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April 18, 2024 36 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Good morning dragon, and the newburger meister. You're a token white trash
dude checking in. I finally sleepin one day, I wake up,
I hear the cackling hyenas and somelady that doesn't like Star Wars? What
the hell is this world coming to? Yeah, that's a good one.

And they do call me Burgermeister sangingBerger. That is indeed one of the
names. Indeed, Jimmy sang inBerger in for Michael Brown. I don't
know. So you're saying that's nota new one, it's some former fashion.
No burgermeisters fit in before, andI rather like that one. I

like Santa Claus is coming to town. Burgermeister meister Berger. You know,
the only problem with that is yougot to make sure that there's an E
in burger instead of a U.Let's just be clear on that, because
all these all the time in sanginBurger, ain't that the truth. I
do appreciate the goober who consistently givesme all sorts of new nicknames with every

text that comes in via of course, the text line text two three three
one zero three, put Michael orMike in the beginning, very kindly saying
that I'm sort of somebody he's likelistening to Cinnamon Berger. I love cinnamon,
so I get it. If you'recalling me Cinnamon Burger, it is

going to be the case that youwill be quote. I'm enjoying listening to
you. I hope you feeling again. Thank you. I appreciate that.
Glad you are enjoying the program aswe cover things from star Wars to steal
an aluminum tariffs. So exciting,so dramatic. Yes. Indeed, yesterday,

Joe Biden at what clearly was acampaign event in an election year,
trying to differentiate himself from Donald Trump. I'm proposed tripling Trump's steel and aluminum
tariffs on those Chinese stealing aluminum sourcescoming into this country. Take a listen

to Biden yesterday in Pittsburgh. BecauseChinese steel companies produced a lot more steel
than China needs, it ends updumping extra steel on the global markets on
fairly low prices. And the pricesare unfairly low because China steel companies don't
need to worry about making the profitbecause the Chinese governments subsidized them so heavily.
They're not competing. They're cheating they'recheating and we've seen the damage here

in America. And then tripling Chinesesteel tariffs. Here's what he said there.
Look right now, my US Traderepresentative is investigating trade practices by the
Chinese government regarding steel and aluminum.If that investment confirms these anti competitive trade
practices, then I'm calling Honor toconsider tripling the tarif phrase for both steeling

man aluminum for it sometime. It'salready at seven point five percent. I
will give you full disclosure. I'ma free trade guy. I've never been
While I recognize the adversarial relationship Chinain many respects as a threat to the
United States, I've never been onboard with the trade war mentality. That's

just not how I am as afree market guy. So I've never been
on board with these terriffts by Trump. And to see Biten say I'm gonna
outdo Trump and I'm gonna multiply histerrorists by three seven point five percent times
three, I'm not good at math. We've established this is twenty two point

five percent. That's astonishing. Sohere's the thing when we look at the
approach of Biden. Though this ispolitics, this is him playing political games
trying to get union support coalesced morestrongly behind him. Reading from the Wall

Street Journal editorial, Steel Tariffs andthe Race to be Protectionist in Chief.
While mister Biden has scrapped nearly everyTrump policy, he has maintained most of
his predecessor's tariffs, despite their economicharm. The Detroit Free Press reported in
twenty nineteen that Ford worker profit sharingchecks would be ten percent higher if not

for mister Trump's twenty five percent tariffson steel and ten percent on aluminum.
An analysis by the Peterson Institute forInternational Economics found that each job saved by
mister Trump's steel tariffs cost consumers andbusinesses more than nine hundred thousand dollars.

