All Episodes

February 8, 2024 95 mins

In this live session, our host engagingly juggles TikTok Live, YouTube, and Facebook, revealing a unique system for monitoring multiple platforms simultaneously. An intriguing range of topics are discussed, from personal experiences living with essential tremors to the host's perspectives on current political events. Discussion also covers aspects of technology and its connection to present-day politics, including the challenges of modern polling.

The episode delves into misinformation about the US election processes and debunk election conspiracy theories by highlighting stringent vote count integrity systems, like Georgia’s recent audits. The talk highlights the importance of critical analysis before subscribing to misleading narratives and encourages audiences to understand the conventions governing their national politics. Beware of the 'fake news' and its potential dangers, by drawing insightful parallels from historical figures.

This episode also touches on the weaponization of language in political contexts, linking Trump's "chosen" status to a troubling pattern of society turning a blind eye to dangerous leadership patterns. Emphasizing on the links from history, the episode indicates how Trump's propaganda technique seems to take cues from Hitler. The host challenges listeners to increase our awareness of history and advocate for change to resist the 'cult-like' following of dangerous leaders.

Not shying away from controversial topics, J-Mac discusses certain changes proposed by Nikki Haley affecting Social Security benefits. He argues that while social programs are created with good intentions, they often struggle due to long-term adaptation hurdles. He also critiques overused intros from media personalities, emphasizing the need for authenticity and quality content.

Deep, thought-provoking, and yet fun-filled with a trivia challenge based on the classic movie "Logan's Run", this episode strikes a balance. Whether you're a political enthusiast, knowledge seeker, or someone passionate about understanding the dynamics of your nation’s politics, this episode indeed promises a comprehensive insight into the contemporary American political landscape.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Right now, if you're on TikTok, you're just seeing me and my face.
But if you're on YouTube or you're on Facebook, you're seeing this, what's on TikTok.
But you're also seeing my comments from Facebook, my comments from YouTube.

YouTube so I have rigged up
this system I don't think TikTok's gonna
like it very much but I love
it Tank T says good to see you on live Logan joined Andres Medrano joined us
on TikTok and then on Facebook that's right people are watching on Facebook

Chris Larson and Chris, how are you doing?
It is great to hear from you.
Michael Warner on Facebook also.
Sorry about Green Bay this year, Michael. They looked good.
Good looking team, but not quite there yet.

Jeff joined us on TikTok. So here's what I've got.
In the middle of the screen, I've got everything going on with TikTok.
On the left of the screen, my left, I've got comments from Facebook.
And then on the right side, I've got a web browser.
And the reason the web browser is there is because every time we talk about

any subject of any importance,
somebody says, as, well, so-and-so did this or this happened,
and that's the voice I hear in my head, so-and-so said this or they did this,
then we can all search it together right there.
So it is a little bit early. I normally do my lives earlier than this, later than this.

I'm sorry, I'm all confused. confused so if you're on facebook youtube linkedin
please take a minute and say hello let's see how.
And Tate T says multitask. Yeah, that's what we're doing.
In fact, I had a couple of people ask me, Jay, how in the world are you going

out on TikTok, Facebook and everything else at the same time?
I cheated the system and that's what I'm good at.
So hopefully you can all hear me. Okay. Okay. And first question,
what do you want to talk about?
I'm, I'm open. I'm just, I'm just here to chat.

I'm just here to drink some, some diet, Dr. Pepper.
Let's see. TikTok says, encourage your viewers to share your live and invite more friends.
And I'll do the same for those of you on Facebook and YouTube.
Be sure to share while I drink some more Diet Dr. Pepper. It's so good.

And yes, I am addicted. I had some people ask me about essential tremors the
other day, and this was on my list.
I shared it with you before, and it's actually gotten a lot worse over the last few weeks.
Hi, Kelsey and Girls Club. Club. Thank you for joining us.

If you don't know what essential tremors is, a lot of people,
they think that it's Parkinson's.
And it's not.
It's a neurological disorder. And basically, they're not sure what causes it,
but it causes you to shake.
And you can see if I just hold my my hands up here, they shake.

And if I hold something like this flashlight,
I mean, you just see it and it drives my wife crazy because I still do stuff
around the house and I will be trying to get a effect. I got it right here.
I will be trying to get this screwdriver head into the top of the screw.

And it will take me forever.
But I am patient, and I am going to make it happen.
But I've had a lot of people ask me about essential tremors,
and I wanted to let you know that I'm on some new medicine.
It has been helping, but it's made me a little loopy. In fact.

In fact, one of the things I do is I'm a part owner in a business,
an accounting firm that does accounting for day traders.
So if you're a day trader, let me know and we can help you out because the laws
around day trading are important.
So my job is I'm the front man.

I take all of the calls and I do all of the initial consultations.
So my calendar is booked from 9 to 5.
I have constant calls from day traders about day trader taxes.
And so I took these new drugs on Monday and Tuesday came along and I swear to

you, Tuesday never happened.
I swear to you, it never happened because I thought it was Wednesday.
Now, we've all had that experience where we think, you know,
it's a different day, but we quickly figure out that it's it's not the day we thought it was.
Well, because of the drugs, I I never I never figured it out.

So I went on my Wednesday calendar and I called all my Wednesday people and
all my Wednesday people said to me, hey,
you're a little early, but I'll take the call.
Nobody said to me, I thought that our call was supposed to be today.

Yes, yes. I still can't figure it out.
All I know is all all day Tuesday, I made my Wednesday calls.
And finally, at like eight o'clock at night, I realized that it was Tuesday
and I had missed every single call from Tuesday.

And I had called every single Tuesday call on Wednesday.
And so, and I walked out in the hallway and my daughter took one look at me and she said,
you're high aren't you and I
was I was admittedly high Ali

out joining us on on TikTok Tom on TikTok also Danny if you're just joining
us on TikTok I know you can't see everything else going on on the screen but
we're taking comments we're hooked up to Facebook we're hooked up to YouTube YouTube.
I've got Safari here ready to go if we get into any issues.

So we are doing some pretty high-tech stuff here that I think TikTok's probably
not going to like, but don't tell them.
And I know that on your screen, you see on the TikTok screen,
you see a green background.
But on the screen on YouTube and Facebook, they see kind of blue windows kind of thing.

So we have everything going on here.
Let's see your comments. Chris Larson says,
I heard the Supreme Court was in session today and something about a a special
counsel report about the current president, Light Newsday.
So I, you know how I am, I, while I was working, I listened to the entire Supreme Court presentation.

