All Episodes

April 28, 2024 91 mins

The latest episode takes us into the vibrant world of bar trivia, showcasing the unique approach and variety that Geeks Who Drink brings to the table. From audio and visual rounds to multi-point rounds, the episode explores it all and more. Insightful inputs about quiz masters, special theme quizzes, and growth strategies make this a must-hear for every trivia enthusiast.

Dive deeper into the trivia offerings of Geeks Who Drink, focusing on their content curation and the casual fun of Small Batch Trivia. From iconic pop culture to geo-themed quizzes, experience the breadth and buzz of Geeks Who Drink trivia nights first hand through an exhilarating live quiz.

Also featuring a what's new at Noble segment at the end of the interview, we talk about CBC and World Beer Cup and their Gold Medal, also try some new beers of there's, and congrats to all winners at WBC.

Cheers Tap Fam

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Hey everyone, it's Mike. Before we start the episode, I have a cool question
to ask. Do you own a brewery? Do your customers love trivia as much as I do?
Well then you better listen up. Because Geeks Who Drink Weekly Trivia Nights
are the cornerstone of event programming for over 650 breweries and bars nationwide.
Geeks Who Drink Trivia is a consistently fun and low-effort way to build a community

of regulars, because we all need our norms, cliffs, and all that.
But we want to bring more people in as well.
So you can even turn that slow weeknight night into the busiest night of the week.
So get started with this exclusive offer from my taproom listeners and get your first quiz night free.
Go to slash taproom and enter promo code taproom.
That's slash taproom promo code taproom. And now onto the episode.


All right, and we're back. This is episode 63 of the Taproom Podcast, and I'm your host, Mike.
Man, what a weekend. What a week, actually. So this whole, well,
let's start with this. This episode is with Brian Carr from Geeks Who Drink.
Really great guy. We got to chat for a while, talk for about 45 minutes.

He was a really, really good dude.
I got to hear their story. Sorry if you hear Morgan snoring in the background.
I'm going to have to play with some audio. But I'm recording this on a Sunday morning.
Originally, so there is going to be also at the end of the episode a What's New at Noble segment.
They just won a gold medal over at World Beer Cup.
Originally, they were in the intro and the outro.

But it went kind of long, so it's almost like a double episode.
So I just put that at the back of the episode.
But yeah, so I just wanted to give them obviously a huge shout out and give
a big shout out to all the different, you know, all the L.A.
County and Orange County and Ventura County breweries that won a beer cup.
And shout out to L.A. underscore brew life art because he actually made a post

and I was able to screenshot it. I was like, sweet, because I was going to go through everything.
But yeah, the winners, everyone in those counties, is Paperbackism,
Trademark Brewing, Golden Road, Everywhere, Transmission, 1886, Selador Ales,
Highland Park Brewery, obviously Noble, Chapman Crafted, Frogtown,
Green Cheek, Ogopogo, Topa Topa, Rip, Tustin, and Made West.

And I've been lucky enough to record with a few of those breweries,
so that's pretty freaking awesome. Shout out to Frogtown. They were on the episode last week.
Just really fun. Got a lot of great feedback from that episode.
So I just want to say thank you to them again.
And honestly, thank you to just all the breweries, you know,
that, you know, went out to World Beer Cup and, you know, put,
you know, put their hard work on the line, you know, to have someone judge it.

So that's, you know, takes a lot of, takes a lot of guts to do that.
So congrats to everyone that won.
But yeah, there was also the NFL draft this weekend. That was,
I watched it. I think the Packers had a really good draft.
The Caleb went to the Bears, still hate the Bears, sorry.
Just not a Bears guy. But yeah, just, I mean, the draft was fun.

I mean, it's always good to watch.
I finally get to cheer for an SC player because SC drafted Marshawn Lloyd from
SC. So I was like, all right, well, there we go.
Finally get to cheer for one. Because every time one gets drafted,
I feel like they either go to like the Bears, the Vikings, or the Lions,
which I mean, I like Amun-Ra, and I do have a soft spot for the Lions too.
But yeah, didn't want to take too long on this intro. We do talk a little hockey

with Noble as well. We also talk about Monkey King.
Also shout out to Ron opening up and starting up his own brewery out there in
Eastvale. Not too far from Hamilton.
So kudos. Kudos to him. Can't wait to get out there and try it.
They got a four-pack save for me, so I'm going to have to pick one of those
up. I was supposed to get it Friday when I was there, and I totally forgot.
I got Morgan last week, and first day in the brewery was a little rough.

Pooped in the brewery, puked in the parking lot. It was kind of like it was me there.
Just kidding. But yeah, no, she's doing so much better now. So it's exciting.
She's a really good dog. Once she, she's getting over her anxiety,
I'm in the car, but she's doing great.
All right. Like I said, I don't want to take too long. Abs are playing in about two hours. So go abs go.
Hopefully they can take a three,

one lead. We'll see, but we'll just do a quick, Oh, you know, I'm sorry.
I forgot. I had the, so we did ask the question this week.
Some like some of your favorite merch from breweries.
Well, except maybe...
I can't talk today, clearly. Favorite breweries, like your favorite breweries
merch, I guess, is the right way to say it? Yeah, whatever.

We had Beach Cat was on there, Cerveza Sito, Claremont Craft Ales.
This one, La Bodega was on there, 818.
What else we got here? There was North Park, Coronado, Hamilton was on there.
There's a huge list. But my favorite response was from Mitch McDuff,

and it said, your mom's house.
I literally LOL'd or laughed out loud when I read that.
So I was like, that was pretty funny. And also the Geeks Who Drink question
of the week was when the World Beer Cup started.
And they had the years at 1986.
I also had, let's see, 92, 96, and 94.

About, it was about 50 people said 1996.
70 people said 1986. 40 said 1992.
And 20 said 1994. The correct answer was 1996. 96.
Yeah. Let's see. I'm going to give a quick rundown of the, of the,
let's see here of the NHL playoffs here to see what we got.

So as of right now, the series, the abs are up two to one connects are up two
to one on the Preds Rangers up three. I'll go in for the sweep today on the caps.
Oilers and the Kings also play today at seven 30 or there's rep two to one in that series.
Let's see. And tomorrow, we have the Lightning and the Panthers. The Panthers are up 3-1.

And the Stars, man. Stars are down 2-1 right now.
But, I mean, they won just the other day. So, maybe they can get a little momentum for that.
All right. Well, I'm going to shut up now. So, I hope you guys enjoy the interview
with Brian Carr from Geeks Who Drink.
Don't forget, if you own a brewery or a bar and you want to go ahead and get
your first quiz night free, So you can have trivia over at your bar or brewery.

You can go to slash taproom.
That's slash taproom and use promo code taproom.
All right. Hope you guys enjoy the episode.
All right, guys, we're back in the taproom and I am your host,
Mike. And I have a very special guest on today, Brian Carr from Geeks Who Drink. How are you?
Hey, I'm good, Mike. Thanks for having me on here.

Excited to join in here and have a great discussion on, you know,
what it is that you do best Oh, awesome.
Yeah. I mean, I'm glad to, glad we could make this happen.
I know we have been chats with Bernadette and, you know, and like,
you know, getting, you know, getting to meet you and being able to do this now.
I'm excited because, you know, when I heard about Geeks Who Drink,

cause I used to, you know, it's funny.
I used to go to bootleggers out here in California, which is a brewery out in Orange County.
And for a long time, I didn't know that it was Geeks Who Drink that put it on.
So then when I looked into it further, I was like, oh, yeah.
And then I was like, man, I've been going to their Tribune nights for a long time.
Yeah, yeah. I mean, gosh, we've been around since, you know,

the mid-aughts, our founder.
We started out at Denver, Colorado, and, you know, quickly grew into really
to become a national brand. You know, we're really sort of the kind of industry
standard when it comes to in-bar live hosted pub quiz or trivia.
So glad that you've been able to, you know, partake of the Geeks Who Drink trivia in your history.

So what did you, what were some of the, you know, trivia or rounds that stuck
out to you in your time playing?
Man because it's been a bit since i've been
over to bootleggers but wouldn't be used to go all the time back
this was like maybe four or five years ago
it was like anything like tv movies sports pretty much anything for me like

that i'm i always call myself a vessel of useless knowledge so yeah it's like
i just feel like that yeah i'm definitely in the pop culture side too i I think,
you know, any trivia night,
bar trivia night you go to, there's, you know, can be a mix of learned subjects
and the pop culture subjects.
So, you know, when I play, I let the other experts handle the learned stuff

and give me all the pop culture because I'll be much more comfortable there.
There you go. Yeah, that's my wheelhouse for me for sure.
I mean, yeah, could you tell us a story about Geeks Who Drink, like how it all started?
Yeah, so as I mentioned, we, you know, we started in the mid-aughts.
So our founder, you know, he had spent some time in the UK and,

you know, that's always had a very thriving pub quiz.
And that's really what they call it there is pub quiz. You know,
if you go over there and say trivia, of course, people will know what you're talking about.
But like the true bar trivia experience, you know, from the British perspective was called pub quiz.
I mean, I can even remember like watching an episode of the original office,
you know, the British office and they had an entire episode devoted to a pub

quiz contest that, you know, the office mates go and play.
So it's an institution there. And so when our owner was there and took part
in that and just saw the, you know, number one, like the community that it really
builds within that, you know, establishment,
you know, as far as that week over week people coming in.
He said, man, this is something that, you know, we should bring to the States.

And I'm sure at the time there were probably stuff that, you know, had already started up.
It's not that, you know, he was the one that brought it over here,
but just saying this is going to work really well.
And so started it in Denver.
And I think the first state that we expanded outside of Denver was into New Mexico.

