Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Are you tired of
feeling like your business is
calling the shots instead of you?
Imagine flipping the script,taking back control of your time
and setting rock solidboundaries that allow you to use
your energy where you want to.
Well, today I'm gonna help youtake control, boost your
productivity and even put someextra cash into your pocket and
who doesn't want that?
So if you're ready to breakfree from the chaos and live
your legacy on your own terms,then keep listening.
Your pocket and who doesn'twant that?
So if you're ready to breakfree from the chaos and live
your legacy on your own terms,then keep listening.
Welcome to the Mind your Timepodcast.
I'm Shannon Baker, your coffeeloving host and business
Each week, I will sharepractical insights and bold
strategies for six figureentrepreneurs looking to clean
up their back office and createstreamlined systems.
The weekly episodes will helpyou take control of your time,
scale your business and createsuccess on your own terms.
So grab your cup of coffee oryour favorite beverage and let's
dive into today's topic.
What if I told you that the keyto freeing up more time in your
day doesn't require you to getmore work done?
I mean, imagine starting yourday with a clear plan, knowing
exactly what needs to be doneand when to do it.
No more scrambling to keep up,just simply focusing on what
truly matters.
And, the best part, you haveaccess to all the resources that
I talk about today inside ofthe Mighty Society membership,
including tools that will helpyou with goal setting, mapping
out your processes and evenemail management.
Take a moment, think about this.
How do you feel when you get tocheck things off your to-do
I know for me, I get a greatfeeling of accomplishment
because I can physically see myprocess.
Now, the truth about checklistsis they're a great starting
point, but they do havelimitations, especially if you
create checklists for yourprocesses.
That's why I created theProcess Mapping Workbook because
it helps you go beyond a basicchecklist and guide you through
the process of actuallydocumenting and automating your
When you rely solely onchecklists, it often feels like
every time you cross somethingoff, three more things pop up
out of nowhere.
But this workbook can help youstreamline and automate those
tasks so you can truly free upyour time.
And speaking of free time, it'sessential to make sure that your
goals are aligned with yourbusiness priorities and your
personal priorities.
That's why the goal settingworksheets that are available
inside of the Mighty Societymembership.
They're designed to help youdefine and align your priorities
with clear, achievable goals.
They actually guide you to setup a strategy that makes the
best use of your time, so thatyou can make sure that every
task that you complete moves youcloser to your goal.
Every task that you completemoves you closer to your goal.
So let's talk about how we cantake charge of your time, not by
adding more hours to the day,because you can't, but by making
better use of the 24 hours youalready have.
One of the six core systems thatevery business has to have in
place is a scheduling system.
Now, it might sound simple andyou may have tried to use one
before and it didn't quite workout, but trust me, when used
properly, it's really a gamechanger, and one of the biggest
reasons you need one is to helpyou to set some boundaries, no
matter who you are or what typeof personality you have.
I know you struggle with thisarea that includes me and more
than likely you have someboundaries in place, but you
just don't stick to them.
But we'll get back to thatlater.
Boundaries are the invisiblebarriers that you need to create
so that you can protect yourtime, energy and, most
importantly, your sanity.
Think of them as the guidelinesput in place to train people to
interact with you if they wantyour attention.
And always remember this theonly people that get mad at you
for having boundaries andsticking to them are the ones
who benefit the most when youdon't have any.
Yeah, that's right.
I've seen this happen time andtime again, especially among
You can get so caught up intrying to please your clients
that you spend way too much timeworking for them like you're an
employee, but you're not.
So when this happens, the linebetween work and family really
it's almost non-existent.
Let me tell you, my friend, youmight feel like you're
providing the best service everby operating your business like
it's a 7-Eleven, but in reality,you're training your clients
not to respect your time or yourlifestyle.
Here's an example have you everbeen in the middle of cooking
dinner and your phone rings?
It's a client who has missedthe deadline, despite your
reminders, and now they want youto save the day.
They say oh, I'm sorry, I'mjust looking at your email.