Now, you may or may not know that the Supreme Court does not allow cameras in
the court, but they do allow audio.
So this was about the case in Colorado where the Colorado Supreme Court disallowed
former President Trump from being on the ballot because he had participated in an insurrection.

And so they had banned him from the primary ballot.
So Trump asked the Supreme Court to expedite the ruling.
And so it has been expedited. And today, the Supreme Court heard the oral arguments.
Now, I told you before I got out the magic eight ball, which I don't I don't

know where my magic eight ball went.
I'll have to find it again. But my magic eight ball, I said this the last time that we went live,
that there is no way in creation that the Supreme Court is going to allow Colorado's decision to happen.
And I think that if you looked at or listened to the questions from the justices

today, it was all pretty one sided.
Trump is going to win this case.
Colorado is going to be forced to put Trump on the ballot. That is just my my
professional my professional opinion.
Tank T says on TikTok, he says, seem like a fair SCOTUS presentation of arguments.

I I I learned a couple of things. I learned.
You know, that there's a lot of respect, that I hadn't listened to a lot of
Supreme Court presentations before.
I was impressed with the decorum. I was impressed with the attorneys from both sides.

And I realized something else, Tank Tease.
I learned that I have no clue or concept of legal language.
I don't know if any of you watch this, but there was probably 25 times when

they used a term and I'm like,
I have no idea what that means or what they just said.
I felt out like such an idiot.
I mean, I understand legal term.
I'm not legal terms, but, you know, I can read a case or something and I can break it down.
But the Supreme Court justices were using terminology I had never heard before

in my life that the attorneys were used.
And I just I came away feeling like I know nothing.
I mean, like I know absolutely zero about the law.
And it's probably about time that I figured that out. Right.
Let's see, Tank T says, I was guessing a no decision or a non-decision.

I think that they have to do a no decision because what will happen,
Tank T, is if they do a no decision, then it defaults back to the court that made the ruling.
That's basically the way it works, the way I understand it. So if they refuse

to make a choice, it goes back to Colorado.
So they have to make a choice. And it's expedient that they make this choice
because there's other states that are trying to do the same thing.
There are states trying to do this for Biden.
And that's the mayhem that's going to start, right?
If they allow it for Trump, then suddenly they're going to start doing it for

Biden. And this is like the impeachment party going on.
Like I told you, if we allow Trump to be impeached for things that are not high
crimes and misdemeanors, that suddenly it's going to be an impeachment fest, right?
And so now every party that gets in, they're going to want to impeach because

we didn't hold a high enough standard for President Trump. And that was a concern that I had.
I shared it with you. And now we're seeing that play out.
Let's say Jake joining us. He says, yeah, Jake's on the air.
He says, reminds me of when Jim pranked Dwight.

Adam Bean joining us saying, yay, Jay, what do you say?
He's on Facebook. Leon on Facebook.
He says, I'd like to know if you have any plans for lift politics.
I think the message of civil political discourse and expecting better from our

elected officials is so important.
Well, it just so happens you're not going to be able to see this on on TikTok,
but I have this set up now.
If I cannot shake, my shaking has gotten so bad that it's hard for me to,
let's see if this is it. Oh, that's not it.

Do you need some shoes? Let's try one more time.
I'm going to do it. Not like I'm typing L I F T E-P-O-L-I-T-S.
Paula Lift Politics.
See, guys, it's so bad. In fact, my shaking has gotten so bad that...

No, that's not right either.
It's gotten so bad that I'm starting to use the accessories on the computer.
So I'm going to just tell it to do it for me. Let's see if it'll do it for me.
Lift. Stop it.

Be very quiet. Enter that.
We did it. Okay. Okay, so for those of you who are interested,
this is something before I ran for office.

I was working with a group of people, like-minded, who wanted to change politics.
And we thought of something called Lift Politics, where we could get politicians
to accept our challenge.
And we came up with a list of guiding principles that we were hoping that we

could get politicians to sign.
And we got a few to sign. We got Becky Edwards to sign.
We got a few other people to sign.
But these are the principles. If you can't see them on TikTok, I apologize.
But I'll read these for you quickly. Number one, we strive to act with malice

towards none and dignity for all.
That comes from Lincoln's second inaugural address.
The next one, as George Washington believed, those who seek to divide are not patriots.
That comes from his farewell address. The next one, honestly engaging with opposing

views, broadens understanding and sharpens ideas.
This is a concept where we feel like if we just force everybody to believe in
one way that we miss out on all of the differences.

Like if you were in a brainstorming meeting, you don't say, okay,
we only want to hear from one side.
That's just terrible. What you want is everybody to speak, and then you want to find common ground.
The next one party meaning political
party is a mechanism to fight

for principles not power the next one if the truth is not good enough then neither
is our cause hmm speaking of that i did a my camera's kind of tipping here but
i don't want to mess with it because I'm so shaky.

Put out a video on TikTok. Just so you know, I'm posting four videos a day on
TikTok, on YouTube Shorts, Reels on Facebook.
So if you're not subscribed, tune in for that. But I did a video about how Trump admits his lies.

He always admits his lies. and he says them to your face.
And I did that video and nobody, no Trump supporters denied it.
Do you know what they said? They said so.
They said, so what about it? So that is one of the reasons that that's there.

The next one, we hold all sides to an equally high standard.
This is a situation where we now say that we can be bad because the other side
is being bad instead of what we should be saying is that the other side is bad. So we should be good.

See how that works? The next one, no honest solutions can be found in degrading
or mischaracterizing the people or ideas involved.
I love that one. This is my favorite one here. who we become in our fight is
just as important as whether or not we win the battle.

If we become so ugly, so hate-filled, so angry, then we've lost the battle.
We've just lost the battle.
And that's one of the things that I learned from Abraham Lincoln as well,
and that is that in his his second inaugural address,
the Civil War was still going on, and he could have been up there creating hatred

for the South, going after the people who had seceded from the Union.
He didn't. He talked about malice for none, dignity for all.
He wouldn't allow us to become him ugly and hateful.
And that's what Martin Luther King did as well.

He had plenty of opportunities to foment hate and anger.
He didn't do that. He talked about our better angels.
And this is what we're missing from leadership, is he had a vision.
And good leadership is about about vision.

It's about who we can be, not just who we are right now and fighting and scraping
and clawing to keep what we have right now.
And that's what we're seeing.
It's about vision. It's about talking about a place where we can be instead of saying,

this is where we're at, and I'm going to get my peace and those people are trying
to take from me and I'm going to fight them because what's mine is mine.
And somehow we're going to define that as patriotism or or something else.
And then the last thing is we motivate through raising up, not through fear, hatred or anger. Right.

