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July 11, 2022 21 mins

Continued teaching from the Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5:21-48

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Hello again,
this is Richard Lion's Voice ministries.
And as you know,
we've been discussing the Constitution of the Kingdom.
Uh this is part four in the series and we're gonna be looking at article two of the Constitution,
which is basically dealing with relationships and we're talking from Matthew chapter five verses 21 through 48 to the end of the verse at the end of the chapter uh this is the second article of the Constitution.

It's a very key article because it deals with our relationships with others.
And you know,
Jesus was talking in this topic about about,
you've heard of talking starts off with murder and it says thou shall not be committed murder and kind of then you're answerable,
but he says anyone who is angry with his brother will be answerable and whoever says whoever calls your brother good for nothing and whoever calls someone a fool will be guilty and will go to the fiery hell.

Um this also says,
you know,
if you have a problem with your brother and he has a problem with you,
stop what you're doing,
stop leave your offering and go and be reconciled to your brother because if he's accusing you and you have not reconciled that you could find yourself in jail,
you could find yourself in trouble.

This is a matter of what you're thinking in some respects,
but you at some point you've been acting in some way that has caused out of your thoughts and out of your heart comes these actions and these words that cause harm and can can,
can cause division and bring you to a place of where you actually are being sued by someone and they could wind up putting you in jail or costing you um a loss of things.

And in some way you wind up having to pay back what has been lost to that person.
And he's but we can't read the minds of our will in line.
We know about the only person he's talking about is you you as an individual,
your mind what you're thinking.
You're not trying to guess what they're thinking.

You're thinking.
It's you're thinking it's a very personal concept dealing with relationships.
And then it says,
when thou shall not commit adultery,
but anyone who had lust in his heart towards a woman has already committed it.
This is a very important key when you,
when you look at a woman and you and you're married and you lust in your heart after her.

Uh it's you already committing adultery.
And it says,
if your right eye causes you sent tear it out and throw it away,
it's better for you to lose a part of your body.
This is talking about the seriousness of this situation that if you have something that is continually causing your problem,
deal with it,
you know,

to lose an eye and right eye in those days,
our right hand and in the biblical days was critical,
A person who lost his right hand that that was saying you were guilty of something.
But also it prevented you from being a part of society in so many ways because in those days your hands and your eyes were everything to work with.

So here he is saying,
you know if you if you are lusting after a woman,
you have to be careful,
you have to have to look,
you know,
you can't do that.
You can't you're committing adultery in your in your own eyes.
That's the reason when your pornography is such a dangerous thing.
It's a it's painting a picture of women in ways that we should not be looking at it.

And also when I hate to say it,
when you go down on the beach here in Virginia beach,
we have we have wonderful beaches.
But we have some we have a lot of tourists that come in and what uh some women wear.
It's very difficult and you have to look away,
you have to think on something else.

And what I do is I try and think on the things of God uh and try to remember that God loves them.
And they are a daughter of God.
They are his,
they are his daughters.
Even though they're not acting related.
They are his daughters.
And that helps keep you under keep you from thinking those thoughts that you shouldn't have been done.
And then it goes on to say whoever gives his wife divorce except for the reason of sexual immorality makes her commit adultery.

and whoever marries a divorced woman forces her to,
he commits adultery.
So in this place there was a lot of things going on that he's directly going after here with the Pharisees and the and the priest because they were married.
Um a woman of the youth,
they would have a family.
And then when she got old,

Uh there was a practice where they could say I divorce you,
I divorce you,
I divorce you.
And the divorce was done and they kick the first wife out and go marry some 14 or 15 or 16 year old girl.
And it's uh it was a horrible thing to do because the one of the first wife lost everything.

There was no property value,
there was no property to be separate.
The man owned everything and the wife was put out on the street to fend for herself.
And most of the time that unfortunately let her into prostitution are becoming a bigger because there was nothing for her to have.
And that was a thing that they were doing.

That was totally wrong.
And in every culture,
there was,
there was where wives had no say so.
in this time period,
women had no say so,
but there were points where and God women had say so.
There were points where God God would step God would use women in mighty ways as prophetess is as leaders.

He would raise them up.
Uh and they were the exception.
They weren't the rule.
Um and and that has changed so much thanks to the understanding that we are all Children of God.
And and then that the in the in the scripture it says that when we get an understanding that there is no neither male nor female bond or free in the kingdom of heaven and that a woman has a right uh to to speak and preach just as much as a man does,

she's a servant of God,
she's a she's a child of God.
They have the same rights as men do in society.
And all this stems from this teaching saying this is wrong,
this should stop women,
jesus treated women as equals and respected them and ministered to them just as the same as he did men.

