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March 18, 2024 25 mins

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Harness the synergy of intuitive wisdom and strategic action as Lisa Jeffs takes us through the process of working with an intuitive coach. Learn how it can help you and expedite the process. This conversation is an invitation to learn how you can break free from limiting patterns, setting the stage for profound breakthroughs and heightened professional triumphs. Join us and learn the secrets to transcending professional limitations and starting  a journey to your best self.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
How can an intuitive coach help support your business
, your confidence, your results?
How is it different thanworking with a coach who is not
What the heck does intuitiveeven mean?
We're going to dive into all ofthis within this episode.

Stay tuned, it's going to be agood one.

Speaker 2 (00:27):
You're tuning into the Confident, Connected Leader
podcast, your premierdestination for breaking through
your current professionalbarriers.
Your coach and host, Lisa Jeffs, will help you transcend
limitations and achieve newlevels of professional success
beyond self-doubt, sabotage andburnout.
Welcome to the show.

Speaker 1 (00:52):
A lot of my clients who come to me don't even know
what they're expecting.
A lot of the people that I workwith find me, book a call,
enroll into a program and allthey know is that they need help
and they trust that I canprovide that help for them, and

they are extremely delighted,and sometimes amazed, at what
comes through in our sessions.
This is the magic even thoughit isn't magic of intuitive work

Now what the heck even isintuitive?
So people have different viewson what intuitive work is.
My view is intuitive work isusing your senses.
So for me, when I'm workingwith a client and a client comes

to me, and even before I talkto this client and I'm just
going through what we call thewelcome packet or, sorry, not
even the welcome packet, this isjust the initial questionnaire
before I have a conversationwith them, I start to see the
root of what is going on.

So my intuitive senses are verystrong, knowing.
I can also hear, I can also seeand I can feel.
So these are my strong senses.
So when I'm reading aquestionnaire, I already know

pretty much what is going on andthen when we have our call, it
reinforces that knowing.
So when I say the knowing is,let's say that someone is
struggling with sabotagingpatterns and they're really

frustrated because they can'tseem to break through their
And they come to me and theystart telling me about what's
going on, what they're doing,what they're frustrated in, how
they're not being able to breakthrough to that next break
through the ceiling and get totheir next result experience.

And they don't know what'sgoing on.
So, being an intuitive as wellas a coach, what I'm seeing is
the root of their problem.
So this could be an insecurityabout their abilities.

This can be, let's say itmanifests as imposter syndrome.
This could be a fear of beingabandoned, a fear of judgment,
which often the root of that isfear of abandonment or fear of
And through that, when we startworking together, we're able to

get straight to the root.
So we're not wasting time and Isay wasting time quite
literally on things that simplyare like band-aids, because what
happens to a band-aid?
Eventually the band-aid getswet or it falls off, and then we

need another band-aid and weneed another band-aid.
Why not go directly to the rootand save so much time, effort
and money?
This is a problem that I see.
When I'll have clients come tome and they'll say and this

isn't a dig on therapists,because you know there's
absolutely phenomenal therapistsout there this isn't a dig at
therapists Talk therapy.
If all the therapist is doingis talking, it can get to a
point where you know I have alot of clients that'll come to

me and they'll be in therapy.
They'll be, they're in it foryears and they're not getting
the results because they're notactually they haven't gone to
the root, and to me it's doingpeople a disservice.

Again, not, this isn't againsttherapists.
This is the whole model of it.
Without anyone not eventherapists, coaches, healers,
anyone, doctors If we're justputting band-aids on stuff,
we're just treating the symptoms, then it becomes a never ending

We want to understand what isactually creating the symptoms
and a lot of times, a personthemselves are going to have
blind spots and it's reallychallenging.
This isn't to say that theycan't get to the actual root and
we don't even always have toget to the root, to be honest

but it can be helpful to reallyunderstand what is going on here
So, when we're doing healingwork and healing work, when
we're looking at a scope ofcoaching, and when someone wants
to make forward movement, whenthey want to improve their
business or they want to improvetheir life, they want to make

progress, they have a vision andthey want to move toward it,
but they can't seem to get outof their own way.
They're having the same thingspopping up over and over again,
the same challenges, the samestruggles.
Then the healing that needs totake place a lot of times is

looking at what are the fearshere, what are the core fears,
and to start reframing them,bringing in new perspectives,
challenging those beliefs thatwe hold and then releasing them
through different practices.

