Episode Transcript
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Unknown (00:09):
You're listening to the
joyous justice podcast, a weekly
show hosted by April Baskin withTracie Guy-Decker. in a complex
world in which systemicoppression conditions us to deny
others and our own humanity.
let's dedicate ourselves to thepursuit and embodiment of
wholeness, love and thriving inthe world and in our own lives.
It's time to heal and flourishour way to a more joyous and
just future.
Hi, friend, how are you doing?
You are finding me, in the midstof I think getting to the other
side of a significantperiod of profoundly deep
healing and transformation. AndI've been in regular consistent
one quotes a perpetual butconsistent transformation for a
couple years now. And the lastcouple of months of navigating
insomnia and low grade nightterrors for a while for almost
nine weeks in a row.
Whileliving a life that is full and
vibrant, and beautiful, but isdependent, is structured around
me getting sleephas been, it's been an
interesting journey. And I thinkI'm getting to the other side of
some really important healing.
And it's just been a weird time.
I don't know if you happen tohear if you listen on Spotify,
or if you're one of the like,early listeners of the podcast
each week.
But it seemed like a,like an electronic demon grace
to the intro of the podcast, andTracy later corrected it, and re
recorded it and, you know,perceived that the file was
corrupted, but I thought it wasinteresting that it was
it seemed more to me like therewas weird energy happening and,
and something that I've learnedover the years that I think is
what's happening to me now it'sjust happening on a bigger
scale. And even that makessense, given the investments and
what I've put in and my bigdreams and what I've been
risking and putting on the linethat my big dreams would be
countered by lots of funkyenergy, but I find with
different folks and you know,you might have a particular way
of speaking about this, thisisn't original to me. And I
think different people havedifferent ways of speaking about
it. I think I've heard of thatplanners call it like
event day, I don't rememberwhether it like haywire. I don't
remember what they call it. ButI've noticed in the past 10 plus
years that whenever I'm in themidst of a big upward trajectory
shift thatsomething really negative or
tough comes up. And it's eitheran old lesson that I need to
revisit and affirm or finallywork through and close or it may
be other energies or just weirdthings that are happening. And
my sense has always been that itwas some sort of clearing of
excess Old Energy like aenergetic detoxing, of sorts of
of my experience and orperhaps an energetic balancing
or an energetic offering, thateither the universe or my guides
were making to keep thingsenergetically in balance. Some
other examples of how this hashappened at times is, I mean,
there's just so many I'd love.
I'm wondering what you whatyou're thinking of that relates
to this if you are relating tothis.
And if you're not, that's okaytoo. But the example that comes
to mind is I've had two friendsand I've spoken I in both
instances Iwell one instance it was with
indigenousmentor of mine who has a lot of
knowledge aboutspecifically in Linux a
metaphysical understanding andalso just cross indigenous
understanding of of energetics.
Anyway, over the past 10 yearsand seven or so there have been
two instances where someone waseither taking on a big new
opportunity or moving. We'reengaging in a massive move or
life shift and a dead birdthey presented themselves on
their doorstep or by a window.
And this mentor who is an expartner, who I'm not crazy about
and relationally, but has a lotof wisdom, you know,
interpreted, you know, explainedto me, the times people can
perceive a dead bird as,as an as a bad omen.
And his understanding based upondifferent variables and talking
through and consideringdifferent factors was that the
birdoffered itself. And pardon me,
this is concerning for some, butsacrificed its self to intercept
negative energy that wasswirling.
And in one case, it wasfascinating. It was in my
friend's kitchen, and it was alarge parakeet.
And we spent time researchingit. And,
you know, we found out thatactually, this parakeet This
species is indigenous to isindigenous to the New York City
area. And it was justfascinating and, and she and I
were both grateful that I hadhappened to be there, because
she knew I was morecloseted and very quiet or much
more quiet aboutthe things I was learning about
this sort of thing at the time.
But it was interesting that ithappened right around the time
that I wasvisiting her prior to her move.
So there's just been a lot ofdifferent energy swirling in
different ways and a lot ofthings going haywire.
