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January 22, 2024 57 mins

Trapped in an elevator, alarm bells ringing—my fears were closing. I share the details of that story and I reveal my unique tactic for managing fear. It's a wild ride from pitch-dark phobias to political quips, as we glance at President Biden's and former President Trump's approval ratings through a lens of humor and lighthearted cynicism.

This week's star guest, high school pal and Hollywood stuntwoman Bridget Riley, takes us on a tour behind the scenes of her exhilarating career. From doubling for Scarlett Johansson to battling cancer with the same ferocity she brings to the ring, Bridget's story is one of resilience. Our conversation dives into the identity crises and personal triumphs she's faced, providing a raw glimpse into the life of a woman who's worn many hats, including that of the original yellow Mighty Morphin Power Ranger.

The episode winds down with heartfelt reflections on the challenges that come with retirement and shifting identities. Bridget and I reminisce about the glory days, acknowledging how time reshapes our bodies and ambitions. We share the realities of adapting to life's transitions, finding solace in new passions, and the support systems that guide us toward a redefined purpose. Join us for these candid narratives, which intertwine stunts, dance, and the pursuit of contentment beyond the adrenaline rushes of the spotlight.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to the Fuzzy Mike.
The interview series, thepodcast, whatever Kevin wants to
call it, it's Fuzzy Mike.
Hello and welcome to the FuzzyMike.
In last week's episode withBridget Riley we talked about
her hall of fame, kickboxing andboxing career.
She mentioned that every timeshe got in the ring she was

terrified, but she overcame thatfear.
Well, I thought you know thiswould be a good opportunity for
me to share how I overcome fearand maybe, in the process, help
you if you deal withdebilitating phobias Like, for
example, I'm claustrophobic, Imean highly claustrophobic.

I think it all started when Igot stuck in an elevator for 45
I was working on the 23rd floorof a 24-story building in
Nashville, tennessee.
I had an hour before I was togo on the air for my radio show.
I decided I was going to godown to street level and get a
sandwich before my shift.
I'd done this quite often.
I mean it was typical and neverbackfired on me before.

Make it all the way down tostreet level, go to the sandwich
shop, get the food, get back inthe elevator.
I'm the only one in theelevator.
I'm pretty comfortable.
I've got about 52 minutes untilI've got to be in the studio.
Press the button for the 23rdfloor.
Door closes, elevator moves,stop.
Elevator ain't moving, no more.

Oh, by the way, this was in theearly 90s.
So yeah, you guessed it.
No cell phone.
But really I don't even thinkthat would have mattered.
I'm in an elevator.
Reception would have been shitanyway.
So, with the elevator stopped, Istarted banging on the alarm
No answer.
I mean I am hammering thisthing and getting no response,

starting to get a little panicky.
I mean it must have been like30 seconds of literally leaning
on this button with no answer.
So I hit the button.
That's got that little phonereceiver on it.
Somebody answered.
I explained where I am, whatwas happening and that I've been
in there for about 90 secondsand I'm pretty sure the oxygen

level is running low by now.
The kind young man on the otherend of the line assures me that
the oxygen level is fine.
He asked me if I can open thedoor Like you mean with the door
open button.
Oh, you mean.
So pry them apart with my hands.
So I pushed the doors apart andhe asked me what do I see?
I see a brick wall.

Oh, I was hoping you might beat a floor and you could get out
of the elevator.
Yeah, that makes two of us.
He tells me he's going to put meon hold so he can call someone.
He comes back on.
Got a hold of the elevatorcompany.
They're sending someone out.
Well, hey, can you do me afavor?

I work at the radio station onthe 23rd floor.
I'm supposed to be on the airat 6pm.
Can you go up there and tellsomeone that I'm stuck in the
elevator and I may or may not beon time or even alive for my
He says I'd love to do that foryou, sir, but I can't.
Oh, why not?
The building has otherelevators Because I'm not in

your building.
Oh, that's right, you're at thefire department.
No, I'm not there either.
Well, where are you?
I'm in Seattle.
Come again.
It sounded like you saidSeattle.
Yeah, I'm just the answeringservice for the elevator company
Seattle, washington.

Yeah, I don't know why.
I would have assumed this, butI just thought you'd be in a
little office on the first floorof our building, not 3,500
miles away.
No, it's quite all right, sir.
I've already contacted thecompany and they know where you
are and they'll be there soon.
Is there anything else I can dofor you.

Um, you're just going to hang upnow, unless there's something
else you need.
Do you know how far away theelevator technicians are?
It's rush hour here inNashville.
I don't know that information.
Sir, I do know that they'vebeen made aware of your
situation and they will havesomeone there soon.
You said you needed to notifyyour employer of your

There, a number where I can callthem for you?
The only number I know is ourrequest line.
If you give it to me, I'll call.
Yeah, and we can have a race tosee who gets answered first,
you with the studio or megetting rescued from the
elevator company.
I don't understand, sir.

Ah, you've never called a radiostation request line before.
No, I have not.
We have two in-studio lines,thousands of people calling.
Do the math, let me at leasttry.
I give him the number, he putsme on hold, then comes back.
It's busy.
So you say you're in Seattle.

Huh, yeah, you a Ken Griffey Jrfan.
He's my favorite mariner, forsure.
Cool, yeah, mine too.
Just then the elevator startedmoving and I made it to the
studio with five minutes tospare.
Yeah, great story, klein.

But how does this help with yourclaustrophobia.
Simple I don't use elevatorsanymore.
Fear the dark Klein, carry aflashlight.
Fear of heights, live in abasement.
Basically, my answer to anyfear is just do the opposite.
If something scares you, don'tdo it.
Fear of flying, drive.

Fear of crowds, stay home.
Fear of failure Don't tryanything.
Look, overcoming fear isoverrated.
It involves a lot of work anddiscomfort Unnecessary
So just do things that arecomfortable and don't cause
stress, which, incidentally, isalso how I deal with my fear of

Good luck In the news.
In a new poll, only 33% approveof President Biden's job
performance, while 58%disapprove Former President
Trump's ratings for the job hedid when he was in office or 41%

approval and 53% disapproval.
We seriously can't find anyonebetter than these two.
Look, I know the job hasn'tbeen about who's best for the
country in decades.
It's a rich person popularitycontest.
Don't be surprised when the daycomes that we're voting for the

Rock Kevin Hart ticket.
The problem is this guy to myright will completely sabotage
the candidate.
100% 20, 24.
100% yes.
So that's the problem.

