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September 5, 2024 19 mins

Feeling overwhelmed by the daily grind of running your business?

It’s time to take a step back and realign your focus. In today’s episode, we kick off the "Annual Business Checkup" series, where we’ll explore how an empowered business mindset for growth can be the game changer you need. 

We'll talk about the importance of your business with your core values because it’s not just something that’s nice-to-have, it’s a must for sustainable success. This episode is all about making sure your business serves your life, not the other way around. 

By grounding your decisions in your values and purpose, you’ll navigate challenges with resilience, stay connected to your goals, and ultimately create a business that fulfills both your financial and spiritual aspirations. Whether you’re looking to refocus, realign, or just ensure your business is on track, this episode is packed with insights and practical steps to help you do just that. 

Tune in to start your journey towards a business that truly reflects who you are and supports the life you want to live. 

2:00 - Discover how aligning your business with your values leads to sustainable success

4:37 - The first step you need to take to align your business with your purpose

6:58 - A resource to help align your business with your core values for success

9:09 - How to set purposeful, value-driven goals that prevent burnout 

13:20 - Discover how reviewing your goals, adjusting your plan, and seeking expert help can accelerate your business growth and success

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Is your business truly aligned with the life that
you want to live?
It's easy to get caught up intrying to keep up, so I want you
to pause for a second andreally think about whether all
that hard work you're putting inis leading you where you want
to go.
If something feels off, or ifyour business isn't quite
supporting your lifestyle theway that you want, then this
series is exactly what you need.

Over the next three episodes,we're gonna walk through an
annual business checkup thatwill help you realign, refocus
and get your business back ontrack so that it supports your
And this isn't just aboutmaking a few tweaks.
It's about digging deep andgetting real with yourself first
, which is why we're gonna takea close look at the core areas

that are essential forsustainable growth, starting
with your mindset.
The goal today is to empoweryour mindset so that every
decision you make and every goalyou set moves you closer to the
success you truly desire.
So if you're ready to getintentional, challenge the
status quo and achieve successon your own terms, then you're
in the right place.

Welcome to the Mind your Timepodcast.
I'm Shannon Baker, yourcoffee-loving host and business
Each week, I will sharepractical insights and bold
strategies for six-figureentrepreneurs looking to clean
up their back office and createstreamlined systems.
The weekly episodes will helpyou take control of your time,
scale your business and createsuccess on your own terms.

So grab your cup of coffee oryour favorite beverage and let's
dive into today's topic.
Welcome to the annual businesscheckup series.
I am really excited to kick offthis series with a focus on
something that's at the core ofeverything I do empowering you
to define what success means toyou and helping you get your

business aligned to make that areality.
And this process isn't justabout creating systems or being
intentional about how you mindyour time.
This process really involvesyour mindset.
Now, if you're new here, let megive you a little context about
why this episode matters somuch, which is also why Mindset

is the first episode in thisseries.
My mission is to helppurpose-driven women like you
align your businesses with yourvalues so that you can make a
bigger impact while enjoying thelegacy you're building.
That includes spending timewith your family and friends
while your business grows, butyou can do all of that without

My vision is to empower athousand women to be more
intentional with their time.
No surprise, right?
But I want you to achievesuccess on your own terms.
We're not just buildingbusinesses here.
We're redefining whatsustainable success looks like,
and that starts with yourmindset.

And that isn't just a buzzwordor a fluffy concept.
It's the foundation thatsupports every action you take
in your business.
Without the right mindset, eventhe best strategies and systems
won't lead you to the kind ofsuccess that you're aiming for.
And let's be clear successisn't just about hitting

financial goals.
It's about building a businessthat's going to serve your
spirituality while allowing youto create wealth, not just for
yourself, but for others, andwealth is health and money.
Now, I know thatentrepreneurship it's tough.
There are days when self-doubtcreeps in, when you're tempted

to compare your progress toothers, or when you feel like
giving up because nothing seemsto be going right.
I have been through all ofthese moments and even more,
just like you.
That's how I know that theseare the moments when your
mindset matters most.
It's what keeps you grounded inyour purpose and allows you to

push through those challengeswith clarity and confidence.
Now, one of the first steps incultivating an empowered mindset
is really understanding thatyour business should serve and
support your values, not theother way around, and that's why
, inside the Mighty Societymembership, we focus on aligning

your business with what trulymatters to you, so that you can
make decisions that fit theseason your life is in, because
that's very important.
So I want this to be a realityand not something that's just
written on a piece of paper.
So let's start with three tipsthat are meant to help you align

your business with your purpose.
The first step is to getcrystal clear on your core
These are the principles thatguide everything that you do in
life, which dictates what you doin your business.
It's basically like your NorthStar, so start by identifying
the three to five values thatare most important to you

Identifying the three to fivevalues that are most important
to you overall.
For example, mine are faith,self and family, in that order.
Your core values are thefoundation that you need to
build your business on.
It will influence how youinteract with your clients, how
you make decisions and even thekind of culture you create, if

you build your dream team, andthey're not just words on a page
They should be the drivingforce behind every decision you
make when your business operatesin alignment with those core
values, you'll find that yourwork feels more meaningful and
you'll actually attract clientsthat feel the same way that you
do, clients that feel the sameway that you do.

