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May 5, 2024 65 mins

Brace yourself for a captivating episode of The Big Kids Show as we delve into the heart-throbbing excitement of the Draft Day, only this time with a nostalgic twist. Join the BiG KiDs as they draft the ultimate dream teams, handpicking from a pool of players hailing from the golden era of the NBA - the 1990s.

Listen to the thrilling discussions about the statistical legacy of NBA greats like Michael Jordan, Hakeem Olajuwon, and David Robinson. The episode is filled with intense debates, engaging humor, and some surprising picks, making it a fusion of entertainment and education about the celebrated heroes of 1990s NBA.

Episode previously released in 2021

Follow us on Instagram @bigkidshow and follow the Big Kid Show on Twitter @thebigkidshow 

Thanks to Cincinnati, Ohio band Two-Bit for providing the BiG KiD theme music - "Simple Life". Find that song and more on their album "Acoustic?" available on Apple Music and Spotify. 




Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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All right, this is the Big Kids Show.
I am Brian, a.k.a. Mr. B, and thank you for kicking it with us,
even if just for a little bit.
Today, I'm extremely excited because we are playing Draft Day.
Yes, that's right, fellas. It's Draft Day, everyone.

And I have Marcus and Big Nick with me today, and we're going to get our draft
on. Is that all right? All right.
As I said, we're playing draft day where each one of us big kids will make one
selection in each of the five rounds.
Yes. Count them. One, two, three, four, five rounds.
The difference this time is we'll be drafting using the traditional fantasy
football style of snake draft where the order goes one, two,

three, then reverses three, two, one.
This is to keep the drafting fair since there's an obvious obvious benefit to
having the first overall pick. Today, we are drafting the greatest 1990s NBA basketball team.
Yeah, that's right. Five NBA players selected by each team as long as that player
was on an active NBA roster somewhere between 1990 and 1999.

In my humble opinion, this is the golden era of NBA basketball,
and some of my favorite players have come out of the late 80s and early 90s.
Gentlemen, so before we draft, let's announce our team names for all the big
kids competing here today.
Big Nick, hit me with that team name, buddy. So I will be playing and drafting
the championship team, and the championship team this year, you will know them

as the Space Monkey Mafia.
Wow. It's a mafia created by monkeys that have been sent to outer space.
That's some hardcore monkeys, man. Big Nick, just pure amazing.
All right, Mr. Marcus, let's hear that sweet, sweet team name, buddy.
Well, sometimes you just got to call it like it is. So I'm going to do just that.

We're going to go with the actual championship team name, which is Pippen Ain't Easy.
That's going to be really rough when you don't end up with scotty pippen
on your team you shut your dirty mouth mr marketer you're praying for that number
one pick that number one pick fascinating all right well with my team that it

sounds like i'm not going to be the championship team because we got two champions
i'm going to go with the post-up malones oh i like that Yeah, you're right.
All right. So we have with us the fabulous and super attractive.
Tira is going to draw names out of the hats. And it's legit,
guys, so don't think I'm cheating.

Names out of the hats. How many hats do you have? Put all the names in one hat
and pull from there. All right, Big Nick. All right, Tira, give me the first name.
Open it up for me, please. Open it up.
Man, making it look like I got my hands tied in. All right, Mr.
Big Nick gets the number one draft pick. Number one, we got Space Monkey Mafia

Alright, boo this man Alright, number two It is Mr.
B So post up Malone's at number two And that makes Marcus Z-Rig Pimpin' Ain't
Easy at number three Alright,
we got Hold on, let me just say something real quick This is the second draft
that I've gotten the shaft in the last pick I just want to point that out That is true, that is true,

Before we get into this Oh, I got this.
I would like to do something that it's almost unheard of, but we want a little
action. We want some action in this draft.
The space monkey mafias, not mafias. More than one mafia?
Yeah. Well, the hats, the names in the hats got me thrown off.
We're just going to plural everything.

The space monkey mafia, Mr. Mark, would like to offer you a trade.
The first overall pick for the for your selection spot which would give me the three and the four,
oh that's right what say you what you don't you
don't want that buddy you don't want that three
and four is probably the best right now but i

like i like three and four here's the here's the issue
let me walk everybody through this we're we're a long time okay
it's going to take quite some time yeah so buckle
in everybody the general thought here is that michael
jordan is without argument i mean
you don't even need to argue he's the best player of the 90s he's probably
the best basketball player of all time ever so the thought being is michael

jordan better than getting the three and the four who would be considered the
third and fourth best players of the entire decade of the 1990s that's what
i'm weighing here that's what i'm weighing.
It's an enticing offer big nick let
me think about that no i'm going to decline oh all
right solid because if i

look at my big board as great as michael jordan is pippin ain't easy and remember
we're creating wait till i take scotty pippin with the first pick yeah we're
creating our own greatest 1990s nba team so that's key all right big nick space
Space Monkey Mafia on the clock.
Okay, so let's explain real quickly what that means, what that entails as I

lay out for you the first pick of this fantastic draft that I'm about to lay down.
Right. So we're going to build a team of five guys, five guys that played in the 1990s basketball.
What a great decade for basketball, Mark. That's consist of 10 years.
And what we're looking for here is you want an actual team, right?

You want guys, you can't put out five point guards together.
It just won't work. So you need some cohesiveness as they say in the,
in the business. And I am going to start off with the greatest basketball player of all time.
You may know him from the shoes, the famous shoes that he put out for the last several decades.

He is Mr. Air Jordan himself. Mr.
Michael Jordan will be the captain of the Space Monkey Mafia.
And also the star of Space Jam.
Right. It's not a coincidence. It's not a coincidence that this happened,
and it happened in this manner. So guess what? Mr.
B, second letter of the alphabet, also second pick of our draft.

