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January 11, 2024 15 mins

Ever dreamed of breaking free from the chaos and truly running your business on your own terms?

Discover the transformative power of organization and systemization as I unveil the secrets to freeing up your time and scaling your business. In a candid conversation, I take you through my personal journey—from confronting fears and making pivotal investments, to the ambitious roll-out of a rebranded podcast, a membership, and an audio masterclass, all at once. It's a tale of bold moves and strategic shifts that have paid off, and I'm thrilled to guide you on a similar path of growth and freedom.

This episode is more than just a story—it's an invitation to join The MY-T Society Membership, a resource I've intentionally created for entrepreneurs at every stage of the business journey. If you're tired of the disorganization that is blocking your growth and are ready to embrace a business model that works for you, this is your call to action. Let's transform the way you work, reduce the chaos, and find joy beyond the grind.

Tune in and see how to start this transformative process.

1:17 Why I decided a membership was a good choice for my business
3:25 The purpose of The MY-T Society Membership
4:35 Who the MY-T Society Membership is for
7:55 What you get when you join The MY-T Society Membership
10:26 What Christa Hutchins had to say about the My-T Society Membership
11:20 A sneak peak at the resources inside of The MY-T Society Membership
12:52 How you can benefit from The My-T Society Membership

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Episode 120 - Life After Launch: Lessons Learned From This Labor of Love as a Small Business Owner

Learn More About a Solo POWER Assessment (Back Office Assessment)

Learn More About The MY-T Society Membership

Connect with me on Instagram @the_shannonbaker 

Let me know your thoughts! Click here to send me a text.

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Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Check Out The MY-T Society Membership

Listen to My Free Audio Masterclass

Schedule a 20 Minute Chat with Me

Let’s connect online:

Follow Me On Instagram: @the_shannonbaker

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Almost one year ago today, I launched the Mighty
Society membership, which wassomething I wanted to do for a
very long time, and while it wasa wild ride to make that happen
, I launched it even when itstill needed a lot of work.
Now, over the past year, themembership has been going
through some changes to makesure that it will be helpful to

So today I'm going toreintroduce you to this resource
slash learning center.
That is the key to helping youget your business organized and
your systems in place on yourown and with my expertise in
your back pocket.
Welcome to the Mind your Timepodcast.
I'm Shannon Baker, your host andcoffee aficionado.

Whether your goal is toincrease your side gig income or
skill to six figures, you're inthe right place.
You will learn about the tools,actionable strategies and
tactics you can use to take backcontrol of your time and life.
I specialize in helping purposedriven women like yourself work
smarter and tap into the growthpotential their business holds.

So if you're ready to make abigger impact and achieve
business growth without beingtied to it 24 seven, then stick
Let's dive into today's topic.
Well, let me start by givingyou a little bit of a backstory
about how I pushed through fear,made an investment in my

business and got the help that Ineeded to get some major pieces
in place to grow my business.
Now I'm not going to go intoall of the details, because I
did that in a previous episodewhere it was basically like a
lessons learn reflection.
I'll put a link to that in theshow notes so you can listen to
it later.
But basically I came to a forkin the road in my business where

quitting wasn't an option,because I'm just not that person
So I remembered the words mymentor always said to me don't
quit, shift.
So I made a shift.
So, after validating my ideas,I knew that I needed to do some
restructuring in my business,starting with rebranding this

podcast, which happened lastyear.
I also launched a membershipand I launched an audio
masterclass, and I did it all atthe same time.
Now it was an absolutely crazyidea that I don't recommend, but
it was the best way for me todo it and it was really worth

all of the work in its pain off.
Now I'm sharing this with you sothat you understand that
sometimes we need to stop tryingto get things done on our own
and we need to hire help to getto where we want to go faster.
And this is a big deal, becausesome of you may have the funds
to pay for an expert to help youand some of you may not be in

the position.
I was one of those people, butI planned, I saved and I made it
Either way, there are stepsthat you can take to get what
you need to get to where youwant.
Now my goal with this podcastis to give you some of the
basics that you need to know sothat you can get results on your

