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December 5, 2023 72 mins

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Dive deep into the world of quantum theory, wellness, spirituality, epigenetics and the power of frequencies in this episode with Jorge Patrono. 

Jorge is a professional musician and documentary film maker in the edutainment space focused on distributing consciousness information to Latin America. His documentary "Your Life, Your Creation" features pioneers in consciousness such as Dr. Bruce Liption, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Gregg Braden & Marianne Williamson.

Tune in to discover ways to harness energy for health, learn about groundbreaking tech like Biowell & HeartMath, and prepare for an awakening journey.

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0:00 Jorge Patrono - The Startup of Human Potential
00:00 Introduction and Guest Presentation
02:09 Jorge's Journey into Music and Spirituality
02:46 The Power of Music and Neuroplasticity
08:57 Jorge's Career Evolution and Discovering Frequencies
09:20 Understanding the Power of Frequencies
18:48 Jorge's Personal Journey of Healing and Self-Discovery
21:15 The Role of Emotions and Chemical Reactions in Health
23:35 The Power of Consciousness and Coherence
25:43 Jorge's Exploration of Different Schools of Thought
27:29 Understanding the Impact of Our Emotions on Our Health
36:52 The Power of BioWell in Early Disease Detection
37:19 The Impact of Medication and Treatment on the Body's Energy
37:58 Exploring the Effects of Different Activities on Energy Levels
38:46 The Importance of Staying Centered and Conscious
39:11 Understanding Our Frequencies and Their Impact on Our Reality
39:50 The Connection Between Heart and Brain Frequencies
40:56 The Power of Coherence in Shaping Our Reality
43:48 The Role of Frequencies in Business and Relationships
44:41 The Role of Frequencies in Our Health and Well-being
45:06 The Power of Laughter and Positive Frequencies
46:21 The Impact of Our Environment on Our Frequencies
51:17 Understanding Our Genetic Expression and Its Impact on Our Health
52:58 The Role of Frequencies in Our Health and Disease
56:09 The Power of Changing Our Environment and Frequencies
58:09 The Power of Consciousness and Subconsciousness in Shaping Our Reality
01:00:30 The Impact of Our Beliefs and Emotions on Our Health
01:02:30 The Power of Love and Fear in Shaping Our Health

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Episode Transcript

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Victoria Petrovsky (00:01):
Welcome to the Startup of Human Potential.
We're your co-hosts.

Clifton Smith (00:04):
I'm Clifton

Victoria Petrovsky (00:05):
And I'm Victoria.

Clifton Smith (00:07):
and together we're Faces of the Future.
Faces of the Future is apersonal development platform at
the intersection ofconsciousness, innovation, and
We're excited to have you joinus on our show.

Victoria Petrovsky (00:21):
And today we're joined by ourgood friend Jorge Patrono

Jorge Patrono (00:27):
Hello guys.

Victoria Petrovsky (00:28):
Jorge is a music and video creator
passionate about science andspirituality.
He introduces a lot of moreesoteric and spiritual concepts
to the global Hispaniccommunity, and he works as a
bridge between the internationalmarket and the Latin market in
the edutainment industry,helping them bring that
information into everyday life.

His latest project he's workingon is a documentary about
science and spirituality calledYour Life, your Creation.
In Spanish.
It's called Tu vida tu creation.
I hope that pronunciation wasokay,

Jorge Patrono (01:00):
Yes, that's right.

Victoria Petrovsky (01:01):
and it's a bilingual project featuring 28
experts from all over the world.
He's got the big shots in therelike Dr.
Bruce Lipton, Dr.
Joe Dispenza, Greg Braden,Marian Williamson, just to name
a few.
Jorge works with sound and lightfrequencies and different
technologies related to humanenergy, electro photonic
imaging, structured water, heartand brain coherence, and sacred

So all of this body of work thatJorge has assimilated through
his whole life is working a loton health prevention, right?
So, Jorge, we're so, so, soexcited to have you on the show.

Jorge Patrono (01:39):
Thank you for the invitation.
It's a pleasure.

Victoria Petrovsky (01:42):
So just to catch our listenersup, I wanna introduce how we met
We met Jorge when we wereworking on a water project.
We were exploring differentpathways that water can fuel
consciousness from, likestructured water to alkaline
And here we are today.

Jorge Patrono (02:05):
After a long time,

Victoria Petrovsky (02:06):
Yes, yes, yes.

Jorge Patrono (02:08):
a couple of years passed

Victoria Petrovsky (02:09):

Jorge Patrono (02:09):

Clifton Smith (02:09):
So with all of this, Jorge how did it start,
you've got many differentprojects going on, but how did
it all start?

Jorge Patrono (02:17):
I start as a musician.
My father was, a big producer inArgentina capital records for
many, many years.
And I grew up in recordingstudios, radio stations and TV
sets, and and I have it in myblood.
So, the main thing for me wasthe drums.
I mean, I always was attractedto the drums and since I was two

years old and when I was 11, Istarted I had my teacher for the
first time when I was 11 yearsold.
And since then, I never stoppedit's my passion.
And later on I understood howgood it was for me to become a
drummer, because when you, well,any instrument is amazing.
Any musical instrument isamazing for the development of

your brain.
But the more limbs.
that you use to learnindependently how to move them.
For example, the drums, you are,you have four limbs now.
You have a brain that has twohemispheres.
Everything works in parallel,uh, from the factory.
We come from the factory witheverything parallel.

Now, the moment that you want todo something,

Victoria Petrovsky (03:25):

Jorge Patrono (03:26):
crossing the information from one brain to
the next one, to the other one,one is hemisphere and the other,
you need to learn

Victoria Petrovsky (03:33):

Jorge Patrono (03:33):
you need to create a cabling of that.
And that is, is the only way ispracticing.
You know?

Clifton Smith (03:41):
So what's an example of that Jorge?
How do you cross hemispheres?

Jorge Patrono (03:44):
well, if I move my right hand, I'm, I try to
move it at the same time as myleft foot.

Victoria Petrovsky (03:50):

Clifton Smith (03:52):
Oh, I see.

Jorge Patrono (03:53):
you try do this together, you can't.

Track 1 (03:56):
Also, drummers are usuallycrossing their hands in like the

Jorge Patrono (04:00):
Well, that's another problem.
But we are talking about the twohemispheres.
You have one right side.
One left side.
So you move this the right legand the right arm at the same
No problem.
The left, no problem.
When you cross them

Clifton Smith (04:14):
I got it.

Jorge Patrono (04:16):
left, right or left right, you have to learn
And those are connections thatyou're creating now after many,
many years.
And, studying with different,scientists and all this stuff, I
realized that that gives youwhat is called neuroplasticity.

Victoria Petrovsky (04:33):
Mm mm-Hmm.

Jorge Patrono (04:35):
Neuroplasticity is when you can jump from one
side to the other one and, puteverything in the same context
because the right side is more,

jorge-patrono_2_10-19-2023_ (04:43):
you know,

Jorge Patrono (04:43):
creative and passionate and intuitive.
The other one is logic.

jorge-patrono_2_10-19-2023_ (04:47):
You know,

Jorge Patrono (04:47):
You think a lot you analyze.
So if when you put themtogether, it is like.
Analyzing, but at the same timebeing in the flow.
Or open to receive informationfrom the quantum field and then
logically put it into thisfield.
So you are using both.
So you are complete.

Actually the brain is working asone unit.
Usually it's working as oneunit.
But the thing is, well, we arevery logical.
We are, very emotional and atthe same time, we are jumping
from one side to the other.
So our life is also jumping fromone thing to the other.
It is very difficult to projectyourself.
Now, neuroplasticity is veryimportant.

Joe Dispenza talks about this alot and you know, Bruce Lipton
also in epigenetics.
So without knowing the drums,helped me to be part of that
And to put it into my life.
Since I was very, very young.
So I believe that that's onething I believe that every kid

should grow up learning someinstrument, guitar, piano,
whatever it is, because actuallyit brings so much, openness
between heart and brain,

Victoria Petrovsky (05:57):

Jorge Patrono (05:58):
physical body, the stress.
You release a lot of stress andanxiety.
I mean, there's so many thingsthat are really good.
So unfortunately, some schools,they right now don't have a
music course or something tosupport them.
You know, it should be as, itshould be.
Also, physical activity, thesports, both things.