You are now officially on the clock. The post-up Malones, what say you? So easy decision.
I'm going to go with a big man, the Hakeem, the dream, Olajuwon,
boom, center, lock it in.
Solid pick. Good pick. pick 1994 nba mbp

all kinds of crazy stats and he
just watched some highlights dude just blocks everybody
he is arguably the best defensive player of the entire decade yeah he was number
two on my list for sure yeah he's and it's just i mean even before this i like

watched some like clips of some of those guys and just i mean the stuff was
it's just awesome to watch really i I mean, if you like little highlight clips,
type in Akim Olajuwon. You'll have a good time.
And that brings us to the last pick of the first round.
We have the Pippin ain't easy team picking in the three spot and they will be

on the board on the clock immediately after this pick with the fourth pick.
But Mark, what say you for pick number three?
So the fact that we're doing the snake style draft and I get two in a row here
makes this very challenging.
Challenging as i look at my board because there's
definitely one guy that i'm just going to go ahead and say with

my third pick we got to go and steal underneath the
team name of carl malone and put him on pippen ain't easy so that's not cool
man that's not when i look at that that immediately leaves me with some interesting
options because his partner in crime is still out there or do i I just want

to solidify the big men. Hmm.
Hmm. I think. Well, and even based upon before you, I got, I got to talk about
my man, Carl Malone there.
Yeah, please, please. The mailman, he was just awesome.
I mean, I don't, I just, I love Carl Malone.
Was he the number two score of the decade? He was really up there on points average per game.

So he was, let's see, see 27.2 points
per game during the 90s 10.7 rebounds so
you average a double shot 53 percent from the field
plus you have to he was two-time mvp of
the league which would just be an mvp is amazing but two-time mvp even with
some of the weird stuff you heard about later in life he's carl malone well

he was the all nba first team every single year of the decade oh yeah he made
the playoffs all 10 seasons.
I mean, you know, that tells you he's doing something right.
He was probably league MVP a couple times as well during that decade.
I just said, actually, he led all players in total.
He led players in all total points in the 90s, Nick.
So he actually led in all and had more points during that decade than anyone

in the 80s, 2000s or 2010s.
That's because Air Jordan went and played baseball for a little bit.
Pretty much. Pretty much. All right. So rides the bus.
Anyway, back to the good stuff. So number four pick. So, man, this is tough.
There's some highly talented gentlemen out there. Heavy hitters.
I think I'm going to have to go with his partner in crime and just get the Utah

Jazz connection going on here. I'm going to go John Stockton.
You need a captain of the ship, and John Stockton is probably one of the best
captains that was out there in the 90s.
Plus, there's already the good chemistry between Johnny and old Carl.
So John Stockton Fourth pick Lock it in Look up his Give me two seconds here

Dude just averaged assists like.
Yeah. He averaged 12 assists per game. Yeah. I mean, I mean, it's insane.
Yeah. Eight all-star appearances for all defensive team selections.
He was an all-star game MVP, seven time assist champion.
I mean, somebody has got to feed the scores, the rock, and it's going to be John Stockton.

He can score himself. He can push it in, pass it over to the mailman and let the mailman deliver.
Both of these guys were on the original dream team. And here we are sitting on the clock. We have Mr.
B staring down some really good ball players. Who will be the second player applied to your team?

And because, you know, the post-up Malones like to dominate not only the paint,
but we like to post up and we like to destroy you.
We're going to go with the Admiral David Robinson.
Yes. Good choice. Dude. You robbed me.
Also, he was 95 NBA MVP and 92 NBA Defensive Player of the Year,

won the championship in 99.
Plus, I don't know if you've ever – the dude's like 7'1", but looks like he's a male model.
He's like no body fat and just ripped. Yeah, he's ripped.
I want David. I got David. Think about already in the paint,
you got Hakeem Olajuwon and David Robinson. Take your pick.
Take your pick. You stole my idea. I wanted to put Mr.

Robinson, the Admiral, in the four spot and put a bigger, wider body at the five spot.
So I love the two-headed monster that you've created with Olajuwon and Mr. Robinson.
You're not going to like it when we play you and destroy you. Absolutely brilliant.
So brilliant. Well, my team's pretty much the greatest team already, so you guys lose.

Sorry. Sorry. That's enough. All right, go ahead.
For the second pick and the final pick in the second round of the all 90s team
NBA draft, we have the Space Monkey Mafia, Mr.
Big Nick on the clock, staring down some really good players here. I see Mr.

Pippen is on the board, and I know the team name is Pippen Ain't Easy, but I will tell you, Mr.
Mark, right now, you're making Pippen look pretty easy.
Right he's there for the taking good do i
you already paired up the two utah jazz players the
two you i yeah i now pair up the
two chicago bulls there is a pair in the making this would be like nba jam it

would be yeah they they combine like you know if you put pippin with jordan
was that like there was at six nba championships i i don't think they won that
much to their I think it was at least six. Those guys were average. They were average.
I had those guys as fifth-round picks on my board. They probably wouldn't even
make it in our eighth-grade basketball league. Yeah, probably not. Not mine.

Okay, with the final pick in the second round, the Space Monkey Mafia will go with Shaquille O'Neal.
Mr. Superman himself. Can you imagine that? Michael Jordan and Shaquille O'Neal
on the same team. Can you imagine the fights that will break out at practice

between those two? The chemistry is way off. It's way off.
I have heard Shaq say that he was a better ball player than Michael Jordan.
And I love that about him. I would love to, I'm going to put them both on the
court at the same time and ask that question to see what happens.
I want to see the fallout.
While your team's fighting, Nick, me and Mr. B's team is going to be scoring
points. Well, I'm just going to be blocking everybody.

My team is not fighting. The final score of the game against me is going to be 12-0. I win.
My team is not fighting. And mind you, I have Shaq, okay? I have Shaq. The 300-pounder, yes.
Right. But he can, dude, he can handle Olajuwon a little bit.
He can handle Robinson a little bit.
Have you seen Blue Chips? He can handle anybody. buddy

that's right underrated movie by the way neon boudot or
whatever yeah that's right well and actually i
wouldn't do this normally i wouldn't do this but i'm gonna go scotty pippen
with the first you son of a pippen ain't
easy oh no that's a good pick all right although i had him way further down
my board if i'm being 100 honest but double burn i had him way down on my board

as well but the problem is once you get jordan it's almost like right you order
a burger and fries, right?
He's the fries to my Air Jordan burger that's so big and juicy and delicious.
So with right now, what we're looking at here, boys and girls,
we have the Space Monkey Mafia looking very, very dominant.

We have Michael Air Jordan, Scotty, It Ain't Easy Pippin, and Shaquille O'Neal
on the Space Monkey Mafia.
And we have Mr.
B staring down some good ballplayers looking to pick up his third guy.
You're going to go score here?
Do you need, I mean, Robinson's a big-time scorer, Lajuan, big-time scorer,

also both very good defenders.
Do you just go, do you need a ball guy? Somebody with some handles.
Somebody's got to score some points on their team. Don't you worry about my team, all right?
So what we go with next is, again, I have a unique feel for the 90s basketball.
And we're going to go with 1993 NBA MVP.

