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February 5, 2024 58 mins

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Have you ever pondered the secrets etched in the ancient Indian palm leaves that could hold truths about your life? These manuscripts, scribed 1000s of years ago by spiritual masters known as the Rishis, were believed to be able traverse time to see the future and provide personal insights and guidance for whom they were written for.

Stephan Oesterreicher, the founder of My Palm Leaf, joins us to discuss his journey of discovering the palm leaf prophecies and creating a global mission-driven business around sharing them to the world. 

Our enlightening discussion bridges the gap between spirituality, mysticism and business.  A true embodiment of a 'quantumpreneur', Stephan's journey led him to merge mysticism with the world of business in a series of trials and errors, learning along the way how to balance the ethereal with the everyday.  From the excitement of infinite possibilities and numerous projects, to the hard lessons learned of focusing and taking things one step at a time.

Listen in as we share Faces of the Future's updates in our Venture Studio and the work we do with morphic fields that aligns with his initial experiments in his Conscious Innovation Lab.

Check out Stephan's Company: Use our code FOTF for 10€ off your Palm Leaf Reading at My Palm Leaf
Learn more about My Palm Leaf on their YouTube Channel

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This podcast is sponsored by the Foundation for Human Potential.

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Episode Transcript

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Victoria Petrovsky (00:00):
Welcome to the startup of human potential,
where your co-hosts.

Clifton Smith (00:04):
I'm Clifton.

Victoria Petrovsky (00:05):
And I'm Victoria.

Clifton Smith (00:06):
And together we are Faces of the Future.
Faces of the Future is astartup studio with a personal
development platform at theintersection of consciousness,
connection, innovation andwell-being.
We're so excited to have youjoin in on today's show.

Victoria Petrovsky (00:23):
So today we are joined by our incredible
guest, Stephan Oesterreicher,from Germany.
He is the founder of my PalmLeaf, a brand of the Conscious
Innovation Lab, and togetherwith his team of 25 people in 10
countries, they help people allover the world find and read
their palm leaf prophecy inIndia.
So these are prophecies thatwere written thousands of years

ago and they contain the lifestories of individuals living in
this world today.
So Stephan has created aprofessional business offering
around this and it serves a deeppurpose and is fully in
alignment with his path, bothindividually and collectively,
and this is a powerfulinstrument and tool and
permission slip that can servethe awakening of humanity and

the co-creation of a new world.
So excited to have you on ourshow today, Stephan.

Stephan Oesterreicher (01:15):
Thank you , Victoria, Thank you Clifton,
for this lovely introduction.

Victoria Petrovsky (01:20):
So it's been a little while since we've
caught up with you, Stefan.
I think the last time we weretalking we was like 2020 or
something, so since then you'vegrown my palm leaf reading.
I want to hear more about thisincredible offering in this
company that you've built.

Stephan Oesterreicher (01:38):
Yeah, still grateful for it every
single day, and my lifedefinitely changed a lot since
we last spoke.
I think the world changed a lot.
There was a whole pandemic inbetween.
Yeah, and the palm leaves weredefinitely a major step for me
to turn my life from a deepcrisis into a fulfilled purpose

that I'm living every single daynow.

Victoria Petrovsky (02:03):
Wow, how did you stumble upon my palm leaf
How did you stumble upon theidea of a palm leaf?

Stephan Oesterreicher (02:11):
So maybe I briefly explain what the palm
leaves are for our listeners.
Yeah, please.
So a few thousand years ago inIndia, there was a group of
They were called the Rishis.
According to the legend, theyhad many paranormal powers.
They were not like us humanstoday, but they literally had
lifespans of hundreds of years.
They could fly through the air,basically according to the

legend, and they could alsoperceive information across time
You could say they could lookinto the past, present and
future, because for them, timeis not linear like we
experienced it yesterday, todayand tomorrow, but for them,
everything in time is happeningat the same internal moment and,
out of their great compassionfor humanity, they could already

see that us humans would gothrough deep crisis and the
upcoming millennias which isobvious right now that we're in
a deep crisis as humanity, and,out of their great compassion,
they wrote down the life storiesof a few million people onto
this palm leaf, so they're likedried palm leaves they were used
, like they put today.
So they wrote down the lifestories of a few million people

and also guidance for thesepeople how to live a better,
more fulfilling life.
And these prophecies are storedin the palm leaf libraries in
India and you can actuallytravel there and search for your
own palm leaf that has yourname on it your date of birth,
names of your parents to makesure this is really your palm
leaf and then your future lifestory, with guidance, how you
can transform major blockages,and with the highest potential

of your life.
So these are the palm leaves.

Victoria Petrovsky (03:41):
That is incredible.
The first time I heard thatback in 2019 or 2020, clifton
and I were on the Vedic Sciencespath studying all of that as
well I was blown away and I wasjust being introduced to the
concept of time being nonlinear.
I was like but how do they know?
How do they have theseprophecies?
That's incredible.

Stephan Oesterreicher (04:00):
Yes, it's so fascinating.
But to experience it yourselfand to hear your name, to hear
the names of your parentswritten by someone a few years
ago, before your parents areeven born, they knew that at
some point it would be a step onmy parents, whatever these
names, it's fascinating.

Victoria Petrovsky (04:16):
Is there an overlap with that astrology when
you're going to be born, rightwhat year and whatnot?
So they look at the planetaryconfiguration at that time.

Stephan Oesterreicher (04:28):
So astrology and the palm leaves
are definitely related.
Actually, both in the Vedictradition are under the umbrella
of Jyotish, the art of futuretelling.
In India, the palm leaves arealso sometimes described as
Nadia astrology.
What also makes them similar?
That in the palm leaves hasoften a vocabulary used that's
similar to astrology, andsometimes I perceive the palm

leaves to be like anastrological reading.
That was done, however, by anenlightened master, a few years

Clifton Smith (04:57):
Oh, that's awesome.
You would enlighten master toget your astrology reading.
That's awesome.

Victoria Petrovsky (05:01):
Let me make a phone call to the past, to a
previous enlightened ascendedmaster, to get my astrology and
my palm leaf reading for today.
That's pretty wild.

Stephan Oesterreicher (05:11):
Literally like that.

Clifton Smith (05:13):
Wow, that's incredible.
It was around the time that,through studying the Vedic
sciences, that I opened up toAkashic readings and was able to
pull things outside of time,and so the idea and concept was
new to me.
But then to understand thatthese rishis and there's this
whole lineage of this and howthey were able to just dedicate

themselves to writing down thefuture, it's fascinating to me.
Is there any particular peoplethat they're writing it for?
How did they come up with themillion?
Or just the legend talk aboutthat at all?