But I believe that music isessential, when you grow up.
And now when I was, 30 yearsold.
I realized that I, in my career,I was already a professional
musician as a drummer, that wasthe only thing that I was doing,
playing the drums.
And I decided to come to theUnited States because I wanted
to go further with my career inmy country.
I was already at the top onthat.

And I said, well, what, whatelse can I do?
And all my mentors were here.
All the great musicians that I

Victoria Petrovsky (06:48):

Jorge Patrono (06:49):
you know, my whole life, they were here.
So I said, well, I came to theUnited States.
I came to Los Angeles.
I had an aunt, and a cousin thatlived here for many, many years.
And so I came and I studypercussion and drums with an
amazing teacher that was veryold, 80 something, 85 years old,
almost blind, but he was the inLos Angeles.

Every professional went to seehim.
It was only for professionals.
He didn't, teach anybody thatwas not a professional.
So I had to wait for six months.
I was in the waiting list and Istudied with him for two years.
And after that I started workingwith different musicians and I
realized that

jorge-patrono_2_10-19-2023_1 (07:30):

Jorge Patrono (07:31):
I had ideas to compose music I never compose
And I started composing music.
And then I started producinggroups in the at that time the
Grammys were there was no LatinGrammys.
It was only one Grammy, which isthe American Grammy, but it was
three categories for HispanicLatin music.

So the one that I worked on wasbest Mexican American
That was the name of the

Victoria Petrovsky (07:57):

Jorge Patrono (07:58):
And why that?
Well, I didn't know English.
So when I came here, I startedworking with Mexican musicians
because Los Angeles is full ofMexican musicians.
So, I started working with themand I understood their music,
and different things.
And then I realized that I couldcompose and produce.
I did it.
And I got two Grammy nominationsout of that 1990.
Long, long time Many, many moonsago, months ago.

So I'm pretty old as you candeduct out of that.
that So the thing is after that,I started thinking about video
production, and I met a producerfrom one of the big networks in
LA in, in the United States, inSpanish Univision from Miami.
And, we started producingmusical shows for the Hispanic

So I learned vision productionand because I learned that
afterwards, I mean, many, manyyears later I was able do the
documentary because before itwas impossible for me.
So I learned how to edit, how touse after Effects, all that
Now the transition between beinga musician and doing what I'm

doing right now, which isedutainment, education through
entertainment, I'm notinterested in music for
I'm interested in music forfrequency use.
Based on the frequencies.
And and I can see that thefrequencies are amazing.
Is everything is everywhere,

Clifton Smith (09:20):
How did you come to that conclusion?
'cause our listeners, some mightknow that frequency is really
important, some might not.
How did you come to thatrealization?

Jorge Patrono (09:31):
I mean, there are a couple of geniuses before that
mentioned this.
Like everybody knows Tesla.
And Tesla said, everything isenergy, vibration and
There's nothing else.

jorge-patrono_2_10-19-2023_ (09:41):

Jorge Patrono (09:42):
Einstein said it also, and then Royal Rife in in
1930 was starting to usefrequencies to, to cure any
disease, especially cancer.
And and he was successful ahundred percent.
So when you see that it's like,wow, man, there's something that
we are missing.

Victoria Petrovsky (10:00):

Jorge Patrono (10:01):
We are not understanding actually what we
What this is.
Whatever we see and we touch andwe can tune in with the five
senses that we have.
In the documentary I put in, inyour life creation I made an
association between the power ofour five senses the reality of

all the frequencies that are inthe

Victoria Petrovsky (10:24):

Jorge Patrono (10:24):
that we cannot even contemplate or tune in
And it is the same as a grain ofsand in comparison to the Empire
So with a grain of sand, we wantto understand the universe.
It's impossible.
It's impossible because actuallythere's not info enough
information for anything.
It's just a grain of salt or agrain of as sand.

So that's how limited we are inthe third dimension.
Inside this vehicle that hasfive senses, or five, whatever
it is, that you can call them.
The sensors are, reading theenvironment in different

Track 1 (10:58):

Jorge Patrono (10:59):
but is that the reality is that all there is or
there's something else.
And that's a question that Istarted asking myself.
And when I came to the UnitedStates, not only I found great
musicians, but also great mindsthat were related to science,

Victoria Petrovsky (11:16):

Jorge Patrono (11:17):

Victoria Petrovsky (11:18):

Jorge Patrono (11:19):
biology, and neuroscience.
And when I started reading thatand watching videos and all
stuff I'm meeting, I wanted tomeet them in person.
I always go to the source.
Always to the source.
So if somebody talks about, Idon't know, something that Joe
Dispensa said, I go to JoeDispenza.
If somebody talks aboutepigenetics, I go to Bruce

I don't want people, translatingthat for me or, interpreting
something, because usually it'slike, the broken phone, you
So when you start, telling theother one on the other one at
the end of the chain, themessage is completely different.
So I always go to the source,and I found the course in

Marianne Williamson I foundEpigenetics.
Bruce Lipton, I found, HeartBrain Coherence, Rollin McCraty,
all of,

Victoria Petrovsky (12:09):
And now they are all in your documentary,

Jorge Patrono (12:12):
and then ended in the That was, but that was not
the intention.

Victoria Petrovsky (12:17):

Jorge Patrono (12:18):
Because actually when I for example, when I came
I already studied I don't knowif you know the fourth way

jorge-patrono_2_10-19-2023_ (12:25):

Victoria Petrovsky (12:25):

Jorge Patrono (12:26):
That was a school from the, an eastern school that
was very, very intense.
And I learned a lot about that,about, for example, there was an
exercise that I did when I was20 years old.
That was the exercise of thestop

Victoria Petrovsky (12:37):

Jorge Patrono (12:38):
and the exercise of the stop is you were in,
meeting with people, in a roomand they were talking and the
teacher said, stop.
You have to stop and realizewhat was in your head and what
was the intention in your body?
What were your movements how youwere presenting yourself in that

And that makes you conscious oraware of the subconscious mind,
whatever was working behindconsciousness and that you are
not conscious about it.
We have to understand that 95%of our day is subconscious.
And very little is reallyconscious.

Unconscious is present time, butwe are always projecting future
and past, always completely,always.
We have an ego that is workingall the time, saying, okay, this
is bad for you.
This is good for you based onexperiences, what experiences
from the past and how do youproject that to the future?
what's going on now in thepresent moment?

So we lose the present momentbecause we are thinking all the
time, going back and forththings that we learned and
things that we project.
But I mean, what we learn isfine, but the projection may be,
may happen or not.
It's something that and we reactto that, is what Lipton talks
Our emotions and everything thathappens to us that we project,
but never happen.

But it creates the biologybecause of the emotions that we
All the chemical reaction, allthe stuff.
Even though the present time hasnothing to do with

Victoria Petrovsky (14:12):
that Right.

Jorge Patrono (14:13):
So the thing is, when we understand that, we say,
okay, I will always be in thesubconscious mind for a long
period of time during the day,but how long I'll be with an
idea during the day that willcreate a frequency that will
bring my present experience.

Victoria Petrovsky (14:33):

Jorge Patrono (14:33):
That's the main thing that we have that I'm

Victoria Petrovsky (14:36):
on Mm-Hmm.

Jorge Patrono (14:36):
How many times I'm anguishedbecause of something?
How many times I'm stressed outbecause of something that I'm

Victoria Petrovsky (14:44):
or something that is happeningright now.
But instead of thinking thatway, go back to the present
moment and say, what can you doright now in relationship to
Don't go to the future becausethe future, we don't know.
We don't know what, what canhappen.
Maybe it won't happen.
And we are thinking aboutsomething that is, is Mm-Hmm.

Jorge Patrono (15:07):
and we are living the stress now for something
that we're projecting in thefuture.
That may never happen, but itcreates the present right now.
And we don't know.
I said, and we call that luck orbad luck.