Speaker 2 (07:02):
I'm the guy that will take it down.
Literally sabotage from theinside.
Yes, I will take it down.
I don't want it to happen, justbecause it would make you that
much better than me.

Speaker 1 (07:11):
For a Jason Kelsey Travis Kelsey ticket.

Speaker 2 (07:13):
If you would have started off with my Fellow
Americans, that would have beensuch a showstopper.

Speaker 1 (07:20):
Or even a Kanye West, his multiple personalities
Everybody says who does hethink he is?

Speaker 2 (07:26):
I just told you who I thought I was A.

Speaker 1 (07:28):
God Survivor winner turned Kentucky lawmaker, nick
Wilson, is clarifying things.
After filing a state bill lastweek that would legalize sex
between first cousins, he'scalled this a mistake Shocking.
I know, I thought that alreadywas legal in Kentucky.
Finally, during the past CESConsumer Electronics Show, a new

device that will be availablepublicly later this year was
It will allow us to move ourcomputer cursor using only our
A fucking lazier, we, holy shit.
The device is being called themouse for the mouth.
I always thought that was theclitoris.
Oh my god, behold my glory.

What are you?
I am the clitoris, the clitoris.
I did it.
I found the clitoris Basicallywhat this device does.
It attaches to the roof of ourmouth.
So now we'll be staring at ourcomputer screen looking like a
dog that just ate peanut butterwhen we scroll what?

This is going to replace carpaltunnel with carpal bungle.
You so fucking stupid when youtalk.
That made me laugh.
I mean, what are we going tohave like cramped up tongue?
You're a stupid dumbass.
Seriously, these are thequestions that have kept me
awake at night after I read thisarticle.

Speaker 2 (09:03):
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you your moron.

Speaker 1 (09:07):
My guest this week is a continuation of my
conversation with my high schoolclassmate and boxing,
kickboxing and black beltholofamer, Bridget Riley.
This week we're going to talkabout Bridget's lengthy career
as a Hollywood stunt woman.
She's the original yellowMighty, Morphin Power Ranger,
and she's stunt doubled forScarlett Johansson, Amanda

Seafrey, Maria Bello, RosiePerez and several other high
profile actresses.
She's been in the Twilight sagamovies, Bad Boys for Life, the
Scorpion King, Million DollarBaby she actually boxed against
Hillary Swank and tons moremovies than I'm sure you've
likely seen.
I go on IMDB.
I see 50 something projectsthat you've been a stunt woman

on, but some say most of themsay uncredited.
What does that mean?

Speaker 2 (09:53):
No, it's really weird .
I don't.
Even sometimes in movies I'm in.
I mean, I get the residual, Iworked it.
I'm not in the credits.
It's really weird.
I think I don't know ifsomething gets messed up with
paperwork or what and I let goof my IMDB pro because once I

like once I got cancer, I justthought I'm done, I'm done with
I really thought the jig is upnot to be negative, nancy, so I
got rid of stuff that I waspaying for IMDB pro.
So a lot of stuff is on and Ican go in there.
I think, if I get it back andand I'm like this one agent who

I might be working with is likeyou have to, you have to do IMDB
pro I'm just like I've beenpaying.
I mean you're paying for somany things.
I'm like the stunt I'm in these, like I got off all of it, all
the stunt.
Like there's these little stuntthings you need to subscribe to
and be a part of.
There used to be a book and noweverything's online and I'm

just like if you don't know me,you know I'm not doing it and I
need to.
I really didn't think like oneof the last things my mom said
to me was you're not done and Iwant you to get back out there.
And it was right before shedied, like it was like four days
She was still a little coherentand she just said you're not
done, you're not.
And I'm like mom, I meanbecause I have stuff.

You know I deal with some stuffand I couldn't get Social
Security disability because Imake residual income but it's
still not enough to like.
I mean I get by but it's not.
It's just a catch 22 and I justknow if I can fully go back and

work because I had a stoma, Ihad an ileostomy bag.
I have no rectum.
They took it out.
I have some issues.
I have something called LarsLow Anterior Recessions Syndrome
Nobody tells you these things.

Speaker 1 (11:56):
Explain Lars.

Speaker 2 (11:57):
Okay, so the cancer I had rectal it's really.
I mean, the American CancerSociety wants me to call it
colorectal, it was rectal cancer.
I had rectal cancer.
It sat way low in my rectum andthey found it by getting a

Speaker 1 (12:14):
Which your mom encouraged.

Speaker 2 (12:16):

Speaker 1 (12:17):
So she saved your life.

Speaker 2 (12:19):
She was like, just do it.
She saved my life If I keptwaiting.
And I was like, oh, I did.
Like, right, I did a pilot inAtlanta.
It was a boxing and I played apart.
It was really cool, but itdidn't get picked up and then I
got bad boys for life.
So my mom is like, yeah, yougot to get that coloscopy.
I go after bad boys.
And so, thank God I did.

But so my colorectal surgeon.
It was a long, like a six and ahalf hour surgery and he
removed my entire rectum andthere was a line, there was a
He goes if I pass it, you'llhave a bag for the rest of your
And I was just like what?
And you know I didn'tunderstand that he goes, you're

going to wake up with a stone.
I mean, I had all these meetingsat the hospital Like they, they
were telling me I didn't quiteget it.
All I all I was hearing is wethink you're going to live.
You know what I mean.
Like we think you know what Imean.
So I'm like, okay, whatever.
And I woke up with a bag and astoma and I knew I could either

wake up with it or not.
And I remember when I came toand I looked down, I was like
damn, oh well, okay, I'm goingto have to figure out how to do
this Like, let's go.
And that was a lot.
That was a lot.
And because of COVID, theylooked at it, because they do a
reversal and about six to eightweeks later, while everything's

healing, because they reattachmy what used to be my rectum
with the sphincter, it is whatit is.
You know that needed time toheal.
But because of COVID I had, Ihad that bag for like a year and
I was like I can't work.
I mean, I can teach a class onit.
Yeah, it was a lot.
And so I'm like I can't workwith this.

