Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Get ready to break
free from the chaos in your
business and make this fall yourmost explosive season yet.
Today I'm sharing bothstrategies that can help you
take control of your time andcrush your business goals, while
having time to enjoy life withmy signature power process.
So if you're ready and willingto try something different to
get better results, then thisepisode is just for you.
Welcome to the Mind your Timepodcast.
I'm Shannon Baker, yourcoffee-loving host and business
Each week, I will sharepractical insights from both
strategies for six-figureentrepreneurs looking to clean
up their back office and createstreamlined systems.
The weekly episodes will helpyou take control of your time,
scale your business and createstreamlined systems.
The weekly episodes will helpyou take control of your time,
scale your business and createsuccess on your own terms.
So grab your cup of coffee oryour favorite beverage and let's
dive into today's topic.
You know I'm really glad thatyou're here today because we're
going to talk about somethingthat can completely transform
the way you operate yourbusiness Time management
strategies you can use toprepare your business for growth
this fall Now.
Right now we're in an awkwardtime of the year, when summer is
winding down, the kids areheading back to school if they
haven't gone back already, andthere is a small window where
you can establish a new routinebefore the holiday season kicks
in, and I want you to use thissmall window to really prepare
your business to operate withoutyou so that you can be fully
present in the busy months ahead.
So are you ready to make themost of the season and get ready
to crush it this fall?
Well, let's get into it.
I want to start with a storythat might hit close to home for
some of you, and if you've beenlistening to this podcast for a
while, then you've heard thisstory before.
But before I get into the story, first of all let me say thank
you for tuning in each week.
If you've been listening for awhile while you're walking your
dog, waiting for the kids ordoing whatever it is that you do
when you're tuning in, and ifyou're new to the podcast, then
I would like for you to listenclosely and see if you can
relate to any part of this storyand then DM me on Instagram at
the underscore Shannon Baker andlet me know.
So I'm going to tell you aboutJodi.
She's a savvy femaleentrepreneur.
Just like you, jodi had bigdreams of growing her business
for Empty Nester Moms,especially through public
speaking and by expanding hermembership.
But Jodi was stretched way toothin in her business.
She was constantly working, butnot working on the things that
were gonna help her reach hergoals.
And even though she knew sheneeded help, she was too
disorganized to even think abouthiring a virtual assistant,
because then both of them weregonna be frustrated, and she
knew this.
She had a few documentedprocesses, but not the ones she
really needed to outsourceefficiently.
And while she had a few systemsin place, they weren't the
right systems to support thegrowth she wanted.
So because of all of this andeven more, jodi's business was
running her, not the other wayaround, and it was so
overwhelming that she couldn'teven find the headspace for
strategic planning, let alonefocus on growth.
So she was really ready tothrow in the towel when we met,
and those were the exact wordsthat she said to me.
Does that sound familiar?
I know I've been there and I'msure a lot of you have too.
So first of all, let's normalizethis feeling.
I mean honestly.
Having systems doesn't meanthat you never feel overwhelmed
by your business.
It just means you have themental space and the space in
your day to strategize your wayforward if you let the systems
do their job.
Now we're going to talk aboutthat in another episode, but
keep in mind, the key to gettingdifferent results is
recognizing it's time for you totake action and try something
So now Jodi recognizedsomething had to change, and she
was talking to a mutualconnection that we have in
common and that's who introducedus.
That's when her journey with mestarted.
But it wasn't just aboutfinding a quick fix.
It was really about starting ajourney so that Jodi could live
her legacy.
So, through the work that wedid together, introducing my
signature power process andthat's where the real
transformation started.
This five-step process isreally designed to guide you
step by step, not to just manageyour business, but to really
enable you to enjoy the processof building a legacy that lasts.
So I'm going to break this downinto my five steps and let you
know what you would expect if wework together.
The P stands for pick one goal.
This step is all about focusingon one thing.
The biggest mistake that I'veseen entrepreneurs make is
trying to do too much at onetime.
