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November 30, 2023 45 mins

Welcome to The Dental Wealth Nation Show with host Tim McNeely, where the latest advancements in dental technology and practice management are explored to help dentists maximize their net worth and elevate their practices. In this episode, Tim McNeely is joined by Eric Weeden, VP of sales at TrueLark, to delve into the groundbreaking impact of AI technology in dental practice operations. The conversation centers around how TrueLark AI not only increases revenue but also significantly lowers overhead for DSOs (Dental Service Organizations).

Eric Weeden provides insight into the transformative capabilities of TrueLark's AI communication platform, which offers tailored and empathetic responses to patient inquiries, streamlines appointment scheduling, and enhances the overall patient experience. They discuss the specific benefits of AI in dental practices, emphasizing its ability to handle transactions, reduce staffing costs, and improve operational efficiency.

Throughout the episode, Tim and Eric underscore the potential revenue lift and competitive advantage that TrueLark AI brings to single and multi-location practices, along with the substantial impact it has on new patient revenue. Listeners gain valuable insights into the power of integrating AI into practice management systems, AI-driven lead conversion for marketing promotions, and the long-term financial advantages of implementing TrueLark AI. For dentists seeking to unlock the full potential of AI in their practices, this episode offers a comprehensive exploration of how AI technology can optimize revenue and operational efficiency while enhancing the patient experience.

Keywords: Dental Wealth Nation Show, Tim McNeely, Eric Weeden, TrueLark AI, dental technology, practice management, increased revenue, lower overhead, DSOs, AI communication platform, patient experience, appointment scheduling, operational efficiency, practice management systems, lead conversion, new patient revenue, dental practices, AI technology.

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Episode Transcript

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As a driven dentist, you see the world differently where
some see scarcity. You see abundance. When others
wanna give up, you keep going. You're building an amazing
life of significance. That means you can't rely on
ordinary advice from ordinary advisers to get to your goals.
You want advice ice that's going to help maximize your net worth so

you can take even better care of the people you love, the causes
you care about, and make your dent in the universe.
But the fact is, this advice remains hidden because
relatively few professionals are well versed in them, and the extremely
affluent don't care to let you know about them. Join
us as we pull back the curtain to reveal the often

hidden advice and strategies used by today's most
successful individuals and families. Welcome
to Dental Wealth Nation. Here's your host, Tim McNealy.
Welcome everyone to another edition of Dental Wealth Nation, and I
am so excited to share with you today what we have for you.

Because I don't know about you, but there's a couple things I like in my
business. I like to increase my revenues, but I also like to lower
my overhead, and I like to lower my expenses, and chances are you do too.
And the other thing I'm really been geeking out a lot over
lately is artificial intelligence. And And by the time
we finish today, you're gonna know how AI can make your dental practice

even more profitable. You're gonna know how it can help you communicate with
your patients Even better. You're gonna walk away and you're gonna
have insights into why you should consider using AI in your practice
to really help you create those operational efficiencies. But most importantly of
all, you're gonna feel motivated and excited to get back there
and implement AI in your practices. There are just so many amazing

possibilities. And when it comes to AI in dental
practices and DSOs, Eric Wheaton is one of the best, and I'm so excited
to have Eric here today. Eric is really a leader when it comes to
emerging technologies. He's spent his entire career really at the
forefront of of things that are pushing technology even
further. He's VP of sales at Trulark, and what I love about

Eric is just his passion for helping dentists do even more.
Eric, welcome to the show. Thank you, Tim. I'm
very excited to be here. I and I don't know about our
listeners, but I certainly know about you. I certainly know about me. I've
been geeking out a lot about AI lately. And and before we get into
that, just give me a little bit about your background and And and how you

ended up here. Yeah. Definitely. Happy to share. But before I do
that, Tim, I I wanna talk about you for one second. I just wanna if
anybody is listening to this and you're new, what Tim is doing with Dental
Wealth Nation is amazing. I just, I follow the podcast. I love the
range of topics that, you bring to the community
and the the information from experts out there. It's just it's

phenomenal. So thank you for that, Tim. Oh, you're you're welcome. It's a it's a
joy to do. Yeah. So, yeah, me. My, I'll share
a little bit about my origin story. Like you said, I I have
always gravitated to emerging technologies and,
have been really in, you know, cutting edge businesses and in love
surrounding myself with very brilliant people that are doing amazing things. In

about, 5 years ago, I got introduced, to
Trulark, AI communication platform. And prior to
that, I had been working really on the business management, side
of the world in SaaS, software as a service. So think about, like, you
know, practice management systems and things like that. So, business management systems
that we're handling and scheduling, handling, you know, some marketing,