And then up into even the Pacific Northwest, Seattle's really strong.
So Portland, really, you know, no matter where you're at in the country,
especially in the major metro areas, you're going to find venues that run and have Geeks Who Drink.
And, you know, we've sort of built our...
Our brand and our presence on the backs of a couple things where,

you know, we really pride ourselves on the content in terms of the questions that we ask.
We want it to be not only, you know, something that makes you challenged as
far as intellect wise, but we want it to also have some humor and some of our voice in there.
We really feel like our rounds and our style really showcase the humor and the

wit that we have as a brand in addition to just, you know, straight up trivia.
And then really the biggest value that I think our brand has been built on is
our quiz masters across the country.
So we work with quiz masters in every part of the world and country that we're in.
And they're the ones that really bring our trivia to life.

You know, they're trained up by our recruiters and our trainers,
but they go out and they're the voice of us.
They deliver the content, the questions, and really, you know,
that's what, you know, those engaging folks, when they get out there and they
host our quiz and our trivia, I think that's really what, at the end of the
day, brings people back.

Because not only are they getting tested on really creative trivia,
but they're also, you know, engaging with our quiz masters who are really second
to none in terms of having a great emcee and presence for, you know,
the bars and the breweries and venues that we work with.
That's awesome. I mean, and it's almost like, almost kind of reminds me of like
how, like when you go into a brewery and they have like, you know,

the, like the beer tenders, they know, like, you know, they have like,
they're pretty solid on their beer education.
So like when you have your, like you're saying with your quiz masters,
I feel like that's like, you know, you know, they almost go like,
you know, well, there's a similarities there because they know exactly like
what they're talking about.
And obviously it seems like they're very, they're very knowledgeable when it
comes to all of, you know, everything that they, you know, bring up at the,

you know, at the quiz, I mean, at the quiz nights and stuff like that. So that's pretty cool.
Yeah. And I love that our, our quiz masters, I think we, obviously we are recruiting
and we're going after, you know, the best ones that we know are going to bring
our quiz to life and be great stewards of our brand,
but they become part of the family at our breweries and venues that we work with.

I mean, you know, you talk to owners and managers and the folks who are there
running the day-to-day and even down to the staff and the bartenders,
et cetera, the brewmasters.
I mean, they really say that Quizmaster is really one of ours here.
You know, they become an extension of that staff or that brewery family.

And that's what makes the, you know, experience even more beneficial is because
you've got that community built of regulars that come back week after week,
but then that sort of, you know, staff and, and quiz master extension.
All right. That's, that's really cool. And I mean, I just love,
I mean, who didn't, and honestly, who doesn't love trivia, right? Like, you know.
It's the best. I mean, I know I'm biased. I've been writing content for,

I haven't been with Geeks for as long as Geeks has been around.
But I have been writing content for us for nearly 10 years now.
Now and it's it's funny
how much i write and then ultimately forget
and then i'll be at a trivia night maybe that's not
ours you know maybe somewhere else where i'm playing with friends

in st louis because obviously i can't go to the geeks
events all the time because i know the questions i've
seen the questions yeah you know i don't want to go in there and and
do that but i'll i'll hear a question and
i'll be like i just wrote a question on this two weeks
ago and i've already forgotten the answer so yeah but you
know it's it's a lot of fun yeah could you tell like

for the listeners can you tell us about like some of the different types of
quizzes you guys have yeah so we have a couple
different offerings where we've got just our
what we call classic trivia so that's
you know what you played when when you played you know
at the venue that you were at and that's our really.
Just straightforward seven rounds you know

really each round has about eight questions uh and
you know so you're really getting there's some bonus ones in there so
i mean at any given night you're you know hearing you know
over you know nearly 60 questions of of
content that's coming at you and some of those are multi-point rounds
so there's even more stuff beyond that we also have an audio and a visual round
mixed in so it really provides a lot of variety outside of the just a straightforward

person on the mic reading a question and then you answer it so we've got audio
built in where you're naming song titles and artists and we've We've got visual
rounds where we're actually doing.
Whether it's a image of something that you're naming or even video files.
So we're actually pulling together really awesome video files of rounds and

people are naming TV shows, movies.
So really it's a very versatile trivia offering with the questions and the style,
that are kind of what we're sort of built on as that engaging side.
And then on top of that, it's really our,
Our questions and our content are really themed around different ideas so that
you're getting – it's not just, hey, here's a round on the U.S. presidents.

We're going to do something and we're going to kind of turn it on its head and
make it even more clever and more exciting than just that and go that route.
So that's really our classic offering.
We've got another variety called Small Batch Trivia that is for a lot of our
venues that might have a more casual crowd. So it's a very similar in the terms of that.
We've got, you know, a lot of good AV audio visual content coming at you and

questions, but it might small batch trivia is a little more approachable.
So it's going to be a little bit more where content may not be as difficult.
So if you've got a casual crowd, that's really what it's going to be for.
It's going to be a little bit more pop culture heavy and not too much.
There's still some learned stuff there, but it's going to be a little bit more
pop culture heavy. And that's really for, you know, not every venue is the same.

You know, some places, you know, attract a certain crowd and we want to try
to make sure that we attune our offerings to those crowds so that,
you know, we've got a little something for everybody.
And then on top of those, we've got theme quiz offerings.
Offerings so we you can come and you know
if you're running our normal weekly stuff maybe on a different night that
you're running your your geeks who drink trivia you've got a you know taylor

swift quiz right we just launched one of those last year okay taylor swift mania
was you know raging forth and those have been great for us we've got things
like the office you know mcu marvel cinematic universe we've got you know lots
of theme quizzes in our in our.
Theme quiz offering, RuPaul's Drag Race.
So you name it, different TV shows and movies that are really popular and something

that folks can really tie to in terms of their fandom, we can have an entire night devoted to that.
And I think for our partner venues, it's a great way to even expand your trivia
audience and get new people in.
Because somebody might say, hey.
I'm not the most, you know, I trivia night doesn't quite excite me because,

you know, maybe I'm not that much of a trivia head, but I really,
really love the show, The Office.
And I've watched every single episode. So I'm going to come in and get and get
tested on that. So it's a great way to kind of expand the audience.
And we really, you know, have had a lot of success with those offerings.
That's awesome. I think there was one. I want to say it was that bootlegger.
I said this was some time ago, but I think it was like a How I Met Your Mother trivia night.

Yeah. And me and my brother went to that one and we did pretty well because
we've I think we've by now we've probably seen the show like from beginning to end about 20 times.
Yes. Yeah. And, you know, the great thing about the partner venues in ours that
really do the best with those types
of venues is when they make it kind of immersive and are interactive.
So, for example, we'll provide in our offering there to the venues,

we'll get them ideas for maybe costumes that their staff can wear and simple,
you know, kind of cost effective ones.
It's not like we're trying to have you get into full makeup and do these things,
but it's just kind of clever ideas.
And then also food and drink. If they want to try to tie food and drink ideas
to the theme that we're offering, I think it really goes a long way.

And you'll find, and we find that a lot of our quizzers that come out,
I mean, they love to, they're going there for a theme quiz.
They're going to show up, you know, for example, we've got coming up May the
4th. It's going to be a massive day for us for Star Wars.
I bet. And you'll see people show up in full Star Wars costumes and,

you know, it becomes a huge event. And, you know, we're already marketing that
and we're seeing a ton of our venues, you know, getting that planned and marketed.
That's going to be awesome because I'm a huge Star Wars guy. So that'll be a blast.
Yeah, absolutely. So like you were saying earlier, so you guys are like,
you know, in almost 700 breweries across the country.

Like, you know, how do you guys like, how do you guys see it growing further?
And like, you know, what, you know, the expansion into more breweries?
Can you tell us a little about that? Yeah.
So, you know, we've always, and we're, our, our history has always been on,
you know, continuing to add more and more venues.
We obviously, you know, had a, you know, when the, when the pandemic hit,

you know, there's a, there was a stop on really anybody doing anything related to the bar.
But once we got past that, we've continued to really have a focus on finding
new and existing venues.
New venues that we're going after, as well as, you know, maybe venues that we
had in the past that had to kind of stop offerings.

And then we got them going again because, you know, they got back on their feet
and, and, you know, they're back in the business and working.
So I think it's really a matter of, you know, continuing with those legacy clients
that we've always had rebooting ones where, where,
you know, they're, they've been around and maybe come back or maybe under new
ownership, all those kinds of things are part of the kind of bar

restaurant brewery world. And we just sort of adapt to those things.
And then as well as, you know, finding those that are opening new places where
we can really come out and say, Hey, what we do is we bring a full service top
of the line trivia night,
and it's going to help you on your, you know, maybe off nights,

like a Monday through Thursday to bring in a regular crowd week after week to,
you know, really grow your top line.
That's really what, what we're about. And that's what we, you know,
want to do and be that full service provider for, for our partners.
That's awesome. I mean, and that's why even like talking to,
to Bernadette, like when she reached out, I was like, man, like,
I mean, I liked, I mean, I loved you guys anyway.

So I was like, man, that seems like it was like perfect for me to be able to,
you know, to have like, you know, this, you know, put this kind of partnership
together and be able to talk to you and be able to talk to her and,
you know, hear how much like, cause you can tell when you, when you hear,
someone's voice, like you can hear it in someone's voice, how much they care about their product.
And if that's clearly, I mean, you can clearly hear that in yours.

So that's, that's awesome.
Yeah. And you know, we're, I mean, our, I love our name. Our name is pretty
kind of iconic in the trivia world, Geeks Who Drink.
So, you know, we attract folks that are both either or, or both,
you know, are you a geek? Are you, you know, a drink?
Yeah. Either one of those things. We really, really value that partnership with
our folks because our quizzers that are out there, they love to show off their

knowledge, their geeky knowledge, but they also love to drink.
Drink and so it's a great partnership we have with
you know breweries and and and and
clients because we're able to kind of bring those
people and fill those seats with geeks so
that they can come in and you know take advantage
of the great services that our our clients provide with their

service oh yeah and i think you like you
might not be able to see but like in my background i'm like i'm a huge like yeah
nerd and really geek because like for like everything they
call me my comic books or i have comic books back there i have
my regular books but i have all my star wars stuff
my disney stuff and like yeah i'm a i'm a huge
geek so that's great yeah so
i'm right up in there but i thought it would be kind of cool since you know

since i'm having you on if we did maybe like a live quiz so i could see how
see how let's do it i've got a couple options for you i'll let you pick all
right okay i'm in terms of what we can we can go after here so i know we want
to obviously Obviously,
this is a beer podcast, right?
So we want to make sure we stay in that world.