I mean, and there are peoplewith a bag who do things, who do
amazing things, who runmarathons, and I'm all for it.
It was a lot.
It was a lot and I felt like mylife is over, yeah.
So I went through the wholething and the whole depression
and the whole like my wholeidentity is gone.
And I know better because Ialready I already went through

that with fighting.
Letting go of fighting was liketaking a bullet, you know.
And then, but I'm like I'malive.
So I'm going to have to figurethis out.
I'm going to have to figure outsomething else to make me feel
like I'm still on this planet.
And when my mom said you can,you're not done, I went okay and
I, I literally it's weird I gota call to do a League of their

own up in Pittsburgh, which isthe remake from the film, and I
worked a week and I didn't thinkI could.
I didn't even think I couldtravel and I just prayed about
it and I do intermittent fastingand I got through it.
I got through it and I'm likeokay.
So now I'm doing.
I did a couple little jobsacting because I'm I really want

to get back to acting.

Speaker 1 (15:18):
You've got one in post production right now that
you're the female lead, right?
Don't you play Norma?

Speaker 2 (15:27):
That is, we're hoping to sell it.
But I was, I was the mom.
Yeah, so we'll be called theforce.
And that was exciting becauseFlorida there's like all these
young students and you've gotOrlando, tampa and all these.
You know we're way down inNaples and I had to drive up but

there's these young, hungrydirectors and I'm just like I
want to act again and you know,just reading and being a part of
it it's different, it's nonunion.
And then I was nervous aboutgetting in trouble because I'm
sad, I'm like I'm acting, I have, I have to do non union.

I'm not going to go walk on toa major TV.
You know it's.
That's the reality.
Nobody knows who I am as anactor.
They know me as a stunt womanand as a stunt woman you get
pigeonholed and they put you ina box and they don't even think
you can deliver a line and I'mlike give me a chance, man.

Speaker 1 (16:27):
So acting is not easy .
Acting is hard.
A lot of people don't realizehow hard acting is, and I didn't
either, until I took a classand I was like I can't do this.

Speaker 2 (16:39):
I think you could.

Speaker 1 (16:41):
Well, no, the reason that I can't, the reason that I
can't do it, is this I'm apeople pleaser, okay, and I'm
doing this one line, and theteacher is like okay, do it this
Okay, now do it this way.
All right, now do it this wayand do it this way, and all the
whole time I'm thinking I'mdoing it wrong.
I'm doing it wrong Not reallythe case, but that's what I'm

thinking- it's hard, it's sofreaking hard, it is hard.

Speaker 2 (17:09):
And Bob, when we were in LA he went to Baron Brown,
which is a major acting studioout there.
They had Xenero and Halle Berry, the list goes on and on and I
did it for six weeks and I waslike I can't do this.
It takes your whole life andemotionally prepping and it was

Meisner and you know it's likeacting, reacting, listening, and
he did it for a year.
He did really, really good andI thank God I got a job and
I was like I'm done.

Speaker 1 (17:42):
You have to know acting to be able to do stunts,
because you're just not outthere being athletic.
You actually have to be aperformer too.

Speaker 2 (17:49):
You're action acting, which is really hard, and a lot
of times not having lines andacting is harder than having
You know to fill the space andyou just got to get there.
I really like it now, like I'mup for the challenge.
I'm like I really am.
I'm like I need to do this.
It's my first thing, you know,so I'm like let's go back.

Speaker 1 (18:14):
So you said earlier that you kind of, after boxing,
lost your identity.
What's your identity now?

Speaker 2 (18:21):
A child of God.
Just I mean, I am, you know,not you know, not freak you out,
but I just have a faith in Godand I'm like we made me and I am
whole, I am complete, and I'mhis daughter.
I'm daughter to the king ofeverything, who created
everything, who made everything,and that's who I am.

And I'm a housekeeper and Ilove that.
I love my little home.
I'm a wife.
I love making dinner for Bob,like I love.
I love cleaning my home.
I'm OCD and you know.
So I, I love all that and I'vejust slowed down.

I'm a minimalist and I reallylove my walks.
I love nature, I love to justbe outside and I love, I love my
halo, my circle of friends whoare fighting cancer right now.
Who I man?
I'm their biggest cheerleader.
You know, that's my identity.

Speaker 1 (19:19):
After I retired, I struggled.
I struggled with, you know not.
I always said that I that's howI make my living, Radio's how I
make my living, Pediatriccancer and philanthropy is how I
make my life.
But I ducked away from both ofthem, you know.
I mean, I, I literally justtook off.
People to this day still don'tlike me for the way I left, but

yeah, I needed to.

Speaker 2 (19:43):
Now why, if you don't mind me asking what, what?
Why did you just say okay, Ineed a break.

Speaker 1 (19:49):
The personal reason was because I tried to do
something in my running in 2019and I failed and I looked at
myself as a fraud and I didn'tthink I could go on the radio
and ask people to pay attentionto our cause and listen to our

Speaker 2 (20:05):
Hmm, being a fraud and you're not, and I like how
you self analyze but that's alie because you're not a frog.
But when you feel that whenyou're walking through that
thing, it's very scary, yeah, itis, it's depressing, you know,
and it's like, what am Isupposed to do now?

Like, am I supposed to be likeMickey, work in the wrestler and
go, you know, chop some beef inthe back of the kitchen?
Like what really?
What am I?
What can I do now?
Like I get it.
I understand that my wheelhouse.
I came up with Chad Stahelskiwho directs all the John Whit
movies and my demo reel.
I can't kick like that anymore.

I can't do all that stuff.
When I went through 28radiation treatments it changed
me and I have scar tissue and Ihad a hip replacement and I
can't kick anymore like that.
I could maybe kick a littleperson, but I mean, yeah, you
know, I don't have that skillset and I cannot do the
gymnastics I used to do.
I'm limited and that's scary.
I can't be me.

Speaker 1 (21:11):
That's what I was gonna ask you.
It's funny that you kind oftook this into this direction,
but is that what you miss aboutyour youth?

Speaker 2 (21:20):

Speaker 1 (21:21):

Speaker 2 (21:22):
I miss having my confidence is different because
I knew I was a triple threat.
I mean I could fight, I coulddo gymnastics, I was very
athletic, it's.
I can't do all that stuffanymore.
It's just the reality.

Besides cancer and all thestuff, I'm getting older.
I just can't.
I can still get down and fightany day of the week, but as far
as the flashy stuff but I dolike to see films losing that,
like the whole, all the wiredgags I just don't.
I don't have that skill setanymore.

Speaker 1 (22:04):
It is scary, but you know, like you said, we're
getting older, but don't youstill feel like you're 18 in
your head?
I do, I do.
I feel like I'm walking thehouse.
I feel like I'm walking thehouse.
Oh, oakville.

