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February 13, 2024 79 mins

When Tim Tuttle and I sit down with mics between us, it's more than just a catch-up between old radio comrades—it's a journey through the heart of morning radio's heyday. Imagine peering into a world where every conversation sparked with creativity and each day was a performance that kept listeners riveted. Our latest episode captures that essence, from the laughter-filled recollections of our very first show in '96 to the heartfelt discussions about the transformative power of letting go and personal growth. 

We're bringing the backstage to your speakers, sharing tales of our years together in radio. The Super Bowl week in Las Vegas looms large in our chat, as we tie in family stories highlighting the thrills and perils of risk-taking. And don't think we've forgotten about the celebrities—we're spilling details from our run-ins with Taylor Swift and the resilience of Toby Keith, to the unexpected charm in a game of golf with Charles Barkley.

But it's not all about the past; we're also looking forward. In a heartfelt exploration of life's deeper rhythms, we discuss the liberating art of meditation and the complexities of forgiveness. This episode isn't just a nostalgia trip—it's an affirmation of the constant evolution of life and career, underscored by our shared laughter and the timeless wisdom we've picked up along the airwaves. So, if you're ready to be entertained and perhaps even find a nugget of wisdom to carry into your own life, our reunion episode is the place to tune in.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hey, fu, excuse me, Zzy, it's the Fuzzy Mike with
Kevin Klein, the Fuzzy Mikepodcast.
Hello, and thank you forlistening, subscribing and
If you're not subscribing onour YouTube channel or following
the show, you know you'reallowed to.
I mean, actually we encourageit.

I'd be appreciative if you lefta rating and review this
episode of the Fuzzy Mike.
It's a little different fromour recent episodes, see.
We've kind of settled into amental health and true crime
Honestly, it just organicallywent in that direction and the
feedback has been super kind.
So, thank you.
I'm grateful.

Today, though, I'm reallyexcited for you to hear this one
We recorded this on February5th 2024.
In this episode, you're gonna gobehind the scenes of a
successful morning radio show.
It's a candid conversation onhow morning radio works, how the
landscape has changed over 30years and what a dominant
morning team sounds like.

Other than my 30 years.
Together with my wife, timTuttle holds the spot for second
longest friendship partnershiprelationship I've ever had.
We were morning radio partnersfor 25 years.
I retired in 2021, tim got outin 2022.
We both miss the same thingabout radio the creativity, the
conversation and the camaraderiethat we were able to build with

you, our audience, when youlisten to this, keep in mind
this is the first time we'vebeen together in three years.
Now that needs to be said,because there's something you
can test in your own life therewho's that person, or those
people you can be away from fora while, but when you get
together you instantly pick upwhere you left off.

Those are friends that you havetrue chemistry with Our
It was undeniable from thefirst day we met, and what
you'll hear in this episode iswhat morning radio used to be
allowed to be free form banterwithout constraints.
It's why we got into theindustry in the first place.
Now, tim is freakishly goodwith numbers and dates.

I don't know how he does it,but he is.
I'm gonna test him right here.
Okay, All right, bro, lay it onus.
When was our first showtogether?

Speaker 2 (02:15):
June 13th 1996, nashville, tennessee, lnc Tower.

Speaker 1 (02:20):
What a freak.
It was a Friday the 13th,wasn't it?

Speaker 2 (02:24):
No, sir, Wednesday the 13th.

Speaker 1 (02:27):
Or Tuesday, the 13th.

Speaker 2 (02:28):
I can't remember that .
I think it was Tuesday the 13th.

Speaker 1 (02:32):
Okay so, and then by the end of the week we were the
full on morning show.

Speaker 2 (02:36):
By the end of the week, john Lennick called us in
the office and said you guys aretaking over and you didn't
wanna do it.
Initially you were like hello.

Speaker 1 (02:45):
Well, because it was Randy's slot.
Yeah, it was Randy's slot and Igotta admit, you and I hooked
up for the first time on thephone the other day and then we
did a Zoom call together.
Dude, you look great man, youlook great, you look so
stress-free bro, I've been offthe air now 21 months.

Speaker 2 (03:04):
And you get a lot of perspective when you're not in a
meat grinder and let's face it,the last few years when we were
doing what we were doing is alittle bit of a meat grinder for
many different reasons thatwe're not gonna go into.
But once you get separated fromthat and you get a chance to
take up things like meditationand everything like that, it

changes perspective a lot.

Speaker 1 (03:26):
It does.

Speaker 2 (03:27):
And yeah, and I just yeah, I'm not gonna tell you I'm
a different person, Kevin, butI'm a different person, Kevin.

Speaker 1 (03:35):
Ha ha, ha ha.
Well, how?
So what differences are therein you?
I don't sweat the small thingslike I used to.

Speaker 2 (03:44):
I just felt anything out of my control and I let it

Speaker 1 (03:46):
Which was really interesting because you and I we
spent 25 years together and ourrelationship and our business
relationship was I was alwaysthe micro guy and you were
always the macro guy.
Your big picture I'm smalldetails and that's funny that
you say that you always sweatthe small stuff.
I never got that.

Speaker 2 (04:04):
I would like the smallest things trigger me.
Now, some of it was good.
I mean, some of it put chips onmy shoulder, oh sure, and that
allowed me to really excel andperform and dig down deep.
But a lot of it was distraction, A lot of it was unnecessary
And if I were to utilize thatenergy in other areas, I've
wondered hey man, what can Ihave done Instead of being angry

about that or feeling slightedabout that?
Where could I have gone?

Speaker 1 (04:31):
Yeah, but you said you had a chip on your shoulder.
We both had chips on ourshoulder because of our
upbringing and because of thepeople who doubted us along the
I mean Michael Jordan got towhere Michael Jordan was because
he had a chip on the shoulderthe size of America.
So I mean I think thatpropelled us, I think that
helped us out, bro.

Speaker 2 (04:49):
Yeah, kev, chris Rock even said in his standup he
said I don't mind bullies.
Bullies put chips on shouldersand if we're trying to eliminate
and kill all the bullies outthere and shut them down, then
nobody's gonna be inventingstuff.
There'll be no standup comedy,you know.
So yeah, I mean it's good tohave a chip on your shoulder.

Speaker 1 (05:10):
How would that have sounded when Chris Rock was
saying that?

Speaker 2 (05:14):
Don't freeze up on me , give me out here.
That was terrible.
I apologize to Chris Rock andanybody named the Rock.

Speaker 1 (05:22):
Something I always admired about you, though, bro
you weren't afraid to get outthere and sing or try an

Speaker 2 (05:29):
It was Dude, the worst thing you ever made me do
is when we had Steven Tyler instudio and you made me sing
amazing to Steven Tyler and itwas the most horrific thing that
I ever had.
I still wake up in a pool ofsweat sometimes at night.

Speaker 1 (05:48):
See that's funny how perceptionis so weird because you think
it was the worst thing in theworld, the audience and I
thought it was radio gold, and Ithink Steven Tyler appreciated
it too.

Speaker 2 (05:59):
No, I think Steven Tyler was looking over to Steve
and going how long do I have tobe in this room?

Speaker 1 (06:04):
Oh yeah, cause he wanted to leave.
He was on the air live with usfor like an hour and a half.

Speaker 2 (06:09):
That was awesome.
I mean, that was one of thegreat moments in our career.

Speaker 1 (06:13):
Yeah, you know, we never went live before with
guests in the studio and of allpeople that we go live with.
He insisted Exactly and I was alittle bit worried to get up

Speaker 2 (06:25):
He wants to go live and you know cause.
You and I like to control thesituation.
Trust me, johnny likes us tohave control of the situation.
There you're without a net.
I mean, you never know what canbe said.
Live by Steven Tyler fromAerosmith.

Speaker 1 (06:39):
Were you surprised that he had everything under
control as much as he did?
He's a pro man.
Oh my God, dude Such a pro.

Speaker 2 (06:46):
Such a pro.
He knows the room that he's inand he will adjust accordingly,
cause I heard him the next dayon a show that doesn't have any
filters at all and he was, youknow, letting me have bombs drop
and everything like that.
So he knows where he's at andhe's just a total professional.
I love him.

Speaker 1 (07:06):
He was talking.
Real is what he was doing.
Dude, are you drinking?
If you can, if you're watchingthis on YouTube, are you
drinking cold coffee?

Speaker 2 (07:14):
No, no, no, that's a straight espresso.

Speaker 1 (07:17):
Oh, okay, all right, double shot of espresso.

Speaker 2 (07:22):
Oh, you cut back?
No, I didn't.
It's a double shot every coupleof hours.
I haven't cut back, I'm justtrying to spread it out a little

Speaker 1 (07:33):
Okay, what have you been up to, man?
It's been three years since wewere together.
All right, let me see Kev.

Speaker 2 (07:39):
Okay walked away from 93Q 21 months ago.
Trading futures.

Speaker 1 (07:45):
You were developing that program when we were
working together, so I did.

Speaker 2 (07:48):
I was working on it, I found out you had your own
Yeah, you know, you always haveto be ready Tell me about it.
Perrestrial radio is a shakybusiness.
I mean it's a shock that I got26 straight years doing morning
radio with no breaks in between.
That's really good record.

Speaker 1 (08:06):
That's a real good record.

Speaker 2 (08:08):
But you know it's very volatile.
So you know, I've been workingon that algorithm for a long
time, back testing it, forwardtesting it, and it's great.
But, man, it's a lonely venture.
I mean, it's me and a chartevery morning the last 21 months
and I'm just like you know whatI want to create again.

Speaker 1 (08:28):
Yeah, yeah, that's what they used to call the when
the vice president danced.
They called it algorithm.

Speaker 2 (08:34):
Oh oh, oh, oh oh oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
And, sir, I get it wrong.
Just a few minutes in and he'sreeling them off.