Leon, thank you for bringing that up. It's still up.
We would love it if you signed up for, you can accept the challenge right there.
We'd love it. I would love to get it going again.
I'm so caught up in trying to get this business started.
I've had people ask me over and over again if I'm going to run again, which is a huge honor.

Or I just I just can't even believe that that's something I was able to do that
I had so much support for.
I had the United Utah Party call me and ask me if I would run in District three.
I just I mean, I don't know if you guys know, I spent my life savings to run

for Congress. Congress.
And so we started at zero.
And not only that, I had to quit my job because I was a talk radio host.
And you can't be in talk radio and run for Congress.
So I had to give up my job and my life savings. I'm not asking you to cry for me.

What I am asking is for you to understand that there's a reason why I'm taking a break.
The, uh, the other good news though, is that the business we've started is doing very well.
We're coming into tax season. And so we expect to be bombarded.

So who knows, who knows what the future brings, you know, we'll have to see
Chris Larson just just sent me a, let's see, just sent me an email here about tremors and.
He says, it was good to see you on live. I have had friends use something like

this before. Oh, he's sending me.
Oh, I've seen the anti-tremor mouse adapter.
He's talking about this for essential tremors. I've actually gotten to the point
now where I can control my computer, my Mac, with just my voice.

And so I've been so I've been practicing with that.
Jake says so Nevadans don't
seem to like Nikki too much if you
don't know Trump was not on the
ballot in Nevada and Nikki

Haley was and so because because Trump was not on the ballot they had a category
for what was it anybody but Nikki is that what it was or anybody else and Nikki Haley got,
I think, 30-something of the vote, was it, Jake? Or 29% of the vote?

And the rest went to anybody but Nikki.
So not the most promising thing for Nikki.
But I told you, she needs to stay in just in case.
I mean, I don't care if she's down to her last penny.
She needs to stay in so that just in case something happens to Trump,

it could be medical, it could be criminal, it could be something else.
But she needs to stay in.
Liberty or Death just joined.
If you're just hopping in, I'm Arena just joined on TikTok. If you're just hopping
in, we've got a micro broadcast going on.

We're going out to Facebook, YouTube, Twitch.
What you see is on TikTok.
So we've kind of cheated the system a little bit. But thank you for joining us. Yes.
What is that thing that I see at the top there?
That's kind of bothering me. Oh, I think that's, is that the bottom of my microphone?

No, I don't know what that is.
Jake says, no, it was none of these candidates was 60 percent.
Nikki Haley was 30 percent. I still think Nikki Haley is the best bet.
I don't know if you saw this poll, but the last poll I saw, and it was earlier

this week, had Trump and Biden within the margin of error.
But Nikki Haley would beat Biden by 13 points.
I think that Haley is infinitely more electable than Trump.
I think that Trump is a horrible bet for a candidate.

And the reason I say that is, first of all, people will rise up and they will
vote against him because he creates I'll give you a perfect example.
Example one of the reason everybody's like
there's no way biden got that many votes because
look at past votes who were those votes

have you asked that question who were those extra votes no they were not fake
ballots who were those extra votes they were millennials they were young people
People who normally don't show up to vote,
but they were so ticked off with Trump.

They were so angry at his policies and the way he treated people that they showed
up, not for Biden, but they showed up for anybody but Trump.
That same group of people is going to show up and they're not showing up in the polls.

And this is what people are missing because polling has changed and polling
is not nearly as reliable as it used to be.
So here's how, here's how with my 25 years in radio, here's how polling normally would work.
Everybody would have landlines.

You know what a landline is? You guys know, do you know what a landline is?
Yo, bro, on TikTok, do you know what a landline is?
It's a phone connected to a wire in your house.
And you have one phone number and you can only talk if it's on that.

So I had my last landline in, when did I come to KSL? I don't know.
2010, when we came from Texas to KSL, I decided when we got here not to have a landline.
So we had a landline until 2010.

So anyway, the point is that pollers would dial up,
mass dial all of these landlines and they would get people on the phone and
they would ask them their age and their their political affiliation and all of those things.
And then they would ask them, who would you vote for?

And how do you feel about this topic? And how do you feel about that topic?
And then they would get an answer and you could get a reliable sample because
the landlines were in the house and people would typically answer their phone.
Well, that entire world has changed now. Now, getting polling information is

becoming next to impossible. Why?
Well, you know why. My phone is set to not answer any calls from somebody I don't know.
Is your phone set the same way? Do you answer calls from people who you've never met?
I don't. You know how many more calls? polls.

In fact, when I was running for Congress, we kept getting told by the Deseret
News that they've got a poll coming out.
And we're like, yeah, because we know we're going to lead in the polls because
of the polling we had done.
So we're like, yeah, we can't wait for this Deseret News poll.
And we kept waiting and we kept waiting and we kept waiting and we kept waiting.

Finally, Finally, they told us we're not going to release a poll.
And I'm like, what are you talking about? You're not going to release a poll.
You know what they said? They said we cannot get a sample size big enough to
be able to justify a poll.
In other words, they have to have at least a thousand respondents and they couldn't get it.

They just couldn't get it. And so they would have had to spend so much more money.
They just could not get enough polling.
So if you think that Trump is just going to walk in and dominate Biden,
you have got another thing coming.

And as I said, the polling shows Nikki Haley beats Biden by 13% if you want
to beat the polling. controlling but the other thing I would tell you is that.
Trump is going to be a horrible president. He's going to be horrible because
he's not. Well, let me change that.

Trump will be a horrible president unless Republicans win the House and the Senate.
If they win the House and the Senate, then Trump will be able to get any program through.
He'll be able to dominate as a president. What do you think the odds are that

Trump is going to win the House and the Senate?
I'm here to tell you right now that there is a very good chance that Democrats
take over the House and the Senate.
And the reason they will do it, it will be one reason, and that is abortion.

Abortion the abortion issue is
driving people out like few
issues that we've seen so imagine trump in the white house with no house and
no senate what's he gonna do what's he gonna do yeah he has some presidential
powers but what's he gonna do the democrats are not gonna play ball with him.

Now, put a Nikki Haley in there, somebody who is a stateswoman,
somebody who can work with both sides,
she's got a much better chance at actually getting things done and moving the
needle. And let me tell you something.
If you look back in history, the people who have moved the needle the most to

the right are not bullies.
They're statesmen, like Reagan. And you look at the presidents who have moved
the needle to the left. They're not bullies.
They're statesmen. They're people who can convince and bring people along.
This idea that Trump is going to be this amazing thing can only work if he's a dictator. That's it.

Got to be a dictator. That's all. That's all you get.
Taintee says MAGA is just very vocal. You are exactly right.
They are vocal. And so it gives the impression that there are much more of them
than there are from the other side.