AndI don't fully understand it all,
but I'm starting to understandand be at peace with it more and
see that I believe it is all insupport of my becoming, in ways
thatI'm used to and have accounted
for and other ways thathonestly, I am used to, and I've
accounted for two but not atthis level of intensity.
And, and also scale. And it'sit's brought me to my knees in
different ways. And it's helpedme access. What I didn't mean, I
guess anyone some level, butwhat I wasn't really wasn't a
part of my conscious awarenessuntil the last few weeks, were
really big, old repressedfeelings, from my early life
from my birth from, you know,being in utero through the age
of three.
And I don't think I want to getinto all of the specifics. Right
now, I wanted to take thisepisode in a different
direction, but it's just beena lot. And I also have this
thought, which the thought cameto me to share it, and then I
momentarily decided to mask butI will unmask and share it,
which is thatI've been saying it more. And it
seems like most people can staywith me with it, whether or not
they specifically choose tosubscribe to this belief or not,
it's fine. And this is somethingthat I cultivated over a number
of years. And perhaps I'vementioned it on the podcast
before that I'm at a point in myspirituality and practice that I
believe that everything isworking out for my highest good.
And that most of that isdivinely orchestrated, and
anything that I have a hard timebelieving I just don't believe,
or I don't want to believe thatsomething so awful or upsetting,
could be divinely orchestrated.
Then I generally still lean intothat belief, and less from a
place of from perceiving thateverything is working out for my
highest good because of divineorchestration.
And more into to come comingfrom a place of rocket, eternal
grit and determination. And theunderstanding that that belief
serves me and helps me continueto take to continue to engage in
a rigorous practice ofappreciative inquiry and use
what is available to me to makethe most
of whatever is happening. And Iwant to be very clear here that
in both instances, there aremoments where this thought is
very helpful for me moments offrustration and even in moments
of upset and there are othertimes even if I can sense that
it may be divinely orchestratedwhere I don't hold that as an
act of thought.
While I'm moving through thehurt, and the energetic healing
and response, my body has to theblow, right like as if I were
getting hit in the chest and thewitness getting knocked out of
I may or may not briefly thinklike oof, somehow I don't know
yet this is working out for myhighest good, but I don't hold
on to that thought I let thepain
were the intense stimulationreverberate through my body,
and, and take care of myselfuntil I can regain my breath and
then regain my breath and thendo whatever it is I need to do
to heal after that impact,whether it's shakeout shake out
the trauma of the actualphysical blow, or take time to
cry about the betrayal. And tobe clear here, no one is
physically hitting me withbaseball bats, but at times in
my career, and in interactions,I feel like a proverbial
baseball bator like a slingshot with a rock
energetically hits me.
And the my process is that Iavoid it when I can. And at
times, I can't. And I see it.
That in the night note, I seeit's coming from me and I can't
avoid it. And then I bracemyself and I let it reverberate
through. And then I take time todo healing and tend to it and
then I store I don't say ignoreit or deny it. I collect that
energy and I process it. And Itake hold of it and move, have
my leverage it for healing work.
And then I convert that energyinto power. And for those who
are watching those videos, I amusing my hands of those who are
watching on YouTube, and thenchannel that energy in service
of what I want.
And it's gotten to the pointwhere I've done it so many times
over so many years that it'sstarting to kind of feel like a
And lately I've been what's beenhappening this is good. This
metaphor is that I've beengetting hits from multiple
different places, and the groundis getting shaky from underneath
me it started feeling likequicksand. Or like I'm in the
water. And the normal nutrientsI get to keep me swimming aren't
there and there's no buoys. AndI don't see a lighthouse. And
it'sand it's interesting to me the
way it aligns. And my sense isit's in terms of this idea that
everything is working out for myhighest good. And I didn't come
up with this independently thiscame through with
one of my longtimetrauma healing
counter oppressive laboratorytrauma healing coaches.
