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April 17, 2024 33 mins
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The other station really passed on anopportunity by not allowing you to have a
greater gig as well as being oneof those big voices. I am grateful
to Peter Boyles and John Caldera,who both did stints here on KHOW,
but you know, outside of them, that station is not as good as

it used to be. Kay howforever Jimmy Sangenberger filling in for Michael Brown
this morning as well as tomorrow morning, and so great to be with you
on Talk Radio six thirty kh ohW good old k how. You know.

There's a lot I want to coverin this fourth and final hour of
the program, including how Hollywood isable to hide the ball. This guy
brings us full circle to the firsthour. If you were up that early,
which I hope you were, youshould have been up that early.
The sunrise was beautiful, and Dragonand I had a blast getting to know

each other, did we didn't.We have a great time Fanta, so
much better than talking with Michael.Oh. You know what, I just
I have to take that and saythank you. You're just so sweet and
so kind. Draggon Redbeard and doinga great job behind the glass as well.
But we were talking about non disclosureagreements in Denver public schools and ad

Secretary of State Jenna Griswold's office,and that's really hiding the ball in certain
respects. Well, Hollywood does thesame thing. I want to get to
that in a bed because there's somethingto do with a passion of mine,
one of my great loves, whichis Star Wars, and it ties right
in with Hollywood and their failures tobring in profits and all sorts of stuff.

But there's the big story of theday about the southern border crisis that
is ongoing. The Biden administration isfeckless and failing on this. Alejandro majorcis
the Secretary of Homeland Security right now. The Secretary of Homeland Security has been
impeached and should be facing a trialin the United States Senate, but probably

won't. It looks like Chucky Schumeris going to pass on it and say,
Nope, we're not going to dothat. There's no evidence, whatever
it is, we're not going todo that, which, by the way,
as Speaker of the House Mike Johnstonpointed out, it is the Senate's
constitutional duty and responsibility to do justthat. And after the House transmits the

articles of impeachment to the Senate latertoday. We expect and we demand,
that all one hundred Senators listen tothe arguments of the House impeachment managers.
They have a constitutional and institutional obligationto do so. If Senator Schumer cares
at all about the suffering of Americansand the disaster that Majorcus has wrought at

the border, then he will holda full and public trial. The American
people want a full and public trial. I think they deserve to see the
evidence, and it will be unconscionableand i in my view, unconstitutional if
Chuck Schumer fails in that responsibility.At the end of the previous hour,
I said, is it the rightmove? I'm not saying that it isn't.

And I think a couple of textswe're going to get you here in
a moment help to underscore why itjust might have been a good idea to
move ahead with this impeachment. Thereare a couple of things to be said
about that, but nevertheless, it'snot going to work out in that the
trial isn't going to result at aconviction even if it does happen. And

one could say that you sort ofdeflect from Biden onto my Orcus in terms
of responsibility for the Southern border crisis. But as listener text in at three
three one zero three text Michael orMike first quote, the reason to impeach
my Orcus is to start all capsthe process of gathering evidence against Biden.

All that is needed is for myorcis to say he was just following orders.
Good point there, Steve in Littleton, retired law enforcement officer. Good
to hear from Steve saying something similar. Agreed that the Dems will ensure the
Myorcas impeachment will go nowhere. However, it shows an effort to hold someone

in the Biden regime accountable for thisinvasion. Another very valid point. And
then you can group the Democrats together. Another listener, another goober texted ind
why aren't Republican strategists focusing ads nowon the Democrat party instead of Biden?

Saying, if you don't vote Democratthis, if you vote Democrat this November,
this is what you get. Homelessencampments everywhere, open borders, high
inflation, lack of energy, independence, rampant crime, males competing in women's
sports. There's lots of good videofor all of these blanket TV and radio

with these ads. That way,if the damn sub Biden out for another
candidate, the messaging still works andmay trickle down to other races as well.
And this, my orcis piece,ties in with that a Democrat official
in the Biden administration failing in hisduty, have some accountability, send some

message that this is serious, andsay this is what you get if Biden
is reelected and he has the peopleworking for him there. I think it's
a very compart telling argument that helpsto explain and justify this a bit.
But nothing can justify Chuck Schumer sayingnope, we're not going to do this