So I'll give you two options. You can tell me which ones you want,
or we could just do a little everything.
So I've got a round called Fruited But Not Plain. It's just a round on fruit-infused American beers.
Okay. And then we've got one called Beer Me Boise.
Okay. And this is going to be a round on craft beers with geographic names.

Ooh. Oh, so which one, Mikey, are you feeling most excited about?
I have a feeling I'm going to be blanking.
But I put, yeah, but you know what? I think I kind of, I kind of like the geographic one.
All right, let's start. I mean, hopefully I don't do too bad.
And then I'm sure people are going to laugh at me in the episode.

Well, that's the whole point. Because right now, or as I ask them,
people are going to be yelling at their, you know, speaker or their device or
whatever saying, Mikey, how could you not know this answer?
Oh, I know. Yeah, I can hear it. I can hear it already.
The messages I'm going to get when this episode airs. But no judgments,
okay? Nobody message Mikey and make fun of him, okay?

We're just going to test some knowledge here. Okay, so this is Beer Me Boise,
all right? We are going to do a round of craft beers with geographic names.
So number one, Anchorage Brewing is known for using bretonomyces,
a non-spore-forming genus of what crucial ingredient?

Hmm. Is it multiple choice?
I could go, I could give you a couple of multiple choices if you, if you want it.
But right now let's do, I mean, you've got to, you know, some ingredients that
go into the making of beer.
So you might throw a dart and get, okay, hold on. Give me your answer. Yeast.

Is that your final answer? No. I love it. Yeast. Good job, man.
There we go. You did it. See?
All right. Number two, this maybe gets a little bit of some history in there too, okay?
Because again, we're going to write questions, as you'll see,
where it may not be something.
We want to make sure when we write questions that there are a couple different

ways you can get to the answer, okay?
We don't want it to just be a straightforward kind of yes or no.
We want to make sure that we weave in some hints here and there to help get you to the answer.
So, two, women should be able to wield guns, quote, as naturally as they handle babies,
unquote, according to what Wild West entertainer honored by Great Lakes Sharpshooter IPA? Hmm.

And I can read it again if you need. Yeah. You ready? Yeah. I'm trying to think.
I have a name in my mind, but I can't.
It's on the tip of my tongue, but go ahead. Keep it swimming in your mind.
I'm going to read this one more time. All right.
Women should be able to wield guns, quote, as naturally as they handle babies,
unquote, according to what Wild West entertainer honored by Great Lakes Sharpshooter IPA?

Great Lakes Sharpshooter IPA.
Who are they honoring with that IPA? Man, that's a tough one.
Can I ask if it's male or female?
It is a female. Okay. That was the first thing I thought of.
It was, oh gosh, what is her name? Thank you.
I know she's super famous. I just can't think of her name at the moment.

If I say get your gun, does that help you at all? Yeah. Is it Annie?
Oh, gosh. I can't think of her name. It's almost there, man.
You're almost there, Mikey. Yeah. It's Annie something.
I can't think of it. She's wearing sunglasses, and they're very cool.
Yeah. Is it Annie Oakley?
There you go. Yeah, there we go. You had my sunglasses in. Yeah.
I was like, man, I couldn't think. I was like, man, what was her last name?

There it was. I was like, that was the first thing that popped in my head as soon as you said it.
But I was like, oh my gosh, why can't I think of her name though?
I knew like the words were there or the letters were there, but it couldn't
get it out. Sometimes that's the way it goes.
That's why we're in business is to make you befuddled. All right.
Number three, Dogfish Head put granola in their American Beauty Ale.

Inspired not by that creepy Oscar movie, but rather by what classic rock band?
Okay they put granola in there
okay hmm what classic rock
band inspired the american
beauty ale the dogfish head put granola
in hmm fun fact about dogfish

they their mightiest touch was probably the first craft
beer that i ever truly loved oh really okay shout out
dogfish yeah shout out dogfish uh let's
see okay so it's granola granola
in there yeah word association there what
do you what does granola lead you to mikey and a classic
rock band a man like i was

gonna say like hollow notes maybe like i don't i mean no we're
not we're not on the right track there yeah i'm not sure about that
one now when i know okay so granolas what if
i also this might really help you what if they also
and i don't think they do on their cans but let's
just say the cans were tie-dye does that help you
oh classic rock band oh uh is it

grateful dead maybe there you go man okay yeah you got it okay you ready for
the next one yeah let's do it okay francis mcdormand probably likes wood chip
wood chipper an ipa from the brewery named for what upper Upper Midwest,
I guess technically it's a city.

Upper Midwest. So what upper Midwest city?
It's Francis McDormand, probably likes wood chipper.
That's an IPA from the brewery named for what upper Midwest city?
And it helps if you know Francis McDormand. Yeah, I know that.
Maybe a movie that she was in.

Yeah, I know the name. I just can't think of that one. Let's see.
Huh. That one.
I don't i'm drawing a blank on that one i got nothing on
that one all right do you know and that she
won an oscar for this movie does that help at all
i think she would don't fact check me that's

okay uh friends uh i i
can't think it is the answer mikey is
which everybody is yelling right now probably at
their podcast it's fargo oh classic
yeah yeah there is a
there is a classic scene of a woodchipper in that
movie yeah oh yeah i've remembered love

that movie too like it was young but yeah you
asked for multiple choice so i will give you multiple choice here
mikey you got an a or b yes all right okay when
the when the boston beer company named a brew for him had sam adams been dead
for more or less than a hundred years more or less had he been dead more More

or less than 100 years when the Boston Beer Company named a brew for him.
More. You're right. Yeah. It was actually 181 years. The beer did not come around until 1984.
Yep. Good old Jim Cook.
And now this is a tough one, all right? All right. I'll be impressed if you know this one.

Number eight, any French butterfly, a Steve McQueen prison film,
and a toy Spaniel breed, they all share what name with the hometown of the Nebraska Brewing Company?
Oh, okay, of the Nebraska Brewing Company. And you said it was Steve McQueen, you said?
Any French butterfly, a Steve McQueen prison film, and a toy Spaniel breed,

they all share what name with the hometown of the Nebraska Brewing Company? Hmm.
Trying to remember like all the, the steam loop queen escape movies.
It is one word. Is it Alcatraz? It is not Alcatraz.
It starts with a P and if I have my French pronunciation correct, it is Papillon. Hmm.

Yeah. Didn't know that. You know, those are those little dogs that nip at your
heels. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Those little guys.
Okay. I see. I want something to do every day. I may have mentioned this state
already, okay? So you're already ahead of the game.
If you're drinking an Alamo beer in Alamo Gordo, you've left Texas entirely
and entered what neighboring state? Nebraska?

That is not that state. I said this one a little bit earlier.
No, I'm just kidding. Let's see.
Neighboring state, New Mexico. That's correct, Mikey. Nice job.
All right, that's Beer Me Boise. Easy. If you want, I can ask you some fruit-infused
American beer questions if you're still feeling up for it.
What if we do a pop culture one?

Let's try that one out. Hold on a second. We can do that. No worries. Let me pull that up.
Calling an audible on me. I like this. You can see how much on our heels that the geeks are.
There you go. How we're prepared for anything.
You guys can pivot. You guys can do it all. Now I got to see if I can find a Star Wars one for you.

Oh, yeah. Let's do it. Are you a video game guy?
Yeah. Yeah, I mean, I played some, not a ton.
Like, I'm really about, like, I like the story-driven kind of games,
like Uncharted or, like, The Last of Us, Ghost of Tsushima, stuff like that.
But, like, I used to love all the N64 stuff when I was a kid.
Well, maybe we'll go away from them. Let me see if we can find a movie.

And you can edit out all this stuff.
Oh, yeah, I can edit all that part. And I'm going to put it in my notes, too.
I'm just going to put it around 28. Okay, how about, you know what? what we're going to mix.
We're going to make business in movies here.
Okay. I'm going to give you three pointers. This is a three pointer.
So I'm going to ask you three different parts of this question.
So what corporation is the movie about?

Okay. And I'm going to name these movies. You're going to tell me the corporation
that the movie is about. Okay.
We'll start off with the, hopefully an easy one for you from 2010,
the social network, Facebook.
Yeah. Facebook. We'll We'll also accept Meta on that one, Mike.
Okay. Yeah, I was wondering if Meta, because since that was like the whole thing now.
All right. How about Air from 2023? Nike. Nike.

Story of the O.G. M.J. Sneakers.
Oh, it's a fantastic movie. The Jordan ones are my personal favorite,
by the way. That's awesome.
I also like the threes, but the ones are awesome.
Okay. And from 2016, The Founder.
Oh, McDonald's. Nice. Yeah. You told me you were a pop culture guy.

Yeah. You were not disappointing.
All right. Yeah. I love me some movies. I think I own all three of those movies.
Oh, excellent. Excellent. All right. Good. Which one was your favorite out of
those three? Man, that's tough.
I, you know, I, I've probably rewatched the founder more than the social network
and, and air, but I, I love all three. So, but yeah, it was probably say the founder.

Okay. All right. Good choice. No judgment here. Air is my, it would be my favorite
of those, but that's a fantastic movie. All right. Let's see if we can give
you another. Do you want.
OK, do you want you want to keep going down the movie route?
Yeah, let's do it. All right. I'm going to give you a name of a film.
You're going to give me the subtitle of its sequel.