And honestly, that's one of the reasons why people keep saying, are you kidding me?
How did Joe Biden get 83 million votes? they're looking at flags on trucks and
they're saying there's no way that that could have happened.
Well, it did happen and it's been audited.

It's been double checked, audited again. In Georgia, they did three different audits.
Those people are real. They're real voters. Sorry to tell you that.
And they're going to be back if Trump is back. If Nikki Haley is in there,
Nikki Haley against Joe Biden, who is, I mean, let's be honest,

I want to be kind here, but let's just say he's up in years.
Let's just put it that way.
Gaming equals joy has joined us.
And by the way, let me get to any other comments here.

I know how to scroll comments again. Again, last time we did this,
I forgot how to scroll comments because I hadn't done a live in so long.
And again, in case you're wondering, if you're on TikTok, you're seeing just what's on TikTok.
But if you're on YouTube, Facebook, any of the other channels.

You're seeing what you're seeing on TikTok.
But you're also seeing all the comments from YouTube and from Facebook and all of those things.
This is my little cheat, my little way to get around TikTok's requirement that you have 10,000 voters.

Or not voters, 10,000 followers.
There's something else that I
wanted to to share with you from a recent comment somebody was telling me again
trying to make the case about voter fraud and telling me that they found a truck full of Trump ballots,

or they found this, or they found that.
And I asked them some questions about how the voting system works. And guess what?
They have no idea how it works.
And guess who else has no idea how our voting system works?

Donald J. Trump. He has no idea, and no clue.
He thinks, and you tell me if you think this, be honest now, be honest.
Be honest. Do you think that if you make a bunch of fake paper ballots and you stuff them in a,

thousand ballot boxes, do you think those ballots will be counted?
You know, the whole 2,000 mules. rules do
you if i could add a thousand fake ballots
to 500 ballot boxes
will those votes be

counted i guarantee you donald trump thinks
they will be what do you think will they be rosa
who's just joined anybody on facebook or
youtube do you think that they
will be counted counted what's the answer somebody
give me the answer if i stuffed a
bunch of ballots in a box will they

be counted the answer is
hell no no there's nowhere jake says not in utah they want there is nowhere
do you really think that our electoral process is so freaking lame name.

That you can stuff a ballot box and that's all it takes? Do you really think that?
There are people that think that. All you had to do, 2,000 meals,
just stuff the boxes, and next thing you know, Trump loses.
It's nonsense. That is not how it works.

Works tank t says maga has a
hundred new conspiracies a day desperately seeking
anything no but they keep telling us
it's coming the lion is coming they
keep they keep telling us that right there's no
way there is no way let
me give you an example of how it works in georgia

one of the questionable states remember
georgia was where we suddenly saw
them taking the ballots out from under the
under the desks and those were all
the suspect ballots hang on
diet dr pepper time why is

that so good i just why is
it so good okay so
let's talk about georgia Georgia has and
Utah's the same way Georgia has an electronic ballot roll this is a list of
every registered voter okay every registered voter is on this list people are

like oh paper Super ballads can be taken advantage of.
No, no, just stop. Okay.
These, this list of electronic names is mailed out.
It was a pandemic, so they were mailed out.

One for each registered voter, okay? And now there are people who are like,
all you have to do is duplicate the, just find one and copy it, go to Kinko's.
It's not Kinko's anymore, it's FedEx, but you just go and you copy them and
copy them and copy them and send them back.
Nonsense, nonsense, okay?

Each envelope has a unique barcode. Each envelope also has a sample of your
signature for when you registered to vote So it gets mailed back When it gets mailed back,
it gets verified with the barcode and the signature Not only that,

but only one vote can be registered for one voter So if you went out and you
duplicated all of these ballots,
it doesn't matter because the system is going to say, no, not valid.
We've already recorded a vote for that person, already recorded a vote,

already recorded a vote.
And if it keeps happening, they will do an investigation and they'll figure
out who's trying to who's trying to scam the election.
So you've got a paper ballot and you've got an electronic record.
The two have to match or the vote doesn't count. Right.

So Mr. Trump and anybody else out there who thinks that you can just stuff a
ballot box, you are ignorant.
You don't know how it works. And so what Georgia did, because Georgia was so
pivotal, pivotable, pivotal, they had three different audits.

So the first audit they did was of the electronic rolls.
Let's make sure that everybody on the roll is alive and is a valid registered voter.
That was the first audit they did. And they found some dead people.
And just so you know, I've been covering elections for 25 years and there's

dead people in every election. It wasn't new.
We're talking about in in the five or tens.
And it's typically because the death records take time to catch up with the
regular voter rolls. and somebody says, dad's not here anymore,
but I'm going to fill out his ballot and send it in.

Usually in the fives and the tens, nothing to sway an election.
So the first thing George did is they checked the electronic system to make
sure that everybody in the electronic system was a valid registered voter.
But that wasn't good enough. So then they did a second audit and they checked

all of the paper ballots to make sure that all of the paper ballots were from registered voters.
OK, now they did a third audit.
And the third audit was to see if the paper ballots matched the electronic ballots.

And that, my friends, is where the magic happens.
Because the paper ballots matched the electronic ballots.
You cannot stuff a ballot box full of fake ballots. ballots.
Any county that has a system that lame, basically from the 20s, it just doesn't exist.

So stop believing it. Stop spreading the lies.
The truth is that Joe Biden won the election. The reason he won the election
is because Trump created more anger than he created support.
And so everybody came out, not everybody, but a huge came out that had not come

out before, primarily the young vote, not to vote for Biden.
Because Biden was not inspirational.
He was not, he did not have a vision. it was
a vote against trump so that's
the reality of of our voting system you cannot just stuff a box just just stop

tank t says i like the slow toddler are you comprehending this speech speech.
Let's see anybody else from Facebook or YouTube.
We usually, I mean, this is an early broadcast, so I usually don't go on the

air until nine or 10 o'clock at night. People are eating right now.
But so I wanted to explain that with absolute clarity.
Are there any other issues that that you guys wanted to talk about besides how good Dr. Pepper is.
Diet Dr. Pepper. Anything else?

I've got a few things on my list. They're not, some of them are political.
Some of them are not. Oh, I'll do a little quiz. You want a little quiz?
I'll give you a little quiz.
Name somebody in history who's not alive now.
Name somebody in history who used the term fake news,

who used the term poisoning the blood of the people, and who blamed blamed all
of their country's problems on one particular group of people.
I wish I had a prize for you.
What can I give you for a prize? I don't, I don't, I give you this old flashlight.