Victoria Petrovsky (15:21):

Jorge Patrono (15:22):
No, it's a creation.
Oh, it's all the time ofcreation.
And we can talk about that lateron.
But the thing is this, when Irealized that, I said, well,
okay, what else can I learnhere?
And I went through differentschools that, that were the
fourth way from go, Gurdjieff,mainly.
And I didn't like them.

So I ended up one day, I don'tremember exactly how I went
I was driving for sunsetBoulevard, going to Pacific
Palaces, and then went down tothe beach and before I saw a
temple, beautiful temple.
And it was the Lake Shrine fromParamahansa Yogananda.

Victoria Petrovsky (16:00):
Yeah, it's a beautiful spot.

Jorge Patrono (16:01):
And beautiful place.
I, I fell in love immediately.
So I went in there.
I mean, the temple was not readyyet.
It was not done.
It was just the chapel down bythe lake.

Victoria Petrovsky (16:12):

Jorge Patrono (16:13):
At that time.
There was no temple.
It was just parking lot.
I went there.
I saw the windmill chapel.
I saw the gardens.
I saw the lake.
The energy was unbelievable.
I said, this place is amazing.
I saw the choir.
There was a choir singing, and Ijoined the choir.

Victoria Petrovsky (16:31):

Jorge Patrono (16:32):
Yeah, I joined the choir because something tell
told me, you have to be

Victoria Petrovsky (16:36):
here Mm-Hmm.
And I stayed there for a coupleof years.
I help when they startedbuilding the temple upstairs.
I help with the audio video.
I was part of the team Oh wow.

Jorge Patrono (16:49):
to put on the ceiling and cameras,
microphones, So it was amazing,and then I did the Kriya yoga
full course of two years thatthey teach there.
And that blew me away.
That was really amazingunderstanding many, many things.
The power of the mind, theheart, all the stuff you know.
Now that was very I mean, it wasrelated to, deep meditation,

Samadhi, all the stuff, that isnot easy that I have.
You have to practiceenergization exercises, 38
energization exercises that youdo before doing deep meditation
to prepare the body isscientific.
I mean, Paramahansa Yoganandawas a scientist actually of
spirituality and mind, andthere's a science behind it.

And he was really a, an amazingteacher.
And when you follow what heteaches, it's much easier to go
into deep meditationunderstanding Samadhi and what
happened with him, all thestuff.
So that was the beginning of anew search.
When I met Paramahansa'steachings, then I realized that

I wanted to know more thingsabout different, branches of
And then I read the biology ofbelief and it was like an aha
Now why?
The biology of belief for me waslike the Bible.
Because I was sick, my wholeinfancy and

Victoria Petrovsky (18:18):

Jorge Patrono (18:19):
And when I was a teenager untilI was 20 something, my mom was a
hypochondriac and she was almostalways having some kind of
And I grew up with that in mind.
That was normal to be sick.
And she was very hard with mewhen I was in school, that I had
to, have good grades and thisand that.

So she was like a sergeant, inmy house, and it was difficult
for me because actually I had tobe perfect and I had to do
everything perfect.

Victoria Petrovsky (18:47):

Jorge Patrono (18:48):
And, at some point I realized that sick, and
this was when I was here, Irealized that, after
understanding many, many things,one day it came to my, my, my
mind and it said, okay, that'swhat happened to me when I was
My mother was the mother that Iwant.

Victoria Petrovsky (19:09):

Jorge Patrono (19:10):
She was.
Emotional, she was nurturing,she was tender.
She was not a sergeant anymore'cause I was sick and I was in
So for me it was a way to getclose to her.

Victoria Petrovsky (19:24):

Jorge Patrono (19:26):
Now to realize that, it is not easy.
Because actually you have anidea that your mother is the
best thing, blah, blah, blah,blah, blah, blah.
But in my case, it was not thebest thing.
It was really traumatic

Victoria Petrovsky (19:40):

Jorge Patrono (19:41):
and it was reflected in my health for you
to understand.
I had four bronchitis every yearof 15 days.
Each one with penicillin shotsand all the stuff, nebulization,
asthma, all the stuff.
I lost two full years betweenelementary school and and you

call it one is elementary school

Victoria Petrovsky (20:05):
Middle School.

Jorge Patrono (20:06):
I mean, which

Victoria Petrovsky (20:08):
iNtermediate school.

Jorge Patrono (20:08):
Elementary school and middle school, two full
I lost 60 days per year forscholar year.
I mean, I was always sick.
Now, when I have kids, Irealized how crazy my house was,
how crazy my relationship withmy mother was how bad the whole

thing was because my kids werenever sick.

Victoria Petrovsky (20:33):

Jorge Patrono (20:34):
for me, when you talk about the family

Victoria Petrovsky (20:37):
tree Mm-Hmm.

Jorge Patrono (20:38):
well, I think I chopped it off.

Victoria Petrovsky (20:40):

Jorge Patrono (20:41):
It's a new tree, completely

Victoria Petrovsky (20:43):
All the work that you were doing on your
subconscious and conscious

Jorge Patrono (20:47):
It's reflected into my kids, okay?
And I realized that I made allthe mistakes.
Of course every parent makesmistakes, but I didn't repeat
the same mistakes that I wentthrough when I was a kid.
Once I understood that it was ahuge weight, that it was on

that, that was on my

Victoria Petrovsky (21:09):

Jorge Patrono (21:09):
that, vanished immediately and it was lighter
and I could, be more in chargeof my life.

Victoria Petrovsky (21:15):
So, Jorge, tying together whatyou just shared about how your
mom was a hypochondriac andgrowing up in that kind of
environment, plus with thiswhole biology of belief,
epigenetics, conversation,subconscious versus conscious.
What's like that connection thatyou're creating scenarios where
you actually get sick because ofthe belief that there's

something wrong with you, right?

Jorge Patrono (21:39):
Well, there's something called the comfort
The comfort zone is notcomfortable.
It is the zone that you are mostoften, that you stay in that
zone, most often during the day,weeks and months and years.
You know, you're used to that.
Even though you're suffering,even though you don't like it,
even though you complain.

But we are, we have anotherthing going on.
Every emotion creates a chemicalreaction and we get addicted to
that chemical reaction

Victoria Petrovsky (22:08):
And we just talked in our previous episode
with actually another musician,Coleman Trapp with addiction to
neurotransmitters and hormonesbeing secreted in the body.

Jorge Patrono (22:19):
We have a laboratory inside, andit depends on our thoughts our
emotions and our coherence orincoherence and also our
microbiome, so there are manythings that create chemicals in
our body, and can have chemicalsthat are healthy for you and
chemicals that are dangerous foryou.

Cancer is because you create somany chemicals that are

Victoria Petrovsky (22:41):
acidic Mm-Hmm.

Jorge Patrono (22:43):
You change the apoptosis, inflammation in the
cell, it becomes an independentcell.
And grow, grow, grow grows untilthe whole body is dead.
Why that happens?
Well, because you created somany chemicals that creates
acidity, inflammation apoptosis,many things.
And for a period of time, manyyears, actually, it doesn't

happen in months.
It happen in, for example, thetumor takes seven years to show
up as a physical thing.
So you have seven years to stopit, before you can see it.
But if you don't see it, how doyou know that, that you are
creating that inside your body?
Well go inside and say, how do Ifeel Most of the time,

Victoria Petrovsky (23:22):

Jorge Patrono (23:23):
and there are two main emotions, love and fear.
The everything else is like, 50shades of gray it's the same
50 shades of Grey could be 50shades of fear, shades of love.
So different things, but thechemical reactions are
completely opposite.
Love creates health, and fearcreates disease.

Victoria Petrovsky (23:45):

Jorge Patrono (23:45):
If you are too long in that emotion

Victoria Petrovsky (23:49):

Jorge Patrono (23:50):
and if that, that's the force that is driving
your life today.
For example, when I have peoplein my sessions and we go through
the heart brain coherence, I cantell you that 95% cannot go into
coherence unless I do anexercise that I learned from
Paramahansa Yogananda.

