All Episodes

November 12, 2024 22 mins

Got a question? Text me!

Today, Cheyanne is breaking down Instagram Reels for veterinary professionals! From understanding the basics to creating content that reaches pet parents, she’s covering everything you need to know to get started with Reels. You’ll learn how to make videos that resonate with pet owners, highlight your team, and keep clients coming back.


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Episode Transcript

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Welcome to the Veterinary SocialMedia Podcast, where you learn
how to navigate social media andapply it to the world of
veterinary medicine.
I'm your host, Cheyenne Flerks,and let's get down to business.

Cheyanne (00:11):
Hey, welcome back to the podcast.
So today I would like to taketime to answer a question that I
got in my Facebook group.
And if you want to join myFacebook group and submit a
question or just ask for supportin general you can go visit my
Facebook group called theVeterinary Social Media Managers
And there are about Close to 3,000 people in the group, which

I'm so excited about, but it'scompletely free.
We'd love to have you.
We do lots of brainstormingtogether and answer questions.
And I'm working on answeringquestions on the podcast now.
So if you want me to answer yourquestion live, quote unquote,
live on the podcast, definitelyjoin there.
The link to join will be in thedescription of this episode.
But the question that I want toanswer today is what are

Instagram reels and.
Everything about InstagramReels, as much as I can tell you
over on a podcast.
So let's dive on in and let'sstart off with answering the
So Instagram Reels or FacebookReels in general, are up to
three minutes now at the time ofthe recording of this episode.
And really overall they can beas short as one second, but

general about, Three seconds toup to three minutes is pretty
successful from what I can see.
But like I said, you can showthem on Facebook and Instagram.
And if you record them and makethem outside of the platforms
that I just mentioned, you canshare those over in TikTok.
Of course, you can make them onTikTok too, but we'll talk about
how we can make Reels here in amoment.

But overall Reels are reallygreat for audiences that are of
the younger demographics.
So I'm talking about Gen Zaround that age, up to older
Millennials, and I'm even seeingGen X getting into them.
So, really, I feel like they'rea great source of content for
veterinary hospitals inparticular just to reach a

variety of people.
demographics in our audience.
So definitely get to know youraudience.
And we talk about that here onthe podcast quite often.
So if you have questions aboutthat, definitely let me know in
the Facebook group.
But overall I see reels andshort form videos being a great
source of content that is reallyengaging the audience nowadays.
So definitely give that a go.

And if you're a practice that isjust starting up Newer and
wanting to attract that type ofaudience, then I really
encourage you to get in front ofthe camera and get comfortable
doing reels.
If your team is not quitecomfortable in front of the
camera, I definitely encourageyou to listen to, I think it's
episode three or four of thepodcast.
I'll link it down below.

But that.
Gives you some tips on how toget your team involved with
social media overall.
So definitely give that alisten, but I really encourage
all practices focus on this.
The general practice hospitalsseem to do really well with the
REELS content, but I've seen VEGwhich you might be familiar
It's a Veterinary EmergencyGroup.
I think it's called.

I could be completely wrong.
But definitely check them out onInstagram.
They do a great job with theirInstagram.
Just kind of off the top of myhead.
I've seen some specialtieshospitals doing a great job with
So it's really about findingyour, your groove with the
content and what really willspeak to your audience.
If you struggle with trying tofigure out what is going to

engage your audience definitelyask me in the Facebook group,
but this is something we'll befocusing on in my membership,
vet social hub.
We'll talk about that in amoment.
But let's get down to howthey're created.
So you can, Really just make itas simple as recording on the
clinic phone, your personalphone, whatever you're using to
create content.

You can use a tablet but thoseare like the tools I would use
to record it.
Just simply, you can use a cellphone.
That's as simple as you need tomake it.
And hitting record, you know,just as long as your phone can
record them, then you're able tomake reels.
It's really that simple.
Now with editing tools, Irecommend Instagram.
You can record directly inInstagram.

You can record directly inTikTok if you're comfortable
with using the TikTok app.
To edit them.
I really encourage you to workwith a Canva or CapCut.
Those are the two apps that I'mmost familiar with and most
comfortable with and feel likethey have a pretty good user
So if you just want somethingsimple to use, then I definitely
encourage you to use those.

There's lots of great tutorialsthat you can look up to see how
they were made, or you can checkout Vet Social Hub of my
But if editing them is not yourforte, like video editing in
general is not your forte, don'tworry, you don't have to be
knowledgeable in video editing.
I encourage you just to startand approach it with an open

mind of knowing that you'regoing to have to learn a little
bit along the way.
No, that doesn't mean you haveto know how to make all these
special edits and add fancygraphics and all this stuff.
Seriously, it's all, all youneed to do is kind of how, write
out a script of what you wantyour reel to look like.