That's kind of, whoa.
So name for me again, here's, here's the three things.
Somebody who basically coined
the term fake news who used
the term poison the blood of the
people and what was the third one oh blamed all of the country's problems on

one group of people anybody jake where you at anybody do you know the answer
should be a pretty obvious Oh, there we go. Barbara.
Barbara on Facebook, you win the grand prize.
You are correct. It was one Adolf Hitler whose first goal was to destroy trust in the media.

And that's why he created the
term fake news because the media
was not giving him very favorable news
and so he decided to use propaganda and to make people believe that you can't

trust the news and that the reason there's bad news against him is actually
a reason why he is of value.
You this is this is one of the strange things that happen when you end up in a cult of personality,
kind of thing is they set up a scenario where any criticism about them actually proves.

That they're important right and and we see this in political leaders today
so instead of bad news This is why he's Teflon Don,
because he's got everybody convinced.
He's got all of his supporters convinced that any negative news about him,

any lawsuits about him, anything negative about him proves.
That he really is the chosen one. This is the, we see this with cult leadership.
This is what happens. If they can convince you that all the opposition is not

happening because any of it is legitimate, but because it's actually because that person is chosen,
then there's nothing that can stand against them.
This is why Trump said he could stand out on Second Avenue and shoot somebody and nobody cares.

This is why Trump can be caught on audio saying, I like to grab women in the
and he doesn't lose votes.
This is why he can be accused of crimes. This is why he can admit to actually
doing things that other people would be held accountable for.

It's because he has created this perfect situation where every single thing
bad that happens to him is proof that he is chosen.
And in essence, he becomes a god on earth.

Right? All-powerful, all-knowing. He is all-knowing. He will tell you.
He knows more about wind power.
He knows more about fossil fuels.
Did you hear him today talking about his tweets and his true social things where
he said, he says, it was a beautiful tweet. We everything he writes is beautiful.

He's better than Abraham and Washington.
So so, yeah, Barbara, you are right.
The the person in history, the other person in history who who used the term
fake news and who used the term poisoning the blood of the people and who blamed

all the problems on one group of people was one Adolf Hitler.
You are correct, Barbara. You win the prize.
And it was the same thing. He just every single every single thing that he said
or did that would normally be considered bad suddenly was amazing.

Suddenly was a sign that he was this this amazing called person.
Person and and people literally treated
him like he was god and he started acting
like he was god and and we have somebody mirroring all of that right now all

of it and people just don't seem to care and i i personally believe they don't
seem to care because they don't know history That's the only thing I can think of.
I went on, what was it, Facebook?
I put out TikTok the other day talking about how Hitler is using this or how

Trump is using the same language as Hitler is when he talks about illegal immigrants
poisoning the blood of American people.
And I said, this is the same thing that Hitler said.
And one of my normal followers came on and said, Jay, I'm ashamed of you for

saying this. It's not true.
So, of course, I went on and found
the 12 different quotes where Hitler absolutely used that phraseology.
And guess who who hasn't responded to me since hasn't said a word, hasn't said, I'm sorry.
Hasn't said anything like, Hey, you know, I didn't know that about Hitler.

I didn't, I didn't understand.
Oh, the other thing I should add. So what were they again?
Use fake news, poison the blood of the people, blamed everything on one group
of people. And let's add one more time.
Want wanted to be a dictator.

There you go. I mean, that's a pretty good list right there, don't you think?
And Bo, thank you for all the likes. I appreciate it. I see them coming in.
And thank you. And Jake on Facebook says, sorry, he's building a crib.
Jake, I expect that when I go live that you stop everything that you're doing

and you participate in this broadcast.
I think that's the least that you can do for me.
Um, so that was on my list. What else do we have? What else do you guys want to talk about?
Let's see. Bo says, listening since you were on the radio, I appreciate your

content. Bo, thank you so much.
I get a lot of people asking me if I miss being on the radio and you know what?
I don't. And I'm really surprised by it. I got into radio because I wanted to make a difference.
I was too young to run for office and kind of snuck in the back door and radio

and loved it and did it for 25 years.
And I haven't missed it for a day.
And I've thought a lot about it.
Like if KSL called me and said, hey, come back, it would be a hard decision for me.
And I think part of it was just the pressure of having to know every single issue.

I mean, you had to be ready to talk about anything at a single moment.
I don't know if you guys remember, I was going through 1,200 news links a day
just so I could keep up on everything.
And even when I was on vacation, I couldn't lose a week's worth of news.

So on vacation, I'm still scrolling the news. I think that's part of it.
You guys remember near the end, I was getting a lot of migraines.
I've had one migraine, really one good migraine since I left the radio.
So I think it was having an impact on me, but Bo, I appreciate it.

I, I'm so glad to be able to come on in this format because I can control the time.
I don't have to know everything, although I should, we can take our time.
Barbara on Facebook says scary to see this is happening again.
It wasn't that long ago. I still have living relatives who survived the war in Europe.

I don't know why, and even my children question my obsession,
but I am obsessed with World War II.
Obsessed. I have read everything that I can get my hands on.

I have watched every documentary if if I'm in my lazy boy my jay-z boy in the
living room and I want something to watch or listen to when I go to bed.
Or when I go to sleep for a nap, it's something about Hitler.

Every time I find a new documentary on Hitler, I'm just obsessed.
I'm obsessed with how he came to power.
I'm obsessed at how the people knew.
They really knew what he was, but they didn't feel like they had many options.

Because if you don't know, you had World War II, you had World War I.
And then at the end of World War I, the Germans had to surrender and they had
to sign this treaty, the Treaty of Versailles.
And in that treaty, they had to admit that they were responsible for World War

I and they had to to pay reparations to all of these other countries.
Well, they didn't have the economy. They didn't have the money to make reparations.
And so what happened is the United States started helping them out.
So they had money coming in. It was starting to fuel the economy,

you know, and so everything was looking good.
And Hitler had tried what's called a pooch or a pooch.
I think it's a The Putsch, that's basically a coup.
He had tried to overcome the government just on a whim, didn't work,
got sentenced to prison for five years.

While he was in prison, he wrote his famous book, Mein Kampf,
which means My Struggle.
He only was in there for eight or nine months and was released.
And then he needed a crisis because somebody like Hitler is not his message

of anger and hate isn't going to play well when when the economy's good.
And this is one of Donald Trump's problems right now. He needs the economy to be bad.
He's even said it. I hope the stock market crashes before the election.

He's even said it. He needs conflict. He needs a bad economy.
He needs the border to be crazy.
He needs conflict so that people will choose him. This was Hitler's exact situation.
He looked for a way to create controversy.