I love that it's called a prayercan you hear that? It's gonna
take a moment to pause andbreathe and
honor my connection with thedivine and the connections
presence and thatmy neighbors as Ramadan is so
close are preparing to be indeeper, more intimate, loving
and devoted relationship withthe divine and with each other
and sacred community as myMuslim partners, Jewish.
Beloved,the specific parts of Ramadan
don't all align with me. Butthere's a number of principles
and themes and maybe I can talkabout it with him and find my
Jewish partner version of doingit with him. If you've been
listening, you know, I reallylove
opportunities for mindfulnessand loving surrender a dynamic
relationship with the divineBeloved.
So as I was saying,oh, yeah, I was talking about
being in quicksand or in theocean.
And feeling lost. And to me thepart of what I've been
experiencing in aggregate thatfeels divinely guided. And I was
able to reach this clarity as Iwas saying, for my longtime
trauma healing teacher, who Ijust adore
is that because I'm so resilientmy senses, because I'm so
resilient, it would takemany, many, many, many things
being uncertain or trying ordifficult or painful and various
things going haywire. But I youknow, too much for me to compost
it all at one time. And, andthings specifically that I can't
compost because there are prettyhefty things because of the
trauma. I've navigated over thecourse of my life, other things
that are incredibly difficultfor people that I tend to be
I've just had more experienceand also support over the years.
Isn't healing from learning howto really effectively navigate
more treacherous terrain butthere are more subtle elements
of living around relationshipsaround commitment around
just other parts of living thatare parts that are tender for me
and and so my sense is that I'vebeen being divinely guided to
release more and get down deep.
And being prompted to feel angerat, at God or and I think
actually it's not actually thedivine I think it's an old
feeling as we teach in myprogram nearly always big
feelings or old feelings.
And then just as affirmation ofthis, of all things.
Just a few days or within acouple of weeks of me having
this realization, as I wasbopping around Tik Tok, and
watching some really greatwatching the thought leadership
of recently so to to reallygreat, trauma informed
therapists who have beenwatching who most therapists
tick tock they say things thatI'm
through my counter oppressivetrauma, healing, and through my
years of healing, training, and,and healing, and then through my
years of having been in therapy,and also just my understanding
of the human experience. Theydon't say things that are new to
me. And lately,I recently found to creators, to
therapists whoa good amount of it isn't new,
but a good amount of it hasnuance, and deeper
sophistication that I've beenhungering for. And this isn't
necessarily new, but one ofthese folks said in one of his
podcasts,you know, and when kids are
little, we know when kids areyoung, and throughout childhood,
parents are like God.
And he also said, sort ofspecifically what I was feeling
so that was further affirmationof Ah, yes, right now it feels
like God is betraying me, whichis, through everything I've been
through, that's nota common thought, for me,
at all.
But it has been of late giventhe relationship that I feel
with the Divine andwhich I understand to be like
spirit and oneness. It's notthat I'm thinking it's like a
person in the sky. But still, Istill have a, an increasingly
robust relationship. And,anyway, yeah, so I think there
are just ways that I'm becomingmore. So all of these different
challenges like I would need abunch of different challenges
coming throughin order for me to get to a
place that it's basically itguided me to my repressed
feelings of rage and betrayal.
From my from my earliest momentsof living,
in response to a caregiver, whowas deeply, deeply wounded,
very high functioning, butdeeply wounded, and in no place
to be a caregiver to anyone in aplace where she really needed
profound one way, healing time,after years and years of harm
and abuse.
And I'd been told by an energyhealer a few years ago that
I had deep rage in my, in mysubtle body, and I didn't
understand it because I justhaven't function most of my life
feeling like a fusion I get madbut and so it seems like all of
these different circumstancesand energy that my guides that
divine that divine orchestrationwas working to help me discover
and find the places in myrecessed memory in my subtle
body, where the steep loss andpain and betrayal resides.