Speaker 2 (22:15):

Speaker 1 (22:16):

Speaker 2 (22:17):

Speaker 1 (22:17):

Speaker 2 (22:18):
You, I'm like and I'm not done.
I still have passion, I wannado things.
I just don't have theconfidence.
I can't go to a coordinator andsay, yeah, I can do all of that
, I can't.
I gotta keep it real.
You know, I'm not gonna write acheck.
My rear end can't cash cause Isee these young girls coming up
and they do that.
They say stuff and on the daywhen they get and put in a hot

spot and I was always in a hotspot, I was always in the hot
seat when they get put in a hotseat, they're like they can't do
it, they cannot deliver, andthat's worse than anything.
I mean that's hot, you know.
And I see these young girls.
I'm just like, don't.
Don't say you can do somethingyou can't do.

Speaker 1 (22:57):
What is a hot seat?

Speaker 2 (22:58):
Don't gamble.
It's like a hard stunt.

Speaker 1 (23:04):
You know like like jumping from a car to a moving.

Speaker 2 (23:10):
Yeah, yes, flipping over a rail, landing on a cop
car, that's moving, yeah, likethese are hard stunts, like
everybody can fight and a lot ofpeople can drive and a lot of
people, you know, have they havetheir specialty.
I have a lot of respect for allthat stuff.
You know, everybody has theirlittle specialty and I always
try to be more rounded.
But I wasn't, I'm the fightgirl.

I'm the fight girl.
But those hard stunts likethere's, I'm just like even
another pretty famous stuntwoman.
She was at an audition and itwas for a boxing commercial to
fight Clarissa Shields, whothey're calling the goat, you
know gold medal and all that.
And thank God I booked itbecause it was on.

She would have knocked outevery other stunt girl I know in
the business, especially thisother one who can do a lot of
really cool, flashy, which Libre, all that fancy shit.
And you know, I'm just can'twait till that goes out, kind of
like when Hong Kong stunts wentout.
I want, I like reality,realistic fights, like let's
keep it real, let's keep it.
I don't want to look at thatand go is that a wire?

You know what I mean?
Like obviously it is.
I don't want to question wow,was that organic, was that
I like that.
That's what I want to do.

Speaker 1 (24:29):
When you're doing fight scenes and I want to talk
about a lot of the differentaspects of stunt work but when
you're doing a fight scene, areyou really making contact with
the other person?

Speaker 2 (24:40):
Sometimes, a lot of times, they don't want you to.
I have a rap where I like alittle contact.
I kind of like Bruce.
I just watched this thing withQuentin Tarantino and talking
about Bruce Lee, how he hurtSome guys don't like him and I
never heard that story and theyhe would hurt them, he would
make contact and hurt them.
And there was.
I was on something and one ofthe stunt guys was like, hey,

you don't really have to sink it, you know, gotta really hit.
I'm like I'm not sinking it,I'm giving you a little contact.
I'm like God, you can hit me tothe body a little bit.
I'm like put your big girlpants on or go change your
Like shut up and let's go.
I like a little bit of contact.
And like on Star Trek Beyondand I forget his name and I love

him from the raid, raid,redemption, which is like our
It's an Indonesian stunt teamand their fight scenes are sick
and he came on as a bad guy inStar Trek Beyond and I got to
fight him and he's an actor andhe wanted to go and I mean we
freaking kicked the crap out ofeach other and most stunt people
are like oh, you don't have to.

You know you got you can't hitthe actor, but they can hit you.
You never want to hurt an actor.
You're trying and you're tryingto pull it and have you know
get close and how they shoot it,where they put camera and all
But I like contact If I'mfighting the stunt guys.
But one of the biggest jokes ona movie called Serenity, I was

doubling Summer Glau and ChadStahelski and Hito Kota.
They were running it and theyput the whole fight together.
And when Summer Glau did it,when we're shooting, you know
all the stunt guys.
It's like 15 stunt guys they'reall you know gearing up.
Chad goes, okay, now we'regonna put Bridget in, and
they're like, ah, and they allrun to their stunt bags and
they're patting up and yeah.
So I yeah, you're not reallysupposed to unload that much,

but I think it brings a littlemore reality to it and I'm a
fighter at the end of the dayand I'm just like, suck it up.

Speaker 1 (26:40):
So the what you're talking about with Serenity is
that on your demo reel?
Is that because I thought Ireally I'm watching that and I'm
Did she stunt double for thecrazy 88s?

Speaker 2 (26:53):
Summer Glau.

Speaker 1 (26:54):
Yeah, yeah, but I thought maybe you might have
done it for or for Uma Thurmanin Kill Bill, cause it looks
just like the same scene.

Speaker 2 (27:02):
That was Zoe Bell, who was a good friend of mine in
LA and Quentin loved her, and Inever worked on that, though I
don't know what happened, Idon't know if I missed the
audition and she's tall, likethey're tall, and so I never
worked on that, but yeah, Idon't know.
Chad choreographed the Serenityfight and we shot that thing.

I mean, we shot that shit outof it pretty, pretty quick.

Speaker 1 (27:31):
Yeah, it's amazing.
You like take on like 18 or 20guys, you know, all coming at
How does the breaking of aglass bottle over somebody's
head work?
Because that happens often inthat scene.

Speaker 2 (27:44):
Yeah, it's fake.
I mean they special effects,visual effects, they all work
together and they design it.
It's kind of like candy glassor breakaway glass anytime you
see, and a lot of times on a bigthing of glass you've got
you're working with, it's atimed thing.
When it goes hot they set it upto help it explode a little bit

But your timing has to beperfect and you can still get
really cut up, like I've gonethrough major glass where you
just you know, and once you landyou don't move.
It's like hold on and you closeyour eyes and they spray it but
you get little cuts and nicksall over the place and so the
glass is similar, it'll stillhurt.

On scary movie too, I rememberKeenan Ivery Wayans was playing
around and I was doublingKathleen Robertson and it was
like he had this like vase andhe goes well and he goes lean
back, bridget, we could maybe dothis.
And he just drops it and it,freaking, wasn't scored, like we
scored things.
That helps it break a littlebit easier.
It wouldn't even scored.