OK. And we got a couple. We got some action. We got some romantic comedy here.
We've got. Yeah, we got a little bit everything. All right. You ready?
OK, let's do it. Give me the subtitle of the sequel to Speed.
Oh, gosh, it's the boat cruise control. Yeah. Nice. Yeah.
Okay. Give me the sequel. The subtitle sequel to Legally Blonde.

Oh, gosh. You know what? I've I've I don't think I've ever seen the second one,
but I remember the movie poster.
I can tell you that it invokes our U.S. flag.
Yeah. Dang, you got me on that one. It's red, white, and?
Oh, it was a red, white, and blue, but I thought maybe it was something else.

It's red, white, and blonde. Yeah. Is that what it is? Okay.
Yeah, really creative folks over there. Yeah.
Okay, finally, how about, do you
know the subtitle for the sequel to Independence Day? Oh, Insurrection?
Insurrection. That's a really good guess. It's not right, Phil. Yeah.
It's like, oh my gosh. I know it's, I think I have the movie,

but I've only seen it one time and, oh, it's going to bug me.
You let me know when you're ready to give up and I will give you that. I will concede.
It is The Resurgence. Damn it. Or Resurgence. There you go. There you go.
Independence Day Resurgence, I remember now.
Okay, I'm going to give you, Now, I'm going to switch to TV for you.

We'll give you one more, okay? Sounds good.
So, I'm going to give you a trio of landmarks, okay? Okay.
And you're going to name... You know what?
You can just tell me either the TV show, and for extra points,
extra credit, you can give me the actual town.

Okay. Okay. So for this one I'm going to ask you For the TV show And then extra
credit you can give me the town Okay,
Belflores Bar and Grill Crawdad's Restaurant And the Compton House And the Compton
House That's a tough one Yeah Can I get the other ones again?

Belflores Bar and Grill Crawdad's Restaurant and the Compton House.
All right. It sounds like something in Louisiana.
Trying to think of what TV shows were out there or like were based out there or set out there.
I can tell you there's another landmark in this show that may help you get to the show.

Okay. And it's Fangtasia.
That's F-A-N-G-T-A-S-I-A. Oh, is it like True Blood? True Blood.
Nice job, Mikey. See? Just needed one more landmark.
Yeah. Do you know the town, though, in Louisiana?
You know what? I've never actually watched the show, but I can't take that back.
I've seen like one or two episodes.

Yeah. But that was like the first thing that popped in my head,
but it's been years and years. But I used to like Joe Manganiello,
the guy who's a funny actor.
Yeah, yeah. Even though he played a little more serious in that one.
He's a big Dungeons and Dragons guy in real life. Oh, yeah. Big old D&D guy. Yeah, yeah.
I know him and respect him for his work on Magic Mike,
but anything else, he's okay with

with me too now the town is bantam okay
now this one the town
is the name of the the show so okay you won't have to worry about extra points
here okay just if you name the town you name the show or vice versa you get
the you get the points got it we're going with the and then the dogs are excited
too as you can hear uh it's okay they're excited about this question too nice

the double Double R Diner,
The Great Northern Hotel,
and The Log Lady's House.
And The Log Lady's House. Okay.
And it's the name of a town. Hmm.
The first thing that was popping in my head was Atlanta, but I didn't know if
that was it or not. It is not it.
This is a kind of a weird show.

I think it spawned at least a movie or at least one movie.
Hmm. But it's set in the Pacific Northwest. I don't know if that helps you anymore.
Oh, wait, is it? Not Twin Peaks, is it? That was an old one.
That was a really old show. Pacific Northwest, yeah.
Man, I, oh man, I'm sure like, you know, I'm probably going to think of like,

no, what after the fact. And I'm like, oh, come on, I should have known that.
But yeah, I concede. You can give me the answer. Well, one rule of a pub quiz,
Mikey, is you always go with your gut.
Okay. Yeah. And what were you thinking?
Well, Twin Peaks. There you go. You got it right. Oh, it was Twin Peaks.
I was like, man, that's an old one. But I was like, maybe I wasn't sure if it'd be that or not.

Always remember in bar trivia, usually the gut instinct, that instant reaction
is more often than not the right way to go. Oh, yeah.
You know it. All right. So hopefully I have tested you efficiently here.
Oh, no. This has been great. And I'm sure, I mean, this is going to be motivating,
you know, for me to get back out there to, you know, to all the different trivia

nights that you guys have.
And, you know, hopefully, I mean, for like my listeners to get out there,
support the breweries and more breweries hear it and want to have this type
of, you know, trivia in their brewery.
Yeah, it's, you know, I appreciate the opportunity to be on here and talk to
you guys, you know, for us, we make it really easy for folks to be able to find
Geeks Who Drink venues in their area, our website,

One of the first things you're going to see on there is a search functionality
and you can search whatever location you're in and you're going to find locations that are near you.
And, you know, we're really excited. I mean, we're really proud of the partnerships we have.
I mean, from, you know, your part of the world with, you know,
places like Left Coast Brewing up into, you know, Pacific Northwest with like

Gigantic Brewing and then down and even another one.
I mean, we've got a couple locations of Firestone Walker in Southern California,
the brewing company, and then you start to go across the country.
You've got, you know, Boulevard Brewing. You and I talked about Kansas City
earlier before we started this. So Boulevard's one of our partners.
Down into Texas, we've got DeBellum, Great Divide in Denver,

our, our, you know, home, homeland.
And then even out to Boston, we've got partnerships with.
But like Trillium and Sam Adams. So, you know, we really are,
are, are proud of the, of the partners we have and love working with them.
So yeah. And you know, I, I love that the other side of it too,
like the, the venues that we have, they really kind of span even outside of

the traditional brewery.
I mean, we're in barcades, dog-friendly bars, pickleball bars,
mini golf bars, you know, board game bars, movie theaters, you name it.
So yeah, I just, I really am inspired by all of the industry and service professionals
out there and all the great concepts that they come up with to get people to come into their venues.

And we're just excited to be a part of those and have a trivia offering with them.
That's so cool. I mean, just even with those, with the quizzes that you gave
me, and I think I took, because I took one craft beer, one that Bernadette had
sent me and I got four out of five. I was like, all right, sweet. Not so bad.
But I mean, it was like some of the questions I was like trying to remember,
but I eventually got Got them.

Yeah. That's awesome. But so being from St. Louis, if you don't mind,
I just want to add a couple more things for you. I don't want to keep you too long. No, come on.
So if somebody were to travel to St. Louis, like, are there any places where
they would, you know, like kind of craft breweries that they should check out out there?
Like, and they know that have like, you know, Geeks Who, like Tribune Nights
with Geeks Who Drink in them?

Yeah. So as far as St. Louis is concerned, you know, some of the places that
have Geeks are not really the, they're not traditional like brewery locations.
I mean, there's some really good spots.
We've got a really cool board game bar called Pieces. We've got a dog-friendly
bar that I talked about called Bar K that runs our trivia.
We've got some places with great.

Craft beer options that we have that run a trivia like City Park Grill.
We have a really cool place that runs Geeks Who Drink Trivia called The Armory,
which is exactly what it sounds like.
It's an old National Guard armory that's been purposed into like this.
It's basically like an adult playland in terms of they just have stuff everywhere.
They have concerts and things, so you can see our trivia there.

But outside of that, we do have some just outside of the Geeks Who Drink venues,
use, but places I personally like, um, for, for craft beer.
And, you know, I, I am more of a spirits guy, but I do, you know,
like a lot of the, the breweries around here. I mean, obviously if anybody comes into St.
Louis, you know, they need to outside of the craft brewery world,

at least check out, you know, AB, the Bush, you know, the Budweiser,
you know, brewery is here.
So you can always do a nice tour of the place. But as far as the craft ones,
I really like urban chestnut. That's a great St.
Louis brewery. they've got a couple locations around town.
Four Hands Brewing here in St. Louis, they've got a couple location.
That's a really good one.

And Second Shift, I think is another really, really solid place that I like.
So I think those three, and if I had to name a fourth one, I'd probably say
Modern Brewery. But all of those four in St.
Louis, I think are going to be really great choices that you're going to get
some good craft beer and some good food.
That's awesome. That sounds really good. And how about some other places that
may be like off the beaten path or, you know, just some other places that maybe

that aren't as touristy that people might want to check out if they're in the St. Louis area.
You're talking about in the St. Louis area? Well, you know what?
I mean, if you really want to go off the beaten path and you know what,
I got to see if the place is still even around.
I want to just double check real quick. It looks like they are.
I mean, I'm from Southern Illinois.

Okay. So I'm originally born and raised in Southern Illinois,
which is about two hours southeast of St. Louis.
So in Southern Illinois, there is a place called Scratch Brewing Company.
And it's literally like, I mean, you could Google it, look it up.
It's in the middle of, you're going to think it's in the middle of nowhere and
it is, but it's, you know, some beer makers that essentially are just foraging

and finding all the stuff that they have out in their farmlands and stuff that's in there.
And they're just creating beer out of it. And it's a really cool eclectic place.
I think I think they probably still have the pizza oven there,
but that is something that is off the beaten path in Southern Illinois that
you're going to have some really interesting cool beer.
That sounds pretty awesome.

So yeah, that's my recommendation when it comes to if you want to get out a little bit.
Sounds great to me. I mean, because I'm always looking for different places to go.
And like, you know, when I'm, and especially like anytime I'm traveling anywhere,
whether it's like, you know, just road tripping or, you know, flying somewhere.
Anytime I go out anywhere, I try to, you know, talk to, you know,

the local, you know, people at the brewery and like, you know, see if I can see.
Be able to just hear their kind of story and, you know, and be able to share
that story with my listeners and stuff like that.
So I'm always looking for new places to go.
That's great. Well, I recommend that one. And I think it got inundated over
the last week because of the eclipse and Southern Illinois was in the path of totality.