The round mound of rebound, Charles Barkley. Oh, Charles. Ken Charles.
We're going power forward. Yeah, that's a good pick. I mean,
he was definitely, I thought he would fall through the cracks.
So that's definitely a quality choice.
You could put him at shooting guard.
You could put him at point if you had to. Well, and he averaged 11 and a half

rebounds a game. And if you remember, he wasn't that tall.
Like, isn't he only like 6'6 or 6'7?
I mean, that's tall for an average human, but not in the NBA.
Again, 93 MVP, eight-time All-Star.
I mean, when your nickname is Round Mound of Rebound, you're getting the rebounds, buddy.
So guess what? Every time you shoot, nobody's getting rebounds, but post-up balloons.

Only choice. All right, so I guess.
Well, I will say this. Mr. Chaz Barkley has probably the ugliest golf swing
that I've ever seen in my entire life.
Oh, Sir Charles is not a good golfer.
You got that going for you. Plus, hang on, a little side tip.
We were in Vegas years ago and saw Sir Charles in a casino.

And, of course, my father's like, Charles Barkley. And he just holds his hand up and goes, hey. Hey.
And now we're best friends. I mean, we have Thanksgiving together with him all
the time. It's amazing. That's awesome. At least you were acknowledged.
He's going to appreciate that you picked him on his team. He's like, hey.
Hey, all right. With all of that, we have what? I can't get a team recap.

We have Mark coming up. Yeah. Let's go ahead and take a look at Mr. B's team here.
We have a Lajuan, the dream, the dream. We have the Admiral, Mr.
Robinson, probably putting him at the four, I would guess, and,
and put a Lajuan at the five. And then we have Mr.
Chaz Charles, Sir Charles Barkley. Round mound of rebound.

Round mound of rebound for the third pick for Mr. B's fantastic team that he's
putting together now on the board on the clock.
We have Mark, who is staring down some really good ballplayers.
So it's interesting with Mr. Bryan's approach because he's got a lot of big guys.
I don't see any quick guys that can, you know, make some things happen.

We don't need to run fast.
I'm going to go ahead and start milking that side of the ball.
Cause I got one big guy and you guys both have centers already.
So I think I can just hold off on the center for right now.
So I've got Carl Malone and John Stockton. So I got one big,
one small let's fill in the gaps.
So I like guys that can drain some three pointers.

I need some guys that can score points. Like they mean it.
So if we're talking about that we're talking about
reggie miller uh anna pacers reggie reggie i got my shooting guard so reggie
miller 21 points a game four all-star appearances three all-nba selections i mean you know,

The guy could make shots from all over the place.
And if anybody ever watched the documentary, the last dance that was on ESPN,
fantastic nineties documentary with even better soundtrack, by the way,
but could never get it done in the championship.
Good tidbits with them. But now he's got, he's got the two youths with him.
So it's going to change things a little bit. Well, and funny joke.

I think it was watching. I might've been something similar to that,
that he's not even the best basketball player in his family.
His sister. His sister's badass. Yeah, she just, is it Leslie Miller?
Yeah, let's go with that. But she, I mean, I think even she,
they joke like she can beat him in one-on-one.
So think about that. You are a Hall of Fame basketball player,

and you're not even the best basketball player in your family.
I think I get any family members that come with the person you draft.
Also, you have a woman player too. That's fine.
I mean, we're open to all sexes and everything on this show.
If she can ball, I'm all about it. Oh, she can ball. She can ball, baby.
All right. All right. So I'm going to keep, keep filling in the gaps here,

guys. Cause again, I think, you know, I think I can leave some big men out there
for a little bit later and feel okay about it.
So we will see, let's go with another guy that knew how to score some points.
I think, you know, while Brian's over there trying to block everybody,
I'm going to get some guys that would just go right around them.
And somebody who was extremely good at

that was Clyde the glide Drexler I
like that pick buddy that's a good pick so now
if you look back I got John Stockton feeding the ball to either Reggie Miller
to Clyde the glide to Carl Malone we got some options there and I still got
room for a big guy left on my team you know this sometimes it was confused so

technically Clyde Drexler had played small forward, but sometimes was thought of as,
Excuse me, a shooting guard. So in my scheme, he's going to slide and glide
over into that small forward position again because you can't put Reggie Miller there.
He's got to be the shooting guard. There you go.
So I'm going to put Drexler right in as a small forward there.

I loved watching Clyde the Glide. So he played for the Portland Trailblazers.
I love that team name. Won the championship in 95, and he was a seven-time All-Star.
So I love that pick, buddy, at number 10.
Absolutely. A steal. A steal. I didn't think he'd be there, but he's there.

Very good. Good work, gentlemen. Good work. That brings us back to Mr.
B for pick number four on your team there, buddy.
Do we have a limit on the number of centers we can have on our team?
No, we do not. But keep in mind, I mean, you're trying to build a somewhat realistic
team here. Well, but I mean, if my team just is towering over you, what are you going to do?

What are you going to do? They're going to get run around.
We've seen that tried, and it often doesn't work out that great.
So we're going to go with a man. But go ahead. Yeah, no. Hey, I know what I'm doing.
So with the 11th pick of our 1990s NBA Super Draft, I'm going to go with the glove, Gary Payton.

Point guard, Seattle Supersonics. Good pick. pick dude he was next on my board
dude was 96 nba defensive player of the year five-time nba all-star,
averaged like two and a half steals a game plus had
a handle like i don't know insert funny
joke he was was great player i really like

gary payton so there we go gary payton defensive skills
were incredible and you know what to be honest with you mr b he was next on
my board as well i need a point i need a point and i was thinking about putting
him at the point there well what i'm doing is i'm just looking over at your
list big nick that's why so i mean that's what kind of strategy you got let's

just look at big nicks be like oh i like that one well it's funny in the,
in the the finals george carl their coach actually moved him over to guard michael
jordan in the series to avoid because they were actually getting run over by
the bulls the sonics were So they moved Gary Payton over.
So, I mean, the guy was talented, but he, he played some defense.

I mean, he was probably arguably maybe one of the best defensive point guards of all time.
So, well, and there's a famous, there's a famous highlight from the nineties
and I believe it might've been in that series.
Where he steals the ball from michael jordan
and jordan tries to guard him as
they go back down the court and peyton one-on-one then

scores on him so he steals the ball he either steal it or maybe it was a block
i can't remember one of the two but he makes this great defensive play on the
on the best ball player of all time right and then takes him down the court
one-on-one scores on him and And, you know,
the ref puts the ball out of bounds so a Chicago Bull could inbound it.