Speaker 1 (08:41):
Let me tell you podcast audience.
You know that's the same thingthat I miss about being in the
studio with you is the three C'sI miss the camaraderie, I miss
the creativity and I miss theconversation.
Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2 (08:56):
You know it should be four C's out comedy, but
obviously you don't want to.
You know you don't want to putpressure on this.

Speaker 1 (09:01):
Well then, it would be five C's compensation.

Speaker 2 (09:04):
Oh, look at you, exactly, exactly.
How many times during ourcareer did you think to yourself
when you got like, when you gotpaid, or saw that you're like
this is ridiculous, what theypay me, yeah well.

Speaker 1 (09:19):
I never quite thought that, because we always did
work very hard for what weachieved and it was always you,
never like you said, man, younever knew, going in day after
day if it was going to be sweptout from underneath you.
And that's not doom and gloom,that's just reality.
Exactly, exactly.

Speaker 2 (09:40):
And you know I just wanted to be ready with it and I
was with the trading and, youknow, kept the rest of it, a
little travel here and there andI am bonding with my kids a lot
Well, I was ready to bring upthe kids.
I have four of the greatestkids that any father could ever
possibly ask for.
Yeah, I've got overachievers,I've got kindness.

I've got, you know, chillgentle, I've got funny, I've got
great personality.
I'm very fortunate.
Yeah, dude, I follow your kidson.

Speaker 1 (10:09):
Facebook through you and I'm just amazed at what
Audrey has accomplished.
I mean, I'm not amazed orsurprised by it, I'm just amazed
at you know how successfulshe's become at a young age.
Yeah, I mean graduates in threeand a half years from Texas.

Speaker 2 (10:24):
She's 21 years old.
She never had seen a beat Whilebeing a Division.

Speaker 1 (10:30):
I athlete she graduated in three and a half
Dude, that's hard, that's a job, man.

Speaker 2 (10:36):
We don't know if Audrey is allergic to bees or
not, because she's never had any.
I mean, that's who that kid is,and now she's the associate
athletic director at Texas Stateand you want a great job, but
as smart as she is, I think.

Speaker 1 (10:52):
Jonas might even be smart enough to be able to do
what she is.
I think Jonas might even besmarter.
Ai Medical Research.

Speaker 2 (11:00):
I have conversations with himthat I just pretend I know what
I'm talking about.

Speaker 1 (11:06):
Yeah, well, don't we all with that age?

Speaker 2 (11:08):
I'm just like wow, man, where did this come from?
And he didn't look exactly likemy brother did when he was just
you know, todd I would havequestions for his mother.
That's not different.
I mean that kid is just off thecharts and Dallas I'm from he
can bend his boots can he yeah,Dallas is brilliant and he's

playing the saxophone now andhe's so good in comedy and such
a great sense of humor and Timmy, of course the person now is
off the charts.

Speaker 1 (11:42):
He's going to be massive dude, yeah that's, that

Speaker 2 (11:44):
He's a walking muscle .
Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1 (11:48):
He's a walking.

Speaker 2 (11:49):
You know his mama doesn't want him to play
football, but he's in a smalltown and when a kid, a head
taller, with that muscularstructure, is walking down the
hall and not on the footballteam, I mean there's going to be
some pressure.

Speaker 1 (12:02):
Yeah, I'm not sure she's going to be able to.
I'm not sure she's going to beable to dictate that.

Speaker 2 (12:06):
They may have to start the NIL in high school.

Speaker 1 (12:09):
I was just getting ready to say the same thing.
You know, and people ask me allthe time, tim, and that's a
perfect example right there ofwhat made you and Tim so
successful and what kept ittogether for 25 years and I
always tell people it was theinstant chemistry that you and I
had in the promotion area, inthe back, behind the scenes area

in Nashville.
What you and I have cannot becreated, dude, it's just natural
Yeah, I mean basically whatKevin.

Speaker 2 (12:41):
Let me translate what Kevin's trying to say he put up
with me and he's the only onethat put up with me.

Speaker 1 (12:45):
That's funny, because we talked to our agent
yesterday and you kind of had ascrambled signal and he said you
know, as far as Tim'srelationships go, you're
probably it, I'm like well, I'mlike well, you know, there was
no intimacy involved and I thinkthat probably is probably why
it was like this and you didn'thave to hang around me more than

that five hours a day.
No, you know, bro, you and Ihave talked considerably since I
left and since you know, youleft too and, dude, it was great
radio, man.
It's great radio, you know, andyou don't find a lot of that
anymore, because no, no, there's, people are walking on

eggshells, you know people areworried.

Speaker 2 (13:33):
They just don't let it go, they're just you know a
lot of filters and you know wejust we never cared.
I mean, like you were justsaying, we were doing a morning
show in the back room of ourpromotions office before we ever
did a morning show on the airtogether.

Speaker 1 (13:46):
Yeah, yeah.
So, and you know what, thoughand you're a money manager, a
numbers guy and corporations areshelling out multiple billion
dollars for radio stations.
That pressure that our bosses,our immediate bosses, are under,
that's coming from the top man,you know.
So I don't begrudge them and Idon't, I don't, I have nothing
against our management.

They're getting it from the topjust as much as they're giving
it to us, exactly.

Speaker 2 (14:11):
Yeah, exactly, it's just all being passed down from
the suits who go to those eyeswide shut parties.

Speaker 1 (14:17):
But if they knew what they were doing to destroy the
medium, I don't know if they, Idon't know if they would even
comprehend, you know more musicmore music, more music.
Dude, you and I both know thatwhen we were doing country radio
our, our playlist was the exactsame as the playlist across the
So what differentiates thestation?


Speaker 2 (14:38):

Speaker 1 (14:39):
And how many minutes did we get to talk?
An hour 12.
On a good day.

Speaker 2 (14:44):
Yeah, and, and, and, and, and and and and, and, and,
and, and and and, and, and andand, and and and and, and many,
many of them had grown in theirartistic career or they hadn't

shown them any skill-ğinrdingopportunities for us, for them
to study, 이죠 to gamelodemocracia stations, that's no

Speaker 1 (15:19):
That's no lie, I mean do.

Speaker 2 (15:21):
I'm excited, kevin Klein, we are.
This is Super Bowl week and Iam pumped up about what's going
on in Las Vegas.
Yeah, yeah, you know I wouldn'tbet the farm because of my fan
family's history.

Speaker 1 (15:36):
Oh, I love that the farm, but I would bet a couple
acres of it.
Tell everybody about the bet,the farm that's my there, but
Schmidt on my mom's side.

Speaker 2 (15:46):
My mom was one years old in North Dakota and grandpa
George thought there is no waywhatsoever that this Joe Lewis
guy is going to be this strongGerman matchmaking.
So he decided to bet his entirefarm against somebody who
thought Joe, who's going towhoop him?

Lo and behold, a couple weekslater, my mom and the rest of
her brothers and sisters.
They're walking from NorthDakota to Milwaukee to live with
True story.
I can't even make that up.

Speaker 1 (16:21):
But you know, I always wondered where your
affinity for action came from,and it came from grandpa George.
Obviously it's.
You know what?

Speaker 2 (16:27):
it is a problem sometimes, jeff.
Yeah, I have to admit you know,remember the Fred Plates, don't

Speaker 1 (16:35):
So what's the over under for Taylor Swift cutaways
during the Super Bowl?
Do you know?

Speaker 2 (16:41):
I don't know what it is, but I don't understand why
everybody reeks out about it.
I mean, you and I have beenwatching football for a long
time, very long time.
As a matter of fact, some of myearliest memories are of names
like Stabler and Bradshaw, whenwe were little kids, and it

doesn't bother me.
It doesn't bother you that theycut away to her?
Not at all.
It's sheer numbers, I mean.
I mean, they have a way ofknocking everything down to
sheer numbers and they havefigured out every time that we
can cut away in the luxury boxto Taylor Swift, we make $3
We're going to cut.

I mean those, those, thoserights to NFL games are billions
, man, if they can offset someof that by doing a 10 second
flash in the luxury box at aKansas City Cheese Game.
they're going to do it and Iunderstand it.

Speaker 1 (17:36):
Could you live that way, the way that she's forced
to live under all that scrutinyand all that public attention?

Speaker 2 (17:42):
I do not feel sorry for her one bit Anytime.
Anytime she has any problemswhatsoever, she'll just call her
accountant and within three orfour minutes she will be feeling
much better about it.
Now there's one.
There's one issue I do havewith Taylor is she's got to get
a little bit of control of thehard core Swifties.

I get it, You're a fan of hers,I am too.
I like Taylor Swift.
But if some say, for example,somebody says, oh, it's the 13th
today, it's bad luck and youstart shiming in.
Well, 13th Taylor Swift number.
And if you don't like her up,and I want you dead and your
family dead.
calm down, Because Taylor's notthat way.

We've met Taylor and talked toTaylor from the beginning, Kevin

Speaker 1 (18:29):
I was going to ask you if you think she owes us any
money because we were one ofthe first morning shows to play
Play her record, tim McGraw.

Speaker 2 (18:34):
Then McGraw came out in oh was, oh six or something
like that, I don't know.
She was 16 years old.

Speaker 1 (18:41):

Speaker 2 (18:41):
And we were one of the very first stations to
interview 16 year old TaylorSwift, Yep and Tim McGraw.
Great song.
We loved it.
Oh, it was amazing.
And I know, Kev I don't know ifyou remember this or not I was
blown away by the lyrics of hersongs.
I consider her the millennialDylan.
I really do.

Speaker 1 (19:01):
Okay, and for the millennials who don't know.
Dylan for the millennials whodon't know Dylan a Bob Dylan.

Speaker 2 (19:08):
Yeah, dylan, yeah, go read some Bob Dylan lyrics and
you'll know what I'm talkingabout.
You'll be like, wow, where doesthat come from?
She's a genius?
Yeah, no, she really is.
And even at 16, I even rememberthis interview I said I said
Taylor, for somebody who shouldbe, you know, just basically
watching Nick at night, everynight, and you know, you know

Nickelodeon or whatever youchoose some really deep and
interesting lyrics.
Remember what he said she goesI don't watch Nickelodeon.
Yeah, yeah.
I think I was her first exposureto goofy idiot DJ just trying
to get a laugh.

