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July 20, 2022 18 mins

This article of the constitution deals with our hearts. Like the U.S Constitution article deals with Judiciary. One of the jobs of the Supreme Court is to protect the people from governmental overreach and to protect the Constitution. 

 Our job is to watch over our hearts and keep them in line with God's Heart to our relationship with God and man pure.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Hello again and welcome to another um session with the Alliance Voice Ministries.
I'm Richard Spangler.
And as you know,
we're doing a series on the Constitution of the Kingdom of God.
And this part is gonna be article three,
I call it the heart.
Um because without the heart being in the right place,
it's hard to uh um understand what God is doing and what he is saying.

And so this is part five of the series and article three,
like in the constitution is the heart of the constitution.
It's where the Um judicial system rules to protect our constitution of the United States and other in other instances,
deciding and looking at what has been done by the other two branches of government are a state in relationship to the people.

in this case,
we're talking about the heart relationship with being people and between God and we're gonna start with uh start with Matthew Chapter six.
And this is the part where it talks about the first part of it is be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them.
For if you do,

you will not receive any reward from your father in heavy in heaven.
So it says,
don't do what the hypocrites do.
Don't sound with loud trumpets and them on the streets and to be honored by others,
when you give something to someone to tell you the truth,
they have received their reward.
The reward in full.
When you get to the news,
you want to know what your left hand is on your right hand is doing so that your giving may be in secret.

Then your father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.
This is a very interesting passage because there were people in those days and there are people today who announced when they help the poor,
they make a big deal out of it and,
and in this case,
they would come and find a poor person and the synagogue or on the streets and they would make this big presentation of their gift to this person.

this presentation was very self serving uh to those who,
who did it,
the Pharisees the and others and probably the priest because it made them look good in the eyes of the people.
But my,
the thing that came to me is what does it do to the person that's receiving?
They are,
they're looked down upon even as they're receiving the gift,

they may even be embarrassed by all the attention and by all the noise that's going on around them because of the Pharisees and the statues is making this big display of what they're giving.
And that's reading God.
So they're hypocrites.
They're only concerned about themselves.
They're only concerned about their appearance,
their hearts,
not with God.
It's a self serving move.

And again,
he says,
when you pray,
don't be like them that stand in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others to tell you the truth,
they have received their reward in the full.
That's where he says,
go into your own room,
close the door and pray to your father who is unseen.
And then the father,
the father who sees what is done in secret will end,
will reward you again,

a matter of the heart.
If you're doing something for show or for a display,
it gets you nowhere.
All those players,
all those things they go about as far as from your mouth to the dirt.
Because if you're doing it in that way,
you're not doing it the way God's saying to do it.
And that's to come to him to look to him and to be concerned only about him and don't keep babbling on like the pagans do that.

I think they'll be heard that at the time of the temples and the pagan worship.
And even today in pagan worship,
they keep repeating prayers,
they keep repeating words and hoping that their God will hear them.
Don't be like them.
You know that your Father knows what you need before you ask.
And then he goes into this is,

this is how you should pray.
We call it the Lord's prayer and it's our father in heaven.
Hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
The first part is setting your heart right with God.
You're hollowing him,
you're honoring Him,
you're praising Him,
your worship him.
And then you're asking for His kingdom to be done on earth as it is in heaven.

In other words,
you're saying,
I want your will.
I want your direction.
I want you for my life.
And then give us this day our daily bread,
asking God for provisions,
not wanting to explode out and ask God for more.
God will give you daily what you need and you will have enough.
You may not have all that you want,

but you will have enough.
And He gives us most of the time.
He gives us more than enough in our society.
We have more than enough.
I look at my pantry,
it's full,
my refrigerator is full,
my freezer is full.
So God has given me more than enough.
Uh And I have a wonderful position that I work in and get and,
and have money coming in money in the bank.

And God has taken care of my daily needs and he says,
forgive us our debts as we also forgive our debtors,
Is a key,
you have to forgive.
There's no choice about it.
If you have,
if you know somebody that hasn't,
you have an offense with go and make it right.
Or if you know somebody who's been offended by something you do go and make it right.

And then it says,
lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
What a powerful statement asking God two don't let us go into temptation,
direct us away from compromising situations and deliver us from the evil one.
Keeping Satan far from us,

the devil,
keep him far from us.
And our families is what it's saying here,
these are all things God wants to do and deliver us.
Lead us not into temptation is a very important thing in our society today.
You don't want to be in a situation of compromise.
It's too easy to slip over the line when you're already in a compromising situation,

whether you're with,
whether you're in a dating situation,
make sure you're not alone um compromising your position of physical intimacy with the person that you love.
Until your,
then when you're married,
you know that's a different story,
but make sure that you love the woman and you love the man as you commit to each other,

you commit to remain righteous,
you commit to remain wholly with each other and with God.
And it also goes when you're out walking around and that's very difficult because when you see things we see these days on the beaches here in Virginia Beach,
it's very difficult to keep up your eye and keep a pure heart.
It also,
it goes back to reiterate.