So if we're in a sabotagingpattern and we can't seem to get
out of the loop, we're justhaving the same results month
over month and we want to have adifferent experience, but we

can't seem to get there then orwe're not taking action on
something then treating thesymptom would be okay.
Let's look at our productivity,let's look at where we're not
being productive.
Okay, can we use thesedifferent strategies, which are
great strategies, the phenomenalstrategies such as eat the frog

, or if we're using, you know,let's put in some pomodoros and
all that stuff, which are greattactics.
But if we're not actuallylooking at the root, which is,
oh, there is a crippling fear ofbeing seen and being judged and

being abandoned, then we can dopomodoros until our toes and
fingers fall off.
It's not going to make adifference.
We're going to still hit thatsame wall.
So, working with an intuitivecoach, I am able to see what is

going on beyond the veil, beyondthe almost the, the, the
knowing of what the client isexperiencing.
It's very clear for me.
It happens very fast and we cango directly there and this
client can start getting resultsimmediately, immediately, most

of the time after our firstconversation, we haven't even
started the coachingrelationship yet.
They're already getting shiftsand results because we are going
below right, we are giving ahamoments.
So, working with an intuitivecoach, every program that I do

is tailored specific to thatclient.
There's no cookie cutter whenwe're doing intuitive work.
Now there are frameworks andthere are systems that work, and
a lot of these frameworks andsystems are based in science.
They're proven, they work ifyou work them.
But then the rest is tailoredspecific for that client and I

am able to see exactly what isgoing to be beneficial, what is
not going to be beneficial.
And sometimes it goes against.
If I'm just reading, let's say,if I'm reading your intake form
, which is your welcome packet,and I'm reading it and I'm using
my mental capacities, a lot oftimes I come up with a plan that

seems mentally it seems likethe right one to do.
But then I always check inintuitively and a lot of times
when I go into the intuitivework, something completely
different comes up, somethingcompletely different that my
brain didn't.
And I always go with thatintuitive, because the intuitive

it's like the eagle eye view ofwhat's really happening, what's
really going to be supportivefor that individual, and it
always is.
It always just strikes beyondthe fluff, beyond the not that
anything I do is fluff, butbeyond any kind of surface level

or, if we're kind of veeringoff, it just gets straight to
the core, straight to whatmatters, and then you start
feeling that relief instantly.
Another thing that, when we'reworking intuitively, is I can
see the highest path for you andyour vision, which can be very

exciting, because a lot of timespeople can get lost in their
It's just a thought, a feeling,an emotion, action, and it just
keeps looping and it just keepslooping and when you've been in
that loop for a while, it'shard to see what else is there.
You can get defeated, you canfeel frustrated, you can feel

almost like there's a wall infront of you.
Well, I'm able to see beyondthat wall and I'm able to see
your highest vision possible andwhen you're able to get that
information and it aligns so ittruly feels in your body that,
oh yes, I feel.

I know that this is true.
Only see the vision that I'msharing with you, but it opens
the door and you can start tosee these different paths.
You can go down as an intuitive.
If one of your challenges thatyou come to me with is clarity,
you're not sure which way to go.

Again, it's very easy for me.
So, as a coach, I'll give youthis different way of looking at
As a coach, if I was just usingmy coaching skills and you had
come to me for something inregards to clarity on your path
forward, I would use my coachingskills to ask questions and to

help you to determine what isaligned with your values, what
is aligned with your actualvision, and to help you really
break down some of these blindspots and some of the things we
get stuck in.
And that's what I do, as, evenas an intuitive, I still do that

work because I think that it'sincredibly empowering to help
you to understand how you can dothis on your own, how you can
align your values, how you canalign your vision and really
start to see how to put thepieces together and how a lack
of clarity is often just rootedin fear, fear of making the

wrong decision, fear of notbeing able to course correct,
fear of missing out all thesethings.
But, as an intuitive, what I canalso see is the highest path
for you and which path has themost energy behind it.
This can often lead to yougoing down the path with the

least amount of resistance.
This can be extremelybeneficial, especially if you
want to go down a path of what'sgoing to be the most successful
for me.
In a sense of external success,let's say what is going to be.

That easier path Doesn't meanyou have to take it, because a
lot of times the path for ourhighest good, the path that will
ultimately have the leastamount of resistance, doesn't
always look like that when wefirst see it Right.

It's not always the one thatseems to make sense.
And this is the issue whenwe're only dealing with the
sense of the mind.
What makes sense, what seems tofit in the path, and then you
keep going down that path.
That seems to make sense or itseems to align with where you

want to go, but you keep hittingthese same roadblocks.
You can't seem to break free.
This is the power of workingwith an intuitive, and intuitive
with, as well, coaching skills,because it's not just about
giving you information, it'sabout empowering you with this

information and empowering youwith the strategies that
actually work, that are proven.
It's that real powerful synergy, that harmony that makes it so
life-changing and can make, andcan allow you to have rapid
So you're not continuouslytrying to solve the same problem

over and over again Right, forweeks and months and years.
We're actually going straightto what needs to shift.
Part of my work, as well as anintuitive, is energy work.
Right, it's coming in, it'sworking with my guides.

It's working to transmute yourenergies, transmute any stuck
You know I can go in and whenwe're in these sessions and we
are in our energy work, I canfeel the energies that are stuck
and stagnant within your chakrasystem.

I had a client that I wasworking with brilliant client
and some of these energies thatwere coming through were very
It was old emotions around,regret and and sadness.

I have multiple clients whocarry that energy of regret and
sadness and in a lot of timesit's just about unlocking that
part and helping that client toshift it.
Sometimes these get lodged in,not that you need someone to do
this for you.
You don't need.
You have all the keys and theempowerment within you.