Then more opportunities willcome your way, because those
people will resonate with whatyou stand for.
Once you have your values, taketime to reflect on how they show
up in your business.
Are your decisions and actionstruly reflecting these values or
is there a little bit of adisconnect?
Actions truly reflecting thesevalues or is there a little bit

of a disconnect?
For example, if one of yourcore values is family but you
find yourself constantly workinglate hours, missing out on time
with loved ones, there's amisalignment that you need to
address right away.
This reflection isn't just aone-time activity either.
It's something that you need torevisit regularly, and I mean
your values will stay the samefor the most part, but as your

business evolves, you need tomake sure that your actions and
decisions stay aligned withthose values.
If there is a disconnect, thinkabout what you need to change
to fix that.
Sometimes it's about makingsmall adjustments in how you
manage your time or how youinteract with your clients, and

other times it might requiremore significant changes in your
business model or even yourstrategy.
So inside the Mighty Society,there are tools like goal
setting worksheets that willhelp you make sure your business
goals and daily actions alignwith your core values.
These worksheets are there toguide you through the process of

really integrating your valuesinto every aspect of your
By focusing on what trulymatters, you'll be able to build
a business that feels authenticand fulfilling, because your
actions revolve around yourvalues.
And when your business isaligned with your core values,
you're not just working, you'rebuilding something that's an
extension of who you are.

This alignment not only leadsto greater fulfillment for you,
but it also helps you stayresilient when things get tough,
because you're grounded inwhat's most important to you.
Now the second tip, as we'vetalked a little bit about goals,
is, when you're setting yourbusiness goals, make sure they

reflect your core values andyour bigger purpose.
This connection is what's goingto keep you motivated and make
sure that your actions arealigned with your long-term
Your goals shouldn't just beabout growth for the sake of
They should be about moving youcloser to the impact you want
to make, to that vision that youhave.

Most importantly, they need tosupport the lifestyle you want
to live.
It's really easy to get caughtup in the hustle and then you
feel pressure to set goals thatare driven by external
expectations, like hitting acertain revenue milestone or
expanding your client baserapidly.
But if those goals don't alignwith what truly matters to you

and if you pursue them at thewrong time, you're going to find
yourself feeling not onlyunfulfilled but overwhelmed, and
that's even if you achievethose goals.
That's why it's important toset goals that embody your
personal values and reflect yourdefinition of success and, most
importantly, that they fit theseason your life is in.

When your goals are rooted inyour values, they are more than
just targets.
It's like a roadmap to a lifethat's meaningful and aligned
with who you are.
For example, again, if one ofyour core values is family, then
your business goals shouldallow you the flexibility to
spend quality time with yourloved ones being present in the

And if your bigger purpose isto make a positive impact on
your community, maybe your goalsneed to reflect that by
focusing on initiatives thatdrive social change.
But you still have to beselective.
By setting goals that honoryour values, you make sure that

every step you take in yourbusiness moves you closer to a
life that is not just fulfilling, but it's not just.
You're busy all the time.
This approach will help youstay motivated, but it also
prevents burnout because you'reworking towards something that
genuinely matters to you.
So the goal setting worksheetsinside the Mighty Society

They walk you through theprocess of setting those aligned
, purposeful goals.
There are also weekly planningpages in there to help you break
these goals down intoactionable steps, which will
help you to stay focused and beintentional with the things that
you do.
With this and other resourcesinside of the membership, you're

going to be able to create aclear, purpose-driven plan that
supports both your businessambitions and the lifestyle you
Now, after this is all said anddone, you need to go to the next
step, which is clarifying yourvalues and then setting goals
that align with those saidvalues.

But this requires you to have adaily routine that supports
those goals, so you need anaction plan.
It's very easy to set big,ambitious goals, but if your
daily actions aren't planned outin a way that you can take
small, effective steps toachieve those goals, you are
gonna struggle to make theprogress that you want.
So you need to start byassessing how you're currently

spending your time.
Are your daily activitiesmoving you closer to where you
want to go, or are you gettingcaught up in busy work that
doesn't really matter?
It's important for you to beintentional about your time.
That's every task, every hour,it needs to be tied to the
bigger goal.
Every task, every hour, itneeds to be tied to the bigger

And this is where a structureddaily routine comes in.
By creating a routine thatprioritizes the important tasks,
you can make steady progresstoward your goal every single
But this isn't just aboutcramming more into your already
busy schedule.
It's about focusing on theright things at the right time
to get the results that you want.
And one effective practice thatI highly recommend you start

with is a daily routine.
It sounds simple, but believeme when I say it sets the tone
for your day.
This can include activitieslike journaling, just having a
cup of coffee while it's quiet,reading a few pages of a good
book, or spending some timedoing professional development.
You basically can do anythingthat you want to help you fill

up your cup.
You've heard this before youcan't pour from an empty cup.
So the key is to create aroutine that energizes you for
the day and prepares you totackle the day's challenges with
focus and clarity.
So in addition to those 90-daygoal setting the pages in that
workbook, there is another guidehow to Create a Flexible