Speaker 1 (19:45):
You were a lot of people's first exposure to that.

Speaker 2 (19:49):
I apologize, I think, there's a shot for it.

Speaker 1 (19:54):
No, that's what, that's what your, that's your
personality, man, that's yourpersona, that's that you, you

Speaker 2 (20:00):
I'll tell you this.
Over the years, though, we'vehad multiple opportunities to be
in her midst and to talk to her.
Everything I have To me, taylorSwift, is number two Kev on the
list of.
Don't you know who you are?
Why are you talking to me likethis?
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1 (20:16):
Who would be number?

Speaker 2 (20:16):
I don't understand why GarthBrooks likes to spend so much
time hanging out and talking tous.
I mean, you have like a 15minute.
I've had a 15 minuteconversation with Garth Brooks a
couple of times and he's donebeen and he's asking no, so,
Audrey, volleyball this, that,the other.
And he's done it.
And I'm just thinking to myselfyou are Garth Brooks, I am a
radio idiot in Houston.

Why do you care?

Speaker 1 (20:40):
And he's just amazing guy Taylor's that way too.

Speaker 2 (20:43):
I mean, taylor was always very warm and she seemed
like she had a huge memory, likelike I would switch, I'd see
her and I'd talk about it, andthe next time I'd see her she
Well, how's Audrey doing involleyball?
That'll be like somebody justgave you notes, didn't they?
And she's just one of thosepeople.

Speaker 1 (21:01):
Yeah, she's got a huge index of information in her
brain, one of the reasons thatGarth Brooks does that and he
told me this when he was atrodeo Houston.
He loves the same thing that weloved him.
He loves the conversation, andhe doesn't like the conversation
with people whose story healready knows.
He loves the conversation ofpeople like us who he doesn't

know as much about, so that'swhy he's so fan friendly.
He loves to find out aboutpeople.

Speaker 2 (21:28):
Well, you got to remember.
He was the guy back in theearly 90s who literally stood in
the same place for 24 straighthours at San Fest in Nashville
signing everybody's autograph.
Would not leave until literallyeverybody from the Nashville
metro area had a Garth Brooksautograph.
I mean, that's just an amazingguy.
By the way, kev, real quicknumber three on that list and

you'll understand why I say thiskid rock.
Yeah, awesome yeah the kid rockis serving Kevin Klein and I
Coors lights in his trailertrailer yeah, Was that the best
you and I were just looking ateach other go.
He's getting up and fetching uscord like keep kid rock.

Speaker 1 (22:08):
Yeah yeah, that was great and that was like what,
maybe 30 or 40 minutes before hewent on stage in Birmingham, it
was just really cool.
I mean it was we were justhanging out.

Speaker 2 (22:17):
Yeah, well, I think I disarmed him by saying your
performance in Joe dirt wasreally, really not recognized by
the Academy this year, Robbiethat's a great movie, man.

Speaker 1 (22:31):
You know that it's.
This is how.
This is how it works with Timand I.
He'll say something and it'llit'll trigger something in me,
or I'll say something, it'lltrigger something in him.
I wanted to try something withyou and this leads it into
perfectly, when I run, it'sboring, okay, and you, you
realize that too.
I mean, you've always realizedthat, klein, running that long,

that's boring.
So in order to occupy my mind,I come up with top fives, okay,
top fives in the top, and I Ialways thought you'd be perfect
to banter back and forth with meon this.
I'll throw out a cool, I'llthrow out a topic and in my head
I'm starting to talk about.
You know answers to this topfive.
So the top five I want to giveyou and you don't even know this

category yet.
This is the first time you'veever heard about this concept.
Top five football movies oh,top five football movies.

Speaker 2 (23:26):
Boy, that's gonna be tough because there are a lot of
really, really good ones.
I know It'll be tough to putthem in order.
You don't have to put them inorder.
You gave five.
Okay, I got.
I know it's cheesy and schlockyor whatever, but I really
enjoyed it.
Yeah, Gene Hackman and KeanuReeves the replacements Okay it

was about, you know the guys whocrossed the the strike line and
played ball got some victoriesand everything like that, and I
I like Keanu Reeves as the QB.
I thought you know it's ticker,everything like that.
I love that movie.

Speaker 1 (24:02):
Okay, I have never seen it.
You've never seen thereplacements.
No, no.
This is one of the reasons whyI thought this would be a fun
thing to do, because you'regonna name five movies and I
guarantee I may not have seenany of them.

Speaker 2 (24:16):
Oh, you've seen.

Speaker 1 (24:17):
Rudy right, yeah, that's not on my list.

Speaker 2 (24:19):
I Like I like underdog stories though.

Speaker 1 (24:22):
Yeah, but we know the real story behind Rudy and
nobody liked him.

Speaker 2 (24:26):
Yeah, it's like too fiction for me.
You know, you, you have a nicetidy list that's already laid
You're, you just threw this atme, so I'm fresh on it.
I'm working through my list.
I guess right now is what I'mtrying to say.

Speaker 1 (24:39):
And this is how I occupy my mind, so I'm glad I
could drag you into the hellwith me.
Do you have longest yard onthere?
The original, yes, yeah, withBert Reynolds.

Speaker 2 (24:51):
Yes, the original artist is brilliant, the one
with Adam Sandler, it's okay.
Do you have any given?
Sunday with Jamie Foxx is thequarterback Al Pacino as the

Speaker 1 (25:02):
See, I always get that one mixed up with with the
Denzel Washington one.
Was that?
Remember the Titans?

Speaker 2 (25:08):
Remember the Titans I kev.
I probably have that at numberone or two, remember really.

Speaker 1 (25:14):
I haven't seen either of those movies, but I always
get them mixed up in title.
I don't know why.

Speaker 2 (25:19):
Yeah, I just saw my all-american about Freddie I
think his name Steinbach the UTLonghorn, who, when they won the
national championship of 1969,was diagnosed with bone cancer,
had his leg amputated and madeit to the sidelines of the
cotton bowl when they beat NotreDame a couple weeks later.

Speaker 1 (25:39):

Speaker 2 (25:40):
Yeah, that's a craze, that's.
I just saw that one so fresh onthe head.
You know, if you would haveasked me this a week ago, I
probably wouldn't have had it onthere because I never saw it,
but it gets some kind of mention.

Speaker 1 (25:50):
Well, that, actually, that storyline actually leads
me to my number one and I'mgonna ask you to do the line,
because I know you know the linein the movie Brian's song, oh.

Speaker 2 (26:01):
Let me tell you about Brian Piccolo.
He else there's the speech,yeah, even the theme song.
When I hear Brian song, IImmediately you know cuz you and
I were young when we saw thisand it's football and even
though it's the Chicago Bearsfor a Packers fan, I mean I was
riveted and I was glued.
And when, when he gave thespeech, it was who was it?

It was.

Speaker 1 (26:27):
Billy D Williams.

Speaker 2 (26:28):
That's right, I love Brian Piccolo, you know, in the
speech and I was like, and ofcourse, a con.

Speaker 1 (26:40):
Yeah, James.

Speaker 2 (26:40):
James con played Brian Piccolo.

Speaker 1 (26:43):

Speaker 2 (26:43):
Chicago Bears running back that died of cancer.

Speaker 1 (26:46):
Yeah, that's the backstory.
They were teammates on theChicago Bears.
Billy D Williams played GaleSarah's, one of the best running
backs to ever play the game,and Brian Piccolo was the other
running back and Piccolo died at26 from cancer.
And it was.
There was a race component toit because Gale Sarah's black,
billy pick, brian Piccolo white,but man dude.
That is the biggest tear jerkmovie I've ever seen.


Speaker 2 (27:09):
Yeah, that's, that was.
That was a hard one to watch us.
You know, initially I was likeI think I need some more
football fees, shouldn't we havesome more football team?
Because it was like reallyheavy, but in such a great movie
So I can understand why thatstops.

Speaker 1 (27:25):
What do you know?
What else?
What else do you have?
Do you know?

Speaker 2 (27:28):
Well, what do you have?
Let's work from yours.

Speaker 1 (27:31):
Mine are dumb, so Brian's song I've got.
I also have the water boy, oh.

Speaker 2 (27:37):
You gotta have the water boy.
Yeah you gotta have the waterboy, how quality H2O?
Yeah, oh my god, that is, Imean, without a doubt, one of
the best movies, okay.

Speaker 1 (27:49):
Now you're gonna think I'm playing Homer on this
one because it was filmed on thecampus where I went to school
and where your daughter nowworks.

Speaker 2 (27:57):
But necessary roughness was that filmed at
Texas State?

Speaker 1 (28:00):
It certainly was.

Speaker 2 (28:01):
Happy Ireland was the kicker on that field.
That's why it's in my top five.
Happy Ireland.
For those unaware, let me talkto Millennials and Gen Z here.
Happy Ireland was Margot Robbie.
Yeah to our generation.
Okay, it was like, wow, yeah,she's the kicker in this movie.

Yeah, that was a good one.
Yeah, yeah, real quick one thatI kind of like because I really
had a thing for.
I kind of a kid crush on herGoldie Han in Wildcats great
movie yeah see.
Russell as the as the principal.
I love that.

Speaker 1 (28:38):
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2 (28:42):
Varsity Blues Dude and Friday night lights.
Man, what am I thinking?

Speaker 1 (28:46):
Well, there's a lot of football movies.
That's what you said at thebeginning of this, and that's
why it's fun to do for me,because I'll I'll have these
arguments with myself While I'mrunning.

Speaker 2 (28:55):
Yeah, Varsity Blues is a great movie.
John Boyd was so awesome inthat.

Speaker 1 (29:00):
Oh, he's a jerk, total jerk, yeah, I mean he's
brilliant in that movie.