The Ham So

Victoria Petrovsky (24:13):
I remember when we were at your studio with
Clifton and you hooked us up tothe Heart Coherence EM Wave
Machine and the Bio WellMachine, and you gave us that
I think that you gave us threeexercises.
The first one was to think aboutsomething that makes you angry.
The second was thinking ofsomething that you love or you

feel grateful for.
And then the third one was themantra.
So and what happened with youClifton?

Clifton Smith (24:40):
So, my mind just went offbecause I thought it was so hum
and I was, that's how it waspassed to me.
So I'm here trying to bepeacefully saying it, but then
my mind was like, wait it's soham ham, so, so ham my mind was
completely out of coherence inthat exercise

Jorge Patrono (24:55):
the thing, the good thing about these tools is
that we can see what we

Clifton Smith (24:58):
feel Yeah.
And it feels like that's oneyour major missions, right?
Is you've taken a lot of yourlife experience and you've
learned from the masters, somany great teachers and you
combine it into a documentarythe next step for science is to
be able to observe, measure andcreate experiments to repeat.

And so, is that kind of whereyou're at now?
Or how, take us through, thesemore, soft, practices to hard
I know that you have theBiowell, you have these emWave
How did you transition intothese hard science devices?

Jorge Patrono (25:35):
Well, they came to me because actually when you
follow a path, a lot of thingsjust come to you.
And that's what it is.
I, it's not that I was lookingfor, but things were happening,
and every time.
I learned something out of theHam So For example You said So
Ham soham.
I know it's the same thing, butit comes from a different

Now it doesn't matter what yousay, you can say whatever you
want in your mind, the onlything that you have to do is to
keep this, the frontal lobebusy.
That's the only reason why youdo that.
So when you do that, and I knowyou know this, but you know,
just for the audience, when youdo that and you keep the frontal
lobe, the frontal lobe can doone thing at a time.

It cannot multitask.
That's a lie.
You can change thoughts faster,

Victoria Petrovsky (26:24):

Jorge Patrono (26:24):
but it's never overlapping.
The subconscious mind can do 1million things at a time.
It's doing it right now.
It's doing it, because the bodyis working, because the
subconscious mind.
So the thing is, what happenswhen you are doing the Ham So?
And some idea comes that hasnothing to do with the hon Ham
Well that's in your subconsciousmind.

And usually that is not a goodthing.
That thing that comes to stopthe Ham So is your ego bringing
something because it's afraid oflosing power.
That's the main problem there.
So we have to understand the egois survival and it's a good
thing because actually if youtouch fire and you burn

yourself, next time you seefire, you don't touch it because
actually the ego will tell you,listen, the experience that we
had before, that's not gonna begood for you.
don't do it.
That's good.
The problem is when you live insurvival mode all the time and
survival mode could be triggeredby anything.
You know it, it depends on yourperception of something.

Now, one of the things that Ilearned long time ago, and it
was very difficult for me tounderstand, I came from the
course in miracles it'severything is neutral.

Victoria Petrovsky (27:35):

Jorge Patrono (27:37):
And you say, well, how can it be neutral?
Well, it's neutral becauseactually in the duality that we
live right now, nothing can bebad by itself or good by itself.
It's always both polarities

Victoria Petrovsky (27:52):

Jorge Patrono (27:53):
which one you are really, who being in tune with,
there's nothing here that'sabsolute in this world that we
live in.
The third dimension, nothing isabsolute.
So there's nothing that is purelove and nothing that is pure
It has both.
So where am I?
Well, what is my perception ofthat?

Well, the association that Ihave with that, that thing that
is happening and associationperception is basically anything
I can think about.
Anything I can see the microsay, this is bad or good, it
doesn't matter.
You know, adjectives are veryhuman.
They're not divine.
They're not Quantum.

Quantum is absolute.

Victoria Petrovsky (28:38):
Can you give us an example of what you mean,

Jorge Patrono (28:42):
Well, yeah.
I mean, when I see something andI say this is good or this is
In relation to what?
to what?

Victoria Petrovsky (28:51):
We don't have the bigger picturein what we're observing.
We see like a specific snapshotin time, in linear time, and we
may observe, oh, this is bad.
This is good, but we can'texactly see like where
everything is going or the planof the higher intelligence and
the universe.
can you dive into a little bitwhat the bio Well does and how

you use the tool?

Jorge Patrono (29:14):
It's, is the energy field.
It's not the aura, it is theenergy field of the human being
and is using a Kirlianphotography technology, which is
not new.
The new thing is a software thatinterprets the images of the 10

Victoria Petrovsky (29:30):
So when Clifton and I came overto Jorge's Wellness Studio, you
have a sensor on the Biowell andwe put each fingerprint down
So you do your right thumb,right forefinger right middle
So on.
Then you switch to left hand andyou do the whole left hand and
it scans the body and it looksat the meridians, the organ
systems, the chakras.

Jorge Patrono (29:51):
You have three modalities inside the software.
One is allopathy, which issystems and organs like
medicine, normal medicine.
Then Ayurveda, which is thechakra system, which is
emotional system.
And then you have meridians of,uh, Chinese uh, acupuncture With
those three, you are analyzingthe whole system.

We call the human being from theenergy point of

Victoria Petrovsky (30:17):
So Now we understand that ofwhen fingerprints down, you get
a picture of what the wholeenergy field looks like, where
there might be deficiencies,irregularities, where things are

Jorge Patrono (30:29):
because each finger is related to different
organs and systems.

Victoria Petrovsky (30:33):
So when you see the circle ofthe finger, it's like, looking
at a pie.
That has slices divided by themeridians of the Chinese
acupuncture Mm-Hmm.

Jorge Patrono (30:48):
So when you have that for example, the thumb, the
right thumb is related maybe isnot, but it is like saying, okay
this part, this portion islungs, this portion is the
liver, portion So each fingerhas that information.
Map of the human bodies andOkay?
So based on that, it gives youthe image of the energy the way

is distributed around the body.
And now what we look for isinterruptions or flares.
Or emptiness, so when you seethat, then you apply different
things, structured water, forexample.
You can see it in 15 minutes.
That improves the flow of theenergy.
Now the energy is like a river,The Biowell is taking pictures

of a river It's moving all thetime.
That's why you cannot do justone reading.
You have to have four, and youget the average the four because
actually what repeats true.
But some things happen justonce,

Victoria Petrovsky (31:48):
in a river.
So one is before, one is you doan intervention, like drink the
structured water.
You do one after, or what arethe other two

Jorge Patrono (32:00):
The first two is when the person comes to the
session one after the other one.
So you see the baseline.
The third one is after movingthe heart, doing, sit ups or
something when you're agitatedbecause you need to see what
happens with the energy field.
When you do exercise, right.
And then when you calm downagain, so you see how fast the

person goes back to a stable

Clifton Smith (32:23):
Is that related to heart rate variability or?

Jorge Patrono (32:28):
no, no, because our rate variability is
emotional more than anythingelse.
We need to know the physicalfirst, then we go to the
emotional and we see what'sgoing on.
But the Heart Brain coherencewill show up in the chakra
system It's the first thing youwill see a difference.

Now the structured water, you'llsee in the energy field.
It's because it has negativeions, it has a different kind of
It has more oxygen.
So immediately the river flowsbetter And you can see in the
legs and the head mainly.

Clifton Smith (33:04):
So, are you finding uses for these
technologies then to assess thedifferent layers of people's
You know, this first exercise isall around the physical body
you're testing and measuring,the Ham So, measures the
emotional body.
How did you come to thesedifferent kinds of tests?
Because obviously a tool is atool like Bio Well is Bio Well,

but it's how you use it, right?
How did you.

Jorge Patrono (33:29):
They compliment each other.
They compliment each other.
That's what I realized.
I started with each ones in aseparate way.
And then little by littleworking on myself, I realized
that they compliment each other.

Victoria Petrovsky (33:42):

Jorge Patrono (33:43):
There's one part that is more physical more,
another part that is moreethereal.
Another part that is more mind,so now there's something else.
Because when you start workingwith frequencies, which is a
whole new topic, we have tounderstand that we are like a
radio station that transmits andreceives the same thing that you

It's like a radio.
We are radios and the thing isbeing aware of what is that I'm
transmitting is key for how yourlife is gonna be physically
emotionally, mentally, if youdon't know.
Which frequency predominates inyou every day.