Just kind of map it out like,okay, I want this to be the
doctor answering questions, andthese are the questions we're
going to be answering, and thisis how I'd like the doctor to
open the video, like start itoff, and this is how we're going
to wrap it up, and just kind ofmap it out on how you want to do
And that's really it.

And then if you want to trimdown stuff, you can use your
phone to do that.
On, I know on the iPhones,there's the ability to edit it
on there.
And I'm sure if you're using anAndroid, I'm not familiar with
Androids, unfortunately.
I'm pretty sure there's a wayyou can edit it down directly
within the software that'sdownloaded on your phone.
But even if you aren'tcomfortable or familiar with

Look it up on YouTube for sure,or you can just upload it
directly to Canva.
They have the ability for you toedit videos there, just do
simple edits and that's all youhave to do, so, you know, if you
just trim it down slightly fromthe beginning and the end and
reduce any, what we call deadspace.
So anything that's just quiet,slow to start.

You can just.
Cut that off.
And keep this in mind ingeneral.
This is just kind of a sidenote.
When you're making videos orreally social media content in
general, you want to keep inmind that you have about three
seconds to grab someone'sintention before they move on
from your post.
So if I'm scrolling throughInstagram and I see your video

and I'm not instantly Capturedor interested and what you're
talking about within the firstthree seconds.
I'm more likely to scroll onfrom there.
Now, knowing me, I like to stickaround for a little bit longer,
just kind of give it a chance.
But in general, the general useron social media is going to be.
Bailing after three seconds.
So really focus on the firstthree seconds and figure out

okay How can I capture someone'sattention and get them
interested immediately?
It's kind of like a sample ifyou smell wonderful waffle
cones, for example I don't knowwhy you that came up to mind,
but if you smell the wafflecones, you're instantly
instantly I don't know aboutyou, but I'm instantly like
where's the ice cream?
I want a waffle cone, right?
So Just kind of see how you cantrigger someone to instantly

want to continue watching thevideo, and I mean triggered in a
positive way here.
Okay, so if you want to get intothe fancier cuts, like if you
see on Instagram or TikTok, somepeople will zoom in, zoom out,
you can do that in Canva.
Where they have these reallycool fancy jump zooms and jump
shots, whatever there's lots ofreally cool fancy ways we can go

about editing.
You can do that on CapCut forsure but I really recommend that
if you're just starting out withthem, go simple as possible and
really focus on what you'reputting into the video as far as
like recording and figure outhow you can capture attention.
That is going to be your biggesthurdle, so to speak when you're
creating these.

Definitely if you're juststarting out, I really recommend
that you focus on just gettinginto the practice of recording
them, getting your teaminvolved, and figuring out what
your rhythm is going to be,because once you get comfortable
with it and kind of Understandhow you can edit and just, you
know learn as you go.
Then once you get reallycomfortable with it and figure
out what people like, then youcan get into the fancier

So I hope that makes sense, butif you want to know more about
how to make more engagingcontent like that, definitely
check out these two books andI'll link them in the
description as well.
So the first one will beHookpoint by Brandon Cain.
I'm currently reading that, andI don't typically like to
recommend books that I haven'tfinished yet, but I am loving it

so far, and there's a lot ofgold nuggets in it that I feel
like you're going to benefitfrom.
So, highly recommend you checkthat out.
And then my ultimate favoritebook is Contagious by Jonah
If you are a subscriber, studentof my veterinary social media
essentials course or foundationscourse.
That is, I talk about his book alot, so definitely check out

those two books about creatingcontent.
So I'm going to kind of pump thebrakes there and hold off on
talking about creating contentor creating reels for now,
because I feel like that willjust give you a good.
place to start without feelingoverwhelmed.
But I want to kind of give yousome ideas on what you make your

reels about.
And for a veterinary practice, Ifeel like this is a great way
for you to really introducepeople to your personality as a
hospital and share someeducation.
And when I say share education,I want you to really focus about
ways that you can provide peoplewith what we call quick wins.
In other words, what issomething that they can easily

apply and do today or within thenext five minutes.
So something that will impacttheir lives in a positive way
and make them remember or makethem think, Oh, that was super
Let me come back to this vetlater.
Or, Oh, they helped me do thisin the last time I saw their
Maybe they can help fluffy withwhatever the vet's going

So with education if you'regoing to have like your doctor
talk about.
I don't know, fleas and ticks.
You know, share three, focus onthree points that your doctor
can share in that video.
So if you're talking about threeways to I don't know, let's see.
Three signs that your pet mighthave fleas.
You know, itching, bitingscratching.