And you see Jordan turn and look at Peyton, and Peyton gives him this look like,
yeah, I just did that. I just did that, and I did that to you.
It was the 96 NBA Finals, and yeah, watch some of that, and you'll see how much
he, I mean, as much as anyone can shut down Michael Jordan, the glove did it.
He was defensive player of the year that year, 95-96. Yes.

So, I mean, he obviously, you know, when you can shut down a guy like Michael
Jordan, when you can change the dynamics of a series that contains an all-star
like Michael Jordan, that shows you something.
Yeah, and again, shut down is a loose word, but instead of letting him score
35 on you, I mean, even holding him to 15 is, like, amazing.
Exactly. Here's where things get difficult. Uh-oh. Whoop, whoop.

I need a point guard. There's not too many guys left on the board.
No, there's not. I know a couple of guys. I play point guard.
I know. I, I, I got a few guys. I got two guys that are actually on my big board
that did play point and they both share. You know, John Stockton.
Nope. They share the last same last name.

Oh yeah. Those are the same guys I got on my board. And I'm,
which one do you go with? Do I go, this is difficult. I know which way I go.
I i can't i can't tip too much i'm about
to say something i shouldn't say that careful buddy careful well
you got your point guard you got a couple of little guys
your uh let's hear that let's hear

that pick big nick all right so with the
fourth round pick for mr big nick the gm
and also owner i do like a jerry jones type thing on my team i own the team
and i play general manager you're not only the owner you're also a client plus
i might i might even suit up and play ball once in a while those space monkey

mafia jerseys are selling like hot cakes right,
it's the one with the monkey who's in a he's in like this three-piece pinstripe
soup suit and he's also got the glass bowl around his head so he can go out
into outer space and What about like the Tommy gun too? Right. Yeah.

Duh. And a cigar, a cigar sticking out of the helmet. I mean,
something like that. What have you never seen sports before?
Don't all the math have Tommy gun.
Come on. All right. With the fourth round pick.
The Space Monkey Mafia will very
proudly select a man with one of the greatest first names of all time.

Oh, he's going to do it. Yes.
Anfernee Penny Hardaway. Pinch your pennies.
Pinch your pennies. I'm going to go with Anfernee Hardaway.
And guess what that makes me have? I got two fantastic, the two best Chicago
Bulls of all time on the team. I also have Mr.
Shaquille Superman O'Neal, his boy Penny Pencher, Anthony Hardaway throwing

the ball around, slinging the rock.
You can film the remake of Blue Chips immediately with your team.
It will be like Blue Chips meets Space Jam.
Well, and Big Nick, you arguably have like, excuse me, like when they talk about
duos in basketball, the Penny-Shaq duo, the Jordan-Pippen duo,

you got both of those on a team.
So that's that's pretty awesome it's true and i always i
really like penny hardaway early in his career he was
very tall and really fast for point guard i
mean remember isn't he like six eight or something and played point guard
great handles he's long he's lean he's quick he can jump
out of the gym yeah and that was before these the nba guys not now everybody's

six eight and above but remember he was huge for a point guard i mean imagine
yeah i mean let's put john stockton on penny hardaway and see if he played some
shooting guard and then small forward even i mean yeah and.
That's the thing is they can move they can move them around but i mean i think
initially he was a point guard he was and he came in and actually he i can't
remember who the guy was that was on his team that was the veteran but it took

about a half a season for him to unseat the starter but then eventually they
moved him in a point and he stayed there because he was a four-time all-star.
19 points a game what uh six
assists a game plus also an
amazing actor in blue chips you already brought that up
so he was he was he was the lower of the two on my list nick but he's still

a phenomenal player so i mean you can't well and do you remember this is this
is a deep track you remember in the 90s late 90s i think the little penny commercials
yeah yeah yeah i mean And just those alone,
I mean, that gives you an extra like 20 points a game just off those commercials. So good job.
Didn't they have that in the one music video too? Oh, I can't think of those guys.

It was an R&B group. And I think they had the Little Penny in their music video.
What about the No Diggity? No Diggity, no doubt.
We might have to do some homework on that. I remember the Nike Little Penny
commercials during the 90s. And yeah.
Great pick there. The tallest guard in the world.

I've got a quick little trivia question for you guys if you're in for it. Yep.
I like trivia. So Penny Hardaway was selected. Big Nick, let's bet 12 bucks on this one.
So Penny Hardaway was selected by the Golden State Warriors in the first round
of the 93 draft, right? So he was picked third overall.
He got traded along with three future first-round picks to the Orlando Magic.

Who, so they basically got the first overall pick, essentially, the Golden State did.
Who did a Golden State pick with that draft pick?
Ooh. Can I go first? You go ahead, Big Nick.
It's a 1993 NBA draft. I know what we're talking about here. Okay, okay.
How about C-Web, Mr. Chris Weber? You are correct, son.

Son? Boom! That was a hell of a guess.
That's how you lose $12 real fast, kid. So the Orlando Magic was actually going
to draft Weber and put him with Shaquille O'Neal.
And then Hardaway requested a workout to show why he should be the pick.
And I guess he participated in a pickup basketball game and impressed him enough to make the trade.

And I remember once he was on the team with Shaquille O'Neal, I loved the Magic.
I think I might even had an Orlando Magic jersey in the Bulls at 93 or 94.
Four and i just i love watching that team
because shaquille o'neal was such a big presence and and penny
hardaway was this just tall kind of
imposing athlete so i owe you

12 big 12 bucks big guy let me ask you this mr b you're the the orlando magic
jersey that you had was it the blue you know the blue that had the white pinstripe
it was the white it was the home the white one it was the white okay okay it's
like white white with the bluish gray stripes or whatever that blue with the white,

pinstripe was that was a good look yes i couldn't
afford that blue was good yeah thank you mark yeah i
can only have the white one and you know what and it was a generic one because
it didn't even have a number on it or a player but it was just as i said magic
and i was like i love this jersey we talked about this a few weeks ago your
your father in the backyard chopping down trees in constructing furniture.

We can't afford name brand jerseys. I didn't expect you to have the legit jersey.
No, nobody expected that.
Somebody better start sewing. Yeah. All right.
Well, guess what, boys and girls? That leaves me with the first pick of the fifth round.
My final pick. My final pick of the first pick of the final round.
And I'm looking forward to a fun recap because it's looking spicy with all the

teams We got here in the players.
I mean, I love the picks, and I love where you guys are forming these teams, and I really...
I'm amazed at how much better my team is than yours.
Oh, I thought the compliment was coming.
You see me bait you on that one a little bit?