If you forgive other people,
when they sin against you,
your heavenly Father will forgive you.
But if you do not forgive other sins,
your father will not forgive your sins.
That's a heavy tow guys.
God's saying if we can't forgive,
we don't have the heart of God.
And when we don't have that God's going to keep a record of us of what we do.

And at the same time,
he's telling us,
get rid of this stuff,
forgive people,
let it go and God will even take you back to times in the past and you'll have to work through forgiveness.
It happens all the time.
There's a,
there's a turning that takes place in us when we're,
when we have an offense and we sometimes hold on to that offense.

We may not even realize a harsh word or a negative word that was spoken to us years ago.
It's affecting our lives because we never really forgave it.
Uh An example of this was a friend of mine was writing an article uh for CBN dot com and she told me this story that she,
that she was writing guy was flowing and her husband came in and did something silly and all of a sudden everything stopped.

I mean,
it was an interruption but it wasn't a big deal,
but she was trying to keep writing and she couldn't and she couldn't.
And she finally said,
what's going on?
And God says,
forgive your husband.
She says what?
I wasn't mad with him.
The matter was that she got annoyed with him because he interrupted,
she went and forgave him and the he content the,

then the flow of the article came flowing out.
It was an absolutely beautiful article and that's the way God expects us to be with her heart,
to forgive even the slightest thing.
And when God brings something to your memories from the past and you don't know where that person is.
I forgive them,
help me to forgive.
I've heard people many times say I can't forgive that person.

I just can't do it.
They hurt me too bad.
But that's where you cry out to God and say God help me to forgive Lord and then say,
I want to forgive them,
help me to forgive.
God wants you to forgive them and the Holy Spirit will help you forgive them.
They will help you walk through it.
this does not mean what they did was right?

Any stretch of the imagination.
That's not the deal here.
The deal is your heart.
And God's saying when you forgive,
I forgive you,
remember that's a form of judgment.
When you don't forgive somebody,
you're judging them and we'll talk a little bit more about that later.
But when you judge someone,
you get judged with the same judgment,
remember that?
But at the same time,

God's saying forgive the way I have forgiven you.
That's powerful when you forgive.
He has forgiven you.
And that's the same status we're supposed to have with each other.
When someone has,
when you have an offense with somebody,
forgive them.
If you know somebody,
if you've offended somebody go to them and ask for forgiveness or if you think you forget,

you've prevented somebody go and ask for forgiveness that way.
It keeps your relationship clear with that person and the heart relationship,
right with that person.
But it also opens the way for God and you to have a greater relationship,
you're in relationship with God.
But unforgiveness chokes off.

It acts as a choke point to a relationship with God.
And that's where you have to say I'm going to forgive,
I'm going to forgive.
And then Jesus goes on to say,
when you fast do not,
we're gonna talk about this fasting.
Don't tell people don't disfigure your face as others do.
When you fast again,
they're trying for out of their own,

for their own reward,
their own way,
their own thing and they're getting their reward.
They're trying to show themselves holy and righteous when they're telling you,
I'm fasting today.
I'm fascinated in Gods.
Gods really hammering me on some stuff.
My flesh is really weak and I'm fasting anyway.
And they're trying to get you to go.

you poor dear thing.
Praise God that you're fasting.
We'll pray for your strength.
You know,
we'll pray.
God bless you.
That's what they're looking for.
And they're wanting to hear.
You know,
you're a great person too fast.
I have nothing against fasting.
Fasting is a biblical principle.
But when you do it in that light,
when you do it and you tell people what's going on and make it obvious that you're fasting,

you're wrecking the whole purpose of it.
Fasting is a discipline.
It brings you into.
You're supposed to spend that time with God.
You're supposed to spend your time and,
and meditation and prayer and then seeking God drawing closer to God.
And so do it in a way that nobody will know,
wash your face,

put on your,
on your head like it says here.
So it will not be obvious that you are fasting and don't go to play to some place where there's a buffet and say I'm fasting today.
I can't eat,
you know,
I'm just putting that out there.
that's that same attitude.
But when you do it with the right heart,
seeking the Lord,
seeking your relationship with your heavenly Father,

then God will bless you.
God will reward you.
He also said,
do not store up treasures on earth where the moth and vermin destroy and where thieves break in and steal,
but store up for yourselves.
Treasures in heaven.
where there are no moths,
no vermin do not and do not destroy where thieves do not break in and steal for where your treasure is.

Also is your heart.
that's so important.
we look at people who have,
who keep accumulating wealth and keep accumulating wealth thinking that's going to make them more wealth,
more wealth.
The happier I'll be.
the sad part is the sadder.
They are.
You look at the,
the people in,
in Hollywood or,

and those guys go through,
go through rehab,
like some of us take an aspirin.
You know,
they're doing rehab every other week.
They're doing,
they've got millions and millions of dollars and they're,
they're unhappy,
they're with,
their marriages are unhappy there.
Their whole situation is unhappy.
They are looking for something that they can't find in money.

