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July 28, 2022 18 mins

Part 6 of the series on the Constitution of the Kingdom Article 4 Worry. God tells us not to worry but not to plan. God let us know He got us when we seek Him first. We talk about how to seek God, our Father first.

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Episode Transcript

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Hello again,
this is Richard Spangle Flying Ministry and welcome to part six of the Constitution of the Kingdom.
We're gonna be looking at article four.
Article four begins in Matthew 6 25 to 34 it talks about 25 stairs.
Therefore not,
do not worry about your life.
What you eat or drink everybody.
What you wear is not life more than food and but more than clothes.

And it goes on from there.
He tells us to look at the birds of the air is how they do not sow or reap restoring barns and yet God takes care of them.
God feeds them and aren't you more valuable than they are?
Can anyone buy you worrying be add a single hour to your life?
And what do you worry about clothes?

See how they will grow in the fields?
they're not labor spend.
He says He tells us more than Solomon and all spender was not dressed like one of these.
This is how God clothes the grass of the field,
which is here today and gone tomorrow I was starting to the fire.
How much more will he clothe us?
And He says you of little faith.

Do not worry about what we eat or what we drink or what shall we wear for pagans?
Run after these things and your Heavenly Father knows you need them,
but seek ye first,
the kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.
do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself.
Each day has troubles for its own.

Very interesting that God has time is not to worry.
And in recent times,
we have discovered that worry destroys the body,
it destroys the brain,
destroys how things function.
It kicks you out of the higher functions of your brain and brings you down to the emotional areas of where your flight or flight takes over.

And it also sets off clear thinking,
it raises blood pressure,
it does does hurt your heart,
hurt your brain.
It is a lot of things psychologically that is and emotionally and physically,
that is not good for you.
And God is saying,
stop worrying,
don't worry about tomorrow.

He didn't say don't plan planning is important and it was a key in our lives,
but trusting Him seeking him first and He will add all these things up to you.
And the key to planning is seeking God first.
So when you seek God first,
you seek his kingdom first and you establish yourself there.

He will help guide and direct you.
He will give you the plans and the provision will come.
It's very interesting that he lists all these things and says,
then he says,
don't worry,
this is the new international version,
by the way.
And that's what we have to do.
We have to stop worrying about these things and some things we can't control,

we can't control our government.
We can't control what the politicians will do one day to the next.
We have a chance to do that twice every two years and at the national level and also every four years of the national level.
And of course,
we can do it with our local representatives in the ballot box.

So if you haven't registered to vote and you're not voting,
that's a whole another story.
That's a,
that's a God given part of what we're supposed to have in the Constitution of the United States.
And you need to look at that and read that and determine what you're supposed to be as much as I'm asking you to read the Constitution of the Kingdom of God back to what we're talking about here.

God is saying,
look around you,
look at nature,
look at everything that goes on in nature and He provides for the birds of the air.
He provides everything they need.
He provides uh for the flowers to grow.
He provides for the,
for the beauty and their splendor.
He provides all of these things and he says,

aren't you more valuable than they are aren't you more important and God's plan and scheme of things than,
than you are.
God knows what you need.
So when you,
when you have these needs,
take them to the Lord say God,
I need this,
I need whatever.

If you need food,
if you need clothing,
if you need shelter,
ask God to direct you,
ask God to give you wisdom,
asking God for wisdom and understanding,
asking God to help you make a plan.
That's where you need to be at.
That's the key to not worrying because when you're spending your time with God first and foremost,

and that's the last part of this section.
And it's the most important part of the holes.
It's a build up to this But seek ye 1st,
the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.
It's amazing.
God promises all these things will be added unto us when we seek him first.

And he says,
do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself each day has enough trouble for its own.
So in other words,
don't borrow trouble from,
from the future,
don't worry about tomorrow.
What's gonna,
whether there's gonna be a strong hurricane,
a flood,
uh whether there's a pandemic,
whether you're gonna get the uh we'll use the example of COVID you.

If you worry about it,
you lower your immune system.
Worry brings about self fulfilling prophecy.
If you're worrying about things you're not thinking clear and it drives you to do things and say things that cause you trouble that cause those things to come upon you.
Our mouth is a powerful weapon is a part of the tongue,

is a powerful weapon and you have to train your tongue and you have to train your mind to say positive,
to think,
I agree with what the scripture says.
If we don't,
if we're,
you know what if you're worrying,
you can't add one moments of your hair.
You can,
you can actually lose hair from Him.