Yeah, I don't think I agree with that at all.
So while we were on the topic of NBA trivia, I got a trivia question for you guys. False.
Okay. Mr. B is eliminated. Mr. B is wrong.
Do you guys care to make a wager on this please

i mean twelve dollars i think is the going let's go with 12 bucks
again okay here's what we're gonna go with
apparently i have something with 12 so you here's the
question who and you
know what mr b i'll let you i'll let you answer first
since you already owe me in your face marcus last because to be honest with
you if you get this right you getting 12 from mark is the most likely way that

i get 12 from you that's actually true that's that's a solid point because we
can bypass you and mark can just give me the 12,
that's a solid point i actually have 12 to give.
So everybody knows that mr shaquille o'neal
who is on the best team ever created

so far the space monkey mafia he was drafted
number one the year that he was drafted right
who was drafted after mr shack
o'neill what year was the draft do you
remember number two in that shack o'neill draft i'll
look up the year real quick i think i'm
gonna take a stab and i believe it was alonzo morning that is correct wow correct

it looks like i am going to get my 12 dollars man well hang on I need that money
to go through me first so I can, I gotta, I gotta, I gotta skim some off the top.
I gotta, I gotta do some stuff with some insurance related things.
So that's going to have to go through me first, Marcus, but,
but don't worry, big Nick, you'll get your money in six to eight weeks.

So I don't have it in front of me, but I'm guessing that would have been the 92 draft.
I think 92 draft is right. Cause at 92, 93, it was cause a Hardaway was the
following year. So that makes sense.
Yeah. Well, and if you remember just a side note, the member,
cause the NBA does the lottery of the, like the 12 worst teams, right?

Yeah. Right. And so that year was, it was the shack lottery.
I mean, literally like everyone knew shack was the number one pick.
And so they literally, all the balls are going around and then,
And then the Orlando Magic pulled it out and it was like, cool, you got Shaq.
It wasn't even an argument of who was the number one pick. It was kind of like
Nick got Michael Jordan in this one. Yeah.
Well, the other thing, though, too, is a lot of the experts said at the time

and said this for years to come after that draft, that had Shaq not been in that draft,
that Alonzo Mourning would have been not only the number one pick of that year,
but likely the number one pick in several other years.
I mean, Alonzo Mourning was that good. Oh, yeah. He was a great ball player.
He just, I don't think he had. Seven-footer, true seven-footer.
Yeah, he didn't have the, I mean, Shaquille O'Neal just was such a physical presence.

I mean, it's just, you know, almost just he dwarfed anyone else.
So that's kind of the thing is even if you were an amazing athlete around that
time, you didn't even get noticed because everyone was watching this 300-pound
7'1 guy that could just move.
I mean, he could actually move. move so well Shaq could back
anybody up too I mean if he's if they

give him the rock and he's down at
the post and you come up on him all
he has to do is start backing into you and moving you back all right
boom next thing you know stop building up your team Shaq's okay okay at best
so with all that 12 from free throw line so with all that said the final pick
number five for the space Space Monkey Mafia will be Alonzo Mourning.

Going to go with So Mourning.
And guess what? I'm going to put him at the four spot. He's going to play my
power forward to Mr. Shaq O'Neal at the five.
Guess who can hang with your tall team, Mr. B?
As I'm looking at your squad, yeah, you got Shaq. You got Alonzo Mourning.
And Alonzo Mourning was, you know, he averaged a double-double, three blocks a game.

I really liked him, too. He was one of my favorite players, too.
So 99 defensive player of the year. Yeah.
And so, yeah, and that was like beating out some of the big names like Hakeem,
Olajuwon, Dikembe Mutombo.
So quality, quality pick in Mr.
Alonzo Mourning. So if we're looking at my team as a whole right now,

boys and girls, we have Anfernee Hardaway at the point.
I'm going to put Mr. Air Jordan at the shooting guard. I got Mr.
Pippen Ain't Easy at the small forward spot.
And I got Zoe Mourning at the power forward, a very powerful forward, as Mr.

B just pointed out, averaged a double-double for the entirety of a career, I believe.
And then we have Mr. Shaq O'Neal, Superman himself, at the center spot.
Here we go, Mr. B, final pick for your fantastic team of the post-up Malones.
Who do we need here, Mr. B? Let us know. What are your thoughts?

Who are you staring down? Normally, I would go another center because I just
want to have – You're like somebody in particular from our fantasy football
draft that drafts like 17 running backs. I know that guy.
His name rhymes with Schmied.
Schmied. There is a guy on my board that if you don't take, I might be tempted

to take even though I don't even need that position.
But I digress. Please, go ahead.
So early on when I was processing my team, I was like, what do I want to do?
And so I was raised in the sports realm of defense wins games.
Right. Okay. So, you know, I'm not a fan of the, the flashy guys that are like,

they'll score 40 points, but they won't play defense and they shoot 38% from the field.
So I want to go with a big team.
That's just going to just be like, cool. If you want to shoot threes,
you better make them. Cause we're going to get all the rebounds.
Reggie Miller will. Don't worry. No, he won't. Because Gary Payton will glove him up.

So, with the fifth pick for my team, actually, that would be the 13th pick, 14th pick, excuse me.
14th pick, yep. Would be Mr.
Dikembe Mutombo. Another step. Wow. Are you serious? No. Yeah, buddy.
He's playing small forward. No offense. offense so

hold on so mr b has to walk us through his lineup all
right let's just do it i'd love to walk you through from the top down
and it's it's mostly down all right so
at center hakeem elijah one at center david robinson at center piquembe matumbo
at tower forward charles barkley and at point guard gary payton so he got one

short dude and a bunch of freaking monsters hey and gary Gary Payton is 6'4".
He's not short, man. He's 6'4". Is he really? Yeah.
No way he's 6'4". Google it. I didn't know that. I believe you. I believe you.
Dude, you guys, your rebound game will be strong. Yeah. Good luck scoring.
We'll probably hold every team to like 35.
Now, we'll probably only put up about 40, and most of them will be Gary Payton, but...

I feel like, Hey, and hang on.
And what's our team name? The post up Malone's. What are we about to do?
Okay. So can I tell you, can I tell you how I would run this,
this organization here?
No, you are not. I would fire the general manager immediately.
You can't even sell hot dogs in my organization.
No, listen, hear me out. I would put Matumbo at the center spot.