This is one thing that Iinstill in my clients is
everything is within you tosucceed and to get to where you
want to get.
You have that power, but it ishelpful to have other people
step in when we get stuck in ourhumanness and we kind of are on

this, this repeating pattern,or we're stuck in what I call
the echo or the echo of past.
The echo of past patterns andfeelings and emotions and
As human beings, we oftenruminate in the same stories of

lack and limitation and these,these processes get stored in
our nervous system and it can bea challenge to move beyond it
when we are in a survival, aplace of survival.
This is why it can be reallybeneficial working with someone

to help you shift that, becauseit's rapid shifting, it's rapid
This isn't about going over thesame thing and talking about
something over and over and overand over and over again.
You're just spinning in thesame thing over and over and
over again.
We actually want to help youshift and transmute the energy

and the emotions and help youreprogram these pathways that
are just doing their job andthey're just, they're just
repeating, because that's theirjob, to be efficient.
This is why we have pathways,because if we always had to
think and do these things, itwould be exhausting.

We have these pathways becausethere's many that support us but
there's many that hinder us aswell.
So working with an intuitivecoach is I always work with
someone when I'm doing this kindof work.
If I'm hiring someone, it'salways someone that's intuitive
or psychic or accepting alongthose lines that we're tapping

into senses beyond what's seen.
Now, if I'm going and hiring myaccountant, I don't know if
he's intuitive, maybe it doesn'tmatter to me because he's
dealing with things that arevery numbers in your face.
This is what it is.
This is what it is.
But if I'm hiring someone tohelp me, support me, I want

someone that can see beyond whatI'm telling them, that can see
beyond the words that I'msharing, because I know that
what I'm seeing for myself maybe limited.
I need someone that could seebeyond that.
Not that I can't figure it outon my own, but a lot of times,
efficiency and you know time asas much as we want, we can go

into the spiritual and be.
Well, time is an illusion.
Well, on earth it is.
It is real.
We do have a limited amount ofit here.
We're not going to be here andin our physical bodies forever,
and time is very precious.
So I have Absolutely no probleminvesting to get my time back,

and a lot of times that'sinvesting in someone who knows
Specifically what I need, orwhat I need to hear, and can
give it to me, and I can makethat shift and I can move
So, last but not least, one ofthe what it's like to work with
an intuitive coach is It'll helpincrease your own intuitive

I can't tell you the amount ofclients who have worked with who
their own intuitive abilitiesstart opening up and start
expanding, because they juststart to notice things.
And when you start to noticethings, more of them come to you
When you start to tune indeeper into yourself, right,

you're gonna start to open upmore, and Because as coaches, we
often attract people whoresonate with us.
So a lot of the clients that Iwork with they're.
They either know they'reintuitive or they they're.
They don't, and they start torealize, or they just become

more trusting, because what I'msharing with them is just
Reinforcing what they alreadyknew and that helps to grow
their trust and belief inthemselves, and that is Truly
what allows you to be your mostconfident, connected self.

You just start to embody thisself-empowerment Because you
trust yourself, you trust inyour abilities, you release lack
and limitation and you are ableto craft your vision and move

forward and Navigate what comesup.
Navigate the fears, navigatethe doubts.
See them for what they are Justpart of the journey, not
roadblocks, just stepping stones.
So I hope this was helpfulPowering.
Maybe you're a little bitcurious.

What is it like?
Can working with an intuitivecoach help me?
If you would like to explorewhat it would look like to work
with me, book a breakthroughcall.
During this call, you're gonnaget a taste of what it's like
working with an intuitive coach,because when you fill out your
initial form to apply for thebreakthrough call, I am able to

see certain things and I willbring forth what I see and Give
you the aha moments that youneed.
Whether you decide, or whetherwe decide it's a good fit to
work together or not, you'regonna leave with so much more
clarity on what your next stepsare, and maybe that is you know,

the highest good is workingwith me or working with someone
else, or maybe it's not, butthis is the clarity that can
help you move forward.
The the, the worst thing we cando and again I say worse.
There's no real good or bad, itjust is what it is.
We learn and we grow, but it'sstaying in the same loop, Hoping

things are gonna change, butyou just keep doing the same
thing over and over and overagain, and it can be such a
blind spot I've been in it.
You get into these places whereyou almost think that you're
doing something different, butyou're just spinning around the
same thoughts, the emotions andhabits, behaviors, and this is
what it is to feel stuck Rightbecause you're just.

You need something to breakthrough that loop.
So I'm gonna end it here.
Thank you so much if you'restill listening.
I honor you.
I appreciate your time.
Time is precious on thiswonderful place called earth.
If you'd like to chat aboutpotentially working together in

one of my private containers myprivate coaching containers
include long term and IntensivesBook a breakthrough call.
That's the initial point andWe'll have a conversation.
Thank you so much for beinghere.
I can't wait to continue thisconversation and, as always, let

Stay connected.

Speaker 2 (25:17):
Thank you for tuning into the confident, connected
leader podcast.
Lisa Jeffs is committed tohelping you break through
barriers and climb to newprofessional heights.
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