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February 12, 2024 20 mins

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In this episode, Cheyanne takes it back to the basics, emphasizing the importance of understanding why your hospital is pursuing social media.

While it's easy to follow trends or feel pressured to be online, Cheyanne breaks down the deeper impact social media can have on your veterinary practice, from attracting local pet owners to cultivating loyal clients and employees.

With practical insights and valuable tips, this episode will empower you to align your social media efforts with your hospital's goals and ultimately enhance the client experience while generating business. Don't miss out on this insightful discussion—tune in now!

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Episode Transcript

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Welcome to the Veterinary SocialMedia Podcast, where you learn
how to navigate social media andapply it to the world of
veterinary medicine.
I'm your host, Cheyenne Flerx,and let's get down to business.
hey, Hey, welcome to the episodetoday.
I'm so excited.
You could join me because I amgoing to be taking it way, way
back to the basics.

And talking about something.
I feel like a lot of hospitalsmiss one late are on the start
of their journey to pursuingsocial media.
And that is to figure out whyyour hospital is pursuing.
But social media, And that hasbeen something that I feel like
has become just such a blanketreason and, or a more generic

answer is more so, oh,everybody's doing it.
Or we're missing an opportunityif we're not.
And while those can be validreasons.
I really want us to break itdown further and for grow.
Y our hospital is doing it andfiguring out how our efforts on
social media can really impactthe overall purpose of the vet

hospital, whether that's, youknow, building a better culture
Supporting our community betteror some bull.
Something as simple as reallyjust building a better presence
online for our business so wecan attract business.
All of those are great reasons,but today I really want to share
some of the reasons why I thinkit's such an impactful tool for

us to use.
For veterinary hospitals andreally hope that it encourages
you to dive down deeper anddiscover.
Your hospitals, why for usingsocial media?
Because when we know why we'redoing something, this is
something I firmly believe weare more likely to produce.
And chase after it with moreintention and provide more

You know, whether that's aproduct.
For social media posts.
You know it provides you abetter north star to go after or
just guide you better.
So everything that I'm going tobe sharing with you today.
Definitely can be things thatyou pursue after.
By really encourage you to naildown just like two or three of

these, or just really one big YAnd write it down and see how
your current efforts arealigning with that.
And if they're not, then eitherfiguring out what you can do to
fix it.
Talk with management.
Get clarity from them on whattheir why is.
And if they don't have a clearwhy.

Maybe just kind of taking back.
All of this information.
Digesting it and reflecting itand seeing what you can do as
the social media manager toimprove your own efforts.
So my first point or reason whyI'm a hospital.
Would pursue social media wouldbe to attract more local pet

owners and I really emphasize onlocal pet owners because.
As a veterinary hospital, theprimary focus.
Is to be serving your localcommunity because it's very much
a It's a brick and mortarbusiness.
You can only serve the peoplethat come into your business.
It's not like a online store,like Amazon, where you can

purchase something online.
And comes all over the world todeliver to your door.
So we have to change our mindsetwhen we are pursuing social
media in this way, because ifwe're trying to pursue all the
followers in the world, you knoweveryone's goal.
Back in the day was to get10,000 followers.
But if you are not attracting10,000 people in your community

and all of those people are, youknow, 2000 miles away from you.
A small portion of them could bemoving to your neighborhood in
the new future.
But if they're not in the nearvicinity, they're not going to
be doing business with you.
All that to say is you can haveall the followers in the world,
but that doesn't necessarilyequal business.

And I want to share thathonestly with you, because if
you're chasing.
Just to go after all the numberson social media, get all the
I fear that you're going tofinally hit that or never hit
that and then realize that it'snot actually the results that
you were looking to get.
Focus more so on getting localpet owners attention or building

community ties in that way.
And I feel like you'll be set upfor success in the long run.
If that's not your goal, if yourhospital is already a great.
A multi-generational.
Clientele that if that's alreadyestablished that maybe want to
pursue or consider the secondpoint that I have is social

media really helps to connectand communicate with your
existing clients all year long.
So what we like to callsomething that you can use over
and over again, or that appliesto all year long in the
marketing world is evergreen.
So it really provides you thatevergreen opportunity to connect
and communicate with yourclients, because we all know

that once we get into that examroom or if the client's in the
hospital, We only have a shorttime with them and we can't
cram, you know, this wholeinformation they need to know
about puppyhood and all thisvaccine history and all these,
you know, everything that weneed to share with them.
When we can use social media, wecan get focused on one topic and

highlight that in a few posts,or we can make sure that oh,
We're continuing to communicatewith them about the changes of
hours and.
Everything that that pertainswhen we are communicating with
our clients in a hospital, wecan do that all year long on
social media.
This also when it comes toconnection.