And again he talks about the vows that we make and he says,
he says,
you know,
you can't fulfill the vow he said make no make no growth at all,
neither by heaven or by the throne of God nor by the earth for the footstool his feet or by Jerusalem for the city of the great King,
nor should you take an oath for your by your head because you can't turn a single hair white or black.

If that's the case,
I wouldn't have gray hair,
I'd have black hair,
but be sure that your statement is yes and your no is no beyond that everything else is of an evil origin.
So when you go to a person and say,
I swear,
you're making a vow.
Mhm And you may not even mean I will and that is what he's talking about.

When you when you swear something or you promise something and you know that you're not gonna and and and down the road,
you can't fulfill it.
That that causes problems between you and that person.
It causes guilt for you.
It causes anger for that person because they were counting on you to fulfill an oath that you did not do.

And there are circumstances that come up that cause oaths to be broken.
You know,
now it's different when you swear the oath as a government leader to up in our in our constitution to uphold the constitution and the laws of the United States in this country and in other countries.
But even their leaders break offs all the time.

They break promises all the time.
And that's an evil origin that discourages people that this causes distrust to be sown in the government.
And he says,
let your yes be yes and your no be no.
In other words,
no soundbites,
no soundbites.
No saying I'm gonna do this,

but we're gonna work around it.
So I don't have to do it.
Are promising during election campaigns to do all these great things when,
you know,
you're not gonna do it and you don't have the power to fulfill it.
And we've seen that over the less uh since the 1960s with the promises on the war on poverty,
which has been an abject failure in this country because they're still they're saying they were going to eliminate poverty and they're still poverty.

Some of the areas in this country that they said they would go in and help are just as bad or worse today than they were back then,
because they made promises that they had no intention to keep for their own gain.
And that's what and that's of an evil origin.
And that's personally to people.
Make promises to get something and they have no intention of keeping them.

That can be paying off your bills,
promising to pay back somebody when you borrow money you shouldn't be borrowing if you're and you know,
you make all these commitments and you're breaking promises and your yes should be yes and your no should be no.
And then he speaks of here of an eye for an eye and a tooth for tooth verse 38.

And then he says,
um do not show opposition against an evil person.
Whoever slaps you on the cheek.
Turn the other cheek also,
and he wants to sue you take your two through your tunic or coat.
Let him have your cloak also.
And whoever forces you to go with him one mile go to give to him who ask of you and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you?

Here's jesus saying,
you know,
you shouldn't be an eye for an eye type.
Well he they did this.
I'm gonna do that.
Or they hit me,
I'm gonna hit them back.

Are they used a gun,
I'm gonna use a rifle or they used to bomb,
I'm going to get a bigger bomb.
You know,
that's that's what that brings you to war.
That brings you the personal war nations go to war over the same attitude.
they hit me,
I hit them back now,
it does not say that you not stand against righteousness.

You are standing against righteousness by being righteous and righteousness by being righteous,
jesus said,
You have heard the love your neighbor and hate and hate your enemy.
And he says,
but I say love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you so that you may prove yourselves to be sons of God who is in heaven,

for he causes the sun to rise on the evil and the good and sends the rain on the righteous and the unrighteous for if you love those who love who love you,
what reward have you?
Even the tax collectors do the same?
And if you only greet those only your brothers and sisters,
what more are you doing than others,

even the gentiles do the same.
Therefore you shall be perfect as your family.
Father is perfect.
God loves everyone.
Even those that are doing evil in his sight,
it says here he causes the rain on the just and the unjust,
he causes the sun to shine on them just as much as he does us.

He's a just God and he's the one that reserves judgment for his time and his we are not to judge.
We are to love our neighbors,
we are to love them,
even those who we have problems with,
those who hate hate us.
We're to love them.
We're not to be hating anyone,

We are to love them and to pray for them and ask God to bless them,
ask God to send the sun to them when they need sun and to send rain when they need rain because if you're asking for God to rain to rain,
it would be like you as a farmer and let's say Oklahoma and you've got a neighbor you got a problem with and he's your enemy for whatever reason and you're praying for rain on your farm,

you're saying God don't let it rain on his.
Now thunderstorm could make that happen,
but generally rain is rain and it's needed for everyone to be blessed.
You need it for you to be blessed and the person that you're that you have a problem with needed so they can be blessed and maybe at one point they will realize that you're praying for them to be blessed and that God is working in on their behalf as well as yours and they will understand that and realize they need to make peace and you're supposed to go to them Anyway.

The scriptures before talked about if you have someone who has fought against you,
leave your offering and go and and and go and ask for forgiveness,
go and make it right,
how much easier would our society be if people would make it right,
if people would stop judging each other?