I would put a Laja one at the power forward. He's just going to dominate every
power forward that he goes up against.
Robinson's got a little vaness to him i would put him at the
at the small forward david and i would
let peyton and barkley handle the the the guard
duty yeah the guard duties i this is a

let's put it this way scary team yeah you
guys want a piece of this team now if you think about it there is
a reason no nba coach in history has
ever played three centers at the same time so
obviously mr b knows something that all those
all-star and hall of fame coaches did
not know well but did they also have three centers centers of that caliber i

mean these are all three hall of fame centers so i mean imagine that you got
seven footer seven one foot they're actually all think i think they're all seven
one so you got three seven one yeah yeah and yeah You got yourself a tall squad.
So far, it's not. I mean, you better pick a ninja of a player,

Marcus, for your team to even compete against my squad.
Well, at this point, I got a bunch of short guys. Your biggest guy is Karl Malone
at 6'8". I mean, Charles Barth would just shut him down, so take a walk.
All right. So final pick of our wonderful nineties draft.

I might just go the opposite route at this point because I'm going to run circles.
I mean, here's the difference. My guys are going to make all their shots.
Well, so, you know, I think we don't need to worry about rebounding as much. I got shooters.
That's what I got on my team. One got to feed the rock to all the shooters.
So would you guys be offended if i bring up some honorable

mentions at this point hold off on those won't
you make your pick tell us go no i think
it's fair go ahead pick of the draft all right who are you staring down i'm
not going to name off everybody but there's one or two guys that i'm torn between
right so i just kind of want to walk the audience through this is a big pick
this is mr irrelevant right the last pick of the draft it's probably He's probably

still a Hall of Fame player, but yeah. Probably, probably.
So, yes, I need a center, and Patrick Ewing is sitting out there.
Somebody stole Dikembe Mutombo.
It's pronounced Patrick Ewing. Excuse me.
Ewing? Everybody knows that.
Anyway, so the other Hardaway, Tim Hardaway, is out there.

The only other guy that's attractive to me because I could slide Carl Malone
into the center spot would be the Rain Man, Sean Kemp.
Because that guy is a powerhouse.
Oh, and he's got a highlight reel through the roof, I mean.
But I'm gonna come at it from a different angle, and you guys might judge me
for this, but I don't care. I'm gonna do it anyway.

As much as I want to take Sean Kemp, it's like oh, man. Do it. He's that good.
And as much as I want to take Patrick Ewing...
I'm going to go with a guy who at this point in the nineties or in the nineties
in general was just coming into the league, just starting to get his feet underneath him. Mr.

Tim Duncan. Ooh.
So Tim Duncan, you guys probably didn't even know he rode right under the,
he didn't end in the league till 99. Didn't he? Right.
So you guys let one of the best centers,
well but here's the problem with that pick

here mr mark what's that problem with that
pick is when we're when we're picking these guys we're looking at
guys as from their 90s career
and so you have guys like you have guys like magic johnson larry bird that were
very good and they were on their way out in 91 92 and so even those guys those

two are better basketball players than a lot of the people we drafted here today.
Of course. I love Tim Duncan.
I love Tim Duncan. He's one of my favorite. I'm not no rookie Tim Duncan.
He's one of my favorite ballplayers of all time, and I love your pick.
I think it's a fantastic pick, especially when you need a center,
but he's also a guy that can score the ball.

He can play really good offense.
He is a seven-footer, so he does fill that center role for you.
Yeah, I'm a little surprised. I didn't put him on my board because of his short career.
And Big Nick, if you remember, to throw it back, in 99, when he played,
he actually played power forward because the Admiral David Robinson was playing center.

Right. So I will tell you guys, and you are correct about that,
he actually came into the league in 97, 98.
Oh, so it was a year earlier, so sorry. So he had three seasons in the 90s,
and by his third season. I think he only had two seasons, the 98.
99-2000. You might be right. Excuse me. Excuse me, Marcus.
So by the end, he was averaging 0.6 points per game less than Hakeem Olajuwon.

No, he was a stud. So that means he was already balling in his third year by
the end of the 90s. So I'm perfectly satisfied with my pick of Tim Duncan,
big man, sleeper pick for Mr.
Irrelevant. The looks on your guy's face is enough to make me happy.
I got to point out here again that Mark has a difficult time with the word decade.

He has a big problem with that. He just said 99-2000.
2000 is 2000. It's not in the 90s. Exactly. Exactly, but if you look at the
NBA season, at least half of it is still in the 90s.
He was averaging over 20 points a game since he was a rookie.
It's not like the guy was a scrub.

It's not like the guy was a scrub. He'd been in since 97. Well, hang on.
We at least got to do this with – Yeah, Marcus, love the pick.
Love the pick. Love the pick. I do like the pick.
Let's put this – So let me step it back then. So in 97 and 98,
he averaged two and a half blocks per game, over 21 points per game,
21.7 points per game, compared to Hakeem Olajuwon in the 90s,

who averaged 23.9 points per game and three and a half blocks per game.
So I'll take Hakeem Olajuwon.
Yeah, but you get an extra two points a game and one block.
I'll take that. But is his name – what's Tim Duncan's nickname?
Tim Duncan. See, it's all about the nickname.

We can fire through Big Nick and our team name. We got team name or slogans for day.
No, Patrick Ewing would have been a safe pick, but I wanted to go outside.
Timothy, the guy, Duncan.
No, I'll tell you who I was actually really tempted to take,
and I can't believe did not get picked up in the entire draft, Dominique Wilkins.
So he was the human highlight reel, right? Yeah.

He's another one. Just watch some videos of him.
He just soared. And I think the reason why he probably wasn't huge on our list
is because he was kind of inconsistent with scoring. Early in the 90s, he was really good.
And then it kind of like there's a couple. Didn't he play in China for a couple
of years in the 90s? That's exactly right.
And he was kind of on his way. He was really good and dominant in the late 80s.

And he started to taper off really quick.
And I think part of that was his run in China.
Yeah, because I think for some reason, I want to guess, he started playing in like 87. 87.
So, you know, even by 94, he's already been playing for, you know, seven or eight years.
Yeah. And I think there was some of that kind of stuff, but I love Dominique Wilkins.
And here's an, here's another guy that I thought was going to make the list. Thunder Dan Marley.