Stephan Oesterreicher (05:47):
No, however, I often perceive it
that the people who have a palmleaf, they definitely have some
kind of like spiritual openness,a little bit advanced on their
path, or at least they're awareof their spiritual path, because
most people in this world theywill never even hear about the
palm leaves, only a few willhear about them and only a few
will hear about them and thenfeel an impulse Wow, I should

really look for my palm leaf.
Usually these people who alsohave on written for them,
because the palm leaves theyliterally call you in the
perfect moment, also in theperfect place, to look for them.
It's like divinely orchestratedwhen and where you will hear
about the palm leaves and whereyou will go to search for them.

Victoria Petrovsky (06:27):
So when you say to search forthem, where are they found?
Are they like in secretlibraries across the world?
Is there like a centralizedlibrary or how does it work?
Is it a secret?

Stephan Oesterreicher (06:40):
Totally decentralized chaos.
It's totally chaos on theoutside, but it's really
divinely orchestrated.
So it's originating from thesouth of India, from a state
called Tamil Nadu, and fromthere it comes spread all around
India but also in a few otherAsian countries.
They're like small palm leaflibraries and it's like no one
knows when the first palm leaveswere written, because the ones

that exist today they are copiesof the copies of the copies,
because such a palm leaf keepsfor a couple hundred years, but
not for a few thousand years, soevery couple of hundred years
they were manually copied andthen these copies also spread to
the different libraries.
And it's also there's a wholecast of palm leaf readers.

That's a whole profession byitself.
That's passed on, usually fromfather to son, father to son,
but there's also a few women,but it's mainly men doing it,
but it's like one big familythat at some point millennia ago
were given this divine task topreserve and share the palm

leaves, who then have spreadsome all around South Asia.
Wow, and coming back to youroriginal question, so I spent a
lot of time in India, but thisis quite a while ago.
It was more like in thebeginning of my 20s.
I spent a few years there.
That's also when I heard aboutthe palm leaves and I also
visited a first palm leaflibrary.
Back then.
It was a very small library.
They only had a few thousandleaves, so not many, and I

didn't find my leaf at thatpoint.
But I always remember thatexperience because it felt so
authentic and real.
It was really touching and italways stayed with me, this
And then, many years later,actually in 2020, after my whole
life, it just collapsed and Iwas very depressed.
I felt like I had lost my path.

Clifton Smith (08:28):
I didn't see my path anymore.

Stephan Oesterreicher (08:31):
All of a sudden one morning I remembered
oh, the palm leaves.
I need to find my palm leaves.
Now is the right time to lookfor my palm leaves, and I didn't
know how, so I just googled.
I was still half asleep.
It was really after waking up,still lying in bed, and I found
someone who was doing the samework like we today, helping
people to find their palm leaves.
I booked an appointment andthat was the whole start of my

journey with the palm leaves.

Victoria Petrovsky (08:55):
Wow, you found your palm leaf and your

Clifton Smith (09:00):
Definitely All in one, your palm leaves say this
was your purpose.

Stephan Oesterreicher (09:06):
Actually, yes, it was very magical how I
had the reading, because I hadthe reading of my own palm
leaves online on Zoom.
I remember while I was sittingin my car in front of a personal
center and I went straight fromthat reading into 10 days of
silent meditation, literallystraight Like people from the

center came knocking in thewindow you have to come now, we
close the door.
Okay, I finished.
So it was literally from thereadings into 10 days of
meditation, and that was perfectBecause in these 10 days it
became very clear to me that Ihave a lot of connection with
the palm leaves, that I'msupposed to work with them.

Victoria Petrovsky (09:46):
Wow, and when you say reading, is it
somebody that's translatingSanskrit, or they written in
Sanskrit, or what language?

Stephan Oesterreicher (09:55):
Some are written in Sanskrit.
Most are written in the ancientTamil language.
It's a language from SouthIndia.

Victoria Petrovsky (10:01):

Stephan Oesterreicher (10:01):
And they're written in this ancient
Tamil and the palm leaf readerhe reads the ancient Tamil
that's written on the palm leaf.
However, it's not written likea book today Like it's more like
encrypted poetic informationthat's written on the palm leaf.
So the palm leaf reader when hereads the palm leaf, he's also

at the same time channeling theinformation.
When he reads the palm leaf, awhole world opens up for him,
like a whole matrix of a lifestory that he sees on the little
piece of paper.
So he sees much more than whatis written there.
However, there's stillsomething written there, so it
has an anchor in the physicalreality.

Victoria Petrovsky (10:42):

Clifton Smith (10:44):
That's amazing, you know.
One of the things that I wantedto share is that this is
through the Vedic sciences,right?
Is that what this is connectedto?
And on more Christian, esoteric, Rosicrucian tradition, they
have different levels of angelicbeings and the archai are one

of the beings that transcendtime and they're able to see
time in this very similarfashion.
And so, for those who aren'tnecessarily aware, sort of like
the Hindu tradition, there is adeep Christian tradition to
indicate that these abilitiesare rooted in their societal
And that's one of the powers ofbringing everyone together on

this podcast is we can start toshare this understanding,
because it can be a littlechallenging perhaps to
understand that way.
You can have rishis who fly andlive for hundreds of years and
predict my future.
That is definitely.
There's certain levels ofinitiation that people can go
When you talk about palm leafreadings, what kind of people

have you been interacting with?
What kind of people has itattract and bring into your

Stephan Oesterreicher (11:57):
All kinds of people, many very
interesting people, manyinspiring people.
I have a lot of greatconversations with our clients,
some of us with a little bitlike, let's say, ungrounded, but
many are very grounded also andjust live a normal life.
Basically, it's literallypeople from all walks of life we
had a few thousand peoplealready that we have to find

their palm leaf and from manydifferent countries.
So it's literally all kinds ofexperiences, a lot of beautiful
and inspiring conversations.

Victoria Petrovsky (12:26):
And how has it changed their lives?
Like do you hear feedback fromthem later, weeks or months
later, about what's opened upfor them since receiving this
kind of reading?

Stephan Oesterreicher (12:36):
Yes, it's very different, Because for
some people it's totally lifechanging.
Of course, I like these kind ofexperiences.
For some it's kind of mediumand for some it doesn't do much,
but for many people we get alot of messages that it
literally changed their wholelife.
And also for myself.
It changed my whole life.