So there are a lot of people that were headed down that way and I'm sure they
probably did some pretty good business. Oh, I bet. Yeah, no doubt.
It seemed like that That eclipse thing was just everywhere, like,
you know, all over social media and it was crazy.
Well, that's the, that's the cool thing about the sun. You know,
it's kind of a powerful thing. It gets people excited.
For sure. And everybody asked me, they're like, oh, did you look at it?

I was like, I was like, I was working.
I was like, I didn't have much. I mean, I mean, I have my window here,
but yeah, I was like, yeah, it's all right. It'll be fine.
As long as the world keeps spinning, we're good. That's right.
Yeah. We were in St. Louis. We're not in totality, but you know, I mean, it was.
Pretty close. So it was a cool experience. I think we'll see it again.
And probably, I think they said 45 years. So yeah.

Awesome. We'll be, maybe we'll be having a beer at that time too,
Mikey. There we go. That'd be great, man.
Honestly, Brian, I'm really thankful, you know, for you guys,
for you and Bernadette for setting this up.
This has been really fun for me, and we can continue to chat for a little after,
but everyone, thank you and everybody for listening, and make sure you follow
Geeks Who Drink on Instagram,

then it's, so you can always take a look to see where their
trivia nights or quiz nights are.
There is one at Campsite, which I will be, I believe it's every Wednesday at
7, and I will be recording with Campsite for a future, for an upcoming episode
this Sunday, So I'm excited to talk to them about it as well.
But thank you, Brian. I really appreciate it, man. Cool. Thanks,

Mikey. I appreciate it, man. All right. Cheers. Cheers.
All right, guys. Like I said, I hope you guys enjoyed that episode.
I had a great time talking with Brian.
But yeah, but now we're going to jump into the What's New at Noble that I recorded
with Jimmy, Josh, and Cam on Friday. Enjoy.
But I'm here with the boys at Noble. I got Jimmy, Josh, and Cam with me.

And some pretty amazing news came out from you guys this week from World Beer Cup.
Did it? Yeah, I think so. And we won a medal, right? Yeah. Won a fucking gold.
Yeah. Does that help? We got a prize.
You got me right. I had to be back home. I don't know.
Did they ship you the medal? All I got to say is, no people care about you when

as many people called and texted as they did.
Yeah. Like, between all of us, like, it was the coolest thing ever.
I'd rather not be there and have everybody, like, immediately tear from Unsung.
Sitting in the crowd called me as immediately as we got it to congratulate me,
which is one of the coolest things ever.
That's so awesome. And I like that even more. Yeah. To have a friend do that

for you, you know, and everybody else who came along, all the Unsung people, like, hit us up.
Like, it was rad. It was good. Yeah, it was pretty cool.
Like, if we had a chance, it was that beer with Harry Porter order and that
it worked out is pretty rad. Yeah.
That everybody cared and was happy for us was probably the best part. Yeah.
And now we can't wait for the second iteration. I know. Right.

Yep. Yeah. It's coming. Yeah. Josh ever lets us do anything other than this fricking seltzer.
There was, there was a reason why there's a lot of seltzers. There was a reason.
Yeah. We were supposed to have an event and unfortunately it had to be moved,
but it works out in our favor.
There's a lot of Celsius. Great, great explanation right there.

Now we know. Everybody knows everything is clear. Exactly.
Smartass. Yep. Jimmy Stolzathop.
No, Cameron, have you throw one.
Memories. So what's this first one? So this is a collada peanut.

And I think more like, so it's a backwards peanut collada, more or less.
Okay. A coconut forward pina colada with a little bit of pineapple in the background.
But I think Josh should speak to this and how it came about. Yeah.
Sam doing it for us. Yeah, Sam. So Sam Carter, he's another artist.
So if you guys have been paying attention, we've been working with some pretty well-known artists.

And Sam, we got to meet Sam at the last Tiki event we did.
And he wanted to do a sales with us.
Okay. So he came on and we talked. And yeah, he came up, asked what he liked
to drink, and kind of went back and forth.
And we're like, no, I want to call it a pina colada. And then Jimmy's like,
we'll call it a colada pina. So we're like, OK, we'll go with it.

And then Sam was texting me when he was up at Axiom Tahoe when he was designing
this label. He was drinking, and he's like, I got some ideas. And I'm like, OK.
And he sent them over, and we liked the design, and we went with it.
So it came out awesome. So it's pretty fun.
Definitely love his rock-hard seltzer. Rock-hard seltzers.
Who doesn't love a rock-hard seltzer? I feel like I see a ride car.

I have no clue what's this.
We're just laughing. I mean, it's a drink. Let's have a, so, it's a cheered one.
Cheers, Ang. Congratulations to you guys. Thank you. To quote Razor Ramon,
he says, hard work pays off, dreams come true, bad times don't last, but bad guys do. Cheers.

Suck it.
Bingo. That's solid, bro. That's awesome. Quote of the day. There it is.
Suck it. No, I mean, yours was better.
Oh, but that's so cool, though. And how was it out there when you guys,
because you were with CBC, obviously World Beer Cup, all that stuff.
I think we went out there. We kind of had some really, we did some really good

work. We had a lot of vendors.
We got a lot of ingredients in the pipeline now that we were looking for.
People provide them things that we didn't have before. that
we're kind of riffing on like we're trying to find like things
that support like certain things like for example bitters in
what we're doing with the cocktail seltzers but we
didn't have any and we found that and on top of that we found some
great great like flavors yeah great great fruit extracts i mean yeah it was

a very productive like me and jimmy when we were first going like it's gonna
be walking around be a bunch of bs like how's it gonna work like is it really
gonna be worth our time and then we went and like holy crap like we're just
finding we found some i I mean, we met the guys from Abstract.
Oh, awesome. They have some great product. I think the hop stuff we came,
like, the things we learned about hops, like, about how we could procure the

hops that we wanted, was huge for us.
Like, and that's, like, a lot of the game is you see how Ism rip.
You see Green Sheep. You see how many awards they won in those hop categories.
And Ian's been kind enough to us to teach us, like, exactly what's going on.
And the actual, like, reps there were cool enough to explain to us that,
like, there's certain things that we can do to get what we want.
Yeah it's not going to choosing a lot working with them to get

what we want out of a certain hop because there's such a spectrum for every
hop yeah you know you can just go and buy it on spot market and just take your
chances yeah or you can work with your rep to get exactly what you want like
and that's some of the things we learned also just like some of the additional
products like these um extracts and these these um the oils the oils they're
kind of like the cherry on top.

Like in the in the the fruit game it's always been like you put some fruit in
there but you You always add a little extract, the same thing,
and, you know, the combination of the flavors kind of make it pop a little bit.
Yeah. So you get that flavor you want.
And it's kind of the same thing with hops now and just seeing everybody,
what they have and what they're offering us.
I feel like on both the hops themselves as well as the cherry on top being the

CO2 extracts and these byproducts of hops, we kind of like dialed in what we kind of want to do.
We have many options, many like pathways to work with now that we're extremely
happy about. We were brought back home like four bags of pills.
It was basically Christmas in April. Yeah. What it was.
It was, it was, it was really cool. It was, it was good.

That's awesome. Yeah, it was, it was a very productive trip.
That's awesome. Sounds like a blast. Cam, you were just in Alabama too,
weren't you? Yeah, Roll Tide, you know.
My brother would be happy to hear that. Oh, I know. Yeah.
Yeah, and I was out there for just a buddy of mine, becoming a cop,
a lot of people, but for Joe's graduation ceremony, pretty nice to hang out

there and celebrate that with him.
So DJ's the man. There you go. That's a guy. DJ is the man.
Yeah, no, it was a lot of fun. Awesome. So, because I know you guys obviously
have some new ones coming out this week.
So, what else do we got? Okay. What else do we got?
Sorry, brother. Well, Cam just did the talking on this one because.
There you go. I don't even know how to talk. Yeah. The Caminator.

Well, I mean, Joshua in Vegas, Cam was making this.
Okay. So, this was kind of like a moment. Yeah. There you go.
Pulling something out. When I know I didn't have all the green ants, yes, I did.
Okay. And I was told, you have all the ingredients there. And then he comes
back. He's like, wait, no, you did not.
So, yeah, this kamikaze, first run at it, where we, at first,

we did pomegranate, but we changed the pomegranate out now with cherry.
But we're trying to go more cherry forward.
Let me drink this to make sure what it tastes like. There you go.
No, this is way, this is good.
It's not as. You know, it almost tastes like cherry icy. Yeah.
Cherry icy, dude. Cherry Icy.
Oh, yeah. You totally get that out just on the go. Yeah. Cherry Icy,

man. That's what it is. And that's one of my faves when I was growing up.
Always mix the blue and the red. Oh, dude, yeah. Coca-Cola? Cherry Coke? There you go. Try it now.
Yeah, so... What is it? That's phenomenal. Dude, this shit's going to fly off the shelves.
If it is and if it hasn't already. That's good. It's not.

Is it pretty good? That's a pretty good guy That's what I do.
I mean, it kind of, like, yeah, like the Coke Slurpee and all the Coke ice cream.
Yeah, actually, what does it taste like? Yeah. Might have to do something with that. Yeah.
We got a whole bunch of these mixtures coming out pretty soon.
Right. I love it. Well, I guess I'll talk a little bit about the can art, too, about it.

Don't brag about your being the best can art. One thing, it is the best. It is the best.
Actually, this label was, yeah, this one came out awesome. I mean,
they've all been really good, but this one was actually.
Oh, my God. The colorways, everything.
And, yeah, a little malfunction on my part. Sorry. It's never me. And we're back.

So, yeah, tell us all about it, Ken. With the label, the home guy, Tiki Tony, right?
Yep. Was the one who did the label for us, and he did a phenomenal job on this label.
I don't know when we'll be posting about the label, but this weekend sometime
we'll be putting it up. Okay. That means you got to come and kick it all out.