Now you might have a millionand one ideas, but I guarantee
you all of them are not good.
And I know how your mind works,especially if you're a creative
In your mind, everything'surgent, but when you spread
yourself too thin.
Because you're a creative inyour mind, everything's urgent,
but when you spread yourself toothin because you're distracted
by your own thoughts, nothinggets done.
And that was Jodi's issue.
She was drowning in tasks thatshe was working on for multiple
and I say this in air quotesgood ideas, but she wasn't
making real progress on any ofthem.
But once she picked that onegoal and got focused, we can
identify how to get her backoffice operations to support
that goal.
And then everything started tochange.
Jodi quickly realized that byfocusing on one thing at a time,
she could make real progressand not feel overwhelmed by it
And let's be honest focusing onone goal at a time isn't just
about getting things done.
It's really about freeingyourself from that constant
pressure feeling like you're notdoing enough, from that
constant pressure feeling likeyou're not doing enough.
So take a moment right now andthink about it.
What is one goal that you canfocus on for the next 90 days or
even longer?
Think of it as a sprint withinthe marathon of a growing and
thriving business, and I'm notsaying that you need to throw
out your strategy for the restof the year if you have one, but
chances are, if you'relistening to this episode, you
So hit the pause button, take aminute and think about
something that you canaccomplish in the next 90 days
or, even better, by the end ofthe year, that gives you a
bigger runway to work with andwill help you avoid getting
Now, keep in mind you need totake into account the season
that your life is in anddefinitely need to think about
the resources that you actuallyhave available right now.
Now here are a few examples ofthings you can think about Maybe
growing your email list orreally getting to know your
LinkedIn connections.
Maybe being more engaged onInstagram and doing more
commenting and not just likingposts.
All of these goals can help youreach a bigger milestone in the
new year, like maybe launchinga new service or even speaking
at events.
The little steps that you takenow, over the next 90 days, need
to support that big goal.
But remember, these small stepsmatter and they'll require less
time, which is why you need toget focused now and your back
office needs to support that.
But whatever your goal is, youneed to make it specific, make
it actionable and then you needto commit to it.
And if you need a littleguidance on this, the 90-day
goal setting worksheets insideof the Mighty Society membership
are perfect because they canhelp you define and align your
priorities, create an actionplan and then create a schedule
so that you can work that planand still live your life.
In fact, this idea of focusingon one goal is a major component
of the Beach to Businessfive-day challenge to ignite
your fall growth, which isinside of the membership.
Every day of this challengewalks you through actionable
steps that you can take to keepyou on track.
It's really the process that Iwent through with Jodi and that
I go through with all of myclients.
Now the O in power is foroperations audit.
Your new systems had to be apart of this.
Now, I know the word auditmight make you cringe, but trust
me on this one An operationsaudit is like holding a mirror
up to your back office.
Basically, it's about gettingreal with yourself too.
Do your operations trulysupport your mission, your
vision and your values?
Because they need to, and ifthey don't, then you need to fix
And I mean now.
So many entrepreneurs skip thisstep because, let's face it,
systems are not the sexy part ofrunning a business and it takes
But ignoring this is likebuilding a house on a shaky
foundation, which means in thefuture, at some point, if it
hasn't already happened yourbusiness is going to start to
fall apart.
Now, when Jodi and I firststarted working together, she
didn't realize how disconnectedher day-to-day operations were
from her long-term goals.
But once I identified the gaps,we were able to work together
to make the needed adjustments.
Again, we did the work togetherbecause, as the business owner,
her input was essential.
The systems needed to work forher.
Now I handled the heavy lifting, but it's a collaborative
effort and process.
My point is you don't have to dothis alone either.
Inside of the Mighty Societymembership, you'll get access to
resources like the BizOpschecklist, which will quickly
help you identify the gaps inyour back office and show areas
that need improvement.
It's like running a diagnosticon your back office to see which
issues are causing your growthto stall and remember that
challenge that I talked about.