Yeah. He was on my board. Yeah.
And I mean, if we're just going to rattle these off, I'll just rattle a few.
The, uh, the pot smoking Latrell Sprewell.
Sprewell. Yeah, he was a big star in the 90s, but he found a lot of problems
on the court and off the court that kept him off the court a lot.
But when he was able to play and could, I mean, he was one of the best.

I mean, he could have had a top-notch career if he wanted to.
And his teammates, my boy and Marcus's boy, Chris Mullen.
Yeah, so let's talk about that for a little bit. it i found it
very interesting that chris mullen didn't make
it on a team out of our three teams and also
patrick ewing two guys that were on the original dream team and who else did

we leave off we left off tim hardaway as well yes and tim hardaway didn't make
it remember remember was it the was it a pizza hut commercial where is remember
back in the day when you got the street
basketball when you ordered like a large pepperoni i
do the street basketball
and i think tim hardaway was on that commercial remembering at

the end he goes i got skills and that was that
was such a cool little ending to the commercial like he
would just school this guy and then he's like i got skills and
so i'm surprised that hardaway didn't make it
onto the team sean kemp didn't make
sean kemp was like a bigger badder version of
of dominique wilkins to me all right that's what he was that's he was good he

took a lot of crap because he got overweight after you know his playing or i
guess later in his playing career and things like that but but in his prime
i mean sean kemp was an absolute monster well and he's and he had a teammate that left shrimp.
It was another guy that... And Gary Payton was his teammate, too. Yeah.
I always think of NBA Jam. We could pull up the top 30 guys from the 90s,

and it's like six teams make up that because a lot of these guys had to play off each other.
I mean, even look at Mark's team. Mark has three teams making up his whole roster.
Or not Mark, Nick, sorry.
But it's... I mean, I think that was the thing back then is guys helped other guys excel.
You know versus i'm just not so much

about the nba now but another guy i
thought was surprised that was left off was kevin johnson
phoenix suns had a dominant
team did you guys know that he is the mayor of
sacramento i did i voted for him
that's interesting because you you live not in
sacramento so that's interesting but yeah i voted for

him in my heart but so so if we
were going to to do a six-man award my six-man
award was going to go to grant hill small
ford detroit yeah so from xavier
xavier university exactly cincinnati guy but he was a guy that his uh first
five seasons his statistics like almost mirrored lebron james yeah i mean he

was really good i mean he He went under the radar.
I don't know why, but well, and he, he started off.
I mean, so like here, his 1990 stats. So 95 to 99, 20 points a game,
eight rebounds a game, six and a half assists a game, one and a half steals shot 47%.
The problem was then he just, it kind of deteriorated from there,

but his first five seasons, I mean, he was amazing. Wait a second.
Wait, wait, what are you guys talking? I thought Grant Hill played for Duke. Yeah.
Who are you guys talking about? Did you say Xavier? Yeah, I think Mark's wrong
on that. He played for Duke. Am I?
100%. I'm a Dookie. I'm a Duke fan. Maybe I'm thinking of a different.
Yeah, never mind. You always want to ignore Mark when he talks about college

players because he's not Duke.
But that would have been my six-man award would have been Mr. Grant Hill.
And fun fact, because Nick loves fun facts, is I have a Christmas tree ornament of Grant Hill.
Why do you have that i don't know how i got
it i think maybe like my stepmom bought it for me but it's

like a one of those little christmas chores and it's grant hill like
shooting a jumper and so every year i
put it up and my wife's like are we seriously putting this
up again this year and i'm like oh yeah we are it's great
hill it wouldn't be christmas without the average 20
points a game he's he deserves it
yeah brian grant is who i was thinking oh

there you go yeah whatever well and
i remember that because in in the early 90s we
had the big throwdown between the duke blue devils and the fab five of michigan
wolverines and that that's like a a storied game i want i was going to say rivalry
but it's not a rivalry but that was a storied match up there two two of the very very, very best.

And there was some heated moments that, that between those two teams and Grant
Hill was involved in some of those.
In fact, I think it was Jalen Rose that said some very unkind words to Mr.
Grant Hill during some of those games and interviews leading up to the game.
But Grant Hill, man, you look at him and he's.

He he's his his numbers for the 90s are
amazing no you look at him they're like so i know
he was good i knew he was good but they're surprisingly well big
numbers it was like just kind of sneaky because he was just always competing
and then the problem is like i think into the 2000s they just diminished so
like it's it kind of gets lost because he played for another four or five years

but his 1990s averages were awesome i mean he was again he was on lebron james status basically
i mean putting up you know he was only like maybe
five or six points short of lebron james but assists rebounds
steals i mean he was playing the whole deal as a small
forward so there was a guy that was one of
my favorite players as a kid and he definitely was stronger

probably in the early 90s then he wasn't late because he got traded but he he
was a little inconsistent which was probably part of his issue but grandmama
larry johnson larry johnson i
mean The Charlotte Hornets were one of my favorite teams for that reason.
Then when the Grandmama commercials came out.

Oh, Larry Grandmama Johnson.
Yeah. I don't know. As a kid, he was one of my favorite players,
but he had up and down years.
There were years where he averaged 22 points per game, and then there were other 16 points per game.
He was the thunder dunker. Exactly.
I think that's probably why I liked him. He got traded to the Knicks,

you know, a little after the mid nineties, but, but he was a big guy.
I'm just a few other ones that are out there. Dennis Rodman.
Oh, the rebound. He rebound King, man.
Yeah. And even Isaiah Thomas. I mean, you know, I choke a guy. I'll choke a guy.
He's more of a name guy. And obviously, you know, didn't, didn't make any fans

during that documentary.
We talked about earlier, the last dance. Yeah. But he was a solid player.
The nineties was, it was solid, man. I mean, that was a lot of players.
You know, I mean, when you talk about the nineties, there's a guy you have to
bring up and not even that. I would say he's a pick, but yeah.
Mr. John Starks. Oh, yeah. Yeah, John Starks.

I mean, he was just- He dunked on- Was it Jordan that he dunked on?
Well, he just- Remember, he was- Yeah, that one memorable dunk.
It was Nick's Bulls. Wasn't it three years in the 90s in the playoffs?
So I just remember I never liked John Starks because I always liked Michael Jordan.
So me as a kid was very kind of in my mind of John Starks being kind of a jerk,

but- Well, he was. Didn't he headbutt Reggie Miller?
Oh, he did that, and then he used to— He headbutted Reggie Miller.
Yeah, and I don't have any stats on John Starks, but again, I just remember
him being the guy that had to guard two Hall of Fame basketball players.
So, I mean, good luck. It was the 93 playoffs when he dunked on Michael Jordan and Horace Grant.