He had the SA in the streets. They were beating people up and trying to create
controversy, but he could never get any ground. And then guess what happened?
The stock market crashed and the Great Depression happened.
And when that happened, all the money that was flowing into Germany, guess what happened?

Stopped. So suddenly the crisis that Hitler was looking for was at his doorstep.
People were in line, bread lines, the economy completely shut down,
unemployment went up, I think, to like 80 percent.
And it is extremes that cause people to choose extremes.

And so this was Hitler's opportunity to come up and say he has the solution.
And guess what? The biggest part of his solution was to blame the Jews.
He was the Jews were his whipping boy. The economy is bad, not because of the

Treaty of Versailles, not because of the Great Depression, but because of the evil Jews.
And so he he ginned everybody up to anger.
They started going with him. He started winning some elections.
The his Nazi party members started winning some elections. And through a series

of legislative acts, he became the Fuhrer, the Supreme Leader. He needed conflict.
Trump needs conflict. When there's conflict, we look past what would otherwise be considered extreme.
Extreme so he has to gin up

conflict what is the conflict democrats want
to destroy america illegal immigrants are poisoning the blood of the people
this is his conflict that he needs to get elected so i don't know how we got
on that subject but i think i need more diet dr prepper.

Tank t says if trump could read he'd write
one as well you mean mein kampf bow says
too many parallels it's scary yeah it is
scary if you know the history it
is scary how many
similarities there are the only the
only real difference honestly is the constitution institution but we saw how

fragile that can be on january 6th now trump is calling that what a party he
wants to pardon those people that's scary that's freaking scary,
jake says are you a fan of podcasts and or have you heard of dan carlin's blueprint for armageddon,

Jake, I don't have time for podcasts Not even my own.
I got too much going on. I don't have the type of job where I can sit here and listen to podcasts.
I spend no time on the road. So because I work from home, so I have no travel.

So it's just not. And I'm watching World War II documentaries.
So the other thing I've been watching like crazy, and they go hand in hand is cult documentaries.
I watch every cult documentary on Hulu, Netflix.
I was just watching one before I went on the air.

It's called Rael, The Alien Prophet. It's on Netflix.
So that's like my new thing watching because there are so many similarities
between cults and what Hitler did and what Trump is doing, the similarities are striking.

And so I've kind of maybe been on all of all of those scenarios.
Any other questions, anything else you guys want to talk about? Oh, I saw this.
Nikki Haley was getting all kinds of flack because she suggested raising raising
the retirement age for Social Security.

And of course, people didn't take the time to hear her thoughts or her plan.
So what you had is a bunch of 65-year-olds going, you're going to make me wait until I'm 80 now.
And that's not what she was saying. She was talking talking about for younger
people in their 20s, extending it to a higher age. And why would you do that?

Well, we've got a problem in this country.
And the problem is that we're living longer.
And we're not giving birth to as many people. And the people who are on Social
Security right now are being paid for by the younger people.
Do you see an issue here?

So just sitting back and saying, well, let's not change it because we don't
like the idea of having less money.
There's got to be something. And yeah, she took a big hit for saying that.
But another strange thing. So I have one, two, three, four, five,

six, seven, eight, nine.
And my iPhone is 10. I have 10 screens here in my office.
And two of them have news going all the time. The one on the left is typically not Italian news.

It's typically United States news.
The one on the right is BBC news because I like to keep up with international news.
And I saw today that there is a huge conflict going on in many other countries
because companies are saying that they're going to have to raise the age for

people to receive pensions.
I thought, hmm, isn't that funny?
Isn't that amazing?
That that is exactly what we're facing here. And guess what?
The people who are going to be on those pensions are pissed off.

You know, so we can sit around and get angry or we can get together and find some solutions.
But this is a global problem that we've implemented so many.
And this is a problem with social programs.
Not that I'm against social programs, but that I think most of them are poorly

implemented. And that is that they're put in with the best of intentions.
They don't have a long-term view in mind.
And once they're in, you can't change them.
This is one of the reasons why I hate it when somebody says there ought to be
a law. Congress should pass a law.

Because once Congress passes a law, you will never be able to change that ever again.
Like Obamacare. Do you think anyone will be able to change Obamacare ever again?
No. No, we're stuck with it. Social Security, we're stuck with it.
Why? Because of what Nikki Haley just went through.

You want to take my money? You can't have my money. I need that money.
And so everybody starts going, no way, can't do it. And meanwhile, the world is changing.
And it actually reminds me of old time movie.

I'm going to another test here. I kind of I fake gave away the flashlight.
Maybe I will fake give away my reading glasses.
There you go. If somebody can tell me the movie where because of.

I don't know if it was because of social programs or because of expenses.
They killed off people before they got too old. It's an older movie.
You will win these reading glasses if you can tell me what movie I'm talking about.
And two people decided that they did not want to be euthanized.

And so they left.
There's been a couple like this, but name the one that I'm talking about.
Who's gonna win it first?
Anybody who's going to, who's going to give it to it's old.

So if you're a millennium millennial, you're probably not going to get it.
Jake says Soylent Green.
Yeah, I kind of accept that, but that's, that's not what I'm going for. But you're close.
You're close. There was like a date when people were chosen to be euthanized

and it was like this total thing, you know, it was like this celebration.
It was your time. And a couple of people decided, I'm not going for that. Anybody?
Anybody else got the answer? answer oh i'll wait where you guys figure it out

let's see if i have any other um.
Just i make some notes here for when i go live somebody got it yet bow do you know the answer,
anybody else got the answer of the movie that i'm talking about come on these

are mighty fine probably two dollar reading glasses that you can win if you
can guess the name of the movie that I'm talking about?
Because it's the only answer.
If we're not willing to extend the retirement age and we're not willing to take money from everybody,

and if you think that taking all the money from the wealthy is going to pay for Social Security,
then you don't quite understand how math works.
There isn't that much money in the hands of the wealthy. So that's not going to fly.
Bo says no idea, has no idea what the movie was.

I might be aging myself.
The movie is Logan's Run. Run guys remember Logan's run?
Do you think I can type here Logan's run?
Where's my space?

Logan, there we go.
Did any of you guess it? Look at that. Look at those graphics.
Logan's run. I'm sorry. You can't see it. If you're on, if you're on Tik TOK. Whoa, what was that?
Close that. Oh, it's cause I'm doing the wrong thing.

There you go. Logan's run. so they
were all supposed to be euthanized at a certain age
and logan and
his quite beautiful girlfriend decided
they were going to try to escape let's see what else is going on more diet dr

pepper because that's all i have left oh i do have i do have a couple of complaints
i made I made independent videos about this,
but I'm going to run this by you as well.
For those of you who watch a lot of influencer videos, a lot of YouTube videos,

for those of you who produce videos,
for those of you who present things, can you please,
please stop saying without further ado? do.
What does it even mean?
It's every single video now.