Employment in iron and steel mills hasfallen by about three thousand since the Section
two thirty two tariffs took effect intwenty eighteen, and the Journal also adds
that China's mercantilism is a special tradeproblem, but Chinese steel makes up only
two percent of US imports and zeropoint six percent of consumption, largely owing

to mister Trump's tariffs and anti dumpingduties. Piling on more tariffs will raise
costs for US manufacturers that use particulargrades of Chinese steel without alternatives. That
is the reality. A tariff isnot just some random thing. It is

a tax, which means that thatcosts, that tax is added on to
consumers. It has passed on toconsumers, which in this case are manufacturers
that then use that steel or thataluminum in to a product, and then
that results in higher costs for theproducts that go on to consumers. And

this is not something that's unknown orthat's just theoretical. This is reality.
This is how it is born outfor decades for any kind of tariff.
Keep in mind again zero point sixpercent of total US steel demand comes from

China, so it would be unwise. I would suggest for anybody to fall
for Biden's stunt here that is clearlyplaying politics using trade, using economic concerns
that, by the way, heexacerbates through his policies, generating greater inflation.

Don't fall for it, because he'sjust trying to make like Trump and
play in that sandbox. And yetit would have an effect on raising prices
for some. But also at thesame time, it's a small percentage of

the steel and aluminum that comes intothe United States. Text coming in.
Tariffs and protectionism are horrible policies,whether it's Trump or Biden pushing them low
prices, we can't have that.Yes, indeed, that is true.
Horrible policies regardless, and they justmake inflation work. As a piece by

Steve Cortes in Newsweek on inflation aswell, Biden's inflation still matters to swing
state voters. Last week's Consumer PriceIndex inflation report poured a lot of cold
water on the myth that prices arecool and that the inflation crisis is abating.
Headline number was the worst in sixmonths, at a very hot three

point five percent annualized inflation rate thatsurprised economists and prediction models, but the
inflationary details were much worse. Housingcosts shot higher at a scorching five point
seven percent rate, and car insurancepremiums vaulted higher at an incredible twenty two

point two percent annualized clip. Financialmarkets were shocked by the data, and
the stock market had its worst weeklyperformance of twoenty and twenty four so far.
At least, interest ranks spiked onthe news, and the benchmark US
Treasury yield rose to four point fiveto seven percent so so not so rosy

economic data here, And what isthe best way to help inflation keep rising
at additional costs, because that's whatit is when we say inflation. It's
not meeting the technical definition of inflation, but we use it as the cost
of things keep rising. And that'sgonna happen with the likes of additional tariffs

or higher tariffs on steel and aluminumor anything else. Listener text coming in,
Michael, I mean, Jimmy Bidenwill get us into war with his
crazy tariff talk. When Trump talkedabout tariffs, he was strong. Biden
is weak and invites conflict. Interestingtake. It's interesting how the same thing

said by two different presidents can bereceived so differently by the world powers.
That's an interesting observation. I thinkthe policy is bad news, whether it's
Trump or Biden. But I thinkyou got a little bit of a point
there that China will look at thisdifferently under Biden than they would under Trump

in terms of that sort of globalstrength perception, how they are viewed by
the international community, by other worldleaders. Now, will we see a
war over tariff talk? I don'tthink so. I don't think China,
especially at this point. With theireconomy as it is, shi Jinping has

ambitions that are grand for China.That's why he's been establishing himself as sort
of the second coming of Mao,not necessarily in being old school Communist,
although he's a Commie, but interms of becoming that leader that is almost

sacrosanct. You can't question him.That's the kind of status of Mao.
He was almost godlike, and HijinPing is working to make that the case.
And war with the United States atthis point in time, in particular,
would be very damaging to China becausetheir economy would suffer more than it

already is. Their economy has beenstruggling of late, so they probably don't
want war with the United States,but a tit for tat trade war.
We will increase tariffs on this.If you increased tariffs even more on stealing
aluminum, that absolutely can happen.So bite in there in Pittsburgh talking this

talk, I ain't doing much goodfor the United States. But then again,
this is the same guy who alsoI don't even know how you handle
this one. Well, just listenfor yourself. And he became an Army
Air Corps before the Air Force camehome hest of those single engine planes as

reconnaissance over forones. He got shotdown in New Guinea and they never found
the body because we used to beheard a lot of cannibals, for real
in that part of New Guinea.He's talking about his uncle Ambrose pilot in
World War Two and saying they couldn'tfind his body when he was shot down