In that challenge, part of theprocess is helping you audit and
optimize your operations forfall growth so that you can make
informed decisions and create astrategic plan that you can
actually work.
And then, once you have theplan, we go to the next letter,
which is W write the 90-dayaction plan.
This is where you take thatgoal and break it down into
small actionable steps, because,let's be honest, a goal without
a plan is just a wish.
Jodi didn't just say she wantedto get her operations in order,
but we mapped out the exactsteps that needed to be taken,
and that started with organizingher Google Drive.
And there's a previous episodewhere I talk about organizing
your digital filing system.
I will put a link to that inthe show notes.
Digital filing system I willput a link to that in the show
But during this process, Ihelped Jodi work within the
90-day framework so it wouldn'tbe so overwhelming for her, and
that was just one step.
Each day we did work thatbrought her closer to her goal.
The beauty of a 90-day plan isthat it's short enough to keep
you focused, but long enough toallow you to make real progress.
Now I know crafting a 90-dayplan on your own might seem like
a heavy lift for you to do, butlet me help you.
Inside of the Mighty Societymembership, not only do you get
my eyes on your back office, butyou get access to tools and
resources to help you create abusiness that supports the
lifestyle that you want.
So, whether you're looking formessage templates, step-by-step
guides or personalized advicefrom an expert, my goal is to
help you build a solid actionplan that aligns with your goals
in your life and keeps you ontrack.
And during that challenge, I'mthere with you, helping you
craft that 90-day plan so thatyou can build the foundation you
need to support your fallgrowth.
And if you sign up for VoxerInsider Access, you get even
more access to my strategicbrain to guide you through this
So check out theshannonbakercomforward slash membership for
more information on that.
Now the E is for execute yourplan, and this is where a lot of
people get stuck.
They pick the right goal, theymake a plan, but then life
happens and the plan goes outthe window.
Have you ever had that happento you?
Well, the power process is allabout staying consistent and
focused, even when things gettough or life throws you a
curveball, and we all know thatthat is bound to happen.
Believe me, I get it.
I mean, I have plans that I hadto execute for almost a year to
get the results that I wanted,but I stuck with it and over
time I started to see resultswhich motivated me to keep going
Execution is where dreamsbecome reality, but it requires
you to be disciplined andsometimes that requires
You can get that inside of themembership, but it also requires
you to put in some work, andsometimes it's a lot of work.
But you don't have to movemountains in a day.
You just need to chip away atit bit by bit.
Again, small steps matter, andthat's why the last step of the
power process is one of the mostimportant steps the R stands
Remember your why.
This is the glue that holds itall together.
It's very easy to get caught upin the day-to-day grind and lose
sight of why you started yourbusiness in the first place and
when you encounter challenges inlife and we know being an
entrepreneur has many ups anddowns.
If your business is built tosupport your lifestyle, you can
step away from your business totake care of those things, put
your plan on pause, but then youcan easily pick it back up
where you left off.
Personally, my why is to buildmy business to allow me to have
more freedom and time for myfaith, first on myself, second
and my family is next.
Always, this has really helpedme stay motivated, even on tough
days and those days where youwake up and everything goes
wrong and life is turned upsidedown.
But the thing is, because ofthat plan, I was able to keep
pushing forward and this alsomade sure that my business again
supported my lifestyle anddidn't dictate my life.
I want you to think about yourwhy.
I mean, why did you start yourbusiness?
What drives you to keep going,even when things get tough?
Write it down, put it somewherethat you can see it every day
and let that be your North Starwhen things get challenging.
This is something we'll also bereflecting on during the
challenge keeping your why atthe forefront, because it's
gonna help you stay aligned andmotivated through the process.
Now here's the kicker the exactstrategies that I have used
personally and used with myclients.
They're all part of that Beachto Business five-day challenge,
which again is availableexclusively inside of the Mighty
Society membership.
