Episode Transcript
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Hey, friend, welcome back to thepodcast today is going to be a
little bit of a shorter episodebecause I'm going to be sharing
five post ideas that you can useto show your team appreciation
and whether that's for vet techweek, or at the time of this
recording veterinaryreceptionist week is just around
the corner.
I know there's a veterinaryassistant appreciation week, and
I know there's a lot of teamsthat will.
Selected days and just highlighttheir entire team, whether their
position is, you know, in onearea or not.
So I wanted to record thisepisode so that there is some
great post ideas that you canresort to, to really show your
team appreciation and allow yourfollowers, your clients, and
anyone potentially coming toyour pages to see a different
side of your team.
But really allowing.
them an opportunity to honor andshow their gratitude to your
So with that said, I've got fivepost ideas for you.
So let's hop to it.
Welcome to the Veterinary SocialMedia Podcast, where you learn
how to navigate social media andapply it to the world of
veterinary medicine.
I'm your host, Cheyenne Flerks,and let's get down to business.
All right.
So the first post idea I havefor you to help you show your
team appreciation on socialmedia is actually to record a
quick video of your teammateanswering questions about
So this is more of a talkinghead or interview style.
But you can ask your teammatequestions like fun facts about
themselves questions about theirjourney to vet med or about
their time in vet med.
You can even ask them theirfavorite moment of the week
involving a patient or a client.
This is a great way for us asthe The experts in the hospital
to really connect with ourclients in a different way
because oftentimes when clientsare in the hospital, we don't
have a lot of time to connectwith them in a more casual way.
It's more business.
So this is just a great way toslow down and to help our
clients get to know us better.
So along those same lines we canalso ask our teammates one of
their favorite go to tips orhacks for pet care.
And this is my post idea numbertwo.
So us as the veterinaryprofessionals, I feel anyway see
pet care in a different light.
And we think of things in aunique way.
So we always create differenthacks and tips to share that
aren't necessarily things thatwe hear in the internet.
So that can be something that'scompletely new or we've heard
before, but it really just addssome authority and expertise to
our team and shows that we doknow what we're talking about.
So this is just another greatway for our clients to connect
with us in a different way.
All right, post ID number three.
is to get pictures of yourteammates pets and write a quick
note of appreciation from theperspective of their pet.
So this would be something liketaking a picture or getting a
picture of one of yourreceptionists dogs and saying
Hey, Melissa, thanks so much fortaking good care of me.
I love coming to work with you.
Please tell your coworkers Ineed more treats though.
Thanks for everything you do.
You know, whatever, you know,fun twist you want to put on
that, but something along thoselines.
It's just a cute idea to Givethat different perspective from
the from your team members, petsperspective, but in a different
way that pet owners can reallyrelate to in a sense, and
perhaps get a chuckle.
All right.
So post idea number four is tocreate a video slideshow with
pictures of your teammates,highlighting all the great work
they do.
This can be just like a, atribute of like a, of all the,
everything that the, yourteammate has done in from the
time that they started like dayone with you to now if you have
multiple, like a huge team thatyou're trying to appreciate or
show your appreciation for, thiswould be a great way for you to
kind of highlight everyone orhighlight a good portion of your
team in one spot, but do it in areally cool visual way.
And really add some fun elementsto it.
So this can be done in Canva andreally any of these tips that
I'm sharing with you can be donein Canva, or if you're doing a
little bit more of mobile videoediting, That can be done in
CapCut, but I do everything inCanva basically.
So if you have questions aboutthat, definitely reach out to me
either on Instagram in my emailor join us in my Facebook group.
I'd love to share more tipsabout that, but yeah.
This can easily be done inCanva, so don't let the idea of
like creating a video slideshowoverwhelm you, it can be done
pretty easily inside of Canva.
Alright, my fifth and last postidea for you to help you show
your team's appreciation or yourappreciation for your team on
social media is to play a game.
Now you might have seen this tipbefore, but I love doing it for
team appreciation posts whereyou have two truths about your
and one lie about them and youpost those three statements with
a picture of them or a video andthen seeing how many people can
guess which one is the lie.
This is a great way to also getyour audience, your clients,
whoever, to get to know yourteam better.
It's even fun for yourteammates, your other coworkers
to hop into the comments and seeif they can guess.
Oftentimes they might not evenknow.
So that is a fun way you can dothat as well, but I want to hear
from you.
What are some ways that you haveshown your appreciation for your
team through social media posts?
I invite you to come tell meyour answer and share all your
In my free Facebook group.
Called Veterinary Social MediaManagers, where we basically.
brainstorm together, share postideas, get each other's advice
and really just do life as asocial media manager together.
So we would love to support youand have you over in that
Facebook group.
The link will be in thedescription of this episode.
All right.
Until then, I will catch you inthe next episode.
Have a great day.