It hit me so hard in my head Ialmost I mean I got my bell
wrong and my other stunt friendsare like what is he doing.
It's like sometimes they justdon't think.
You know, what I mean.
They think you're indispensable.
Oh, we got another one.
You know, like Hong Kong, I'mlike freaking, I go through
It's like ridiculous, and so,yeah, I was like I can't believe

he did that and I mean thatleft the mark.
But yeah, normally it's scored.
They make like they go back andthey make set, direct
decorators and all of theeffects people.
They design it, they make it,they give us all fake stuff and
but you can still get hurt.
You can still definitely gethurt.

Speaker 1 (29:29):
How many takes does a stunt?
Do you have to get it right inone take or do you have to do

Speaker 2 (29:35):
Oh, we want to get it in one.
But sometimes you get directors, especially new directors or
not secure directors, thatthey're not sure and they'll cut
, and a lot of times you got toturn around on a shot.
So you do have to.
You know you get it and you gotto turn around on it and
they'll get different angles.

And I mean I've done takes, 20takes, and when you're hitting
the ground and you do not wantto do that Now I've also nailed
first take a lot.
But there's a lot of factorsbecause if something gets in the
shot, if the boom gets in theshot, the camera's not right.
You know, because somedirectors they're very
particular on you know, yourcamera, your study cam.

There's so many factors.
I you know what I mean and so alot of times you just it's
normal to do several takes.
Now when I do stair falls Ireally don't want to do a whole
bunch of those.
So I make friends with thecamera men all the time.
Everything I've worked on, Ialways make friends with them

and they're cool, they're hellacool.
And the grips.
I'm just like hey, are youseeing me?
How much are you seeing me?
Are you seeing?
You know, like, if you're notseeing me.
I'm not gonna sell out everytime on this.
You know, like, and it dependswho your coordinator is right,
cause some stunt coordinatorswant you to do it every time.
Every time, I'm like no, I wantto save my people.
I'm gonna save you, for youknow like, I'm not gonna.

If you're, especially if you'renot even in the shot, like you
know, stop it, grow a set.
But you see these insecure,very insecure.
You know new guys or guys thatare just their kiss asses, and
they're, you know they'restroking the producer.
It makes me sick.
I just want to throw up.
I'm just like-.

Speaker 1 (31:23):
Well, somebody could get seriously hurt.

Speaker 2 (31:25):
Yeah, no or dead.

Speaker 1 (31:27):
Or dead.

Speaker 2 (31:28):
Like no joke, and I have to double check, triple
check my wife.
You know I always work withreally good wire teams.
I've been very fortunate.

Speaker 1 (31:36):
Explain that.

Speaker 2 (31:37):
Because you're the guy on like, on your wires, like
, so we have harnessesespecially made for us and
they're not cheap and youharness up and you get hooked up
And so different wires likeuncharmed, I got ratcheted all
the time.
It's flat.
You know like, boom, yeah, I'mflat, I'm hitting walls.
And then sometimes when you goto the floor you got to really

know how you got to tuck yourchin and you know you got a spot
and you just need to know airsense and a lot of people don't
have air sense, Like, and youhave to have that air sense and
know where you're at.
And different wires there'ssome million different wire gags
I'm good on wires.
I know how to ride a wire.
I've done a lot of that.
I've done ratchets.

Hand pulls are nice.
They're a little more forgiving.
When you're on a ratchet, Imean you are, it's got pressure
and it's set up like what's thatscary one I did?
I can't think of it.
It was a horror movie and I'm awitch and I'm running, running

forward and when I hit my markthis guy's gonna shoot me and
I'm gonna get yanked to my backand the director did not want a
pad in the shot.
I was just like, oh, this isgonna suck.
And it was like four in themorning always that's our big
Oh, let's wait, let's savestunts for their major gag at

four in the morning Awesome.
And so that one the first onewas beautiful, and the second
they wanted one more for safety,and I don't like when they do
that either.
That's usually when people gethurt.
If you got it, move on, Checkthe gate, let's go.
I don't know when I did MillieDollar Baby and I got to work

with the master Clint, he waslike one take, one take.
He knew when he had a shot, heknew it and he knew he didn't
have to keep doing so many takes.
He knew when he had it and Iwas like, wow, that's experience
and that's assurance, Like heknows who he is, he knows when
he's got his shot.

Speaker 1 (33:46):
You know, you were Hillary Swank's opponent number
You can't hit her, but she getsto hit you.
Is that what it is?

Speaker 2 (33:55):
It was like don't blink, you know, like she hit me
and I got up and then sheknocked me out.
But it was fun to see her workLike she's, she's.
I was impressed.
I was impressed with her.
She did her stunt double, neverdressed out, she actually did
all her fights, hillary, wow.

Speaker 1 (34:17):
Yeah, I was really impressed In a fight scene.
How many times do you have torehearse that?

Speaker 2 (34:24):
A lot.

Speaker 1 (34:25):

Speaker 2 (34:26):
Now television not as much.
Television's fast.
Tv's fast and depending howthey're shooting it.
Some TV shows are getting verysophisticated where they look
like feature films, but for afilm we usually get especially a
big film like Twilight we get alot of rehearsal time, almost
to a fault, like I feel like,cause it keeps changing and we

shoot it's called a pre-this andit's like we shoot it to show
the director and then he'll go.
Eh, eh, like Joss Whedon.
Joss Whedon, who's major youknow, he didn't like, he didn't
I remember he looked atSerenity and he's and Chad put
like cool music to it.
It was, it was awesome and hewent.
Eh, yeah, I don't really likethe music.

Keep working on it.
Chad was just like dude.
They're insecure Because a lotof these stunt coordinators
become second-year directors andthey really know how to shoot
action and they're threatened.
A lot of these directors arethreatened by that and you see,
it's just like I just reallylike secure directors who are
cool, who understand.
It's like I think everydirector needs to get in a

harness and hang from a wire fora minute and you feel what that
feels like, because they'lljust leave you hanging, they'll
just leave.
Sometimes they'll leave you andI'm like hello, you know, and
you, almost, you feel like yourorgans are shutting down.
I'm like I don't know if I haveany kidneys left right now.
Can you get me up?
Like Will Smith literally said,get her up.

He was great, he was great, andyou know.
So I really appreciate actorswho respect us and a lot of them
think we're cool, you know, buta lot of them I hide from.
I hid from Sophia Boutella onStar Trek Beyond.
I was like I, you rehearsed ondouble yes and she did not like
She's like budget, budget.
Why are you here?

