All Episodes

April 15, 2024 59 mins

Welcome to another vibrant episode of The Big Kid Show! Embark on a nostalgic, rocking journey with us as we dedicate this fun-packed episode to the legendary metal band - Metallica. Join hosts Mr. B, SweetWater Mark, and Big Nic in a lively 'Metallica Draft Day', where they share intriguing anecdotes, personal views, unforgettable concert experiences, and unique facts about Metallica.

In a playful Snake Draft, our hosts pick their top five Metallica songs, all from studio-recorded originals, ensuring a host of variety for listeners. Experience the thrill as Big Nic begins with the classic song 'One'. Witness SweetWater Mark shaking things up, while Mr. B springs surprises with his unpredictable picks.

The episode takes you on an exhilarating dive into the vast catalogue of Metallica. Appreciate our well-curated drafts from diverse albums, featuring all-time hits and hidden gems. Whether it's ‘Enter Sandman’, ‘Master of Puppets’, or lesser-known tracks, the countdown covers it all. Relive the days of thrash metal as we reminisce about our favorite riffs, lyrics and live performances.

Throughout the discussion, enjoy our humorous anecdotes and friendly banter from our band days. We journey through Metallica’s discography, revealing our affinity for specific tracks and the reasons behind them. Moreover, discover how some Metallica sounds that failed to impress us in the '90s eventually became our favorites.

Take a deep dive into the potent world of Metallica's smashing riffs, classic albums, and impactful songwriting. Discover why 'Fade to Black' and 'Nothing Else Matters' are more than just soft tunes, but rich examples of the band's musical complexity. Whether you're a Metallica loyalist or a casual listener, this episode promises to offer fresh insights into the legendary band's music.

Finally, we draw the curtain with our chosen "encore" tracks - the last songs we'd like you to hear. This fascinating and passionate conversation about Metallica's grandeur and transformative music is bound to keep you hooked until the end. Don’t miss out as we share our love for Metallica's expressive music and the personal significance each track holds – only on The Big Kid Show's 'Metallica Draft Day'!

Episode #160

Follow us on Instagram @bigkidshow and follow the Big Kid Show on Twitter @thebigkidshow 

Thanks to Cincinnati, Ohio band Two-Bit for providing the BiG KiD theme music - "Simple Life". Find that song and more on their album "Acoustic?" available on Apple Music and Spotify. 




Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Hello. Guess where you landed? Congratulations at one of the greatest podcasts
in existence. That's right, fam.
This is The Big Kid Show. You found the right place. You got your friends here. Mr.
B, we got Sweetheart Mark, and you got Big Nick here to talk to you, to talk at you.
Once again, another Sunday fun day for The Big Kid Show.

Make sure you like, subscribe, or unsubscribe to the show.
It doesn't really matter at this point. We're just kind of going to be here
always and forever. Forever.
Yeah, that's right. Hey, another big kid show, and we got a fun one for you here today, kids.
It's going to be a draft day. You know how much we love draft day. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you. Shout out to the people in the back. We welcome and appreciate your applause.

Well, what are we drafting here today, boys and girls? Well,
we're going to take a look at the catalog of one of the big kids' favorite bands.
We are going to get our metal on.
That's right. We, all three of us, and if you've seen us anywhere in person
or maybe on YouTube, you will know that we are, all three of us are rock star

thin, tattooed up sleeves on both sides.
Sweetwater Marks. I'm getting a tattoo right now. And Sweetwater Mark's got
enough guitars for all of us to play here in the treehouse.
So today we are going to visit the Metallica catalog and draft the greatest
song list for the Metallica fans out there.

You're big kids. Each one of us will be in charge of drafting five Metallica songs.
And of course, each song can only be drafted once. months and we do have
some rules because the boys in metallica they
like to release albums and write music so they have
a plethora of songs to choose from
one of the rules will be no covers

cannot pick a cover tune from the great band of metallica that would be things
like turn the page and several other covers we also will not be allowed to pick
any live tracks so that's you know we have have different live tracks on a couple
of their albums and maybe we've seen them on different.
Shows the grammys and whatnot throughout the years

performing some awesome live tracks we
are going straight studio cuts from the
studio from one of the best in the biz of the
metallica metal band biz here
we go all right so boom first order of the day this is a snake draft which is
very fitting because everybody loves that little snake at the bottom right hand

corner of the black album don't they that's they kind of hate it they did a
black snake black on black baby and a little tip i don't know that the snake his name is pete.
Get it right. Nobody knows that. Did you just make that up? I made that up.
Forever Now Forward will be known as Pete. I have a feeling if anybody in Metallica

or close to them is listening, we are about to get some comeuppance.
Just for the record here, boys, I will be, and part of the research team may
have to help me because there's going to be so many of them.
I will be running the Will Lars Sue Us counter in the background.
So we just got our first click there trying to name
pete as the snake so lars alwick
we we beg for your mercy kindly for

mercy sir please give your attorney
the day off he has a
family he has a family children all we'll have
to do is we'll have to go back and reference our attorney episode
because we might have to hire those people yes lars's attorney's
been working non-stop since since 97 when uh

when napster came yeah napster if
you haven't seen it go back and listen to that episode the the
law lawsuits episode but there's some of
those lawsuits that got off that yes boys i think there's a lawyer there
that can help us out that poor attorney has not
seen he missed his children growing up
they are now all in college living far away

he missed he missed their entire adolescence so what
we will not miss is the draft order let's go through the draft order as said
it will be a snake draft that means it will be one two three three two one and
then one two three three two one again and then if you can't follow the sequence
after that then just tune off your turn off your phone right now and stop listening
you have some learning to do.