Could be one.
Or I guess, you know.
That could be three, but I hopethat you get the point.
So that is kind of the generalrule of education reels that I'm
finding works well, just kind ofstick to short list, concise,
and make it quick.
So you don't have to spend allday creating this reel or an
hour trying to record this, youknow, just simple, quick tips

and tricks is going to be thegeneral rule there.
And if people want to learn moreinformation, you can say, Hey,
If you see these signs in yourpet, then definitely contact us.
So we would be able to help you,you know, X, Y, and Z, whatever
the subject is, call, tie inthat, what we call a call to
action telling people what theycan do to get more information

from you, basically the gist ofit.
So and then.
When we were talking about yourpersonality, this is where you
can show the fun behind thescenes stuff or show the events
that you're doing as a part ofyour community.
Things that your clients don'tgenerally see when they're
working with you and focusing ontheir pet in the moment at the

exam, procedure, whateverthey're there for.
So there's ideas on my blog, youcan definitely check those out
for more.
But overall, just be sure thatyou have clear video.
So if it's fuzzy at all, peoplearen't going to want to stay
around and look at it.
So be sure that your your videois clear, your audio sounds
really good.

If there's any background noisein the background, make sure
that's memnized.
Like I know if you're in ahospital, there might be some
dogs barking, but try to keepthe background noise as quiet as
As far as like recording it Ishould have said this before,
but as far as like other topics,I would really focus on, in, on
And then look at other practicesthat are doing reels.

That would be a great way foryou to kind of get some more
If your hospital and your teamis very comfortable with this, I
would definitely have A littlebit more of interview styles as
So like around Halloween time, Iused to ask my team what their
favorite Halloween candy was andask what movies they liked
watch, watching when they weregrowing up and those kinds of

So, I did interview style stuffwith my team to get people to
know our team a little bit moreand just show the human side of
things a bit.
So that's another idea to kindof show off your team.
So give those a try.
And if you do definitely let usknow in the Facebook group,
cause I would love to see themand hopefully maybe give you
some pointers if you want.

So that is kind of that with thecontent focus or the ideas for
reels and how to go about makingthem.
So as far as like how we can getengagement from them, Overall,
people are going to be engagedwith watching it.
They might not be more sofocused on the commenting, but

I'm really just focusing on thevideo itself.
So if you're going to add a callto action, which I highly
encourage you do.
To the end of the video, Iencourage you to get them
involved in the conversation ofthe video, depending on what the
topic is.
Invite them to comment with whattheir thoughts are, what would
they share or something likethat.

Either that or, Or if you arecalling action to them or asking
them to book an appointment withyou or visit your website for
more be sure that you aredirecting them appropriately
based upon the platform thatyou're posting this on.
So like Instagram.
They're testing this out rightnow.
They're giving you the possthere's a possibility that you

can add clickable links to your,to your reels.
And at the time of thoserecording, this is just a test.
But overall, if you add a linkto the description of your post
on Instagram, they aren't goingto be able to click it.
So this is where you could say,Hey, if you want more
information, comment the wordflea.
Just to follow our example frombefore and people will comment

with flea and you either havethe choice of following up with
them and commenting on themsaying, Oh, great, you can give
us a call here or here or go toour website to book an
So you could either comment themwith that or you can message
them directly and then commentsaying, Hey, I'm sent you a
message with the link to this,to our website to book an

appointment, whatever that isfor you.
Go ahead and check it out, thatmessage.
Or you can set up somethingcalled Many chat and it, you can
set up those automations.
Just so that you don't have toworry about that.
I love man in chat.
It's wonderful.
So if you want more informationon that, just let me know.
I'll also add it to thedescription.

It's a great tool.
I love it.
I set it up for my clients it'sa lifesaver.
So there is my suggestions forengagement.

Mic In (Elgato Wave:3) (15:10):
Now, I know a lot of people like to
say, follow us for more.
But I don't necessarily want toencourage you to say that only
because we have such a shortamount of time with the person
who's watching the reel that Iwould rather you focus on
getting them to go to yourwebsite or.
Um, contacting you in some wayto get that business

transaction, so to speak.
Rolling so that you arecapturing their attention
immediately with Steph.
You could say follow us formore.
Um, if you're looking to buildup your following, but overall,
I want you to encourage peopleto take action, to do something
with your clinic, versus justfollowing you on social media,
because people forget easily.
We're busy.

We might not come back to thatpage or look at our feed for a
So that's mainly my reason why Iencourage you to do that.

Cheyanne (16:00):
So, on the note of, okay, can we schedule reels?
You can MetaBusinessSuite allowsyou to do this.
And I don't really recommend alot of hospitals use
First thing is, I have, I don'tknow why, maybe it's just me,
but I've heard others in myFacebook group say this.
But Meta likes to eat my postsand not return them or they will

just not post them.
They'll, they'll delete them,whatever.
There's a glitch.
And so I'm kind of salty aboutMeta Business Suite, I guess,
because I used to work so hardon creating posts and uploading
them into Meta Business Suiteand all that hard work would
just be gone.
And that was, it's frustrating.
So the other reason why I don'trecommend Meta.