Victoria Petrovsky (12:57):
Yeah, I was wondering that actually, stefan.
Like what did it affirm for you, like from your past, or when
you, at the time when you soughtout the reading, when you were
like, wow, this is life changing.
I'm curious what things wereaccurately prophesized.

Stephan Oesterreicher (13:12):
if you want to share anything from your
experience, so, looking back,many things were very correct
from what was prophesized,including that I would basically
everything that I do now, but Iwould run kind of like a
spiritual organization.
It would be related to Vedicsciences, related to Jyotish,

somehow related a little bit toastrology, related to Indian
spirituality, that I would workwith many countries Everything
that I do now very preciselydescribed.
However, in my experience, theprophecies are not even that
It's kind of the part that kindof hooks our mind and is like
what, how can that be?
And it makes us very interested.

But what I found much morerelevant is actually the subtle
effects that this has on ourlife, because what happened for
myself during and after thereading was not just that I got
guidance about my life, but alsothat, step by step, I got more
and more connected again with myinner guidance.
It had a lot of inner effectshappening on a subtle dimension

that, in my opinion, much, muchmore relevant than the
prediction, and I perceived thepalm news to be a tool to help
us clear karma a clearing karmaalso to live our full potential.

Victoria Petrovsky (14:27):
It sounds like an initiation based on what
I'm saying the subtle effects,like it's not even the
information that's contained inthere, but the energy or the
frequency that you're tappinginto when you're opening this
portal about like your souls andlife's work.
And your human experience.

Clifton Smith (14:45):
And so cool, and it's one of those things that
requires a certain level ofpre-work.
You don't just wake up one dayand like, hey, you know what I
want to have my future read bysome palm leaves out in the
middle of India by peoplehundreds or thousands of years
We liken it to people who areready for receiving information
from Bashar.
I don't know if you're familiarwith.

Bashar, channeled by DarrellAnka.
But in order to actually treatit with any level of respect or
understanding, you have to beopen to the idea of channeling,
open to the idea ofextraterrestrials, of future
That requires a little bit ofpreparation, and so can you
share a bit, maybe, about yourjourney and your preparation to

get to this point, because Ifeel like that's a really
important area to understand andto be able to build a business
around this.
You have some level ofgroundedness that is necessary
to manifest this in the physicaland to make an actual business
around it.

Stephan Oesterreicher (15:43):
Yes, and I'm happy to speak about it.
But I also briefly want tomention that this preparation
does not always need to happenon the outside.
We also have many people comeand search for their palm leaf
where she don't have much kindof spiritual preparation.
Many do but some don't, so it'snot like it's absolutely
necessary for the palm leafreading.
But looking back, I definitelyhad a lot of preparation for

this work that I'm doing now.
I'm 39 years old today, I thinkfor a moment, and basically when
I was 20, I finished school anda few weeks later I went on a
one-way ticket to India.
Once I arrived there, I decidedto fully dedicate my life to
exploring spirituality andlearning more about the mystical

traditions from all around theworld, and I made this my life's
mission and purpose, basically.
So I don't have that backgroundthat many people have, that at
some point they wake up fromtheir normal life.
I kind of never really had thatnormal life.
I very early decided to fullydedicate myself to this work and
then for many years just deeplydived into that, spent like

hundreds and hundreds of days inasylum meditation, traveled all
around the world to manydifferent teachers, and
definitely did not have thegrounding that is needed to
create the kind of organizationthat I'm running now.
That's something I had to learnlater on, so I was very
I was deep into spirituality,but not much on this earth, so

my journey was more to likecoming back to earth.

Victoria Petrovsky (17:12):

Stephan Oesterreicher (17:13):
I'm really happy that this very much
happened now.
Now I feel like really have myfeet on the ground and I'm still
open to this kind of subtledimensions of life.

Victoria Petrovsky (17:23):
at the same time, yeah, what you're
describing is what Clifton and Icall a quantumpreneur.
So you went quantum prettyearly.
Yes, discovered both the worldof spiritual, seeking one way
ticket to India.
And then you came back and hadto establish thepreneur, the
entrepreneur part, by gettingyour feet back onto the ground.

Stephan Oesterreicher (17:44):
Yes, and it was a long and often painful
process, the landing but animportant one.
I find it so important today tobe able to function in all of
these dimensions of life.

Victoria Petrovsky (17:56):
So what was that process of grounding?
What did it look like for you?
You know, depending on how muchof your life you established in
the matrix, how much financialcapability one has established
or that they already have fromtheir family, maybe that can
influence how quickly peopleneed to come back down to this
dimension and to this earth.
You know we all have ourjourneys and I'd love to hear

anything you want to share aboutyour step on.

Stephan Oesterreicher (18:23):
So much to say.
Well, coming back to earth, itwas very painful, it was very
confusing and it was not easy,but I felt very strongly that I
should do that, that I needed tolearn how to be a human being,
basically how to function inthis world, and I had a few
amazing teachers also, like Ihad the right frameworks to land

and, even though I often wasconfused and didn't see my path
anymore in this landing,actually everything was there to
life, was fully helping me andsupporting me in this grounding
But also, looking back, I'm very, very grateful for my parents
because they gave me a lot ofbasic trust in life.

Like I always knew that I hadsomewhere to land if everything
would fall apart, and that mademe able to take a lot of risks.
I had many risks and oftenthings didn't work out and in
2020, when I had my palminfrading, I was totally
depressed, like being in my oldroom that I had as a child in my

parents' house, kind offiguring out what to do because
my life had just collapsed fordifferent reasons.
But I'm very, very grateful formy parents to give me this
basic stability in life, thisbasic trust.
I had to come up with thecourage, but still I knew I
wouldn't starve to death andthat's a big advantage we have

in Western words, in Westerncountries in general.

Victoria Petrovsky (19:52):
I find Wow, it's great that you had that
support system with your parentsand family to take these risks.
A lot of times we're scared totake risks because we don't know
how it'll turn out, and themajority of people they
prioritize safety, uncertaintyand security.
And us outliers whatever youwant to call us quantum burnors

we're kind of more like let'ssee what happens.

Stephan Oesterreicher (20:18):
Yes, I also want to clarify, though
it's not like I come from a richfamily, it's not like there was
a lot of financial security,but there was the security of
like I'm going to have a placeto sleep and I'm going to have
food to eat.
And actually most people inWestern countries, I think or at
least more people than areaware of it that do have that,

but we don't have often themental freedom to understand
that we can have much morecourage than we are expressing
in our daily life.