Is it too late for you to goahead and take care of this for
me, even though I missed yourdeadline and ignored your
Now, of course, they're notgoing to say they ignored your
reminders, but they're going toact like they never saw this
Now, if you're a people pleaser,like I used to be, you might
say yes, even though you'reirritated because now you're
going to have to work late intothe night to get it done.
Suddenly, you're in a bad mood,and who pays the price?
Your family does.
So not only are you irritated,but your family doesn't have
your full attention atdinnertime.
But your client hung up thephone and they're happy because
they got what they wanted, eventhough they didn't give you what
you needed to complete the taskon time.
Well, guess what?
This is going to keep happeningunless you change how you
This is going to keep happeningunless you change how you
So today I'm going to sharesome steps that will help you so
you never feel obligated to putyour business above your family
or using your time where youwant to.
So let's talk a little bit moreabout setting these boundaries.
You need to set office hours,and these are not hours that
you're actively working.
Office hours are when you'reavailable for work and when
you're not.
It's a window.
Everyone has them.
This isn't just about answeringcalls or responding to emails.
It's about giving yourself timeto focus on the important tasks
without distractions.
Now working hours are when youactually get things done based
on your schedule.
That week and those 90 day goalsetting worksheets that I
mentioned has some pages inthere to help you plan your week
Here's an example If youroffice hours are Monday to
Friday, 9 am to 4 pm, but youhave to drop the kids off at
school in the morning, you maynot sit down and start working
until maybe 10 am, and that's ifyou don't need to make a couple
of stops along the way.
So you decide you want to spend20 minutes every evening after
the kids go to bed to scheduleemail responses to go out the
next morning during your officehours.
You need to take control ofyour calendar, first of all by
designating specific times thatyou're going to respond to
messages and emails and even beon social media daily, and
there's a workbook that I'mgoing to talk about later that
will help you with that mediadaily, and there's a workbook
that I'm going to talk aboutlater that will help you with
So you need to be clear aboutthe days and times you're
available for business calls.
Those are your operating hours.
This will help you avoiddistractions and will allow you
to be fully focused on whatyou're supposed to be doing.
These boundaries are greatparameters for your schedule,
especially if you time blockyour schedule, like I do,
because once you've set yourboundaries, the next step is
sometimes the hardest.
Actually, it's not the hardest,but you have to do this.
You have to communicate yourboundaries.
People can't respect thingsthey don't know, and it
shouldn't surprise you that I'ma huge fan of having a process
for every repeatable action inyour business.
So when it comes to clientengagement, you need to have a
documented and automated processthat starts from the moment
they make first contact with you.
That's when onboarding reallystarts.
Once a client is ready to workwith you, there should be a
clearly defined welcome and Isay that in air quotes process
in place that clearlycommunicates what they can
expect next.
Now I use a template for mywelcome email which includes my
hours of operation and myresponse policy, holiday
closures and my vacation noticepolicy, a referral reminder and
a confidentiality reminder.
But that's not all.
These same policies are in myservice agreement and then when
I have that initial onboardingor kickoff call with my clients,
we review those policies aswell.
I also send my clients a yearlyreminder email to refresh their
memories and inform them of anychanges to my hours and my
You have to clearly communicatethis, and regularly.
So to help you establish andcommunicate these boundaries
effectively, there is a welcomekit and onboarding process
workbook inside of the MightySociety membership.
These resources will help youcreate a welcome kit for your
business to ensure that yourclients understand your
availability and respect yourtime from the beginning.
So go to theshannonbakercom,forward, slash membership and
join today.
Now, why do you need to do allof this?
Well, basically because if youdon't, you make it hard for your
clients to understand how tobest work with you and respect
your time.
And here's the thing Clientswant the best work from you.
After all, they're giving youtheir money.
Boundaries help you do yourbest work and, honestly, they
appreciate it, even though theymight not like the boundaries.
And I know that you may feelthis is a little bit too
restrictive, but it isn't.
In reality, it's called beingprofessional when you state your
boundaries and expectations ina kind, respectful and
professional way.