trial does not Senator John Kenned,this doesn't happen very often. It's happened
only twenty two times and our country'salmost two hundred and fifty year history,
and every single time, every singletime, except when the impeached public official

has quit the United States Senate didhis job. We held a trial,
We allowed both sides to present theirevidence, including the United States House of
Representatives. But not this time.Not this time, Jimmy. I know

people who live in Denver who nowhave to take different routes to get where
they're going, just to avoid allthe people approaching their cars, washing their
windows and then demanding money at stoplights. They basically become hostages in their own
cars. I also know people whoare looking to move out of Denver because
they don't even feel safe trying tofill up their car with gas. They

are constantly approached by all sorts ofpeople as they fill up their car.
This is what the Dems have doneto Denver citizens, where everyday activities cannot
be accomplished without worrying about one's safety. I don't know about you, but
I think that was quite well said. It puts a real pin on the

point that we now have a situationin Denver where people are consistently feeling and
indeed actually are unsafe. I'm acolumnist for the Denver Gazette, the investigative
columnists there. In my column yesterdaywas entitled Denver's mere band aid on a

deepening wound, and it talks aboutall the services and support and so forth
that they're providing in terms of thesetiny home communities and the hotels that have
become shelters for the homeless, andall the drug use that is happening on
or around these properties because there's noscreenings, there's no drug screenings whatsoever that

are required to stay at any ofthese places. There's no mandatory treatment,
and so you have situations where kidsare walking to school passing by open air
drug use of math, fetnah,you name it. Let alone all the

other violence that we're seeing with thecrimes that are happening, including on these
locations. The one hotel at QuebecStreet. Did they converted the old Double
Tree hotel there? There have beenseven deaths, including a double homicide last
month, and there was another shootinglast week that thankfully didn't result in death.

And those are places that are supposedto be providing a safe, beneficial
place for homeless people to stay.And yet not only are they being adversely
impacted and not helped, but thecommunity around them isn't And that's a damn
shame and it really underscores and underpinsthese points from the text coming in saying,

look, this is the state ofaffairs. This is what it's like
on the ground in Denver now,and this is what happens as a result
of national policies of the likes ofJoe Biden. They're saying this is what
you get when you have Democrats whoare in charge. Okay, fair enough,
true, and people are living itright now, which is why I

think it is an absolutely dumb ideato try and remove Speaker of the House
Mike Johnson, not to be confusedagain with Denver mayor Mike Johnston, because
there is an increasing push here.Bye. Originally Marjorie Taylor Green. Now

they have Thomas Massey on board asthe second Republican to say he's got to
go. And I'm looking at mywatch right now and my phone and my
computer and the studio computers where Isee a date of April seventeenth, twenty
twenty four. I'm not very goodwith math, but I think November is

less than five h I say I'mnot good with math less than seven months
away. I told you, didI drag it? I just daged the
disclaimer. I'm not good at mathless than seven months away, and you
want to bog down the Republican Houseof Representatives and yet another internal squabble over

who should be in charge. I'mnot saying that Mike Johnson is doing everything
right as Speaker of the House,but he kind of only has what like
one a one seat majority right now, since ken Buck and one or two
other congressmen left and haven't been replacedyet, you don't really have a majority

to do all that much. Ialso think, and text me if you
disagree three three one zero one ofcourse include Michael or Mike at the beginning.
I also think that Johnson is rightto be looking at how he can

provide additional funding support for Ukraine.And I'll tell you why. Prime example,
Finland and Sweden, throughout all thedecades of the Cold War, what
was their status? It was neutral. They didn't want to have any official

side one or the other. Andthat neutrality extends back hundreds of years,
not anymore. Last month Sweden joinedNATO, following Finland's lead, and why
is that? And I interviewed recentlya political editor from a publication in Sweden

who also happens to be the chairmanof their right wing press association, which
they actually haven't Sweden, which Ifound rather interesting, And we talked about
this and he said, look,Sweden has never been more ready. And
he discussed the concerns about Vladimir Putin, who views himself as a twenty first