functions, things like that. But I I came across Trulark
through an introduction and went up, to Palo Alto where our
headquarters, is day stat and spent a day with our
founder who has dedicated his life to machine learning and into our head of
product and our our CTO I just was amazed at what they're doing, and I
was like, I have to be here. I have to be part of this. I

have to see where this goes. And, it's been a it's been a wonderful
exciting trip, Over the last, you know, almost 5 years
for me and, just really, you know, looking forward to the
coming years and all the innovation that's happening right now, in the dental
market and being part of that. Wow. Now now before we kinda dive
in and really talk about this, I I think it's important to lay the foundation

a little bit about what AI is and the different types of AI
in in what we're talking about here. So can you give us a a brief
little overview of of of what you mean when you say AI and artificial
intelligence intelligence and and our and and and what are we talking about in
the practice here? Yeah. That's great. Thank you. Excellent
question, Tim. Because, really, you know, when I first

got involved, the AI was just being used broadly, and it
meant a lot of different things. And so it meant Maybe
some kind of chatbot that you got off the shelf that
provided a limited amount of automation or responses.
Maybe it meant, something that was being used in deep enterprise
like United Airlines, and it was, you know, able to talk to

you over the phone and actually do some pretty sophisticated things. And
then ChatGPT came along, And everybody's like, oh, here's AI.
This is what it is, and that's a large language model. You know, it has
tons of information out there on everything, sometimes not always correct, And
it's only up to date to 2022 right now.
So, you know, there's there's a wide spectrum out there. In regard to,

TrueLark, what we're talking about, It's a proprietary
AI platform that was built purpose built for the dental
community. So it's the only AI communication platform out there
like that. And what it is is it's an AI
platform, that improves over time based on the data
that we are consuming Specific to these patient,

practice interactions. And so it's just getting
smarter and smarter and better over time, which we measure. We're
we're big data geeks at Trulark, and so we
provide not only for ourselves, but for our clients dashboards that
show things like conversation handle rate, things like
booking request conversion rate, because it's an AI communication

platform that's not only communicating with, patients out there,
but we integrate into the practice management systems to execute
on what I consider goal driven inquiries.
Wow. No. That's a mouthful, and I wanna I wanna start
unpacking some of that because, you know, I'm married to dentist. My father in
law's a dentist, and and I bring that up because, you

know, my father-in-law was really big in the practice, and this is, you know,
Way before any kind of AI was was anywhere in chatbots or just, you know,
a dream in someone's head. But right, he had this thing
of I want a live answering service for my practice. I want a
real human being to answer the phone. And my wife came along,
and she's like, well, dad, I don't think we need that. We can have an

answering machine. He lost his mind over this thing. He's like, there's no way we're
having an answering machine, and it's gotta be a live person or,
You know, I haven't think of some of my past experiences with call
centers and calling in and having the robot robots answer. Usually
by, you know, the middle of the call, I'm screaming operator, operator, operator.
Yeah. Like and I'm just losing my head. So so let let's

Address some of those things in terms of, you know, what are we really
doing here with the the AI? Yeah. No. That
that's a great, great, personal
experience. And I I share that as well, frustration with chatbots in the
past and even some of the ones that are out there today. I was using
one the other day that gave me 3 options. None of them were what I

wanted, and there was no easy way to get to agent or escalate the
conversation. So very frustrating. So,
yeah, the a couple things that you said there, to unpack.
1, just being the the kind of maybe
the, the status quo
approaches to, you know, the problem, and the problem is

that you have all these inquiries coming in. You wanna be a high
service, practice Because it's very competitive out there,
so you wanna do a very good job when it comes to the patient experience.
I know you you've had other excellent, podcasts on that topic.
And, you know, the problem is is that you only have so many people
so much time, to do that. And when people

start considering call centers, Often, what they're
doing is they're transitioning a front desk problem to a call center
problem. And sometimes when they do a internal call center,
They end up outsourcing it and outsourcing the problem, but it's still a
problem because oftentimes you have, a
staff, that is, You

know, hard to hire, hard to retain, hard to
train, hard to get consistency. They don't always know
the, ins and outs of the practice very well, and they're not,
necessarily, the most elegant about,
being consistent. For example, on, you know, remembering
to offer patient financing, you know, that might have a a big

impact on, case acceptance rates. Right? And
so, what Trulark is
able to do In those cases is Interject
AI, 1, to alleviate and handle the
vast majority of that transactional communication, And we can get into how
exactly we do that, but but 2, reduce the the

headcount. Right? And so Lot of places are are using
us in both situations where either things are going to the
front desk, and I had, one founder of a DSO says there's only so
many so much room at the front desk and eventually run out of room. You
can't just throw people at the equation. Right? You gotta work smarter.
And same thing with, agents in the call center. We're able to oftentimes turn a

call center that's predominantly inbound to outbound. So
that's, I mean, that's a couple things Around just, you know,
that that use case of, like, you know, hey. I want a person answer.
It it just it it's not possible deal all the time. And in fact, here's
here's a stat that'll probably, surprise you or some of your
listeners. The majority of missed calls that

occur that will hit our platform
and be responded to by the AI occur during business
hours. Wow. During business hours. During business hours.
So, yeah, I just pulled up a a dashboard,
today, and in this specific instance, 54%
of the calls that were handled in the time period were during business hours,