Speaker 2 (29:04):
It was a great jerk yeah that is a great.

Speaker 1 (29:07):
It was a.

Speaker 2 (29:07):
Vanderbeek was the quarterback.

Speaker 1 (29:09):
Yeah, james Vanderbeek and Allie Larder, I
love that one.

Speaker 2 (29:12):
And then Friday night lights Billy Bob Fortin as the
I mean that was a great movieand then spun it off.
The series was actually evenbetter than movie what?
Yeah, let me tell you this.
You start watching the Fridaynight night night night series.
You can't stop you.
You literally are like I'mgonna put sandbags down in the
door, I'm gonna shut my phoneoff, I'm going to, I'm gonna eat

bread and peanut butter forthree days and I'm gonna watch
all the seasons.

Speaker 1 (29:39):
Well, now that I stay up past seven o'clock at night,
I can watch stuff like that.
So thanks for the tip.

Speaker 2 (29:44):
I think you will like it has.
It has all the components of aKevin Klein type series.
You know it's got some goodfootball, it's got some
sensitive moments, because weknow you can be sensitive very
and of course it's got it's gotpretty women too.

Speaker 1 (29:59):
I love that.
Yeah, no, that's the wholereason.
I got varsity blues on my listbecause Allie Larder in a ice
cream sundae.
Are you kidding me?

Speaker 2 (30:05):
That's so funny, that kind of stuff happening to you,
and I never happened to me.
Yeah, that's all.
I'm kidding, I'm so embarrassedthat we were this far into that
top five list Before varsityblues and Friday night lights.
I can literally hear peoplescreaming at the podcast going
Wild cats.

Speaker 1 (30:25):
Well, we can take it to social.
Take it social, let it, let it,let us take it to social.

Speaker 2 (30:31):
Let's do a top five Football movies of all time in
honor of the reunion of TimTuttle and Kevin Klein and also
Super Bowl week.

Speaker 1 (30:40):
You like how I trailed out there and also a
Super Bowl week.
Well, yeah, you got, we gotpriorities.

Speaker 2 (30:47):
There's a million of them and you know, after the
fact, like I'm gonna go do asecond round of cardio later
this afternoon and I'll be, I'llbe doing a little cardio and
I'll be like why didn't youmention that tunnel?
Mm-hmm, yeah, so I'll have topfive regret, which I guess it's
something you can get from yourlittle you know feature here.

Speaker 1 (31:05):
Oh, dude, it's, it's constant.
It's constant regret because,man, I forgot this, man, I
forgot that.
But it's, it's a perfectcomponent for you to chime in on
the social media and say, ohman, we're needed, I forgot this
So it's a topic that'll neverend.

Speaker 2 (31:19):
Yeah, so if I have to go back, you know an, order it
if you're officially gonna putit on socal media.
I got it as Friday night lightsR2D Blues.
What is what's?

Speaker 1 (31:32):
Denzel and any given no.
Remember the Titans.

Speaker 2 (31:36):
Remember the Titans any given Sunday, and then I
Guess I gotta go, rudy.
Okay, now those are mine.

Speaker 1 (31:46):
It's not surprising that you've gone.
That you've gone, rudy.
You're a Catholic boy raised inIndiana, geez.

Speaker 2 (31:52):
My mom would.
It would be crying somewhere ifI didn't have some Notre Dame
in there.

Speaker 1 (31:57):
Yeah, Rudy is all about Rudy.
A walk-on player that gets toplay one play at Notre Dame.

Speaker 2 (32:02):
My mom would be like oh, tim, you had several
opportunities there to mentionthe Notre Dame fighting Irish.
I all what you mentioned, thePackers.

Speaker 1 (32:12):
That's your best impression ever, your mom.

Speaker 2 (32:17):
She was raised in Wisconsin after her dad lost the
farm and they had to move there.

Speaker 1 (32:23):
Yeah, way to go, grandpa Schmidt.

Speaker 2 (32:26):
No, so what are you binging?

Speaker 1 (32:27):
What are you binge watching?
Because you mentioned.

Speaker 2 (32:31):
Right now I'm watching suits right now.

Speaker 1 (32:34):
Oh, dude, that is so good.

Speaker 2 (32:36):
I'm having trouble getting past Him, like as not a
lawyer, though, and he's like aninvestment guy.
I don't like that.
I'm in that season right now.

Speaker 1 (32:44):
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
They could have stopped thatthe season before.

Speaker 2 (32:48):
I don't know why they did that.
I, you know, it's kind of.
It's kind of like wheneverybody was gone though about
friends, and then then Phoebedecides well, I'm gonna have
babies for my brother who playedwho played by.
Giovanni Robbisi.

Speaker 1 (33:02):
Robbisi yeah.

Speaker 2 (33:04):
And I was just like that is just too weird.
Yes, I know Lisa Kodrow has aIs pregnant and having kids, but
there's a much better way youcould do this plot line.
Then I'm doing it for mybrother.
It's weird.

Speaker 1 (33:18):
It was a lot of weird .
I was out on that, but yeah,I'm gonna pass the hole.

Speaker 2 (33:23):
He's because I know he's gonna go back and be a
lawyer on suits.

Speaker 1 (33:27):
Yeah, suits is great, man.
We uh, we watch all of that.
They got a new spinoff comingup pretty soon.

Speaker 2 (33:32):
Kev, can I ask you a question, and this is very
Uh, sure, that always freaks meout, because have you decided
to follow the advice I havegiven you for many years now?
Have you watched Walter Whitein Breaking Bad?

Speaker 1 (33:51):
I watched that series the entire, from start to
finish, I think in about threeweeks.

Speaker 2 (33:57):
Yes, it was amazing, because you hadn't done that
when we were together Is thatincredible, or what?

Speaker 1 (34:02):
I'm so glad I didn't get hookedon it while we were together,
because I would have nevergotten any sleep.
It's fascinating, it wasriveting, it was absolutely
But let me say this up untilthe last season, I liked Better
Call Saul better, really.
Oh, I love Better Call Saul.

Speaker 2 (34:23):
I do too.
I don't think it holds up inregards to Breaking Bad, but it
is a nice 1B.
You know what I'm?

Speaker 1 (34:30):
saying I'm the only one that seems to think that
Saul, that I liked Saul better.
Saul probably wasn't betterthan Breaking Bad.
I just liked it better, I think, because Odenkirk was just such
a slime ball.
Oh, just perfect.

Speaker 2 (34:44):
He was just unbelievable and you know for a
second you would hire himbecause he would do whatever it
takes to get you off.

Speaker 1 (34:53):
That's right.
And the other thing thatsurprised me about Better Call
Saul is Michael McKee, and weonly know him from comedy movies
We know him from Saturday NightLive, we know him from Spinal
Tap, we know him from Best inShow and in that group right
But boy, he played a jerk too.

Speaker 2 (35:09):
Yeah, he was awesome.
And you know who's the guy thatthe fixer, airman Trout, mike,
mike, oh yeah yeah, yeah.
That was a great job on thatrole.

Speaker 1 (35:24):
So, dude, let me tell you a story here.
My friend Bob Trisha's old bossin Sugarland.
He and his wife were living inThousand Oaks, california.
They went to a wedding and thebride I think it was her
grandfather or her uncle wasMike the fixer, really Yep.
And so they got seated at thesame table with him and they're

huge fans, but they didn't wantto fan geek out on him, you know
And so they just startedtalking to him and all he wanted
to talk about was their kids,that's so funny.

Speaker 2 (36:00):
Yeah, and you could see that side of him.
You know, when he's dealingwith his granddaughter in the
series, you can see he has thatside in him too, but that's so

Speaker 1 (36:10):
And they eventually.

Speaker 2 (36:11):
And Kevin, let's not forget.
You know, we remember when wewere kids, we saw him and do the
right thing.
But Gus Spring, oh yeah, thatis an unbelievable character.

Speaker 1 (36:23):
Yeah, that was an amazing character, yeah.

Speaker 2 (36:26):
But you have to admit probably one of the best
characters in Breaking Badoutside of Walter White was Tuko

Speaker 1 (36:37):
Dude, I used Tuko Salamanca as one of my racing
names in one of my recentmarathons.

Speaker 2 (36:43):
That's funny.

Speaker 1 (36:44):
They let you personalize your bib, and so,
instead of putting my name on, Iput characters that I love in
movies, but they can't be thelead.
They can only be a supportingrole, and Tuko Salamanca was

Speaker 2 (36:57):
That was Is that an incredible character and from
what I hear we don't know inperson he's the nicest dude ever
behind the scenes, but heplayed the psycho drug dealer
just so well.

Speaker 1 (37:08):
Yeah, you couldn't be like that in real life.
You die of stress, you die ofsomebody would kill you for
being that.

Speaker 2 (37:17):
You'd get blown up.

Speaker 1 (37:18):
Yeah, you would get blown up, yeah.

Speaker 2 (37:21):
That's probably what would happen to you.

Speaker 1 (37:22):
Have you seen him in the old TV show the Closer or
Major Crimes?
Yes, yeah, yeah, he's awesome,he's awesome, he's a great actor

Speaker 2 (37:31):
I love that you have, because for years and I'm gonna
probably steal this from you,kev for years I'd said well, kev
, what do you, if you had to?
What would you sign into ahotel under a fake name under
and you never had anythingYou're like why?
Would never be.
I would never be big enoughstar to ever have to do that.
And of course you know that Ialways said Jose Camarillo.

Speaker 1 (37:53):
Yeah, it just rolls right off the tongue for you.

Speaker 2 (37:55):
Yeah, and you remember when Timmy was born
that they were trying to see Timand Erica's baby at the
hospital and they were concernedsecurity-wise.
They wanted to put him under adifferent name and we did.
He is Jose Camarillo Jr.
Oh, the junior, yeah, and he'sstill.
I still get some mail onoccasion from the hospital

saying Jose Camarillo Jr.
Bad and really funny.
I think I want to steal TukoSalamanaca.
That's a great one.
Good catch there, buddy yeah no, I'm done with it.