How about this i got look at this this is very fitting it's an all black hat
that's an official That's an official hat.
I see it. It is an official hat. It's actually an official MLB hat, Major League Baseball.
And it does, if you look closely, even though it's all black,
you can see. I like a league of baseball.
Awesome C there, which stands for the one and only Cincinnati Reds. All right.

Each of our big kids, their big fat names are in the black hat.
And I'm going to pull out the first one. The first one will be drafting in the number one spot.
Important. Important stuff here. Come on, buddy. No deuces. No whammies, no whammies.
You can't all right oh big nick rigged yeah

but to be honest with you boys with the snake draft i
want the third spot that's the spot i actually prefer the
third so we're continuing the snake draft is what you're saying and yes it's
wonderful number two eat the snake draft oh mark mr b bring it up the rear bring
it up the rear with him mr b i hope my name's in there Nope.

Pete is in there. Pete the snake. Pete the snake is taking your place.
All right. With that said, let's now start and let the draft begin. Begin.
Oh, big Nick. He's already entered the war room. He's got people just surrounding
him. He's got the phones out.
Nick just opened a door and like 15 people just walked in. What the hell is

going on? They've got suits on.
They're all wearing black suits and black shirts. This is getting a little weird.
We almost had a casualty there, boys. My headphones just flew off for no reason.
Windy, windy over there. That's out of the room. For the Metallica draft,
I had to put in my lip ring.
It's official. Let the draft begin. And with the number one pick.

Where do you think we're going here, boys? I mean, you're probably going to
go something off of the newest album, right?
He loves Reload.
You know what? The Reload album is not bad. The Load album is not bad as well.
But with the one pick, the number one pick, it's only fitting that I take the song One.

Yes, good pick, buddy. Maybe the most famous of all of the Metallica songs.
Now, I'll say this, boys.
I was lucky enough to have the privilege to see Metallica live.
This would have been 2019, I'm guessing.
So it's in their later days. I wish I would have been allowed to see them when I was younger.

And I did have some opportunities. They came to Columbus, but it was always festival style, right?
Where they're playing like Sonic Temple or Rock on the Range.
And it's like, okay, that's cool. cool, but do I really want the one time that
I get to see Metallica where I pay top dollar and they play a short set because
they're paired with a million other bands?

The answer for Big Nick is a big no.
So Nick wants to see them when they are doing their thing because they do it better than most.
And I got lucky, went up to Cleveland, saw them. They played a show all by themselves.
No No opener to worry about.
They did a really cool thing where the way that they kept your interest as they

were filling the arena is they had Jim Brewer, the comedian from Saturday Night Live. Nice.
He didn't do like a stand-up set. He just like walked around with a microphone,
goofed off, talked about Metallica, talked about his favorite songs.
He would like go back in the go back behind stage to the green room or whatever

and try to interview the band and then talk to like crew members and things like that.
And then they flash and show Metallica music videos.
He did do some ACDC karaoke, which was really cool.
And then he did a lot of interaction with the audience.
And we goofed around a few weeks back about a Weezer concert.

And I had talked about that was one of the concerts where the age range was significant.
It was vast, right? There was a big difference in age range between the youngest
Weezer fan at that concert and the oldest Weezer fan.
Metallica, the range was even greater. My friends, there was somebody there
was like 78 years old. Oh yeah.

And somebody that there that was there, there was eight years old and the 78
year old person had really good tickets as they should, as they should.
So as they should, Jim Burrow did a great job.
But I say all that to say this, one of my favorite memories of MTV when I was
a wee little lad was to see the boys of Metallica. Like I knew rock music real well.

That's what I grew up listening and loving and buying all the albums.
And I loved metal and Metallica was just really trying to get onto the radio
at the time, just starting to get some, some main play, right?
Right? Some play in the mainstream.
And seeing that video where it goes from the clips of that, what was that movie

called? Billy Get Your Guns or something?
The black and white film where the guy lost all his arms and limbs and- Edward Scissorhands? No, no.
The man was born with scissors for hands, Mark. Some compassion,
please. Some compassion.

But i threw you off there yes it did it's
a goddamn johnny depp now he's thinking about pirates of
the caribbean well in the video you know you got the guy from
johnny get your guns where he's he didn't even have a face
like he can't talk or or jesus you've
never seen the one video it's tragic it's tragic maybe

it's been a while i mean i just need to go back and refresh my
heart's traumatized he's he's he's put
it pushed it to the back recesses of his mind out
of here big nick and i we would stay up till
midnight just hoping that they would play it on headbangers ball
and every once in a while i would be like yes that
scene when they are just jamming and

there's no singing and they get to the really heavy part of one
and they're just jamming out in that airplane hangar still one of my favorite
scenes from any music video i've ever witnessed now i witnessed that in person
up in cleveland in an arena in the dark they just shut off all all the lights
when they got to that part on one and just cranked it out,

little pyrotechnics going on.
And to see that in person was so impressive because you see the video,
you hear it on the album a million times, because we've all played that song
a million times, heard it on the radio a million times.
That part live is so impressive to see four dudes be able to do that in person
in unison with one another is just incredible. So I'm very happy to take the

number one pick with the song one.
Again, would prefer the second or third pick, but I think I might have got the
creme de la creme of the Metallica songs.
Rebuttals, please. Yeah, my team's getting a little anxious to draft over here,
Nick, so I need to have you ready.
I would have bet $1,000 Big Nick was going to take one as his number one just because I know that guy.

But the problem why you never really
hear one on the radio is because it's seven and a half minutes long.
Yeah. Or you hear the radio edit version where they chop a bunch of the stuff
out. But excellent pick, Big Nick.
I almost could have called that one. So I had that.
Nick's not going to like this. I had a third round grade on one.
But see, I think what's going to be interesting with this draft is where we

came into our Metallica listening ship.
Because you guys, I think, came in a little earlier than I did.
Like the Black Album was where I really was introduced to Metallica.
Whereas I think you guys had exposure to some of the earlier albums, which is why it's funny.
You talk to Metallica fans and they hear the blackout and they're like,
oh, it's the one they sold out on.