century Peter the great. He wantsto bring back the old Russians Aurist Empire,
not the Soviet Union, but theold Russians Aurist Empire. And that's
well documented for decades. That shouldsend a big message to us here in
America when you have not only Swedenand Finland. But I had the great

fortune a year and a half agoto go on an international press tour to
Taiwan, where I was one ofthree American journalists among twenty five from around
the world, and I spent timetalking with others from like Bulgaria and Czech
Republic who were likewise concerned about theambitions of Putin and that he will not

just stop at Ukraine. That isa very serious, very real circumstance,
and so to me it underscores theneed to yes, support Ukraine in beating
back Russia. Now that doesn't meanyou shouldn't add more accountability, that we
should be tracking it better, thatsort of thing. Absolutely that should happen,

but the funding needs to go.And for Mike Johnson working at this,
I think it makes sense. Butyet the concerning aspect is not Johnson
taking that action or what have you. It's the Democrats might be called upon
to say Speaker Johnson for CNN yesterday. There are some members of the House

Democratic Caucus who have told me thatthey in fact will save Mike Johnson,
especially if you move down the waythey want him to move on Ukraine Aid
in particular. So a key momenthere for the Speaker and the Republican majority,
which has devolved into bitter infighting andchaos now threatening the second speaker with
seven months, less than seven monthsto go on a presidential election. Trump

throwing his support behind Johnson in severalinstances, and yet we have Republicans in
the House that are looking to unseata speaker who has a one seat Republican
majority. That makes absolutely no sense. It's a distraction that, by the

way, will tell the America andpeople Republicans can't govern. They need a
third Speaker of the House in whata year, and they'll probably take days,
if not weeks to find a newone, and then we'll probably be
back in this circumstance again. Itmakes no political sense in any way,

shape or form, and especially todraw the Republican Speaker of the House into
the arms of Democrats saying, hey, I need a little bit of help
or Democrats feeling themselves, Hey,let's do this. Let's keep them in
there because we want to be ableto focus on defeating Republicans in these other

ways. And we're moderate Democrats andwe want to be seen doing things in
Congress because we're doers. I don'tknow. The whole thing just makes no
sense, deeply, deeply boneheaded.I mean the boneheaded. In an election

yere and an election year where Republicanscan make gains in the United States Senate
and actually could fall victim to losingthe US House of Representatives. What in
the world are we doing here?Why the dysfunction? Why can't you get

past that? I don't know.And that's just part for the course for
the Republican Party today. It seemsto me with a little sign of improvement
in terms of foresight and strategy.Jimmy sangen Burger in for Michael Brown.
Jimmy, the funny thing is,none of this matters. This state is
so lost. They're gonna vote Democratevery single time. Here. You could

one of these people in the headwith a brick and they're still going to
vote for Democrats. It's ridiculous.You know, you got a fair point
this is a blue state. Thisis a solidly blue state. Yet here's
the thing. I think there couldbe some long term hope for Colorado because

of a few reasons. I'll justfly through them real quick. Number one,
if the Republican Party can in thisstate, can get some semblance of
composure, some leadership that actually wantsto win as opposed to advancing his own

self interests, that's one thing thatwould help a little bit. Another piece
is a lot of the local movementsthat are coming up, a lot of
the parents' groups, for example,an education and other matters. I think
we can also see what's happening inDenver, where there may not be pushback
in terms of Republicans over Democrats,but there is a push and a trend

in the direction of we want moresafety, we want more security, we
want to clean up the streets.What's happening is not acceptable. This is
not what we need in Denver,and I think there's an opportunity there for
Republicans to take an vintage of thatin some respects. And then also this
is interesting if you look at thedata for the millennial generation, which now

constitutes a full forty percent of allof Denver's population entirely. Like of all
of Denver's population, forty percent isonly millennial than the others are all the
other generations. And while I say, oh my gosh, all the millennials
are socialist, the reality is actuallythat, and this was something presented in

the New York Times last year.Millennials are trending right word increasingly becoming more
conservative. So that could be adoor, or at least the window of
opportunity for the right in Colorado tomake a little more inroads with millennials as
they grow more and so forth.That's those are a few things. Does

it give me much hope? No, I'll be honest. I think that
Colorado is in deep trouble right now, and you're absolutely right in many respects
there that people are just going tokeep voting that way unless you give them
a clear alternative, something that's compelling, and you're playing into the issues that