So without further ado, let's get to why does that bother me so much?
Without further ado, the other one that bothers me is, hey, it's your boy, J-Mac.
Hey, it's your girl, Rachel, coming at you with another video.

It's like people have to act like they're a radio host or a TV host.
Don't just, it's your boy. Without further ado. Oh, it drives me crazy.
Am I just being so, so picky? I must be.
And i have one

other complaint here and
that has to do with it's not
oak island i've stopped watching the curse
of oak island i i can't do it
because every single show
is only 20 minutes
worth of content the rest is them

showing content from before so
each episode probably 15 minutes and
new content and then the narrator saying could
it be like a piece
of of straw wrapper trapper buried
under a rock could it

be oh my lanta oh
my goodness and so i've decided
if they ever find anything it's gonna be breaking news to the world and i don't
have to listen to could it be the bow says i thought it was a play on the french

word adieu further adieu i think you're probably right,
but I, I haven't looked it up. I don't, I don't know what it means.
I just don't think anybody else knows what it means.
And why don't you just say, okay, let's get to it.
Hey, I'm going to show you this cool new Leatherman here.

So without further ado, here it is.
How about, Hey, I'm just going to show you this new Leatherman. So here it is.
And while I'm complaining, because sometimes, oh, Bo says, adieu means goodbye.

So I don't know if that makes sense.
Well, it makes sense to somebody. I don't know. But another complaint now is
influencers feel like they have to have these major,
you know, two minute long introductions to their videos.
You know, with flashy stuff and all that.

You don't need that. And it turns people off, especially on TikTok or something else.
We don't have the attention span for that.
The reason that they did that for TV is so that they could show you credits
in advance and also because you were scheduled for that time.

So if they didn't grab you right there. Stop saying to do and stop programming
these two, three minute introductions to your videos.
You know, the wonderful thing about the pandemic was that we all stopped caring,
caring about audio quality, video quality.

This this green screen that I've got behind me that you can see on TikTok,
but you can't see it on my live on YouTube.
Nobody cares. I got my hat on. I'm just wearing the shirt I wore all day.
I'm not shaved. I mean, nobody cares about this stuff anymore.
I used to try and do, you know, production value and all that. No, stop.

Just stop. just just go
on and do your content just be
personable just just be yourself you
know you don't have to need you know one of my favorite things
is that people said to me was on radio they
said i love that you you're not the big radio guy you sound like the guy down

the street and and that was always a compliment to me i was always jealous of
the big you know we called him him the big voice guy and he could do the radio
voice and, you know, the,
the movie promotions and all that stuff.
And I was always jealous of them. I thought I should start smoking or something,

but people tell me we like that.
It just, it's just you, you know, it's just you.
And it's not like you're being pretensive or anything like that. So I just.
I just started, you know, kept on, kept on being me, you know,
that's, that's kind of it.

Oh, so got sidetracked. This would be my last comment. And Marcella, thank you for joining.
This would be my last comment. It's on Skinwalker Ranch.
How many of you have watched Skinwalker Ranch?
I was in, you know, I thought this show. has a legitimate scientist.

I thought they were using this legitimate technology.
It's right here in Utah. I've actually been, you know, where the guy,
the main guy who owns, he owns Skinwalker Ranch. I can't remember his name.
He's on all the, all the commercial real real estate signs here in Utah.

I've actually been in that conference room where they film his commentary because
his partner was a big supporter of mine during, during my campaign.
So I've sat in that conference room with, with quite a few, uh, big wigs.
And so it's always interesting to me to see, you know, they're in that conference room.

Jake says every episode of Skinwalker Ranch. It's hilarious.
Oh, Brandon Fugel. You're exactly right, Jake.
Thank you. He is the owner of Skinwalker Ranch and he's on every single,
he's with Collier's, that's the real estate company.
He's on every single Collier's. I mean, he sells every building in the state,

right? So he's done very well for himself.
Bought Skinwalker Ranch and Skinwalker If you don't know, it's supposed to have
these like cosmic things going on,
UFOs, portals, and they have all these scientists and they've done some really cool experiments.

They did one with these drones that I thought was really cool.
They've done them with rockets and helicopters.
But here's where here's where they lost me.
And Jake, you're right. Hey, they had cameos by Senator Lee.
Governor Herbert was on. Sean Reyes was on. So they've totally legitimized this thing, right?

One of the things that keeps happening, and you tell me if I'm right,
Jake, one of the things that they always talk about.
On Skinwalker Ranch is how medically dangerous Skinwalker Ranch could be.
I don't know if you remember some of the early Skinwalker Ranches.

They said you can't even dig on Skinwalker Ranch because something medically will happen to you.
And they keep showing the x-ray of the guy and And how his head had filled with
some kind of liquid or something.
And he got rushed to the hospital.

And then there's other times where people don't feel good. And that same guy, remember the episode?
He's like, I don't feel good, guys. I got to get out of here.
Hops in his Jeep and leaves the ranch. And they're like, yeah,
yeah, get out of here because it might be dangerous.
Here's my question.

Where's the doctor?
You have all these scientists. You have everybody, alien scientists.
You got everybody. You got geologists.
You got people studying vibration and x-rays and all these things.

But you can't have a doctor on Skinwalker Ranch. You can't have somebody there
hooked up to people, you know, your brain is going to explode.
You wouldn't be interested at all in studying the medical things that are happening

to people on Skinwalker Ranch.
You're really just going to say to me, oh, the bad things can happen. It's dangerous.
You could get in medical danger here.
But you can't study the medical side?

Wouldn't that be, Brandon Fugel, wouldn't that be cool if you had people hooked
up to medical equipment and when somebody started having a reaction,
you could track it?
But you have no interest. You have people on Skinwalker Ranch and you're saying

in the introduction that it's dangerous and a guy's head is expanding and you're
just going to go hang out on the ranch.
You're just going to go and who cares about safety?
And oh, if you start feeling bad, jump in your Jeep and get off the ranch as soon as possible.

Just stop just stop
it's so bad
honestly Jake I was in I was in for a season I was I you know because that one
guy the guy with the spiky blonde hair he's a legitimate scientist that I I

thought the experiments were good.
I'm like, I never, I never liked Brandon Fugel.
He just seemed icky to me, but I was in.
And then I started thinking, you're risking your life being on Skinwalker Ranch
and you don't bring a doctor.