Remember the scripture that says judge,
not lest you be judged if you're judging people and you're disagreeing and you're because they disagree with you,
you're opening yourself up to judgment from God Almighty.
You're opening yourself up from the same judgment that you wield out.
It's the same judgment you're going to get back and that is what has caused these rifts in this country,

in the United States and around the world is people are judging each other and they're standing back and saying because they don't believe what I believe,
they don't think like I think they're evil and vice versa and there is no middle ground,
There is no room for forgiveness.
There is no room for God's love because you have determined that that person is evil and you have said,

I'm not going to associate with them,
they're evil,
They should go to the place that God has for people who are evil and that's judgment who are you to judge them,
leave that to God pray for them,
pray for those who are in sin.
I'm not saying accept the sin.
I'm saying to love the person and hate the sin,

let them know your position.
They're like little God's position on what they're doing is wrong.
But at the same time,
do it with love.
Do it with love.
You can point to the scriptures,
you can point to what God says.
And so this is what God says.
you're hurting yourself.
You're hurting God,

you're hurting me.
But what you're doing.
But I still love you,
I still want to pray for you and you pray for someone their lives.
God works in their lives.
There's nothing the bible says we are to pray all the time without ceasing.

And that means not just for our brothers and sisters.
That means for the people who we walk with every day,
who are not believers,
The man who,
the man or woman who cut you off on the highway When they're doing 80 mph and come flying around you passing you in another car and driving like um,

they've lost their minds.
We've seen it.
You know,
I don't care where you are in the United States.
You've seen people driving absolutely crazy,
but you shouldn't curse that person.
You should pray for them.
You can say God keep them safe.
So they will do no harm to anyone else.

Different perspective from God.
Get them,
let that state trooper be up there with the radar gun and catch them.
No pray that God will protect them and he will protect those around them from them.
That's the way you handle that and you don't know that person,
you don't know what's going on in their life.

And if you've been speeding,
you know,
people might be thinking the same thing about you and you need to change.
I'm just talking in terms of what we do in our lives and we have the need to realize that God bless us,
all of us are God's Children.

There's just some of us who know him and some of us who don't and the ones who know him,
we are to show the ones that don't the love of God and such a powerful way that they will repent.
That's what these relationship teachings are all about.
Is that if we got stuff in our head that we're holding against somebody,

it's time to get rid of it.
If we're talking if we have evil thoughts about a man or a woman in the in the worst sense of adultery and thinking about doing things with them that are not right,
We need to repent.
If that person flies by you down the road,
don't say God get them say God bless them,

keep them safe.
They will do harm to no one else that doesn't say what they're doing is right.
But you're praying protection on them and the people that they are going around the people,
their past,
your praying protection on lives that because of your prayer may not be harmed.

This is some hard teaching here,
but this is the second article of the constitution.
The first was who we are and God what we're supposed to be in and who christ is and then here we are talking about relationships and God is all about relationships.
So be careful what you say.
Be careful what you think and that will keep you from acting in ways that is not the way God would want you to react and from saying things that God would not want you to say and those things cause you harm and cause another person harm.

But if you when you bless them,
you're doing what God says to do and your your your blessing at the same time,
those blessings come back on you those blessings when you pronounce blessing,
you're also making a statement for yourself that you God's gonna bless you because you're blessing someone else.
That's the power of blessing.

That's the power of walking in right relationship without judgment with understanding and being willing to sit down and talk with someone and share with them and pray for them and let them they don't want to know if they don't want to pray say,
well I'm praying for you anyway,
I'm praying that God will bless you.

I'm praying that God will reveal himself to you.
That's all you need to say,
you don't have to say,
I'm gonna pray that you change your life.
Not just say I'm gonna pray that God reveals himself to you.
I'm gonna pray that God will be with you and he will show himself to you.
That's the power of blessing.
That's the power of prayer.
So and that's the power of walking in the relationship that we need to be walking in one to another and doing the right things in God.

Let's pray Father God,
we come before you now and Lord we thank you Lord,
we thank you Lord that you you've called us to walk in a way that is holy and righteous before you.
And the only way we can do that is through you relying on you,
relying on the holy spirit that you've given us to show us and to teach us.

let us have a hearing ear to hear your voice,
to hear what you're saying,
to understand what you're doing.
And to see these people as you see them,
open our eyes to see people as you as you see them,
open our hearts that we will love them the way you love them.

And Lord gun that you will be glorified as we walk through life doing what you called us to do and sharing you with them and praying for them and watching their lives change because you love them in jesus name.
Amen God bless you all until next time.
Have a wonderful wonderful day.

Bye bye!
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