I do all my stunts and I'm justlike because this guy is gonna
kick the shit out of you.
And you know what.
You definitely want it to be me.
That's not me.
That's a naive actress, though,and she's amazing.
She's a dancer Like.
I'm like holy crap, like she'svery talented, but fighting's a
different thing and you know,when you really wanna have some

contact, no, we can't knock youout.

Speaker 1 (36:43):
You're talking about.
She was a dancer.
You were a dancer.
I didn't know that you actuallydanced for the for the storm in
St Louis.
I didn't know you did that.

Speaker 2 (36:50):
A million years ago.
Yeah, I liked hip hop, me andyou.
You remember Kim Kim Perkins?

Speaker 1 (36:57):
Yeah, absolutely, I want to listen to Über Kim.

Speaker 2 (37:00):
Yeah, she was a year younger than me and we had a
group called KB Posse and wewent to remember clubs 747 and
all the clubs and that we dancedagainst the outside dogs and
Minaj, like that was our thing,man.
And we got really good becauseof the Golden Girls, thank God.

And we went to camp and Ibecame a UDA instructor, tracy
Wilk and I, we went all over thecountry and I was with real
dance and I just faked it Like Iknew a little I could dance
right, because I could hip hop,but I had dance from being a
gymnast in the floor routine,but I just faked it and all

those girls were like theydanced their whole lives.
They went off and became Lakergirls.
You know, yeah, I'm just like Idon't know, I just could, I
could mimic, I could, I couldwatch something and I could pick
it up and mimic it, which isgood for stunts, because we want
We want to move as much likeour actor, you know, as pop you

But it is what it is.
But yeah, that's, and I taughtthis awesome dance.
I went back and I showed it toKim and she's like let's compete
, let's get in the dance contest.
I was terrified.
We rehearsed, rehearsed.
I remember we were about to Igo, kim, I don't think I can do
this, let's wait till next week.
And Kim said no way in hellwe're doing this.

She didn't do it and that thatwas the best time of my life
Doing that, oh my gosh.
And we started beatingeverybody.

Speaker 1 (38:36):
Well, but boxing and kickboxing takes care of the
athleticism in stunt work.
I got to think that the GoldenGirls in UDA really helps with
the choreography memorization.

Speaker 2 (38:47):
Oh my God, totally, because we had to learn 12 dance
routines in like four days.
I'm not a dancer, right.
So I mean I was up on that.
I was practicing in my room.
You know what I mean.
I'm like I'm going to talk abouta fraud.
I'm like they're going to findout, but yeah, I could just pick
it up and it really helps withchoreography.

And it's really interestingbecause you see all these
hardcore freerunners that aresick.
They're so talented in thesetrickers that can do.
I'm like, are you on a wire?
They're not, they're just doingall this crazy shit.
Like that wasn't around when Icame up but you put them in just
a basic three punch combinationwith three guys in a fight

scene and it's not happy, it'snot very good.
So I'm grateful becausefighting is it is a specialty
and as a stunt person, you'vegot to know how to do it,
because the majority of stuntsare going to come down to a
Our gun play, gun play, weapons.

I can pick up anything and fakeit.
I'm not that trained.
I just I'm really not and I wasa lazy.
I should have trained harderfor stunts.
I had the opportunity.
I did Like Chad was like youneed to be here every weekend.
Every weekend I'm like ugh, allI want to do is fight.
So on all my downtime, I wantedto be in the gym, I wanted to

I didn't care about the stuntthing.
So sometimes I look back and Igo man, I really had, I had
insane opportunity.
I mean in Asantos I could havegone, I could have trained with
all those guys, and I just, Ijust didn't.
Once in a while I'd put in justenough, just enough to be like,
ok, I hit my quota.

Speaker 1 (40:35):
It's so easy to sit back and second guess what if I
had done this?
What if I had done that?
I mean we make our choices andI mean you hope that it works
out for the best, and obviouslyit has for you.
I wouldn't.
I have no regrets.
I have no regrets about any ofthe decisions that I made.

Speaker 2 (40:52):
That's awesome.
Yeah, well, it's Are youinterested in having a tattoo,
yeah, but just think.

Speaker 1 (41:01):
I mean, if you second guessed every decision you ever
made when you were younger,holy crap, you'd be paralyzed.

Speaker 2 (41:08):
That would have been.
You'd have been stuck on pause.

Speaker 1 (41:11):
Yeah, for sure, for sure.

Speaker 2 (41:14):
It's frozen.

Speaker 1 (41:15):
So when you're doing a stunt, how long are you on set

Speaker 2 (41:20):
Some days are.
I mean, you get in, you get outand we love those days, but
those are rare.
I have done a lot of like onTwilight, breaking Dawn and we
shot that in my section, oursection Baton Rouge Boy.
We had 15, 16 hour days Likeliterally we call it a forced
call because they're in ourcontract.

We're supposed to have acertain amount of time to sleep.
We didn't even have time tosleep.

Speaker 1 (41:45):

Speaker 2 (41:46):
And when they do that , you get a forced call which is
it's like you love it becauseof the money.
It's double day, it does scale,and it's like, oh, those add up
I mean you could pay afterhouse.
And so I was like, yeah, thisis great, but then only to a
point where I need to sleep now,like my body is and it was
rough, so it all depends.

Speaker 1 (42:10):
Well sleep deprivation causes you could
make mistakes easily.

Speaker 2 (42:14):
Completely, completely, totally.
I'm just like I'm not even inthe industry and I know that.
Yeah, and we fought to get thatin our contract.
That's why we have a union, wow.
So when they stretch it, it'skind of like, and then it just
really depends on your stuntcoordinator how much he's going
to go to bat for you, how muchhe's going to fight for you.

Some of them they just lay down.

Speaker 1 (42:40):
Have you choreographed before.

Speaker 2 (42:44):
I've done some student films in LA.
I've helped, I've assisted, butit's not really where I want to
Ok, because when you're acoordinator, you're married to
it, like you're in the meetings,you're in the I mean it's just.
And then a lot of them didn'tget residuals and I'm hoping

that got changed because we werejust on strike.
I'm hoping that got changed.
I don't want to be a stuntcoordinator.
I don't feel, even in all myexperience, it's a lot and you
really are responsible for theselives and I just would rather
be the stunt person.

I still feel that great at it.
I'm more of a performer, yeah.

Speaker 1 (43:32):
I get it, I totally get that.
So when you're, I was lookingon IMDB as the internet movie
database and if you want to findout about an actor or an
actress, you go there and listall their projects and stuff
like that.
And I looked on yours andyou've if it's believable
sometimes it's not believable,but Scarlett Johansson, you were
stunt double for her and youwere stunt double for Clarice.