This is a five-day audiochallenge that is designed to
help you use this season rightnow, as summer comes to an end,
to plan and prepare for fallgrowth.
Each day contains actionablestrategies and resources that
will help you set goals,prioritize and optimize your
business processes and systemsand take action so you can
achieve your fall goals Now realquick.
Before we wrap up, let's talk alittle bit about being more
intentional with your time,because you have to shift your
mindset about what isrealistically achievable.
I am a huge advocate ofwork-life integration, not
work-life balance.
Because work-life integrationallows you to create a synergy
between work and personal lifebecause, let's face it, they're
very intertwined, but thisoffers flexibility, so when you
complete your work, you canstill make time for yourself and
have time for your family andget things done.
Work-life balance, on the otherhand, it's really an
unattainable myth because, let'sface it, when one is the
priority, the other has to takea back burner.
The key is to plan andintegrate them in a way that
allows you to thrive in bothareas.
Now let's do a quick recap ofwhat we've talked about today.
The core of our discussion hasbeen my five-step signature
power process, which is designedto help you take control of
your time.
We started by talking about theimportance of picking one goal
to focus on for the next 90 days.
That goal needs to be specific,actionable.
It needs to align with theseason that your life is in
right now.
Then we talked about theimportance of completing an
operations audit to make sureyour business processes truly
support your mission, yourvision and your values.
Then you need to write a 90-dayaction plan taking that one
goal into consideration, map outclear, small steps to help you
reach your goal.
And then, once you have thatplan, we talked about how
sticking to it, even when lifethrows you a curveball, is the
key to getting results.
Finally, I emphasize the powerof remembering your why.
That's the driving force behindyour business that will keep
you motivated and focused,especially on those tough days.
This power process isn't justabout getting things done.
It's about getting the rightthings done in the time that you
have so your business cansupport your lifestyle, not your
business dictating yourlifestyle.
So if you're ready to takecontrol of your time, crush your
goals and see real progress,then join us inside the Body
Society membership.
Take the five-day challenge.
This is the first step that youcan take to kick off this
transformative process.
It's really about taking small,intentional steps that lead to
big results and, the best part,you'll be doing it inside of a
community that is there tosupport and uplift you.
So if you're ready to igniteyour fall growth, join us inside
the Mighty Society membership,which is where that Beach to
Business five-day challengeawaits you.
Don't miss this opportunity togain exclusive access to
resources that are gonna propelyour business forward.
Go to theshannonbaker.
com/ membership or click thelink in the show notes to join
Now I wanna thank you forjoining me today, because I am
really excited and lookingforward to seeing the incredible
achievements that you're gonnamake by incorporating these
strategies and participating inthe challenge.
Remember, the power to igniteyour fall success.
It lies right within you.
I just need you to keep pushingforward, believe in yourself
and seize the endlesspossibilities that await you.
And, until the next time, keepcalm and streamline.
Thank you for tuning in thisweek.
Remember, just listening tothis episode will not get you
better results.
So I challenge you to break themold and take action today.
If you're unsure where to start,book a call with me to get your
questions answered about theMighty Society membership or
anything else that I mentioned.
A link to my calendar is in theshow notes.
Not ready to take that step yet?
No problem, be sure to connectwith me on Instagram @the_
Shannon Baker.
You can ask me your questionsthere or let me know that you
enjoyed the episode by taking ascreenshot, sharing it and
tagging me.
Now, if you haven't alreadygrabbed my free audio
masterclass, why don't you juststart there?
It's a great first step toassess your back office on your
own, and this masterclassprovides valuable insights and
practical steps to help youorganize your processes, reduce
chaos and improve efficiency.
Go to theshannonbakercomforward slash audio masterclass
If you haven't left a reviewfor the podcast yet, please do
I would love to hear from you,and it's an easy way to show
some love to the podcast andhelp me reach more small
business owners who are ready todefy the status quo.
I can't wait to hear from you.
So until next time, keep calmand streamline.