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April 22, 2024 4 mins

Unlock the secrets to an extraordinary life where each day brings you closer to your personal legend.

As your guide, I draw on the profound insights from Paulo Coelho's "The Alchemist" and fuse them with the latest research from the University of California to show you how active engagement with life is not just beneficial but essential for true happiness. This episode isn't about waiting for the stars to align; it's about grabbing the constellations and painting your own night sky.

Today, I share wisdom from thought leaders like Tony Robbins, emphasizing the power of decision-making in shaping our destinies. 

Whether it's setting daily intentions, celebrating all victories, or stepping out of our comfort zones, each action we take is a courageous claim on the life we desire. By the end of our time together, you'll be equipped with the strategies to make every moment count. 

So, let's link arms and embark on this journey to elevate our lives by 2% every day, with courage as our compass and greatness as our destination. 

Join me and transform our collective dreams into a vibrant reality.

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A Message from Dai, host of the 2% Solution Podcast:

Hey there, you fantastic listener! 👋

As we wrap up another episode of The 2% Solution Podcast, I want to throw a massive, confetti-filled THANK YOU your way.

As we launch this podcast, your support is like getting an extra espresso in your Venti Americano—unexpected and refreshing!

Your reviews? They're like high-fives to my soul. Your shares? They're spreading more joy than cat videos on the internet. Subscribing? You're officially the coolest in my book.

Meeting in the 2% Collective Community? It's like watching a garden of awesomeness bloom – and you're all the sunflowers making it happen!

Keep being the amazing, 2%-improving rockstars that you are.

🌟 Stay fabulous, stay tuned, and stay 2%! 🚀

Love, laughs, and much gratitude,

Dai M.

P.S. I'm primarily active on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Feel free to connect and start a conversation. If you're searching for inspiring, motivational, educational, and healthy living content, check out my over 1500 articles at - I enjoy writing, okay? lol

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Dai Manuel (00:06):
Hello 2% Collective.
Welcome back to the 2% Solution, where we aim for small daily
improvements that accumulateinto massive transformations.
I'm your host, ty Manuel, andtoday's episode revolves around
an essential choice we must makedaily.
Beautifully encapsulated inPaulo Coelho's the Alchemist,

one of my favorite quotes, it'sthe possibility of having a
dream come true.
That makes life interesting.
Oh, I love that one.
We're discussing choosing tolive our personal legend today,
not waiting for some indefinitemaybe tomorrow future.
It's about being proactive, notreactive, and pursuing a

fulfilled life.
Let's just dive right into it.
Every day, we literally standat a crossroads.
One path is active, choosing tolive fully, embracing
opportunities, taking risks andstepping out of our comfort
zones, where the other ispassive, waiting for the perfect
, the right circumstances oreven the ideal version of

ourselves just to magicallyappear.
But here's the catch Life isn'ta rehearsal, it's happening
right now, and every moment wespend waiting is a moment we're
not truly living.
Research in positive psychologyconsistently shows that
happiness and fulfillment areoften byproducts of engaging

actively with life.
A study from the University ofCalifornia found that
individuals actively seekinglife experiences are
significantly happier and morefulfilled than those who
passively wait for life tohappen.
Think about it?
When was the last timesomething great happened while
you were sitting back and justwaiting for it?

Greatness often comes fromaction, from the decision to
move forward despite theuncertainty.
I love Tony Robbins' quote itis in your moments of decision
that your destiny is shaped.
Powerful, right, every decisionto happen brings you closer to

the life you've imagined,shaping your destiny one choice
at a time.
Now let's talk about what itmeans to choose to live a great
It starts with settingintentions daily, not just big
life goals, but small dailyactions that align with those
It's about cultivatinggratitude for the big wins and

the small victories, as well asthe lessons learned along the
And what about taking risks?
And the small victories, aswell as the lessons learned
along the way?
And what about taking risks?
Yeah, stepping into the unknowncan be scary, but it's also
where growth happens.
Each risk you take buildsconfidence and each failure is
another step towards success.

Remember, comfort zones arecomfortable because they're
familiar, not because they'renecessarily beneficial.
Choosing to live a great lifealso means prioritizing your
health and well-being.
Whether committing to regularphysical activity, eating well
or ensuring you get enough rest,your body and mind are the

foundations for buildinggreatness.
So how can you start choosingrather than waiting?
Begin by asking yourself eachmorning what can I do today that
will push me toward the life Iwant?
It might be something small,like reading a book on a topic
you love.
It might be something a littlebit bigger, like starting a new
project or reaching out tosomeone who inspires you.

As we wrap up today's episode,remember that the choice isn't
always easy, but it's alwaysyours to make.
Choosing to live a great lifeis an act of courage, a
statement that you're notwilling to life pass you by, and
if you're listening to this,thinking about how to start
making those choices, you'realready on the right path.

If you found value in today'sconversation, don't forget to
share this episode with someonewho might need a little push to
start choosing their great life.
As always, I'd love to hearyour stories and thoughts, so
leave a review, maybe a comment?
Heck, just a quick little tweetor a DM just to say, hey, this

is how I'm choosing to live mylegend.
Maybe a comment?
Heck, just a quick little tweetor a DM Just to say, hey, this
is how I'm choosing to live mylegend.
I'd so love to hear from you.
I'm Diamond Weil, yourcheerleader and coach in this
life improvement journey.
Here's to making every daycount and improving by just 2%
every day.
Stay strong, stay motivated andlet's make life great by choice

, not by chance.
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