Morning Routine and this willwalk you through the process of
building a morning routine thatsupports your goals and values,
while allowing you theflexibility you need in your
day-to-day life, because you getto determine how much time you
spend in your routine.
But by creating and sticking toa routine that reflects your
goals and your values, you'll beable to work more efficiently,

stay focused on what matters andultimately make meaningful
progress in your business, whiletaking care of things on the
home front, because it's notjust about being productive or
getting things done, it's aboutminding your time.
So let me share a personal storyto highlight the power of this
When my goal was to grow mybusiness revenue to replace the

income from my day job, I waslaser focused.
It was really a big goal and Iwas scared to make this change.
But this goal requiredstrategic planning, strategic
investments and a lot of longdays and sleepless nights.
During this part of my journey,I realized I needed to make

some serious adjustments toreach my goal.
While my original plan wassolid, when I did my mid-year
review, I saw some areas where Ineeded to shift my approach,
and this was a real game changer.
After that review, I was ableto prioritize the right tasks,
ultimately achieve my goal ofreplacing my part-time job

income with my business revenue.
To do this, I had to hire somevery specific people to help me
execute the parts of my planthat were areas of expertise I
didn't have, because I wantedresults and I knew I couldn't
get that on my own.
So I hired help to shorten thelearning curve so that I can
make progress and reach my goalby my deadline.

And I did it.
This highlights the importanceof not just setting goals, but
reviewing your progress andadjusting your plan to fit the
season of your life, and that'swhat I want for you.
I want you to have a clear pathforward and the confidence to
pivot when you need to.
I want you to have a clear pathforward and the confidence to
pivot when you need to.
Without the right goals, asolid strategy and the right

investments, even the best timemanagement strategies are not
going to help you get where youneed to go.
That's why the first step inthe power process is so critical
When you set clear, intentionalgoals, you create a destination
that will dictate where youneed to spend your time, energy,
basically all your resources.
But here's the deal Settinggoals and mastering your time is

just the beginning.
Inside of the Mighty Societymembership, we take it further.
You can find the tools, theresources and the community
support that you need, not tojust set goals, but to help you
stay motivated when things gettough, because they will.
And, most importantly, we wantyou to see those goals through
to completion.
So I invite you to join usinside.

Go to theshannonbakercomforward slash membership for
more details and join us today.
So before we wrap up, let's do arecap of what we've talked
We focused on the role thatmindset plays in achieving
sustainable growth in yourbusiness, and I talked about how
important it is to definesuccess on your own terms and

then align your business withyour core values and your bigger
So here are the three key tipsGet clear on your core values.
This should guide everydecision you make in your
We talked about how you canidentify these values and make
sure they are consistentlyreflected in the decisions you
make every day and the actionsyou take every day.

And you need to make sure yourgoals are aligned with your
Make sure that what you'redoing is supporting the
lifestyle that you want to live.
When you set purpose-drivengoals, you make sure that your
efforts are meaningful andfulfilling for you.
Then you need to build a dailyroutine that supports your goal.
Success comes from consistent,intentional actions.

That's why we talked about theimportance of creating a
structured daily routine thataligns with your goals and
And again, this starts with howyou start your day with that
morning routine.
Throughout this episode, I'vetalked about the Mighty Society
membership and how it cansupport you in this journey with
tools like the 90-Day GoalSetting Workbook or the how to

Create a Flexible MorningRoutine workbook.
These tools will help you stayfocused, be intentional and stay
aligned with your purpose, somake sure you go check that
membership out.
In the next episode, I'm goingto talk about how you can take
control of your time andproductivity so that you can
make the most of every minuteyou have.

Believe me, you won't want tomiss it.
This next step is what willhelp you turn your goals into
reality, so I'll see you backhere next week.
Thank you for tuning in thisweek.
Remember, just listening to thisepisode will not get you better
results, so I challenge you tobreak the mold and take action
If you're unsure where to start, book a call with me to get

your questions answered aboutthe Mighty Society membership or
anything else that I mentioned.
A link to my calendar is in theshow notes.
Not ready to take that step yet?
No problem, be sure to connectwith me on Instagram, at the
underscore Shannon Baker.
You can ask me your questionsthere or let me know that you
enjoyed the episode by taking ascreenshot, sharing it and

tagging me.
Now, if you haven't alreadygrabbed my free audio
masterclass, why don't you juststart there?
It's a great first step toassess your back office on your
own, and this masterclassprovides valuable insights and
practical steps to help youorganize your processes, reduce

chaos and improve efficiency.
Go to theshannonbakercomforward slash audio masterclass
If you haven't left a reviewfor the podcast yet, please do
I would love to hear from you,and it's an easy way to show
some love to the podcast andhelp me reach more small
business owners who are ready todefy the status quo.

I can't wait to hear from you.
So until next time, keep calmand streamline.
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