- RANKED A TOP 3% PODCAST - Are you going to bed at night thinking about your never-ending to-do list and already stressing about tomorrow? Waking up exhausted and relying on coffee to get through your day? Are you making multiple trips to the store each week, stressing about what to make for dinner each night, spending too much money on groceries and take out, and feeling frazzled about paying bills on time? I'm Renae Matt and I've been where you are! I work full-time, I'm growing my own business, and I still want to spend quality date nights with my husband. Over the years I got so tired of the housework, the bills, and the never-ending list of things to do. I was trying to keep track of it all. It was overwhelming and I felt like I had no time left to ENJOY life. Over time, I began to build simple routines to get organized. I set up the framework to have a foundation of routines that I can fall back on even when everything else feels like it's falling apart. On this podcast, I share what I have learned so YOU can also build these routines that can transform your life! • A DAILY HOME ROUTINE to keep a tidy home without wasting weekends cleaning and catching up on laundry. • A MORNING ROUTINE to take care of YOU so you can begin each day feeling refreshed to show up for others. • A MOVEMENT ROUTINE so you can feel rejuvenated and get back your energy! • AN EASY BUDGET ROUTINE to create a plan for your money and help you get out of debt, get rid of money stress, and save for your dreams. • A MEAL PLANNING ROUTINE to reduce the frustration and never have to wonder what's for dinner. Our lives are busy, but they don't have to be overwhelming. When we can get these five foundational routines in place, you will have a system set up to help reduce the stress and give you your time back! I'm here to help you build these simple routines so that they can change your life, too. You might think this isn't the right time because you are too busy to change something, but friend… when you feel TOO BUSY to prioritize your LIFE...that is when you know something NEEDS to change. We can't get lost time back and God didn't create us to live our lives checking off boxes and drowning in errands. So let's TAKE BACK YOUR TIME. Instead of spending your evenings stressed about all the tasks you didn't get to, you will be able to spend those nights having fun with your family. Go for an evening walk, do a game night, find a hobby, or have a date night with your hubby. When you get your life organized, you get your life back. THAT is the Routine Advantage. xo, Renae NEXT STEPS: • Leave a RATING and REVIEW and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to the show! • Ask Renae a QUESTION (she may answer it on the show!) at www.speakpipe.com/theroutineadvantagepodcast • FREE A.U.D.I.T. Your Habits Guide: AuditYourHabits.com • YOUR ORGANIZED LIFE BLUEPRINT: YourOrganizedLifeBlueprint.com • JOIN our free community on Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/theroutineadvantagecommunity For additional support, send an email to theroutineadvantagepodcast@gmail.com
Do you have a love/hate relationship with your laundry? You might be someone that enjoys laundry (or wants to enjoy it) or you might be drowning in mountains of laundry feeling like you will never catch up. Either way, there are steps you can take to create a laundry routine that is simple, effective, and makes laundry easier to stay on top of. When you can have a consistent routine to get your laundry done, it becomes something yo...
A lot of us struggle to focus on our work, whether we work from home, in an office, or are simply trying to work on hobby projects or tasks around the house. If you struggle staying focused on your work, try these six things I do to increase my focus and maybe they will help you, too!
Let's get to it!
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Do you ever feel like you should have more time in your day? *I think we can all raise our hand at this one!*
Today we are talking about six time-wasters that you probably want to cut from your day starting immediately. You will have so much more free time, you won’t even know what to do with yourself. ;)
Let's get to it!
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I don’t know about you, but when I’m consistent about getting regular exercise in, I feel amazing! So it begs the question….WHY have I struggled sticking to a consistent exercise routine for literal YEARS??
If you are in the same boat as me and have had a hard time sticking to a consistent workout routine, I want to share what I’ve learned. I have a few tips that have helped me to finally build a movement routine that actu...
Do you go to bed at night feeling stressed and worrying about everything you need to do the next day before that day even begins? When we have thoughts swirling in our head, it can keep us up at night which never helps our stress levels or productivity the next day. One way to avoid this is to plan ahead and begin putting specific routines in place that help you feel organized and prepared. This will help reduce the stress so you c...
Are you a list person? I personally love lists. I love writing all my tasks down, organizing the data, creating spreadsheets…I enjoy working with all types of lists. And the satisfaction of checking those boxes when something is completed? *chef’s kiss*
I created a “normal” running to-do list for years and sometimes it was very effective because I was feeling motivated and cruised right through, checking things off all day...
Do you struggle with consistency? You might get really excited about a new habit or goal you are bringing into your life and you do REALLY well for awhile. Then one day doesn’t go as planned and all of a sudden everything starts falling to pieces. Your big hopes of reaching a goal dwindles to “I’ll start next Monday” and then continuously gets pushed off because something else comes up. Pretty soon, you are two or three years down ...
Is dinner time stressing you out? Are you so stinkin’ tired of making decisions that by the end of the day when someone asks you “what’s for dinner?”, you immediately get a little cranky? If this is happening to you, it’s a very good sign that you are in need of a meal planning routine. ;)
So let’s make it easy and break it down to the five MUST-DOs in a meal planning routine that not only simplifies dinner time, but is al...