They can't find in a big car they can't find and,
and the lifestyle of the rich and famous,
if you want to use the phrase,
they are looking for something and the thing is they have to look to God.
That's where they have to do things of God.
It's nothing wrong having money.
There's nothing wrong with having being blessed.
But when you start you,
when that becomes your God.

And that's what this is saying.
When you start looking to it for your fine,
for your,
for your,
for your,
for your self self worth and your blessing.
The minute you lose it,
you're in trouble,
the minute your,
your career in whatever area it ends,
something happens and you don't have that career anymore.
You're in trouble,
your self worth is gone,

but our self worth is from God and what we do to store up treasures in heaven.
There will your heart be.
Also God says in Galatians six that when we so into the spirit,
we will reap from the spirit,
eternal life.
So you need to be sowing into the spirit,
slowing into the kingdom of God and you're going to reap and it's a now word for reaping and it's now word for will.

You're going to reap bundles of eternal life.
And he goes on to say the eye is the lamp of the body for as your eyes are healthy,
your whole body is full of light.
But if your eyes are unhealthy,
your whole body is full of darkness.
If the if then the light within you is darkness.
How great is the darkness?
Here you go.
You got to get your eyes.
You gotta make sure your eyes are clear,

spiritually clear,
spiritually following God,
seeing what God's doing,
moving with what God's telling you to do,
keeping your eyes clear,
not looking at stuff that you shouldn't be looking at pornography or any other number of things that are out.
There are playing a video game where you're murdering people or shooting people constantly that's not doing anything for your eyes.

That's not doing anything for your spirit.
And you're actually bringing darkness into your life.
You're bringing darkness into your life because you're,
you're shooting people.
I've looked at some of these games I'm going,
you know,
they got people running down the street just hitting people in the back of the head.
You know,
it's amazing what needs to be done here and what needs to change in our society.

This is not the thing we need to be looking at,
we need to be looking at nature.
Look at the beauty of nature,
look at what God created,
think on the things of God,
the worship of the things of God,
ask God to give you revelation and keep your eyes clear and healthy.
It also says no one can serve two matters,
either you will hate the one and love the other or you'll be devoted to one and despise the other.

You cannot serve both God and money and that's the close of it.
God is really hammering this home.
You can't serve money.
And God at the same time,
when you start crossing over,
you cross into a zone of danger that is far more dangerous than you imagine because money is Amoral,

the way you earn it,
the way you keep it is a moral.
It depends on what you do with it.
And you're,
you're either gonna want more and more money are you gonna want more and more God.
You know,
the amazing thing is the more you get of God,
the more blessed you are,
the more things you have come into your life for blessing.

I'm not saying because you're poor that you're not blessed of God.
You are blessed of God in ways you can't even imagine you're blessed of God because of a,
of a family.
You're blessed of God in a lot of ways that you don't even think about.
But when you need to think about it,
think about it,
you're blessed with your Children,
you're blessed with your health,
you're blessed with your life.
And if you're,
if you're still having health problems,

then ask God to heal you first.
And most important part is make sure your relationship with God is the number one thing,
the number one thing to have a relationship with God.
That's what this heart section is about.
It's not doing what the world does.
It's not doing what people who want to show off and get grab glory and credit for themselves.

It's dealing with relationship.
The Lord's prayer is a prayer of relationship,
keeping yourself centered on God and on the Kingdom of Heaven.
Is there a relationship that's the key to what this is talking about here?
And if you don't have a relationship with God now is the time to do it.
Now is the time to say,

Lord Jesus,
forgive me of my sins.
I want to know you.
And if you've been walking with the Lord for a while and you haven't been having a relationship,
stop set aside time with God and just say God and then when you get together,
be quiet,
solitude is a good thing.
And you say,

I say father,
I want to be with you come and be with me.
And amazing things happen in that time when I get still and listen for God and say God,
I wanna be with you daddy.
I wanna,
he's our heavenly father,
he's our daddy.
And I go father,
I want to be with you come and be with me.
That's the heart attitude.

That's the hard attitude.
And then when you're walking in that relationship with God,
it's easy to do the things that I called you to do and it's easy to do it with the right heart.
And again,
I wanna thank you for taking the time to listen to this teaching.
I hope it's blessed.
You remember the heart is the,
is the center of everything we deal with as believers,

not the external,
the heart.
God looks on the heart and we need to realize that and walk with him in the heart relationship.
If you like some further things you can do to help the ministry of lines,
voice ministries go to Amazon dot com.
I have two books.
One is called Adventures In The Spirit.
A series of prophetic visions.
I wrote it about five years ago.

Uh It's available still and also there's a new book Covenants and the Fire talking about the covenants of God and the fire of God and God's fire is a passion.
So please check those out on Amazon dot com.
And my name is Richard Spangler again.
Thank you for being with me.
I pray for you daily that God will bless you and that God will bring you into a place of heart relationship with him.

In jesus' name.
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