That's cool a little sorry no for you tony
for the set tony we we talked i asked him like hey well do you have
like anything royalty like print something he's all i got
a piece of artwork from a long time ago i want to get digitized oh okay so what's
the tanning yeah so it's one of his older pieces that he wanted to see done
gave to us awesome so we got to use it and between his work and said mike helping

us finish the label up like it it came out i mean it came out awesome I'm like,
I'm really stoked on this. The coloring, everything.
It just, it really went well together. That's sweet.
That's really cool. So we'll have to get some, I can't wait to see the picture.
I mean, I'll see it today, but I can't wait for everyone else to see the picture.
I'm stoked to try this right now.
This is like, this is really good, dude. This is pretty delicious.
No, that's killer, man. Taking a four pack home. So yeah, no,

it legit reminds me of like the, the cherry icy.
It did. A hundred percent. Yeah. It's fire. I feel like the flavor changed.
Oh, it's 10%. The flavor definitely changed from when we drank it off the can.
Like when we canned it today, it already changed.
At first, I was telling them it tastes like a Flintstone vitamin at first.
And I was like, oh, now it doesn't.

The fun part was we did have some fun messing around with some other flavors with it.
So we might, the next variation of it will be even.
Oh, yeah. We got some stuff we're going to try. We already been mixing already.
We literally were canning and we're like, yeah, where do we put this in it? We put this in it.

So everyone come by the first 30 cases. We're going to get rid of these and
then we're going to redo it. Nice.
Yeah. I mean, I feel like if you guys did like a blueberry cherry version of that. Sorry.
I'm always mixing flavors. He's trying to get his own can finally One day One day it'll happen,

No. We're all about it. So, you know, we'd be like it. So you guys had left.
When did you guys get the text?
Was it like when you guys were on the plane or like what did it happen?
Or did you guys drive up there?
Tell me about for when we won the gold? Yeah. I just got home.
I just got home. I was asleep. And then like 10 minutes. And then I got my phone started going off.
And then I text Jimmy. I'm like, did you hear? I'm like, you know, we won. Yeah.

Like we're trying to go back and forth. And I think like probably like 45 minutes.
My phone's kept going off. Oh, I bet.
I was one of them. I was sitting on the toilet and I got a message that's how I got it,
it was awesome like I said it sucks in a sense yeah we weren't there to accept
or go on stage whatever that part it sucks but either way we freaking won a

fucking gold medal I'll just say so,
I'm sorry I'm saying it right now yeah,
there's too many stories about haters we got a lot of haters and guess what
we didn't win wars If we didn't win silver, we won a gold. I wasn't invited.
Again, would we like to win more? Of course we do, but shit,

we won a freaking gold. We got the monkey off our back, and we're on the right direction.
So, you know, I'm... Definitely.
We're living high, and we had fun so fun last night, and... Yeah,
we're going to have a week or two of fun and get back in the game. Oh, for sure.
I mean, and how cool is that? Because, I mean, going back to,
like, I mean, I feel like all the times we... I don't know how many times we've

talked now on the show, like you guys being on the show that,
sorry, I always said that like you guys were growing, like you guys could just
kept like getting better and better and better.
And from where everything started from that first episode, episode six or seven
or whatever it was, that's so freaking awesome for you guys,
man. I'm like, honestly, I'm just really like,
Happy and elated for you guys, and that's so cool. You've been here since the

beginning. Seriously, you've been here.
You've been with the team. You step through, and you give your take on everything.
And it's cool as heck for you to come in here so we can show you what we've
done this time, right? Yeah. This time. We've gotten better, Mike.
And you've always been cool as heck to come back and let us do these segments
with you, and we enjoy them. Oh, yeah.
You guys are the best. We're tired, but we stuck around.

Around jimmy already took his nap today so how to find him but he was he was there my hour now
no but i i love it too because i have people i mean i've had people
that's like why do you always go over there it's like dude because they treat
me like family i'm gonna treat them like family like then and you guys you you
guys make me fucking laugh and like and it's like dude like i still think that

that might might have been one of my like if not my favorite like episode because
we i don't know how many two breaks we took throughout that but i left shit face.
He got an uber guys yeah i got an uber i don't condone drinking he got an uber,
yeah get your head out of your ass,

hey people just need to come here just get to know us yeah man all you have
to do yeah i mean it's you know because i know like we've talked about it too
uh josh like how there's always that kind of stigma i felt like you know around
noble and it's like to for it to happen now like that's Like,
you know, it's like, fuck it. Like, fuck you guys. Dude, it's great.
Like I said, this was definitely got the monkey off our back, which we needed.

And it proves that we're not just, oh, we're just making beer.
We're just sitting here. Like, no, we came out to play. Again...
It's a strong quarter, but again, that category still had 77 entries.
Don't play them out. No, I'm saying it's good. I'm still saying it's still a
tight... I was told from several people that's a hard category.

For the fact that we took gold, that was a pretty big deal.
First porter I've ever made in my entire life.
Snap. And one that we argued on the style that it was. Oh, yeah.
I'm just super excited for you guys I think
what you're saying is I think that we've braved all

the headwinds we've faced and still fought and got to where we've gotten says
something this was not easy by any means and it's people like you supporting
us that made it worthwhile if it wasn't for people like you who are supporting
us in spite of everything,
this never would happen I appreciate what you guys put in the work and all the

stuff that you guys do and I will always come here I was here on Sunday even
though my dog shit in the brewery,
yeah she shit in the brewery and then I dropped the fucking glass dude and I
wasn't even drunk or anything it was a little tester don't let him tell you,

people think that the glasses are being stolen Oh, the truth is Jimmy's just freaking. Yeah.
I couldn't freaking believe it. Cause I was like, I mean, I had my friend here
with me and like, we were like, you know, hanging out talking.
Then I went, then she was like, oh, cause she doesn't like reds.
Was, did you give me a red on Sunday?
Oh, I give you off the tank. I give you the new red we did. Yeah.
See, I drank mine, but she was like, well, I don't, I was like, she's just all seltzer.

So she gave me hers. And then I was taking care of the dog and then I fucking knocked it over.
And then Ron came out. He's like, I thought Stone Cold was walking out because I heard his laughter.
I was like, motherfucker.
Should we do the last one? Yeah, let's do it. Should we do the last one?
Yeah. I think we need to preface this one with, it's not us.

It is us, but it's not us. Monkey King?
It is Monkey King. You brewed it, but it's not us. No, I didn't write the recipe
for this. This is Ron, who used to be at Unsung.
I think it's important to say that this guy has worked for, he said six years,
and I believe that, putting this recipe together.
And the goal was to approximate something like monkish, and I think he did more

than that. Yeah. What we have here is something that I've never seen.
Let's do it. The hard work that it took to make this beer was incredible,
but it was something that no brewer would ever brew, and I can never say the
recipe, but everybody would reject this recipe in Gravedown. Okay. I'm excited.
And I get to try a little bit of it, but before it was carved.
Yeah, this was carving it that lean. Well, scary.

Anyway, it's good. It's good. Like I said, it looks like... I mean,
I was here day one when the yeast didn't show up.
Oh, you were there for that one, right? Oh.
No, no, no. It showed up, but someone denied it. Okay, wait.
When the UPS guy goes, yeah, I've got parts for a plane.
Okay, well, what do you want me to say? Yeah, well, take the plane parts.

I didn't know. He literally said... Throw the engine in the back.
No, you guys can't. He literally said, yeah, there are parts for a plane. And I'm like, what?
What? Yes. Just throw the engine in the back. Yeah, he's like... Okay.
This is Monkey King's first beer. And Ron's not here because he had to go to
Eastvale. He's working hard all day.
He's there for the first to talk about the first display of this beer.

He works so hard on this one. He deserves all the credit in the world. Ron Litterigo.
Sir, cheers to you, my friend. I already drank, my bad. It's alright.
No, I'm super excited for him. That's so cool.
That is just straight fire.
What chance did he leave me a four-pack? I can find one for you.

He told me he was going to leave me a four-pack. I was like no you gotta fart
back in there for yourself don't worry we notify them yeah so no that's solid
but I'll say this about this and I can't say much because it's his and I'm not
going to divulge what it was but he did something here that no one does,
recipe wise with the grain to make the hay is,
And he screamed at me the whole time I was brewing it. I wasn't doing it right.

When it comes to Jimmy brewing, he'll get it done right. Trust me.
It might not look pretty sometimes, but he's getting it done.
But the haze that he pulled off on this recipe pulled off. Oh, dude, yeah.
The permanent haze. The weirdest thing about this is usually what we do is once
we take our gravities, we spin everything down in a benchtop centrifuge.
And it does a couple things. But what it does for hazy is you figure out whether

you really have a true haze. because if a permanent haze is a build between
your hops and your proteins, a certain protein with prolines in there,
and it can go a lot of different ways, you know.
You can do too much hops, and that pushes out the protein-like aspect of it.
But this was like a perfect build.
So we spun it down, and I've never seen such a haze-staying solution.
We literally, we would put this in the cold box for five hours,

and then we would pour, am I allowed to say monkish? Well, because I'm saying that.
We would pour a monkish haze next to this because nobody's even close to Montez.
Let's be honest about this.
And see the haze and literally five hours out of this sitting around and then
a monk is fresh out the can, the same exact haze.
This is a true permanent haze I've never seen before. And of course, we're going to copy it.

But I'm saying that the whole build of this thing is one of the most beautiful
beers I've ever seen for hazy in my entire life.
Just to see it all come together like he did. Yeah. You see how hard he's worked
out over this for years and years and years to see the haters say,
you can't do this and stuff like that and come at him and see him overcome everything.
I mean, he's in rough times right now to see him come, despite all he's overcome

right now, to make this as wild as heck.
Like, he deserves all the credit for this. Dude. Yeah. I would never speak on
behalf of anybody if they didn't deserve it so much, man.
Like, this is not my thing to speak on behalf of somebody else.
But Monkey King, cheers to Ronald Rigo. Yeah. Cheers. Happy for Leonard.
Everything is, buddy. Leonard!