You can turn your hair gray,
but you can't do anything about that.
the best thing you can do is stop worrying.
You want to lower your heart rate,
your high blood pressure,
stop worrying,
you want to eat right.
Stop worrying because worry brings about tempering about binge eating.

can basically destroy anything in your life,
your family,
your relationships.
If you're constantly worried and constantly telling people all your troubles,
people aren't gonna wanna be around you.
People will get away from you as quickly and as fast as fast as they can go.
Once they learn,
you're speaking negative and worry and you're speaking negative and worry into their lives.

But when you're seeking first the kingdom of God,
you have an understanding that God is your father.
He directs your step every day.
He sets up divine appointments for you.
He gives you wisdom and guidance.
He gives you understanding and what to do and what not to do.
But the key to that is spending time with him seeking him first when I get up in the mornings,

my first,
my first thing is I lay him a bit and have a few minutes with God.
And then I spend more time with God before I get this recording before I do anything.
I spend time with him.
I asked him to come and be with me because I want to be with him.
I had a friend,
we were discussing this Atlanta,
this very thing about last night.

She's moving.
She's also gotten a promotion and all these things were waiting on her and she was worried about and she was letting her mind run away with her.
And I said to her,
don't do that.
Not necessarily in those words,
but that's what I was saying.
That's being led by the Holy Spirit.
Don't do that.
Take time to get yourself right with God.

Make sure you're listening to him.
He will guide you and direct you.
He gave you the new place to move.
He gave you the new apartment.
He also gave you a new job,
a better job with better pay.
He's put you in a place of greater responsibility and he guided you there.
I said,

if he guides you there,
he's gonna take care of you.
He's gonna provide for you.
And that's what we have to realize that God provides for us every day,
every moment,
it may not be all of the things we want,
but it's the things we need.
There's a vast difference between the ones who needs.
And when you worry,
you give into fear and fear is not faith,

fear is not trusting God.
So when you're worrying about things that you can control or you're worried about things for tomorrow,
you are actually not walking in faith,
you're not walking and God,
you're not doing what you should do.
So the secret is how do you start the day with God by just Spending a few moments with and spending that hour within 15 minutes.

I like spending time with my heavenly father.
I have it since my day.
It gives me peace throughout the day because I've been with him first and I find that when I spend time with him in the morning,
the first thing he's with me all day,
he shows up in some most unusual and exciting ways.
Um It can be as simple as you're going shopping and all of a sudden things are on sale in the store that you didn't expect to be on sale,

things that you're looking for that you were wondering if you could afford to pay for it.
All of a sudden,
you'll find uh that,
that cut of beef that has been marked down because it was a day old bread,
day old bread.
You'll find day old bread.
Still good bread,
still usable,
still edible.
But it's got like half the price.
Sometimes The meat is like 20% off and you find these things or when you're out shopping for clothes,

you go into a store not realizing they're having a 50% off sale and it's a clearance sale.
So they're taking another 10% off of that.
You can pick up some,
you know,
God can direct you to these places.
I bought some beautiful expensive insurance for very little money.
You know,
it's just,
it's just,
it's just amazing.
And the same thing with pants.

I had gone into a store to buy a pair of pants or a pair of jeans and not knowing that they had a sale going,
I was guided to the right leg and there on the rack with my sizes and the color I like and everything else.
So I obviously God guided me in that and that's,
that's something you have to realize those little things you have to look at.

God guided me here you go into a restaurant and they're having a sale on a certain meal and it's one that you like that's God guiding.
He's saving you money.
He's protecting you.
He's also blessing you.
So when you get a promotion,
when you move to an apartment or condo or townhouse or home,

don't stress,
don't stress,
don't worry,
God has put you there as you listen to him and when you listen to him,
he's gonna put you in a place where you need to be.
He's gonna put you in place for divine appointments.
The line appointments can be for the other person,
but he also can be for you.
You're gonna have a divine appointment with someone and next thing you know,

they're blessing you because you bless them.
I've had this happen more than once.
Uh one Thanksgiving,
my wife and daughter and I,
we just couldn't find anywhere to go.
We just,
we just kind of procrastinated also.
So we went on a big golden Corral that was a divine appointment going around.
You know,
it's okay.
You know,
it's a good place to go and get to eat like you eat on Thanksgiving.