It's like, well, yeah, it's also the one they probably had in their wallet for
the rest of their lives on.
Now they're worth a billion dollars. Yeah.
You call me a sellout. I'll call me rich. I'll sell out today, right now.
Still waiting for Hootie and the Blowfish to call me for that cameo appearance.
But no i i will pick big

nick what i thought you were gonna pick as your number
one and to me is the undisputed champion
of metallic songs but obviously can be
disputed because one is a great song i
think we're not gonna pick a bad song today i don't think
i mean i don't think we're picking 15 of the best metallica songs
i think we're gonna hit all of them and there's way more more than 15 but um

uh for me guys i gotta go
enter sandman enter sandman
number one that was the one that again it was the first i think it was the first
metallica song i ever heard and then as a frequent visitor of the cincinnati

cyclones which is a echl minor league hockey team,
that song was used immensely as a build-up song for the hockey games and for big moments.
So I think for me, it's not even just the song. There's also some.

Some emotional attachment to it that kind of goes with the memories that I grew
up a block and a half from the arena where the hockey, the hockey arena was.
So, I mean, I was going to 15, 20 games a year. So, and it was cheap,
right? As a minor league team, you'd get tickets for less than 10 bucks.
So yeah, I think for me, it's definitely enter Sandman, but I'm very curious which direction Mr.

B goes here. Well, so full disclosure, enter Sandman, not even on my list.
Wow and it's not because the
bad song is because i think i heard that one so much and
it was shut down my throat that i was just like i was
like that's not even their best song and so you know what i mean it's like one
of those things i'm just kidding and it's again it's a it's a great song it's

an amazing song it was just one that i heard so much that i actually i even
would skip it on the album because i'd heard it so much before i even got the
album if that makes any sense to me To me, that riff is just so iconic.
Oh, I think that's the first thing I learned on guitar.
Yeah, I think it's one of their most iconic riffs of any of the riffs.

If you took a general poll of people and asked about Metallica,
I think that's the riff that most people would think of.
I could be wrong, but that's my theory. Big Nick and I, in our debut band,
Assbag, we played in the Sandman. And we played it perfectly.
Perfectly. Don't forget, we were the Lumberjacks before that. We had a lot of names.

And then we broke up because of creative differences. But, you know, it's...
Not everybody can... I wouldn't say we played Enter Sandman perfectly, but it was...
In my head, it was perfectly. We had the ability to play. Yeah,
it was one of the songs we had learned. We played that riff a little bit.
So, which... What song are you going with, B?

Okay, so for my first pick, the end of the first round, Again,
to me, this is my favorite Metallica song I got lucky being third I'm going
to go with Creeping Death.
From okay ride the lightning so and
and i know this is an album that you reference
often when metallica is the subject matter

so i know this is an album that you're very fond of this was probably
the first album that i fell in love with from metallica i
did own and have a cassette tape of kill
them all at my older cousin's uh recommendation
but i had only when i was real young i'd
only found one or two songs that i liked and then once i fell
in love with the ride the lightning album then i went back and

had a much stronger appreciation for kill them all but i
i want to point out something here as we have discussed
some of our picks for the first round is that i'm immediately noticing a different
approach from some of us in this draft and so the quick thing i want to point

out to the listeners out there that the the idea of this This is,
of course, we have the rules of no live tracks, no covers.
But the idea is that each one of us are trying to create a great song list,
a great track list for an audience.
So having said that, I want to be clear about something.
I don't want to take anything away from all the nice things I said about the song One.

But with a catalog as big as Metallica's, One is far from my favorite Metallica song.
I'm going for audience appreciation because I'm creating that song list,
the best five song list of big Nick's opinion.
So I think you hit on something though here be because creeping death is one

that is regularly in their live set.
And because it's a very theatrical song, they, they, they, oh yeah, it's bad ass.
It's very, well, it's incredibly, it, it plays well to the audience in getting
a lot of audience participation.
And they do this song live way differently than they do it on the studio track.

And so this is one of their signature songs when they're playing a big, live, long set.
So good pick. And same with Enter Sandman. Typically, you're going to see that
one not every night, but you're going to see that in the encore.
I think we picked three songs that we all might expect to see in a Metallica live show encore. Yeah.

All right. So I'm going to move on to my next pick. So the beginning of the second round.
And before I do that, I just want to say, park it yourself, Metallica breath.
With my next pick, I'm going to go with, which I think is, I think their second best song.
But again, hey, we're all drafting our own set list here. I'm going to go with

a little song from Master of Puppets called Welcome Home Sanitarium.
Oh my God, I love that song. The whole presentation of this song is amazing.
It's again, a lot of this.
Few albums aren't always as popular with the

public because they're longer i mean all these songs are six seven
and it's long but i just love that song plus also
big nick would love it they used it on the uh yeah the
true crime documentary uh paradise lost yes they used that on there which that
would that would never be able to fly now but the fact when they did it was
back before metallica was ridiculously popular so it was haunting to put it

in that show and and they They did get Metallica's permission to do that,
but I don't think they had to pay anything for it.
That's what I mean. You would never be able to pull that off now.
Metallica would be like, we want $10 million.
No, Lars would sue your pants off. Yeah, hence why Metallica songs are never
in movies because they're like, you can't afford our songs. Yeah, right.
So go listen to that song. It's awesome.