really matter, and at least chippingaway and making some inroads can be beneficial.
I'm Jimmy Seenberger filling in for MichaelBrown today. Texts coming in and
by the way, you can textin via three three one zero three text
Michael or Mike First, I havelost some respect for Massey. Thomas Massey,

congressman calling to remove Speaker Johnson.We should absolutely back Speaker Johnson one
hundred percent. I agree, atleast for the rest of this year.
Then let the dust settle, seeif you need to make any changes next
year, although even then I'd bescratching my head wondering can Republicans even find

a speaker that they're going to tolerate, let alone accept Will they ever actually
accept them? I don't know now. As for my support of providing additional
funds to Ukraine, a couple ofGoober's texted in disagreeing with me. Oh

my goodness, no, I appreciateit. One coming in. I admire
your support for Ukraine, but wecan't afford it. We're spending a trillion
dollars just in interest on our debt. We can't afford to give any more
money to anybody, no matter whatthe circumstances. I understand that, and
I sympathize. In fact. Thatleads me to the other Texter, Jimmy,

you are crazy. I'm crazy,Ladies and gentlemen. Now there's a
substantive point to come. Let meget to it. I think we have
sent Ukraine more than enough of ourmoney. Ukraine is just as corrupt as
Russia. You were just talking abouthelping American citizens. That's what we need
to concentrate ony. So there's someintertwining between those two comments. And I

think a big piece of this getsdown to the fiscal issue, with the
national debt as it is growing andgrowing and growing and grow astro Now I
don't even know how big it isnow nearing thirty trillion, though, I
mean it's astonishing. Here's the thing, though, the implications of Russia winning

in Ukraine and being able to takeover Ukraine are significant and likely mean expanding
into other countries over time. Nowthat is the conclusion of those nearby countries
like Poland or other countries bordering Russia, Finland, Sweden. That's why they

joined NATO. The United States hasover extended itself over time in many respects,
and we've got involved in far toomany issues that we have no business
in. But sometimes there is,in my view, a worthwhile point where
we have to be those leaders,especially because we have the where withal to

do it, and other countries lookto us. A guest that I had
on my own podcast recently from Sweden, a political director said, we actually
looked to the United States for leadership, believe it or not, and you
set the tone in a lot ofways, and so we're counting on you,

and I think that that's not somethingthat we should just disregard, even
though we're now in the twenty firstcentury and not in the twentieth century.
Now to the other point about justhelping American citizens and concentrating on that,
I agree that should be the focus, always should be. The focus is

Americans first. This I think doesprovide for greater security on the world stage
for a Mayora Hurricans. But alsoyou can do both at the same time.
You can engage in national security issues, and especially if we're not and

we should never be sending or havingtroops on the ground, but if you're
sending financial resources to help keep Russiain sort of a quagmire in Ukraine when
Russia was supposed to win. Thefact that Ukraine has lasted over two years
and this war is astonishing. It'snot how it was supposed to be.

So yeah, supporting Ukraine and alsohelping American citizens, you can do both.
They're not mutually exclusive. That said, there's certainly a lot of corruption
in Ukraine, that's a given.But Ukraine doesn't have the ambitions or the

wherewithal of expansion like the man whowants to be a twenty first century Peter
the Great in Vladimir Putin. SoI don't know. I just think that
it makes sense and is important forthe United States to continue to support Ukraine,
just as it is essential for USto support Israel. And it has

been dismal on the part of Bidenand his administration. They have essentially turned
on Israel when it comes to Hamasand their war to root out Hamas.
And now not only that, butyou have this Iran situation where Iran does
their strike, the US and allieshelp out to take care of the drones

and the missiles coming in, andthen Biden says, take the win,
don't go any further. I mean, Israel has to make that decision for
themselves and we'll see what happens.But the United States needs to provide support

for those allies in these wars,and without putting US servicemen and women on
the ground, and of course noregime change war in Iran. John Bolton
would like that, but I don'tthink that Bolton is going to get a
seat at the table in a Trumpadministration. Again, probably not going to