When we are coming, present onsocial media.
Continuously over time, we arebuilding a relationship with
them in a sense, and gettingthem to know us a little bit
And when we know someone on adifferent level versus just a
Relationship then we arebuilding that trust with them,

showing them that we are herefor their pet's best interest.
Or for their best interest asthe pet owner and really
partnering up with them in theirpets health.
Really it's more of a long gamelong.
Longterm game that we'repursuing here with social media.
With this point, but overall itbuilds.

That more loyal clientele basethat I feel like.
Makes it a lot more enjoyable towork with.
Now, if you work in emergency ora, an, a specialty or something
that where your clients aren'tcoming back time after time Then
when you're building thatrelationship in that short
timeframe, it makes it easierfor those clients to refer their

friends and family.
When they know that you are notonly investing in the medicine
and your procedures but knowingthat you're investing that time
in social media puts a little,little different impression on
some people's minds.
Just keep that in mind becauseit's not just us posting to keep
a presence.
It's us.

Posting and making ourselvesknown in a different realm and
communicating with people timeafter time, day after day.
All right.
With that I mentioned referrals.
So another thing that socialmedia can do.
Is attract potential clients andemployees.
You heard me right employees.

Social media is just a greattool to help people.
To get to know you better beforethey even come into the
But with that.
Social media can be.
A little like a double-edgedsword, because when people come
to your social media page, theyinstantly get an impression.

Of who you are now, whether thatimpression is true or not.
Um, is one thing, but overallpeople create this impression of
who you may be.
When they go to social media orto your website.
So knowing that you have theopportunity to create your

social media page.
To really highlight and show whoyour hospital is, and really
give people a taste of what it'slike to either do services with
you or to work with you and yourteam.
So, for example, if you'rereally active on social media,

sharing pictures and videos ofyour patients and your team and
sharing the exciting things thatare happening in the hospital
and the community, gettingcomments through engaging posts,
getting information from clientsin that way.
It creates this lively vibe onyour page and people can really

see, oh, okay.
There's faces behind the scenes.
Or the patients look happy orthere's.
There's a buzz going on on thispage.
So people will get this greatvibe of oh, okay.
Everyone seems to like thispractice.
I want to know more.
But if you are.

Uh, just posting.
Things about you're closingearly or you're closed for the
holidays, or, um, you found thispet and that's really all you're
It doesn't give people a greatimpression of who you really are
and things that might come intotheir mind are.
Maybe are they close more thanthey're not?

Or what kind of things do theydo at this practice?
It kind of turns people off,honestly.
And I share this just to giveyou a better understanding of
how your presence on socialmedia can really make it or
break how you're attractingclients or potential employees.
So something just to keep inmind overall.

On that note.
another point is that whenpeople come to your social media
page or your post pop-up ontheir newsfeed, That can help
keep your practice top of mindfor when you for when they need
veterinary services again.
Now I know.
Oh, A good chunk of your clienttells not going to be coming in

day after day, you know, evenmonth after month.
So with that It's important forus to stay active on social
media so that people know thatwe are still around, they know
that we can depend, or they candepend on us for business.
Or for the care that their petneeds.

As I mentioned before, it kindof helps support.
When your clients or otherpeople in the neighborhood know
that your there, they can referpeople to you because they know
you're going you're you'rearound still.
Or if they need an instant.
Oh, okay.
I gotta go call, you know, dah,dah.
They know that you're you'rethere.
So it's just a quick reminder,so to speak and being consistent

in sharing that reminder that weare here for you when you're
ready to come in kind of athing.
Also if, again, if you're not ageneral practice.
Then this kind of helps peopleto know like, okay, if you're on
hospice care, then they know,okay, this is this business.
The service is available forwhen I need it.
Or this is something I couldconsider in a few months, you

know, depending on where theyare at, in their journey.
They can come to you for that.
All right.
So on the more analytical andmetric side of it.
Social media really can helpdirect more traffic to your
website and do and attractoverall business to your

And for me, this is not like theultimate.
Goal for social media, but it'san important one.
Because if we are generatingtraffic from social media.
So in other words, the peoplewho are on social media, they
engage with our content.
And if we can direct thatattention that we have.

Over to our practice, whetherthat's to the website that's
preferred or giving us a call,which is super, super.
Important or going to a book, anappointment, downloading our
app, doing some sort of actionthrough our business.
That is going to be key.
And if you are struggling as thesocial media manager to prove.

Your Return on investment oryour, your time is providing
some fruit here.
This is going to be key for youto know, because if you can say,
Hey, that post that I made aboutnew puppy appointments being
available, something like that.
I've got puppies on the brainfor some reason.
But if you can say that thispost.

Generated more appointments orgot people interested in this
Then they're going to know yourmanagement's going to know.
This direct action is providingthis direct result.
Thus, it's going to bring morebusiness or more awareness
Whatever you're trying to dowith that post.