And I remember seeing that on SportsCenter as a kid and being like,
oh my gosh, that guy just freaking dunked on one of the greatest players of
all time. And Horace Grant. Jorge Grant.
He was a good player as well. Remember those sweet goggles he had?
Yeah. Horace Grant was a good player. And I was not, you cannot tell this by

my team. I was not a fan of the Bulls.
Well, I can't tell at all. Yeah. Your team says otherwise. Cause well,
I'm not going to deny it. You're going to change the monkey to a bull.
I think. they had two really good ball players
i mean i look i'm sitting here looking at the board i'm creating my
own team i i don't know where these guys played ball at i i i'm blind to any

of that and i'm just building my team with the best ball players i can find
around but i was not a bulls fan but but i did like horace grant i liked watching
horace grant play he was he was a he He was a grinder, a tough guy.
He was a grinder, a big, big time utility player for six man on my team.
Actually, hold on, hold on. Let me stop you, Big Nick. Bring it back,

Big Nick. What was your team name again? Remind me one more time. Space Monkey Mafia.
The Space Monkey Mafia, yeah.
I think with the current players you have on your team, you could easily go Space Bulls.
Space Bulls. It could be the Space Bulls Magic.

Exactly. Anyway, Chris Steve. I see your Schwartz is as big as mine.
You could have had it all nick space bulls you
could have had it all hey i think i do have
it all and you know what i'm gonna add the cherry on top with
my sixth man i know this wasn't really part of
the draft but since we're here since we're talking about

it i'm gonna go with a guy that's got the frame that
can kind of fill any role on my team should
i need a plug and play as they say i'm gonna
go with mr sean kemp right and put him
right because in a pinch i could
put him at center i could put him at power forward i mean he's
just a he's a beast he's a strong dude i'll
take him as my sixth man so shall we write on mr b's team yeah it's true let's

big nick let me give you a little recap here so so big nick with his team he
went very standardized yeah he's He's got two big guys. He's got a little guy.
So he's got two centers, a small forward, a point guard, and a shooting guard.
Come on. Come on. You want to make me sound vanilla? Well, hang on.

Look at my team. That formula has only worked for decades.
That formula has only worked for the history of basketball. So I'm not trying to slam you, Big Nick.
But, I mean, you've got two centers, a point guard, a small forward, and a shooting guard.
So your team's looking pretty solid. Not to mention one of those guys is Michael Jordan So we move on to,

my team to post up Malone's, we got three centers, a power forward and a point guard.
So yeah, one tiny and a bunch of bigs. My thought is it would be an interesting thing.
If you could pull that off, I'd be curious to see like, how would that would
look in basketball to have three, seven footers that could play,

you know, Charles Barkley at power forward and then the glove.
But so I, let me tell you how it would work. calendars to be hit me big nick
how many fast breaks do you think we get on mr b's team about 30.
As those guys lumber down the hardwood
trying to make it back to play defense david robinson's

better shape than probably anybody on all that's true but
he's going to need it because he's going to be running and that's your
small forward yeah and then marcus fry's
team here went with the pure athletes yeah pure
athletes and look look not a center
on the team if you're i mean i mean duncan 611
yeah duncan is 611 he's from saint croix

though that's cool i mean in hindsight i probably should have picked
patrick ewing but we got we got we got we got a
two power forwards a point guard a shooting guard
a small forward so i mean it's interesting the three
of us nick went kind of traditional team i
went huge and mark went kind of
smaller team i mean not and not saying one's

right or wrong but i like that i think that's kind of cool that
we all yeah the dynamic there is that i mean if i'm looking at it correctly
it looks like i win nick nick nick probably gets a second place and mark is
third place at some point at some point those guys are

going to have to come out because I'm going to, here's what I'm going to do.
First thing needs a break already before tip off.
Yeah. Before tip off, I'm going, I'm marching right up to the ref and I'm saying, look, Mr. Referee.
I'm going to hold you to the three-second rule all day and night tonight against Mr. B's team.
Holding you to the three-second rule. And you know what? I'm going to try to

make those boys run a little bit.
And where it's going to get difficult for you, look, Robinson can run.
Olajuwon can move with the best of the big men. I think I could get Mutombo winded, though.
I think I could get Mutombo winded. But can you get him winded when he starts
doing the finger wag and saying, that's another block. I mean,

I feel like every game my team plays, we'll have 74 blocks.
Well, you did predict a 12 to nothing score. So good luck.
So for those of you keeping score at home, let me run through these teams. One more time.
We have the space monkey mafia with Michael air Jordan at the point.
We have Shaquille O'Neal, Scotty Pippen, Anthony Hardaway, and Zoe morning for Mr.

B's team, the post up Malone's. We have Akeem the Dream Olajuwon.
Yeah. And we have Mr. Robinson, the Admiral, Sir Charles Barkley,
Gary the Glove Payton, and Dikembe, not in my house, Mutombo. Boom. And for Mr.
Mark's team, the Pippin Ain't Easies, we have Carl Hound.

Sands Pippin, just so you know. Best team name.
We can at least agree upon that, right? Yes. I mean, I thought mine was good,
but Pippen ain't easy is clearly number one.
We have Carl Malone, the mailman. We also have John Stockton,
who's one of my favorite players of the 90s.
Reginald Miller, Mr. Reggie Miller himself.

And we have Clyde the Glide Drexler and Tim Duncan, the man from St. Croix.
I'll tell you what, boys. Well done. Three really good teams.
I wish that we could, we need to get some kind of video game set up here where
we can put these guys on actual teams and throw down and eat,
just, just consume frozen pizzas and bowls of cereal and beers and play this

thing out into a fight to the death type tournament.
Big Nick, I think that you just spelled out a very interesting weekend right there.
I think you did, sir. I think we have to actually materialize that.
There's got to be a way we can pull that off with one of the new basketball
games where we create the team.
NBA2K's got it. We battle it around Robin Turman, see who's the best team that wins. I like that.

Tune in, y'all. Maybe we'll have to do a live stream. And while we're at it,
maybe throw in a couple pizzas and some cereal, like Big Nick said.
There you go. Well, I'll tell you what, boys and girls, it's been fun to get
out of the sandbox for a week and get it onto the B-ball court.
Thank you for joining us for another episode of The Big Kid Show.
Until next time, bye for now. See you.

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