And also fear and so the otherthing that was prompting, it is
part of it is profound terrorthat I had. And so I've been
doing multiple things to processthat I've decided, sort of for
the first time in an effort tostart to be more open in general
to share about this on Facebookin different measured ways and
maybe not feel measured to otherpeople but it's still quite
measured in light of thematerial I'm processing and
then my analysis etc. And Ithat's been interesting. And
it's a part of a longer termstrategy. And the nice thing
about it for me is that it'sreally cool for me
that I've been at a point. AndI'm at a point in my healing and
balance that even that I'm alsoclear in this moment that I have
deep mind sight. And that I'mclear in this moment, even
though I'm being tried, in waysthat feel like some of the
toughestdeath, certainly that I've had
in recent memory over the past10 years. And it's just a very
maybe some time in college, Ithink, in early in my early
college years before I went tomedical leave, that maybe that's
whenbefore I took time to get tests
and figure out what washappening and
and before I'd learned so muchmore on the healing journey, so.
Thanks for tuning in aroundthis, I think. So it's so
anyway, so it's felt really goodto me to play a lot start to
play a braver and longer gamearound sharing more of my
thoughts and also my experienceand leaning into greater
transparency. Especially assomeone who is the founder and
CEO of joyous justice, I, I wantto demystify the elements that
deeply and profoundly undergirdmy joy. I also want to because I
get a sense that not fromeveryone, but a number of people
sort of see me as this anomalywho's always happy and joyful,
and just let things roll off herback. And I mentioned that I do
rigorous healing work. But nowI'm starting to give folks a
window into that. So that it ismore clear and evident to
people. And I want people tohopefully not be re stimulated
or traumatized by what I'msharing, but to feel some
discomfort in it. And to seethat I am in a place at moments
of, of suffering and deepdifficulty. And using the tools
that I'm using. And also super,I'm here for a variety of
different tools, a number ofcircles, I'm a part of
consistently have the one thingthey do. And I think that
there's a range of differentthings. But offering these are
some of the tools that I usemost you might use others, but
seeing that I can engage infacing the unfeasible and
in time steadily moved throughit and just normalize this as a
part of a practice of highperforming well adjusted
incredibly loving and ambitious,emergent, liberatory leaders.
This is part of what that lookslike. And still, I am still
unquestionablyconfidently the director of
joyous justice.
Because to me, joy is not thislike white, delusional white,
dominant, delusional culture,either or thing, like it's all
joy, and only joy is good. Butjoy is one of the vibrations and
energies that is the moststrategic, and the most in
service of good health, andvisionary strategic leadership.
And it's just fun.
It's next level fun.
One of the fears that I've beennavigating my way through during
this period and one of thethings that's been coming up in
different ways.
I've been really afraid to fullyfully live into and express the
results and the ongoingevolution of my afro indigenous
coming homework and weaving thatinto my Judaism. And I've been
so afraid of losing belongingwithin the Jewish community. And
also I'm wanting to step up andI've been wanting to for a while
in different ways, but I've beenavoiding leading powerfully in
certain ways that I think can becompelling, because various
Jewish communal leaders withwhom I'm acquainted or who I'm
with whom I'mlightly connected, or one degree
of separation from, but as amovement leader, and
a movement strategist, I hold anumber of different folks who
are deeply aligned with me andwho also aren't exactly aligned,
but I care about their wellbeing. And I see that even if I
don't always agree with theiranalysis, and I think that fear
and scarcity to consistentlyimpact their leadership, I see
that they're doing brave andimportant work every day, to
lead our community. And so evenas I've been looking to be
courageous He justbold leader, I've been
withholding a lot of myleadership and power
in order in an effort to thinkwell about the coalition that
doesn't actually officiallyexist. But I imagined in my
mind, I'm actually in a numberof different ways. But in the
context of the Jewish communitythat I've invested a lot of my
career into thus far. And I'vecontinually been working over
the past,approaching a year of beginning
to expand and not evenofficially, it's more like, six
months. And internally, I'vebeen gearing up for that, to
start to expand outwards, notleave the community, but expand
out, open up. AndI've been just so
terrified to do that. Mostly notfor the reasons that are thought
of, you know, at times, it'soften thought of for like
And I'm barely, like, I have tworeally, really wonderful
funders who provided somesupplemental support, most of
the operations I run with enjoysjustice are independently run.