Which we can talk about more ina different episode because
that's a whole episode initself.
But they're going to see that.
The time that you're investingon social media is very valuable
to the business.
So I hope that makes sensebecause I feel like a lot of
people miss that as well.
When they are trying to pursuesocial media for their
veterinary business.

Our second to last main pointthat I have for you.
I've teased this a bit, but ithelps you to build a stronger
bond and cultivate loyal clientsoverall.
And this comes with time.
I will say that.
At my practice that I worked at.

I was managing their socialmedia for about four years.
But within two years I startedto see very few.
Very active clients, very loyalclients.
I worked at a GP.
But It was great to see thatbecause people knew that we were
They could go to our content.
It was content.
They enjoyed.
But a lot of our loyal clientsconnected to us in a different

way through social media.
And I got to know them a lotbetter through some of those
posts, so who would have known,but over a time when people come
back to your content time, aftertime, You can see.
That loyalty starting to come tofruit.
And that comes also withconnecting with them in
different ways and communicatingwith them.

And posting a variety of thingsoutside of just informational
and education.
But sharing behind the scenesstuff about your team and your
And your patients and includingsome fun posts in there that
gets to gets your clientstalking and helps you to get to
know them better.
So I won't talk about this onetoo much, because this also goes

into your culture and yourbranding and kind of who your.
What your, your world is likeand your hospital and how you're
cultivating that.
I wanted to mention it becauseit's, it's a great benefit.
All right.
This last point that I have, andI want to share with you.
It is overall.

If you can show up and havefaces from your team appear on
social media, it really doesgive people a glimpse or at
least a better idea of who yourteam is and how your hospital
treats and cares for pets.
Each practice is different andhow they do it.
We provide a lot of the sameservices.

We provide, you know, medicine,medical care to pets, but each
hospital has their differentflavor.
And if you can really capturethat and put that on social
That is going to be huge.
That will do a lot of the workfor you in the long run.
Because if your practice, forexample, is fear-free

registered, that automaticallymakes you different from the
hospital down the street whoisn't fear-free.
You know, just for an example.
And so a lot of people just kindof going more on that example.
A lot of the general publicdoesn't know what fear free is.
And so if they have a fearfulpet just in general, they don't,

they haven't been to the vet inyears.
They might be very comforted toknow that you're fear-free and
what that means further theirpets care and that their pet may
actually be able to get.
Healthcare, you know, and gettreated for, you know, X, Y, and
You know, that might be a huge.
Solution to a problem.
This pet owner has been havingfor so long.

You never know what yourspecialty is or what your secret
sauce in your hospital is goingto really benefit someone else
in your community.
So, I hope that brought a littlebit more light to why it's
important for you to know whyyou're doing social media.
And I hope you can also see whyknowing.

These points that I shared couldactually impact and pact the
type of posts and content andhow you're showing up can really
change how you do all loud,social media.
So all this to say is don't justdo social media because
everybody else is doing it.
And just use it to its fullpotential and different

And watch your veterinarypractice thrive after you've
implemented some of thesechanges over time.
I know that kind of got a littleheavy there, but if you're new,
to managing social media for aveterinary practice.
I hope this didn't scare youaway because that is kind of

like a, oh my gosh.
N a huge task to figure out, orit can be.
But if you are looking for someresources to help you along your
journey, I've got some freeresources for you in particular.
If you head to the show notes,the description, I will have a
link for you that has a quickstart guide to managing social

And I will also have a socialmedia post toolkit.
That has 65.
You heard that right?
65 engaging post ideas that comewith Canva templates.
And these resources were createdfor you so that you can get
straight to know what you needto know.
To manage social media and startoff with these post ideas and

templates and just start offwith success.
And also the save you a littlebit of time, because if you're
still working on the floorswhile managing social media, I
know how much of a timeconstraint it can be trying to
do double duty for both.
I really encourage you to grabthose resources today so that

you can start off the week orwhenever you're listening to
this with success with more joyand less stress..
But I hope that this really justenlightened you overall and gave
you the footing or theinformation you need to really
figure out what your, why is foryour practice.
And using social media better.

So I overall I think socialmedia is just an effective way
to enhance your clientsexperience and build client
loyalty and really just generatebusiness overall.
I'm all about generating morebusiness.
When it's using marketing andreally highlighting everything
that I can to make the client'sexperience so much better.

With that I will let you go.
But if you have any questions,please definitely feel free to
email me or hop into myveterinary social media
managers, Facebook group.
That's what it's calledveterinary social media
The link to join that will be inthe description as well.
And before you leave, if youfound value in this episode or

have enjoyed my other episodesin the past.
I would so appreciate it.
If you could take a moment toreview this podcast, subscribe
or follow.
Depending on where you'relistening at and share with a
colleague I'm on a mission toshare this podcast with as many
veterinary professionals aspossible, and really get the

word out on how to manage socialmedia.
And I would love your support inthat.
Thank you so much for joining meand I will catch you on the next
All right, bye.
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