Where most people think we got a front desk staff. They're excellent, and they probably
are. But the the reality is, I mean, they're just you know, there's a lot
going on. Your average, you know, location probably
will handle oh, I don't know. Would not be unreal to handle 2 to
3, phone calls an hour.
And if you look at that over a monthly period, maybe that's about 900 calls.

They're missing probably about 30% of that, so 2 to 300 calls.
And in that, Of of those people
in that 300 calls, probably about a third of an intention to book
with a you know, and there's some kind of revenue element in there.
And so, you know, there's there's real real
revenue at stake. And of that,

and, you know, just kinda drill down a little bit further, The majority of
them are new patients. So, you know, your new patient
value is extremely important. And,
Tim, let me ask you today. If you called and you got you know, you're
you're you're telling your story about voice mail, if you call and you got
voice mail at the dental office, what are you gonna do? I call another

dental office. Yeah. You hang up. Right? Yeah. So Exactly.
About about 80% of the time, people are hanging
up. 20% of the time, people will leave a voice mail. Now the
interesting thing about it is that of that 20%,
80 percent are gonna respond over SMS with our AI
system, and there's not gonna be any need for staff to chase them

down, see what who who missed the call. They're able to get
what they wanted to get done using the AI, you know,
as a platform of communication. So So that. Yeah.
Yeah. Go ahead. It sounds like, right, you you've got an intelligent enough
system that's gonna field incoming calls. If a
human can't get to it, it's gonna respond with a a text or some kind

of a message, and it sounds like the majority of requests can actually be
handled automatically Even if it's something as crazy as booking
a brand new patient. Yep. Exactly. And to
get back to the second part of your your question was, you know,
the frustration in past of systems that are out there. We've all dealt with
chatbots. We've all gotten text that maybe it's just a link that takes you to

a landing site. The the difference with, TRULARK,
again, it's a it's a purpose built AI communication platform
that interacts predominantly through, multiple channels.
One being a missed call that is manifest that responds via text,
direct text, a chat widget, out there, and then we also
have a a lead engage component as well. But it's all on

that mobile device that everybody has, that everybody loves,
And and wants to use. I mean, people nowadays,
would much rather prefer to get what they wanna get done over text then having
to call somebody be put on hold and, you know, go through that whole entire,
you know, experience. Oh, yeah. No. Right. We're we're all so busy these

days that, you know You know, it's sometimes hard to do a a
phone call. You know? You may be, you know, in between appointments or sitting in
another doctor's office or, out to dinner or wherever, you're like, oh, yeah. I gotta
do that thing. And, you know, you can't necessarily do a phone call at the
dinner table, but you can fire off a quick text or 2. I have
a friend that's a, a school teacher, and, obviously, in the middle

of teaching class, they cannot, you know, take a phone
call. So inevitably, when they have time to make a call will be
at lunchtime. Oftentimes, practices will be closed
for lunch, Leave a voice mail, and then they'll get a callback
while they're teaching class later that day. And then when they're at home at night,
it's too late to interact with the business. So, you know, it

just it it creates a a cycle of frustration for the
patient and the practice. And you mentioned something interesting
earlier, and that's that you said you're always kinda testing and analyzing the
data. And so does that help you actually figure out what kind of
messaging is working and what kind of responses are working, and if if things
need to be tweaked to help eliminate Some of that frustration that used to

creep up in these older systems. Yeah. Exactly.
So, you know, today, we've trained over a 1000000 dental patient
conversations. So train meaning that our AI platform has been
consuming that and getting smarter over time. Right? And so
The old the old a lot of the old chatbot systems were kinda based on,
like, a branch chain logic or keyword association. And

if What you said as a patient didn't compute,
the chatbot would kinda get stuck in a loop and and just kinda break down.
We've all we've all been in those situations. The the approach that
TrueLark has taken is to create a very natural language experience,
and It's getting smarter where,

like, let's say that somebody like, we've had enough people say
that, hey. I've got a chipped tooth. Right? And
the outcome usually when somebody has a chipped tooth is that they wanna
book an emergency appointment. And so rather than the
AI may be responding initially with, hey. Would you like to book an appointment,
reschedule, or do something else? It can just go straight to, Would you like to

book an emergency appointment? Here's some availability. Here's our soonest
availability. Right? Wow. And just let them know right there in real
time, like, hey. You can come in today, or maybe today's busy
we're we're booked, but tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock, we have an emergency
slot. Wow. So so it really is by training the
system. Right? You're almost able to respond in an empathetic way.