If you find yourself overwhelmed by the clutter, but aren’t sure where to start, let me help! There are SO many reasons we want to get out from under the clutter. First, it is distracting. Second, clutter makes it harder to maintain a tidy home. Third, clutter can actually increase our stress hormone, cortisol, which can lead to negative feelings, inability to focus, and decrease productivity. If that isn’t a reason to get rid of t...
Does the thought of tackling finances stress you out? If managing money feels daunting, you definitely aren’t alone! Before we started our budget journey several years ago, we were incredibly broke and thousands upon thousands in debt. Once we learned how to build a plan to actually manage our money and create habits that changed our spending habits and supported our savings goals, everything shifted. Yes, it took some time to get ...
Do your mornings feel a little chaotic? Wouldn’t it be nice to start your day feeling refreshed, fulfilled, and prepared?
Today, I want to share four easy things you can do right now to help ensure smooth mornings from here on out so you can set you and your family up for success!
Let's get to it!
> Leave a RATING & REVIEW to spread the love (Renae reads the...
Are you ready to take control of your house and FINALLY be able to keep a consistent routine that will help you maintain a tidy home?
If you have tried zone cleaning, complicated cleaning schedules, or even pushing it all off until the weekend so you can spend all day Saturday cleaning and NONE of it sits right with you, I have a different solution. I’ve been there. I’ve tried it all. And none of it worked until I created ...
If you are anything like me, it can be REALLY hard to find the motivation to stick to a workout routine at the gym. These last few months I have been knocking it out of the park and sticking to five days a week! I’m super proud of myself because even though we’ve been going to the gym or working out pretty consistently for years now, it has always varied a little based on what’s happening in our lives. It was tough to stick to a se...
You’ve probably heard of a “word of the year”, right? Whether you have or not, or whether you choose one each year or not, I wanted to share my experience with it. 2024 is the first year I chose a word and I have some thoughts to share on what it is, how to pick them, and whether or not I would recommend it!
Let's get to it!
> Leave a RATING & REVIEW to spread the lo...
133 | "Where Do I Begin??" Creating a Routine ROADMAP to Get Organized - COACHING CALL with Karen H.
Do you find yourself wanting to implement these routines that we’re always talking about, but struggling to know where to start? In today’s episode I want to give you a glimpse into one of my coaching calls (with permission, of course!). Karen was looking to get organized, but feeling like she needed a little help with narrowing it down and knowing where to focus first. In this call, we walk through the process of creating a routin...
Christmas should be a time of connection, joy, and celebration! If you find yourself wanting those things, but feeling like you can never truly enjoy the day because you are too stressed in the chaos of dinner preparations, then this episode is for you! This is a replay I shared last year about creating a holiday dinner timeline to make the day run SO smoothly so you get things done on time, you don’t feel pulled in all directions,...
You’ve heard me talk about “sinking funds” on the podcast, but have you ever wondered about the particulars of WHERE to save these funds? A podcast listener, Dina, asked for clarification, so that is what we are talking about today! I’m bringing you four methods to save and manage your sinking funds so you can choose which works best for you.
Let's get to it!
REFERRAL CODE for Ally Bank: https://www...
Have you been converted to a paper planner user yet? Whether you are on the fence, you’ve recently purchased one, or you’ve been using one for years, this episode will be a fun one! I’m grabbing my absolute favorite paper planner and giving you 14 ideas of things to track in YOUR planner that are pretty fun AND help build consistency so it no longer gets forgotten about a few months after the year begins!
Are you trying to build habits that help you maintain a tidy home? We aren’t looking for perfection every day, but when we can build habits that become automatic and just “what we do”, we can create a home environment that stays presentable and company-ready pretty much all the time. Sounds pretty good, right?!
Today I’m sharing FOUR cleaning habits you can try that will help you maintain a tidy home with minimal effort.
Do you ever feel so overwhelmed by the mess, you don’t even know where to begin to put your routines in place? Our ultimate goal is to begin implementing daily routines and stacking them into our days so that we never fall too far behind, but until we get those systems in place, the mess can feel overwhelming.
If this is the season of life you are sitting in right now (or maybe you just had company over and need a good res...
If you've ever wanted to know about champagne, satanism, the Stonewall Uprising, chaos theory, LSD, El Nino, true crime and Rosa Parks, then look no further. Josh and Chuck have you covered.
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Does hearing about a true crime case always leave you scouring the internet for the truth behind the story? Dive into your next mystery with Crime Junkie. Every Monday, join your host Ashley Flowers as she unravels all the details of infamous and underreported true crime cases with her best friend Brit Prawat. From cold cases to missing persons and heroes in our community who seek justice, Crime Junkie is your destination for theories and stories you won’t hear anywhere else. Whether you're a seasoned true crime enthusiast or new to the genre, you'll find yourself on the edge of your seat awaiting a new episode every Monday. If you can never get enough true crime... Congratulations, you’ve found your people. Follow to join a community of Crime Junkies! Crime Junkie is presented by audiochuck Media Company.
The World's Most Dangerous Morning Show, The Breakfast Club, With DJ Envy And Charlamagne Tha God!