I'm going to have to tell you this, and it's sad, but it's true.
Welcome home sanitarium was going to be
my second pick if it was still on the board it was going
to be my second pick and here's why i'm picturing two hour
two and two hour 15 minutes set with metallica with the boys on stage lots of

pyrotechnics lots of cool video imagery in the background and then they close
down shop they give you the old 10 minutes five minutes whatever it is the whole
crowd standing up clapping applauding screaming we want more more Metallica,
Metallica, Metallica, Metallica, Metallica, Metallica.
I was going to have them open up a five song encore with welcome home sanitarium.

So beautiful pick by you there be stole one from big Nick.
I know what I'm doing. I know you know what you're doing. I know what I'm doing.
I was going to say, I feel like I might skirt out here boys with just about all the picks that I won.
Cause you guys are going to be plucking from the first few albums.
And I'm like, yeah, okay. You can have them.
Hey, and that's the beauty of the draft because it's in the,

a little reference, it's in the eye of the beholder. That it is.
So that leaves me with a tough choice because I actually have to decide.
I've got two that are pretty even here. I will say I did not have Creeping Death on my list, Mr.
B, but that is a badass track, sir. So I cannot disagree with that choice at all.

And Welcome Home Sanitarium speaks for itself.
Google the greatest Metallica songs, and your head will explode.
Yeah. Just so you know. Unless you don't want your head to explode, then don't do that.
I'm pretty happy with my head the way it is. You have a nice shaped head.
Yeah, it's nicely shaped. Stop giving so much love to Google, B.

Hey, use Yahoo Search if you want. What about little- Spotify streams. Little DuckDuckGo.
DuckDuckGo. Well played, well played. Get with the games. All right, so-
I'm trying to anticipate what Nick is going to pick here because he's got to
see my strategy isn't just to pick the best five.
It's also I want to snag a Nick pick because I want to think about one that

potentially can come back to me.
If I let it slide, will he pass it by?
I love that you're trying to stick it to the man. Stick it to the man.
And the man being big Nick.
Why am I the number one pick? You are the man.
I was the one that made sticking it to the man cool.
Back in 87. So you became the man and took the number one pick.

All right. So I'm going to go on a little bit of a, maybe a reach here.
He's already reaching in the second round.
No, I think this could, no, this definitely, I think it's worthy of a second round pick.
I'm reaching in the sense of, I actually like the other song that I'm not going
to pick better, but I think this one is more likely to be a Nick pick.
He can tell me if I'm wrong, but I am going to go back to one of the old albums

and i'm going to go with the title track master yes good thing master master.
All right good pick you didn't get me you didn't get me ah that's all right
no that song to me that was one that again like i didn't hear that until much
later on um but that one just,

instant like catchability i don't know that would grind it's right in the ear
hole you know i mean And it really brings the thunder. So yeah, Master of Puppets.
It's too iconic. I couldn't leave it off my track. Plus, I don't want to end
up with all the songs off the Black albums.
Hey it's it's your team you're drafting i had master i had master puppets at

number four on my list so there you go it was three on mine so it was it was
going to be picked if it came back to me for faux show that's sweet well just
a quick little review here what's interesting,
so we have one song off of and justice for all one song off of the black album

one off of ride Ride the Lightning, and two off of the Master of Puppets album.
Now, to throw a little ranch into everything.
Should we do it twice? Maybe thrice? What you going to do? Let's go get some
fucking French toast. Some French toast.

Let's skip the draft and get that French toast. I'm going to go with one off
of Ride the Lightning. Got a big chunk. To push another one from Ride the Lightning,
let's go with a little song.
And this one's great live for my encore set.
For Whom. The Bell Tolls. Yes. The Bell Tolls.
Another one that we played in our amazing band, Assbag.

We probably butchered the hell of it, but we did play that song.
And yes, For Whom the Bell Toll is awesome.
Assbag, the artist formerly known as the Lumberjacks.
I feel like you should just call it the artist formerly known as Assbag,
because that just has a better ring to it. I mean, we were really big in a small
town in Columbus. Really big.
Huge. I like the Lumberjacks better because we had outfits. We had Lumberjack-type outfits.

We were sans suspenders, though. We needed some suspenders.
So, Big Dick. And you remember, we loved that one because the bass line.
I mean, again, in a lot of metal rock, especially, again, we're talking about mid-'80s.
The bass didn't get a lot of love if anything they turned
the bass down and you got that bass line kicking in there
awesome i remember i remember playing

that on your bass in your basement because we would take turns trying
to figure it out and i mean hell that was when we were like 12 yeah
and i and give me my bass back i didn't need you to
play that because i could play it just i know but you were showing me
how to do we're taking turns man i thought it was a friend's time
but now i think you're salty about it so it was a friend's time
and then you accused me of stealing your socks and friendship over

friendship over giving my socks
back who steals somebody's socks not me all right
i'm gonna go with one this one was maybe a little too played but it's a song
that's weird because when the when this was all over mtv and when i say i mean
all over mtv i swear that there was like a six month period where i couldn't

turn on mtv and And the song wasn't on every 15 minutes.
I know what it is. So I got a little tired of this one.
And it was never really one of my favorites off of that, this particular album anyway.
But then like fast forward 20 years later, and for some reason,
it's become one of my favorite Metallica songs.

And I think it's a great song that would be on my encore track here,
my encore set, wherever I may roam. And I tell you what, I'm putting that one,
I'm drafting it as my third choice here.
But in my song list, on my encore, me and the boys are going to play this one last.
After you've experienced the entire Metallica concert, this is what we are going

to send you out, back out into the world with.
The Wherever I May Roam off of the Black Album.
Good choice. Yeah, that's a song that I really loved when I purchased that black
album because it was just really good.
I don't know how to describe it it was just i was like oh

that's a really good song like let's just keep listening to it and the
video was all live like it was
a collage of live footage which was really cool
because by that time the black album had been out for
it feels like a year and a half like they've they're already touring
and selling a bunch of albums they've sold millions of albums the
album was already a hit and so this is just like uh

the the video to me was just a celebration
celebration of their success of this album and those
are those are my favorite album of excuse me videos is
instead of like having a story i just
liked when they showed like live clips of the band just rocking out as a kid
i just thought that was way cooler than a story like i didn't want to see a
story i want to see the band kind of meddling out in the garage somewhere so

nailed it well i always held it i always had a strong appreciation for songs
when bands are writing writing songs about the road,
being on tour, being on the road, because it is different.
It's something that a lot of bands, a lot of people aspire to have musical success,
have a music career and have success with their band and going out and having a successful tour.

