Episode Transcript
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Hi, this is Stephanie Maas.
Holy schmoly.
What a year this has been.
I'm going to specifically focus on the employment market.
We have seen record low unemployment since 1969.
For me and most of my peers, that's the lowest in our entire lifetime.
For most of us in the working world.
We certainly can't remember to a time further back that it was lower.
So how does that exactly execute?
We know those are the facts, but how exactly does that execute in our professional world?
A couple of things.
How are we going to address attracting, retaining, recruiting top talent in the market?
We've got to know how to get to the right people, how to keep the right people, because quite frankly, there aren't enough of them to go around.
Secondly, what does this mean if you are some of that highly desired talent in the marketplace?
What it means is your phone is going to be ringing off the hook from recruiters, other organizations, everybody and their brother wants you professionally.
So, while it can be tempting, especially when you've had a rough day, to want to take that call and go out on an interview, this is a time where it takes tremendous discipline to really say, Hey, wait, before I go out there, before I put my big toe in the water, does this really make sense for me to make a move right now?
By the way, I know that's crazy advice coming from a recruiter, but it's very sincere advice.
If you're going to make a move or even test the waters, you've got to be in the right frame of mind.
Otherwise you're going to get labeled as window shopping and nobody wants that.
Thirdly, again, knowing what has happened and what's in the market, everything going on, there is still a group of us that feel highly skilled.
But when we've attempted to make a move or we've looked at other things, we haven't gotten the feedback and the demand per se that we thought we would.
And I want to share with you not to take that personally.
Now, if you're underperforming, of course you should take that personally and stop underperforming.
But one of the things I've noticed in this market is the demand.
Is for what it is.
It's not like it was in 07, where truly we would joke.
I mean, if you could show up in a suit and tie or just a suit, or if you could just produce a resume, you could get a really good job.
This isn't the same economic times.
So if you feel like, Hey, I'm valued, but I'm not feeling the demand or the pool, like some of my other colleagues in different industries or niches or whatever the case may be, hang tight.
Bide your time.
It's coming.
It may not be there today, but it's coming.
Keep that in mind.
Good luck.
Hope this helps.