Your life is like a tennis ballthat goes from one side to the
other, one of the court, and younever know where it's gonna end
we call that luck, which Ibelieve, and I used to believe
that it was true that we werelucky or unlucky not anymore.
I don't see life as a chance.

I see life as a design.
The only way you can design, ifyou know the tools, you cannot
design anything if you don'tknow what tools you have And how
to use those tools.
So we have different tools, wehave tools that are physical,
for example, in microbiome,which is essential.
And nobody, I mean now is a lotof people are talking about

that, you know, SIBO and allthis stuff that happens with the
leaky gut

Clifton (35:16):
We had a previous podcast guest couple, Erika and
Dario of Keefer Labs, who is allaround helping the gut.
So tune into that one to getmore details about that.
But, Keep going.
Keep going.

Victoria Petrovsky (35:28):
I was gonna say, I love how the conversation
from each episode of our guestsis stacking to build a complete
picture of what wellness is, ofwhat consciousness is and yeah.
thank you.
Of course.

Jorge Patrono (35:39):
those are complimentary tools.
If you understand theinformation that each one of
them is giving you, and you putall of them in a wider spectrum,
You can have a better picture ofwhat we are and where we are.
For example bio well doesn'tcure anything.
It's for preventive We can say Isee this or that, and there's
too much energy.

What does it mean if I see toomuch energy in the prostate zone
of a man that is over 50 Well,my question is, have you checked
your prostate lately?
And he will tell me, you know,it's been three years since I
went to the, well, it will be agood idea to go and check it
out, to see what's going on,because I can see a lot of
energy here.
Now, accumulation of energy atsome point is not good Because

it means that it's working toomuch And it's asking for a lot
of energy that could beallocated in other parts of the
body that needs, so you have tounderstand if you don't have
energy, you don't have health.
And if the energy is stuck insome part of your body.
That part of the body is thefirst one that is gonna be sick

That's what it means.
Now, I cannot tell you if you'resick or not, but I can tell you,
check it out.

Victoria Petrovsky (36:50):

Jorge Patrono (36:52):
And if I tell you, check it out, and it's in
the early stages, you get rid ofit very simply, now if you, for
example, some people may come tosee me and they already have
They already have cancer, andthey know they're going through
chemotherapy and radiation, allthis stuff.
Well, how can we use thistechnology?

Well, this technology, theBiowell technology gives us the
information before and after,

Victoria Petrovsky (37:17):

Jorge Patrono (37:19):
So if the person is taking medicine that is
pretty heavy chemotherapy andradiation is very heavy for the
We measure the energy before thesession and after the session
and we see which organ systemsuffer the most.
And then we can support that.
For example, the liver is reallysuffering a lot because it has
to filter a lot of uh,chemicals, The kidneys also,

different things and say, well,okay, we have to support that.
And you can see it on thescreen.
You can see how that organsystem changed before and after.
So that's the way we use this,and we can use it with anything.
We can use it with before andafter meditation, before and
after whatever.

Victoria Petrovsky (37:57):
Jorge mailed us the tool.
Jorge, we were doing some testsat home and you were on the
phone giving support for how toread the scan and Clifton and I
did every single intervention.
We did, like you said, beforemeditation, after meditation
before we did the VibrAcoustictherapy bed.
After we did that before yoga.
After yoga, before I drink mymorning drink after we got a

little bit obsessed

Jorge Patrono (38:21):
Well, no, but the good thing is that then you
realize what is doing somethinggood for you what is not, and
then you can change your habits,we are people of habits, Human
We have strong habits andsometimes we don't even see
that, because it's so embeddedinside us that we are so used to

it that we don't realize that wehave that,

Clifton Smith (38:47):
Jorge, mentioned before, maybe if you could help
our listeners understand a bit,you mentioned that sometimes
people ping pong in their day today and it's about staying,
How do they do that?
Or what are some tips thatyou've found to, to help them
stay centered?

Jorge Patrono (39:05):
Well, to talk about that, we have to go to the

Clifton (39:09):
My favorite.

Jorge Patrono (39:11):
If we're radio stations, we need to be aware.
If we are broadcasting,rap,classical music, country
music whatever it is, if wedon't know what we're
broadcasting, well we are lost,completely lost.
Whatever happens, happens, Andwhy is that?
Because actually the first thingis what I feel, what I think,

What I say and what I do, fourfrequencies, Those are the main
frequencies that we have.
In a daily base, fourfrequencies.
Now if I go to place and I feelsomething, because the first
thing, the heart is faster thanthe brain.
So the thing is this, the heart,which is magnetic, goes into the

brain that is electric And itcreates an electric magnetic

Victoria Petrovsky (40:00):
when they work together.
Otherwise, two different things.
Which one is attracting more?
I don't know which one isstronger.

Jorge Patrono (40:09):
So that's the one that is bringing your reality.
Now, if after that you saysomething that it has, that is
not working with the, what youfelt and what you thought,
because you have to, forexample, fit in.
You're in a room with otherpeople.
You go in, into the room andyou, you don't feel comfortable,
but you stay Anyway.

That was, that's the firstfrequency of the heart is giving
you, I don't like these people,I don't like this place, but you
stay anyway.
If you are really coherent, youleave, You don't stay in a place
that you don't feel well,there's no reason for that, but
you stay because there'ssomething behind that is saying,
nah, stay.
You know, okay, a couple ofdrinks, whatever, you stay now.

Then you start thinking about,okay, I'm going to talk to that
person, or that person or thatone.
And you start, listening tothings.
Some of them you think, some ofthem you don't.
Then you say something now isthat you?
Or you are trying to fit in andyou're saying whatever.

You don't even care about whatyou're saying.
You just want to be there and beaccepted.
Third frequency, and then whatare you doing with that?
Okay, what is the body feeling?
How do you feel?
Is your body contracted?
Is your body expanded?
Do you feel that comfortable?

Do you still feel that you arenot yourself?
Fourth frequency.
So which one is going to bringyour reality if you change the
radio station every fiveseconds?
You never listen to one song.
Well, if you don't listen to thesong, that's like trying to
bring into your reality whateverit is that you want to bring.

iT's not enough because in fiveseconds you don't know if the
song, if you like the song

Victoria Petrovsky (41:58):
Some people know what station they're on.

Jorge Patrono (42:02):
And the other problem that wehave, you are in a place that
you don't like.
And instead of if you're in aplace that you don't like, you
put the wrong station.

Victoria Petrovsky (42:11):

Jorge Patrono (42:11):
Now you wanted to listen toclassical music, but you are on
the rap radio station.
What do you do or what people donormally criticize the rap
because they don't like it?
What is the best thing to do?
Change the dial, Mm-Hmm?
Because that is anotherexpression and it has all the

right to be there Yeah.
Change your focus and, It's notfor you, but it doesn't

Clifton Smith (42:39):
how do you change that dial?
it like Yeah.

Jorge Patrono (42:44):
Well, actually, what do you feel?

Victoria Petrovsky (42:46):

Jorge Patrono (42:47):
How do you feel?
Do you feel, open?
When I'm with Bruce Lipton, Ifeel completely open

Victoria Petrovsky (42:54):

Jorge Patrono (42:55):
I don't have to pretend to be somebody else.
But if I'm in a meeting where alot of people want to do
businesses and you have toimpress them, and you are not
yourself, you're sellingyourself, you're selling
something that you're not andyou don't feel well.
So we talk about, doingbusiness, doing business should

be a spiritual thing, Which isnot right now.
That's for sure a completelymaterial, it's completely third
There's no quantum field onthat.
The quantum field Yeah.
Comes because it has to come,but it's not projected the way
that we want it.
That's why we say win-winsituation.
What does it mean?
win-win situation?