Clifton Smith (20:50):
You also, at 20, were able to be exposed to the
Eastern world, to India, and towhat those living conditions are
like, and so I know a lot oftimes people in the Western
world haven't had thatopportunity to be exposed to
what true scarcity looks like.

Stephan Oesterreicher (21:06):
That's a really important point.
That was such an eye-opener.
First, I went to India withlike 20.
I was never hungry in my lifeand I realized, wow, my life is
so good.
The majority of people in thisworld long for just having
enough food.

Clifton Smith (21:22):
And when I understood that.

Stephan Oesterreicher (21:23):
I realized I don't need to focus
my whole life on now building acareer, making money, like I
need to focus on the reallyimportant things in life, which
are like our inner journey, likeunderstanding who we truly are,
like understanding that I'mgoing to die at some point.
I need to make the most out ofthis life now.
And that's when I decided toreally fully dedicate myself to

that path.

Victoria Petrovsky (21:46):
Yeah, as you're sharing this, stefan,
what's coming up for me is likewhen I went to India.
I also met people who didn'thave much, but they had such
freedom and wealth in the mindthat you would never be able to
tell based on how they'respeaking about life, or their
path or circumstances.

Stephan Oesterreicher (22:05):
Yes, and I think people who did not leave
Western countries, they can'timagine that.
They can't imagine what itmeans to be like a cripple,
living in the street withoutlegs and mining it.
People with a face full of joy.

Victoria Petrovsky (22:22):

Stephan Oesterreic (22:23):
Unbelievable .

Victoria Petrovsky (22:25):

Clifton Smith (22:26):
Yes, yes, wow.
So how are you taking all ofyour life experience and
creating, not necessarily alegacy, but creating something
to give back to the world, tohelp you find your inner purpose
Where is all this going andwhat's the conscious innovation
lab all about?
Is the umbrella right of mypalm leaf reading?

Stephan Oesterreicher (22:50):
Yes, where to start?
I need to start a bit earlyactually.
So after really diving deeplyinto spiritual practice and
usually silent meditation for along period of times, at some
point I realized now it's timeto like, share and bring these
experiences somehow into theworld.
And then I started to createdifferent projects like

meditation centers in Peru, likea spiritual travel company.
I was serving also in differentspiritual centers, helping to
create other organizations, andI learned a lot by trial and
Maybe a few words about myfirst project, a meditation
center in Peru.
I was so innocent, I justrented a big house and I was
like okay, now this is ameditation center.

Free food, free accommodation,free meditation classes God will
provide somehow.
It's going to pay for it.

Victoria Petrovsky (23:40):
It was an amazing model.

Stephan Oesterreicher (23:46):
It was an amazing time A house full of
beautiful, heart-opened hippiesand, of course, after a few
months I couldn't pay the rentand the housing collapsed.
And a lot of sadness, a lot ofpain and the big learning I need
to understand about business.
I understood that there needsto be sustainability.
I need to understand how tobridge money and spirituality.

It's a very big topic, I thinkfor many people, these are two
totally different words and forme, it's becoming everyday kind
of my mission how to bridgethose two together.
So, a few years later, manyexciting and painful experiences
Later, in 2019, I created acompany called the Conscious
Innovation Lab, which had thepurpose to explore how to

download future technologiesthrough meditation and other
spiritual practices, and I madea couple of different
experiments actually regardingthat, and at some point also I
had an online meditation room.
That for many days it wasduring the COVID time actually,
so people had time.
For many days, we weremeditating together online on

Zulu, and it's actually out ofthat deep meditation that my
palm leaf was born.
While we were meditating ondownloading the highest future
potential into the now.

Clifton Smith (25:04):
Before going into that, that's a bit of a
How do you download futuretechnologies?
What can you help?
Our listeners understand whatthat means and how you came up
with that and how that's a thing.

Stephan Oesterreicher (25:18):
It's basically what's happening every
single day.
Whenever we have an idea, we'restepping into the future, like
right now we're talking onlineon a video call.
At some point, someone had theidea there must be a way to
create something like that.
Right now, we are the futuretechnology of 1920.

And in the same way, in thisvery moment 2023, the future
technology of 2050 alreadyexists.

Victoria Petrovsky (25:48):
Did they say the palm leaf readings who's
going to create and downloadwhich future technology?

Stephan Oesterreicher (25:54):
Not in detail, but kind of yes.

Victoria Petrovsky (25:58):
I thought you were joking, victoria, I
wanted to actually, but there'ssome truth behind it, because
there's certain you know, likeNikola Tesla, right Certain
Some people are here to stewardthem and in the work that
Clifton and I do and as you know, stefan, because you've
experienced firsthand thatpeople even have guidance from
the other side, like certainspirit guides that help steward

a specific mission into thisdimension, about some of these
futuristic technologies Likeyou're talking about, like being
online on an online streamingpodcast platform that came to
somebody out of left field, theycall it or out of the quantum
It's a frequency thatsomebody's brain taps into when
there's a vibrational match andthen, if they're the ones who

are here to steward this mission, then more of it starts to flow
through the more you connectwith it.
Is that kind of how you're whatyou're talking about as well,
Exactly so.

Stephan Oesterreicher (26:53):
It's basically something that many of
us are familiar with.
We also experience it everysingle day, but I just decided
to explore the whole processmore consciously and to see can
we consciously create that?
That's my conscious awarenesslab, and out of that my partner
was born.
That's how my partner isliterally a child of the
conscious innovation lab.

Victoria Petrovsky (27:12):
Amazing and that's like a quantum pernure
room, because you're sittingthere tapping into the quantum
field and entrepreneurial ideasstart flowing.
So that's fully in alignmentwith the work that we do.
And I want to share a quickstory for our listeners and for
you, steph.
I don't know if you know, butClifton and I were taking turns
also stewarding that meditationroom.
Like I know, there was somebodywho had to be present at all

times to accept the space and intrain, everybody who joins
during, I think at the start ofthe pandemic or something like
that, when the world was goingthrough mayhem, and Clifton and
I kept overlapping at the sametimes and at the time we
actually were separated.
We were reevaluating if we wantto be in a relationship or not
and synchronistically we keptcoming in at the same time.

I was like, okay, let's text,let's see what's going on, let's
see what's happening.

Clifton Smith (28:01):
Yeah, that's a great memory.
Yeah, I was here in LA, youwere in Brooklyn.
New York and we weren't talkingand I just felt the pulse like,
oh, you know, it'd be good,let's go into this room, let's
get this feeling, let me, forwhatever reason, you know,
whether it was like an emotionalreason or a business motivated
reason, it didn't matter, yeah,I was like, oh, she's here.
And then, of course, the heartkind of flutters like, oh my

gosh, you know it's her.
It's like a little magicalquantification pulling each
other together.