And for the first couple ofyears of the business, I had
various side gigs or jobs that Idid, and I funneled a lot of
that money into self fund,joy, asbestos.
Andit's just felt really terrifying
to start to share my voice moreopenly, and
not knowing what the resultswill be, and really fearing the
loss of and it's worth, it's notreally a loss, because the
connection wasn'tfully there anyway. But I've
been cultivating differentconnections, like I play a very
long game.
And I also make look for to makeshort term progress in various
ways. But there are lots offolks who I think I'm on their
radar. And I think they thinkthat they're not on my radar,
but they so arepeople in different within
different philanthropic andJewish communal positions. And
anyway, I think it's time for meto, to let go of have that high
level of commitment to folks.
And when it's not, when it's notreciprocated at this time, and
when it's keeping me from beingthe most powerful leader I can
be. I wrote in a Facebook postthat I you know, I use the
metaphor that I've beenreserving seats in my heart for
folks, which is also meant thereare lots of people now, right
now, maybe who are evenlistening to this podcast, hi,
who have wanted a seat.
And, you know, we've been at myheart, but in the context of my
work, and what I pour my heartand labor of love into, and I've
been reserving them for folkswho really, really
wanted to come along,not even specifically with me,
but in an alignment with me asthey were ready to. And the
thing is, it's just taking timeand doing this for 20 years. And
it's taking more than 20 yearsat this point. And it's
and it's time for meto continue to lean into my
becoming, andreach more folks and say more of
my truth. And say it in ways attimes, I think will resonate
with a ton of folks in theJewish community with whom I'm
more deeply aligned. And also,maybe agitational. Or just, you
know, like, it just might be asa former colleague of mine, let
me you RJ like maybe she want meto say her name on the podcast,
but um,hi G. I'll just say that she
would talk aboutmy material being like salsa,
mild, medium, and spicy and Ihave lots of really
spicy and picante acontent that for a lot of my
kindred spirits aren't even thatspicy, but it's spicy, because
spice is also relative, as manythings are and for a lot of the
Kindred folks with whom I wantto be working.
Some of my space might be spicyfor them and for a number of
them they're like oh, this isgreat. Yeah, bring more let's do
this right and I want it to andneed to, for my own spiritual
becoming and also because ofwhat I see the needs are in the
world to continue to evolve andI've been trying to hold this
expands literally across oceansand
across ideological differenceand I need to stop reaching
because my arm is getting soreand I need to use it too.
who lead and teach folks who arehere now.
And so I'm not closing the doorto my heart, or my organizing
and leadership to these variousfolks.
Probably ever, it's just not whoI am. And I've just had too much
healing, to do something likethat. But I'm removing the
Reserved sign and inviting thefolks who want to come in who
are ready and with whom I can dobrilliant, creative, joyous,
work, transformative work, andhealing and visioning and
movement strategy, and justphenomenal, vibrant work, like,
let's go, let's go, y'all. I'vebeen holding back and I don't
want to be holding back anymore.
And I think I was thinking Iwould start with this. But I
think I'll end with this.
There's a poemthat I heard the other day by
Khalil Gibran thatso beautifully summarizes a much
of what I've been feelinglately. And, and also what I'm
starting to notice. So I've beenvery, very afraid there are
certain things that have gottenreally sparse in my business.
And I've been so afraid aboutthat, in certain ways, not,
though, not the actuallimitation, because I've
experienced resource andfinancial limitation in my life
before, but it scared me as abusiness owner as someone who,
in a number of ways, which thatmay shift with time, but still
fundamentally around certainthings. I'm very much a rule
follower. And so the thought ofcertain resources getting low
and me not being able to followcertain rules or meet certain
obligations, is terrifying forme. And I thought,
in certain ways that I thoughtit was moving toward one goal.
But where I ended up where I'vestarted to end up landing is
yes, I would like towork on shifting and upping
these different resources. Andalso the fact that these
resources, resources are lowmakes sense in light of
strategic pivots and risk takingand shifts that I've been doing.