Your clients will see it aspart of your professionalism and
will respect you for it.
It strengthens your brand.
Now you might be wondering well,how do I introduce these
boundaries to my existingclients?
Well, I hope you have regularchecking calls with your clients
, because it's a great way to dothis.
It's the best opportunity toreview these boundaries or even
give them reminders.
If you see a trend wherethey're stepping outside of
those boundaries, you can sendthem an email that summarizes
your policies and then discussany questions you have during
your check-in calls.
The key is to make sureeveryone is on the same page.
But I want to caution you.
I don't want you to do all thiswork and get your boundaries in
place and then you disrespectyour own boundaries.
Boundaries mean nothing if youdon't have the discipline to
stick to them.
So you have to make acommitment to yourself and to
your family to protect your time.
This is the next big struggle Isee among entrepreneurs.
You have to be disciplined.
No is a complete sentence.
Now, keep this in mind becauseI mentioned it earlier, office
or business hours and workinghours are not the same.
Do not feel obligated to replyto emails or any messages that
come in outside of your officehours.
Now, if you want to respond,you can schedule those emails to
go out during your office hoursand then respond to messages
wherever else you receive themthe same way.
And here's why Sometimes let'sbe real clients know your
boundaries, but they're justlike children.
They will test your boundariesto see if you're going to
sidestep them.
But you have to be firm and youhave to use discretion.
Don't assume that they expectyou to ignore your boundaries
They may simply have just hadtime to email you late in the
evening or on the weekend.
That doesn't mean that theyrespect or they expect a reply
as soon as they send the message, or that they want you to work
on weekends.
It just means that life has nowpaused or allowed them the time
and space to respond to you.
So that's what they do.
But you have to stick to yourboundaries.
Respond during office hours and, honestly, I've even made it a
practice to send responses toother consultants that I'm
working with when they makerequests outside of my office
I don't reply until I'msupposed to be working.
I want you to do the same thingNow if you choose to ignore my
advice about boundaries.
That's okay.
It's your world, but I don'twant you to ignore what I'm
about to say.
So, if you do nothing else,please make sure you establish a
form of communication with yourclients and keep as many
conversations as possible inthat place.
So that requires a conversation.
I have different platforms thatI use with my clients and we
pick what works for them outsideof the email inbox, and that
platform is where 98% of theconversations take place.
It makes it easier for both ofus to keep up with what was said
, but my goal really with mostcommunication is to shift it to
take place inside of mondaycom,because I use those workspaces
to manage projects with myclients.
We'll see how that goes.
But something else that willhelp you stick to your
boundaries in your business isusing an online scheduler, and I
intentionally did not startwith telling you what the system
was, because it won't work theway that it's supposed to if you
don't have boundaries in place.
An online scheduler is key tomaking sure you are not
distracted by unscheduled phonecalls and can focus on your work
But you also need to turn offthose notifications on your
phone so they don't distract youwhen you're working, especially
email notifications, that way,you're not tempted to open up
when you hear that ding becauseyou're going to stop what you're
You're going to read it andthen you're going to be tempted
to open up when you hear thatding because you're going to
stop what you're doing.
You're going to read it andthen you're going to be tempted
to reply.
Now, all of this being said,there are exceptions where you
may need to meet the clientoutside of your normal business
hours, but this should be anexception, not the rule, and you
need to make sure that youclearly explain that when you
make those arrangements.
A good client will understandthat and appreciate you even
For and remember, a schedulingsystem is just one of the six
core systems that every businessneeds to function efficiently
and grow sustainably.
Without it, you risk lettingyour business control your life
rather than the other way around, and I'm going to put a link to
that episode in the show notesbecause I give a high level
overview of all six.
But no matter who you are orhow long you've been in business
, you have to have a schedule toget things done and you have to
manage your schedule to getthings done and you have to
manage your time and understandhow to control your calendar
instead of your calendarcontrolling you.
Using an online schedulerreally makes it easy for
everyone to have your undividedattention at a designated time.