Victoria Petrovsky (28:28):
Yeah, and I was reevaluating a lot of stuff
at the time too.
I was in there for all kinds ofemotional and spiritual
processing, clarity,understanding, and during the
pandemic Clifton moved toCalifornia and I stayed back in
New York and I was evaluating doI want to move to California?
Am I doing it for the rightreasons?
I want to make sure it feelsfully in alignment with my path

and who I am, not just becauseof a relationship, and this is
all stuff I'm evaluating.
And then, like he comes intothe room, like oh my God, I
can't escape it.

Stephan Oesterreicher (29:01):
Here we are now, and now we are in the
future from back then.

Victoria Petrovsky (29:06):

Clifton Smith (29:08):
I love your framing, and even like the
You know that's futuretechnology of the past, and so
if you just reframe it, then Iguess your logical mind could
say, hey, it's possible, let'sgive it a try.
What have been some of theresults, or what have people
experienced in this experimentthat you put on and are you

still doing it?
Are there future plans for it,or what?
Or was it the thing thatbirthed my palm leaf?
That's the thing that was themost potent thing you could

Stephan Oesterreicher (29:38):
Well, it definitely was what birthed my
palm leaf, but interestingly wejust started it again 10 days
So it's happening right now,but at the moment it's only for
one hour a day.
Then it was the idea was toreally build it up to 24 hours a
day, but actually since 10 daysit's happening again.

Clifton Smith (29:59):

Victoria Petrovsky (30:01):
That's so cool.

Clifton Smith (30:02):
Yeah, you know, when we've done the build out of
the Quantum Plenur Academy, theexperience that we've had with
the quantum plenur academy, theexperience that we've had with
the conscious innovation lab,with that space, there's always
a seed of that in how we expand,and so it's just fascinating to
explore because sort of out ofsight, out of mind, and then
we're working like, oh, this ishow we would scale it in this

way and like, oh, that's what wedid with you, and so there
definitely seems to be acontinuous draw and feeling of
what you've planted andmanifested.
So we're so grateful for that.
And even working in the Quantumfor business, I remember that
there was a time, I think, youheld a room at a business or a

meditation room and you hadshared a bit about how the
business goes through changes.
Can you talk a bit about someof the changes and that specific
thing, because we built on thatand would love to add to that.

Stephan Oesterreicher (30:56):
So I did different experiment with
different organizations and atsome point I had opportunity at
a company of a friend of mine inAustria like a printer
marketing company of 120 people.
He had a meditation room inthat company.
So we did an experiment thatfor I think 10 days, two weeks,
me and a few other people weremeditating in the room every day
for a couple of hours,connecting with the field of

that company and focusing ondownloading kind of the highest
future potential of that companyand then observing what happens
in the field.

Victoria Petrovsky (31:25):

Stephan Oesterreicher (31:26):
And then just noticing the effects of
that and it was a fun experiment, wow I had the impression that
because I was so focused onseeing direct results that it
kind of prevented it fromhappening.
I guess, that was my experience.
After, I think there needs tobe a sense of detachment.

Victoria Petrovsky (31:46):
Yeah, just to share with you something and
stuff on, and with our listenerstoo.
What I'm hearing you say islike you're tapping into the
morphic field of the entity orthe business or the company.
As you know, clifton channelsand he started his path
channeling deities and differentarchangels and so it's evolved
to actually channeling businessentities and we have a dialogue

like where I ask questions, hegives answers and we connect
with our own business entity offaces of the future, which is a
culmination of Clifton's and myconsciousness and our joint
mission together of what we'rebirthing through faces of the
future, and we connect with itpretty regularly like a standup

meeting, like once a week orsomething like that, and it
corpels us with guidance and thequality of answers we receive
and the quality of the guidancehas to do with the quality of
the questions and the more I'mattached to it and the more my
mind tries to think of rationalquestions and try to steward the
thing, and then I get feedbacklike this isn't a board meeting,

this is guidance.
Go beyond your mind.

Clifton Smith (32:57):
It was this isn't a deposition, victoria, stop
trying to get to an answer.
And it's two of us, and so it's.
How do you solve a tiebreaker,especially in all the hats we
wear, living partners,relationship partners, business
partners like, all right, let'schannel, let's figure out the
higher self?
Morphic Field says yeah, whatwe've done is we've incorporated

that into one of our offeringsin the venture studio, which we
call Quantum Business Alchemy.
So we've actually been able toutilize and combine different
tools such as familyconstellation, work mapping
using certain bio geometry,centering pendulums, crystals
you name it like the traditionalfun things.

We've been able to apply it tobusinesses and we're seeing
incredible results.
And actually, some of ourclients have had negative
energies influencing them on thebusiness side that we're
unbeknownst to us.
And then all of a sudden, asI'm in that field, I feel it

like I understand, when there'sno energy, is trying to attach
or attack that aren't benevolent, and I go Well, hold on.
And I reach out to the clientlike, hey, I'm feeling this,
what's going on?
And it's at that point thatthey reveal some sort of
non-aligned Manifestation thingthat they're trying to do or

there's a person from their pastthat had a spiritual or they're
trying to accelerate a timelineand try to force their hand to
make things happen quicker.

Victoria Petrovsky (34:31):
You know, manipulate with the ego and the
mind and Just for our listeners.
If we can just back up and talkabout what a morphic field is
of an entity and Clifton and Iuse the example of, let's say,
google or Facebook Morphic fieldis just a collection of thought
form entities.
It's like a bubble, and themore energy and emotional energy

you invest into a specific ideaor concept Like a company like
Google, oh I hate Google.
They're spying on us.
Or I love Google.
They simplified my life.
My technology is streamlined,whatever view people have on it.
It sends mixed energy About theconcept or the entity of Google
and it eventually becomes likea life of its own.