Is proof that you have success.
And most people never get to experience it, right? It's like,
It's like comparing a guy playing UAA or UA basketball to somebody who's in
the NBA, right? Of course.
That's the difference right there. So I love when bands write songs about the
road. Mark, that puts us back to you for your number three pick.

Oh, what you going to do? What you going to do? My pick made it through, boys.
And so wherever I may roam, that was number five on my list, Big Nick. Oh, Big Nick.
Way to snake, Mark. That was a good, good selection, but my number two choice
is still sitting out there, boys, and I gotta, I gotta take it because you know it's sad,

but true. Sad, but true.
That song, like, I feel like, I think the reason that I liked Metallica when I first heard them,
and a lot of it stemmed off of the Black Album, was obviously it's not as heavy
as their first three albums. I mean, that's a given, right?

But it's riff-tastic. Like, the riffs themselves, if you just take them as,
like, individual riffs, they're absolute powerhouses.
Yes. Like, I mean, there's some of the most iconic riffs, I think,
probably that were ever written.
And a few of them are on the same album, which to me is kind of wild.
So I think, you know, there definitely was some other ones out there from some

of the earlier stuff and surprise, even some of the later stuff that was tempting.
But I can't leave sad but true sitting out there. I just can't.
So I'd be too sad. But it's true. But true.
You'd be sad but true. But it's true. I'm taking it.
So a lot of that, Mark, and I know, you know this, but some of the listeners
may not know, but a lot of that transformation of Metallica for the black album,

which was so successful, uh,
And what was cool was it made people retrospectively go back and buy all the older albums.
Like people that weren't on board yet, they now like, oh, I got to buy the whole catalog.
So imagine the success you have there that an album is so great and so powerful
and so wonderful that inspires everybody to go out and buy all your old stuff

that's been sitting on the shelves.
And that was a heavy influence of one Bob Rock.
His mother calls him Robert Rock. and he's no relation to kid rock as far as
i know but bob rock he made his hay working and.
And really helping a little band called

motley crew find a lot of success and they they were
very heavy too in their younger days and bob
rock comes along and he's talking to these metallica guys and he's
like look guys you guys are every bit as
talented you are every bit as good
of songwriters and entertainers as all
these other bands that have sold millions and millions of records it's just

you got to rein it in a little bit boys we don't need every song 10 minutes
long yeah you get you don't need six guitar solos let's limit to one bob's like
there's no point in having an instrumental song on the on the album let's put
lyrics to everything and oh by the way,
james how about we not call a song crib death because that's incredibly depressing

or creeping Creeping death.
And that's when you need some outside people to help you sometimes make your song accessible.
That's where that producer hand kind of comes in and can, I don't want to say commercialize.
I mean, it obviously was commercialized, but it made it a little more mainstream, right?
It kind of gave it that mainstream feel. Where the masses can understand it

versus, again, a seven and a half minute song.
I mean, that's just like, most
people are like, I don't have enough time span even to listen to that.
Yeah, yeah, exactly. enter sandman was originally titled crib death and bob
rock said nope this i will walk if you call it that we let's come up with a
different name i would have i would have been cool with it.

Brian's like let's roll son yeah i was i was a
dumb fifth grader i would have been totally cool with anything but like
i said here we go black album making
a strong yeah strong appearance here
in the third round that brings us to mr bay who's
got back-to-back picks here we go so one of my again this this one i didn't

think you guys would pick but i i don't want to wait on it i'm gonna go with
fade to black and the reason why i like this one so much is because it was on
the softer side for metallic and that blew my mind.
I was like, whoa, these guys can do a song that's not in-your-face metal.
Softer side early, because this is off of Ride the Lightning.

Yes, exactly. And again, Mr. B loves it. I love Ride the Lightning.
That's got to be your favorite album, right?
Oh, it is. And we've talked about that. But I love that song,
the transition of going to all these heavy songs.
And then you hear this song, whoa, what are they doing here?
And as a young kid, I was like, whoa, because you kind of think bands are just
going to do the same thing.
Things like no no no we can metal your face off and then we can switch it around and do this,

and i think mark can attest to this in a lot of
the bands we're in we wanted to try to emulate that idea
of like we're going to drop a metal song in
your head and then the next song is going to be this kind of soft ballad you're
like whoa what are you doing whoa whoa well
to show range and that's what
fade to black does early for metallica it shows

the range of the band and more importantly the talents of
their band and the the talents of their songwriting capabilities
and abilities so i love that
song and i used to love that was one of the
ones that i loved as a little kid and then when i got my driver's license the
rare times at like 11 o'clock 11 30 at night that the rock station would actually

play fade to black oh yeah crank it up to 11 friends man that was always It's
always a fun time in the old 86 Buick.
All right. Here we go, boys. Back to back.
Fade to black. Hit us, Mr. B, with your fourth round pick.
Guess what? You've just drawn the shortest straw.

And I credit Big Dick to exposing me to the Injustice for All album,
because I remember helping him with his newspaper route at five in the morning,
and he's got that album playing.
And I'm like, what is this mysterious music that you play?
And so you're short is strong. And I was like, yes. And I just love that song. I love how long.