Speaker 1 (38:33):
I only use the character one time in a race and
then I moved on.
So, like this past January,when I ran the Houston Marathon,
I was Brooks Hatlin.
Remember Brooks Hatlin fromShawshank Redemption?
I do, yeah, james Whitmore.

Speaker 2 (38:49):
Can I ask you this how many people know what you're
doing and will mentionsomething?

Speaker 1 (38:54):
But if it's one person, no,seriously People.
They'll say go, brooks, go.
And I'm like dude, if you onlyknew, like I was Miley Cyrus in
Paris, france, I put Miley Cyruson my.

Speaker 2 (39:06):
You put Miley Cyrus on your bib.

Speaker 1 (39:08):
I put Miley Cyrus on my bib in Paris, France.
They had no idea.
I'm pretty sure they had anidea that I wasn't Miley Cyrus.
But yeah, but no, when I dofictional characters, no, nobody
But if there's that one personthat does know, dude, that makes
it all worthwhile.

Speaker 2 (39:26):
That's it.
All I need is one.
You know our policy has alwaysbeen for going on 28 years if
one person laughs we win.

Speaker 1 (39:36):
And it's usually me that laughs, so we always win.

Speaker 2 (39:41):
That's it.
I don't care.
I got one, so I went fishingand I caught one small fish and
I'll go home and I'll be happy.

Speaker 1 (39:50):
Hey, I'm curious to find out your reaction to this.
We woke up to the news thismorning that Toby Keith ain't no
longer breathing like he oncewas.

Speaker 2 (40:00):
No man, that's not.

Speaker 1 (40:01):
That's awesome, I got a reaction you smirk.

Speaker 2 (40:06):
I knew you were.
I knew Kevin Klein.
For those unaware, kevin Kleinis.
One of the things he's famousfor is being the first to say
something inappropriate.
That's his thing.
That's his thing.
That's his thing, and God blesshim.
Yes, he will spend an eternityin hell, oh my God, but he
sticks with it regardless.

Good one, kev.
My question is how long did ittake you to write it?

Speaker 1 (40:31):
Immediately when Trish told me this morning hey,
were you in Oklahoma thisweekend?
I'm like, yeah, she goes.
Did you see the Toby Keith news?
I'm like, no, she's like TobyKeith died on the 5th.
I'm like, well, that wasyesterday, honey, that was
She's like oh, I said yeah, heain't breathing like he once was

Speaker 2 (40:48):
There you go, just like that, kevin.
Yeah, I tell you, I saw that Iwas bummed.
I mean, that's first off.
Toby Keith, that is oneindividual living the American

Speaker 1 (41:01):
Oh my God, Totally, totally.
He was the oil guy.

Speaker 2 (41:04):
He was on the Derrick's and you know he's just
really getting down and dirtybefore the music career took off
and he ended up having hishands, and you know, successful
restaurants and other businesses.
A billionaire.
A billionaire was still a stackof number one hits a swagger,

I mean.
I that got right there, trueAmerican, and I'm bummed out
that we lost him so quickly.
Obviously, his suffering isover.

Speaker 1 (41:35):
Oh yeah yeah, he had stomach cancer and he had a
brutal battle with stomachcancer.
He has one of my all timefavorite country music lyrics.
We'll put a bit in your ass.

Speaker 2 (41:47):
I know, man, I love it.
He has so many poignant lyrics.
I mean, as good as I once was,that's a really good one.
Should have been a cowboy.
Another great one.
And the one don't let the oldman in the recent one Okay, that
was part of the Clint Eastwoodmovie.
I mean he really has someintrospective and really

effective lyrics.
So I got to give him credit forbeing good lyricist still.

Speaker 1 (42:13):
I'm surprised he, he sang should have been a cowboy,
because you know he's from moreOklahoma, right down the street
from Oklahoma University.
He is a sooner, he bleedsmaroon and white, but their
rival is the Oklahoma StateCowboys.
It's just ironic to me that herecorded that song and, you know
, didn't pass it up.

Speaker 2 (42:32):
Yeah, yeah, I have to say this though terrible golfer

Speaker 1 (42:38):
Wait a minute, not the worst you've ever played

Speaker 2 (42:42):
You're not that bad, Kev.

Speaker 1 (42:42):
You just, you just like bumped it, though I was
thinking more Charles Barkley.
But yeah, I was, I'm.
So I stuck to.
I know, I know, I know Totalslike totals.
Like hey, clive, let's play afoursome in a charity tournament
You hit first because I knowit's not going to be far, but
it'll be in the middle, and thenI'll just rip it and grip it.

Yeah, no, I know, but I wasthinking more Charles Barkley.

Speaker 2 (43:08):
No, Kevin was right down the middle 175 yards.

Speaker 1 (43:12):
With a driver With a driver.

Speaker 2 (43:14):
So we all, we always knew we had one in the middle.
Yeah, yeah, yeah but Barkley,that was terrible.
That golf swing man I'm likereally.
You're like one of the eliteathletes of the back side of the
20th century and your golfswing looks like this Plus, you
have $200 million liquid whereyou can literally have David
Leadbetter flow into yourcompound, spend the entire

weekend with you and gets you ontrack and your golf swing looks
like that.
That is an American travesty,charles Barkley, and unnecessary

Speaker 1 (43:47):
Hey, what's it like playing in front of a gallery
Because you've played theBruno's charity tournament and
Barkley and Mia Hamm were onyour foursome and that's-.

Speaker 2 (43:55):
No, no, no, actually, you know, Barkley was in the
group behind.

Speaker 1 (43:58):
Oh, okay, it was it was Bo.
Oh, that's right, bo Jackson.

Speaker 2 (44:05):
Bo knows everything except golf.

Speaker 1 (44:07):
Yeah no, he had a horrible swing too.

Speaker 2 (44:10):
Yeah, he hooked things a lot, kev, let me tell
you there's the thing I got outof that Bruno's Memorial Classic
, birmingham, alabama, 2004.
We have Hubert Green.
He is the pro, the PGA seniortour pro.
I'm playing with Bo Jackson andMia Hamm, the soccer player the

ladies soccer player from theUS team back in the late 90s.
Now she is the wife of NomaGhassia-Para, the shortstop for
the Red Sox for so many years.
Because I'm in that group, Ihave huge galleries following me
For 18-olds that was a biggallery and, kev, you actually

saw the 18-told with the hugegallery, really big gallery,
where it was a par-5.
And I know you remember this.

Speaker 1 (45:00):
Oh, I totally do.

Speaker 2 (45:02):
I crushed the ball off the tee.
I mean I probably hit it 3-10right down the middle.
Even Hubert's like you knowwhat?
We're going to win this thing.
Timmy, if you can just shoot apar here and that's a good drive
I'm like, oh boy, now you'redone if you would.
And Bo Jackson is even lookingat me and he's going you got
this, man, you got this right.
You got this right and I hitthe second shot, crushed it.

I mean my three would about 240, 245.
And so just to the right of thegreen on a par-5, I'm thinking
I'm going to get up and down andbirdie and be a real hero.
Crowds, crowds, going nuts.
They're walking with me as I'mwalking down the to that third
shot and I'm just like this isgoing to be awesome, man, you

remember the tap gallery in thethousands at that point.

Speaker 1 (45:52):
Oh, I was part of it, yeah.

Speaker 2 (45:54):
And I got to my ball with my 60-degree wedge.
I just needed to flip it up anddown.
I choked that thing so bad itwas unbelievable.
The worst sound any human beingcan ever hear is five 6,000
people going ah.

Then Bo Jackson walks over tome and goes.
You asked up, but he used theword yeah.
So that was the lastinteraction I ever had with Bo
You asked up.

Speaker 1 (46:30):
Hey, you at least had an interaction with the
greatest athlete that everwalked the planet.

Speaker 2 (46:34):
Yeah, he said something to me.

Speaker 1 (46:36):
That's right, he knew my name for about two hours.
That's right, two hours, twohours.
I thought a round of golf tookyou five hours.

Speaker 2 (46:44):
Oh, it took him the first two hours to learn it, are
you OK?
First I was dude, I was, Ithink I was Tommy for a couple
of holes, tommy, yeah, and I wasman, I was man for a couple of
holes, and bro, bro, you know.
And then it's finally startedplaying a little well he's.
Oh, hey, tim, good job.

Speaker 1 (47:03):
I was making fun of you telling, telling Kathy how
long it took you to take arounda golf.
I'll be gone for about fivehours.

Speaker 2 (47:10):
I, you know what I don't know.
If you remember, I used to playgolf.
I mean, his name is Jay andhe's actually.
Look, he's a guy, bald guy,look like you know exactly what
he looked like.

Speaker 1 (47:20):
I totally remember Jay.
Yeah, friend of ours inBirmingham.

Speaker 2 (47:24):
Here's my first wife, Kathy Thought around the golf
was eight hours Until hementioned on the radio and when
we put him on for the last timethat you know hey, tim, it's
only going to be about fourhours to play around with golf I
was like oh come on, I got onthat day.
She goes.
What do you do for the otherfour hours, Timothy?

Speaker 1 (47:47):
Another round.

Speaker 2 (47:48):
We go play poker in the clubhouse.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, and I didn'thave to do diapers.

Speaker 1 (47:55):
Oh my gosh man, I don't know how you did that.
Diapers, holy smokes, I can'tdo it.

Speaker 2 (48:01):
You were one of the.
You were.
You watched Audrey.
Audrey's now 22.
You watched her the firstpeople to watch her like for a
couple of weeks, yeah, and Iguess when Audrey had a diaper
problem that went to Trish.

Speaker 1 (48:13):
Oh, that was all Trish yeah.
That was all Trish yeah, youcouldn't even look at her.
I can't be in this.
I can't be in the same room,Even when our dogs do it.
Tim, I can't be in the sameroom.
I leave.

Speaker 2 (48:23):
How is your wife put up with you?