because New Guinea had cannibals. Therewere a lot of cannibals, So his
uncle, Ambrose Finnegan, nicknamed Bozie, never was found because of cannibals.
However, as foxnews dot com reports, the Defense pow Mia Accounting Agency has

a different record of what happened toBiden's uncle. The site said on May
fourteenth, nineteen forty four, anairplane carrying a crew of three and one
passenger identified as Finnegan, left MomoAirfield on Los Negros Island for a courier
flight to New Guinea. For unknownreasons, this plane was forced to ditch

into the ocean off the north coastof New Guinea. The report reads both
engines failed at low altitude and theaircraft's nose hit the water hard. The
report also said three men failed toemerge from the sinking wreck and were lost
in the crash. Well one crewmember survived and was rescued by a barge.

Finnegan has not been associated with anyof the remains recovered from the area
after the war and is still notaccounted for, according to the report.
Why did he bring up cannibals?I guess it fits with some of the
under other blunders from that very samespeech yesterday in Pittsburgh. Found the body

because there used to be. Thereare a lot of cannibals, for real
in that part of New Guinea.My mom didn't live in Scranton since she
was nineteen fifty four. But hebme say it before. Wall Street didn't
build America. The middle class didn'tbuild the middle America. And you guys
built the middle class. You justbuilt them. I'm Pittsburgh And because I

really mean it. That was allfrom just four excerpts. I think that's
for right again. Can't do mathoexcerpts from Biden's speech yesterday, the very
same speech where he announced his tariffs. So yeah, when you're talking,
as the gooper before texted in aboutthe way in which China, the Chinese

Communist Party to be specific, wouldperceive Biden on terrorists versus Trump. Well,
yes, if in the same speechyou have comments like that being made,
then yeah, you can kind ofget a little bit of a different
impression. Here's another text. Ithink this one's worth tackling before we get

to a break, Jimmy. Maybenot war, but Chinese aggression toward Taiwan.
This certainly is a big concern.This is one of the reasons why
I'm an advocate for the US tocontinue supporting Ukraine, because the Chinese Communist
Party is watching how the US andEurope, how the world responds to Russia

and their invasion of Ukraine. Thelonger we hold out with support for Ukraine
the Chinese Communist Party, the morethe CCP looks at Ukraine and the invasion
there and the global support for Ukraineversus Russia and says, okay, they
have staying power. If we wereto stop supporting Ukraine, that sends a

message to the CCP that for alittle while, a couple of years,
maybe the US will pull back supportand you'll be fine in Taiwan. It's
just one of those messages that getssent, especially when you have a guy

like Biden in the White House asPresident of the United States. Now,
I don't think that Taiwan or thatthe Chinese Communist Party would retaliate against the
US towards Taiwan because there are alot of other factors in play there.
But certainly putting a squeeze on Taiwanor changing some things might make a little

bit of or be something that mightbe a little bit in consideration for the
CCP, But I think they'd viewit more as a tit for tat trade
war, and we'd have it bebetween China and the United States. I
will say, having been to Wana year and a half ago for an
international press tour, they have resolved. They're the Taiwanese people. They love

their freedom, they love their democracy. They do not want to be ruled
by the CCP full stop. Andthat to me just underscore is the importance
of US support for Taiwan as well. It is critical. There's a lot
on the world stage, there's alot on America's plate right now internationally,

but that doesn't mean that we needto scale it back in certain respects,
particularly when we're talking about aid tosupport not American troops on the ground,
such as in the case of Israeland Ukraine and Speaker of the House Mike
Johnson pressing on with his Foreign eightplan. That's a good thing, Biden

saying, let's multiply our terrorists bythree. Oh. That ain't a real
good thing, not at all,and it certainly will just make things worse
for those who are scraping by rightnow in the economy ruled by Bidenomics.
Jimmy Segenberger filly in for Michael Brown, don't go anywhere, whiskey tango foxtrot