Yeah. So short is strong. It's going to come in as my number four pick of my team.
Again, that's still six and a half minutes long. So it's not a short song,
but it's awesome. And I love short is strong.
They still need to turn the bass up on that album, but that's a whole separate
conversation. So we'll just move on.
I believe there is technically no bass on that album.

You have to listen really close no sadly
cliff died before the
album was recorded like didn't they
play the from my understanding didn't
they didn't they just play the guitar riffs on a
separate track no that was that that was they
had newstead on it i thought they just the way they eq'd is they just took the

bass out of it murdered him out of it so yes jason's new he's new we're not
gonna we're not gonna turn them up for her that's one of the that's one of the
big arguments against that album is the way that eq does they kind of just drop the bass to.
Hardly anything but even with that that song
is badass that's a a go-to gym song
for mr b it's also a song when i know i'm about

to battle mark and no phones i usually send it to him say
hey mark you just drew the shortest straw because
i'm about to destroy your face boom shakalaka well
and you know you say turn up the bass and and you
know i have a strong appreciation for the bass having played it
in school owning a couple of bass guitars myself but i don't know that album

to me is so there's something so clean and almost mechanical about the sound
on that album like i just i'd love the i'd love the way that the the guitar and lars just.
Crank together you know just like like it's
like the gears of of an engine or or that
might have been their idea behind it is hey the base is actually muddying

it up let's just keep the base to where it makes the
speakers rumble but that's all it's going to do you
know we don't want any more than that so i don't
look i i wish that dimebag daryl
was alive to confirm this for us or deny it
you know those boys the the pantera boys
who who so strongly looked up

to the van halen brothers right guitarist and
drummer brother playing together in the the
garage forever trying to perfect their sound together
as this two-man team i want to believe
and i i i would be curious to
be able to ask mr daryl this if this
album and justice for all that sound that crunch

that clean between the guitar and the drums if that had any influence on pantera
as they were transitioning into what that what became that very clean crunch
sound that pantera adapted to with that would be that would be a good question
to ask for sure buddy with their third and fourth album all right Sorry.

Of course, I went way off track there.
Somehow we're talking about Pantera. That is for another day,
my friends. Now, number four.
We are in round four. Mark is on the clock.
He's getting nervous. I can tell he's nervous. Look at him. He's sweating.
Oh, he's sweating. Look at that meat is sweating. He has just drawn the shortest

straw, and now he's nervous. Shortest straw.
Sweats in my eyes. is drowned by law which
is a weird line but james wrote it anyway yes i
feel like this draft is flying boys we're already
well past the halfway point already starting
to get towards the end here i feel

like when we have as many quality tracks and
metallica has and as many just looking at the list of what's been taken already
would make most bands switch their set list in a heartbeat beat for that set
list it makes it interesting but here's here's the hard truth boys it's my pick.

And nothing else matters nothing else
matters at the risk of making my
entire set list outside of master of puppets the black album which
i don't think is going to happen i gotta take nothing else
matters kind of for the same reason that mr b took fade to
black i like that this is one of of their softer songs
and again like people can argue well i heard it too much okay well then turn

off the radio that's always my argument it's a it's a it's a beautiful song
it is it is truly a beautiful song so i mean not to float my own boat here boys but so.
I'm a Spotify subscriber. I know some of us are Apple Music,
and we're very diverse in our streaming. Can I get your sign-in password?

Yes, yes. I'll send it over immediately. Could you announce it right here for thousands of people?
Ask Timmy and the research team in the break. His password is 1-2-3-4.
That's right.
Once again, 1-2-3-4 is my password.
If I look at the Spotify top playlist, right? So it gives you the top songs that have been played.

And Nick, I'm kind of playing a little bit off of what you had mentioned,
doing it for the audience.
Number one, at one point, almost 3 billion streams. I understand, man.
Number two, at almost 1.1 billion streams, Nothing Else Matters.
And number three, Master of Puppets, 800 million.

Good for you. All three of my songs, boys. That's all I'm saying.
Well, and if you want... Getting the people happy here.
I know we talked about no covers, but when Metallica let other artists redo
some of their songs, there's like two or three artists that redid Nothing Else
Matters, and they're awesome. I think even Miley Cyrus did one.
Really? She did. Am I right on that, Big Nick? I believe so, yes.

That's the one that jumped to mind. I wouldn't think I would even like it.
I was like, holy shit, that's pretty awesome. So, yeah, it just shows you how
good of a song it is that other artists can touch that song and just make it
kind of this unique thing. So great pick.
I was hoping that would sneak all the way to the end and I would snag it because
it's on the softer side, but good pick, buddy. Yeah. And it's interesting.

So again, just obviously this is only Spotify, so this isn't looking at the
other platforms, but out of the top 10 boys, there's only three songs on the
Spotify top 10 stream list that are remaining.
So we've picked seven of the Spotify top 10 so far.
So very, very interesting. But again, just looking at the songs we've picked.

They're so good. They're so good. I mean, you really can't go wrong.
Big Nick kind of hit it. It's almost like we're creating the encore list because they're the best songs.
They finish their hour and a
half set, take 10 minutes, and then they come out and do five more songs.
I think we all have a list that would be encore worthy already.