Speaker 2 (43:55):

Speaker 1 (43:56):
Yes, how do you do that age range and makeup?
How long does that take?

Speaker 2 (44:04):
Wow, Well, that was all prosthetics and those guys
are amazing and you sit likewhat was that one?
That was really funny.
She's a hoot.

Speaker 1 (44:16):
Oh, I bet she was.

Speaker 2 (44:17):
She was so hilarious lady, but like, where was I?
Well, for Star Trek I was inthe chair, prosthetics six and a
half hours.
Like you just sit there andthey're putting all these pieces
and that's why you do the mold.
They make all these pieces andthey put, like I had a whole

head thing, and then they spraypaint you.
So you're god knows the toxinsyou're breathing in, but you're
not thinking about it then.
But literally I would get mycalls so they would pick me up
and this was in Vancouver, pickme up.
I get, like, say, a 2.45 AMcall, pick me up, drive me 25

I get into effects and I'msitting in the chair for six and
a half hours and then I getwardrobe on and then they call
me to set and we rehearse andthen I come back finishing
touches, go back to set, shootlike 12, 13.
I mean those.
I really lost sleep on that one.
But I made a lot of money.

I paid off my credit card debt.
They rarely, they rarely, yay,they rarely.

Speaker 1 (45:33):
Are there times that you'll do a stunt and it'll end
up on the editing floor?

Speaker 2 (45:37):
All the time.

Speaker 1 (45:38):
Does that piss you off?

Speaker 2 (45:40):
Yes, some of my best work is on the floor and back
then I didn't like hustle or tryto get my my footage.
Nowadays, I mean, everybody'swalking around with their
I still feel I'm old school.
You don't walk around with youriPhone on set, everybody does,
and I just you know they're alllike we sign all these NDS and I
don't know how.
I mean I will.

I will now because I want toget some pictures and prove that
hey, I did this shit, but I'mfrigging my friend.
Shit's not a dirty word inTexas, that's what Bob says?
Not at all no not at all, not atall.
But yeah, so much, so manytimes it doesn't make it, you

Speaker 1 (46:19):
When you worked on Iron man, was it Iron man two?

Speaker 2 (46:22):

Speaker 1 (46:22):
Were you ever on set with Gwyneth?

Speaker 2 (46:26):
Not her.

Speaker 1 (46:27):

Speaker 2 (46:28):
I doubled Sienna Miller and GI Joe, gi Joe Okay.

Speaker 1 (46:33):

Speaker 2 (46:34):
But there were two of us.
I had been working in Vancouverfor six months on Watchmen and
the coordinator needed me backand I was almost done and the
coordinator in Vancouver is like, no, I can't let you.
I've gotten like but I could beon the number one, double on GI
Joe, or it was GI Joe too,anyway.

So they had to bring insomebody else but I was the
number two and a lot of thesuperhero movies there's five
like for the guys, a lot of themFor the gal superheroes like I
was the only one on Watchmen andSerenity, but on the bigger,
like those, we had a couple andI was glad to be there, you know

Speaker 1 (47:17):
I was glad to be there.
Oh sure Do you get to spend alot of time with the stars on

Speaker 2 (47:21):
Some, some.
I run away, I try to hide, butI need me.
Yeah, because a lot of times weneed to make sure they're safe
and we also need to pad them up,even, you know, because the
director always wants them tostart and finish and catch
pieces of it and then we'll comein and, you know, do it.

But a lot of times, like ToriSpelling, I had to put a harness
on her and she was so teeny,teeny tiny and I had that was
Gary, movie 2.
And she and I was doubling heralso, I was doubling a couple of
people and she was like shetold us, not for any of my butt
was too big.
She said that, no, I was likewhatever I love my work and I

can roundhouse kick you.

Speaker 1 (48:14):
I could punch you.
Keep your thoughts to yourself.

Speaker 2 (48:17):
They crashed a TV over me.
They dragged me and ripped meacross the table.
I'm like I'm selling out foryou.

Speaker 1 (48:26):
I have some effects you know, but and that that that
leads me to a question thatyou're selling out for the star.
You know, like an NFLquarterback, at the end of the
year will give their offensiveline a Christmas gift for
protecting them.
Do the stars give their stuntpoke Gives like that.

Speaker 2 (48:45):
I wish Keanu Reeves was my stunt double because he
gives motorcycles and he givesreal big gifts, but y'all get
little things like model, andAckerman gave me like a hundred
dollar bottle of champagne and acouple other actors have given
me like flowers, like you knowsweatshirts.
Like Amanda Seyfried, I doubledher on Gone and she she gave me

a real Patagonia like cool,like sweatshirt hoodie.
Yeah, a lot of them at the endat rap they give stuff, little
It's very nice, it's, it'sreally nice.
Yeah, that's super cool, that'sreally super cool.

Speaker 1 (49:23):
So I know in a previous interview you said that
you are always setting goalsand constantly moving the bar.
What's your goal now?

Speaker 2 (49:32):
I'm going to find OK.
So I'm speaking at anotherevent for the American Cancer
Society on the 20th and thenright after that I want to get
into an acting class live.
I've done the zooms and I wantto.
I want to do the theater hereand I want to go.
I want to go train.
I'm really, really excited to,to, to pour myself in.

Speaker 1 (49:54):
Well, will you have an advantage because you've
worked with so many directorsbefore?

Speaker 2 (50:00):
Hmm, I think yeah, because I have set etiquette, I
have, I have experience, butacting is like, like we said,
it's, it's a different animal.
No, I really want to.
I want to dive in.

Speaker 1 (50:17):
Well, I'm sure you will succeed, because you've
succeeded at everything you do.

Speaker 2 (50:22):
Thanks, well, you're welcome.

Speaker 1 (50:24):
No, that's awesome.
I can't wait to see you on thescreen more without costumes, so
I can say, hey, hey, my friend.

Speaker 2 (50:33):

Speaker 1 (50:33):
That's right.
So are you still into?

Speaker 2 (50:35):
running Because.

Speaker 1 (50:36):
I know that when you were training and boxing and you
were running a lot, you stilllike running.