But the truth is, I know youdon't implement everything that
I talk about, even when you knowyou need to.
That's just the way it goes.
I'm the same way, and when Icreated the Mighty Society
membership, I created it to bejust a one-stop resource center,
without me really having tohave any touch points in the

process or with the members.
But that didn't work, becauseif creating workflows and
processes and integratingtechnology isn't what you do,
you're going to continue to dothings manually, ie working in
chaos, if you don't have sometype of accountability.
So I realized that I needed torevamp things a bit and make

myself more available to themembers, to truly give them
exclusive access to me thatothers don't get.
My goal with the membership isto make sure that I shorten the
learning curve for you when itcomes to creating your back
office operations, so that youcan focus on being more
strategic with your business, sothat it grows, but, more

importantly, that as it grows itruns without you having to be
chained to it, so you canactually enjoy life outside of
the office and away from yourbusiness.
So are you ready to get off thestruggle bus and get things
Well, if you are, whetheryou're just starting your
business or you've been inbusiness for years, you know I

understand the frustrations ofdisorganization, having to
constantly search for answersonline, and that's why this
membership is designed tosupport you, no matter where you
are in your journey.
It will help you improve yourtechnical skills, which you
should always be doing.
You'll learn how to streamlineyour operations and you'll

connect to a private andsupportive community.
I was very intentional in theway that I created this
membership, because I knowonline courses just damn right
boring and, if you're like me,you don't finish them anyway.
And when it comes to creatingsystems, I've learned every
business is different.

Don't let anyone convince youof anything, otherwise, no
blueprint or cookie cuttersolution is going to work for
It needs to be customized toeach individual person in
business and, besides, ifdocumenting your processes and
integrating technology into yourworkflow isn't your strong suit

, then you really need access tosomeone that can guide you
through the process and help youover those hurdles when you get
That's me.
The mighty society is going toshorten the learning curve, save
you time and connect you to aprivate and supportive community
of purpose-driven women, andyou get access to me at a price

point that fits a little betterinto your budget, until you can
work directly with me on a VIPday.
Now I know that you want yourbusiness to be a source of
financial stability, give youfulfillment, provide
satisfaction for you so that youcan enjoy time with your family
and friends, but in order forthat to happen, it has to be

organized, profitable and runlike a well-oiled machine, and
without systems, I know that'snot happening.
You really need to leverageyour time and energy and work
smarter, not harder, but thatmeans you have to invest the
time and resources into buildingsustainable systems that
support the growth you desire.

Now Think about the next fewthings I'm going to say.
Do any of these describe youRight now?
Do you feel overwhelmed,disorganized and that's
hindering your productivity?
Do you spend way too much timeon routine tasks instead of
focusing on your business growth?
Do you lack efficient systemsthat are streamlined?

Do you want to build a team butlack the knowledge and
resources to do it effectively?
Have you started building ateam and everyone's operating in
chaos because none of yourprocesses are documented?
Are you tired of searching forsolutions online and not finding
the answers that fit yourbusiness?
If one or more of these soundlike you, you're not alone.

I had you in mind when I createdthe Mighty Society, because I
realized I'm in a uniqueposition to offer a different
kind of support, education andaccountability, and I haven't
seen anything like this in theonline space.
When you join the MightySociety, you're going to get
access to bite-sized lessons,templates that are already

created for you that you cancustomize and make them fit your
specific needs.
And again, that's whether youjust started your business or
you've been in business foryears.
You'll get practical guidanceto help you establish and update
any systems you already have sothat they support sustainable
You'll also learn how toleverage technology, regardless

of your expertise level, andyou'll be a part of a supportive
community of like-mindedbusiness owners, whether they're
new or seasoned, so that youcan exchange ideas with them,
get support and even bounceideas off of someone else.
But you don't have to take myword for it.

Krista Hutchins, who has been inmy community for a number of
years, was frustrated, trying tofind the right solution to
streamline her back office, andshe wanted to start to focus on
growing her membership andretreats in some other things.
But without systems, she knewshe wouldn't be able to do so.
She had wasted countless hourssearching for the right