And here we are using words like empathy for AI. But, right, that understanding
of it's like, Hey. Chipped tooth usually means there's some kind of an emergency
going on. Yeah. Yeah. And and it's,
Interesting. Some practices will
personify the AI and give it a name. Right? Mhmm. And some
people, They don't necessarily know they're not talking with a human.

Other practices let them know that, hey. This is a, you know, it's
a automated, You know, system. It's AI
system. But So so you give you give the
practice owners and the the COOs really the the decision of how
they wanna implement this in their practice. It sounds like there's some layers of
customization also. Yeah. There there are definitely. Because not you

know, one one of the things I think One of the things that a lot
of practices might have with
hesitation of any kind of System that
touches scheduling, whether it's online scheduling or a
sophisticated AI platform like TrueLark, Is that they they they
believe that, hey. We're unique. The way we schedule is no not like

anyone else. We just do things differently. And they they
might, but the reality is is that, our team in the way
that we can customize the the platform allows
us to really, take the services,
that they provide and present them in a very
Easily consumable way that allows the patient to understand

what they can and can't do. And, you know, let's let's be honest. You
know, AI can't do everything. Right? We automate the vast
majority conversations, but there's a percentage there that, you know, let's say
that you're calling in and, You know, you wanna get
a crown. Okay? And you're not just gonna book a
crown appointment, you know, over text For your 1st

visit as new patient, you know, the the practice needs to
understand, do consultation, you know, understand the specifics of
it. So in those cases, though, rather than saying, hey. I'm sorry.
That doesn't compute. We don't have that. The AI will,
Take that call and escalate it to staff or call
center in a very, very easy way through our dashboard And

allow them in real time to pause the AI, communicate
directly with that person over text, phone, or however, you know, the best
method of contact is, Then turn it back over to AI. So,
you know, automating the vast majority, but
that delta there that can't Be handled by the
AI is, escalated in a in a

easy manner and and not in a not in a way that's creating
friction for the patient. Yeah. Which is I think where a lot of that frustration
with the older systems came in is like you mentioned. You just got stuck in
a loop and there's nowhere to go because you know you're calling with something
unique, and And you're like, it's not on my voice mail tree option anywhere. What
do I do? Yeah. Exactly. This case, it really allows you to get to that

human quickly if you've got that unique request. You
got it. Wow. 100%. So so what does implementation of this system
look like? I I mean, you typically work with DSOs who are
looking to increase the revenues, lower the the overhead in and
so what's the process of implementing this system like?
Yeah. So So typically, you know, there there's a lot

of discovery in in understanding, you know, how they do things,
and what they do. The implementation,
is pretty straightforward. We work with them to understand how they schedule,
and what we do on the back end is we we
set up a, integration or connection with their practice
management system. So we're able to read and write in real time. So we're able

to see existing appointments that are on the books for that
patient. We're able to create new ones. We're able to cancel, reschedule,
create profiles in the PMS, All of that in real time.
So we we set that up, and then, what we're
doing in the AI is, in Trulark is providing a
omnichannel, offering that allows the patient

to trigger the AI through different channels. So again,
missed call is a very good example. And the way that
that's implemented is really you're you're you're not doing
a sophisticated integration into a phone system. It's a conditional call
forward. So it's really, you know, in the
background, it's this really sophisticated platform, but it's dead

simple to implement and dead simple to use and very delightful for
the patient. So, you know, with a with a with a multilocation
practice or DSL, a lot of them will You know, they'll come out with a
rollout plan and, you know, we can run at a rate
of, like, onboarding, you know, like, 5 to 10 locations in a week for any
given, you know, DSO out there depending

on how fast they wanna run. So it it's powerful,
but it's not gonna Turn your operations upside down.
It's not gonna require, you know, just
hours and hours of manpower from the client
to do any kind of heavy lifting technically.
Wow. I and so I'm guessing this can be really useful for a DSO that's

looking at at really scaling and growing their operations also then.
Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. That's, the you know, that's the
Yeah. They're looking at, you know, hey. How can I you know, staffing costs, like
I mentioned, you know, are that that's a huge expense?
Difficult hire, difficult to retain, So we're able to,
impact that area. We're able to capture a 100% of calls.