You know, originally thefounder creates that entity in
the beginning and then it takeson a life of its own as it
starts to develop and buildcollective momentum and energy.
So I just wanted it to presenceand say that very good

Clifton Smith (35:30):
Yeah, and the connection is to something
called the Igor Gore in esotericMysticism that this is about.
It's also a man-made elementalin the Rosicrucian tradition and
, just for yourself, it's likehow do you know when you go to
like I don't know McDonald'swhat to do or how to order?
Imagine you were like an alienfrom another planet and you came

to this physical location andyou saw all these bright lights.
So what do you do with it?
But because there's been such acombination of thinking, like
feeling and willing, youremotions, your thoughts and the
Manifestation grounded in thisdimension, you understand
naturally and intuitively how tooperate in that, and there's a
subtle energy Quality thatpeople can feel, that people can

sense into and that you canactually communicate with, and
so that's what this sort ofbirths is Viewing businesses
from a different lens, in a moreconscious way, to be able to
interact with it.
And so I just wanted to sharethat.
There's not a whole blossomingof information and Experiments.
I guess you could say, rightuntil we were able to repeat it

yeah, which, which we're doing,but we've been experimenting
with that concept that youseeded with us back in 2020.

Stephan Oesterreicher (36:44):
Yeah, yes .
And this creation of a businessentity, do you also?

Clifton Smith (36:48):

Stephan Oesterreicher (36:50):
This is something, I think, that can be
done much more conscious like,much more intentional also,
which is also what happened forme with my palm leaf.
So she had that point.
I didn't know yet that my palmleaves would be the outcome, but
I we kind of consciouslycreated that core entity, put a
lot of prayer, a lot of love, alot of intention into, and then

later on it blossomed into thismy palm leaf organization.

Victoria Petrovsky (37:16):
Yeah, it's a seed and you water it and you
water it daily with yourconscious intention.
So, whatever specific emotionsyou have towards it, whatever
thoughts you have towards it,whatever kind of beliefs.
So what we do also is like wehelp clear any types of
blockages and businesses.
If someone has a lot ofMomentum, that's working against

progress for the business.
So if you think of a houseclearing, if you think of like
someone going to a house andclearing out any bad energies
Like bringing them back to thelight, feng shuiying or doing
some energetic practices to movethe energy of a house, we do
that for businesses now.
So, following your experiment alittle bit and I'm curious to

hear how more of yours go and wecan share and compare notes,
because I Love that we werereconnected right at this time.

Stephan Oesterreicher (38:04):
Yes, it seems like perfect timing for

Clifton Smith (38:08):
Absolutely, and what's come through with us the
past few months is you have thethinking and the feeling, the
love and the thought, and Thenwhat?
What came through reallystrongly these past few months
is the a willing, the action,the solar plexus being able to
ground it and birth it in thisdimension.
We've had a few people onwho've talked about gut health

and actually connecting to thesolar plexus and how to clean up
the microbiome and soconnecting the more ethereal,
spiritual to the physical andthe biologic.
What has been your experiencein the evolution of the
conscious innovation lab withinyour own physicality?

Stephan Oesterreicher (38:47):
With my own physicality?
That's an interesting question.
Well, probably live a lothealthy life at the moment.
Well, I spent a lot of time infront of the computer, but
somehow it feels healthy in thebigger picture because it
rounded me much more in Earthreality and I'm learning more
how to operate here, instead ofjust kind of being on the Level

of consciousness.
Now I'm more able to functionin the material world.
Yeah, but balancing all of thatand also focusing and on the
physical health at the same timeis obviously we really want to
end up at some point right now abit more on the other side of
the spectrum of being too muchon the computer.

Victoria Petrovsky (39:30):
I hear you, yes, something, clifton, and I
also found through this recentdiscoveries that a lot of
spiritual practices, dependingon what type of spiritual
Practices somebody does, itdevelops their energetic aura or
their energy field a certainway.
So maybe the third eye getsvery developed or the heart
chakra gets very developed,depending on what type of
practices there are.
And Certain spiritual practicesdon't develop the will as much,

which is like the doing in thisdimension, especially those
that are more non-dual, likegoing back to spirit, connecting
back to spirit, that don'tfully understand the purpose of
a human experience.
Yeah, there's a great teacher,dr Robert Gilbert, with the
Vesica Institute, who talksabout this concept because he
compares all the differentspiritual Teachings and

practices and how it impacts theevolution of a human's energy
field and existence.

Stephan Oesterreicher (40:23):
Yeah, it definitely experience it also,
depending on kind of what kindof practice I do and what drawn
to, either One word or the other.

Clifton Smith (40:32):
Yeah, Exactly that's why when we work with
clients in our academy and theircompany, their entities, in the
venture studio, we understandwhat's going on with their
business and we can translatethat to how their physical body
And Then vice versa, we couldsee someone's physical body and
their practices and understandwhere their business is.

And Actually one of the mostpowerful things is to work with
the founder, because thebusiness is a natural byproduct
of that.
So that's why a lot of the morespiritually gifted people who
are on sort of the entrepreneurare Rebalancing a lot of the
solar plexus.
Breath work, gut health, makingsure that there's not leaky guy

and looking at the physicalityCan actually correlate to a lot
of that action.
And I might swim in one ofthose people you know as someone
who was so connected into thespiritual world, the more that,
like going to the gym benchingiron Breathwork of probiotics,
looking at my gut health, whatwe've noticed with some of our
clients is that those who arespiritually inclined a lot of

people these days, even whoaren't spiritually inclined have
a leaky gut issue because ofthe food and the way it's been
grown, especially in America,and what we've seen is that
correlates to poor boundaries,which correlates to improper
business arrangements and, asyou said, creating the structure
to ground a business.

You need the clear, as clear aspossible roles and Entity to
form and if you are in Peru,opening up a house where anyone
can come in at any point, that'sjust, you can't.
There's nothing to continuethat energy and that
manifestation and creation.
What are some of the moreentrepreneurial lessons you've

learned since that Peru house?

Stephan Oesterreicher (42:22):
that you've applied so many.
Yeah so to know what I want andto do it, everything that is
needed to achieve it, even if Idon't necessarily like it, it's
like in my Nature.
What I like to do is likeliterally to meditate somewhere
in the Andes or Himalayas.
That's what I like to do.

But I also realized no, I wantto create projects that, like
have an impact on this world,and so, after I finished school,
I only dedicate myself to learnabout spirituality.
I didn't go to college, Ididn't have a proper job,
nothing, no.
So I didn't learn all the tools, and you know the HD and

Victoria Petrovsky (43:02):
That's what we say when I decided to create
this project.

Stephan Oesterreicher (43:08):
I also realized I need to learn a lot
of stuff and now Everything thatI'm using every single day.
I just learned it by doing, andthat includes things that I
don't find so sexy accounting,like All of these things are

Victoria Petrovsky (43:23):
I had a lot of resistance to marketing and
money, all of these things now,enough marketing understood.