Because everybody's in the samefrequency.
I don't want to take what isyours.
You don't want to take what ismine and I feel great.
If you get what you need to getout of the deal

Victoria Petrovsky (43:45):
And each person, their alignment.
I'll add to what you're saying,Jorge, that's what we talk about
with being a quantum preneur.
That win-win scenario thatyou're talking about is like
each person knows who they are.
They know their role, theyunderstand there's a bigger
They play different roles inthat vision, and they know how
they can both play in accordancewith their own blueprint for

what's an integrity to theircore essence and how they can
win and win with the otherperson being that same thing

Jorge Patrono (44:15):
Your relationship's like abuilding, you put, the little
parts and then you ended up witha house.
But if you are in a place wheresomebody wants to take, over and
get more for himself or herselfyou stop the construction.
I mean, actually it will never,yeah.
It's like it's gonna be chaotic,completely chaotic.
Instead of having a roof, it'sgonna be holes.

Many things that you have to tryto cover in a different way.
So there are many things that wedon't understand that are very
simple actually.
They're not so complicated.
The problem is we were nevertold about those things.
Then we have heart braincoherence

Victoria Petrovsky (44:55):

Jorge Patrono (44:56):
That's when heart brain Coherence is a very good
tool, because actually we seethe coherence not only with the
sine wave, but also with theamplitude of the s sine wave.
For example, some people, whenthey come here and I go through,
okay let's see the level ofstress, as you mentioned before,
think about something that'sstressful in your life right
And I can see it.
It's like a, it is peaks youknow, like, dense.

There's no sine wave.
It is, it's all jerky.
But not only that, when it'sstressful, you can see, the
heartbeat going to peaks thatare maybe it jumps from 80 to
one 10, which is the amount of,palpitations.
So that means.
That is a lot of stress.

And if the person has a heartproblem, it could be, a very,
very important thing tounderstand because that idea is
giving you that jump in yourheartbeat, which is not good.
So we look for between 60 and 70a sine wave when we have that

for a period of time.
You're in coherence.
why is it important to be incoherence?
Because you're sending just onefrequency to the quantum field.

Victoria Petrovsky (46:07):
And that's something that we didbefore this episode actually.
We did a quick Heart braincoherence meditation to get in
the same vibe as one anotherwith Jorge, and with every
episode we do and every clientthat we work with.
And I love the topic that you'retalking about with that and
business, Jorge, because it'simportant for all parties to be

in a collective field of heartand brain coherence, because
when they're pulling for more,that is not them, that's their
ego operating from maybe thesolar plexus that need for
control, domination, power.
That means the energy hasn't yetcome up to the heart.
And Dr.
Joe Dispenza talks about this inhis week long retreats about how

you bring the energy up to theheart so you could do coherence
healing for other people.
So to do business, in this case,it's a good idea to bring energy
to the heart.

Jorge Patrono (46:59):
Well, the way I use it is I measure myself in
the energy field and I do heartbrain coherence.
Now, when you see that you arecoherent and you feel that this
is a good thing, becauseactually I always tell the, the
person that comes to visit mecreate a relationship between
what you see and what you feel.
Relate yourself when you seethat you were coherent, remember

the feeling Yeah.
Then go back to that feeling.
You can have HeartMath in yourphone, in your iPhone, and
actually they made a deal withApple.
And you don't need to buy thesensor from HeartMath.
You just buy the accessory from,for the iPhone.
And, you open the applicationand then you do it, just put the

sensor in your earlobe and youjust open in the phone and you
can do five minutes anytime ofthe day, when you need to, uh,
make a decision for something.
You know, don't make thedecision from fear.
Don't say anything from fearbecause you're gonna regret it
in the future.
You're going to regret it,that's for sure.
And it happens to all of us.

You're not exempt for that.
But the thing is, when youunderstand that.
What being in coherence means.

Victoria Petrovsky (48:10):

Jorge Patrono (48:12):
The main thing for me is that you are in
You are in theta, Which isbetween four and eight hertz Of
your brainwaves?
of your brainwaves.
Now, theta is the best state ofyour brain and your heart to
send the signal to the quantumfield

Victoria Petrovsky (48:33):
And theta's that place in between being
completely conscious and alertand that deep sleep.
So it's kind of like that placeof lucidity as you're falling
asleep or going into a hypnosisor, Mm-Hmm.

Clifton Smith (48:47):
Or just waking

Jorge Patrono (48:48):
But induced by yourself consciously.

Victoria Petrovsky (48:50):
Yeah consciously.

Jorge Patrono (48:52):
NOw what?
You can use that, and it'srelated to the circadian rhythm
the thing is this between three30 and four o'clock in the
morning, that's the frequencythat matches.

Victoria Petrovsky (49:04):

Jorge Patrono (49:06):
The theta wave because it between three 30 and
four, the circadian rhythm isthe, is the surface of, it's not
deep sleep, it's surface of thesleep.
You are sleeping, but you arereceiving yes.
and that's when you are in thatstate.
You wake up if you write, I meanif you ask the right question

The night before you go tosleep, you go into coherence and
then you ask the right questionthat you really need to, you
know, an answer for example, howcan I do something?
What can I do to fix something?
Why is this happening always tome that's an, it's a question

that has an end in itself.
Whatever I tell you doesn't meananything.
Oh, because this is okay.
But you are supporting the ideaof something bad instead of
looking for a solution.
So those are two different waysto, of using

Victoria Petrovsky (50:01):
a solution based question.

Jorge Patrono (50:05):
It has to be an open question that you need,
that you are looking for ananswer.
How can I, what can I do?
Open questions that need ananswer.
So when you do that, the quantumfield has no way not to give you
that information back becauseit's a radio station and those

are the big radio station.
The quantum field has allfrequencies, okay?
Every frequency is Every radiostation you can ever think of.
the biggest, but you arechoosing the frequency.
You are sending the frequencythat you want to tune in.
So where's luck?
Where's luck?

It doesn't exist.
It's always you, consciously orunconsciously.
There's no other way when yousee that, well, now I'm driving
my vehicle.
No, nobody else is driving myvehicle.
I'm driving

Victoria Petrovsky (51:03):

Jorge Patrono (51:04):
Because actually that's what it is.
And another thing that I tellpeople, because I believe that
everybody think about disease ina way that is a victim You're
not a victim of anything.
You're a creator.
Always consciously orunconsciously.
If you can have cancer, unlessit's something genetically
created, because you had,hereditary, you have some

chromosome, which is very, veryrare based on Bruce Lipton's
biology uh course he's talkingabout five diseases that are
related to the chromosomes andthe genetic information.
Everything else is cultural.
So the thing is, japanese havedifferent diseases than
Americans and than Argentinians.

Well, because information isdifferent when you grew up and
those create different chemicalreactions and those create
different diseases.
We also have to talk aboutnutrition and all that stuff.
But the main thing is theculture.
What we call culture is theinformation that you got from
since you were born until theseven years of life.

That information gives you, theplatform where you're going to
be standing up and creating yourlife.

Victoria Petrovsky (52:15):

Jorge Patrono (52:16):
Now, is that good or bad?
Can you change it?
Yes, you can change it.
I change it.
I already did when I was morethan 30 years old

Victoria Petrovsky (52:24):

Jorge Patrono (52:24):
It takes time, but at first it takes awareness
because if you don't know whatto change, you cannot change

Victoria Petrovsky (52:34):

Jorge Patrono (52:35):
First, you have to understand what wrong, that
you are using that.
tHat is not good for you.
Understand that you are addictedto that chemical, those chemical
reactions, and then change thesource.
Now the problem that we haveright now, that very few work
with cause and everybody'sworking with effects.

Victoria Petrovsky (52:56):

Jorge Patrono (52:58):
When we talk about frequency, we talk about
cause and when we talk aboutdisease, we talk about effect.
The only way to change theeffect is changing the cause.
Now how good is, how strong isthat idea it's, it's everything.
When I talked to Anita Moorjaniand she had a terminal cancer it

was lymph Hodgkin lymphoma, uh,level four, and she was 36 years
old with tumors in the wholebody, the size of lemons, and
two lacerations here with pusscoming out of it they couldn't
And I saw the scars.
When she went into coma for 36hours and went out of the body
and she had a bad relationshipwith the father and all this

stuff, and she talked to herfather that died a couple of
years ago before, and she wasexcused about all the things
that she felt guilty aboutbecause guilt is one of the
worst frequency you can feel.
Guilt and shame,

Victoria Petrovsky (53:57):

Jorge Patrono (53:58):
those are the worst.
They destroy you completelybecause they get, they create
chemicals that are really theworst for you.
When she got the idea that shewas no longer a bad person,

Victoria Petrovsky (54:13):

Jorge Patrono (54:15):
she came back to the body

Victoria Petrovsky (54:16):

Jorge Patrono (54:16):
and she said, I'm cured.
Two months later, she hasnothing.