We're able to increase appointments so there actually is a lift. Right?
So to your point of when you call and get got that voice mail, you're
you're gonna go to the next place. Oh, wait. I got engagement here. This is
dead simple for me to book, You know, myself or your kids
maybe into a appointment. The other thing that's interesting
is that a lot of practices come to us,

with a problem of, cancellations in appointment break rates.
And what we've found is that The ability
of the patient to easily go back and forth very
efficiently to self select an appointment that works for them,
results in a lower cancellation rate, and that's feedback that we've gotten
from DSOs and data. Wow. So that's, I mean, so

and then then also, maximizing scheduling efficiency. Right?
So let's say that, you called in
And you wanna come in for a cleaning or something, and, you
know, if you called a front desk, all front desks
vary in terms of how well they do things. It's hard for a front
desk person to see all the appointment time slots and all

the variations that are available In in a in a in a lot of
these PMSs, it's just it's a lot of work. Right? So they'll find 1 and
they'll say, hey, Tim. Can you come in Thursday at, you know,
10 o'clock. And it's like you're going, well, jeez. You
know? No. I'm I'm hosting a my podcast on Thursday. I I
can't do that. Right? And then they're kinda picking and choosing. Well, the AI, first

of all, if you don't come out with a, a specific ask,
we'll Provide the 1st available appointments, and they'll give you a range
on that date. So what we're doing is we're pulling appointments forward on the
books and filling those slots that are available first. And then if
the person has, I want afternoons or I want mornings or
you know, because it might be I don't care what day. It's just gotta be

after 4 o'clock. And the AI very elegantly can present
that. And so you're getting people into appointments that they
want, which is great. And then The other thing is if they need
to reschedule or something like that, it's this thing runs 24
by 7. Right? So if it's Sunday night, They can go in
there and reschedule their appointment. Monday, that

appointment's you know, or that maybe that appointment was on Monday. It's off
the books, and maybe on Sunday, it's already filled by a new patient.
So a lot of efficiency in just managing the schedule is created.
Yeah. Well, right. And the the whole scheduling issue, right, you've all been there where
you you call someone up or you're trying to set an appointment and you're, know,
you're balancing times back. What about this time? What about that time now? What about

this? Yeah. Right? And and it just it's actually kind of a pain
to schedule things. And so I know I love I I I
love the online scheduling. I love being presented with some options, and I
love being able to kinda just, you know, look at the times and say, That's
the one I want. And and it really does. It creates efficiencies not just for
the practice, but also for the patient. And coming back to that patient

experience, Right. It just it creates a much smoother
experience, I believe. It is ease in scheduling. It it's the it's the
most dead simple way to do it. And, Matt, So imagine, so you and I
are probably thinking kinda first person, like me scheduling my appointment or you
scheduling your appointment. Imagine being a parent and scheduling your kid's
appointment. Right? Yeah. So imagine being over able and

this is reality, folks, over text to say,
I wanna bring my 2 kids in for cleaning next week in the afternoon
and for the AI to come back with adjacent cleaning
appointment time slots based on what you're asking for.
Right. That that question makes my head hurt.

Right But right know knowing that the AI can do it is so much more
powerful. Yeah. Rather than even on online, you'd have to
most likely serialize that In in you know, if
you're talking to somebody, you know, going back and forth to figure out what would
work, because, you know, you don't wanna bring in 1 kid on Tuesday, the other
kid on Thursday. If you can avoid it, Often, you wanna bring them in, and

you wanna bring them in, you know, in adjacent appointment time slots.
Yeah. Can you take us through a a case study or maybe a DSO you've
worked with and and some of the results that they've seen and what they were
struggling with before and what their DSO looks like after
implementing TRULARK. Yeah. Definitely.
So one of the yeah. I'll I'll share a couple, little

case studies and anecdotes, regarding DSOs and and
practices that we've worked with. So, you know, for
example, a lot of, DSS
will come to us in in the the the kinda more,
I guess, advanced ones will understand that they're missing