Stephan Oesterreicher (43:28):
It's really important to get your
message out to reach people.
It's really important to run aprofitable, sustainable business
in order to create moreprojects.
I got it now.
I love it, but like reallyhaving the will to learn what we
need to learn I think there wasa major lesson and to fail
again and again, and again untilit's successful.
Yeah, so how did you come tolove those things like marketing


Victoria Petrovsky (43:53):
I don't know if you love accounting yet
Maybe love is a strong word, buthow do you?
Today I love it because I seethe why behind it.
I see I'm doing that not now,because I love.

Stephan Oesterreicher (44:07):
Excel, but I learned to love Excel
because I love Excel.
But I learned to love except.
Because I love what I want tocreate, I love what I want to
share with the world and that tobring that love into everything
I do on a daily level.
That makes everything enjoyable.

Clifton Smith (44:25):
Yeah how did you bring the love to accounting to
Can you help our listenersunderstand that it's about?

Stephan Oesterreicher (44:32):
seeing where it leads towards.
If I want to create A globalorganization that bridges deep,
deep mysticism with thismaterial world, I need to learn
how to balance the numbersminute we're counting.
I don't see it as accounting.
I see it as a tool to Build mydream in.
That moment becomes fun.

Clifton Smith (44:53):
What was that experience or that moment where
you realize that accounting is atool to build your dream,
because not many people havemade that connection.

Victoria Petrovsky (45:03):
Yes you're not far enough to see.

Stephan Oesterreicher (45:06):
How you thought and recontextualized it
probably also through manypainful experiences of things
not working out.
That's right.
At some point I had to learnthis lesson.

Victoria Petrovsky (45:19):
Yeah, that really resonates for us too.
We had to learn about marketingand sales and Clifton
thankfully came in with anaccounting background.
But because of his journey ofspiritual awakening was maybe
resisting it for a little bit oftime, of being the numbers guy
and then coming back into it.

Clifton Smith (45:37):
My challenge was more being pigeonholed as just
the numbers guy.
Because no one a lot of people,at least in my reality, don't
really like doing the numbers,so then they know that I know
how to do the numbers and that'swhat they want my role to be,
and I was being called to ahigher expression, or greater
expression, which numbers are akey part.

But that's not all of it, andthere is aspects of myself that
were yearning to be developedfurther, rather than being
contained and just focused onnumbers, and so that was a lot
of my unique journey.
But I do love numbers.
I love excel Because, justexactly as you said it, you can

see how things add up, howthings build and just the
background and training.
I start seeing things inspreadsheets and understanding,
like the flow of energy based onaccounting, if it's a
foundation if there are noproper numbers, it's not going
to work.

Victoria Petrovsky (46:35):
And the numbers tell us story about how
the business is doing, what thefuture looks like, what the
future roadmap will be if thingskeep going at this pace or if
we need to make changes right.
And a lot of times people mightavoid the numbers because they
don't want to deal with thathonest truth.

Stephan Oesterreicher (46:54):
Another lesson I want to shareis like the power focusing and
to say no.
What is that recording?
We spoke about the love ofdoing many projects at the same
I still have that love, butactually I think the main reason
why my partner is growing is asuccessful organization is
because I fully focus on thatand I say no Ninety percent of

my thoughts and ideas.
And there's also difference,because many people, including
myself, we like to do manythings that is so important and
then none of them has enoughenergy to land.
But if you focus on one andthat's working, it's much easier
to be the second one on top andthen a third one on top and
then all of a sudden it startsto work.

Yeah, that really resonateswith me too.
Stefan, and in human design.

Victoria Petrovsky (47:41):
We just looked at Stefan's chart before
hopping on this call.
He's a manifesting generator,so that's a multi passionate
They like to have multipleplate spinning, sinking it back
up to how businesses have athought form, energy in a
morphic field.
Clifton in my business is amanifesting generator and it

wants to do that thing thatyou're describing of let's do
this project and this projectand this project.
We got the venture studio andthe quantumpreneur academy and
the wellness studio and theresearch studio and it's like we
had to just focus on thequantumpreneur academy for a
while, which is just thecoaching, which is preparing
people for this kind oflifestyle, training the

Bodhisattvas to have businessskill the expression that came
through yesterday and now we'restarting to build up the venture
studio again.
It was always there and I seethat you're doing that as well,
because you had the consciousinnovation lab.
You had the research you weredoing about channeling
futuristic technologies and thenyou got the Impulse to execute
on my palm leaf reading.

You let it sit for a little bit.
The rest of it develop my palmleaf reading, and now I'm
hearing that you're coming backinto that Exploration of the
business entities and thechanneling futuristic
technologies and I would say ourpaths are alike in that as well
, would you agree, clifton?

Clifton Smith (49:06):
Yeah, absolutely, and I'd love to hear what was
the inspirational moment likefor us.
We're very much guided bychanneling the entity,
understanding the entity and,following that, what was your
To open the zoom room once aweek, once a day, actually one
hour every day, okay, what?

Stephan Oesterreicher (49:21):
it was actually a different kind.
It was that I was felt a lot ofsadness about the Israel and
Palestine situation and I waslike key just doesn't help if
I'm just in my negative mind.
What can I do, like?
Okay, let's open up ameditation room and every day,
for one hour, let's just pray toall the timeless masters to

always been benevolent forcesfor their every moment, and pray
to them, meditate with them tobring light and blessings for
this word.
So it's slightly differentapproach.
It's still the same outcome,yeah, but it's more about
focusing about this essence ofgoodness hold space for a
benevolent future for thisplanet.
So the focus is more our entireworld, our entire humanity this

time, than a single entity, asingle business.

Clifton Smith (50:13):
Yeah, we talk a lot about yourtotal life of joy on an
individual level, your totalbusiness of joy On the business
level, and what we've done iscreated a framework to
understand what amount of energyat what level of the same
fractal you can do, because whatwe've noticed with

entrepreneurs, or quantum, or isa quantum based people, is
their thinking global, theirthinking cosmic and any very
macro, and anytime you think ofthat, you're thinking beyond
your physicality and that'sgoing to create an
We also see people who are soembedded in the future that
they're not present in thephysical right.

Victoria Petrovsky (50:54):
And it's great like there to go in their
physical body because they'retrying to orient between two
realities, like a dizzinessbeing in between Dimension and
of course, the other side islike the sadness from the past
or the pain from the past.