So we went in,
we got,
they had a table perfect table for us and we're sitting there,
we're chatting,
we're eating and all of a sudden over the den of the crowd.
I hear this man saying we need to,
we need to go ahead and uh take up a collection to bless the waitress to give her a nice tip.

And I don't know how I heard that.
I think it was supernatural hearing,
but there were several tables away and they did that.
And after a few minutes I looked at my wife said,
God's telling me to go talk to those people to let them know God loves them and how much I appreciated that what they did.
So she's used to be doing that.

She says,
whatever God's telling you to do it.
So I get up and go over to the table and I introduced myself and I tell them that I was just overheard what they did for the waitress and I thought it was great.
And I said,
I just want to bless you,
come to find out they were believers.
And then so I started praying and God started ministering to them with some special words and all of them at that table there,

about six or seven people got blessed by me following God and I started to walk away and the man said,
wait a minute,
I want to shake your hand and he did and I felt something in it.
I went back to the table And,
and they got up and left.
And the next thing I look at my hand is a $20 bill in my hand.

You know,
praise God.
I wouldn't ask for it.
I bless someone and they in turn bless me.
Sometimes it doesn't come back immediately,
but other times it comes back immediately.
And that's the beauty of trusting God of not worrying of just seeking him.
And I would recommend doing this in a special way if you have to get up 15 minutes or a half hour early.

Do this going to your special place with God.
Your special chair aspect to your office are part of the house.
It's not anybody in.
And I recommend using soaking dot net.
It's a great place for worship music and I used the instrumental tracks and on the,
on the streaming and I've turned that on and get started to help set the atmosphere and then you just get along with God and you say God,

I want to be with you.
You go father,
I want to be with you come and be with me and then stop talking And just listen and wait for that presence of God to come upon you and it will,
it will come upon you and you will find yourself.
That time will grow from five minutes to 10 minutes to 15 minutes to 20 minutes.

Don't try and do an out all by yourself right from the get go.
It's unusual that that happens.
Don't put yourself under combination because then you're worried you're not doing it.
Just take the time,
start with just five minutes and,
and put on that soaking music or if you have soaking music that you like to listen to.
I like instrumental tracks because that way my mind doesn't grow up on singing the songs because I want to hear from God this time to sing songs this time to be still before the Lord.

And that time of being still before the Lord,
you may not care an audible voice.
You may not get a function or a word,
but you will feel His presence will come and he will flood you with his presence and you walk with peace knowing that the Lord is with you all day long and you won't worry about.

And that's the key.
Stop worrying.
Start trusting kind of when you trust the God and when you look to him first,
as you seek him first and you seek the kingdom first,
he's gonna add all these things to you.
As the scripture says,
it's a promise that you can take to the bank better than the bank.
You can take it to heaven.

And that's where,
where God,
but you know exactly how He feels about you,
how much He loves you and cares for you and how much He wants to bless you.
This whole section is telling you.
Don't worry,
I've got you.
I'm going to take care of you.
I'm going to bless you,
come and spend time with me and we'll lay out things together.

So that's,
that's what I'm talking about today is seeking first the kingdom of God,
but seeking that relationship,
seeking to know his heart and here is whispers and the blessed place to do that.
Is that quiet time?
First thing setting your day first to seek God to seek the kingdom and let me pray for you,

Father God.
We come before you.
we ask you bless each one that's hearing this community is hearing this video audio or God that you minister to them in this podcast,
God or that everything that's been said would sink in Lord and would help change their lives to seek you first.
those are worrying God,
we break off worry where it becomes a habit or we break off or we declare no more worries because you know what the Lord has said.

He will care for you.
He will meet your needs.
He will give you what you need daily and he will guide and direct you be encouraged in Jesus name.
Amen and Amen.
Praise God.
It's wonderful to be with you.
we look forward to being with you on the next segment of this teaching.

Remember I have books on Amazon dot com.
You can put my name in Richard Spangler or Richard L Spangler.
And those two books will come up adventures in the spirits,
a series of prophetic vision and my newest book,
The Covenants and the Fire.
Uh They're both on Amazon.
They're both available in paperback are on the streaming on the Kindle and again,

thank you and God bless you.
You have a wonderful and blessed day and remember the Lord is with you and he's going to keep you.
He's gonna make his face to shine upon you.
He's gonna lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.
God bless you until next time.
Have a great day.
Bye bye.

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