Calls or they're missing opportunities, and they want something out
there to, really, You
know, fix that problem, but also to differentiate themselves in the market.
So they're looking for a competitive advantage out there in terms
of providing A 20 four seven way that patients
love and staff love to get things done. So

in the case of 1 DSO, they knew they're missing a lot of conversations.
They came to us, and they're scaling, and they're rapidly adding on, you know, locations.
They were testing call centers, not call centers. And in a
month, we were able to capture 12,000 conversations,
save them a 1000 hours. I mean, imagine saving staff a 1000
hours or what you can do with that or how you can reconfigure

staffing. Right? I mean, you know, and this isn't a month. Right? Across
you know, I don't know. The this is maybe 40 locations or something. And
then, you know, booked, close to 400 k in
revenue for them in a month. You know? So that.
Wow. You know, when when when you turn it on and you start getting results
like that, it it you know, just the the

moment, which I love seeing that delight. I love seeing it where they just
go, I yeah. This is, yeah. We we've found the right
thing. Another one, they they
are projecting, again, probably, Yeah. And I
I'm just kinda I I think this is gonna be across maybe 40
locations. These are kinda DSOs that are kinda like like that merging DSOs

that are like at 40, gonna be a100, 200, pretty soon. But,
they're looking at, 90 k EBITDA impact to, you
know, impact to date, and they just started turning things up at this one
DSO. And they're projecting about 500 k annual.
And so, you know, that's roughly about 13 k per unit
increase annually. Yeah. Yeah. So these are I mean, it's real

impact. It's real numbers. Right? Yeah. Yeah. Right. Very tangible bottom
line results. Yeah. So, you know, we we've been talking about
how, you know, the the AI and TrueLark can really help with that patient
communication piece. We've we've touched on the scheduling. We've touched on, you
know, Booking the new patient appointments. What else can it do?
Or or or is that all we should really be thinking about? It's like that

that narrow focus of, You know, it's more efficient in scheduling
and and setting appointments, or is there more that can be done also?
Yeah. Great question. There is more. So a lot
of what we initially started off
doing was reacting to,
Missed opportunities, missed by the front desk or the call center or off hours.

Right? In responding to that via SMS, whether it originated
through a web chat or a missed call or direct text, right, and through the
AI communicating back and forth In taking what I
call goal driven conversations and executing on them, whether it's
booking an appointment, could even be like I'm running late Or where do
I park, things like that. Not not all calls are about scheduling,

but it's could be rescheduling, things like that. And then,
we started getting, this is years ago, inquiries about, hey. We run
promotions out there. We do a pretty good job
of, spending marketing dollars and and, getting
leads coming in. Where we're falling down is on the lead conversion.
We don't have the people, power, process, or tools in place to understand,

and and do good job of converting leads that we're paying good money
for. And so, what the AI
platform can do is take an inbound inquiry
in, whether it originates you know, for example, let's say
it's a form. Let's say there's a a a new patient, cleaning
promo out there, And maybe it's being,

you know, brought attention through mailers. Maybe it's on Google,
you know, Meta, Instagram. Who knows? Right? It's out there.
People are driven to a form. They fill this form out. They hit go. What
would happen is rather than waiting for staff to follow-up or call
them or or send some kind of static link to go to the website.
The the AI We'll reach out, and TrueLark will say,

hey, Tim. Thanks a lot for your interest in our new patient cleaning at x
y z practice. We would love to see you soon.
Cure some times available this week. Wow. And
then you can go and here's the cool thing about it, Tim, and and
for your listeners is that You can go, oh, okay. Great. Hey. I wanna come
in Thursday afternoon. It'll negotiate that real time and

book it and get your information, create the profile. Or you might have
a question like, you know, hey. Can I bring in my, you
know, my spouse or my family or something like
that? The AI has the ability to, you know, answer
questions like, well, how long is the appointment gonna take? So, like, little things like
that. Right? What insurances do you take? You know, things like that. So

things that normally would be a barrier to the patient,
You know, taking the next step to actually book the appointment. The AI can
handle a lot of that and give them the confidence to move forward. Wow. Now
now I know the other thing kinda swirling around in my mind that some of
our listeners may be thinking about also is what about compliance
and safety of patient data and HIPAA And all of that stuff. Right?

You know, you use chat TTP, and they're really clear. Don't
put any personal information in here. So So how does Chulaart deal with
those concerns? Yeah. I mean, good question. The
so the usually, the biggest concern isn't around that Because
really, we're just booking an appointment, in the
that, you know, information that

That you're referring to live in the PMS.
What a lot of people have questions about is the texting compliance.
Right. So what are the TCPA rules around SMS?
And the way that Trulark is being triggered is in
response to an action from the patient. The TCPA rules
would treat that differently than, say, a promotional text

where I'm just texting you In a some kinda like a
email blast, almost kinda way, like a text blast. You don't know me,
and it's like, hey, Tim. I'm Eric, the dentist in town. You know, come see
me. Those texts should only go to an opt
in list where you've said you'd wanna hear from my business.
And we actually have capabilities to do things like that.