Victoria Petrovsky (54:20):
Is this woman somebody youworked with or interviewed?

Jorge Patrono (54:24):
It's in my documentary.

Victoria Petrovsky (54:26):
Ah which documentary is that one?
Your Life, Your Creation OhAmazing.

Jorge Patrono (54:30):
Anita Moorjani is there and shetalk about that.
And when she talk about that, Isay, wow, this is epigenetics.
The, the best example, becauseactually that's what epigenetics
means, that you changed thegenetic expression based on your
emotions and the chemicalreactions of your emotions.
So everything, again, everythingrelated to love will give you

the chemicals that your bodyneeds to nurture the whole
Everything related to fear.
And I told you, guilt and shame

Victoria Petrovsky (55:03):

Jorge Patrono (55:03):
Grades of fear.
Those kill you if you keep themfor many, many years.
Now, do you know people.
I imagine that, people that use,I came here like 36 years ago.
I go back to Argentina and I seefriends of mine, that are my age
from school, we were in, inschool, and I can see that

they're exactly the same andrepeating the same things, they
have the same diseases and theygo through the same problems and
they don't even know why.

Victoria Petrovsky (55:35):
they don't even realize same,sometimes they don't even
recognize the pattern.

Jorge Patrono (55:41):
I, and they look at me and say they don't
understand, because actually,yeah, I'm no longer that person,

Victoria Petrovsky (55:46):

Jorge Patrono (55:47):
the person that they knew when we were kids, or
when we were adults already.
I'm completely different.
And they ask me questions, andthen I start explaining things.
Some things they cannotunderstand because the only way,
when you have this, when yourlife is so intense with these
Like it happens to me.

The only way, or the fastestway, or the best way to stop
that, those chemical reactions,those habits is going far away
from where you were born.
Just change the culture.
Just go somewhere else.
It's not easy, but that's a veryhelpful thing.

It's helpful like crazy becauseactually you don't have to try
to change the society where youare in.
You just move yourself toanother place that you feel

Clifton Smith (56:39):
It's like the analogy of thefishbowl, right?
Like you have a sick fish.
You don't try to treat the fish,you change the water, right?
So you change the environmentthat the person is in who's

Victoria Petrovsky (56:52):
Because that environment isn't conducive for
them for the fish.

Jorge Patrono (56:56):
So when you do that, When you dothat, you are open to new

Victoria Petrovsky (57:02):

Jorge Patrono (57:02):
That if you stay in the same place, those things
are not coming to you.
There's no way.
I mean, you are gonna be thereforever, and you are gonna die
the same way.
There's no question about that.
And you're gonna be so sick.
So sick.
And that's another thing thatthat hits me.
When I started learning aboutKriya yoga.

If you went to the lake shrineyou saw, uh, there's a gift
shop, and there are, there's alittle behind the gift shop.
There's a lot of pictures andthings that were from
Paramahansa Yogananda and alsothere's a picture when he died.
I don't know if you know thatthe coffin was open for 28 days
and he didn't spoil, and you cansee that, and it's, it is

registered, in differentarticles and in, in major World
Book Records.
yeah, no, papers, so the thingis this, when I read autography
of a Yogi It show, it's talkingabout when he said to the
disciples from this Samadhi, I'mnot coming back.

He was not sick.
He knew that his mission in thisworld, the third dimension was
already done.
Now, in order for you to knowthat you have to be in a
frequency for a long timeMm-Hmm.
understanding why you're And themoment that you achieve whatever
you have to achieve, you said,no more of this because I don't

need it anymore.

Victoria Petrovsky (58:30):

Jorge Patrono (58:31):
So he said, from this Samadhi, this deep
meditation, I'm not coming back.
And everybody was crying.
And he said, no, don't cry.
You keep going with my work.
You already have everything youdon't need me

Victoria Petrovsky (58:43):
I'm not coming back because youdon't need me and I don't want
to be here anymore.
Now when I analyzed the way myparents and, my friend's parents
and everybody that I know leftthe body, it was not like that.
It was always with a sicknessthat it was terminal unless it
was an accident.

But if it's not an accident,it's always because there's some
kind of sickness.
Very, very few just die becauseof old age and the heart stop,
working usually it is a majordisease.
And when you die that way, youdie in a different.
State of mind and a state ofheart.

For example, when I was workingwith the veterans and
frequencies, they told me thatveterans leave the body in?
A panic attack.
Especially when they arereligious and they killed people
in the world.
The guy that came to see me was80 something, and he was in
every war from the first Worldwar to, to the, Afghanistan,

war, everything.
And he said to me, these peoplewhen they died, they are 90,
around 90 years old.
They grab, the bed.
They don't want to leave theirbody because they think they're
going to hell.
So we were using differentfrequencies and some of them,
could leave the body in acompletely different state, more

calm, like 80% less fear, allthat stuff.
So when you see that, you say,wow, man, this information, is
so different than howParamahansa Yogananda left the
He's completely different andhe's a human being like any of
So there's something that heknows that we don't know.
And my parents, left the bodythe same way.

Suffering like crazy.
my Father had cancer, my motherhad a stroke, and and they left
the body because they weretrapped in a body that didn't
work anymore, but their mindstill was here, and was grabbing
the body like, no, I don't wantto leave.
So for me, that was a majorlesson.
So what I'm doing right now.

Jorge Patrono (01:00:48):
It's understanding why am I here
right now?
Well, okay, stop looking outthere.
Go inside and see, okay, whatcan you do You know, right now
we as a species we are in achaotic state, and we don't know
what's going to happen.
You know, with AI and all thisstuff that is going on all this
stuff, we don't even know what'sgoing to happen with the human

So we have to go back to theindividual and from inside out,
emanate the frequency that wewant to To bring into our
present moment.
And through the example, somepeople come and ask you
question, oh, you are different.
I see you and I see that I feelsomething different from you.

So some people will come andthey will be, okay.
I want to do whatever you'redoing.
And I can see that as part ofthe change, otherwise, there's I
mean, you cannot force anybodyto change.
That's not your mission.
That's not your function.
And when you do that, the onlything you create is hatred,
towards you.
That's my experience.

Victoria Petrovsky (01:01:48):
So Jorge, tying together, what about what
you're sharing about currentevents and the work that you're
doing, what would you say isyour personal mission?

Jorge Patrono (01:01:57):
now I'm concentrated on energy vibration
and frequencies because actuallyI believe it's all There is,
there's nothing else.
Everything else is arepresentation of that.
We see and we touch, and this isvery convincing because our five
senses are so limited that thisis the only thing that they can

Victoria Petrovsky (01:02:15):

Jorge Patrono (01:02:16):
And that's experience that we have in this
third dimension.
Now, if we believe that this isthe only thing that exists,
well, our life is gonna be very,very narrow and, very

Victoria Petrovsky (01:02:30):

Jorge Patrono (01:02:31):
Now, if we understand that we are beyond
the vehicle, because thevehicle, another thing that I
understood, a couple of yearsago is the vehicle is giving me
an, an experience.
wHen I go into, when I drive mycar, it gives me the experience
from going from point A to pointB.