Clifton Smith (51:06):
That's not in the present moment, so it this
three dimensional world Is verypotent in terms of being able to
create something, because ifyou're too far in the past or
too far in the future, or ifyou're too beyond your
physicality, then thisungroundedness, this inability
to manifest, really happens, andat the same time, you have the

conscious awakening.
We have a different frame oflike.
What kind of consciousawakenings you've been through?
A lot of people have the allself conscious awakening, which
is the recognition that everyoneis connected, and so, at least
from my experience, when thathappened, I just wanted to play
the all self world, which isthinking globally, but what that

was doing was that was removingmy ability to take care of my I
self, my individual self, andso, at the same time, having a
measured and I love that it'sone hour, a measured amount of
time for you to connect to thatenergy, for you to connect to
that part of yourself and have aproactive, joyful, optimistic

action that can be taken,because so many times people get
caught in the negative Ofreacting to the situation.
You're potentiating a futurewith more of that positive
energy and you're not overcommitting yourself to that all
self, but you're saying, hey,this is important to me, we're
gonna go in and get the job done, and I'm gonna get back to my


Stephan Oesterreicher (52:36):
But in a way I'm also in my palm leaf
when I'm sitting there for onehour, because for me my palm is
also a tool to contribute Toco-creating this benevolent
So like, and literally, mymeditation space two meters from
my desk in my office, I go tomeditate, I go to my desk.

Victoria Petrovsky (52:56):
Yeah, it's so true like.

Clifton Smith (52:58):
Dr Joe dispensate .
He has like a healing groupthat we've been part of and he
says when you heal another, youheal yourself right.
Our guru said we cause someoneelse's reality, you cause yours
So there is this innerconnectedness and what's great
is that you have already put inthe work to put in the
boundaries of what my palm leafIs right versus not having a

So there is no vessel for youto invest to contain all of that
positive energy.
And now there is.
And so one of the things wepresent is people's journey,
where they are on their journey,on their journey, do you know
what you want to create?
Have you created the vessel tocontain that entity?

Victoria Petrovsky (53:40):
financial abundance too right?

Stephan Oesterreicher (53:44):
Yes, yeah , what I'm proud to have this,
the vessel that you mentioned.

Clifton Smith (53:49):
And the mechanics to be handed so you can fill it
up right.
So when you go into a fieldlike that that is loving and
benevolent, you've got somethingthat is being filled up rather
than just pouring through you inand out in that and it just
creates more of a.
Euphoric experience.
There's an actual, constructiveor manifested pathway that

you're participating in.
That is a byproduct of yourclarity of who you are, what
you're here to do and what thebusiness cases for that, and so
I'd love to explore it in thisfinal section.

Victoria Petrovsky (54:25):
I want to hear from you, stefan, what
human potential means to you.

Stephan Oesterreicher (54:30):
Our human potential.
It means to really connect withthis dream in our heart and
dedicate our entire life tomaking it a reality.
Because, ultimately, we allknow, we all feel what's our
Not all of us make the decisionto really go for it.
To make this decision to yes, Iwant to live that and to be

free also to be free from thesesocietal norms and pressures and
decide by ourselves what's thekind of life you want to create.

Victoria Petrovsky (55:05):
Yeah, that feels really aligned with how I
would define it as well.

Clifton Smith (55:09):
And really aligned to how I observe you
embodying it, stifad, going outand doing what you're doing.

Victoria Petrovsky (55:16):
It's age 20 from what you shared.

Clifton Smith (55:19):
Yeah, we always say it's a unique blueprint for
each person, right?
It's not like oh, go to school,then go do this.
For you, that means at 20, goto India, where for others it
might be go somewhere else.

Victoria Petrovsky (55:31):
FD or whatever Different path.

Clifton Smith (55:33):
So what's on the horizon for you and my palm leaf
in your total life of joy?
What's next?

Stephan Oesterreicher (55:39):
There's a big vision for it, but my
lesson that I learn every singleday was to take things slowly
and to really focus on makingthings work, which is happening
right now, and to build on topof that step by step.
But also, what's next is I'mvery clear that I want to

continue this journey togetherwith my team, and just gives me
so much joy to work with thepeople that I work with, because
you're not just a company,you're really like friends being
on a mission together, andthat's really essential for me
to keep that sense of we'redoing this together and to enjoy
our connection in this creationalso.

So I want to keep this sense offamily and friends being on a
mission in our creation.
But there are many, many dreams.
There's a big vision behind it,but I want to take it slow,
step by step, and to focus onmaking it real.
Like to have great visions butthen really, step by step,

bringing it into reality.

Victoria Petrovsky (56:45):

Stephan Oesterreicher (56:46):
On a practical level also to answer
that it means to continuefocusing on offering the palm
leaf readings Worldwide we dothis in many languages and also
to explore more the spiritualdimension of it, because the
palm leaves are just like thesurface of a whole mystical
world of the Ascended Mastersthat are communicating with us

humans today.
The palm leaf is just one ofmany tools for us.
We basically want to continuecreating these kind of tools of
awakening, both in the subtledimension like the palm leaves
are online and very subtle butalso in the physical dimension,
to create places that help ushuman beings to remember who we
truly are actually.
Yeah, wow so current path anddirection.

Victoria Petrovsky (57:31):
So how can people get in touch with these
stuff on to receive their palmleaf reading?

Stephan Oesterreicher (57:36):
So, first of all, it's good to know that
the palm leaves will call you inexactly the right moment.
At some point you will know,hey, I should look for my palm
leaf, and then it's usually theright time to do it.
And when it's the right time,just come to our website,
mypalmleafcom, or check out ourYouTube channel, get inspired
and, whenever it's the rightmoment, we are really, really
happy to help you on thisjourney.

Victoria Petrovsky (57:58):
And the YouTube channel is also called
my Palm Leaf.

Stephan Oesterreicher (58:01):
We actually have many YouTube
channels in many differentlanguages, but my Palm Leaf is
the English channel.

Victoria Petrovsky (58:06):
Beautiful and we'll drop the link in the
show notes below both links andwe'll offer to our listeners a
special promo for getting theirpalm leaf reading with you.
That will also drop in the shownotes below.

Clifton Smith (58:19):
Yes, awesome.
Well, it's been so incredibleto sit with you and share this
conversation, as well as all theAscended Master and Rishis that
are supporting and stewardingthis mission.
I can certainly feel it all andso grateful to have you,
victoria, as the co-host and youare listeners.

We're so grateful for youtuning in and looking forward to
your next activation ofconscious awakening.

Victoria Petrovsky (58:47):
Yes, thank you.
We'll talk to you guys nexttime.
Thanks for joining.
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