We run it off a different text only number, and Mhmm. It
has an opt out on it and, you know, clients
only use that to send to people that are opted in. So because That's that's
probably the biggest compliance question that we get. Got you. So because the patient's reaching
out first, you're allowed to respond, and you don't have some of the same
compliance rules as As opposed to marketing type emails and

and SMS. Yeah. You got it. So it it's like, you know, I
you you call in, they're gonna call you back, you know, or text you back.
You know, you You you have some kind of inquiry. You leave a voice mail
and you get a text back. Right? Yeah. And and it's what people want. You
know you know, people Like I said, a lot of people do not leave
voice mails nowadays when they do. And also the cool thing about TrueLark

AI is you can respond to the the voice mail contextually in
the response. So if you left a voice mail like, hey. I have,
I have an emergency. I need to come in as soon as possible. The
AI can respond with, here's some emergency appointments that we
have, you know, next available Wow. To your voice mail, and and
you'll engage. Right? Amazing. So, So, hey, we've got

listeners on there. And if you got any questions, just put your your questions right
down on the chat. We'll get to those live. Eric would be happy to To
answer them, if you got questions around AI or implementing your practice,
please put them put them down with love. We'd love to answer those questions. And
so, You know, Eric, the the other thing we've noticed is, right, technology
today is changing so quickly. Right? We I I don't think we've ever

seen something really advance as quickly as what
we've seen AI doing. And so is there an advantage for a
practice to really implement this sooner rather than later, Or should we kinda be
waiting to to see what happens technology wise? Like, how do you
even advise around stuff like that? Yeah.
I mean, that that is, a good question. I definitely

would not, wait, Because, you
know, when you wait, there is a a a
cost to that. Right? So Today, you
can implement a a solution that is gonna
automate and provide time savings and also
lift in revenue. So while the true

lockup today will certainly be better tomorrow, and it has
improved, you know, over time as we invest in our platform and
And do more and more. You know, I I there's no reason to
to, sit on the sideline. You're only gonna be more and more
left behind and at a competitive disadvantage, compared to other
people out there that have that have taken advantage of of tools like

this. Okay. Now we've also been talking a lot about, you're right, just using
this within DSOs or multi practice groups. Is this
appropriate for a For a large single location, multi specialty
practice or or what other kind of practices should consider this?
Yeah. No. It it can be. You know, I have a
single location practice. I was just looking at their data earlier today.

On average, they book about 88 new patients, per
month. They do, probably about
57 k average in new patient revenue, per
month. That's just new a new patient. And, they they, you know,
probably have, about 264,
patients on average that are assisted each month. So and that's just a single

location. They do a good they're fairly high volume.
The thing with them that they That they do really well
is they maximize availability. So
they are making,
times that they call kinda prime time available to patients. So
early morning for work, after work, they're they're open on Saturdays.

Because one of the one of the biggest things that you'll find and drop off
on, patients not completing a
a booking request, is gonna be I I'm
maybe I'm concerned about price, wanna shop around, but availability.
Right? If you don't have availability for a few months or 3 months, then,
You know, it it's that's a you know, I wish I could create availability, but

that's that's gonna be on the practice. So the ones that do a good job
of that, You know, find it.
Yeah. Even I think we had 1 comment, where somebody We
have 1 practice that was overwhelmed at how much business they've
got, and and then they just had to adjust how they how they operated. I
mean, it was a good problem to have, but Yeah. They had to adjust, and

it was just a it was just a single location. Oh, that that's amazing.
So what would you tell the the doctors who are really kinda considering this
or or looking at And how do we get in touch with you?
Yeah. What I would what I would recommend is that, they come
to We have up in the up in the
corner of our website, there is a book a demo button.

And if They book a demo. They're gonna,
engage, you know, one of our one of our specialists here.
And what, I think they'll find really interesting is
that we'll provide a free ROI framework, for them.
Yeah. So we have enough data Around, you
know, DSOs, multi location practices, single

location practices to, You know, really come back with
some meaningful data around, you know,
our projections based on some variables that you give us.
You know, hey. This is how many conversations we believe that you're
gonna get. Usually, we're really accurate. We think you're gonna have this many bookings. This
many will be new patients. This is gonna be your, lift

in revenue. Here are the channels that they're gonna come in. And at the at
the end of it, you know, we'll we'll be able to give them a
ROI, you know, number that they can
feel, you know, good about because we have the data
to back it up. Yeah. No. That that that's great advice. Right? And
and I'm known for helping dentists who are about 5 or 10 years off really

look at their exit strategy to Make sure their lifetime of hard work
pays off. And I don't know of any better way to do that than to
really take care of that engine that's been driving the the wealth creation that's
behind them, Which is their dental practice, and so this to me is
an accelerator to really help you in those last couple years or if you're
just getting started. But, really, For those doctors that are looking to

maximize that exit and maximize their net worth, this is an incredible
tool. Yeah. So so
where where do you see AI going? Let let's just put all our our out
our crystal balls here. Mine's usually wrong, but it it's fun to speculate.
So so so what's on the horizon for us as we look out there?
Yeah. I think well, you know, in case of, TrueLark,

with our platform, you know, it's only gonna continue
continue to get Smarter and smarter and be able to handle various
use cases. I mean, things like I mentioned with LeadEngage and
how we, you know, develop LeadEngage to to inbound inquiries
for promotions, has only gotten better and smarter,
in regards to those campaigns and sequences that it can run.

