.
The endless juggle of the task at hand, becoming an administrator,
but also teaching and also wanting to grow what you've already started.
We are here together with your time, your marketing, your finances,
your planning. Fear no more.

Microschool Masterminds is helping to be your guiding light For those already
on this incredible journey, our membership is tailored to maximize your precious time.
Imagine having a dedicated space to share your resources, to get the support
you need to collaborate with fellow educators and access expert guidance,
advice, videos, and group coaching on marketing, finances, and your time.

And for those of you who are hesitant, peering into the world of starting your
micro school or your homeschool hybrid program with trepidation,
we understand your fears, the legalities, the marketing, the hiring,
the space. Where do you even begin?
But breathe easy because Microschool Masterminds provides the roadmap you've been searching for.
Our membership offers step-by-step guidance on navigating the legal landscape,

crafting effective marketing plans, and even assistance with hiring the perfect
team to bring your vision to life.
So whether you're a seasoned microschool owner yearning for more efficiency
or a teacher with a dream and a spark of uncertainty, Microschool Masterminds is your beacon of hope.
With us by your side, you'll not only survive but thrive in the dynamic world
of microschooling and starting your homeschool hybrid.

Doors are open, friends. Let's embark on this journey together.
Microschool Masterminds, masterminds. We're waiting for you.
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