When she couldn't find them,she finally booked a back office
assessment with me and decidedthat when she got her custom
action plan, she wanted toself-implement using the Mighty
Society membership.
Now, if you're new to thepodcast, the back office
assessment, or solo powerassessment, is a two-hour
recorded call with me and I getall up in your business to

collect the data that I need toidentify areas in your back
office that need improvement,and I created a customized
action plan to help you improvethat.
But the assessment also helpsyou identify any roadblocks or
obstacles that may be holdingyou back from achieving your
goals, and with a personalizedplan and a clear roadmap, you

can take your business to thenext level and achieve the
success that you've been wantingfor some time.
And after you get your customaction plan, you have the option
of booking a VIP day with me toget some of the systems
implemented that I point outthat you need right away.
Or you can self-implement withthe resources inside of the
Mighty Society, or you can walkaway, put it on the shelf and

let it collect that store.
Thank you, take a stab at it onyour own.
It's up to you Now to learnmore about the assessment.
Just go to theshannonbakercomforward slash assessment.
Now back to Krista.
She chose again toself-implement with the
membership and this is what shehad to say, and I quote the
mighty society membershipcontains great resources for

someone who's starting out atgetting their systems in place.
I love that.
There are stripped down videosthat give you just what you need
to know to get started, whichcan save you hours of Googling
and YouTube.
When I first joined, I clickedaround a little bit, but mostly
went straight to what I waslooking for it is so easy to

I can find exactly what I'mlooking for when I need it, end
So think about that for asecond Now.
Imagine the time and effortthat you can save by having
access to the resources that youneed at your fingertips to
neatly organize and easilyaccessible in one place.

With the resources inside ofthe mighty society, you can
transform your back officeoperations in just 30 minutes a
So I'm going to take a littlebit of time to kind of give you
a sneak peek of some of theresources.
There is a entrepreneurialjourney roadmap, which

identifies the systems that youneed from startup all the way
into growing your business andscaling your business.
There are goal-settingworksheets that not only help
you pick the right goal, buthelp you create a plan so that
you can achieve that goal andget closer to it in 90 days.
There's a BizOps checklist thatwill help you do a quick audit

of your operations to see whatgaps you need to fill in so you
can build a solid foundationthat supports your growth.
There is a workbook to help youmap out your process in five
steps, and that includestemplates and swipe files.
There's also a workbook SixSteps to Get Beyond Inbox Zero,
which will help you take backcontrol of your inbox so that

you have time to focus on whatmatters most in your business.
There's a marketing-matricanalyzer that you can use to
analyze the offers that you haveand pick the right one so that
you can create a strategic planand boost your revenue.
As I mentioned, those are justa few of the resources that are

in there.
Let me take a moment toemphasize again this membership
is created for you, whether youare just starting your business
or you've been in business foryears.
I wanted to create that type ofsupport because I know I was
looking for online along myjourney and I couldn't find it.
And the type of support I'mreferring to is strategic, high

touch, customized,community-based, honest,
collaborative and accessible,and not cost you a lot of money
that you don't have, whichcounts you out from getting the
help that you need.
But by joining this membership,you will be inspired,
challenged, it's going to saveyou time, you'll build

professional relationships,friendships.
Even, most importantly, you'regoing to get unstuck, get out of
the weeds and you'll be in aposition to get more qualified
clients so that your businessgrows.
And the great thing about it is.
It's not a Facebook group.
I created it on a platformcalled Heartbeat, which also has

a mobile app.
I wanted it to be in a spacewhere it was free of all the
distractions and limitationsthat you experience on Facebook,
and I'm in control of a lot ofthe pieces the way it's set up
and even the way that you engagewith the content.
So I want you to be able to gointo the Mighty Society

membership and be veryintentional with your time.
That's how it's organized andif you ever need my help, think
of me as the SOS button.
Just push it.
Let me know what you're lookingfor and if it's not in there,
more than likely I may be ableto create that for you.
So when you're ready to focuson your business, you just log
into the app, go where you needto go and get things done

without distractions, and again,you can make so much progress
in just 30 minutes a week.
If you don't believe me, try itout for yourself.
So what do you think?
I would love to hear from youwhether you decide to join the
Mighty Society membership or not.
Dm me on Instagram at theunderscore Shannon Baker, and

let me know what you think aboutthis whole idea.
Is the concept of my membershipdifferent?
I hope so, and if you have anyrecommendations, please feel
free to share them.
But I also have a favorite ofacts of you.
If you know someone else thatyou think will benefit from the
Mighty Society membership,please take a screenshot and

share this episode with them.
If you want to post it inInstagram stories, tag them and
tag me as well.
I would love to see them insidetoo.
So that's all I have for youthis week.
Make sure you go todshannonbakercom forward slash
membership and check that out,and I look forward to you

joining me back here next week,but until then, keep calm and
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