FJB. Does it anybody realize thatthe US regulations drove not all, but
most of US steel manufacturing out ofthe country. I'm a welder and running
business out of my shop at home, doing fabrication and repair work. When
the terrorists that Trump did took effect, my operating costs doubled. Can you

imagine what it will be now?Wow? Yes, you are absolutely right
in speaking from experience, and itis true. It is regulations in the
United States the cost of doing businessthat has particularly pushed operations overseas or encouraged
imports from other countries like China.The Chinese Communist Party is an adversary and

in many ways a threat to theUnited States, but a trade war a
new is not the way to go, as Biden is now suggesting in what
was essentially a campaign speech yesterday,one in which he said something rather odd
regarding his uncle. And he becamean Army Air Corps before the Air Force
came home, used to those singleengine planes as reconnaissance over four zones.

He got shot down in New Guineaand they never found the body because there
used to be. There are alot of cannibals, for real in that
part of New Guinea. There werea lot of cannibals, for real in
that part of New Guina. Arecannibals real? Are they common? Have

there been witnesses sighting cannibals? Areintrepid on the scene. Reporter Scooped de
Doo has identified three eyewitnesses for uson the program this morning, including our
first up as I welcome Captain Swinbad, who's with Scoop there at the Kraken
Shack and has been on every islandaround there. Captain Swinbad, welcome,

What can you tell us about whatyou've seen? Oh, I've seen some
things that are you don't even knowwhat they've seen. I've seen some horrible,
terrible things, but I've also seensome good things. You know.
I've been to every island in thewhole region, and the only thing I
found unusual was an island with thegiant monkey on it. But they kept
him safely hidden behind the wall.You know, he wasn't you know what

wolves work. They kept that monkeyfrom from getting to the village. I
don't know if they were cannibals,but they if they were, they at
each other, you know. Sowhat is your conclusion about cannibals, then,
Captain Swinbad. I don't believe inthem. I don't believe in them
at all. I think it's allcannibals. Well, I appreciate your insights,

Captain Swinbad. Now we're joined bycrocodile dum d mister Dumde, welcome.
What have you noticed there in theislands. Well, let me tell
you something. There's lots of stuffaround the region that can kill you,
but I don't think cannibals is oneof them. I'll tell you there's koala
wangaroos and kamelomaving dongs and all sortsof face cratures all around the place.

But I've never seen any cannibals,that's for sure, So you would say,
probably not something we should be worriedabout out there. Man, I'd
be more worried about the shops,steam rays, especially the stain rays,
and of course the crocodiles always alwaysworried about those. And finally, Colonel

Corn joins us this morning. Colonel, thanks for taking a moment to share
your account. Oh, of courseif my treasure that. But of course
my full name is Colonel Corn.Pop I'm named after my least grandfather,
Popcorn, And you know he hesealed every one of those islands, and

he flew a thousand missions in thewar, and he had never heard of
any cannibals. I think it's they, you know, you know, they
say that I'm a bad dude,But I'm telling you, if you went
to any one of those islands,you would run into some bad dudes,
but no cannibals. I don't believethat. So I we We did,

find, however, a pack ofbigfoots on the island and zombie alien big
coats, and I believe that thedisappearance of the mister Biden could be at
treated to that. Yes, doyou meet big feet? Sounds a little
odd bigfoots whatever you'd like to callhim. They captured some of our dear

colleagues and we've never heard from themckame. That's very tragic. Well,
hey, colonel, I really appreciateyou coming on. Colonel Cornpop, thank
you for taking some time there.All right, I'm back on duty to
enjoy our in trumpid on the sceneScoop de Doo and his three eyewitnesses.