And Big Nick is about to jump into his fourth and fifth pick to end the draft.
So we're nearing the end here. Big Nick, don't blow it. we're getting real close big
nick just real quick before you jump in i just want to throw this out there
because i know there's some out there they're going to list their they're
going to air their grievances their list of grievances so
i i like

metallica i have never been like die hard
metallica so again i think that's just a little
bit of defense of my picks and a lot of black album going on
here and you know i can already hear the
chatter of you pick it all just the popular stuff don't don't
don't don't degrade your pick no no no all i'm saying is those
are my favorite songs off of out of metallica to

this point so but but just
a little bit of reasoning behind why my list probably
looks a little different than than nick and brian but
fair enough because yeah i wouldn't say you're
a metallica head yeah i'm you're a metallica i
like metallica i like them like if i if i
laid out a bunch of albums i don't think you would would grab metallica as

the first band you'd want to hear no no i wouldn't unfortunately
sorry man the lars counter just keeps i
think he's suing me for that click click click i tell you what man offer no
apologies there sweetwater because you are a fine musician yourself who i respect
your opinion you are a great singer songwriter guitar player and a very cool

metal band yourself so So all of your picks are very,
don't pull a Wayne and Garth. We're not worthy situation.
Oh, shucks. You know, totally worthy. And I like your pick. And one thing I
wanted to say about your latest pick, nothing else matters.
So this is what I, one, I, I absolutely love that song.

That's a song that does not quit for me. It's one of those, it's a weird situation
because a lot of times when a band comes out And they put out their typical heavy stuff,
which I'm not going to sit here and pretend like I get that some people think
that Metallica sold out with the Black Album. You know what I tell you?
Guess what idiot you bought the damn album right like is

can have you ever it is
there has there been in the history of the world four
guys that sit around and they're like you know what let's write some songs and
nobody will buy this shit and if if that's their plan i hope nobody buys it
because i don't want anybody i don't want to anybody think we sell out guess
what never been successful never went on tour never because nobody cared the

whole idea is to make music that people People are going to like and love.
It was cutting edge at the time. And the thing with this song is it's not one
of those ballads that they wrote and they just slapped it on the album at the last minute.
And then 10 years later, you're going, oh, my God, the Velveeta,
the cheesiness level on that song is terrible. Now, this song is beautiful. It's great.

It's and it's a heavy metal ballad, which is rare to like.
And it's not a rock ballad. It's a heavy metal ballad. And it's still six and a half minutes long.
It forced the radio to play him.
Also, the first time that I saw Jason Newstead wearing glasses because he needed
them to read the sheet music.

Here's a very fond memory that I have of, I think, watching the old Making the Black album.
And I think they were interviewing Bob Rock when he said, again,
Robert Rock, no relation to Kid Rock.
He they're interviewing him and he was talking about hey when we're trying to record this,

jason is playing on this was
very cool because my it inspired my my brother
the captain from true crime garage jason is playing a fretless electric bass
on that song all right in the studio and he they say that he you know he's he's
he's doing the fingering method no pick on on this song.

He is hitting those strings with such force that Bob Rock's like,
look, man, all the other mics are picking up you hitting those strings.
And the additional noise that that's creating, they had to build a wall to put
him inside a wall so the other mics wouldn't pick up the forcefulness of his

fingers hitting those strings.
And so that part was really cool and and inspired the captain to purchase a
fretless bass and and one that is beautiful by the way i have to say because
i told him look man life is a series of guitars and sweetwater mark will tell
you and mr b will tell you too and i told that boy a long time ago i said look,

When you find your way graduating to more expensive guitars,
the bases that you fancy, if you ever get rid of that one, I am first on your call list.
You call me before anybody else. And I'm number two.
I own that base today. I own that.
Oh, okay. Good for you, buddy. Yeah. I, I, uh, and I, I believe he probably

just gave it to me cause he's a nice guy.
But, uh, so that one, that, that is a fond memory for me for nothing else matters. All right.
Dragged this out long enough yes you have you shut up and listen to me.
I'm going to go with a title track for

my fourth pick first pick of the fourth round i'm gonna
go with again nowhere even in
the top 10 for nick for favorite song but i there's some
there's something about this one that's just ah man it
would be perfect for my encore i'm gonna go and justice for all there you go
buddy right there and sorry it's about nine and a half minutes long but you

know what if you put that in your encore guarantee everybody in their seats
gets to finish their beer and popcorn before the show's over then you're on
corn smoking oh i will they have,
tastes like justice tastes like justice for all,
great pick big dick and i i kind of thought

you were gonna pick that one just because again you and i
have an infinity for that album but yep that's
just a just a quality quality jam solid pick
there's a chance that i might open up my five core on song encore with that
my five song encore with that because it starts off with the down down down
down down down down it goes back back and forth with that a few times before

it gets into the heavy part. All right.
Fifth final round. My final pick the final big Nick pick.
I'm going to go with the first track selected off of kill them all.
I'll go with the four horsemen.
Yeah. Good choice.
Yep. Had that one on my list. That was a good choice, which I'm shocked though,

because I thought for sure you're going to go with. I had beholder.
Oh, well, that is one of my favorite Metallica songs, but it's not about me.
It's about you're about the people
you're about the people it's yes i am here to
create this encore list for
the people and you have because that is a great list but i just i know i know

how much you love eye of the beholder i thought you would sneak that in there
somewhere so all right before we get some mark's final pick i want to point
out something here okay Okay, let's go through the albums.
Kill Em All, we have one track selected. Ride the Lightning, three.
And Justice for All, we have, my numbers are correct, we have three.

Master of Puppets, we have two. And the Black Album, we have four.
Yes i think that's correct okay so correct good math
two more songs mark you're
up first for the second pick of the final round of our italica trap don't you
steal my song you don't shut up this is so difficult so like it's the last pick

i feel like i'm probably going to.
Leapfrog my own list here and lower down
the list but i want to include something from
this album because this is obviously the next
album after the black album and that would be coming off
of the album load which to me

had some absolute jams and
if you haven't listened to it go back and listen to our
lawn mowing episode this album was 100
on my lawn mowing playlist this
is when i was in the height of my lawn mowing career at what
was that 50 i was 15 years old 1994 he was

just mowing like a mofo 96 actually but
close but i was mowing yards like they
were going out of of style bagging grass trimming
the driveway oh dude everything i was
i was spot on i used to put this album on there's so many good ones ain't my
bitch two by four so many good ones all right so i'm gonna have to make a decision

here so it's down to two can i just tell you guys the two that i'm waffling
on is this gonna take a long time is it fuel and so i have fuel higher on my list it is It is not Fuel,
though, because I feel like Fuel is kind of the gimme.
It's a great live song. I love Fuel. Don't get me wrong. I have that rated a
couple steps higher than these two songs.