Speaker 2 (50:41):
Well, I was obsessed with running and running is my
But after, after the hip, mysurgeon said running needs to
And I was like what you talkingabout, willa?
My what?
And after I was like no, that'smy thing, that's my thing.
And after radiation, becausethey made a cast for me to lay

in and it was very targeted andI had 28 radiation.
I had little tattoos.
It did a number on me andnobody told me that I have.
I had so much scar tissue and Ididn't know that and it changed
It changed me.
And then you put the hipreplacement on top of it.
I just lost all thatflexibility.

Speaker 1 (51:28):
So yeah, I can't run anymore.

Speaker 2 (51:32):
They're like stop running and I was like so I
power walk.
Not, I mean, I walk fast and Iget a little weight and I box
and you know I make it a workoutand I love it.
I love walking.
I miss running, but you knowwhat it's OK.

Speaker 1 (51:48):
Yeah, it's one of the things with with cancer is you
Yeah, sure we survive.
I mean the kids survive, yousurvive, but 99 percent of the
cases it leaves some seriousscar tissue that it compromises
what you're capable of doing andwhat you used to be able to do.
You can't do anymore.
It's sad.

Speaker 2 (52:08):
Yes, it's really sad, it's, it's hard and you know, I
guess I just I've been fightingthis for so long and Going
through all this with my mom.
I didn't really have time tofeel sorry for myself or have a
pity party, but there's been acouple times.
You know, I'm in the shower andI just ball.

I just ball because I'm notwhat I used to be and I miss it.
I miss it.
I miss being in that hot spot,I miss being the one, I miss the
respect, the camaraderie andall that and I, I, I miss it and
I, and it breaks my heart andI'm through depression.

But I'm also so forward thinkingand shifting, just, I make the
shift and take those negativethoughts captive and I give it
to God.
I'm like, ok, open up a newdoor for me, like I'm not done,
like, please, you know, help mehave more desires and passion,
because I kind of, just, youknow, I, I, for a while there I

really went through a thingwhere I was just like I don't
know you know, I know exactlywhat you're talking about.
Very depressed.
And then, looking at socialmedia, that wasn't helping.
I'm like, ok, becauseeverybody's a narcissist on
I call it self included thatyou have to be, you got to
promote yourself and I'm justlike this is not helping me, I
don't want to hear about, and Ihated that.

I was becoming bitter, I wasbecoming hopeless.
I was that's not who I am,that's not who God made me to be
, and I was becoming that.
I was becoming jealous.
I don't, I never was jealous ofanybody.
I'm like, ever, ever.
I wasn't a jealous person ever.
I lift the people up, likelet's go, let's be better.

I'm a part of the.
You know the solution, not theproblem.
Well, when I went through allthat and I started seeing
everybody else's success andthey're like 20 years younger
than me and I did I felt I hated, I hated.

Speaker 1 (54:08):
How much did Bob help ?

Speaker 2 (54:11):
A lot he's very uplifting.
He's really very positive andhe's very pro God and he's just
like you got to, you got to getout of that, we got to get you
out of that, and he prays withme.
So we pray together and I'lltell you what when you start
praying, take it off yourself.
It's kind of like myinteracting Take it off me and

put it on the person Put it.
I start praying for otherpeople.
My halo, I see what they'regoing through.
It really brings you back towhat matters and it's like it's
not all about that.
There's much, there's much,much more to this life, this
existence than that, you know,and maybe that's the lesson I

don't know.
God was the lesson Teach me, Iwant to be, I want to be
teachable, I want to.

Speaker 1 (54:56):
I was very selfish as a fighter, very, very very Well
, you have to be, you have to be.
It's your, it's your life, it'syour hell, totally yeah.

Speaker 2 (55:07):
But I went years like that missing.
I mean I missed the birth ofall Kim's kids, my best friends,
I miss you, miss, you, missstuff and I miss my dad dying
and so I think God I got thatredeemed, getting to go be there
for my mom.

Speaker 1 (55:24):

Speaker 2 (55:24):
So it's like awesome, like God works all things out
for the good of those who arecalled his children, and I'm
just like, okay, there's,there's a purpose here.
I don't see it.
I might not see it till I die,but you know what I'm going to
just keep trying to put one footin front of the other.
My steps are ordered.

Speaker 1 (55:39):
I think, I don't think I don't think you have to
wait till you die to find outyour purpose.
I think your purpose is alreadybeing fulfilled.
It's in helping the, the halosthat you're helping out right
It's the mentoring that you didwith the underprivileged kids.
It's the entertainment that youprovide people.
I think that's your purpose andI think you found it.

Speaker 2 (55:59):
Thank you no.

Speaker 1 (55:59):
I didn't find mine.
I didn't find mine till I was35.

Speaker 2 (56:04):
You know, that's awesome though I love late
bloomers yeah.

Speaker 1 (56:08):
I'm 38.

Speaker 2 (56:09):
Like I never thought I'd get married, you know it's
like, but I think the best, I dothink the best is yet to come,
and we got to hold on to that,and you know, and we just got to
Okay, what?
What are we going to do today?
You know?

Speaker 1 (56:22):
Yeah, I can't wait to find outwhat you do with the acting kid.
That's going to be awesome.

Speaker 2 (56:27):
Thank you so much for this.
I appreciate this.

Speaker 1 (56:30):
You're welcome, thanks for doing it and thanks
for so much time.
I appreciate it.

Speaker 2 (56:33):
You too.
I'm proud of you.

Speaker 1 (56:35):
Proud of you too.
Thanks, bridge, talk to yousoon.

Speaker 2 (56:37):

Speaker 1 (56:37):
My thanks to Bridget Riley forjoining me and my thanks to you
for listening.
If you enjoyed this episode andyou'd like to help support the
podcast, please subscribe to ourYouTube channel and leave a
rating and review.
Pretty sure, if you do,regardless of what you say, I'm
going to use it on a futureepisode.
And please share the fuzzy micwith your friends.
We're trying to grow anaudience as our fuzzy following

I'm definitely going to beindebted to you To stay
connected with the fuzzy mic.
You can follow on Instagram,facebook, twitter, also LinkedIn
For video.
Please subscribe to the fuzzymic YouTube channel.
The fuzzy mic is hosted andproduced by Kevin Klein,
production elements by ZachSheesh at the radio farm.
Social media director is TrishKlein.
Join me next Tuesday for a newepisode of the fuzzy mic.

It's going to be an intense one.
We're going to talk to somebodywho knows exactly how it feels
to be on death row.
Don't want to miss this one.
See you next Tuesday and thankyou for listening.
That's it for the fuzzy mic,thank you, thank you.
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