I mean, Ron!
I was just going to say real fast, like we're talking to Ron's story because,
you know, him and I talked that first day when the yeast thing happened. Sorry, Josh.
I didn't mean to bring it up again. It's all good. I still blame Josh.
Cam's like, I'm going to call Josh. I'm going to call Josh right now.

Oh, man. I pissed him off a little bit. He got a little worried and I was like, hey, it was a joke.
Does anybody know? Hey, I'll just say this about Josh. He rides a bull,
a mechanical bull like you've never seen.
There you go there's videos do you see my I haven't seen it on Instagram no
I didn't see it my first post on Instagram was him writing seconds it was like
straight out of 7 seconds oh.

It's like 8 seconds it's like you could be on a tour I normally don't only run
the boat drunk but these two fuckers him and Steve were freaking talking I love
it oh it's so much you're talking so much shit I'm all fine fuck it I'll do
it yeah it was fun he went back to the room I stood back and everything it was fine,
I'm saying like Jesus old age let's play this one oh but I just want to say

real quick about Ron like,
hearing his story and him and I talking about it that day like dude that's what
I love the most is like just like you said all the shit that he had to go through
the journey to get there to me like you know I'm not trying to be sappy or anything
like that but I love that like I fucking love that like kind of,
the like the trials the tribulations everybody has to go through it makes you

stronger yeah it makes you stronger and he's gonna be you know it's gonna make
him a better brewer and he's,
their first beer coming out, this makes a statement.
Oh, for sure. It's the best statement. It makes a statement.
And go to Eastvale.
Oh, yeah. I can't wait because it's not far from Hamilton either,
so I can just make a day of it. True, yeah. How am I good tomorrow?

Because it's on the way back home. And he said they have killer smash burgers.
So I was like, well, you sold me on smash burger. Then I tried his beer.
I was like, let's do this thing.
Yeah, they'll be good. I said this was a good... I mean, fun part is being over
with Leonard, do something with him, and having Ron part of it has also been amazing.
Did you steal my shirt? No, you stole mine.

Sorry, for people not listening, you were riding that thing. Yeah, I was.
Yeah, I was. Oh, no. You were riding the shit. Oh, I'm not finished with it yet. I got that, boo.
Yeah. I had the best ride out there. Oh, it wasn't even close.
I was just like, Candice is one lucky woman.

You know how to hold her down.
Oh, man. Yeah, that's funny. All right.
So Jimmy's taking the beers away, but I still have Cam and I still have Josh
with me here. We're going to talk a little hockey.
I feel like we can make Mike nervous. Well, no, actually, we're going to talk
about hockey restart. Game one.

Jets now in school oh it was a fucking that was crazy it was
a fucking shit show i was like i'm all i got my vacation i'm
all seven to six i'm all what the i was like yeah what the hell
that was sunday right yeah it was sunday yeah i was trying to like watch that
game while i was flying seven to six i was like whoa yeah i was like man but
it just felt like what what what the what the jets were doing in the first obviously

three periods of game one and the first period of game
two, they were in the passing lanes, they were on the forecheck,
they were doing all the stuff that the abs normally do to teams.
So it was like they were getting hit back with it. And now it seemed like from
the second period and third period in game two, the abs are back to where they

were, and then they threw off Winnipeg. Gotta get the adjustment.
I didn't get to see game two. We watched Monday night, we watched the Knights
and Stars game, which, you know, freaking stone.
I can't believe the Star, I mean, I mean, not the Stars, the Knights right now.
Well, at some point, I'm like, look, they had what?
Stone was a Stone and who were both on long-term IR?

They had, I know Stone was. Stone was, yeah.
I know, because everyone was complaining about that because he came back on
right for playoffs, which I forget the exact rule.
The rule was like, well, he had to be off for like 12 games.
It's not like that, yeah. And he came back right for the playoffs.
Which is, hey, 12 games. Yeah, it is. but they're freaking first goal.

Freaking. Yeah, he comes in and scores the first goal.
Hey, deal with it, okay? But it was a fun... It was a good game to watch.
We sat... So, Monday night, we stayed and watched part of the Bruins and Toronto game.
Yeah. Which was pretty decent. We watched...
Oh, God, who else watched Toronto there? Dude, the Kings and Edmonton game, too, was phenomenal.

Didn't, honestly, we didn't see that one. I wanted to see it.
It's like, I've heard it's a good series, so my sister was watching it.
I've been liking the Bruins. I've been able to see all the games of the Bruins in the Toronto game.
That's going to be interesting. The Bruins are my sleeper pick in the East.
I mean, let's see, what, Toronto, they haven't made it on the first round in 17 years?
Yeah. I mean, I don't know. They look, we'll see.

I mean, if it goes to game seven, then I'm going to say Bruins are going to take it. Yeah.
But, Amal, if they don't, Toronto might have a chance out of the first round.
You think Bruins are going to blow it, as always?
Probably. I mean, well, Bruins, but last year was the President's Trophy.
The President's Trophy, sorry.
That's the rule. Most always, every team go there. But then,

have you watched any of the Caps and Rangers?
That's been good, too. Rangers have just been dominating. Yeah.
Well, you got to figure, Caps, I would say. They're dominating right now. Yeah. Well, they are.
It's 3-1. 3-1 right now. They're playing right now. Good night. Is it the third game or?
It's three. Yeah, they're two to, tonight's game three. It's three to one right
now with 27 seconds left in the second.

I lost my parlay and I'm fucking pissed about that. I know.
It happens to the best of us, pal. You picked the wrong person to score. Yeah.
Those are some of my favorite ones to pick, especially in hockey.
Because it's like, you know, hockey, I always feel like it's like a game of,
well, it's a game of like, well, not trends.
I'm trying to think of the right word. like we're like there's a guy that hasn't

gone off in a bit yeah you never know exactly who's going to score you could
you could always guarantee probably the main person is going to score but,
randomly there's going to be that one person he scored two goals for some reason
I just hope tonight because when we're recording this we're recording this on a Friday I hope that,
there's talk of Sammy Girard coming back I was like okay that's nice because

then he could be you know third come in on the third line,
I'll help you guys out what do you think about the Vancouver Predators series,
I mean Honestly, the Preds were white hot coming into the postseason.
They're always the... Well, at least for Ducks-wise, they're the greatest of the Ducks.
Yeah. One guy, I hate him, but I love him at the same time, so I'll say his

name. I mean, fuck Ryan O'Reilly.
But I still love him. He's still a phenomenal hockey player.
He is a great player. But he's great in Buffalo. But he's still a son of a bitch.
He is. Yeah. That's typical.
I'll see you later. I'll see you later. Yeah.
It's alright I can edit it out after I'll tell

you about it after actually there's our friend Bill from another podcast Top
Fan oh yeah I see them they can record here often follow is it at Top Fan at
Top Fan or just at Top Fan there you go you'll confirm that in just a bit I
mean all the handles sorry what do you think final two go,

shit honestly man you think it could be a back-to-back of
the panthers and knights again i
honestly panthers are kind of coming out the panthers look really good against
against tampa yeah which i'm fine with that could mean stamkos could become
the ducks oh i mean there you go yeah i mean i can see florida i pretend to

me the rangers i mean i feel like it's going to be the The curse of the trophy.
It's going to... Okay, here's my thing. I still think Carolina...
I was going to say Carolina.
Carolina's my sleeper because we were having a conversation last Saturday because
they were filming a commercial here.
Oh, dang. So we were here and one of the guys we were talking to we were talking hockey and stuff.

I'm like, yeah, I like the Panthers. I'm all... Panthers are a great team but
I don't think they can finish them. I really feel like Hurricanes can be that sleeper team.
I mean, they were... They've been in the playoffs I don't know how long now.
Oh, that's what I think they were. He's on fire. Right now, they're the odds
I'm favoring in Vegas to win.
Really? Okay. Yeah. I mean, so I can see Carolina, but honestly,

I picked Boston early on just because it's that team that lost.
That can never get out of the playoffs.
No, the one that won the President's Trophy, they would get bounced,
and then the next year, they would usually win.
Oh, okay. So I was thinking of Boston, and honestly, Boston's got a great squad.
But I just feel like the East is loaded. Yeah. I mean, they still can't.
I'm curious to see how Toronto does I mean if Toronto could Come and do it The

series is at 2-1 right now So I mean They still can come back on it We'll see how that goes I think,
I was watching the Rangers Against Caps,
They're fast, they're hitting They're also.
They've shut down Ovechkin They have

a guy literally on Ovechkin and he's not like what was it the first
game he couldn't get a shot off yeah till like the third period they're they're
on ovi but ovi's also like said he's not the same guy well like if he's all
he gets to the same spot every time where he scores yes he's got it oh yeah
but if you have the guy who's always marking him then there there's that shot
that's canceled every time,

yeah so in the end it's good that they shut him down and yeah he is getting
old but But that's what happens.
Look at, guess what? He struggled at his last season.
He's getting there. But yeah, I mean, if you're looking at the series,
like, I mean, East Coast, like,
you know, Florida has a chance to wrap it up. Yeah. Wrap it up. Cool.

West, the Western Division, size of Knights, they're the only one that has a
2-0 lead. Yeah. And it's even, you know, in the series.
Yeah. And that was a good thing. I was like, at least the Avs took game two.
I mean, but they look like a completely different hockey team from because I
know they had they struggled towards the end of the season.
After that second period, they were doing what the Jets were doing to them in

game one and the first period of game two.
Good coaching. They'll readjust. Oh, yeah. Jared Bednar is great.
And if they can get Sammy Girard back, and there's even talk about bringing
up, is it Nikolai Kovalenko?
And who's like their kid that's been killing it. Yeah.
So they bring him up. I mean, and if they can get to the second round,
people have said that Landis Gog could come back.