I guess we can't find the cannibalsanywhere, and that is most unfortunate,
you know. Can I do this? Though? I have my friend he
is Jimmy with an ie Jimmy,can you break the fourth Oh? I'm
sorry. I guess he did notplanning God having him odd as himself for

a moment. But a good friendof mine who is a voice actor and
comedian, Jimmy Viles there portraying somecharacters for us. As we could not
find and identify the cannibals, itis odd, especially when again you mix
it together with the other things foundthe body, because there used to be

there are a lot of cannibals forreal in that part of New Guinea.
My mom didn't live in Scranton sinceshe was nineteen fifty four. But hear
me say it before. Wall Streetdidn't build America. The middle class didn't
build the middle America. And youguys built the middle class. You just
built them. I'm Pittsburgh, andbecause I really mean it, huh,

I don't know. Some of thethings that come to the President's mind make
you concerned about his well being andthe state now of the White House under
his leadership? Do we call itleadership? Meanwhile, Joe Biden, of
course, pushing a tripling now ofChinese steel tariffs that we've been talking about,

and the economic malais that would comefrom that is deeply concerned, concerning,
and I think it's something not tobe trifled with. But alas here
we are in terms of the Bidenadministration and the President, who's in a
very difficult run for re election Ithink a lot harder than a lot of
the Democrats would like to admit.At the same time, I think Republicans

also have a harder race than someof them would like to admit, which
is exactly why, going back toa discussion earlier, Speaker of the House
Mike Johnson should not be removed fromthat position at this point in time,
maybe next year. Focus on thehere and now, the issue news you

must contend with, and the progressthat you can hope to make in terms
of electoral victories in November, anddon't distract from that, because right now
there's a lot to work with.We were just talking about inflation, talking

about the economic struggles of countless Americans, and yet we have a president who
still insists Bidenomics bidyamics all too helpfulfor his campaign. No, I don't
think so. When you give aname yourself, Look, Reaganomics was earned.
We were talking earlier about certain charactersin film earning respect, earning appreciation,

earning their strengths as a character,as opposed to just being told,
oh, well, this is afemale character, so we want you to
trust that they deserve to have allsorts of superpowers or whatever it is.
Well, in this case, youneed to have an earning in the political

world and in this context, andyou're not getting that when it comes to
creating a term like Bidenomics and saying, well, now, believe it,
adopt it, embrace it. BecauseReaganomics was earned. Reaganomics proved successful,
which is why people gave it thename Reaganomics. Ronald Reagan didn't come out

and give a speech and say,ladies and gentlemen, Reaganomics is great.
We love Reaganomics, believe in Reaganomics. But that's what Joe Biden is doing
when it comes to the economy.Believe in Bidenomics. And as polling shows,

the American people aren't buying it.They're not buying Bidenomics. And here's
a little tidbit now, going backto Steve Cortez writing in Newsweek, the
latest battleground state polling proves this point, which is the following. His point

was that the data in terms ofinflation and so forth, comes as no
surprise to regular Americans, especially tomiddle and low income ones. These economics
drivers know they are working harder onlyto get poorer, and they are appalled
at the prices they pay for basicnecessities like groceries. And so they go

into where Steve Cortez goes into thelatest battleground state polling, My populist right
labor organization, the League of AmericanWorkers, just surveyed the key swing state
of Wisconsin. Polling firm north StarOpinion Research sampled six hundred likely voters evenly
split between Donald Trump and Joe Bidentwenty twenty voters in the Badger State.

The top line number shows Trump upby one percent in a multi candidate field
in Wisconsin, a state where Bidenprevailed in twenty twenty by only twenty thousand
votes out of more than three pointtwo million cast. On economic issues,
the disenfranchisement with Biden intensifies while theupside potential for Trump becomes clear. For

instance, one key question of wereyou better off under Trump or Biden,
the former president has a commanding fiftyfour to thirty nine lead among undecided twenty
twenty four voters. Only sixteen percentsay they are better off with Biden.
The proof that campaigning on your ownterm of Biden nomics does not make people

believe that your economy is worth hailingas wonderful. You can't just slap a
name on it and inspect the brandis gonna stick. You've been trying that
for a while, Joe, andit has not worked, and clearly it
will not work so long as inflationcontinues apace and all these other economic issues