The body is exactly the samething.
The one that is driving the bodyis the spiritual being inside
that is the driver.
Now the driver, the only thingthat can choose is what
experience do I want to have Inany moment?
Okay, is really this experiencethat I want, or I want feel

love, or I want to feelcreative.
I want to do the good things.
I want to see that other peoplecan grow and flourish in
anything that they want to do.
So that is my purpose right now,to bring All this information
into daily life of everybody.
And I want to do a series of, adocumentary is a six episodes

about energy, vibration, andfrequency because it's a lot of
information and you have somany, I mean, you have live
frequencies, scalar energy haveRife, you have, sounds, you have
so many things.
So if you do one documentary, itwas, it's gonna be three, four
So the only way that I see it isin episodes, and focus more

into, for example, the energy offood.
The energy of thoughts, theenergy of the microbiome, the
energy of the s scaler energythe torus energy.
Everything has some kind ofMm-Hmm.
function in the way we live.
And if you want, we understandwhich one works when, and we
The way that we should, and thatshould be taught in school, but

it's not.
So we should have grow up withthat information.
But we don't have thatinformation.
And so you have to look for it.
Now, a lot of people, because ofthe chaos and the entropy that
we are living in, because it'shuge, a lot of people are
opening their minds and lookingfor more information.
So the thing is that is creatinga lot of questions now that

before nobody was asking, andyou can see that everywhere

Victoria Petrovsky (01:04:45):
a lot of people are waking up People that
I had didn't think would wakeup.
You start the path a few yearsin and then other people start
to join you and you're like, oh,wow.
This one is understanding andthis one is seeing the big
Sometimes it's like, oh, cool.

Jorge Patrono (01:05:00):
So now when you sendfrequencies, you feel something
And that feeling, when it'sworking together in coherence,
it gives you more power.
And that's bottom line.
You know, bottom line.
Now, music for example, when youtalk about music, there's all
other things that you can do.

I mean, music and a 440, that'sthe music that we are listening.
Well, let's start working with a4 32.

Clifton Smith (01:05:27):
And there's so many, there's somany solutions, and you're such
a wealth of knowledge.
Jorge and we're moving towardsthe final part of this episode,
and it sounds like there'll bemany more with you because you
just have so much wisdom that isjust pouring out and.
A four part series.
And you kept talking about thevibration.

The vibration, and there's somuch preparation that needs to
happen before we can actuallydive into the vibration.
I want to just sort what you'reworking on with vibration as we
wrap up so that way we can pickup where we left off in our next
But we've covered so much.

I feel like this was like amasterclass in and of itself of,
decades of long work it's beenamazing to listen to and be a
part of.

Victoria Petrovsky (01:06:18):

Jorge Patrono (01:06:20):
Well, thank you.
Thank you so much.
I mean, it is a huge topic.
A human being is a huge topic,and reality is a huge topic.
And frequencies is what createsthis that we experience as our
life, as our reality.
And as.
One of the things that is alwayshitting me is I don't want to

live something that is not thatit hasn't had a purpose.
It has to have a purpose.

Victoria Petrovsky (01:06:50):

Jorge Patrono (01:06:51):
And whatever I'm doing right now, it has a
purpose, and the purpose is,first of all, is to improve my
own life.
When I see that my life ischanging in a positive way, then
I put it outside, for otherpeople to, see it, experiment
with it and use it.
Or not, whatever is,independent, free will is
something that all everybody hasand free will is part of the

You cannot force anybody intoanything.

Victoria Petrovsky (01:07:18):

Jorge Patrono (01:07:18):
Now you can show things and that's what I'm
doing, we have a lot ofdifferent technologies that now
allows us to see the results.
Before it was just word of mouthor we depended on somebody else,
telling us I'm against thediagnostic.
actually right now anything thatyou can diagnose is almost

anything you can change it.
So diagnostics, as Bruce Liptonsaid, usually it's a sentence.

Victoria Petrovsky (01:07:50):

Jorge Patrono (01:07:51):
And I remember talking to Wayne Dyer two months
before he died and he mentioneda friend of his that was
diagnosed with cancer terminalcancer uh lung cancer.
And he says, you have six monthsto live.
Six months later, he died.

Victoria Petrovsky (01:08:08):

Jorge Patrono (01:08:10):
His wife went to the office, take, took
everything from the office andfound Another X-Ray from 30
years ago with the same The samedarkness in the same place in
the lungs 30 years ago, butnobody gave him any sentence of

the diagnostic of six months ofliving time.

Victoria Petrovsky (01:08:34):

Jorge Patrono (01:08:35):
So what happened with that?
When you get that information,which is very strong, and you
believe on that, you die in sixmonths Because actually your
body is creating everything thatit needs to die in six Mm-Hmm.
Now, when you don't know,

Victoria Petrovsky (01:08:52):

Jorge Patrono (01:08:52):
you keep doing your life, living your

Victoria Petrovsky (01:08:55):

Jorge Patrono (01:08:56):
Now, another thing that is interesting, and
this and Joe DIspenza talksabout this when you laugh for
one hour, 500 genes that workagainst cancer are activated.
So in my car, I have Sirius XMand I have four different jokes,
radio stations, and when Idrive, I laugh That's awesome.

because actually I know that Iam activating things that I need
from my genetic

Clifton Smith (01:09:28):

Victoria Petrovsky (01:09:28):

Jorge Patrono (01:09:29):
my genetic expression.
And that's epigenetics at the atthe maximum level Wow.

Victoria Petrovsky (01:09:34):
See Clifton.
That's why we liked watchingBeverly Hillbillies before bed
for an hour.

Clifton Smith (01:09:39):
just laughing.
We, got, we went everywhere andit back to enjoying life and
laughing and their science andcutting edge innovation coming
through Jorge.
So where can listeners catch aglimpse of what you're working
on, catch a glimpse of yourprojects and get ahold of you.

Jorge (01:09:58): is a documentary and there's a
lot of information there.
And then iswhere I talk about the four
principle things that I'm using.
I mentioned before, bioBiowell,structured, water Heart math and
Earthing is also importantbecause we have a lot of
frequencies that are very badfor us and we have to be in

touch with the earth so we candischarge that.
And a lot of people don'tdischarge anything for years
when they live in an apartmentbuilding and then they use
sneakers and, rubber soles andthen that kind of stuff.
The soles that are rubber.
It keeps you completelyseparated from the ground.
And we need to be grounded.
So, those are things that arevery simple and actually make a

big difference, not only in thehealth of the person, but also
in the quality of life.
And also understand that thequality of our life is also
based on the quality of ourquestions.
What do we question ourselvesevery day?
What are the questions?

Victoria Petrovsky (01:10:55):

Jorge Patrono (01:10:56):
I'm always a victim and saying, why is this
happening always to me?
well, there's something that youhave to, that it's a polarity
that you're sending out, thenyou're gonna bring the same
And it, it's a matter of factthat if you you don't change
The next one is gonna be worsebecause it's a lesson you are
Something that you are notlearning.
Unlearning actually.

It should be learned, but youare not learning.
So the next one, if you get ridof this, which is teacher, the
next one is gonna be worse thanthis one,

Clifton Smith (01:11:23):
Change your life, change yourquestions.
I love it.
And Jorge, it's been suchpleasure here.
I know we could go on for hoursmore.
We're definitely gonna have youback on again.
We're gonna dive deep intovibration.
I think we've laid thefoundation for it.
I don't know, maybe we'll godeep into some other areas of
your journey to set that frame.

And I'm so excited that you'reworking on this project because
you have such wealth ofknowledge and such great backing
and foundation and science.
You live and breathe it.
It is your business basedbusiness.
You work in the quantum, you area quantum preneur.
And your passion yeah.
And so we are so grateful toshare this time with you and

we'll catch you all in our nextepisode.
But for now, I'm Clifton.

Victoria Petrovsky (01:12:10):
And I'm Victoria, and together we're
faces of the future.
We'll drop the links to all theprojects Jorge has talked about
in the show notes below, andwhat is a way that listeners can
reach out to you personally?

Jorge Patrono (01:12:25):
Well, my email is Jorge Patrono.
you know, my name@hotmail.comand also I have a WhatsApp,
which is plus 1 8 1 8 6 0 1 3 71 9.
I'm open to receive anyinformation from anybody that
has a

Clifton Smith (01:12:41):

Victoria Petrovsky (01:12:44):
Well, thank you so much forjoining us today and thank you
for tuning in, and we'll talk toyou all next time.
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