The other thing that we're we're seeing more requests on is using
the AI. For example, I think, and and maybe this was one in
one of your prior podcasts where You have people that,
come in and they talk to somebody, but for whatever
reason, they don't schedule an appointment. So you get this list of people
that need to come in for an appointment or that didn't schedule, right, for

one reason or another. And using AI to proactively reach out to
them and then get, you know, booked, get
get that automated, and then also bring awareness around things like,
patient financing. Right? So a lot of front desk and call center
people maybe aren't consistently,
consistent in their training on how to present that and offer

that. The AI, can present that as an option,
and and maybe there's gonna be more capabilities around, You know, how
that is, communicated, but, again, you know,
patient accept you know, case acceptance rates are increasing just
around awareness. So there's things like that, and then, you know, we get asked
about, you you know, does this talk? Is it like a Siri or an

Alexa? Right. Today, our platform
is strictly over, SMS and chat. But, you know, there
there's possibility down the line of a of a, you know,
voice conversational aspect to it. Wow. Well, I
mean, it it to me, this is one of the most exciting areas right now
because, right, who doesn't love to increase revenues and decrease expenses.

Right? We wanna do the things that really matter. You wanna spend your time on
the things that really energize you And really make a
difference. And and this to me is that opportunity to offload some of those
mundane task and and things that get forgotten that that are so essential to
the business that have be done, but aren't necessarily the best use of
humans anymore. Yeah. And, you know, one of

the byproducts of, implementing our platform That
I I didn't even think about this, initially, you know, years ago. I
had, a a business owner come up to me and said, you know, our staff
retention has increased as a result of implementing AI. And a
lot of people think a lot of people think, oh, AI is coming for a
job. So it's like, well, it it's gonna Reduce the

transactional activity, but what it's really
doing, as you pointed out, it's allowing staff to focus on
higher value activities. You know, if you ask staff, hey. What do you
wanna do? Do you wanna, like, try to track down 20 missed phone calls and
voice mails, Or would you rather talk to a patient either
in front of you or on the phone about a, you know, a

treatment plan that maybe they're nervous about or something thing in really, you know,
making sure that they feel comfortable and that they're knowledgeable about this treatment
plan that you're presenting to them. Yeah. No. I I I
hadn't even thought about that, but that's so true. I mean, you know, one of
the things I always tell my team and coach them too is if you can't
be replaced, you can't be promoted. And that's the thing. Right?

We're really focusing on, hey. Being replaceable is a good thing.
Right? If you can create those systems and those processes That free
you up to move somewhere else and move up in the organization. That's
a win. Right? You you wanna be replaceable in that sense.
Yes. Absolutely. So Yep. Wow, Eric. What a what a brilliant
thing you're doing. Thank you for contributing to the the industry, making it

I I love dental. I love what you're doing, and and thank you for having
an impact on the the practices. But before we sign off here, any
closing thoughts or or last kind of ideas before we we move on
here. Yeah. I I would just say that,
if you're a listener out there and and, you know, you're
You're thinking that AI is just something that's out of reach for

you. My message is it's not. You know? It's here. It's
today. There's definitely reason to be excited and optimistic about
it. You know, we encounter a lot of people that,
come in kind of the little, you know, what is this AI thing? And
then once you show them the data and once you turn it on and it
starts running, it just it does its thing. And, You know, it's

this, 247, communication
platform that is really there providing a way for your patients
to engage in a delightful manner in helping your staff, you know, be
better at what they do. Excellent. And I put the link afraid.
Yeah. I love that. The the link is down below. If you wanna go get
that That free assessment, just click that. Visit True Link. I'd encourage you to

do that. So, Eric, thank you for being such an amazing guest and sharing so
generously with us. Yeah. Thank you, Tim. Really appreciate,
the invitation and and being part of this and and really love what you're doing.
Thank you much, and we'll see you here soon on Dental Wealth
wealth nation. We hope you've gotten some useful and practical

information from the show. Join us next time as we pull back
the curtain to reveal the often hidden advice and
strategies used by today's most successful individuals and
families and help maximize your net worth so you can take
even better care of the people you love. Till next time. Make
sure to hit the website at
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