happen. Nor will the United StatesI think, have any interest or appetite
for getting into an actual war involvedwith Iran. Just no way, no
way. We could see a willingnessfor that. Anything can happen in terms

of taking actual steps, but Idoubt that we'll see any thing of that
sort, and we certainly shouldn't getto that point and definitely never ever any
troops on the ground in Ukraine.Just providing financial and military weapons support.
There's lots still that can be done. And meanwhile, helping out American citizens

because that, of course is thepriority, always should be the priority.
But again they're not mutually exclusive.I'm Jimmy Sangenberger in for Michael Brown.
Four hours has been flying by dragonand I are in absolute disbelief. Well,

we've got one more segment up ahead. I'm Jimmy Sangenberger once again in
for Michael Brown here on Talk Radiosix point thirty. Kow the word is
Sangenberg. Can repeat the word pleaseSangenberg. Okay, Sangenberg SA and and
b E. RG. Singenberg Hey, Jimmy, good to hear you on

the air Saturday morning. You justhaven't been the same without you. Oh
hi, Dragon, appreciate the kindwords as well. It has been a
great time just flying right on by. And you know what, Dragon Redbeard,
I get why they keep you around. At least I don't know why

Michael keeps you around, but Isure understand why the station keeps you around.
At least I push button. Good, Yes, you do, you
do it. I'm looking forward totomorrow. We'll have a blast. Thank
you very much. Great job behindthe class, so fun to work with
and great to be with you aswell. And I got one more text

I want to squeeze in here thatjust came in a few minutes ago.
Go, Jimmy. Ukraine wasn't upto defend themselves from the start. Why
is it our responsibility now? ActuallyI could answer that there was an agreement
back in the early nineties with thebreakup of the Soviet Union that said we
would support Ukraine so on and soforth. It was particularly in exchange for

them to say, we'll give upour nuclear arsenal, but let's continue.
They had six years after Russia tookCrimea to prepare, and they didn't spend
a penny to build their military.I would indeed agree with that blaming on
and put the blame on corruption andcorrupt actors and leadership and all sorts of
things going on there. I mean, remember the whole Biden thing with the

prosecutor corruption. Indeed, it tookthem two years of direct war with Russia
to finally consider the idea of maybewe should make our own bullets. If
your idea of self defense is theUS will bail us out, I don't
think you deserve help. If Ukrainefail falls, we stand firm and say
no further without direct war with NATOand hold them there and encourage our allies

to build their own defenses. Howseriously is Putin gonna take that? Though?
Let's just be real here. He'sable to go into Ukraine, take
it over, do this war fora couple of years or however long it
lasts before he wins, and theUnited States gives up support, no longer

providing aid, and then Putin's justgonna say, oh, well, I'm
gonna stop my ambitions because now you'retelling me that you might actually take military
action against me. Hmm. Whenyou stopped funding the way to prevent that
from even happening in the future,any possibility of it. Actually, let's

also be real here that the factthat I said this before, the fact
that Ukraine is still around today asa sovereign country. Yes, it's a
testament in part to the support fromthe US and European allies providing aid,
but it's also a testament to theirresolve and to the people in Ukraine.

It's one of the reasons why Chinais not underestimating Taiwan. The people there.
I was there, They have resolved, they are democratic, they want
their democracy. China is going toconsider that in any future invasion prospects for

Taiwan. And they see the resolvefor Ukraine inside Ukraine and the support that
there's been around the world for Ukraine, and they've been watching. How long
is the world going to stand firmhere? Because if it breaks down and
it starts with the United States,China just may well say, well,
now we can go to Taiwan,and you better believe that that would be

a disaster for the United States economicallyand otherwise. But China is not going
to take us seriously. More theChinese Communist Party. Let me be more
specific, like Biden, the jokeof an administration failing to show any sort
of real strength and resolve in manyareas, including especially right now with Israel.

So there's a lot here. We'llpick up the conversation tomorrow morning.
Once again. I'm Jimmy Sangenberger infor Michael Brown. Today and tomorrow.
We've got a lot to talk about. I'm going to get to this Disney
story tomorrow. Well might start offwith that, how Hollywood is hiding the
ball financially and otherwise. Keep ithere Talk Radio six point thirty K.

How have a great day. Godbless America.
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