Business suite, a lot of thetime for scheduling stuff is
because now they have a max ofyou scheduling posts out for 30
And for a lot of people thatmight not be a turnoff, but for
me, I like to try to scheduleposts out past 30 days, or if
there's something for like.
Okay, I know that a post forthis year at this time for the

holidays worked really well.
I just want to be able to repeatthat for next year and just
forget about it.
And have that on my calendar fornext year.
And I can't do that MetaBusiness Week.
So what I recommend isMetraCool, and I'll add a link
to them in the description.
But their free plan is awesome.
And I can manage everything forFacebook, for Instagram, for

If you're doing TikTok for myGoogle business, which if your
practice is really focusing onthat that is a great place to be
able just to manage it all inone spot.
I can even look at my websiteanalytics on there.
So I, there, there's lots ofother platforms you can check
out and Plug into theirs for youto manage.
But it's just a wonderful toolthat I'm just loving.

And I have, and you can do thatall for free.
Like they have a free plan,forever plan.
There's also pay versions, but Ihave tested out a lot of tools
for scheduling posts in my 10years of being in social media.
And I can tell you, I've tried.
Like a good portion of them all,and they've gone also so
So if you want to give Metricoola try and take a break from Meta

then I definitely encourage youto check out Metricool and I
have an affiliate link that youcan check out.
Like I said, I'll put that inthe description for you.
But there's definitely a lotmore that I can share about
Reels and we can get reallydetailed But I want to be sure
that you're getting what youneed to get started if Instagram
Reels is something that you arewanting to do for your practice

and if you're on the fence Ireally encourage you to think
about it talk with your team andsee how you can make it possible
because video is is a reallypowerful tool for not only
capturing attention and gettingengagement, but overall, it's a
really great, great way for youto connect with your, your

clients, potential clients,potential employees, and really
cuts the time in half andbuilding that trust, because if
we can look at people if we canwatch people on video, we have a
better probability of trustingthem a bit more.
So keep that in mind.
And if you're trying to buildmore trust with your, your

clients or your employees justknow that it's a really great
way for you to not only buildengagement, but build trust.
So if you are wanting to learnmore about reels in general
creating better content or justneed help navigating social
media as a whole I encourage youto check out my membership.
We're going to be welcoming newmembers here pretty soon.

Audio Only - All Participan (19:45):
So, VetSocialHub is my membership,
my monthly membership, where Iam basically giving you all the
tools you need to manage yourclinic's social media like a
And so, each month, what I'mgoing to be doing is I am going
to be giving you access to alive monthly marketing workshop
where I am teaching youEverything that I've learned

over the last 10 years andthings I wish I knew when I was
in the practice.
And I just want to give you allthe knowledge you need to feel
confident in your role.
Not only that, I'm giving youthe tools and resources to cut
your management time in half.
That is my goal at least.
So what that means is that I'mgiving you Canva templates.

I'm giving you monthly socialmedia posting calendars, what I
call playbooks, where I give youbasically a jumpstart on things
that you can be focusing on,giving you post ideas and giving
you a, a blueprint on what youcan be posting for the month.
Because I know you have shortand limited time to get things
done for social media.
So if you want to learn moreabout VetSocialHub, definitely

head to my website.
If you just go to HeyCheyenne.
com you'll see the VetSocialHubbutton right at the top there
and join the waitlist.
We'll be opening the waitlisthere or the membership here
very, very soon.
And if you're on the waitlist,you may get a little extra Bonus
as a thank you for being on thewaitlist, but definitely be on
the lookout.

Because we'll be making somegreat announcements about
VetSocialHub pretty soon.
But I'm so excited.
I've been doing a lot of hardwork on it.
This is a new version ofVetSocialHub basically.
So if you've heard me talk aboutVetSocialHub before, we're
offering some new things in themembership.

Cheyanne (21:25):
the link will be in the description.

Audio Only - All Participan (21:26):
And if you're in my Facebook group,
you'll be seeing some sneakpeeks of it here pretty soon.
So, oh, and did I mention thethe templates, the Canva
templates that I'll be includingfor you.
The library of them.
It's, it comes out to be likeover 1, 400 templates.
So we've got you covered.
I've got templates for, let'ssee, for everything for general

I know you'll even work forspecialties, mixed animal,
emergency, like I've got youcovered.
So if you have questions aboutthat, let me know.

Cheyanne (21:56):
All right.
So I'll let you go now cause Iknow you're busy, but thank you
so much for tuning in.
And I hope to see you inside mymembership, Vet Social Hub, and
maybe in the Facebook group.
So until then, I'll catch youlater.
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