and frankly global issues continue unobated aswell. I'm Jimmy Sangenberger filling in for
Michael Brown. That's keep the conversationgoing with those talkbacks and texts coming in
at three three one zero three.Text Michael or Mike first, and then
get right onto your comment. Keepit right here. It's talk Radio six

point thirty kW Hello. Concerning theuh white liberals wanting to change our language
as a deplorable, I would likeus to start changing our language. Also,
it's not democrat, it's demon ratand it's not democratic, it's demon
radical. If we can all juststart referring to that, I think it

fits pretty darn well. Sorry,I just have to apologize for that audio
glip right there. My computer justwas like, yeah, I'm not working.
It happens. It happens. SoI love I love the fantastic brand
new Windows ninety eight machines we've gotin here. Oh that's always the case,
is it it? So I haveto say, in terms of good

old nicknames for Democrats, you know, I get it. I think I
think that's all well and good andin a little bit of a good fun
there. I don't necessarily use thatkind of language. That's not how I
roll, but I understand why otherpeople do, especially frustrated in this dynamic

of politics that we have today.Listener text coming in three three one zero
three is the number Americans for Prosperityhave the website biden Omics. Who on
Biden's staff didn't think to grab thaturl? Funny? It is a great
site that mocks all that Biden hasdone to the economy. Thanks for calling

our attention to AFP. Here isbiden amicx for you. Another goober texted
in, I drove past Carls Juniorand a Western bacon cheeseburgers sounded really good.
They're not even displaying prices anymore.I get to the window and the

medium meal was over fifteen dollars?Are you serious? For Carls Junior,
I didn't realize that Colorado turned intoCalifornia. Yeah, we've been California,
CA did That's that's literally ongoing inthis state right now now. I have
to go back to that bumper.Listener text came in, that's why we

never heard of this song, neitherDragon war Be nor me, and he
said dragon he or she. I'msurprised you haven't played I Eat Cannibals yet.
Very relevant given our discussion here againof good old uncle Joe, and
he became an Army Air Corps beforethe Air Force came home, used to
those single engine planes as a reconnaissanceover four zones. They got shot down

in New Guinea and they never foundthe body because there used to be a
lot of cannibals for real in thatpart of New Guinea. A lot of
cannibals for real in that part.That's really the first thing I think about
when somebody gets shot down, thatthey got eaten by a cannibal. That's
that's the first thing that pops intomy mind. I don't I don't understand.

But then again, how could wereally get into the mind of Joe
Biden, especially at this point intime. I mean, I'm trying to
be nice, I'm trying to besure. Yeah, but I mean again,
I just let's hear one more timefrom yesterday in Pittsburgh. I never
found the body because they used tothere are a lot of cannibals, for

real in that part of New Guinea. My mom didn't live in Scranton since
she was nineteen fifty four. Buthear me say it before, Wall Street
didn't build America. The middle classdidn't build the middle America and you guys
built the middle class. You justbuilt them. I'm Pittsburgh, and because
I really mean it, you knowthe thing the speaks for itself. Okay,

I want to get to this onebefore we go to our top of
the hour break. The last thingis the US that US citizenship needs are
another false or to sacrifice their sonstoo for a bloodthirsty, warmongering congress whose
own children will most certainly not besent to die. Unless you personally or

your children are going to be enlisteningto this war, you should not be
calling for it. And you're crazyfrom a disgruntled veteran, So let me
just say, I don't think Americantroops should be sent to fight in Israel
or in Ukraine. I never saidthat, never implied that, only that

the United States should continue to providesupport. I was a kid when we
invaded Afghanistan, unto Rock, whichgoes to show that throughout my life,
mostly from the much of my lifewas eleven when we invaded Afghanistan. Throughout
much of my life, we havebeen at war. Millennial generation has only

known war. So I'm with youon that. Don't get me wrong there,
and I don't think that's what mostpeople who are supporting continued US assistance
to Israel and Ukraine are suggesting inany way, shape or form, that
Americans should shed blood for those countries. No, it's not necessary either,

just provide I'd support an AID aswe can do and should continue to do,
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