So that's all normal and I'lland also my commitment to
integrity in certain ways, andmy refusal to engage in certain
practices that aren't inalignment with my values, and
believing in the beauty of mydreams.
And that belief has been tested.
And despite so many different,immense fear and terror, I'm
really clear about my strategyand my purpose. And I thought
what I was working toward was asolution around how to
fix this resource issue, andmore of what's been coming up
for me is deeper equanimity,and surrender at a deeper, more
peaceful, more rugged, gentledetermination.
Around should I believe before,but just getting to it at like a
bones, dirt, bottom of the oceanCenter of the Earth, kind of
vibe ofwhat will come will come,
I will continue to be agile andadaptive.
And believe in the beauty of mydreams, and listen for different
signs and move through things.
And trust.
That everything is working outfor my highest good or that
I will heal and function in away such that everything does
work out for my highest good incollaboration with friends and
colleagues. That's always agiven for me and these sorts of
And if it gets tough, it's veryscary for me in this moment.
But, frankly, bluntly, I've beenthrough much tougher things
and will navigate it. And I willnotice and mine the lessons
along the way.
Because I'm never giving up onthis which is not the same as
repeatedly doing the same thing.
I'm never giving upon believing that people are
incredible, and that oppressionis awful. And those things get
And that peopleespecially but even before but
especially when they engage incounter press of healing are
profoundly powerful. And we haveimmense capacity
to bring profoundHealing to our beautiful, aching
And I will continue to positionmyself and lead in such a way
thatwithin like healthy boundaries
and all those things, I'mwilling to do whatever it takes.
This is my life's mission. Thisis why I'm here.
I do feel a bit attached to mycurrent business model and the
things I figured out the thingsI poured years into offering,
and that's continuing tosteadily grow.
And it's just deeper is just adeeper, which just amazes me how
the depths and heights that arepossible in this human
experience,because there's so much rigorous
work I've done but just a deeperlevel of sovereignty,
of internal sovereignty and alsosurrender
to source to the Divine beloved,to my interconnection with all
that is and my willingnessto do whatever.
Again, from a healthyperspective it takes to
to advance collective liberationand well being and love and joy.
So with that, and I love thatthis poem really beautifully
articulates that and so speaksto what I've been navigating
and, and also as it indicates,it's so aligned with the human
experience. So perhaps you canrelate to it too, with something
you're going through in thismoment and or have or will
journey through in time. So todraw this episode to a close
with love and mindfulness.
am loving gentle yet ruggedresilience, radiant resilience.
I want to share with you thepoem fear by the amazing
legendary Khalil Gibran.
It is said that before enteringthe sea, a river trembles with
fear, she looks back at the pathshe has traveled from the peaks
of the mountains, the longwinding crossing forests and
And in front of her, she sees anocean so vast, that to enter,
there seems nothing more than todisappear forever.
But there is no other way.
The river cannot go back.
Nobody can go back.
To go back. It's impossible inexistence.
The river needs to take the riskof entering the ocean.
Because only then will feardisappear. Because that's where
the river will know. It's notabout disappearing into the
ocean, but of becoming theocean.
Thanks for listening to thisepisode.
If you have reflections orthoughts you want to share, feel
free to post themand tag me if you want to write
about it publicly or send me anemail at info at choice
justice.comor fill out the contact form at
choice justice and let's be intouch we are in community.
You listen to me in thispodcast, I would be happy to
listen and engage with you.
All right.
Much love. I am embracinggearing up to enter the ocean
and I'm starting to see signsthat
I will become the ocean and Iwill become okay.
I won't disappear or have a hugeloss. I'll be gaining
so much more and I'll be morewhole and myself. I wish that
wholeness and peace for you too.
Much love friend.
Thanks for tuning in. To learnmore about joyous justice LLC
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Check out the info in our shownotes, or find us at joyous
justice.com If you enjoy thisepisode, show us some love.
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Stay humble, but not too humble.
And keep going because thefuture is ours to co create