So my guess is probably it's Until It Sleeps or...
I don't know the other one. King Nothing. Oh, yeah. Where's your crown, King Nothing?
And Fuel is big with the NASCAR people. They love that.
Of course they would. Why wouldn't they? Yeah, at this point,
at 15 years old, I had finally gotten into my full rock phase.

But I like stuff that was chunky and rhythmic and just made you kind of just
bob your head. Just, yeah.
Call that headbanging, Mark. No, not headbanging. This is a little more subtle,
You want to do like the Dr.
Dre Let the head swing I'm not the meme with the guy with the jackhammer And

he's got the hair and he's going full,
Circular headband No not that extreme This is just you're walking down the street
And you look confident because you're just shaking your head Yeah like yeah
I think I'm going to go with King Nothing boys King Nothing,
There's something about that song Until it sleeps is so close,

I'm passing over the Unforgiven and Fuel to pick these two, to pick King-Nothing.
But I'm going King-Nothing because, again,
I love something for the people. I've got four songs that the people obviously
love. This one's for me. I'm picking King Nothing.
Brings me back to my teenage years and so many good memories associated with

this song. So King Nothing it is.
That's my pick. And I know it's not even on your guys' list.
Not on my list. Not even on anyone's list. Neither here nor there.
I'm just messing with you, Bob. There's two songs on Mr. B's playlist that aren't on my list.
So that's what makes the draft so awesome because they're still very subjective.

I mean, we were talking about probably like 200 songs to pick from. Right.
And in fairness, to pay true homage and respect to the great Metallica,
they have so many great songs that it's likely that we all are going to have
songs that are not on our list because you do the math.
We only really need to come up with a strategy for about 15 or so songs.

Exactly. And in fairness, that's why I waited until the last round to pick this one.
We could have done a Metallica album draft. We probably could have done 10 songs.
We could have because they have so many albums. We could have drafted our top five albums.
And James really hates it when you call him Jim, too, by the way. Oh, yeah. Oh, Jimmy.
Jimmy Hetfield. Yeah, that's what I usually call him when I hang out with him. Well, Jimmy.

All right. He loves it. He loves it. All right.
Right so my last pick to round out the end of
the draft because i love this album and
the i had this one rated as like my number six song the
fact that it didn't get picked is awesome i'm gonna go with ride the lightning
lightning very good not on my list but good choice hey fair enough i don't care

about your list i love your list my list will punch your list in the face probably
would mine's a little more easygoing than your list. Your list is angry.
Oh, hey, I want to ride the lightning, creeping death, fade to black,
and then draw the shortest straw.
Ride the lightning. Again, you guys know I love Ride the Lightning, the album.

It's hard for me. I even tried to look at other albums. Like,
is that song better than this one? No.
I even tried to go outside of my realm, and I just couldn't. So Ride the Lightning.
I had that one rated really high. The fact that it dropped all the way down to here.
Great for me, so that's my pick.
One thing that I love in particular about the title track for Ride the Lightning,

Dave Mustaine gets a writer's credit on that song.
Hell yeah, he does. Singer guitar player for Megadeth, who was once in Metallica.
The thing that I love about that is when you hear Jimmy Hetfield deliver those
lyrics for the Ride the Lightning track.

You can hear and feel the Dave Mustaine in those lyrics.
Can't you like it those are totally the way that not only
something he would write but the way that he
would sing it and so i as a
kid having a megadeth being one of my
favorite bands metallica also being you know one of my favorites as well i loved

hearing that old mustaine leftover in in metallica with that song so with that
being said mr b's final list is creeping death welcome Welcome Home Sanitarium,
Fade to Black, Shortest Straw.
Ride the Lightning, the title track off of the album Ride the Lightning.
Mr. Meat, no surprise, picking three songs from his favorite album.

What's so strange, too, is to sit back all these decades later and think of
how many great songs are on Ride the Lightning that eventually finally made their way to the radio.
And that album, when it first came out, didn't really sell that well.
No, it didn't. in the grand scheme of things was not a
great selling album and it's loaded with great tracks exactly

i mean even the most obscure track on there probably
would be trapped under ice and that's a brilliant song as well so b b i love
you man and i'm sitting like having this discussion i feel like we are like
in sixth grade again and we're we're talking about that album for the first
time we have mark who's coming in with enter sandman master a puppet sad but

true nothing Nothing else matters.
And King, nothing, all fine picks. Big Nick with one.
For Whom the Bell Tolls, Wherever I May Roam, Injustice for All, and Four Horsemen.
And if you're keeping track of the albums, we got four tracks off of the Ride
the Lightning album, four tracks off of the Black album.
So those are the two big winners for the albums as far as Metallica goes.

Three tracks off of Injustice for All, two off of Masters for Puppets,
one off of Kill Em All, and one off of Load.
My God, my friends, that is a whole lot of fun. Metallica, you know what?
If you're listening to the show So the show's over now. So do me a favor.
Do Big Nick a favor. After you turn this off, we have inspired you.

I know that you are now going to grab your phone out of the cup holder immediately
and find your favorite Metallica song.
Whatever you do, I know you're going to crank it up to 11.
Do not air drum yourself into a ditch. Whatever you do. I know that it's really
tempting to try to keep up with wars.
Safety first. Put on the seatbelt. Do not air drum yourself into a ditch.

That is some good, useful information straight from the Big Kids. We are the Big Kids Show.
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