Which would be huge for you guys. That would be massive. Which you guys would
need to get. If the Knights take Dallas out, you guys will need it.
Yeah, because that's the thing. Go to Coach Shorzy. If you run into a hot tendie,
sometimes, you know. Yeah.
Guy is on it, dude. I still need to watch that.
Dude, you haven't seen it? I was watching Letterkenny, and then Letterkenny

became a TV show where I started just falling asleep. Yeah.
And then, well, I don't know. As you got into the season,
I felt like it wasn't interesting me a
little bit as much as like the beginning was and then I heard Shorzy came out
and I was like well do I need to finish Letterkenny and watch Shorzy why should
I finish Letterkenny first and then watch Shorzy because I'm like one of those

people but that means if I finish Letterkenny I'm most likely just going to
start from the beginning and then yeah.
But I mean Letterkenny is the guy that Shorzy oh,
that's playing Shorzy is the what's is like yeah yeah that's what I figured
out I figured I already knew that back but they just yeah they just never well
they never showed Shorzy's face

in Leonard Kinney yeah but then but it was the dude the whole time yeah,
no but yeah Shorzy's fucking hilarious I'm excited for it I want to buy they're
selling the black jerseys are they dude they're like 220 bucks but I was like
but it might be worth it yeah kind of and then you just wear it to a Ducks game
I got my abs I got my McKinnon jersey in there because I'm going to hang out
for a bit I'm going to say this I got to play hockey when I was up there for CBC.

So they did a hockey with the Knights training facility. Yeah.
Was it awesome? Oh, I always said Vegas has some of the best ice I've ever played
on anyways going out for tournaments. I don't know why.
That's so cool. The ice is always smooth, clean, like you just glide like no chunks in the divots.
It's so much fun. But their practice ability, like I like the rings, the ducks, I don't know.
They did a good job but Knights was like over the top. Of course. Why not? It's Vegas.

Yeah. It's over the top but it was awesome to go play there.
I mean, just like go do a pickup game. They did a 7 a.m. pickup game. Oh, okay. That was fun.
That's cool. But beautiful rinks, I would say. If you're in there for tournaments, go play.
So what do we say? We'll finish it up. Let's do our, because I'm sure I'll be
back on before the playoffs end.

So let's do our picks for the East and the West. Okay. Who do you got, Josh?
Honestly, I'm going to probably take Dallas, Or on the Dallas Knights for the West. Okay.
And I'm taking, I'm taking canes for, for the East. Okay.
What do you got? See, I'd probably agree with the West with him with night.

I would like Colorado. Oh yeah. Back and do it again. I like it.
I like it. I'm a big, I'm kind of like a big Manson fan.
Oh yeah. I love some Josh Manson. When I see him doing some stuff over there,
like breakaway goal the other day was great. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
I think I'm going to be different with the East and still choose Panthers.
Okay. I don't know. I just see them play.

Again, another former Ducks player, Montour. He's doing some wonders over there, too.
Can't talk. Bobrovsky, the fucking goalie. Oh, he's on fire.
He's a hot dude. That backhand. Oh, dude. The freaking save. I was like, oh, my God.
Well, let's talk about a hot tendie. Well, what was I watching?
When I was watching yesterday's game a little bit, But the amount of power plays

that freaking Panthers were giving the other team. Oh, yeah.
They were just a Panther player was always in there. I was like,
this is the first period. Relax.
And still they held it off. Yeah, because even Tampa got the lead at one point.
I know they had one goal negated.
But, dude, yeah. The photos looked really, really good.
So I think maybe in my view, it might be the Panthers again.

Like I said, it could be a back-to-back season.
Yeah. Knights, them, or maybe if Avalanche wants to, like we said, they're soaring.
Yeah. I think they're starting to, they're trying to, not trying to,
they're starting to figure stuff out.
So if they can play, if they can win tonight at home, they can take that 2-1

lead, and then you have another game on Sunday at home when this comes out.
I'm going to pick the Avs just because I feel like the way they're played,
just the last two periods, because sometimes when they get hot, they get hot.
But it all depends on Georgiev. I feel like that's the biggest thing.
If Georgiev can be good in the net, like he has been in the past.

I think he led the league in wins.
Him and was it – both goalies are playing each other for – because Winnipeg,
is it Hellebuck for Winnipeg?
Yeah, it is. I think it's Hellebuck.
I'm trying to think a minute. Yeah, because I think he had 38 wins. I think Georgie had –.

Wins or maybe it was 38 and 36 or something like that but
if georgie can play if he plays the way he did and
from like the second period no from like 10 minutes
on in the first period till the end of the game he looked like you know he looked
like a goalie on a mission so if he can play like that he reminds me of like
almost like a jordan binnington when he's on a heater or um yeah i fucking hate

that i hate i hate that guy but i love him too yeah but like binnington or like
or Or Marc-Andre Fleury,
like one of the GOATs, you know. Yeah.
When Marc-Andre Fleury, for the Knights, was on a heater, it was like,
get the fuck out of here, dude. You weren't getting anything past him. He was like a brick wall.
Yeah. Now, quick question. Yeah. If Dallas didn't play the Knights first round,

do you think they would have a chance?
Because Dallas were like on a hot streak this season, I thought.
No, but dude, towards the end of the season, they were dumping, dude.
Yeah. Yeah, they were like, them and the Kings, they couldn't figure out who
was going to be the seventh or eighth seed.
Yeah, Kings were kind of, they were everyone. They both kind of stumbled into the, yeah.
They both kind of stumbled into the postseason. See, funny thing,

you know, Edmonds could be a dark horse, though. They got Corey Perry. Yeah.
You know the one guy, another guy, like, I don't love him, but I hate him as just a banner cane.
He's just such a douche. Well, even in Detroit, he's been a, he's, yeah.
I'm not, I'm not, I don't know. I mean, very talented, but I really hated him

when he was in Chicago because I'm a Ducks fan in Chicago.
Him, Taves, nah. Devon, oh boy.
Yeah, I don't know.
It's going to be fun to see how it plays out. I mean, I think they're in game.
I'm curious to see how the West, I just, I sound pretty confident with Knights,

just because of the way they've looked.
And they're, you know, look who decided to wake up.
I mean, nothing is Colorado.
I think Colorado can do something because you guys have been under the radar.
The pressure wasn't on you this season.
I don't know. Knights just, they have. They find a way. Yeah.
They find a loophole. They always do.

Oh, man. But so I'm excited. So maybe we'll do something in a couple of weeks.
And because, I mean, the postseason lasts forever. We got some time.
We can go come recap, see where we're at. Oh, yeah. Well, let's see how we're
doing with our picks. Well, when are we canning again? Should we do a bet?
We want to bet. Should we do a bet for maybe like a chug bet or something? We can, yeah.
Someone has to shotgun one of our IPAs. Oh, shit. on. I did that once at the A1 over here.

Okay. And these kids came up to me with Coors Lights and like,
oh, do you have a beer? I was like, I had a hazy. I was like, yeah, let's go.
And they didn't notice that at first until I dropped it on the ground.
They're like, wait, what the heck did you just do? Well, you guys didn't give
me a Coors Light. What do you expect?
Let's do it. No, I'm down to do that. I'm down to shotgun. We can do it.
If you spit or throw up, try again.

Yeah. It's got to stay.
You're in my brewery. You're going to listen to it. Oh, man.
Thanks again, guys. I appreciate it. I know we went a little long,
but, you know, it's been a blast. And congratulations again.
I know Jimmy's over there, but he's always running around.
Also, what's Instagram? Be a drunken gent. Okay. Yeah. So go to be a drunken

gent on Instagram or follow be a drunken gent on Instagram.
Because, I mean, they have honestly kick ass merch and it's hopefully more colors coming soon.
No, I mean, what more do you need? Black and white. We're keeping it simple
right now. Yeah, we're going to keep... Burgundy? Just add a little burg? Oh, there you go.
Burgundy's always fire, dude. You can't go wrong with burgundy.
Burgundy, olive. Maybe you should do burgundy and blue for the ass.

With a little... Just saying, dude. I'm just saying, we're on the same page with the ass. Yeah.
I mean, I think Morgan's on the same page, too. I'm going to get her an avalanche
collar, too, so... Oh, yeah.
All right. Well, thanks again, guys. And congratulations again.
Thank you. Thank you. Well-deserved.
And, like, you know... you there's gonna be more we're we're we're hoping we

especially i said something that we found this week and the connections we got
the game like i know we keep saying it we're going we're elevating but damn
right baby what we what we just came across this past week yeah it i'm the next
like two months are gonna be freaking,
channel. That's all I got to say. But also, don't keep me too busy.
I need to sleep every once in a while. There you go.

And to quote Vince Vaughn in Be Cool, he's a fuck.
He's a twinkle, twinkle, baby. He's a quit hatin', start participatin', star. There you go.
I think I might have paraphrased that, but either way. Close enough. Yeah, there he is.
Alright, so next week is the I forgot what it was. No.

Campsite. Campsite Bruin is next week, so So stay tuned for that.
Hope you guys enjoyed it. The week after that, Sean Ely.
And then I'm recording with Bearded Tang soon. Looking forward to talk to them.
So it should be pretty good. All right. Well, thank you again,
fellas. Thank you for having me on.
I said for having me on, for having you guys on. Either way,
I'm leaving it in. No, we like you on. Yeah. All right. Cheers, Tepe. Cheers.

All right, guys. Well, I hope you guys enjoyed that part of it, too.
Like I said, we had a good time talking with them.
It's always fun talking with the boys. The only thing is I've been so worried
about making sure when I'm taking Morgan out that I have all of her stuff.
I took all my mics, took my laptop, took all that stuff. I forgot my adapter.
Thank goodness somebody there had an adapter.

And I forgot two of the USB cords for my other two mics.
So I need to be better. We'll just say that. I've just been going through that,
but it'll get easier. She's actually really sweet, and she's doing really well now.
All right. Well, that's enough about the dog. Like I said, I hope you guys enjoyed
it. I hope you guys have a great week. Go Avs Go. And yeah.

I'm going to end it with how jizzy would always end the tap.
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