No, just get off the ranch as fast as you can. man.
Jake says, I think a doctor shows up, but in fewer episodes than Herbert.
I've never, now I haven't watched this season to be fair, but I have never seen them.
And by doctor, I mean, not just somebody, I mean, I'm sure there's somebody behind the camera.

If somebody trips and falls, they can handle a skinned knee.
I'm sure that that's there. But my issue is you're having medical unexplained reactions.
Don't you think you want to hook some people up to some equipment to find out what's going on?

Wouldn't that be a valuable part of the study?
That's just Just my, my question, Jake says we were in two, but they jumped
the shark at the start of the season two, but it's still so bad. It's good.
I can't watch it anymore.

When I realized they're not doing any research on all of, if you really cared
about the phenomenon that's happening on that ranch, you would have people hooked
up to some medical equipment. You would.
So I've lost them both. I've lost Curse of Oak Island. I've lost Skinwalker Ranch.

Blind Frog, the Curse of Blind Frog Ranch never had me.
So I'm stuck with a shows about Colts and shows about World War II.
That's, that's where I'm at.
Hey, TikTok says great job. You've gone live for 90 minutes.

Don't forget to take a break.
TikTok doesn't know me very well, do they?
How long did we go Jake on? Remember we did that.
We did that special broadcast, the J Macathon.
How long did we go? I didn't, we go 12 hours straight live.

I think we did. I think it was at least 12 hours.
So Tik TOK, bring it, bring it, but I don't need a break.
Oh jake says man it was like 14 hours
i think you were right it was so fun i had
so much fun that day we had amy iverson on
my former co-host from ksl that was

a very fun day it was a very long day but that is one of my absolute favorite
memories from the campaign okay well maybe we should take take TikTok's advice and let you guys go.
I know that TikTok is not going to be happy when they see what we're doing.

Cause you're not, you're not supposed to see all of like this stuff up here at the top.
I don't think you normally see that. Do you, when you watch TikTok live,
that's like all for me to see and the comments. Yeah.
You'll see, but I don't like how many, how many likes 1.8 thousand likes.

I don't know that that's stuff you're supposed to see.
So again, we are, we are cheating TikTok. Don't tell anybody.
Don't tell anybody. I showed my kids what I was doing and they're like,
you were like a mad scientist.
If you saw, I'll, I'll just tell you quickly what I've got going on.

So I've got this program. It's called Ecamm.
Ecamm allows you to broadcast live video to all at once to YouTube, Twitch.
LinkedIn, Facebook, you can do them all at once.

And I've used that for a long time. And as you can see it, not on TikTok,
you won't be able to see it, but anybody else watching, you can see that it
aggregates the comments from all of the different people.
Although everybody tonight has been Facebook, no YouTube tonight,

if we look back. So all Facebook tonight.
But if anybody from YouTube commented, you'd see it.
And you can put overlays so you can see I have Safari there.
And so I've been able to do all that stuff for a long time.

But what I couldn't do is bring in TikTok.
And there are services that allow you to bring in TikTok, but they cost money.
They cost like $60 a month.
I tried them. They worked. I'm not going to pay that much money.
So what I've got is my iPhone, which is not my normal camera.

I have a professional camera and I have a teleprompter that I use for because
I still do a podcasting business where people pay me to be their podcast host.
So I still have that set up, but this is my iPhone feeding into my,

my Mac using, what am I using?
Are you guys gone using quick time as quick time will allow you to bring in video from your device.
So to get all of this done, we're using one, two, three, four different apps to make it all happen.

And I am, I am very proud.
Bo says, I can't see it. Bo, unfortunately, when you're on Tik TOK,
you can't see the whole screen.
I wonder if I could kind of give you an idea here of what it looks like.
Let's see. This is going to reveal some stuff that's not green screen, but let's see here.

Let's see. It's going to be hard to see. No,
it's right. Is that it? Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, it's right there. So what you have on the left is you have Safari.
What you have in the middle is TikTok.

So that's where my face appears and that's what you can see.
And then over here, we have comments from Facebook and YouTube and those kind of things.
So the only thing you can say see if you're on youtube i mean if you're on tiktok
is my lovely face but if you're on youtube and so you can see some of my other broadcast equipment,

you can see my ibuprofen you can
see my print it looks really messy it's i promise it's not as messy of course
my wife would probably tell you something different so watch as we go into the
green screen and there we go.

So I hope that helps Bo that gives you a little picture.
I'm going to, I'm going to figure out a better way to do this,
but I'm really, really proud of this particular setup with that,
my friends, thank you so so much for spending some time with me and just remember.

You know, if you like my content, I'm not after, you know, I'm not chasing followers.
If you just like it, just watch it. If you don't like it, don't watch it.
But I'm releasing four videos a day right now, guaranteed every day for a day
based upon the issues of the day. You can see those on TikTok.

You can see them on YouTube. You can see them on Facebook. book.
You can see them on Instagram.
My handle for TikTok is jmcfarland0.
Again, I'm long past the place in my life where I'm like, I gotta have so many listeners.

Plus I've overcome TikTok's requirement for so many followers.
So I don't have to care as much, but you know, I, we're getting about,
and this is what excites me, we're getting about 50,000 views a week right now

from the video content that we're releasing.
So I care more about views than I care about followers.
And I only care about views because my videos are trying to make people think
and trying to get people to reconsider some of the things that are going on
in our society right now.
So if I can get, to be honest with you, 50,000 views a week is way more than KSL ever got.

So that excites me, but not because...
I'm way past, you know, I've been the pseudo-celebrity.
I don't care about that. I just care about this country.
I care about, you know, making people think.
I care about your opinions. Please comment back when you see those videos.

Let me know if you like what you see.
And thanks, Beau, for the triple thumbs up. I appreciate you being with us this whole time.
And let me know what you think, you know, share them, spread them.
If you think that they're, they're worth it. I told you for a while, I kind of gave up hope.

Jake knows this. I kind of gave up hope and just kind of crawled into a hole
and just one day woke up and said, you know what?
No, no, I'm going to go down kicking and screaming.
We need to go down kicking and screaming. treatment so this
is my kick and my scream and this

is my diet dr pepper i know i'm
not paid by diet dr pepper but if you're out there listening hey that could
be a thing okay all right my friends thank you so much it has been a real pleasure
i hope you have a wonderful evening.

I'm going to turn off TikTok first. If, if I, how do you even,
this is how little I know. TikTok slide.
I don't know. Real-time performance. How do you, how do you.
How do you, I'll figure that out.

I'll turn off the, I'll turn off the YouTube and everything everything else.
And then I'll figure out how to turn off TikTok. Thanks, everybody. Have a great night.
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