You're telling people when theycan talk to you and they can
make a decision based on youravailability and what works for
Research actually shows that 35%of customers prefer scheduling
appointments during non-businesshours.
Get that Non-business hours.
40% of online bookings actuallyhappen outside of those hours.
I know I fall into thatcategory.
I'm someone who schedulesappointments when I sit down and
I'm looking at what I need toschedule appointments for.
That's usually at night andguess what?
My clients do the same thing.
But in order for an onlinescheduler to really be
beneficial for you, you have tohave a calendar that you
maintain in real time, because ascheduling tool has a two way
sync with your calendar anddisplays the services that you
offer and available time slotsbased on the windows that you
put in the system, and you caneven connect your scheduler to
Google Calendar, outlook or iCal.
It can collect payments for youif it's a paid appointment, so
that means money when theappointment's booked and you
don't have to wait for them topay an invoice, appointments
booked and you don't have towait for them to pay an invoice.
Now here is what I feel are someof the biggest benefits that
you experience when you use anonline scheduler.
It sends reminders for you.
I mean, how many times have youmade an appointment with
someone and forgot to put it onyour calendar so you were a
That's embarrassing, right.
And then when the shoe's on theother foot, how does that make
you feel?
It's irritating for me, so Ican guess it's probably
irritating to you too.
An online scheduler removesyour memory from the equation.
After an appointment is booked,your online scheduler will add
that appointment to yourcalendar automatically.
So it will block it off, so youdon't have overlapping
appointments, and it givespeople the option to do the same
So everyone has it blocked ontheir calendar.
It's also going to sendautomatic confirmations and
reminders to the other person,which should reduce no-shows.
You can connect your schedulerto Zoom, google Hangouts and
even GoToMeeting.
It will include the link forthem to join your meeting
You don't have to do anythingbut set it up.
Those emails also take thehassle out of rescheduling or
canceling appointments.
All the person has to do is gointo that reminder email and
click the link.
But here's the best part Anonline scheduler can screen
people for you in advance,before you hop on a call.
How great would it be to haveall of the important information
you need in advance in oneplace so you can easily refer to
it and prepare for a call.
Well, if you have somequalifying questions that you
want answers to before you geton the phone with a person, you
can use intake forms in youronline scheduler to gather that
information for you.
Now I use different forms fordifferent appointment types.
For example, my freeconsultation gathers the data I
need to know about the businessowner in their business, so I
can gauge whether or not they'rereally ready for my services
before we even hop on a call.
I know what they do, who theyserve, a range of how much their
business makes, how they foundme, why they're reaching out now
and how much of a prioritygetting their systems in place
Now the intake form for theback office assessment, which is
only available for members ofthe Mighty Society membership.
It's much more detailed and itgives me more background
information, because I want thatin advance so that I can
prepare for their assessment.
And if I'm having a guest on mypodcast, it collects all the
things I need their headshot,their bio, their giveaway, all
of that as they schedule thechat.
And that information isautomatically entered right now
into an Airtable base so that Ican easily refer to it later.
How is that for improving yourproductivity?
Now let me share a story thatperfectly illustrates the power
of using a built-in schedulingsystem.
One of my clients was strugglingwith getting meetings scheduled
and someone managing an inbox,even though they had a VA.
But they were paying the VA tohandle every step of the process
manually, even though they hadan online scheduler.
So this meant that sometimesemails to schedule a meeting
were missed or there was a delaygetting the meeting set up
because of schedule conflicts,but then the VA resigned on
short notice.
So, of course, panic set in,but her back office wasn't ready
to truly support a VAefficiently.
So I took the opportunity tomake that system a priority.
I created template responsemessages for when someone system
a priority.
I created template responsemessages for when someone
requests a meeting.
We automated parts of thescheduling process, but it still
maintained a personal touch.
So this made setting upmeetings much more efficient and
it saved this client asignificant amount of money.
Previously they were paying aVA 10 hours a week, but five
hours or more was spent on justscheduling and rescheduling
Now that's automated.