Speaker 1 (48:26):
Uh, medication Exactly, yeah More for me, more
for her.
You get the refills every phone.
Yeah, do you remember when Iheld Audrey for the first time
in the hospital?
Yes, what'd she do?
Yeah, Blood.

Speaker 2 (48:40):
Yeah, yeah.
Well, you know that's the firstnight and there's still all
kinds of things going on withthe system.
You know they maybe haven'tcleared everything out.
That's, that's in there.

Speaker 1 (48:51):
So yeah, I didn't know that, though.
Yeah, I think, I, oh, I totallydid.

Speaker 2 (48:57):
She's like, uh I the show when Tim gets back from
maternity leave with baby.
Very awkward because I killedhis daughter within the first
few hours of her life.

Speaker 1 (49:06):
Yeah yeah, that was the scary moment for me.
I had no idea, though, but Ican't wait till she gets married
, because when we send her herwedding gift, there's definitely
going to be some sort of amention about that.

Speaker 2 (49:19):
I mean, you guys were up therelike they were cutting the
umbilical cord.
You guys were up into thehospital.
I thought that was great.
It showed support.

Speaker 1 (49:29):
Yeah yeah, she wasn't a big, big fan of me trying to
get in there, you know.
Yeah, yeah, I want to see thecut.
I want to see the cut.
Yeah, yeah, oh man, some, some,some seriously fun times and
good times.
How do you think age haschanged you?

Speaker 2 (49:46):
How has age changed me?
I again, I probably.
I don't let as much bother meand I want to see.
I just don't care what people?
Say I just know, I, I, I usedto bother me when people had
issues with me.
It used to bother me when youknow I wouldn't get my way.

I mean nothing.
There's rolls off the back nowLiterally Just rolls off.
I just I don't care.

Speaker 1 (50:15):
Yeah, but I always thought you handled criticism.
I always thought you handlednegative social media comments.
I never knew it bothered you.

Speaker 2 (50:26):
It did.
I always laugh at people thathad issues with the show.

Speaker 1 (50:32):
I'm like you have issues with the show.

Speaker 2 (50:34):
You got the easiest job in the world Turn the

Speaker 1 (50:38):

Speaker 2 (50:38):
Those people always made me laugh.
I was like, why are you herethen?
I'm just talking like on a dayto day in dealing with people
and dealing with situations, Ijust you know I really am much
easier just letting things go,you know you know, you know, you
can remember, I used to be I'm,I'm going to get you.

Speaker 1 (50:59):
Oh, I know you have a list.
Oh, you don't anymore.

Speaker 2 (51:03):
No, no, I let I you know, I let that all go.
Really there's, there's a pointwhere you just let it go.
It's just, it's such, it's suchnegative, poisonous toxins.
I guess a lot of this is.
You know, I have really, overthe last year and a half, taken
up meditation.
Okay, like, every single dayI'll meditate for 10 minutes,

just 10 minutes, yeah, just 10,just 10 minutes.
That's all I think.
And then when something youknow comes up that gives me
anxiety or something you knowmake it, I'll do, I'll do an
emergency maintenance, 10minutes.
But yeah, that that, rightthere, I mean it just completely
, you know, resets you.

You visualize the rest of theday or the next day and you have
that time and you know anythingbothering you.
And another thing I do is I putmyself in the other persons.
You know, I put them in theirplace a lot, okay, like, okay,
there's, there's a reason whythis person is that way.

Speaker 1 (52:07):

Speaker 2 (52:07):
You know, maybe it's a childhood thing.
You know, maybe mama didn't hughim enough for her enough.
You know, maybe you know, andand you know, all people do is
they shut it down.
And then it was on this day,with their interaction with me,
they decided what happened backin 1991.

Speaker 1 (52:26):
You, know what I'm saying.
No, I know exactly what you'resaying.
I've had that conversation witha couple of a couple of other
people who, as a matter of fact,I had it with our old boss,
john Lenick.
You don't know what thatperson's going through that day.
You know Exactly.
So just give them the benefitof the doubt.
Let me ask you this, becauseyou, in all of my dealings with
people, you are the one personwho I never thought could turn

their brain off.
So how do you do?
How do you take?
Take me through a meditation.

Speaker 2 (52:54):
Um, it's, the breathing is big, into the nose,
out through the mouth and thenjust a complete head clear.

Speaker 1 (53:02):
I try to go to a point where I just black out and
have no thoughts whatsoever.

Speaker 2 (53:07):
And I actually hit that point, probably usually
about two minutes, in Reallyyeah, where I just have zero
thoughts in my head whatsoever.
I literally I actually the uh,because I do it on my bed,
laying, laying on my back, and Ijust feel like I'm in a cloud,
I'm weightless and I'm justcompletely calm.

And then, once I can get theblackout in the head, I go into
either visualization mode hey,what's my day going to be like?
Or I'd start to pick apart theproblem that I'm trying to
address by meditating and I justI just a lot more thinking
involved instead of reactionary,you know really yeah, wow, I

pay $160 a week to talk tosomebody about this.

Speaker 1 (53:57):
I don't have to do that anymore.
I just need to learn how tomeditate.
I tell you Kevin, it's huge.

Speaker 2 (54:02):
Now, don't get me wrong.
I got I have a lot of issuestoo that I probably should be
talking to somebody.
Yeah, I probably should bedoing that.
I've got to probably just workout some stuff from, uh, from
the childhood, but it has beenreally.
I mean I just I hope I don'tknow grudges.
I mean I, I can name you a listof people who have done me

wrong that I should probablyseek vengeance upon and destroy.
I just I think about them andI'm like I come to the point
where I feel sorry for them thatthey compromise themselves by
doing that to me.
You know what I'm saying.
Yeah, yeah, I feel sorry forthem and I let it go.

Speaker 1 (54:46):
The last conversation I had was with uh uh ring
announcer and octagon announcer,joe Martinez, and he's very
spiritual and he said do yourealize the amount of energy it
takes to hate as opposed to theamount of energy it takes to
Exactly yeah, he said you ifyou're hanging on to hate, he
You're driving yourself to anearly grave with the amount of

stress you're creating foryourself.

Speaker 2 (55:09):
Exactly Now, you still want, I mean, I still want
the motivator.
You know I still I mean, likethese people that I've mentioned
that I've let it go.
I want them a, I want them tosee me how you like me now, you
know, say you still want to havethat moment.
Yeah, a tip of the cap to uh gobe key how you like me now.
Yep, there you go so yeah, sothat'll always be there.

But I don't wish harm upon them, I don't have negative thoughts
about them.
I actually come to the pointwhere I feel sorry.

Speaker 1 (55:40):
It's like I told my mom once I don't forgive and I
don't forget.
I just move on.

Speaker 2 (55:47):
Well, yeah, sometimes though you got to forgive.

Speaker 1 (55:50):
No, I don't.

Speaker 2 (55:52):
If they show that they want forgiveness.
If they're, they're contriteand you got to have room for
that Cause.
Sometimes cap later down theroad people will be like they'll
have their discovery moment ofgoing oh man, yeah, yeah, I
didn't mean to do that to Kevin.
There's some I mean, I havesome of that stuff with you too,
with you, where I have regrets,you know, uh, of how I, how

I've dealt with you and some ofthe things that I've said to you
and some of the ways I haveI've treated you.
It wasn't out of malice, butlooking back, I think to myself
I could have done that better.

Speaker 1 (56:31):
Oh, I never did.
I never took offense.
And you know we were, andyou're probably talking about
when we were really, reallyyoung and we were totally driven
and motivated, uh, by our own,I guess, our own motivations and
our own desires.
As you get older, bro, you know, you start to think about

others, you start to think abouthow, what you can do to impact
somebody else's life.
Dude, I never.
There should be no regret onyour part, no regret whatsoever.

Speaker 2 (57:07):
I guess what I should , I should have, I should have
shown appreciation more.
I should have been like man Icouldn't have got here without
I couldn't have been to thispoint without you, more than I.
You did it to me, I mean you.
You you've let me know.
Hey, man, I could never havebeen.
You've done that and I haven'tdone it with you, and that's a
thing that I remember.

Speaker 1 (57:26):
It's all right, I appreciate you acknowledging
that, but totally unnecessary.
But yeah, dude, I've, I've,I've long said, uh, that I
always wanted to be a morningshow person.
Uh, but when I met you, Irealized I couldn't be a
standalone morning show person.
You brought out the best in meand you.
I have a really hard time withpeople not liking me.

You know that about me.
I have to be liked.
I don't necessarily have tolike you, but I need you to like

Speaker 2 (57:57):
That's so funny too.
Yeah, there's an interestingdynamic about you is?
You want everybody to like you,but you have a nice little list
of people you do not like.

Speaker 1 (58:06):
I know, I know I really do, and it's, it's a flaw
, I get it Uh, but you, youalways took the brunt of that.
You always took, uh, the bruntof management Uh, and you know
you were.
Your personality is a thousandtimes stronger than mine.
So, yeah, man, I realized, uhreal early that we would be

successful if I let go of mydream of being the focal point
of a show.
No big deal, bro, it worked out, man.

Speaker 2 (58:36):
All right, everything works out, man.
And here we are again.
Can you believe this campus?
Hey, this has been fun.

Speaker 1 (58:41):
What are you done?
I'm not.
This is I'm not either.

Speaker 2 (58:44):
I'm just saying it's been fun.
I mean, this is, this isawesome.

Speaker 1 (58:49):
When you're yourself and you have, uh, like-minded
people, it should be fun.
It should always be fun.
If it's not fun, then you haveto get out.
That's what happened to me.
That's why I got out, Tim, itwasn't, it wasn't the, it wasn't
the industry and it wasn't the.
The camaraderie that I had withyou and Erica and Haas it was

the fun was being taken awayfrom me from from upper

Speaker 2 (59:13):
Yeah, when they switched ownership, the uh, the
ownership situation just becameugly and people saw it happening
You know the, the, the peoplewith vision that were in
management's positions above us,and they started bailing out.
And you know, yeah, if you sawthe handwriting on the wall, I
still had some bills to pay, soI had to get in there.