By streamlining this one system, she saved $700 a month and
increased efficiency in herbusiness, and now that more
systems have been put in place,she can easily hire a VA and
onboard them with ease.
So not only did this save money, but it has improved overall
customer relations, productivityand team morale.
I mean, think about it.
What could you do with an extra$700?
Maybe invest it back into yourbusiness, upgrade your systems
or even take some well-deservedtime off.
Go sit by a beach, sip yourdrink and enjoy the sun.
This is the kind oftransformation just having a
scheduling system can bring.
And if you find your inboxoverwhelming and feel like
managing your emails is justtaking up too much of your time,
the Inbox Zero workbook insideof the Mighty Society membership
is what you need.
It will guide you through theprocess of taking control of
your email so that you canreduce overwhelm, and it will
allow for you to be more focusedduring your working hours.
And if you need a little help,extra help setting up your
scheduling system, or you'reready to create a welcome kit
and get your onboarding processin place, then join us inside
the Mighty Society, because thepieces that you need, like the
message templates and theworkbooks that I've talked about
, they're all in the resourcesection, along with lots of
other things that I know you canuse.
We need to get this off yourto-do list and focus on growing
your business this year.
Now let's review the three stepsthat you need to take to
Take control of your time.
One, you need to establish yourboundaries, set your office
hours, designate times you'regoing to respond to messages,
emails and be on social media,and designate specific days and
times for your business calls.
Two, you need to set andcommunicate your boundaries.
Make sure you create a welcomekit that clearly communicates
these boundaries to your clients.
Remind them of these boundariesevery year and make sure you
review them during your checkingcalls when needed.
And then three, stick to yourboundaries.
Be disciplined.
Don't feel obligated to respondto messages outside of your
business hours.
Use an online scheduler tomanage your appointments and
make sure your clientsunderstand and respect your
These boundaries will protectyour sanity and help you focus
on keeping your clients happyand, believe it or not, they're
going to respect you even morewhen these boundaries are in
place and you stick to them.
Not to mention, your income isgoing to increase and you'll be
able to enjoy quality time withyour family and friends and not
be resentful.
And don't forget this.
If you say yes to somethingoutside of your boundaries, it
means you're saying no tosomething that your boundaries
are supposed to protect.
The longer you're in business,the more important it is to set
aside time to review yourboundaries that you've set and
make sure they're still servingyou, moving you towards your
goals and letting you live amore intentional life.
Remember, the scheduling systemis just one of the six core
systems every business needs tofunction efficiently and grow
Without it, you risk lettingyour business control your life,
rather than the other wayaround.
So make sure you go totheshannonbakercom forward slash
membership to join so you canget access to the resources that
are going to help you.
With all the tips andstrategies that I shared with
you today, let's make acommitment together to protect
our time, live our legacy andgrow our businesses without
sacrificing what matters most.
You've got this and I'm here tohelp you every step of the way.
If you, let me Thank you fortuning in this week.
Remember, just listening tothis episode will not get you
better results, so I challengeyou to break the mold and take
action today.
If you're unsure where to start, book a call with me to get
your questions answered aboutthe Mighty Society, membership
or anything else that Imentioned.
A link to my calendar is in theshow notes.
Not ready to take that step yet?
No problem, be sure to connectwith me on Instagram, at the
underscore Shannon Baker.
You can ask me your questionsthere, or let me know that you
enjoyed the episode by taking ascreenshot, sharing it and
tagging me.
If you haven't already grabbedmy free audio masterclass, why
don't you just start there?
It's a great first step toassess your back office on your
own, and this masterclassprovides valuable insights and
practical steps to help youorganize your processes, reduce
chaos and improve efficiency.
Go to theshannonbakercomforward slash audio masterclass
If you haven't left a reviewfor the podcast yet, please do
I would love to hear from you,and it's an easy way to show
some love to the podcast andhelp me reach more small
business owners who are ready todefy the status quo.
I can't wait to hear from you.
So until next time, keep calmand streamline.