Speaker 1 (59:33):
But yeah, I knew that yeah.

Speaker 2 (59:36):
So hey, hey, man, I, I understand what you did and
why you retired.

Speaker 1 (59:41):
And now you understand why it's so important
to to get back, to get back toit, because it's not.
It's not about the recognitionand it's not about, you know,
going somewhere and havingpeople say, oh, I love your show
, that's awesome and everything.
It's just you and I personallyneed to release creativity.
Yeah, See to me, it's like youand me are just having fun.

Speaker 2 (01:00:04):
We're riffing, we're in our little treehouse again
and if it appeals to otherpeople and they're down with it,
go ahead and eavesdrop, wedon't care, that's great, and if
there's a market for that,that's awesome.
But you know, it's fun to justdo this stuff, yeah, and it's
also fun to see the changes thatyou go through.
I mean, to me I'm in a positionlike, like.

I see it as like, kind of likea Mike Tyson thing.

Speaker 1 (01:00:27):

Speaker 2 (01:00:27):
You know Mike Tyson for decades.
Bad guy.
Yeah, Dylan, you know what hedid to that girl talking about
eating children, talking aboutdrawing people.
That completely annihilated you, destroying the complete
No, that guy.
And now he is a fun, loving,petty bear type guy that you

literally could just sit thereand laugh with and have a good
time with.
Much different person.
Kev then, when we were at theTyson Holyfield ear biting fight
in 1997 in Las Vegas when hewas just you could see it in his
eyes when we saw him the daysbefore the fight.

Speaker 1 (01:01:09):
Oh yeah, he was an animal, a total animal, and you
know you can actually talk aboutGeorge Foreman too, because
George Foreman made thatattitude and personality
transformation and adjustment.
But yeah, tyson would be afantastic example and with the
Super Bowl being held in LasVegas, we should probably talk
about how we you almost gottaken out actually.

Speaker 2 (01:01:30):
On several occasions for those unaware I could.
I could have died in 1997 inLas Vegas.
I've probably been buried outin the desert somewhere and if
Kevin would have witnessed ithe'd been right next to me.
But because I put myself intosome bad positions.
First off, we were big timefriends with Don King and I
don't know how that happened.
We don't King loved you and meand I don't know why.

I don't know how it happened.

Speaker 1 (01:01:56):
Yeah, I actually do have a bit of insight into that.
It's because we were real toDon.
We did not blow smoke up, don,we did not.
You know, we were just realpeople to him and we were fans
of his sport.
And yeah, michael Marley toldme that when, after we got to

interviewing Don King, he saidyou guys got Don King to do
something he rarely does andthat is drop his guard, drop his

Speaker 2 (01:02:25):
He said I was very surprised at how open he was.
I was thinking of myself whenwe were interviewing him and
this is late 1996, we'reinterviewing him and you know
he's talking about the Nashvillefights that were coming up.
He was saying things that I'dnever heard about Don King
before and didn't know and Icould tell even some of his
people that were his handlerswere in there, were going why

did I go?
Wow, did he just say that tothese guys?

Speaker 1 (01:02:48):
Well, you know his catchphrase only in America, and
he says it with that robustbravado.
After he said that, you saidand we're live on the air.
After he said that, you saidhey, don, do you want to stick
around for another episode orfor another segment?
And he goes yeah, sure, I'dlike to do that.
And it was just like no, nocharacter, no, nothing.
It was just a guy saying, yeah,I'd like to do that.

And that's when Michael Marleypulled me aside during the
commercial break and he goes youguys don't realize what you
just did.
He goes you guys really don'trealize what you just did.
You're so comfortable and soreal that Don just let his guard
down with you guys.
You're in with him.

Speaker 2 (01:03:25):
And then, you know, he first, first off in the
Nashville fights.
I mean, we're on the ring side,you know we're getting taken
care of, vip, you know, and thisis early in our radio career.
I mean, we were still in our mid20s cab, really early in the
big, about five or six months atthe time, into our morning show
gig and suddenly we're FODfriends of Don King yeah, you

know what I'm saying, yeah.
And then we find out he isgoing to fly us you and I pay
the bill.
Why ask?
To Las Vegas, put us up in theMGM Grand Hotel for fight week
and then have us on radio rowbroadcasting.
And we were just, we werefreaked out because when we got

there, I mean it was only thewho's who and radio on radio.
Oh, I mean the big money guys,jim Rome and and Pharrell and
you know Ron and Ron fromFlorida who I met later.

Speaker 1 (01:04:24):
Uh huh.

Speaker 2 (01:04:25):
Just the big syndicated shows and tumbling
client, these new guys in theirmid 20s from national.

Speaker 1 (01:04:32):
It was fantastic and, yeah, we were at the fight, the
ear biting, we were there.
And then, in the days before, Ialmost didn't make it a couple
of times.

Speaker 2 (01:04:41):
I don't know which of these you remember if any cab
is the time when we were doingthe morning show and piping it
back to national and I did myMike Tyson imitation.

Speaker 1 (01:04:51):
Oh man, this thing, man is a breakfast.

Speaker 2 (01:04:54):
And Mike Tyson, with the all around his neck, walks
past me and shoots me a lot likehe's going to kill me, yeah
like you remember that I do, itwas after one of his public
workouts leading up to the fight.
He stopped dead in his tracksand looked at me.
He's got the towel around hisneck, he's sweating and I've

never seen a look like thatbefore.
Don't get me wrong.
A couple of my ex wives havecome close with that.
Look to me.
But I think Mike Tyson stoppedmy watch.
I think I look down at my watchand stopped like Steve Rails.

Speaker 1 (01:05:29):
Back in Helter Skelter is Charles Manson.
Oh man, I thought I was dead.

Speaker 2 (01:05:34):
I thought he's going to jump over the table and kill
I was like what do I do here?
You know how do I?
How do I defend myself from myTyson?

Speaker 1 (01:05:40):
See, that was how, that was Tyson's aggression back
Now, if you were to do that tohim, he'd probably give you that
same look, but it would be.
How is a white guy able toproduce, able to impersonate me?

Speaker 2 (01:05:50):
Oh man, it's really good to do that, and a little
bit of a less gets thrown off inthe corner.

Speaker 1 (01:05:55):
Chris, I can even look stupid white guy, I mean
obviously it's over the top andridiculous.

Speaker 2 (01:06:01):
That's what later that day, or maybe the next day,
kev, when we got done with ourbroadcast and we go back into
the end, get ran hotel, we geton the elevator and it's just
you and me and this black dudeand he's standing right next to
me and he's looking at me funnyand I'm the side.
I'm a bow up.
You know I'm a bow, I'm notgoing to be intimidated, I'm a

bow up.
He gets off on the floor beforewe do and what did you say?
To me Do you remember this?

Speaker 1 (01:06:28):
Yeah, I totally remember who it was.
Yeah, I'm like dude, you werejust going to throw down with
Roy Jones Jr.

Speaker 2 (01:06:34):
I'm for pound, best buyer in the world In the world
at the time.

Speaker 1 (01:06:39):
I mean we're about the samesize.
I may have been leaving alittle bit bigger than him.
Yeah, you're right.

Speaker 2 (01:06:44):
That's why I did the bow up, but he literally would.
He would show me my kidneywithin three seconds.
It's stupid.
You know, but I guess I showedsome stupidity right after the
fight when we went back to theGM Grand Hotel.
I'm just, I'm.
That was my idiot week of alltime.

Yeah, this one took the game.

Speaker 1 (01:07:07):
This one was amazing because everybody is milling
about in the lobby of the MGMGrand.
The fight ended with Tysonbiting Evander Holyfield's ear
in half, and so there's dismay,there's adrenaline, there's
shock, there's anger, andfiltered out into the lobby of
the MGM Grand, and Tim ToddNewton from entertainment

television was there with us andI, and we're all standing there
and all of a sudden we hear pop, pop, pop, pop, pop.
People just start hitting thefloor.
Just get on the ground.
Todd Newton lays on top of me.
There's only one personstanding still in the lobby of
the MGM Grand.
Who might that have been?
That was me.

Speaker 2 (01:07:49):
I was.
I was just looking around atwhy is there?
Everybody on the ground, likeeverybody, like hundreds of
people are on the ground and I'mstanding up like what's going
on, and then Newton finally saysTodd will get down.

Speaker 1 (01:07:59):

Speaker 2 (01:08:01):
Yeah, superb, and white boy not used to that whole
shooting thing.

Speaker 1 (01:08:04):
Well, it wasn't a shooting.

Speaker 2 (01:08:05):
Yeah, so it wasn't a champagne cork or something like

Speaker 1 (01:08:08):
Somebody said it was a champagne cork.
Champagne corks go off one time, this one off three times, and
then you see three gentlemenrunning behind.
I mean like sprinting behindthe registration desk of the MGM
That wasn't because of achampagne cork.

Speaker 2 (01:08:23):
Now I'll give you this A champagne cork may have
started it and triggered it andgot people freaked out.
True, there was gunfire.
True, and there was, you know,gaming tables being tipped over
and chips being grabbed.

Speaker 1 (01:08:36):
And broken glass all over the place.
Yeah, no, true for sure.

Speaker 2 (01:08:40):
Yeah, and you know that was that was funny because
that was right after we.
We just walk past JohnnyCochran.

Speaker 1 (01:08:45):
Yep, I remember that.

Speaker 2 (01:08:48):
For those that are aware, you know, when you get a
big fight like that,particularly when you're talking
about Tyson Holyfield,everybody on planet Earth that
is, somebody in terms ofcelebrity is there.
And just who we saw that week,it's unbelievable.
You know, you're right.
We're close buddies with ToddNewton.
From the entertainment we seeJohnny Cochran, you know.

Oh, hey, there's Tiger Woods.
You know, it's just.
It's just such a real thing.

Speaker 1 (01:09:15):
Yeah, it was.
It was amazing.
I was talking to somebody wholives in Las Vegas now and I
said I've never seen a morechaotic place than that event,
that city for that event, and Ican't imagine what it would have
, what it's like in Vegas forthe Super Bowl.

Speaker 2 (01:09:32):
Oh and Kev, let's look at Vegas for the Super Bowl
How is that?
I mean, it's such a greatsituation out there and I know
somebody who's like a draft andNFL draft follower and he told,
he told me once, you know hegoes to draft the draft NFL
draft every April.
They had in Vegas this past year.
And he goes it should be hereevery year.

And there's, you're going tosay the same thing about the
Super Bowl.
Everything's right there,Everything's completely
Anything you want is with anarms reach.
I mean.
I think the NFL is going tohave trouble peeping it out of
Las Vegas going forward becauseit just that's the perfect

Speaker 1 (01:10:10):
Except for the fact that they promise these cities
with new stadiums that they'regoing to get a Super Bowl,
because it's an influx ofcapital for the city.
How do you?

Speaker 2 (01:10:20):
how do you?

Speaker 1 (01:10:21):
offset that then.

Speaker 2 (01:10:22):
Well, you know, every 31st year a different NFL city
will get a piece of it.
I mean, it's like, hey, do youwant 10% of $150 million or do
you want 11 million?
You want 10% of the Vegas andcap.
What about those cities thatdon't host Super Bowls?

They don't host them up in inNorthern cities.

Speaker 1 (01:10:46):
I mean you're not going to see a?

Speaker 2 (01:10:47):
Baltimore Super Bowl.
You're not going to see NewEngland Super Bowl and God held
damnation if they'll ever be aBuffalo Bills Super Bowl,
buffalo Super Bowl.
You know, just give every,every year, give a different
team a cut of it and justpeeping in Las Vegas.

Speaker 1 (01:11:04):
Well, I mean, there there's some validity to that
They got a great stadium atSeat 72,000.
It's one of the larger stadiums.
It's not the largest stadium.
Well, AT&T in the Meadowlandsmight be bigger, but yeah, it's
one of the top three for sure.

Speaker 2 (01:11:20):
That is the only city that Ican think of in the United
States, maybe even the worldthat is specifically built to
have two million people come inat any time and visit and do
It's built for that.

Speaker 1 (01:11:35):
The entire city.
You're a gaming guy and I thinkthat was one of the reasons why
they held up Las Vegas gettinga team for the longest time.
They didn't know how gamblingwould affect the team or the
Do you think that, because ofthe NFL's partnership with draft
Kings and FanDuel, we've seensome fix?

Speaker 2 (01:11:54):
Yeah, I, I don't, I don't want to believe it, I
Don't want to.
I mean, yeah again.
You know I talked about this.
You know we grew up watchingfootball and it's like.
It's like in my fabric, in myDNA.
The last thing I would everwant anybody to say is they're
fixing it.

Speaker 1 (01:12:14):
But there's always so many questionable calls, mm-hmm
at key times by the refereesthat do swing games,
legitimately swing games, thatyou'd almost be a fool not to
think there's some of thatplaying out conversely, the the
cross argument or the Counterargument that that would be the

reason that those calls aremissed, is because the game is
so much faster that now than itused to be, and if you really
look at it, the referees getmore right than they get wrong,
but the ones they get wrong areso glaring dude.

Speaker 2 (01:12:49):
Yeah, and you bring up a great point right there.
I mean you got, you gotlinebackers now that are running
for four.
Yeah at 300 pound.
These, these referees, midsixties, late fifties.
You can't get there quickenough.
And if you can, are your eyesquick enough?
You know, yeah, you know, Iknow you're at the point almost

where, um and I hate to say thisbecause I've seen Terminator,
where you got to bring therobots in- Well, I mean, that's
happening in every industry.
I mean they have.
They have ways now workinstantly.
You can like run a play andInstantly the AI could tell you

whether it's a clean player ornot.
And they can because they cansee everything.
They can see every offensivelineman.
They can see.
You know, make sure it's aclean block.
They can see every passinginterference.
I'll tug the jersey right now.
The only problem with that isthey say that there are two or
three penalties that can becalled if you're getting chintzy
on every NFL play this run.

Speaker 1 (01:13:52):
Oh, absolutely, I completely agree with that.
There has to be thatmeasurement of what can I get
away with, because if I don't,that other guy's gonna exploit
me something fierce, yeah I mean, yeah, when you're talking
about stakes that high, you'realways looking for an edge.

Speaker 2 (01:14:08):
I mean, it's.
That's why I always laughed at,you know, everybody freaking
out about the Astros signalstealing.
I Mean, yeah, we played ball.
If we could steal signals, wewould do it all day long.

Speaker 1 (01:14:19):
Damn straight.

Speaker 2 (01:14:21):
If I, if I'm, if I'm at the plate and I know that's a
fastball, I know that's comingI'm gonna dig in.
You know I'm saying.

Speaker 1 (01:14:28):
I know exactly what you're saying.

Speaker 2 (01:14:29):
Yeah, yeah, and if you're not trying to steal the
signals, then you're not playingbaseball.
Literally when you die and goand go to heaven.
Hi, cobb will come and slap youin the face.

Speaker 1 (01:14:43):
Wait, he's probably down probably I was gonna say
probably the dirtiest player toever play the game.
So yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2 (01:14:51):
Really, you have the opportunity to know what the
pitchers gonna throw it.
You didn't go for it.
I'm disappointed, tim.

Speaker 1 (01:14:58):
Yeah, yeah.
And your accountant would bedisappointed too, because you're
see you're keeping money fromthem.
Because remember, man, yeah,the more hits you get, the more
dollars you get.

Speaker 2 (01:15:08):
Exactly so when I read those comments, you know
the anti-astros stuff.
I'm just like you can alwaystell the people who didn't play
any ball.

Speaker 1 (01:15:17):
Okay, but remember, the greatest sports quote we
ever heard and this pertains towhat you're talking about Was
when a New York Yankee fan wastalking about Roger Clemens and
they said yeah, we know he's ana-hole, but he's our a-hole
Yeah, they're cheating, butthere are cheaters.

Speaker 2 (01:15:35):
Well cap.
The funniest thing about thewhole thing is the astros were
indicted, crucified by majorleague baseball, and we only
found out later.
Oh yeah, the Yankees were doingthe same crap, and so are the
Red Sox, but there are belovedBrands, sizes, and we decided
not to mess with them.

We're gonna take it as far awayfrom New York City where the
offices of the MLBR and let thepeople use didn't deal with it.
That is the most ridiculousthing that the major league
baseball did, powered it's stillthink the commissioner wasn't
booed enough when he was here inHouston for the World Series.

Speaker 1 (01:16:14):
In point two, Got your golden goose man exactly,
and that's why that's how I mean.

Speaker 2 (01:16:19):
Yeah, I'm the biggest fan in history of Michael
You know that.
I know that Michael Jordan, tome, eight feet tall and throws
Thunderbolts with his right arm,he's God.
But, as you know, as you watchsome of the things you know, you
realize he got away with murder, absolute murder.

As the golden boy, big money guy.
I mean, yeah, at first off theywould get a little chintzy
sometimes on calling fouls onhim and second off he would get
away with some, some, some stuffon defense also, because
they're protecting the goldenboy yeah, well, that's why
people tuned in.

Speaker 1 (01:16:59):
Yeah, people wanted to see Mike be like Mike oh.

Speaker 2 (01:17:02):
Yeah, we're gonna have Michael Jordan foul out in
the third quarter.
Oh, uh, you could just hear thechannels change.
You to hear, well, 12 millionchannels just changed.

Speaker 1 (01:17:15):
Not gonna happen, buddy not at all, not at all.
Well, man, this has been ablast bro.
I think this is fun.

Speaker 2 (01:17:21):
Yeah, that was a lot of fun.

Speaker 1 (01:17:22):
Well, hey man, let's do this again, let's do it again

Speaker 2 (01:17:28):
Mean, I can't.
I posted on my social media alittle bit.
There seems to be a desire thata few people would like us to
start officially a tunnel inclient podcast.
Should we do it?
Based on today, what do youthink?

Speaker 1 (01:17:38):
God help us all.
I Think so, you know, and, andlike you said, tim, all we need
is one.
We get one person to listen.
That's it.
That's it.

Speaker 2 (01:17:47):
I need one download and I'm gonna say, mom, you
can't be it Okay that's right.

Speaker 1 (01:17:53):
Oh, hell man, my mom doesn't even download my stuff,
that's a big.
Thanks yeah, I had a blast man.
My thanks to Tim's auto for 25years together and for all the
entertainment that we've createdtogether, and thank you for
listening and for all the kindwords that you've posted on
Tim's social media and mine aswell.
I'm flattered to be rememberedand I'm humbled to be missed.

If you enjoyed this episode andyou'd like to support the fuzzy
Mike, please go ahead,subscribe and leave a rating and
I very much appreciate youdoing that.
Feel free to share the fuzzyMike with your friends and
family, like Abigail did.
She wrote in and told me theycall it family time her mom, dad
, brothers, noah and Micah.
They watched the episodestogether.
Thanks, abs.

To stay connected with the fuzzyMike, you can follow me on
Instagram, facebook and Twitter.
For video, please subscribe tothe fuzzy Mike YouTube channel.
The fuzzy Mike is hosted andproduced by Kevin Klein,
production elements by ZachSheesh at the radio farm.
Social media director is TrishKlein.
I'll be back next Tuesday witha new episode of the fuzzy Mike,
where we'll explore the mostbizarre crimes to happen in the

state of Florida oh, there aresome strange ones.
And remember the all-new totalincline podcast, with new
episodes every Monday andThursday.
So grateful for you, thank you.
That's it for the fuzzy Mike.
Thank you, the fuzzy Mike withKevin Klein.
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